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o , Ai \ the . , an ", u^ 1 distribution of prizes to the students of bt. Patricks College, Wellington, his Excellency the Governor (Lord Plunket), who was accompanied by Mr H C Waterfield (private secretary), presided, and others attend! ing were: His Grace Archbishop Redwood, the Hon R A. Loughnan, M.L.C., Colonel R. J. Collins, 1.5.0., Very v' C r ,\ Kemiedy (Rector of the College), Very Rev. Father Keogh (late Rector), Yen. Archdeacon Devoy, Very Rev Dean Regnault, Dr. Mackin, Dr. P. F. McEvedy Rev' J. Kennedy Elliott, Mr. J. W. Joynt (Registrar of the JNew Zealand University). A large number of parents were present, and the hall was crowded.

The Rector extended to his Excellency ' a true Irish welcome,' and expressed the thanks of the college staff for his Excellency's special prize donated for the best essay on India.' They realised only to a small degree the value of his Excellency's never-failing interest in the college, and they greatly regretted that this would be the last occasion on which he would preside at the prize-giving function. They were glad to have present his Grace the Archbishop, the founder of the college, and the Very Rev. Father Keogh the late Rector. '

The work of the year had been carried on with enthusiasm, and a spirit ot friendly rivalry had pervaded the whole college. In one class there had been a ' neck-and-neck contest, and when the marks of the two top boys were added up only .2 separated them. One had obtained 6U per cent., and the other 68.8. Needless to say, both had been awarded prizes for general excellence in class work Over 25 per cent, of the boys of the college had this year obtained board of honor prizes. This meant that their names had appeared on the board of honor every week of the year, without a single exception. Next year they would be celebrating their silver jubilee. It was hoped to establish science laboratories, and already, thanks to the efforts of the Very Rev. Father Keogh, £300 was in hand. Not only would the laboratories be well equipped for the training of students in medicine, engineering, and other professions, but they would have special apparatus for the teaching of farming and agricultural science. Next year the college would start classes of agricultural science, including the analysis of soils and manures, the testing and analysis of milk, butter, etc. Arrangements would also be made for a course of instruction in wool-classing.

An example of perseverance worthy of record was mentioned by the Rector in the course of his remarks. Charles Lairdj the lad who won one of Lord Plunket's junior prizes for a paper on ' India,' was not present, having left college, it was explained, to earn enough to keep him at college during the next year. Laird is a farmer lad, who, having had an ordinary primary school education, .determined to equip nimseli with a secondary school training, and immediately set about earning enough money to do so. This money has now been expended, but young Laird has gone to work again to provide for another year's education. The story of Master Laird's pluck was greeted with hearty applause. His Grace the Archbishop congratulated the students o.i the successful year that had passed — successful in study, conduct, and health. His Excellency had been a real, painstaking, and continuous friend of the college, and Lady Plunket and his Excellency, when they left New Zealand, would carry with them the best wishes of the college students The Hon. It. A. Loughnan, M.L.C., also spoke appreciatively of the services of his Excellency to the college. After having presented the prizes, his Excellency the Governor said that, as the King's representative, he had taken an interest in St. Patrick's College, because it was his duty to give all assistance possible to institutions that existed for the public good. The college had carried on under difficulties which were not met with by many other colleges, and he always had a specially kind feeling towards ' the bottom dog.' Again, he was interested in the college because he was an Irishman, and, when he left the Dominion he would carry away pleasant recollections of his association with St. Patrick's College.

The boys were then joined by their parents in giving three hearty cheers for his Excellency. A varied musical programme was submitted, and was greatly appreciated. The items were : Selection, ' Lucia di Lammermoor ' (Donizetti) ; valse, ' Loin dv Bal ' (Gillet) ; and Sicilian dance, ' Sizilietta ' (Franz von Blon) ; by the college orchestra ; choruses, ' The Carnovale ' (Rossini), and ' Parting and meeting' (Mendelssohn), by the college choir; 'cello soli, ' Traumerei ' (Schumann), and ' Tarantelle ' (Popper), by Mr. F. Johnstone. The accompanists were Miss Myra Montague and the Rev. Father Schaefer, S.M., and Mr. F. Johnstone was conductor of the orchestra. The following was the prize-list: — Governor's Prizes.

Special prize presented by his Excellency the Governor for essay on ' India ' : Senior Division. — Bernard Doherty. Junior Division. — First, Charles Laird; second, Cyril Maokay; third, William Hennessy.

