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The New Zealand TABLET THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1909.

•"' s S^|^^?« i N.-the:mindssof most of -.our- readers j .or at least ?>l ,^ ! Ljn ,>- in th ? n } inds °* those of them who follow-Impe-«rosJ ! [SL^V'FJ&f E^J^K^"'^ ques|;ions\wiir^atTii ! ally arise '^y WiSPJ"? 4?.&°. n ~ : ere sdXrfh^ofiio<.??<-:1&& Lgrds,' justified In „r ejecting .th^Budget ? * a ?&c**3^^'i^s(2)b<Wliat;javilLi benvthe.} issues-. in)othe.Mconiiiig * mi sßjfflr 3 "'eleclribA»P* and '(3) What "bearing;-if "any^will Sa',tjT-«^i*' -r.;,: th ?j election ,have on the prospects. -6f "Home-■ws-jO , .•ji.^an;:acaaemic^ques^i,ojv, a^.ma&^erjver.y; briefly sid'ismissed.noiiTheSfact rbh'at Lord Mfarley—wHo; riiader .perhaps t^ weightiest speech against .the Peers' action— a^h'iked -aH\sthejq^aet r ,nnjoted^fby Si tth,e Law JsmnQhi^^h^ey^ting, of the sixteen Peers havingjigudicial' experience showedsthe '^veiglit of : 'legal bi?im'on 7 -t'd«'o'eVa^ain'st' f Hh'e> i Vib\v the |*PWs ll'Sd viblaW&'e tJon'^ttffiMV^Je^^a^^^lly Action-, r.': Asoffco 1 the-»wisd6m«pr)(piDlicyßof*<thesaction,gthe) Lords f> fi ehcm t solves' sV h f ad fr! - : fco- ! ;^e^erhiihe ofiJ0 f iJ tlialP' Wa^Hfrei^ funeral. rejecting crude and /^lrtfiougji,t-o^t,. i g4u9^Bn !o ßiP i a, aG and wlffiieTsomStMilg* may be said as xtoqiheomecessity "an ~iMjpwdfent-'Seco^-d~e]rainbeT~a^a~sßcuTity-^or--Btability Tfi fegMfcion^lQ ©r&ish oftenlblSEled the way to^ifi^^^^^b^fjg^jjjgjgidation thai in - 01^^?^ 81^ if > as " - an-outcome of the present-crisis, the Peers come back with bn^giSriPOYMSoJ^Biedls, #3ir^ed.j a9l Tgie lv genial >t fcejing reca&ongl JfewaZeaJandfersßtwillqbejgpSeiifiyi. muehsitlfatr implied :o uPte%ns\^er3gfveif 'fi£ a s^etfbMt 'tiibf&ifgfcgo&g' Ghirrch- . •m^ffiq, o To^agqagg e d- f if ij nVTlw^as^6i]il H^fibsftttferaffof a the funeral, l)ut IWJm2ssl&k4l YiQ BtrrjOOjV' •' V ' _ t HOftT4OG'O .£ * jn_ the_ coming contest ? They will be etefcod* <ya*toiisly7| acwrdjpgn to Ahfi political sympathies aha parQr afenmes b ot nbhe" 8 ' speaker. Lord Lansagainst the Budget, one or two Houses or Parliament, £and Socialism or ';S3Oji-Bbut ] wliMevefrtTieYtoinor issues may be, it^m'ay -^e'^^^as Jpra'c^icalTy ceVfcaiif, thUt' not Socialism,

