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TRIENNIAL MOVABLE MEETING (From our special correspondent.) Napier, April 12. The triennial movable meeting of the New Zealand district of the H.A.C.B. Society was opened in St. Patrick's Hall, Station street, Napier, at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 9. The roll having been called, the following officers and delegates answered to their names:District president, Bro. Joseph M. Foy; district vice-president, Bro. Daniel Flynn; past districtpresident, Bro. Hon. William Beehan, M.L.C.; district treasurer, Bro. Michael J. Sheahan; district secretary, Bro. William Kane; Greymouth, Bros. P. Smyth and M. Keating; Charleston, Bro. C. Reynolds; Grahamstown, Bro. J. McAnteer ; Dunedin, Rev. Father Coffey, Adm., and Bros. J. A. Hally and J. J Marlow; Auckland, Bros. J. Smith, J. Corbett, and P. J. Nerheny; Christchurch, Bro. M. Grimes; Onehunga, Bro. A. J. Martin; Napier, Bros. P. Cunningham and C. Colhoun; Wellington, Bros. E. Carrigan,' J. J. L. Burke, and J. W. Callaghan: Blenheim, Bro! A J. Curry; New Plymouth, R'ev. Father Ormond; Waipawa, Bro. S. McGreevey; Hastings, Bro. G. O'Shea; Leeston, Bro. J. O'Brien; New Headford, Bro. P. F. Ryan; Timaru, Bros. J. Sullivan and P. Mahoney; Masterton, Bro. B. Chapman: Milton, Bro. F. Caivey; Oamaru, Bro. D. McCarten; Waimate, Bro. M. Lyons; Denniston, Bro. J. Move; Westport, Bros. F. O'Gorman and J. Lambert; Gisborne, Bro. A. J. Smith; Reef ton, Bro. A. M. Carroll ; Wellington South, Bros. T. Pender and J. B. Stead : Palmerston North, Bro. M. J. Kennedy; Waihi, Bro. J. Patterson; Kaiapoi, Bro. W. McGrath: Lower Hntt, Bros M j' Hodgins and C. J. O'Brien; Hawera, Bro. L. Hooker; Taihape, Bro. McLauchlin; Manaia, Bro. J. BourkeInvercargill, Bro. T. Pound; Gore, Bro. M. T. Francis; Geraldine, Bro. C. J. Murphy : Thorndon, Bros, G. j' Sellars and R. P. Flanagan; Petone, Bro. R. MooreOpunake, Bro. E. J. O'Hanlon ; Port Chalmers. Bro! F. J. Doolan; Wanganui, Bro. W. R. Setter; Inglewood, Bro. E. Dane; Levin, Bro. R. A. MacDonald ; Millerton, Bro. P. Duffin ; Bro. J. C. Crowley; Eltham, Bro. N. Reardon ; Otahuhu, Bro. J. C. Griffin; Sancta Maria (Auckland), Sister V. WalshSt. Mary's (Wellington), Sisters D. McGrath and G. O'Flaherty. The following branches were unrepreAshburton, Otautau, Meanee, and Wairoa Rev. Father O'Sullivan, S.M. (Napier) and Rev. Father Berlin, S.M. (Waipawa) were present at several of the sittings. Greetings were received from the National Directory of the H.A.C.B. Society (Western Australia), St. Patrick's branch (Christchurch), Very Rev. Dean Reenault, S.M. (Provincial), Very Rev Father O'Connell, S.M. and Mr. D. Mahoney (Timaru)

The Holy Father’s Blessing. His Lordship Bishop Cleary wired that through the Rev. Father Holbrook a message had been received bestowing upon the Conference the blessing of his Holiness Pope Pius X. Father Coffey moved, and it was carried by acclamation, that the following cable be despatched to Monsignor O’Riordan, Irish College, Rome, for. transmission ‘ The Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society, representing over 3000 members, sitting at Napier, New Zealand, tender respectful homage to his Holiness the Pope, thank him for his Apostolic Benediction, and assure him of our prayers.- Joseph M. Foy, president.’ Coffey also moved the following resolution * The triennial movable meeting of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society, held at