Good Conduct. ■ , Tr J Senior Division. — Gold medal presented by his Gfa6e' Archbishop Redwood : John Casey. Next in merit : James Roche, Henry Rasmussen, William Buckley, and Richard Collins. Hon. mention: Cornelius Outtrim and Dalton Campbell. Junior Division. — Gold medal presented by the Very Rev. Father O'Shea: Joseph Schumacher. Next in merit: Joseph Kumeroa, Jas. Hennessy, and Howard Buckley. Extern Division. — Gold medal: Patrick Lawlor. Ne&t in merit: Fergus Yourelle, Brian Malone, John FultOn, Bernard Chapman, and Louis Weight. Diligence. Gold medal presented by the Very Rev. the Provincial : William Buckley. Next in merit: John Casey, Richard Collins, Joseph Schumacher, Arnold Roche, Cyril Kilgour, Patrick Lawlor, and William Hennessy. Christian Doctrine. First Class. — Gold medal presented by Dr. Grimes, Bishop of Christchurch: Richard Mulgan. Next in merit: Cornelius Outtrim, Henry Rasmussen, John Fulton, and James Roche. Second Class. — Gold medal presented by Dr. Lenihan, Bishop of Auckland : William Buckley. Next in merit : Richard Collins, Courtenay O'Rourke, John Hogan, and William Maher. Third Class. — Prize: Albert Beswick. Next in merit: Gerald Mahoney, William Hennessy, Philip Blake, Jameß McGinley, Patrick Lawlor, and Fergus Yourelle. Fourth Class — A. — Prize : James Hennessy. Next in merit: John Barry, Howard Buckley, William Poppelwell, Timothy Smith, and Eric Reeves. Fourth Class — B. — Prize: Charles Hodgins. Next in merit : Vernon Haydon, Andrew Cummins, Joseph Schumacher, John Dore, and Edward Lagan. Oratory and Debate. Senior Debating Society. — Gold medal presented by Mr. Stanislaus Moran, LL.B. : Brian Malone. Prize: Richard Collins. Next in merit: Charles Laird, Paul Kane, James Roche, and Gerald Mahoney. Junior Debating Society. — Gold medal presented by Mrs. T. G. Macarthy: Daniel Connor. Prize: John Barry. Next in merit : Thomas Hodgins, Thomas Dwyer, John Dore, and Howard Buckley. General Excellence in Class Work. First Class. — Dux : Gold medal presented by the Old Boys' Association : Richard Mulgan. Next in merit : Henry Rasmussen, John Fulton, James Roche, and Cornelius Outtrim. Second Class. — Prize: William Buckley. Next in merit: Bernard Doherty, John .Hogan, John Casey, Richard Collins, and Brian Malone. Third Class. — Prize: William Hennessy. Next in merit: Albert Beswick, Patrick Lawlor, James McGinley, l'hilip Blake, and John Engel. Fourth Class — A. — First : Howard Buckley. Second : James Hennessy. Next in merit: John Barry, William Poppolwell, Owen Craighead, Daniel Connor, and Arthur Bronnan. Fourth Class — B. — Prize: Charles Hodgins. Next in merit : Andrew Cummins, Edward Lagan, William Swift, Walter Jennings, and Vernon Haydon. Class Subjects. First Class. — Essay — Prize presented by the Very Rev. Father Koogh : James Roche. Next in merit: Cornelius Outtrim, Henry Rasmussen, and Richard Mulgan. English — Prize: Richard Mulgan. Next in merit: Henry Rasmussen, Cornelius Outtrim, and James Roche. History and geography — Prize: Richard Mulgan. Next in merit: Cornelius Outtrim and Henry Rasmussen. Latin — Prize : Richard Mulgan. Next in merit: Henry Rasmussen and James Roche. French — Prize : Henry Rasmussen. Next in merit : Richard Mulgan and John Fulton. Arithmetic and Algebra — Prize: John Fulton. Next in merit: Richard Mulgan and James Roche. Geometry and trigonometry — Prize : Richard Mulgan. Next in merit : John Fulton and James Roche. Second Class. — Essay — Prize: Richard Collins. Next in merit: Bernard Doherty, James Gatenby, William Buckley, and Paul Kane. English — Prize : Bernard Doherty. Next in merit: William Buckley, Brian Malone, John Hogan, John Casey, and Louis Weight. Latin — Prize : Richard Collins. Next in merit: William Buckley, Brian Malone, John Casey, and John Hogan. French — Prize: William Buckley. Next in merit : Brian Malone, John Casey, John Hogan, and Richard Collins. German — Prize: William Buckley. Next in^ merit : John Hogan, Joseph Box, and John Casey. Arithmetic and Algebra — Prize: William Buckley. Next in merit: Bernard Doherty, John Hogan, Courtenay O'Rourke, and John Casey. Geometry and trigonometry — Prize : William Buckley. Next in merit : Bernard Doherty, John Casey, John Hogan, and Joseph Box. Science — Prize : Bernard Doherty. Next in merit: James Gatenby, William Buckley, Richard Collins, and John Casey. Drawing — Prize : Bernard Doherty. Next in merit: William Buckley and Paul Kane. Third Class. — Essay — Prize : Albert Beswick. Next in merit : Patrick Lawlor, William Hennessy, Arnold Roche, John Engel. English — Prize: Albert Beswick. Next in merit: William Hennessy, Patrick Lawlor, Thomas Stack,

