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- ■ . . V (From our own correspondent.)

i The annual distribution of prizes, exhibition of work, and entertainment, in connection with the Sacred Heart High School, conducted by the Religious of Notre Dame des Missions, prior to the Christmas vacation are being carried out to-day (Thursday), and presided over by his Lordship the Bishop, " The annual report is as follows. —The Boarding School has been full, and a very successful year’s worK has been accomplished. The Christian Doctrine classes have had the privilege of being under the direction of Rev. Father McDonnell and Rev. Father Hanrahan, who have spared no efforts in making this important part of the children’s education a success, and who have very generously awarded prizes during the course of the year. This year the Gospel of St. Matthew has been made a special study) The secondary department of the high school was again examined in the early part of the year by . Mr. T. H. Gill, the substance of whose report was much the same as on former occasions, with the addition of the following:— ‘ Very satisfactory methods of instruction were in use and were applied with much earnestness and a reasonable amount of skill. A good programme of practical work in botany is being followed. The value of the concrete in the teaching of mathematics is recognised, and a suitable course .of practical geometry has been drawn up. The girls were thoroughly interested in their work, and seemed most anxious not only to comply with the wishes of their teachers but even to anticipate them. The diligence and conduct of the girls were in every way commendable. Satisfactory provision r is made for the physical education of the pupils.’ The primary department was examined by Mr. C. Hardie, North Canterbury Board’s

Inspector, in June, and his general report was'as follows: —‘Excellent work is being done in a number of the subjects of the curriculum, notably reading, -recitation, writing, drawing, singing, history, and composition. A fine spirit of earnest effort prevails among both teachers and taught. ' The pupils are under good control, their manners and general behaviour being excellent. Bright, alert, and responsive, they acquit themselves well under ‘oral examination. The prim®v classes are under efficient instruction. Sound methods are employed, and the little ones appear bright, happy, and interested, the prevailing atmosphere being such as to ensure good progress being made under excellent conditions.’ Term competitive examinations have been held during the year, and the following prizes were gained by the high school : —Matriculation Class, . Kassie Turner; Civil Service Class, Lizzie Gill; Standard VI., Susie Dromgool; Standard V., Eileen Murphy; Standard IV., Doreen Pehgelly; Standard 111., Claudia Slattery; Primer 111., Lulu Haydon. In connection with the same examinations, certificates of honor pass were gained by Kassie Turner, Monica Page, Edith McDonald, Maria Banfield, Amy Erck, Teresa Mansion, Yerda Wilson, Doreen Pengelly, and Phyllis Turner. Certificates of credit pass were gained by Kassie Turner, Julia Steinmetz, Nellie Martin, Lizzie Gill, Una Comesky, Monica Page, Mary Mills, Susie Dromgool, Mary Strouts, Vera Erck, Cissie McElroy, Mollie O’Malley, Kathleen Haydon, Joan Poff, Eileen Murphy, and V. Emerson. ’ The following are the results of the other examinations:— C. Ex-amination-Two candidates were successful. Teachers’ D. Examination Five candidates were successful. Matriculation and Solicitor’s Knowledge— Toner. Matriculation Examination 'Kerr and Ellen O’Donnell. Civil Service Examination Kassie Turner and Amy Payne. Senior Free Places—Mary Mills and

Julia Steinmetz. The Sixth Standard examination for this year had not taken place when this report went to | .print, hence we are unable to give the results. Com- | mercial Classesln these classes shorthand, typewriting, ’ and book-keeping are taught, and in the shorthand examination results published in, March, the following pupils obtained certificates from Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, England: Katie O’Connor, Doris Amyes, Annie O’Neill, and Mattie Hood. Music examinations, higher practical, L.T.C.L. (singing), M. McGlone; L.T.C.L. (singing), M. Wilson; A.T.C.L. (pianoforte), F. Storey; certificated pianist, A. Thomas; singing (honors), senior class, singing (honors) junior class higher local piano-. forte), honors, C. Kiddey; senior (violin), Y. Erck; senior (pianoforte), honors, M. Higgins; senior (pianoforte), H. Woodward and N. Cronin; intermediate (pianoforte), honors, M. Brandon and I. Baunton; pass, M. Mills, S. Dromgool, and M. Quinn; junior (pianoforte), honors, N. McGurk; pass, M. Bainton and P. Turner. Associated . Board examination of R.A.M. and 8.C.M., London Advanced grade, Amy Payne and Connie Erck; higher school, A. Erck and A. Luscombe; lower school, Rene Mahon, Daisy Osley, and Monica Turner. Theoretical examination Senior advanced, Cissie Moroney; intermediate grade (honors), A. Payne; intermediate (grade 2), F. Storey, H. Woodward, K. Moroney, M. Strouts; junior (honors), K. Turner, K. Haydon; (pass), L. Fitzpatrick, M. O’Malley, C. McElroy, M. Murphy, M. Quinn, Y. Erck, and A. Erck; preparatory (distinction), M. Brandon, 11. Haydon, A. Hill, N. McGurk, D. Otley, W. Sullivan; pass, E. Bryan, M. O’Shaughnessy ; rudiments (Asso- , ciated Board), A. Payne and C. Erck. The doctor’s lectures O’Brien, M.D.8.5., Lond. ; M.8.T.5., Eng., has very kindly given to the senior pupils most interesting and instructive lectures on physiology and general hygiene. The pupils were indeed fortunate in having the privilege of lectures from such a skilful and experienced physician, and the lessons will certainly prove invaluable to them in after life. The school debating society —This . year saw the inauguration of the school debating society, which was presided over by the Rev. Father Quinn, S.M., who deserves, special thanks for the help and encouragement he gave the

