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Irish News

* A^T^lflahißfiSws^tte JPfilfeiophy cl?"" 1 . 070 JihlßS 8 laibuMtfl thfU aatfWLto&iMii&fae bourse oT wffl^ucn^ evidence was fen d ?red,__tiie^gvy Qouncil dismispdo^he^ »|p«# < V^Srfti9r t frsr?^ l S v ife that^cholastic Philosdph^^hsltefi We W^e^uW^g^fWFalSlty 6i Arts.^houlU be HfiEvl -lal^d^iiafee^pmlltlo-M^iC^Mcls-l^ere practi^fi^'teMl o^ by! J 1 ?-- the ! Ma^uit^b^^LonWifi-^, d !^™4 evidence given by rW* <FiftW Pmlay} S-.3V,! oTiiCtheSeMcludfn &^S| irw.a^)fia&fcli rw.a^)fia&fcl in^P structive and erudite. .sdo&idriA ! VS CAVAN^lltness^f^the-Bfshop | 6^^fa?#t| 16^!*! 1^^^ •'P^-b!^* flii^^&^P Most Rev. Dr. Boy- — 3 Wl» sh #Dpl Sl Jwll^ma s IgijUleriousljSjyfifflKlMbliaAfrTT CLARE—White Gloves for the Judge ■ ~ mTA «a« q|uaker^S^sions on October 14, &W& f Cqu^-jJffid^erfßodkjni^jya^o jWresented "wiW'^vMt^ M 5^ 8 -rn ' the absence of any criminal Jbusiness. 1 a; haoTriow he was gloves^in >ft §tf6ckP \MBxWi.) & j l7^w li du^n DUBLIN-Death of Judge Fitzgibbon— -^i^^^ "^ fbd>Wemh l ¥?8M&, fcqa notice IMedatlMi LotdtfiJflstiq^ |F-itjigibbjjn 151 5{ G a. report 'of 3 wliQse v> demisa,j\'as / cabled-out- at the. time,-says: -=-A -judge vtfo'lcswssmfot" ! ' m&*s»* p6wS#Bi?«J dl y' %ffio^;,c^ftiiidS] numane gentleman of oroaa and liberal views, his death Tnll evoke feelings J .6fi widespread and genuine^ regret^not- only , amongst fheCifensstand\ Bar, but of /fch,e .public generally", who appreciated the hign character and' the many sterling public 'aiid °p¥iy!a%e I^^ of. , th^ deceased Lord -Justice. -,[A cabiem ! essa ! gleg 1 c' v '¥etteived' Oi ■last wee>. stated' tKaft/.Mr^'R^Cherryl^K.^r^'t^r^y-^ 'General .for, Jreland, Succeeds^th.e t late LorS'^JuEl^ 1 PSz- : gibbon as Lord. Justice "of ' Appeal' for' li'elanttT] '"" u '' " sJ J-' r "' DUBLIN-rThe Archdiocese , , , r -I-i'Qm -Bishop Donrie.]iy','s,articie on • DuTSl'inj 1 *- colilribiited 1 ' to "Vol." V. of the CatKolic' Encyclopedia, We? gather there' ; are 74 parishes, ,in and 70 parish (Erie&te ; 190 -,j curates, 247 regular clergy; _193__public churches," cliapejs,^ and oratories, with a Catholic population of 407,514, the non-Catholics being 112,498. The Protestants still hold the two Cathedrals, Christ Church, and St. Patrick's, built by Catholics, and stolen from them at the ' Reformation.' Christ. Church, formerly 1 ''Cathedral, was founded Hii" 1038 by Eing'SitrTc'ir/ Si?.'-- Pa^rfek's dates from- 1190^. aijd,;was founded.,by Arohbishop>,C.omyn,, ,„ The r f Catholics' have a Pro-"Catheafal', t tne'ftfund'ati6 v ri^'of l which were,rlaidiJby9-Ar(shbifib.ppofTjov;|TthP|Tthe )I 'enoV ?{&i the 33 eighteenth century,. . TO I> - M X Q oi'*±™u,{bjwh ;Y Catholic aTrtith , bl ,«, Bl u-.