.<■■> <nij ;/•'>!'! i«]' Ysi'bii(; J^j-j-. f a; * i ■ j i J .-; m,j!j Jwl '/'»'' andlnotueven. thei<-merifesi ofaJth"ettJßudget} J >but' J-thef-abolitibn'/-of tlie,/ Lords' right '"of ken't^iip^f^nr the H ]YiJl u 'be, / jUjj^ygreat jOU^sjbanding str.uggle viM Irish leadersrarefihopefu'luthaiji'HomeKßule%lso^/ill ; b ; ce T m'ade7 a ; direct" i anVi' ? vJta i i issue." io 'In, ak^Merview^at'^iteenstown'/ ju^t ; , prior j^ Jaftviqgj- on s fyp R American^; tour^ bMff D T .-i W»' o'C,oy.ft<)r,3(AYas L . i aske>cl: j) l 'ji)!Q,nyouuitiliink ithe<j LiberahiParty willismake"'Home,<RuleHa domiii r ant |l issue > <at th r e' : f drtilibbnihi'g ' electton'P I "'' A4ia%is r rfeply 1 >a > sV?JvFkiertainly;;db^h4i{£ c yey :: wi11.. , T,heije u .iSrino Jl! l^i£eral o c i^ididat'ej; > .whp j ,,.^ .lias stppd i r iqr Parli£iinent < ,(|u / i\ing..Jhe last, yeajj-andiiajihalf i-who; ihasi not.been. ask'ed'>th^ qufe'stionV'i f - r A^reny'6u in "favor' of 'Homy^Rnile ?•'-'' and, 1^ favor J '6'f malting .tliis^a vital": issue at tl^e coming election /, V M/ ■&•$ d , in 03 ? 6 bUjt^onei we jha)ve .gp^ an l efn.i>hatfc > >'an,a iprompt; "jYles "• onuboth^these/ questioiis/- id I£[:;thfe? 'lrish,/' 'question' is>i"-not •< -placed I ' "in ; tho r<^(brefrcint T it?' 'certaiiijjr ' ! 'nbt.^'' the: 'party's'; '"'fa^lt^ 1 Reply ing ss t r tb Wn|' address -to "'jiirn by^thej Irishmen of 'Vciealj'pr\ sVJCpo,rj5 f West ; ICiimb'e1 Ciimb'er I l,and, on- October, 14y .Mr. John? 1 Redmond' sa-idiithat' r ' if, --the- Liberal leaders- explicitly/" fairly* and -squarely pu^t i lHom'e',!Rule^m / 'th'e'foreff6ii l t' o'f thfe;' leading 'issues 'atr -the^coming ' election^ "t|ie Iri^h leaders ( would Wd,yisej-tbftt;";tlie.,ir.ish vo.fce shoiild , .be . giy.en to the Libfcralsjubut-inot<a isinglei voteiwoiildsjbe.'given to - any : can-" didate who" jiVggldd" 'with' Home Rule. 7 ' I 'a 'public 1 ' meeting at the' 'Samer place' later *in 'the evening, the'lrisli leader said : 'I am here "to=nighirto ""raise the issue of Home Rule for Ireland. I hope latidrtbeli'eve the Liberal leaders will make the declarations we require; but even the Liberal leaders cannot prevent.;- Home >Rule» being raised in the coming v election. : "We will raise it in every constituency where there is-an Irish.! voter.' ..1 And,, speaking at Ashton-under-Lyne, 'Lancashire, two > days 'earlier," Mr. '"Redmond was' even mofe'-cnipliatic.'' ' I' am* here to-night,' he\saidj' 'to say Ho all whom' it concerns", to Liberals- as. well. as. ; Conservatives, that when the , geneiial -election {comes, Home Rulo for Ireland- shall, and • must, be amongst the leading issues' submitted to the electorate. The 1 policy 'of ' silence and evasion, _ .which \vas, so .largely, -pursued by ithe Liberal leaders at the last election on this question of Ireland, cannot be repeated: . ■.; The Irishmen of Great Britain will not subordinate the'question of justice to Ireland to any other question whatever.-' "It is evident that the party have buckled on their arjiior for a big fight, andthat they' will "enter into battle iri the old' familiar' spirit — the spirit .which will aieither fail 'nor falter,' until .victory is assured. ( , . 