Napier, April 9, 1913, and thoroughly representative of the Society in this Dominion, desires to heartily congratulate ' the Irish Parliamentary Party through its incomparable leader, Mr. John Redmond, M.P., upon the passing of the Home Rule Bill through the House of Commons and the meeting expresses the cherished hope that the measure will soon reach the Statute Book, when a new and brighter era will dawn upon Ireland.' Bro. J. B. Stead, in seconding the motion, said that as an Englishman it gave him very great pleasure to do so; . The motion was carried without dissent, and permission was granted to cable Home a digest of it. Financial Position. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and confirmed. The district officers', report and balance sheet disclosed the following interesting items: Benefit members, 3096; honorary members, 321 district funeral fund, £10,123 at credit; district management fund, £671; district guarantee fund, £573; sick fund in branches (returns from eight branches still to come), £16,291; branch management funds, £1776; branch benevolent funds, £4BO. A resolution of condolence with the relatives of the late Rev. Father C. J. Venning, S.M., was moved by Bro. J. W. Callaghan, seconded by Rev. Father Ormond, supported with many feeling references by Sister McGrath, Bro. Hon. W. Beehan, Bro. R. P. Flanagan and Bro. M. J. Sheahan, and carried in silence, all the delegates standing. The Banquet. The Napier, Hastings, and Waipawa branches hadset apart Wednesday evening for a banquet to the dis--trict officers and delegates in the Gaiety Skating Rink. The building was excellently lighted, and decorative flags of many hues formed a pleasing canopy over the bountifully laden tables. Bro. D. J. Cummings (Napier) presided, and was supported by the clergy above mentioned with Very Rev. Father Keogh and Rev. Father Goggan, Mr. J. Vigor Brown, M.P. (Mayor), and Mr. John Payne, M.P. After full justice had been done to the ample spread provided, the following lengthy toast list was honored : —' The Pope and King' (the chairman); 'The H.A.C.B. Society/ proposed by Bro. J. W. Callaghan, and responded to by Bro. J. M. Foy, D.P., and Bro. W. Kane, D.S.; ' The delegates,' proposed by the chairman, and responded to by Bros. P. J. Nerheny and J. J. Marlow; ' N.Z. Catholic Federation,' proposed by Rev. Father Sullivan, and responded to by Bro. J. L. Burke; ' Our medical officers and dispenser,' proposed by Bro. W.J. McGrath; ' The commercial progress of Napier,' proposed by Bro. Hon. W. Beehan, and responded to by the Mayor of Napier (Mr. J. Vigor Brown, M.P.) and Councillors McGrath and M. Treston; 'Our chaplains and clergy,' proposed by Bro. J. Cunningham, and responded to by Rev. Father Goggan; ' Parliament of New Zealand,' proposed by Mr. J. Higgins, and responded to by Messrs. J. Vigor Brown and J. Payne, M.P's; 'Kindred societies,' proposed by Mr. M. Murray; ' The ladies,' proposed by Bro. T. Pound, and responded to by Sisters McGrath and O'Flaherty; ' The press,' proposed by Bro. D. Flynn, and responded to by Rev. Father Coffey. Pleasing vocal items wer» rendered by Mrs. C. R. Allen, Miss Walsh, Messrs. Flanagan, F. O'Shannessey, M. Treston, J. Madigan, Luke, and Hooker. The singing of 'God save Ireland' brought the proceedings to a close. A resolution, which had for its object the restoration on the order paper of certain motions by Wellington branches and ruled out of order by the D.P., was moved by Bro. J. B. Stead, and seconded by Bro. O'Gorman. The following took part in the discussion which followed:Bros. J. M. Foy, Smythe, Doolan, Kane, Sellars, Marlow, Flynn, Ryan, Curry, Hooker, A. J. Smith, Moore. Carroll, J. L. Burke, J. Bourke, Mahoney, Martin, Dane, Lambert, Setter, Callaghan, Patterson, Nerheny, Flanagan, Sister O'Flaherty, and Rev. Father Coffey. The motion was lost, 24 being for it and 45 against. ■ A motion to establish a district sick fund, comprising the whole of the moneys at credit of branch

sick funds, with clauses providing for sick pay reserves, and an optional one allowing branch trustees to lend money under certain conditions, was moved by the D.S. Bro. W. Kane, and seconded by Bro. T. Pound. After Bros. Sellars, A. J. Smith, Hooker, and Me-, Greevey had spoken, Bro. J. Hally moved an amendment, empowering the district executive to take charge only of the funds of those branches whoso investments were returning less than 5 per cent., but giving such branches an option of investing in Dunedin, Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. The amendment was seconded by Bro. P. F. Ryan. The speakers following were Bros. Mahoney, Hon. W. Beehan, Marlow, Kennedy, Dane, Doolan, J. L. Burke, McEntcer, Moore, Carroll, Flanagan. At this stage both motion and amendment were withdrawn at Bro. Nerheny’s suggestion, so that more consideration might be given the matter by the branches. A committee was then set up, consisting of the district executive, with Bros. Pound, A. J. Smith, Doolan, Curry, O’Gorman, Carroll, J. L. Burke, Mahoney, Grimes, Ryan, Francis, Martin, J. Smith, and Hally, to consider fully the remaining motions on the order paper, and to report to the meeting on Saturday morning. The Hawke’s Bay branches invited the district officers and delegates to attend the new Municipal Theatre on Thursday evening to witness the performance of the ‘ Blue Bird ’ by the Williamson Opera Co., and practically the whole of the delegates complied.