«rizru:x)/i > ''" ' - HJis^Einin^nce * Cardinal ionly rstatfed ,-a> ff act when he said at the seventeenth Annual Conference .of gthe Catholic - Truth r ,'Sqciety L <pfT^ Ireland- $iat ;the,,j organisation was i£ r, becoming more vigorous" and 'more "useful eVery 'jreaV.-'- ? This " year's Conference (says the Catholic TimesY^'ds unquestionably the most, ducoesfef ill rvyefefhe^dj^saod, 1 tfte^pr-oceedmg.s.jgave 8 -' promise of a splendid future. " The paper on' ' The' Intellectual Claims- ! "of -''-the'"> Catlro'fijaehuli-clil'A a-ea'd^X^j Dr. Windle was notable not merely,. f 011 r the amount of information it contained, bM^i^io^itP^^miive^spmtU The -xfiSclfi»7orMoiflS) active, .exaggerates and finds fault when there is, no good: ground for nfakr?ig'XM'ca r d'cnSa T l{ib&. gaa^gall^es^mu^t A^eo|lij fc with,, .. but they cannot be exposed, unless the miryjsr o^^hose who" ° sunder take, the task^of exposure are well scored wrth knowißd"ge. o r 'TBel-'TOevi* tw"a§3^ tftaenewhfemsat ifeasimpSr.fe important for Catholics to secure r a,,SQlid eduQation, and we are clad to observe that the CscmuMW%elWstrß Rising sbwtiWlW)f 'their 1 W6rtfeiiti^s!.eDXfMoßiK;admii>able is the *W)W Worlß. l b> thentdfflhLer Catholltfiß MWWsiTeciJ^tb tke^fifeWfiWni^eifaity!. «My rule,' said his Eminence, ' would be to take the best man you can ,get±o teach a subject whether heilQDp^rJesHriSHSila^&ian.' [ \JStlifllisJs_ o *Sre ( sdnlgti*n!es9chlifgeUatviitlvlie wft^tgofc zeal for >? mfental ifepf6v-etttGttt?uimtefances Iswhadwl^Qus show thStf 1 * charges of the kind are baseless and absu^qUoj^ x ofßUnL^ersitjwCqUeg^y/ ,391, 39 - Repiyink to ' a"ddresse§ Gort on Sunday, October 17, Most Rev. Dr. ODea said he feared the geople of did not yet appreciate the magnitude and Belfast £16,000 every year more than Galway, though formerly the thiee Colleges were equal. What made this

'SHffllftW-: 0 * the J L^ d^ife*y7*Ua^Hpiffie.i.dfcE^oidstß^id sWWg&SWi 1 striveh> »«fsi/^.eJft!»a$ > * h , em within v the hmitsv/ofiiGo^ MriiMf& $£b£ a ß!W4ti with od ' s rK§^tp^^yiirae^s^ffprt^^ilfor-tto S^fc&dit&e^erpre, of P^M^ OTdlA D .^ibPiy^§elil^a a l^ W?" L^ d^*P # ld Wbeinrst, the*pßwer^f o cpiwaision^Sn "failure of agreement jagedah^/^lsaffi'ciintlia^unlSEe seats of congestion, bW%%^o°^k^agd TJthe^Wsatj&Ojtpurehafel^^^ eif ect the necessary -enlargements_ l of_holos£igs T/IWdZ^n&%€*£ft£M*&m body f aiT WyMandJgrd^niateHan^yan&lth powers Ito.cfulfflcd^sd.plur^psea^iwithou-b* depenfine SW?? 3^ 5 Wife be wholly worthless; it certainlr^puTCnpi) ?l^nlfl|^nt\e doubTO^^ l /lhe!lai4to.vßS¥bh an enthusiasticnwelcome«i*&ddj:e,sseß.T.were rore;<f#?