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Current Topics

Hymn Tinkering : -PAst knH'#reient :(n( - °~)?:a s ' J

Those Cotigb 1~1 ~' ' jIU

The Strike atj^e^t^te Mise o^o O ai9jDXls^ 9x f^ o^ The demand of the miners^^t-Pqim~Eliza>"etTirtFat th.ey • should -b>ve< 'fci speci^l/slikf^i i^e^'&fe* oM Jnfifef is-ln ia^rai l^.Wß#m i lHft'f-dM JJ n aMfeing Jkataikeyao d .» M^y e K?a 9^A^9. k \«g?aai4iJ34gging, iKhicJitilas«thfei-_ m-*sSi??m -*5Si??- , dev^9?^ft>jAepornej3r>ev,e;rS> w,eieke.aicmorer;®nd .moren lt.em i for o^he 0 he f werg.i ifWefarei^iot anrongnthdse^Hd'^J cpnsideiHjthat c^thej fact?/ that (the.bminers)."are nSveT^glng-^tliS 3 ! hahdsb.mferlQokingowage-:pf;3l4sia dXfjfo B^iit^lf^jsuffigient l tS - rX settle,<the,iqxiestipii:is TlfisLfighJavefa^e-^s ?a'6itßtle l ss t a£¥ain'§d n) .duringUthe'/bu^yusea'sori|t fcfeH?4i t^imaHfiia aWduc^foif M w be/!madenfpr,f>the tim§ los't^^vhfen 3^ -^dr 11 the 1 M^--lJes^«%oli ai £^ple r as'a'nVi3gc'u^l i pation ; -everyiidsiy "t'aljeg ll hls 'M^in^is- ' hand^he,2is"bld bef or^'Kig/ tftfe'f kw^^^fof^thr a^ti; ioi tude -bf* the "i^AS^^^^nWA^^^^^^^ ri,e tr ?et!Sd4!^^^^^ «^^ oP'^Sfc^ n^fe f m t M^- u . s JllsioSo/tJiajix.Jji^ . SS^sfS-fiS? vF^fffua %,??%- Boi'f8 oi' fi cumsta i mes )t l the ( ,minej ; .is en^lp.d to, i s / uch a a /i .wage£as r wiU,.e^ab A le hirg o to> m^. e(e (x r^° W e .»PrqyAsibn ( ,fqr p %e 'dax-^wfiic^ cdme.s muchT more quickly m coal-mining than in other occupations-^.^ K^j^nWiU .bej.compelledjto-.lay dfljvre ihisjftools. vjH} how---eyery'ithe minerC-haye admeasure of justice v'-ov '-on r 'their^sidg^ft J makesnthe '.action c-'f^their-'leaders'tin f^fiisitfg -tcP'submit the^ i; question to arbitration all the more culp'ableV^ lfe r : ü ßish6p i,i ,' 1 manager of the State mine,, is, a m"ajrof~tact, ,somid iudc:nieiit? %nd < wide mm i H^n/ R R. McKenzie, the Minister in cha*rge,""is notoriously sympathetic with'ftlie wdrkejfis; aflS tfielS"el^^f ffil M&U$§LZ t . meat, Sfr^osegtf W^d^as^vayV^Wnlm^TfeK S^ delicate negotiations a reasonable spirit of give and take. All the auguries,. tlierefore^^favoT thegprQbabilttyfsf s 'a satis=, 'faotory^lrangement |a%gif tlln&ifation^rsjt -rescfrtea|\t^andiit^is sincerely jfcß b|*§o"ped t^at Mb miners' 5 ! will "be -well advised andc wil^go onlf 'their^onginai' ■;de"cisioii'in"this"respect.' % !As to th^ riioril- dPtiieTHbiden-b^™ in its bearing on the whole question of State ownership and control of industries — it will be time to speak of that when the issue of the cbnHiest is-determ&ed. fi 'tC^f*'