girls in their initial addresses. Elocution—Lessons were given regularly,. and besides the usual technical exercises, some beautiful pieces were learned, and the following girls made great progress during the year; Monica Page, Mary Mills, Kassie Turner, Nellie McGurk, Kathleen Hannan, and Kathleen Haydon. Dressmaking This class has been a greater success than usual this year, and this useful branch gains in popularity with the girls each year. Painting, fancy work, and wood carving have received the usual attention, and the pupils of these classes have a very fine display of work on show at the Exhibition in the high school class room. Cookery —As usual, lessons were taken during the year at the Technical College in cooking, and four prizes were awarded, the winners being Mary Higgins, Madge White, Susie Dromgool, and Muriel Bainton. Recreation and physical exercises As it is a generally admitted truth that a healthy body means a healthy mind, special attention has been given to outdoor games and physical exercises. A sports’ committee, consisting of several of the senior girls, was formed early in the year and did good service in promoting such games as basket ball, cricket, rounders, and tennis, and as regards the latter game, the girls are very much indebted to Rev. Dr. Kennedy, who very generously supplied them with the racquets, net, etc. In general we must say that an excellent spirit of piety and earnestness has been shown by the girls throughout the year, and this undoubtedly has been due in no small measure to the large number of daily communicants. Distribution of Prizes. The prizes this year have been worked for on a new plan, hence they are not so numerous as in former years. Marks were given in the different subjects each week throughout the year, and on the marks thus gained, together with those obtained at the test examinations, the prizes have been awarded as follow: Gold medallist (dux of school), Kassie Turner. Good conduct, boarders (prize presented by Bight Rev. Dr. Grimes), Katie Barnett. Good conduct, day pupils, Kathleen Gouding. Politeness, Monica Page. Devotedness, Kathleen Hannan. Christian doctrine (senior division), K. Turner, K. Barnet, and C. Gill. Christian

doctrine (junior division), N. McGurk;, commended, M. O’Malley and C. Mcllroy. Debating (silver,crosses), K. Turner, N. Bowler, and E. Hourigan. Prize essay (gold medal), Julia Steinmetz. Sports (gold medal), K. Daily. .Dressmaking, M. Rainton and M. Edwards. Oil painting, S. Dromgool, N. McGurk, M. Edwards. Shorthand and typewriting, M. Rainton. Bookkeeping, M. Edwards. Elocution, M. Page. Wood-carving, S. Dromgool and R. Isherwood. Fancy work and drawn thread, M. Banfield. Fancy work (2), J. Poff. Drawn thread work (2), Lena Meara. Mountmellick and plain sewing, M. Rochford. Embroidery, K. Barnett and K. Daily. Plain needlework, W. Sullivan and M. Mills. Music, senior (gold medal presented by Rev. Father Peoples, of Wellington), A. Payne; intermediate, A. Erck and M. Brandon ; junior, R. Mahon and V. Wilson; preparatory (music and theory), R. Bradford; violin, V. Erck; ’cello, R. Isherwood; theory of music, M. Strouts, C. McElroy, N. McGurk. Matriculation Class— place in class (dux), K. Turner; Latin, K. Turner; French, K. Turner; algebra, K. Turner, arithmetic,. K. Turner, history and geography, K. Turner; literature, M. Page; botany, M. Page; English and essay, M. Page; geometry, E. McDonald. Civil Service Class—First place in class, L. Gill; literature, L. Gill 1, K. Goulding 2 ; English, L. Gill 1, U. Comesky 2 ; arithmetic, A. Hill 1, E. Horigan 2; algebra, A. Hill; Latin, N. Martin; French, M. Wall; botany, L. Gill; geometry, A. Hill; history and geography, K. O’Brien, Standard Vl.—First place in class, M. Banfield; arithmetic, M. Banfield 1, C. Gill 2; English essay, N. Bowler 1, M. Banfield 2; special essay prize, A. Erck; reading, recitation, and spelling, E. McGrath 1, K. Haydon 2; writing and drawing, K. Haydon 1, T.

