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) fi.ire ! ,._.,.i ,•■.•'! ;.».-. r .-}■:.' »- ? "'^- •r.<.^,.n--»itiiti-?x,O'' ''o v.'yA'viir. \ Quality ■not^Q'iiantity"'' ri - r T!i r^'^^Hfn no rafw« 'u>

; Presbyterian SfcbtlariicPs, Bj|rtii^at^;

vubi«ii' The Strike:"A"Da^nffei'6us l ''Weapori iJiH^^ <-«■'/ -yt-ni'V

General d'Amade and Rbnie '

\ " ■' { '."■ -<■>'•< MUjujj. / '<ii.i vi mmv Du:f rfiiu'liljjiioo »vi t > ; ...... It,, is, .Jj.qtj. tfee number «f, I CaJJboft8 Bl th ffi b fl ojauiiW^Sasa, ; the San. Francisco ifefisitheykiiaduof-^athcdicei j that, ,makes,,t;lie . diffe,re,n,qe, l(n P^thqlics, l i\Yh,&- i ,neYerhigo „to ' 1 Mass are, so, much .dead w>qo/i/(-j!Cathp]^qst^hose(li,w > qo/i/(-j!Cathp]^qs t^hose(li,v le^1 e^ ar© n a . [ scandal to the. yery pagans^are thye (! shame,. of '.the^Ghurch,,, |. Catholics whose Catholicity., is. apparent only at election J time are our bane, and Cajbl^pljcs consi*|tjfc'> , in cursing the" A. P. A. are a"yeritabie plague." Catholic wortli* cpuiiting' is tlie" 'CatholicMvlio'live's 0 . teaching of his' religion, Ayhajp.beys^her'laws^^icl is^ofj^pp^',: ; report to them tha/t are.^th'gut.' ",','.. . U i,lu^ ",., "" „-„,

i 'In a specia.l article'lthe SeofamtW'lateiy idisciissods-tlie' 1 ' 1 decreasing birth-rate in^Scotlandj (; aiid 'quoted 11 ' a n'xfmber^of;! official returns 'cm "the '* subject. 1 ! The general ; 4'e&ufts' '^of^rtiF - i nvestig'atioii, extending 'over - the • past Jps ' years; [ .90^©''^ . , 'this: 'that thp .birth'.-^ate in Scptlancif^i , .']Scp|9f^ber;,riap£ J .was ,the, lowest ,r,ccordcd diuung. all'tthat period-!^ : The paper; f - makes a candid ', confiteoi; ' :-* It is .rapidly, becoming; -with. , us as it, was. in Home, in ,the days of- Augustus— the \^ollri t • to-do shrink from the- responsibilities of:marria'ge. >v>.'-'. ,-iW'e -- are only twenty-one years ''behind France 'in 'the race' 'of > the ♦ declining! birth-rate: ■. ". Scotland stands ' to-day" -'wn'^e- ' : France stood in 1888. Truly, 1 this on'glrf tb ( shake "oiir'iia^"' tional self-sati'sfactibn.' J ■'-'•'" ! '" : " 'I- I.1 '. iJ ' i r ■•' ll «'' ! vv^.-.--, , The. {Scotsman, goes oil to that, a:geueration.,ago t fthe.; Scottish Presbyterian gave, thanks that ;he. was.not as -these ■ 'Romanists..- Noav,. it is sorrowfully acknowledged that '.'the 1 , land of the Covenanters ■ has 1 set' forth' 61V -the rdad'-' TV'-liich: ' ,meails' at its en d- I—national1 — national suicide.' i( ; llf <: *" J J ! lsill J "> ! And the t paper" conies to the obvious : an^d' <^proper jCOii--; elusion: ' These questions belong' 'primarily 'tq^ thie '^fipliere'. of religion t . . yet the, churches, have,^ { spundedj , up ' \\ote\,\ ,of warning, . . . „it., it. w,puld ,need a, um,ted,, a national. r . ■church, . , . ,but Scotland, /possesses no , lon,ger :i such :a<>, 'church.', ,i. v , .it , i: . >.. i> ,!mi,ls «<! ,-:<w trrsoj^.:.'*: «■-. • Upon I 'which 'the'Eiyihdui'gh^OatKqU^'EefdlW-^ib whoni' a> ; we are indebted for thd"SsUm<M e^i^ct's^ap'tlyf remarijs : ;' If this Avere ' Catholic assertion it woiild 1 nq'Jdpubt^b'e { 'hq{;Ty k JC [ controverted or condemiagclj,^ J^is_Jhe^de,spairing' confession of Scotland's leading newspaper"" To *th"e~adversaries of the Catholic Church* ,;who Vhave'J been;;' phortling^fp^^'j'Uhe shortsighted conclusions drawn from rigged^data by "Mr. Joseph McCabc, et hoc, over the Decay of Rome, the. Scotsman article may, Tic appropriately commended.'^ '"^'' i s' r ' .■''^ r