It -.has been saidithatctKe app'ear'ance-o'fo^ really ! ' J hymn is as^ rare^as, ;thafe of ; a comefc and;- if v that'fbe-, so ,; there ought be some enactment ' visitfng pains "and penalties ontthefsvarletdwhro .wouldscbbtdtoand^lhker 'an'd^ hamper'-' u with these poetic gems. If a hymn is not suitable for public- >r worship as it stands, let it be rejected outright; if it is ' suitable, let it be accepted^ .- as flef^the^sTP^er's ]t»rain, or at least, in justice' to* the "autnor, "let "alterations be Itfie |hisf«|i.^iiaeiflkr and-sthe %ad : * translator^got 1 "' to *W(hY, and; 7 !! mfgh¥ fiave ' . jisalms_of^X)ayidr^the-noblest- of— all - fe io ".^-T^ to P% e^if e l°'l ff sev^M e^^ i ¥y^ car^y r ' 1 g^ e^Sl p l %_?? l^ l^' Q^^? c ■ p |S® io^ %|m%pical para- " i £r&e-gM slrvfcel & o# psalms, Bh# &trnl§d*%ublishe'd . forty in the reign of Henry VIII. and, one Hopkins added to themXs ioTheifa dblleetibri^hW S/yrea'e^guW» i 6ut I! iJersons'i £: - : of polifce t ea r fs r< were (some r iimes'jmo.ved'ho a^RQclfe's-^a ! ter did^pjkheftring apDrißhiclerX)iMgaonea2liJlielßlrW^ns: f 5. i w nen uney translated JJavid s psalms.-^ r «r I s^qno^VSge'^h^^e^r^Vigh^^laW o^^^ S I ' 'Bufeihad]i^B'e'en^Eing i Favi ! d^fa ( 6e OJ B levin sen j Totie'arlthebrsingaaiidetKe'nt i^an^rsfte} isfthuH. tobO is f By Heav'n, ,ymould/[seS liim[{k&'dfl'-?nl ' .S'lBV/fisdJif-o .Q OCR 1O Wq\TAV&323m After ,U ?#me r i-^%Vm w e^^rf l fi&jtaff B iSfeßfflS?S Cl operatisoneafT^mO*h r e psalnisS'df £oavia SS&ffle ahc^nVhylnfis < of theDSburchyfandvnd^aKtotinJbod^ «elig.iVsisyife¥vo < rricß i ulS 9 cßh^ f f done or atone for somg.TtjflSieSQßsliVaMeslp'Sr^eCra'tedTOl'dTnc *■ l^ t K^^ B smT^i i ?lpT ra "W^ raie i t^Hsla^r, gave the folloAuDgTal iaOllalj&XQu d.HT .Ho3UH3Tßiauj :do7 nriot? nriOßenWTO* iKrcD^thaq^dA-, J3TOHYJIIVIA° wtK v>n^ w^>fh r elretle Bass;8 ass; .(zunim-raT ThaVWjGSd^s holy city ...... noiIRJB xsw.'isH s me secpncLpetition in ttns invocation niusto'BUTelynihave^J been vefyi-Smpil^fulfilledT 1 s.-noitiSDilqqii no llimT r'Q^aii'to-.H j.hJJ .e'-«m«V7 in e-iaj) i0j««hq0i f1 [.. ............