^.3#r, h i s £ ordsh^% om *;RJr ie £ ts and pWre, in xeply-To WeMit'^ #faraha%/^ saM, fecMd &csffiOT^^#£P c'e ' "tmost-interest -the. success_of *jM&M&Stfaß he ) d t |^&^ est ,- fpLfy/hadffiSen a ma-gni ) nßen < F5F 5 siiccessß fit* Patrick's Temperajjcel^easiie whether its "work would! be'/laßiing;? /JSeT w^'munhi mist'aSn | convinced that , a;lmoiement'?. againWWwk (Z^Ml!sss*& T3T 3 asSTrnxNement- for - Home-tfu'le^op^ihe ."3r5»«- / o* 7 h « ]^ nd > andshJSHrosld J^muchj.surDrised and 0 " 1 ! 5 **? from the strength of thai con vicl^ 'the new rr^gu^'did ndt continuejrjto livf,; ( and, witlx God's., blessing, n Yi'd%eifl^fbr tsll time; r j; theHC^ifcof^rink;^ 1 6'6 ' LTLITOMCIg-Bridging the Shanno^'^iTh' % ai Vj ':,r „->An(i^pential committeeJhas 'been' s appointed Castle-'-??£?fUvk° .v. v / ge the "? J ) m ?? i - ( ?J !: -v a S Ld are County "Councils to . build a/bndge across HW'Shanlion W'-Casileconn'ellAWj A MONAOHAN—f he. BishopVlPolitical Faith On the afternoon of his consecration as Bishop of Clogher, the Most Rev. Dr. McKenna, replying to, among others, an address from the Monaghan^Uiuted Irish. League said he was at one with them, not* merely* believing in rifch&;, qftfngggugu&o manage successfully. ; fche affairs lf> o| tb^^cou^tryj, b b v ut in hpldine r tha±/the' onW'a^d k only way rfbject orail gWd governmerit^-namely, the o *^?^^."™6™ 6 teiHpWal'Veliabeing-an'd happiness of the peopie-^jbuia^be brl^sa-fcisfactoj-ily obtained in - l«hdow;as by /placihgKthe.idirection^ojEiats, .destinies in the hands of its own people. It had always seemed incomprehensible to him how any sane Irishman could contend that vTdaotoodyuKofe tsint6lMgent{ f lr,ishmen, f .^hq, .loved, itbeir country,' welfare^andjpMg^ i i- nt.iffr]^*®^itf}™wF™fi?Fti f Ae^ a^H^het^condi. tions or its problems, 'and J whose 1 ' sympathies wereireStirely with diheir- \o,wn, jpeople^ j jwould „npt-m anage^the* affairs of Irelan&sip. .e.xerji^conieei^able^ c^roumstknV^^finitely better than aibi)dy.o i frstsapger^j^6;had^no w iriteVeMjin the country except in so far aJ as itcser^ea. ,6he^i ; own^mtrposes; who had no sympathy with the people, who" "aid ncrt/xmderstand their wants, and who in any case had not the time, even" if The English had not, comes" ta IreTand^'oUfe bf J mire%itruistic love for j^hg, country', afld^tlie^^did'.'jiSt there out of pure altrmsm. p They"h'aWffon\ tlie^ begiiiiiing tried to run Ireland for^nflaaa > s fl; bWefi^so WMg WtiVio far as they could safely^ do so. The result of their rule in Ireland, fcfkom the f point oL view .of Ireland's interests, tried by any and every^sßf^dm-e'nl a.