j !■:« ',-t, 1/ / -n; id-.:) do' \i. ib-nlin'-J 'i .'kwoi, * AVearewgladjto note , that,* accprcjiflgyto, latestitelegfcajn^,) 7 tliere-, is a ,f aiivprpspeet of thej^iest/Coast; coftl vSki&fee &§ing Satisfactorily! r £ettlcdji;« Tlierei c'antbe nd/twplopinibusf asrtoiithey^ necessity and 'benefit' bf>u^iWa.mbh'g f tl{e workers, K ( lIa f s { Taise < cB t ' 1 them ypjmoralfy ; shor,teiffi4 ij thoißjJiqw:R tl p£ # toijb a -jbrftught Bal>8 al>p tvt vt { cpipdia&on^, aiid/aij;l>itr4tio)i:iii,i>radQldis'pute¥j and^endedl those, itthumjin ?.;■< ?' oiiditioiti'v pf^laU6rl/ I tliafl£ made<>fa'6tf6ry-'Efe. I <ii»iEtilg]la'rfd aO'J offfl'-'of> romVthTe^arTy Jtf^h^itfdnSMfcgyo^J X,, .Jt — .y3eiJ3»i»j'i-)Jiil .J'. 1 , .iuyiaoia,, .Ji— .-roixiaf, — .: won node - Pl?^;^^!^^P I ?^;^^!^^^ o .^^ lo^ 1 -.^!!^ wo^rsj^rig^t o|, fi , Association <beypn;d tliose^ith^t^ej ser#ice^Q| x ,^ §£&t^(4Rftl/i , the, u l?B t §tJ in^iiestSjipf^.tlift^BiibUc^ <^a;lx Oi gpjn&i^ n J3)}fr a * i atrikex)is,<)a:xdaugei;ausi'\ve,apojiv Jt>l^u.ts,ji^obj-aj£;<^r opritVfiol > wheeWofuitfationul progresßyt'itP'ifnriMs'hesi aiiii:pbcasiohiif6r nr : bitter* otfijtriilifes and^sSmefcimWs 0 forTgrave^a&bTdei^ati^it'q-* ; iWatiy/fnti&s 7 h^^hife^^Mp^ im*v}lfj lie* Sujp?' r Bide,4l}A () spo R e, 7v of^,^iij}^e l dja i te I ,m^rests yjftPjd^fSwM^j • Like* f the, >war,^of< rifleHbulletsband nifcuWfAW? - ; • l)e entered! upon* only as the.lasfrremedyfforiiserious.fTCrongs , ; when all other reasonable means have failed.

'■i.i')^ ,' :j J.i.Uir- 1 -: — .'^■tr*— :n.t j '" ■ r — r T' '" -_' -*~ In ~his~'"Political~"Ecb T nbmy' > " (one ~6f"th~e T'Stonyhurst Manuals ( )Catholib"jvPhilosophy)y{JMri!>=Charles iS. D'dvas' sayisi:»> 'iStnikesj alre.oonly/f justifitubleb twheni ftheyiaim> at) some benefit 3 fog nthe>< woflkmeuj jiwllich ito is jun j ust- "> in^ ■ the ; master tp? refuse,- jajid vhip) 1 can, only be)ob,tain^dnintMs way>;t arid it is only too unlikely{ thajtnthefiejfCpnddtionsa'W-illnnbt »be-. fulfilled, and that the^^txike»«»dlL»in : «con.sequence be an j injustice. And in soiie"~induiiries arid employments which r minister to the daily wants of society produce such inconvenience, that ifpth% .KecpTrpe frequent, no civilised Government could endure" theiri : for example, general strikes of coal-miners,- or-.dock-iwor-kers, or even' local strikes of workers on railways, or tram\yays ? , r jor<)in c ,, gasworks.'; The conditions laid down by the Catholic^ economist are manifestly » 'sound 1 / T an"d !o in'' view of 'the' facilities ' afforded irt'Neiv 'Zealand- tfbr 1 'settling iii'dustrial disputes ' by ''conciliation and 'of 1 the "existing 1 strike cannot possibly'' tie" jits'tifie'd-,^however much ; biie' might desire" to<Ssee i sthe"ineri' ! s 'legitimate "grievances redressed. " ' "

r< ". n A jPrench'^e'neraj^d'Amade the name of, iim— lately r^n ' atrioW. 'in/'"aii ! ' interview' .with the anticlerical Paris journal; o tlie^Matiri.' 1 ' Tlie result is that lie has had' to* be sent into retirement — for a "spa^ce 1 — so tliat He may have an opportunity of acquiring the knowledge — even more useful to fighting men,than j; tp me_n s .pj\ peate-rof,.liow.,to - t keep his feet warm an^liis^'hea'd cool'. I ''"'We' take the~ liberty of qsuggestingjrthati an ace-hag' would,' be a useful adjunct to Ml th i e,iScen,e .of-, his ; . . ,-The General/ says the Rome, corijesp.ondent, of the London. Tablet., of October, 16, 'alleged that the- Vatican, was inciting and encouraging the Spaniards in Moroc'po iii order to prejudice French interests 'there'," and he alleged as a proof of this that the Holy 1 See 'had removed 'all the French 'missionaries in the country- and replaced .them by Spanish ! Friars. The truth is/ >the Osservator,e- points out, that Morocco has been for a long time a.Yicariate*Apostolic entrusted to the Spanish Franciscans^ , ; When, i, the .French- ■ Government sent- its expedition against, the , .Chouias it failed to . send any military chaplains with .the troops.. They were, lovingly , assisted by the Spanish missionaries, who , warm personal thanks from the soldiers who benefited by their ministrations. But the Holy See did not stop at that. At the instance of French Catholics it used its influence with the Vicar- Apostolic of Morocco- to> secure the temporary assistance, of French Franciscans to attend to the French soldiers,, and these French, religious remained "with the troops until the latter., -were withdrawn. The Osser-> vatore very pertinently turns the argument, against the French authorities by pointing out that when France took possession of Tunis it lost no time in "securing the removal of the Italian ' CapucKi'ns, who had been' in the country for- a 'long time and had" done good work on the mission, and Spain, showing itself anxious for" the presence of its own missionaries in Morocco, was only following the conduct, of all other , countries with x foreign possessions.' .

This . disppses of General d'Amade's '.fairy ,tale of a,, far-off, land. | , v The reader will duly note, how -plain a tale has put hini 1 down. ' l '"' ' r - ,

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1942

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Notes New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1942

Notes New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1942