I I *■]»«*■ 1 ' ";> " - v - " "' •" g-H * a EVert stlfe possession of undoubted poetic genius ~doeß not necessarily qjualify Jg^p^g@l hySn&ri£iht& Who, tor instance, coiild^use, with, , any f seidoufr feeling of i piety aep3^»SOhe loe^Herr^'^ijbkyHo the HofeSt ' ? , It was intended mm\gdqd^aitir v %_a7sqlemiyand:; pathetic invocation m theitiine^oj fear and distress,-, and ifche following liP&S^ftWi! 116 petitions 'it contained : be* a .'vh-j oi'_ IGHU] TWO < S | Ul l.u^bG-tt, :B't>-!iV 0", FT- . V.i' ?r ..JTJ'OK tf ssorvios iftvAen tne,> artless doctor sees i'.S. ir'i jluc jlxski is/ito *$P onfe hop.c, .but.; of his fees,J— .?& V'^'Kk) fti viAioaiß .And his£skyi-ir,uiis-i6n<the;;leesy>r /]"" uv?uj yb«-r ?qe ebivoiq a?Sweet Spirit, comfdrtJme.i r lv/ \m< , >. r jjinnv %is>V!> xv wy/heiijhisiipqtioiirdand £isr£illi yjlTyiUOt) oinovitoo grsSkas, qr 'none,-; orylittle.fsKiUi'J aim*— -.BileV 1 giguoo ooi; bflMeet- for Slothing' but7Wrkill ( ,<* vhf^r: i i.n -j?r' loi olsjv^_ bniSwe^t -Spirit; ibiomfort^me^'!'^^ x-uvi. >^>wjT« : jA T.Taaa.Yf ■ I .003 fit MncT .<->Jj/47t Ijs'm-r'niTim-j bjitj^-i^. [ ThenMen*ion is i>he>feitu¥tion f suclras T: ari ! ses with 611^' M-^ •ft?**?*'? ■?lelect? l electW 1 bf I ',det^il S is 'fatfalSaWke to poetry "arid to v devotion! "■ is ~i" - "^ ' V;'- r , ■)S!;do«Wejcomejnow tb3our own time! aiid.toithe incident 1 which 8 hasa lediiis to nojakebthis :littleiexcurgi"onli"ntb^Ky"miiqlogy. isSomebba'y has sentf?to the London TabTel^a* programme o f i^'stariffilff Assembly^ of 'T^Brf^tfniHl'* Sfff ew L hymii .entitled »' Faith" of , piir L lTathers,^by ' F. W; Faber ' .)n§"S9RKu S?9B m S j every, li( CatliolicT Chn^cli' in y tlJejvDpminxo^i, apd fr^)y c - ) iip i csliretphf..of w ingejiuity; , could at. he r,.-T l egarded.-j : asi describing the Baptist body' of.;. doctrine, as f The Faith of (}urhFathe;rsi?)GiOur,< Baptist; ffriends)>how5 jgay.ep? igots ovjer -the diflSculty t by, .bare-faced ' and -unblushing tinkering. The| firstK-jindH fourth. Tstanzas'- -in< Hhe" 'Baptist .^PTogramme are identical -with 'Faiihef "'Faber's^ofiginalpbut '^the second and jthird are <r faked.' c -"The third r yerse"- as - written-by Father Fa'bbr, 'reaW'ijhusV 11 1' 1 '"*•■-' { -'■ ! / '-' 1 ' : s[- . « .v/r;<>oui •f'ri.'fl- ',<:;"'' _. ;i „,J Faith of our Fathers,^ MUr-y 'si p.rayers $§&££ SKSll^win our cbuntry'-backltd'ithee;).-'^ p { ? ?™> * P€^l^ rou gh tlle truth that comes from God ' England shall then indeed be free. ~^:z-"Faiffi.of our F&th%p3&ly H&^SU^^'^Kr We will be trueMo'4nee4ill dea^hf' : '^^ ; F •' ' '* On the Baptist progranime v it_ wins as follows: -- 'Faith of our Fathers,. iiGqd'^Eower; q. „ ,Shall soon, all nations wiii for tfijee'; 4 101 l -^And through the itMi ' tha^ comfeß fom iS'od' v 'j.cP Mankind shall then be truly free. % '-- ■ " . Faith of our Fathers, holy faith;™ ' * s •" ' v: We will be true'tolithee till^ death;? a r-.-: <•% -- s K, etr ' V n s P ite of *( he g lari ng alterations which-, had thus been ' "made, -the prompters of the Baptist' "gathering calmly put the hymn forward,. wifKoutf '&ualifica'tib'ni i : as beings thel work of C F. W. Faber.' ''*'" Ifl £ S On f H>% n g ,mto a numb,ei; ; pfuProtestanj;; -hymn-books, k-R'k -R'e v -find*tljat''thesfe English Baptists had- ample precedent for ~. J^flir_actiDji^3ja.jd i /that* & ther-practicen ofc ti faking I,*1 ,* rjOatholic »wbymns^=to*ißuit the "Of- uProfestantsr-^who ■ use ?^h]|n^is^3one might 11 sayj ' suniversally5 universally followed ' by^thencom1; J ''.All 'the .leading 'Pro^e'sfcant ®qUectK>|| |ontain a large- number^of ) '- Ihy1 hym 1 ns t ' by"^Catholic •io>wrltersl and wherejYer^a F distinct.ively Cjathplic touch or tone occurs the \jfordsjj are watered down or'the^ver^e.'is^iiltp'gether a omitted. We give one specimenf^a^mgie/s^mple'out a {jigreat manj® instanfiespiayailable^" .Th.e^first/vjerse.of, father kWM'ier's weM-know»riymny jiiQ,-cojme^ c and s mourn/iwithj me [ r X^hile ' — as| it loftJithe\-pen^ofiithe- wxiterhhrunajthusurc..jslorad O, Jcomej an%mquijn ,jvijh %o awk^/>(j fj,11.nqsix See, Mary o pap,§jpis-/jfco il hes._ J sidej\ r ./ ± c ~ c \u^', iely vi O, tcomej and let" us mourn -with her; M 9tU Aesus,! our LoW,Jis f .dr ! acified^J < I4Tg X . balnfehe -PrpAstaiJt fSr'fi?? ' O, Ijome - and~lnburn 1"~"1 "~" osii 51 Q , come y^ to the Saviour's side ; a g /IJLIM O, jeomel toge^bhel i^t^M moU]^?j t ';g%*aif I a Thi£mtttilated Wsion apneais- in Ancient,* and "^loWcrn^GhxiTch [ of Chufch y {P^aise r (l*resDyterian), v Qkm^btMvmmvry (Presbyterian), Wesley's Hymns '(Metho- » aexea^i^he^ork n W f^rMericK B Wirßam Ffife-e r ri)^i)*? r the ftgdAgregational HynYri&l^lbeiigltthe^dniySene^^i ofi-th§~five ''B*aentidrAed^- which gives the slightestoSntimatiorb iiiat rany ; been made. The changes thus introduced pr may no| be improvements: the point is, the diBeIM^Pf P > ut^ i P^^ l^J4*ttffe^ re^^? s^«-as .being the

