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The Storyteller

\ THE GAMEKJErE>E«'SH>STOR¥a^ ": r/i i, An f yy ° U tdl Fat £. er An S us Mac Donald .i^bdSidlli^s Godfha^onercy .©sjihiswaoußl Thferevis^gbodwpri^^^gne, and a fine Scotchman too. It is forj^fifeiy.ejaMoeinceeijiftj-iJ nrsta jeaxtfe to A thiso/pa^ish, ,-*nd' i wertw^re 1 Kotta jfiMn&hfi&n JJ e^: N^'jy^^toe^he, wnde^lj. jAfcjnW^lmiOugfl^itoe ie • ge^ngx-.shortvrandt iftrbellpMes-jitajtequgeoth^) Utttlidth-at is left m preparing for death.' ," 4 ~ orf " biea '% vod* [, i^^he/speaker omasi^D^aldi/MaeMiister^^iiea- Sftwjj "»iS gie^ settlement oi jßpiillie's.Gqv^as! Baft^heiSnnjer. m Born m Moidart, one of the most' beautiful and romw&S districts ui)j the Scottish ELighlaadsj atnthe 'Age^ojy^nty he was already a gamekeeper in the servicejtf ,hte l^ndlo^hi Bir Allan Mac Donal- of - Glanranald- Ten years he remained in this gy^J^^^^igßptod 4a- America. !• I had not MS^i^m-Fa^RFs^Cbve^lien I knew enough of hft story to make^-me wish for more, and I determined rto j? .lqs.e £ -np in xttiakjngahisj^cauaintanjce. I took with me a friend who Trnew l the old hunter'wellrl fa^dj went, fqii z a ! fd,ay'S( O paTtEidge v ahpgpuam taking A%L'io I s |f011,0w,,. oftq^j^n, .%a»#A^rf*lS . i The ice once my acquaintance Viffi DpnilOLi^ 'rap ( idly ; .,ri.peng4i.ipto : sp j n;e.thvn J g r jlike ijjjbimacyj. J^seemM 15 Sto take a liking to me — partly,'! suppose^ iecaus r 6"3 sshowerd r such interest in. the > legend^y^ W W^l&mk^£^ ; so, weft ; b^Xsusipect &Jfak ®&flLbercause he knew my. ,pe »pte I? rf»nj Jfefl >MmWw ¥«„' jhad^knA-wftieash^othe^^in^^.^ld gameJeepingXdalsj^in^thjg i was a story) °of how he came to giSerupVlns f3p|w j in.,S.cotland I i 5» Ai tte M>J^.«'V«Jßut v Ponald A;| J3p^ always] c^fuW'aYomedi I that subject. a JoJ»^*Jp^?tjfi§™a»^ deip|ifM*4feri^4 tting to the bottom pi -i^ o u® [the news-that his friwd^ndJormfit parish priest was dead. i Then, after speaking We^wgraMylth my story opens, ! there was silence between us—for a long time. _ Finally I his-undle,^a%her JpWCameron; WlftfoiS^lffiS I^m^e^ ■ the pjt' ,GsnfanaldT^A f finel J -^likW-¥odfffig f M^he 0 fQ^te ofijfel^.B4iOT^|" fr MSiy c^m'miss^K^iW? [ st^ange%ai J tfe'ret Jiin^'go?^. is ?.illi«. i11i « «* m7cA /io oq«dg 5 any one, and there is no one hefe~wKo~knows just why ;5 -Father Angus MacDonaldqg left|^e^ojd country. I know, j for we left together and' for the saitn© reason.' j Here Donald Ban paused~to seitle himself more com\l fortably in his cha;iij,fra^fd Jfr^igh|;^a^^umpy clay pipe of i m-°, -°, s . t v -en^bl efi aj)pearance fr^Scent^ipg a story I maintained s a discreet, silence, ■ 1 4r^er..,a^littlalid t 'continueaT v^, f G T* , i besidesj^t^cqncQrns/ypur.Wn fldsli arid J bloea/ r so it> Si^t i^BW I h» di^/&^||n|v^« - ; Mor/, oLKW#rlw: iC'a! »t^. &iJaW a*P te^e^iri! s end ipn^ojrSbiaPf.rTHis^^^ -wi^ wl^^ ] Witi£?9& &n^^^ J stationed at -Fort 1 Wffliam J in { %dcßKhe¥ [ .\ BW^^wpia^i qft only a day's ride from Moidart j sq^Meneve'r' "Rtfha'Wdg leave of absence, which he dfd quite often, he always came • Kome^to'sß'endTtV'- 5 c *>l-->^ >.iris\~. . y [j iv oiiem oT : . ■< ■> v>A -.«g e^> c'e ' p^^he^albne, '» &ttate«< ' ioi»i bisHtliero^ *Ke • bface'rFwa's 0 alU^^ with Th"e< one./whosjbanleaqfteneSlij however- Was'^'aptain s N'oirmail''M'acljeod,if*.sc&iix)f #Bac]be<jd 6r'Vdwi§."? 1 $ i MLQywlig'rii&n h«o w^r>too,r{<thoMgli>(ldsf*a;ih«r was ' tfie bl blßc>eW l Pi-e%byteriatL«vinstalliogcottßnid>aq Manj, o a fine' day's, sp%>rt I l%a'd i \vi i bh i %hes'eitwoi ii GlanxamaidTflya^lYiery foM of > Mem t ]bo ! eh ) T Wh f dius(&di%sitoaiife iffienbdpe^tteogmaW - naVf. !! hf b fsaßn > 'fiirl6 < iifeh 111 tti? hia» bwnMiCrfsile.'/Tiaißini'.o And^.to