John Engel, and James McGinley. History and geography — Prize : Albert Beswick. Next in merit : "William Hennessy, Patrick Lawlor, Thomas Stack, John Engel, and James McGinley. Latin — Prize: James McGinley. Next in merit : Albert Beswick, William Hennessy, Raymond Kitchen, Thomas Stack, and Philip Blake. French — Prize : Thomas Stack. Next in merit: William Hennessy, Patrick Lawlor, James McGinley, and Gerald Mahoney. German — Prize : John Engel. Next in merit : Percy Hawkins, Fergus Yourelle, and Cyril Andrews. Arithmetic — Prize: William Hennessy. Next in merit: James McGinley, Albert Beswick, Patrick Lawlor, Gerald Mahoney, Joseph Punch, and Percy Hawkins. Algebra and geometry — Prize : James McGinley. Next in merit: Albert Beswick, William Hennessy, Philip Blake, John Sullivan, Cyril Kilgour, Patrick Lawlor. Science — Prize : William Hennessy. Next in merit : John Sullivan, Albert Beswick, Gerald Mahoney, and Philip Blake. Drawing — Prize : Patrick Lawlor. Next in merit: William Hennessy and Joseph Punch. Fourth Class. — A. — Essay — Prize : Howard Buckley. Next in merit: John Barry, James Hennessy, Owen Craighoad, William Poppelwell, Bernard Chapman, and Eric Reeves. English — Prize : James Hennessy. Next in merit : William Poppelwell, Howard Buckley, Timothy Smith, John Barry, and Daniel Connor. History and geography — Prize : James Hennessy. Next in merit : Howard Buckley, John Barry, William Poppelwell, Daniel Connor, and Arthur Brennan. Latin (first division) — Prize: William Poppelwell. Next in merit : James Hennessy, Howard Buckley, Leonard Daniel, Daniel Connor, and Owen Craighead. Second Division — Prize : Cyril Kilgour. Next in merit : Charles Hodgins, Vernon Haydon, and Arthur Campbell. French — Prize: Howard Buckley. Next in merit: Daniel Connor, James Hennessy, John Barry, and William Poppelwell. German — Prize: James Hennessy. Next in merit : Howard Buckley, William Poppelwell, Owen Craighead, and Bernard Chapman. Arithmetic — Prize: James Hennessy. Next in merit : John Barry, Howard Buckley, William Poppelwell, Owen Craighoad, Leonard Daniel, and Eric Reeves. Algebra and geometry — Prize: Leonard Daniel. Next in merit: Howard Buckley, James Hennessy, Donald Dickson, Owen Craighead, and John Barry. Science — Prize : Howard Buckley. Next in merit: James Hennessy, William Poppelwell, Charles Ruscoe, Bernard Chapman, and Arthur Brennan. Drawing — Prize: John Barry. Next in merit: Arthur Brennan and Leonard Daniel. Fourth Class. — B — Essay — Prize: Vernon Haydon. Next in merit: Edward Lagan, Charles Hodgins, Andrew Cummins, John Dore, and Thomas Hodgins. English — Prize: Charles Hodgins. Next in merit: Andrew Cummins, Vernon Haydon, William Swift, and Walter Jennings. History and geography — Prize: Andrew Cummins. Next in merit: Charles Hodgins, John Dore, Vernon Haydon, William Swift, and Edward Lagan. French (first division) — Prize : Andrew Cummins. Next in merit : Charles Hodgins, William Swift, Vernon Haydon, and John Dore. Second Division — Prize: Reginald Dickson. Next in morit : Edward Lagan, Joseph Schumacher, Ernest Biirns, and Hape Watchman. Arithmetic — Prize: William Lynch. Next in merit : Andrew Cummins, Charles Hodgins, Tiki Fraser, and John Duggan. Algebra and geometry — Prize Charles Hodgins. Next in merit: William Lynch, Andrew Cummins, and William Swift. Science — Prize: Vermm Haydon. Next in merit: Andrew Cummins, Charles Hod-" gins, Edward Lagan, Maurice Malone, Joseph Schumacher, and William Lynch. Writing — Prize: Edward Lagan. Next in merit: Stanley Hoar, Oscar Lynch, William Lynch, Charles Hodgins, and Andrew Cummins. Drawing — "Prize: William Lynch. Next in merit: John Duggan, John Foley, and Leopold Harvey. Commercial Course. Senior Division. — Prize: Patrick Lawlor. Nest in merit : Joseph Peoples, John Barry, Francis Kelly, and William Fitzgerald. Honorable mention : Bernard. Doherty. Junior Division. — Prize: Edward Lagan. Next in merit : Alan Brennan, Tiki Fraser, Leo Hughes, and John Duggan. Shorthand. Prize : John Barry. Next in merit : Joseph Peoples, Patrick Lawlor, Francis Kelly, John Curran, and William Fitzgerald. Music. Pianoforte. — First division — Prize : Raymond Kitchen. Next in merit : Brian Malone. Second division — Prize : Francis Kelly. Next in merit: Charles Hodgins, Owen Craighead, and Leo Hughes. Violin. — First division — First prize: Raymond Kitchen. Next in merit : Joseph Box. Second division — First prize • William Neylon. Next in merit: Patrick Lawlor, Ernest Burns, and Alan Brennan. Singing. — Gold medal presented by the Rector : Thoir> as Dwyer. Prizes: Bernard Chapman and Francis Kelly. Next in merit: Timothy Smith, Andrew Cummins, John Foley, and James Hennessy. Photography. Prizes: Edward Peters and Charles Ruscoe. Board of Honor Prizes. Arthur Brennan, William Buckley, John Casey, John Gieseking, Cyril Kilgour, Cornelius Outtrim, Arnold Roche,