1 ..• ' i •«- . ■ '•' I, .•' ' f A -% ,) / vi. . • 1 ,> . , . Even if Home Rulej" as^'an ' immediate', issue, is ,in J danger of ;being, dwarfed; .by -other .questions; which will:_ have a more-direct and pTeserit interest ' for ■ the 'English' voter, ' it ' seems' 'certain 1 that Hhe result of the' corning dection' Must be. "to .bring wha.t Mrl" Churchill calls 'a national settlement, i with Ireland' ; measurably .nearer. , As'W.4 have said, the -great outstanding issue will be the abolition' '■ of : the* Lbi'd^' right, 'bf^ veto, "and' those who' are best 'able to. judged' ,ai',e confident that, the . destruction of , the,ye t tp, ; qf I^lie House of,, Lords ; will, >be ,'the key, which will unlock- the id.dop:to Irish? freedom."!-, ' Wi£h' the!vct6 ; of the* House 1 "pf"'^^, 1 > Mr 1 . l! J R'edhiond''iri 1 ' i a' i :'ca'blegrani' to 1 -' the' J |D'r£l?ed > 'It isli .lieaguißf ,pf ' Ani'er icaj", "?' will disapp ear '|tlie' ( last^{ obstacle,, tqirJ£pnie £v rßule.?rf - ' If, ,the Lords ,-rgject ,<the, ; . Budgetj'"said -Mrv-O? Connor ih^the'interviewlfrom' which- 1 we" ! have l^ali ( 4ady''qu'6tedj v " i?">v6u'ld ' regard ' llib '"'day theyl'did'itVag/th'er'day c/f^h^^oomj^i'd^at^ day , fjf Ir,eJ[anq^s o e,mancipati > o-n. ) o ,. jAn^uthe.., dirpqtor,[ pf i,%6j () Natibnalist prqpagandaidn><'New>yorki-;'One"'of >the/ most 'in-ji fluen-iiki ■Iffshm i en 1 -4M'Mm s efica ! ) "in v an 'intei'yieSV' l T^ith a 're'-*" 1 presen'tafiVe o^k^w^r^S^A-^ Mr M Bedmpfl.d's jSjba^ement. Au . ( .Jt t^sjthe .greatesst KSMyingil. cry. we hayeihad for a^Jongitiinejyvlf jtheiLordsfivetoasiOUii^'ii tailed H<pmdVm\le'. > 'woiild } b^'wbnVf or^'lreiand^witMn'tWo 4 o¥ In U° ? '...,< ™ftKftt?JW^ Wstjitut^ns^.^ike infipj,,!^.., longs; .;and ; - tlie.iiLdrds'l'hayeymea^rd itheajcry 0 off>--ieiided^r;o»T [ mended 'J so' 'often >aiid^sd^on'g; i tltat l)J .in'ey haH^le'arfied'W-i 1 ' listdii to'^^iiimßv.edP » /f ßu't iV timeg Vare^cWgeoTaV^ wliat I is mqce* <,they, , are 7 rapidty^, , , . , ,ln n Engia,^,, , ,as 'in, , . other countries, a new power is springing tnx.iwhich-^ I whether for weal or woe — does not stop to threaten, but

j .'ci urAJiioin \) t o i(t who) ' vmouo J! 7 ! UioiauoH rial Fix, J wjiioli; ' strikesii/ I JandL/ltKaiir{Eo.TCeiit t svilL'l(nb I t»LloAg | obstiu Iwheiiiritastaiid^iaL-b]ietwa r yoof^Jilfegi&]» liJI iJi t oii 1 whfteh- | thognatiori I desirest uilt fdofes -lookwasidf^he'coninig t 'st^^ggl6 i | Avill:he;lrclarid'sioppdi--tuhityJ *<ft6ttf6* ifetri^ a H day^ak''tll^ | sit r aatioiifbeeu-.soii'n ! tdrestM f g'-iana ; s'so E'oftMiK' oa^ X^<> «' -^ : 'ji ••>( -> . I'tjip'-j-'.in" -- r n'-"n '-" "■-''•>*■- djida ban .boilnhit

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1941

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The New Zealand TABLET THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1909. New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1941

The New Zealand TABLET THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1909. New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1941