; m Jjloiq ri nun .i.vj7 Jorr bib oik a-u;^ v«/;« x -jot J m j „^,,8 I tion. ■\v6>^a'do'pt J arandc^ommfend cto^ttbeCf notice *h of ii thesis j ppeWters? th'e^gorbus" protesiP m^deab^vJohn LWesley^in | tJie}WeW&m PVefH&j^^irfTß^nftl4-atewilriß the* rtilikaSs 818 1 and. botcheijs'of; $g;dayv r b H?ere^ { o'eg§te#e <:i i;6^men £ bi-o^/-«h'e ';' which,!, shou Jd>tg,#gtf ,\ }?%i'ii\ker}ed W^^been^n^^^^ gentlemen have done my brother and m,£r(tftqugfi*Vtfkoui>~ naming us) th^jhonp^^fl-xepr^n^n^anytpf^ur.^yjin^ *i 'ftow, tHey arenperfectly swelcQme^io fo vdp^,rPs9videdrv dp^,rPs9vided r£ i3b'je^^rint them«justi asithey,»af ei-^Bfit £[desire:>.the,y a w>quld npii-afctejnpt to toend'"themi;! forctheyureallynaTemoti abie.d'iNoneiofnthem f is ! able"tb'<men'd leiiher the> sense '"or jfthe'-verse. fdEher.ef orfejo l P jnust ' beg of^ them "biie %{ if aVors' : 1 [either; ato- <let i them :st_and -Just -'as tliey r arei v to- C; talre them^fdr^be-btfer'^f 6r ij worse j'-or rr i tHiW ( r^dm'g l inHhe / Wi.Tgih, ?or'^fe4he [ bottpm;^f the^Ragel-'ltyipYe^ .either for ,the iions'ense or,, f or^'the 'doggerel 'of* other^Vefl. 5 ' I