Joseph Schumacher, Bernard Chapman, John Fulton, Walter Jennings, Brian Malone, Howard Buckley, Dalton Campbell, Jxichard Collins, William Hennessy, Joseph Kumeroa, i±enry Rasmussen, James Roche, Cyril Andrews, John Engel, Vernon Haydon, Patrick Lawlor, Louis Weight, Maurice Malone, and Fergus Yourelle. Prizes for Four Mentions. Cornelius Outtrim, Owen Craighead, Philip Blake, John Hogan, William Swift, and Gerald Mahoney. Physical Training. Medals presented y by the Physical Training School. — First division — First : William Fitzgerald. Second : John Hogan. Third : David Bourke. Honorable mention : Bernard Doherty. Second division — First : John Dore. Second : Howard Buckley. Third : Francis Kelly. Shooting. No. 1 Company. — Prize: Richard Mulgan. No. 2 Company. — Prize : William Switt. Gold medal for highest aggregate in shooting, presented by Colonel Collins. — \v illiam Switt. Junior Scholarship Examination. — Robert Lavery, Jas. Rochford, Bernard Ryan, James Ryan, and Alfred Cullen passed matriculation from Junior Scholarship papers. Matriculation Examination. — Maurice Butler, James Carmody, Esmond Downey, John Fulton, Henry Lynch, Richard Mulgan, Cornelius Outtrim, Leo Poff, Henry Rasmussen, James Roche, Joseph Stewart. Solicitor's General Knowledge Examination. — Maurice Butler, James Carmody, Henry Lynch, Richard Mulgan, Cornelius Outtrim, Henry Rasmussen, James Roche, and Joseph Stewart. Medical Preliminary Examination. — Maurice Butler, James Carmody, Henry Lynch, Richard Mulgan, and Leo Poff. Engineering Preliminary Examination. — Richard Mulgan and Leo Poff. Senior Civil Service. — Passed in four subjects : Robert Lavery, James Rochford, Bernard Ryan, James Ryan, and Alfred Cullen. Junior Civil Service Examination. — Passed with credit : James Rochford, Bernard Ryan, James Ryan, Alfred Cullen, Rae Cameron, Robert Lavery, Leo Poff, Henry Rasmusson, Maurice Butler, William Buckley, Kevin Crotty, Richard Mulgan, and John McLeary. Passed: Henry Lynch, Esmond Downey, Leo Devine, James Carmody, Paul Kane, James Roche, Edmund Bourke, Charles Baker, Cornelius Coakley, John Fulton, John Casey, John Hogan, Bernard Dohei'ty, Courtenay O'Rourke, Cornelius Outtrim, Joseph Box, Michael Maher, Brian Malone, and John Young.

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New Zealand Tablet, 23 December 1909, Page 9 (Supplement)

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OUR SCHOOLS. New Zealand Tablet, 23 December 1909, Page 9 (Supplement)

OUR SCHOOLS. New Zealand Tablet, 23 December 1909, Page 9 (Supplement)