«teai-' falHffeV/imecMfl Events had proved that i^Wdh iMv <4htough gbver^nmeift by Irishmen . prosp^eHty S,nH t happiness xcouldl He • I th'6raurghlyoappro^d6o^thejseu>i{iment Jhaiptb^tJnxted Irish/nLeafsue shQuld^e^mainitained as:'t%' sup^ike K^jM&l organisation. As far as any concerned^h^^^g^ou^dfgiye it^f^^aintaiiiiW^aTrtd'^trengthening that. ocganisati'oii' 'B*o; Wa^ -Ire] l ifia^fnightis^'§ak^. With one Voice 5 , and move<WWie%o% onTitsUoadbta ffeSdom/ TIPPER°ARV-^ISih o a r k \f <f^2^ 4# a^» occur JS d recentty of Mr. William Ryan, Palchairman ofnSie T^iperary ob cJTßaSdians. The late Mr. Ryan took, a prominent part in the '67 and subsequent

movements, Vand^^is^an^^^eftt^ and jSgacere Njajaoiialist all fortified by sultEe mes qf^thq <2hxircli, of which he was. a most devoted member. •>H ! ifet^eWsSrns were interred in the family bury ing-place at Old Pallas. ftfee. Wexlord Bjoard ofG-ua^dians'f LaaytjMfturic'er -Fitgejald j^chairmaiij jsresiding > :^Mrs.- --T^jf.-;' He^^^^iwele^ted-xice-chtfirmaH' fir place>6f Mrs.-.fMw;AT,; \^^WSp^SO§OST. y'%aß''irdorJnedy '%aß''irdorJned the^Wejprf <rf<k PaiSiaers 5 Society 'ffia^as^if^ititild; interfere^witß >nUmstmg«/, industry in the. AoVin^'^e^'djepaTtmeiit woiild *ai«t -giy^e " finaS^iat < «idttola.,pipiectijiQ, < start v a, J>apon factory,. "but would h be isi^aredrrto?suppor;t£asdea^meaC a ]p|^|tir.f^tiie§jvmrii^ y-.?.\K< •*« v^V " s:SS Fat^i^3!iiaiiEewH6'/iGpu^t^sWexfo v r<l -blisybe^e'tt^s^ndilfedf'lßy}^ the^eWij^iuJfiisvSSth^ye^arf^or.^Vriv George. C; "Bobe^s, JJR;7 , a fri|pyj^g^b.odyj^£^ (MiiCf^jSbiiu.a-.xlobertsy, accompanied:' by, his son Gtppgejfr^rA^ grancl ■demonstration took place in_the grounds- OT?tTie s Pr|-'^ sen^at¥iqn>ppnveat, ? where ,^athe,r^JVlatheTp.:admini^te'red,. thV; ' pledg%j^a!oy|vb.y^ his- side. ;w,ere «■ Joshuattßobertsr ,and his*\Spii.. L '; Less^nUn^blirree-^eafst aft'erwaTd'sv'tMr? £G i eo'fge;^l9Jb'er t ts,v on. ' the fdea%h" vof a his, ; fa : ther.^ was iappoint§'d:',a^e'ni; : jto2.ih"^ J3arls: of PfrMihotifn^antlf^ ing |^l§o6l->'v\ Hi? -m^mdpy.^waslkeen^to/.tlTelJa^t; afid~iif£{ hadf;^«?\y-th r filling > ;tale& .oi'tlig* famine "p.eri.od.' yjSie\yf'Si»4\ fond iStHelli^g 'hil'ixeliQilectipn^ :6f , JTather Clon^a^^a3iit:ol|3onnaj|^fe^a^@fe-^^: American Visitors (GJaptain, t O^Meagherf C left^ Qiieeii^tpwyL on./rhursd'ay^p^ctobpiv^o'&R'sNiM "Kprkijo On "bo,ard ";the '.. liner.' s'peechek.gwefe^ deliyjere/J^bj -Qat>^iiu,oE: Done|a£n,!M;P;^Mf :^osepr'&ej^in, M^ and^heg^sJtipPd Kj pf Robkhampton AT^rlalii -flatter o^^homa prom^sedf,! hbe^al-stip^ort^rom^ Ausira^a m fu^^an^ The Elec^aljP.uthwk^Jn^lstcEf^ojc^ 081 & BYI Much interest is manifested in -the-political~outlooknr-Ulster in view of a general election. The Liberals in Ulster, who for many, years iha^Shk^iifexi/ fcpno footing in the constituencies, have ' of- .grace this year, and mean to run a,serie's oAcajaH^aii^. / //'ln/N'orth Tyrone, where Mr. Redmond ; 'Sßar^^^^je'sen't^h^ld^^ seat, the Tories are again putt^g^Q%*%ra9^'Cathdliij^jaionist in IjLe person of Mr. Denis^L"6ni^| : fJaUawy^r|^ij|^liip eye on a judgeship. As tl{ejQ7is7a]:T^sy?6andldaijelis^p6uth Tyrone, Mr. T. W. Riissellr^wUliliave'ttp jfiglti^one'elinor.C There is little question that~"-h7e^will^m.^!^K^MTdßE^rone the seat is safe for the Nati6naiist;<nfe^^MjK. "iV^uiTiaghan, and in East Tyrone it is have so improved their positionviCoß?,Ltfi*e' Mr. Kettle, should he stand agam,'^m^]be^b|Je^^cQmmand an effective majority. The Edinburgh Cathjpfy&x<E^alj& r e&pp}fes a correspondent with the following information showing what the Irish Parliamentary party has achievetl^for Ireland : — The 1881 Land Act reduced^' ren,ts .l)yj 14 £23059^42' J 6,.' i / I ,^ipßh]ev;se^ei\al Land Purchase Acts passed* : be-fijv'eeh A 1885 and 1891 involved an T expenditurerofc j£4o;ooo;ooo in* making th'gHgffahls'.'iih'e^owif- , ers ofiotiieiii: holdings. -'>-The of 1!'wipeditftutivenjbirely -over-5£2?000;-000«6¥ arVe^rg. oJj^n^Mi|K n tion Act of 1882 transferring tenants from poor lafiiSs Ho richer an expeji(|itu:r«t?of>-t£^jOlQp,()OQ:iiniThe'T Light Act 'of A IBB2 entailed the expendiiiurdo ofnu £1,600,000 in providing the tenants with f apilitiesa for-.p bringing -theirr^rodiice^fiiore^ eg&ily^ anf market^-JHiel'conditifes , SttdSrJ wlfi'dh ibhf Irfsn! I'aßiorers^liye f * has b^BnivlCstly' improved, B> there a^c'ap?tSim'«a^ c sh the fitsf l iMban G |"of^ , l Mqo6» L with Sfl'^nnual lf? exp'en'ai 1 6Cir|' i si¥c i e w oF°£l^O,D6Df 'or a tp^l^ of £4,640,000 for the provision of new dwellings for 'line „' agricuitural^borers, "and^evfensifliese sums lravg^i^Se 1 * augmented" by a fiirther sunuVof dE^<SOOjOOO forrf%lf£ gasmese s purpose. The AgriciUturaL Rating. .^topf^lSa? j>sp,Y<jdedni for thf ri spem^g fc frf £l,2l6^pj)js!|^facJSt l^ few oPWe^^asure^qof^for^^wnjj^ojb tbevjsishoipftoplfenj througti 1 PSrimment'ary effort, and..^ji^liemjocani<J)ej.dadded! j Local Self-Government and the recent University, Act. . -,-» .►, Maf^^rJ^^^mlS^ali^f^d^^ Lumba^6, weaken4^}Jjx*^ l^ sxcrwc^ ai^ n ® n^ a * ]lliii ' a ?^ "digagu couraged by the failure. of '' cure-aUs "to give relief, has been speedily and effectually / ]cu¥ed v< by RHEUMO — the one remedy for theseaturio! adid'i^iseases. All chemiss and stores, 2s^,d 4! an j dK4's 6d.

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1947

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Irish News New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1947

Irish News New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1947