Sick and Funeral Funds.

After sitting for several hours the special committee agreed, and their report was presented at the morning session on Saturday. The first matter dealt with was a new motion establishing a supplementary general sick fund under district executive control, raised by payments of Id per week from every full benefit member, who entered branches of the society established prior to January 1, 1912, for the purpose of assisting branches which may be unable to meet claims for sick pay, such payments to start at the beginning of next quarter. Members of new branches (opened since January 1, 1912) are exempted. Contributions were next dealt with, and the scale to the sick and funeral fund affecting incoming members was altered as follows : Age 16 and under 20 ... ... 7d per week. „ 20 ~ 24 8d „ 24 „ 30 9d „ 30 ,„ 33 lOd „ 33 „ 36 lid „ 36 „ 39 12d „ 39 „ 40 13d This does not include contributions to management funds of the branch, which has been altered from 7d per week for every full benefit member to ' 2h per week or such sum as the branch may from time to time decide, together with the sum paid by the branch per quarter for doctor and medicine except in cases of exemption.' Slight alterations were made in the case of reduced benefit, female, funeral, and medical benefit, and honorary medical benefit members. Regarding new branches every full benefit member shall pay a proposition fee of ss, which shall be his full entrance fee. The full sum to be paid into the branch management fund. The order paper contained several minor alterations and suggestions, some of which met with the committee's approval, whilst others were rejected. Bro. Marlow, in moving the adoption of the committee's report as a whole, 1 paid a well-deserved tribute to the members of the special committee for the excellent report presented. His branch did not approve of all the suggestions embodied therein, but he knew they would accept the alterations in the spirit of true Hibernians ever ready to advance the cause of their society and to promote its best interests. Bro. E. Dane seconded the motion. The District President (Bro. J. M. Foy), Bros. Corbett, J. L. Burke, Nerheny, Cellars, Shoahan, Stead, and J. W. Callaghan also spoke. The last-mentioned said that while willing to accept the report as the result of arduous labor on

the part of the special committee, and without wishing to reflect upon or comment in any way on the composition of the committee, which contained some of the ablest men in the society, at the same time he desired to protest against the procedure which allowed about 70 delegates to be brought together at great expense, and then relegated practically the whole of their work to a committee of 19. The motion, on being put to the meeting, was declared carried votes for and none were recorded against it. Bro. the Hon. W. Beehan, having received permission, addressed the delegates on the subvention scheme of Friendly Societies, moved a resolution to the effect that the Government be requested to bring in a Bill during the ensuing session on the lines of the New South Wales Subvention of Friendly Societies Bill, operating since 1908, and which- has proved of great benefit to the societies, that copies of the resolution be sent to the Prime Minister (Hon. Mr. Massey) and Hon. F. M. B. Fisher, and request Government to circulate copies of the Subvention Bill among the friendly societies before Parliament assembles in June, 1913. Bro. E. Carroll seconded the motion and it was carried.

Bro. F. Doolan moved and Bro. Sellars seconded the following resolution, which was carried— That the reception committee from the Napier, Waipawa, and Hastings branches be cordially thanked for the generous hospitality extended to delegates, and that enlarged photographs of the district officers and delegates be presented to these branches.’Carried. Bro. Colhoun briefly expressed his appreciation and thanks on behalf of the Hawke’s Bay branches. Blenheim, Greymouth, and Westport were duly nominated as the locale of the triennial meeting in 1916. On a vote being taken, Westport was selected. Bro. McGreevey moved, and Bro. Hon. W. Beehan seconded, the following, which was carried * That for the purpose of providing the D.S. with extra clerical assistance he be allowed £IOO yearly in addition to his present salary.’ .Bro. J. W. Callaghan was granted -permission to withdraw the Wellington nominations for the District Board. Bro. J. M. Fov then declared Bro. D. Flynn elected D.P., Bro. R. J. Martin D.V.P., Bro. W. Kane D.S., and Bro. M. J. Sheahan D.T. These were duly installed in,. their respective offices. After a close contest, Bros. James Smith and James B. R. Stead were elected district auditors.