TJier e are , signs, .fj&ti . .sqni^ ide^clf ,' 'tHq [',*?s£ ', j&rength ' 6 and true inwardness jof ; the ( oam.Raign off.Qalumny^againsjb^lieJi Belgian administratioAiin <the. ; (3ongp 4s n ',at,''lastnjtieg ! inn\ng,l to penetrate the 1 ■Britishi.iniad/u although the an&VCath&lictf agitators and sensation-mongers -are v. making? .despairing! efforts to keep 1 ! their ' cause' alive/ I:^Theiff tfate&t scheme was!' the holding of"- a •< Congo 1 •ExhiTjitiqfij'-.dfc. whSfehiwas-fsho'wnf the alleged iristrurndnts J o^ / Belgi^^fci^elty/'Withi-''the> object of .sending' thrills arid ' cire'ep^ ' down 'tlie !spin^l' 'irijirrow^ofi the .gobemouches: m \ ■ Grullibre/ 'by^M/apparatu^' '>&&£• (Dar-5 lyle, 'all publics, . ajre V; , .and-, the? Cftngb '!r! r formers'"', 'are ; cfer-ij tainly sparing, nq,', pains , ( tq? secure appariaMs.'!! 'The artfulness and en.ergy;' say/s'^the, C'a.iJiotic 'liipes',^ os, the Congo agitators' . be. ( disputed." . .'They "'are ,ex-f tremely clever in working up sensational storjes a,p'4- pic-? tures. The- " Congo i Exhibition '^afcthefrHorticultuiral Hall is a^ masterstroke. ' the relics 'by which it has '.been! sought— -but' sought "in" vain-^to'a^aken^lforror kmongstj,thd British pliblic ' have been' produced ! uli V■Y ■ inst?almeiits,i ) as; i^ were. "Now ; they' 3 are massed' "- as a J ,-sort -6f grand object-lesson ,'reyealing ;th^ /ib.gxp'res^i'Ble 'cruelty of- "thie^Belii yian people. "The exh'ibi ( tibn'i''Wj'is' a >trictly !) ,a missibn'ary one in the religious' ) se.n*se'.^ , rftqre artistic; arrangejf ments could be made for harrqiying \]vip J'-JJone whatever, seeing .thati «loqtie.nt commentaries _^^the-exhibit^ were offered' 'by those j true and'; ;iwelttrieji s , antagonists of Belgian rule in the Congo, the EariLoi MaypV-D'r v ,!CJifisqrdii and the BeyT' John Harris. -• They 'did>ipaint , King Leopold and his subject's 'in' dkrk' ; "colors.' !'! ' Mr .''Harris was- shocked by the' thought "of anyone even doubting for t . a > (moment that the Belgians delight ' and ' persist in' 'atrocities:. - -He was amazed at the statement made' by Mr.;-Belloe'iii Pari lliament, that. Catholics . '^e r 'hot'^irf 'symp'athy^'Avith 'the agitator.B.; T.Mr.J Bellpc ; .was' '", 'incomprehensible.' Jt ' 'This affectation <of . a,qonvic|tiqiV l that,"a|l;'-righ : |i-minde& J men i 'must be I aghast; atoßelgiantWickediipss'is .fit[ f'qr^the^st'ag'e, "Wit not • fo^ i acceptance,,: by. persons 1 ,. „}v^( o .' ' are ' eiVdowed'SVitii r •common i ;-The;,B.elgians., are "well knpw,!! I>o ' be'.^r gciahe'ad people, good-natured, "p'acifiq,, a'u4[*nq^ ajb'.^all, -fond - of murder 'and^mutilation.':- .j'- >.;/.