Mannian 2; geography, M. Edwards 1, C. McElroy 2; history, L. McArthur. , Standard Y. —First place in class, M. Turner; arithmetic, I, Rucks; English and essay, J. Pol? 1, E. Murphy 2; reading, recitation and spelling, J. Poll’; geography, E. Flood; writing and drawing,. R. Bradford ; history, M. Turner. ■■■s Standard IV.—Good conduct, K. Hartigan ; Christian Doctrine, V. Wilson 1, D. Pengelly 2; first place in class, D. Pengelly, Y. Wilson, P', Turner (equal); English, K. McArthur; drawing and history, M. Priestnail; arithmetic, M. Powell; reading and dictation, D. Steinmetz; improvement, M. Neill and K. Cronin. Standard 111. —First place in class, C. Slattery, A. Stewart, S. Bundle, K. Hartigan, V. Emmerson, M. Ban field (equal) ; reading, Y. Bustin; English, G. Dudderidge; arithmetic, E. Kiely; improvement, E. O’Connell, F. Mclnnes; needlework, S.*Chisnell. Standard II. —First in class, D. Crapper, D. Bustin, K. Connery, A. Clinton, L. Haydon, M. McGrath, V. Main, M. O’Brien, C. O’ Malley (equal); arithmetic and writing, D. Gill; dictation, M. Gill; geography, E. McAloon; arithmetic, M. O’Connell; nature study, E. Wall; geography, F. Williams. Standard First in class, F. Cotter, Lulu Haydon, K. Mannion, O. Steinmetz, A. Stanly (equal); reading, M. Rodgers, P. Dudderidge; English, m! Woods, Primer 111. First in class, D. Brittenden, E. Kiely, R. Mallouk, R. Shanley, K. Wilson, H. Sloan, D. Walsh, Huia Sloan (equal); arithmetic, J. Bain; improvement, Y. Grainger. * Primer ll.—-First place in class, Z. Humphreys, J Comrains, G. Daily, G. Brittenden (equal); arithmetic, V. Cotter, V. Steer ; writing and sewing, D. Mallouk. *

Primer I. First in class, E. Casserly, M. McCollough, B. Cronin, T. Slattery (equal),* writing, ,H: Wood; arithmetic, F. Bustin; reading, N. „ Mills. Prizes are awarded to the following —E. Elder, .R. McGrath, G. Wilson, C. Evans, and R. O’Malley. Following is the programme of the entertainment: Duet, ‘ Husarenitt/ Misses R. Mahon, A. Erck, G. Wilson, C. McElroy, G. Baker, M. Brandon. K. Haydon, M. Rainton, T. Manhion (harmonium), W. Brick, C. Coakley, Y. Erck (violins); song, ‘ There is not another daddy,’ Junior pupils; recitation, ‘The leak in the dyke,’ Miss D. Pengelly; orchestral selection, ‘ Sunset/ Misses V. Erck, C. Coakley, W. Brick, P. Badham (violins), R. Isherwood (’cello), C. Erck (harmonium), S. Ansen (harp), A. Erck (piano) ; song, ‘ All among the barley,’ the pupils; duet, ‘ Qui vive,’ Misses A. Payne, M. Wall, C. Erck, N. Cronin, M. Higgins, S. Dromgool, H. Woodward,E. Stewart, (violins) V. Erck, W. Brick, C. Coakley; hoop*drill, Junior pupils; recitation, ‘The ringing of the chimes/ Miss N. McGurk; song, ‘Do come and play,’ Misses Yerda Wilson and Doreen Pengelly; orchestral selection, ‘ Rendez vous/ Misses W. Brick, C. Coakley, Y. Erck, P. Badham, N. Bowler (violins), R. Isherwood (’cello), C. Erck (harmonium), A. Payne (piano), S. Ansen (harp); cantata, ‘Our news,’ the pupils. School re-opens Monday, January 29, 1912.

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New Zealand Tablet, 14 December 1911, Page 2543

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SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL, CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand Tablet, 14 December 1911, Page 2543

SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL, CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand Tablet, 14 December 1911, Page 2543