The retiring President (Bro. J. M. Foy) was the recipient of an appreciative resolution at the instance of Bros. O’Gorman and Carroll. This was accompanied by a P.D.P. collar, and his name inscribed on the merit board. Several delegates supported the motion in complimentary terms* Bro. J. Hally moved, and Bro. John Bourke (Manaia) seconded, a resolution affirming the principles of unity among Hibernians, and expressing the conviction that the best interests of the society would be served by the preservation of such unity. The motion was carried unanimouslv.

Bro. A. J. Martin (minute secretary) was highly complimented on his work, and on a motion moved by Bros. Moore and Carroll, he was voted a sum of £3 3s.

The successful efforts of both the Redemptorist and Marist Missionaries in the cause of Hiberniam’sm were brought under the notice of the conference in a motion by Bro. M. Hodgins, which expressed -the society’s gratitude to the good Fathers for all they had done to spread its usefulness. This was seconded by Bro; R. P. Flanagan and carried. Rev. Father Coffey, Adm., Dunedin, was the recipient of a motion recording the pleasure of the delegates at meeting for the first time at a Triennial Movable Meeting a priest who, for so many years had labored with much success to foster the true spirit of Hibernianism in the south. This was moved by Bro. E. Dane (Inglewood), and seconded by Bro. J. Bourke (Manaia). The oldest delegate present was Bro. James McEnteer, of the Grahamstown branch, having passed by three years the allotted span.

Sunday was a particularly, .busy day with the delegates. Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's Church by the Rev. Father O'Connor, S.M., who preached an appropriate discourse. A number of Hibernians approached the Holy Table. . In the course of his sermon Father O’Connor pointed put that many of the saints were, distinguished for their special virtues. As a happy death, was the aim and object of our lives, St. Joseph, whose patronage feast it was, should be besought to assist us to that end.

After breakfast the delegates set out in four brakes for Hastings, where they were met by the branch officers and members. High Mass at 11 o'clock was celebrated by Rev. Dr. Martin, S.M., Very Rev. Father Keogh, S.M., being deacon, and Rev. Father Mahoney, S.M., subdeacon. Very Rev. Father Keogh, S.M., preached. After Mass the visitors were shown over the school buildings and grounds. An object of much interest to the visitors was the fine Hibernian banner painted by the Sisters of St. Joseph in Sydney. The dinner was served in the Grand Hotel, a fine new building of stately proportions containing over 100 rooms. The host (Bro. Tim. Cotter) and his staff served a really excellent repast, with which all expressed their very warm satisfaction. After dinner a start was made for the Seminary at Greenmeadows, where the visitors were graciously received and welcomed by Very Rev. Dean Smyth and the students. Dean Smyth said that although living practically in solitude and retirement as they were, yet they felt a peculiar pleasure in welcoming representatives of the great organisation to which they belonged, and who were upholding in the world the same principles which the young students, who were passing through Greenmeadows, were preparing to uphold when their labors would be crowned with the blessings and privileges of the priesthood. The three flags flying in the grounds of the Seminary indicated what those principles were. The first represented their religion, the second their nationality, and the third their adopted country. Bros. Callaghan and Marlow, representing North and South, expressed the warm thanks of the delegates to the Very Rev. Dean Smyth and the Hawke’s Bay branches for the generous hospitality meted out to them from their arrival in Napier. Bro. Cummings, president of the Napier branch, said the Napier branches considered it an honor to entertain such a representative body of Irishmen. Bro. D. Flynn, D.P., on behalf of the male delegates, made presentations to Sisters Walsh, McGrath, and O’Flaherty (delegates), Mesdames Pound and Burke (visitors), and Master Patrick Redmond O’Hanlon (Opunake) the youngest Hibernian at the Conference. Bro. O’ Gorman (Westport) returned thanks on behalf of the ladies, and Bro. O'Hanlon for his son. Another presentation was made during the Conference by Bro. J W. Callaghan, on behalf of branch No. 95, Wellington, for services as delegate at D.B, meetings at Auckland. The recipient was Bro. James B. Stead, and it took the form of a beautiful gold Maltese cross with the emblem and motto of the society tastefully engraved thereon. a r£ n e , evening the delegates assembled again at ot. Patrick’s Church, Napier for Vespers. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Father Coffey, Adm., Dunedin, and the church was crowded. Monday morning saw the greater number of the delegates depart for their homes.

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New Zealand Tablet, 17 April 1913, Page 27

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H.A.C.B. SOCIETY New Zealand Tablet, 17 April 1913, Page 27

H.A.C.B. SOCIETY New Zealand Tablet, 17 April 1913, Page 27