- ... ..,, f - "" ? ■■ - . ..;'"7w „/'"'' , ''''*> * 77 ' I".'1 ".' '•••-'•■ "I , ■' "Meanwhilej evridenc^ disinterested '''ana trustworthy kind dij.irvefutatiqn^.of^theJr^o^goV'calnmWs ' and exaggerations is»steadily i ;accuigiul'ating : .',.j;.AY i e'rdealt at " some lerigth :> with r - the -'W-hole;. subject oin; ourv issqV qf, f Sep- J< tember'23;- in 'wliich^we quoted ifrrom > a-" longijist of well- ' knqwn f tr'^veUers Yh'd/-spea;kihg/with- first-hand kno.wji'gdie " and. frqm. actual 'observation', -SveYe/'ifnanimdusiiMi declaring *! tha,t' in the 'cbursei. ;of'vaTKed tc Brnd ( m'qre«br3'ifeßs- ■lengthened .experience, th>y f >ad;jnev^ ; enc6lin^er r ed f tKe Alleged '-'^ftrodi- ' c ' ,ties:>\, JTheolajbesjt,,tes^mony/;liiicl?J The o lajbesjt,,tes^mony/;liiicl ? certainly^-nW iih'e'Meafet \ lvaluable, 1I( in ,>confiim)£tjon (^off tl^^iSdepSndeftt 1 .Witn'essfes - mentiojaedrisvtjfcberipyiii^^in; ffie.Ae.scriptiofl^gc'e'iitly Jf ■ issued % Beutdris7age»ty o pf I1 '' meii^who inverse sent tofl±het,Gspnigo 3 jeg?qn 7 on v b6half o'fl the o> British- tUvtoettmtentlßheJ esp^dition^/cpiisijtedoof^irr, E. •£ Tdmt, wlift^'ad^preYimtslyHd-esided^loromorl" I^a, mvEi ■ f fr. Bi^on-Simpsoiir a "tWiUlcf aid c ' H ;P^#«rdy:ji ail -aarbisifcO T&3ij*t" Al\mi%4>emfiß% fc^&h^ot^ gie-Museji^^in^re^nMa Wa^ifi'lni^'^fiifesa^ tke 1 ,th*.f opteagqs ' ngf< e f^MtfffM^J^ 4Wa"/thiirs - prplongedawai^rings^nd, fi*Jfform^jSu^ i*^Stti^&tiAi,do whatc^id- tt«Wi^P«^ n 9S&^ iitOC -appeared:oin'fitlie JXaifo. Mspfcito m {j3^iW s pnst&m .in** !'Ootober;cl9o7, s^ha^tqav^Uftrfe iHmdm S?nt?ti4li# t vo«< year^i iniftlfe greatvf of'<fets, . plaihs^iaijidfljiy^oflfevlieirt^ ti'-bhe^mipfxo 'Pffocbedingo^aifcraj,^ f^ 3i ffflMi |to a t Leopoldvillo'; • \WpW^ s dm^^s£ayr^as- made, travelled jon_ _tp_JDinia, _ajbout_6o£_miles in the interifer.

'rmT- ' ife : w f» gorier ai/di b/;fi ;xit>^ M H u>\ fa,w>l -jib biui rB^ f ToS^H^ he ?" eil<th^ Uem<ained> -ataongu.the JBj^aW f^nVl? r ? tt ' <B a3Kl s fehfeii P^eGe-ededanorthni/dvtheoLoniSla wWfRW^.^ 1?"^1 ?"^' 6 '^? l^r^e'-jporfcidnUfrftheiitime^abbut '.te« a ?Hp^% fig^^mt;«^ver^^a^sirfgle«» f of ■T.difficuJtjy.^it^H^ I^^ #e^S, Of t>these M B j SJUJmA-^BBpn r i sO ? ll V^ t I hfey dxre ijeljh'4sK«ypr fwua^he^/Ertgl/shq gentlemen, will f pr.ob.ably not havefiii-"-■^^^^tjieir^ popularity ' with; ascertain' section fW the f^ea-^jil? Ji'aV.^tli^ sa'tisfkctibn f.jof-jknowing^thatjthly haye/gi,ven the "truth a' '"niiicH-'ne&ed

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1929

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Current Topics New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1929

Current Topics New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1929