tell the truth, they wiUin« eji|ugh to do that. ThlnP* ' M^^E&teJ^l^I Tis ¥ ime in'Sb'otland^hiaiii ' Then .ithere .wasj^ss Anno, fSir AflSfif f the bonniestS'lass W^Hie^ HighMndß j aig^e^gp&fi.^^6,J AJUge^Jjinds^yT[iri^'iSS^Wasj^aJ id lass^o^glooor r-thoagh—r -thoagh— 1 l^^sJM^^^^'ipM^^^^ple Lowland 4'asbion,^ witL^ s^^^^^ain3jtocfn^^f^:Efee>;eyes, and'^aSen H^Sit. 1 ' 5 ' ? P^=W^T v JS«^ke^ = mavas,^an|l Ico^uld play o^eHcon, t the , ■ harpT^^ir^aid^Te^ 7^^ faces, and' not the : \fhich made the youflg*" . mew Ssfa? iCastl© Tiirion. For my part I I ?Mfc! ibfeßcwda-KokujflalOg Vdumrjiiarry Annie sl Jt^sefem^edSJ ; tlfe^mpat^tural thing in the^ftisaj|. fpr he was the nearest -Annie wtruM^hkV^het^aiih'e^'slpnljf. ISo, you see, .it. would, - have'^^eejQ^^splendidujnatch.!' f^,' I .^ 1 1 s .-•'-•• I -i WeJi,3t^iilgspvent )o^j:ini^mpch the same -,w.ay r ifor, a * 'coi-iplQ'iof^ears.^l^he %o.,y%h'g jfaeii. paid their" regular visits to^CJasHe^ Krn%; f and asHrjegularly«jp6flr<gr/aiidfaMer^ ; cam^ip^t^m^K^lpcii^Motd^C^nd Mllg^WMlS^ crossM*fi;oni^-Ar ; isajg. i; nn L L ' V Tli%e w'^s, tasiny a merry time at 1 ? ,^#^^ W one da y 3 about 'the i middlejbfl ?6pm) s drjbary r M'ay Ut j was^Aao^fchey^eame^ itrojffir-'Fort William on" their Jast iiirloligh: The"regim"ent ~ jhairheen o>dereajtff ; 'jr^m^!ica/' ! Evjeryorie on;,-thejeßtatejt;from ? iulanraiiald-.down; "f eJLb" Jh4d < *c s 6me l " ! to"'l6dk'''on r "' I raj^r^- visits as" such' pleasairtabreaks in our dull life lififaiK* f, we^fe&UJfeiot -imagine -how.,we:swere tb get ..on. without .them. I For me andTthe-rest'of j6he gamekeepers, their going "would [•meajQi^.tlie' «end«;!of p;ur rpleasantwhuntifag^parties^ ' and [ for ~j|C^anr^ald^^he,». f,,--bhe ? p & lpss. : boon companions' .who had~lis- " "to "his "stories with "unfeigned delight. ' A^s for the .two lasses, they seemed- to taKe'it .very differently! '. Annie ilooked'-wiownliearted.'eiiotigh', -but-"' Alice Lindsay "seemed. ?^ayer than ever. 4 ' "' '' * " ' ;'; ' V'^^tEh^--««g3nfthe-_sn.orh v ing/ -About! midday fKe -fnrfee g pf vs — Ronald Og, Captain MacLeod, and myself — VereW^o deerTSbalkjng. :;Just as-, we- were ready tb start, Cla^ranald's gillie came .down,, to, request Ronald Og £6 go 'up, to the castle, as tlie -chief wished to see him. At, any other* time, • I would not have, noticed such a thing, ', but , now ', the thouglit,. f : ,me at once that he was going ' to' speak to, Ronald; ••^qji.yfci'Jeaving the army .and settling, 'down. w^Settling 'd'owir,-''6f"'coiirse, meant marrying; Miss Annie. Something of this I said to Captain MacLeod. 1 He gave a start and said : _ . ■ ,> . '•_ „ , ' * ' ' „"-:,, ' "Why do you think Clanranald is going, to speak, to my friend Ronald about such a thing?'' ;';" Well,, you lenoV, sir, .he': would like tQ 'keep,- Ronald- , with liim, and a' match between him and Mißs'A?inie r! would-' be very suitable. She will have the money, and he will have the title and estates. 1 ' '" Arid" do you think Ronald' MacDoriald'i's the man to sell himself for money /-or that Miss Annie* "is "likely H6" marry a man just because it would be -suitable'; ' v as" you ' say?!' , ■-,- i ..,,. .-, ; ""Why, no, sir/ I answered; " but| neither;!; do L ( see^ why the bravest lad and- the bonniest lass? in tb,e -Highlands ; should'-not love-teach- other. ]'. ' ■- \: 1 ' "- ' .UW,li6n I' r had v *said thisjhe remained silent/ bat- Jjjojkild 1 ,, see tliat lie* was troubled in his mind. 1 The- C .r£aspn !wljy was tiot hard to iinderstand. ' He , jovedl Ahriie^ J l"cpljild ( , not but -feel for him ; for he -was a 'fine vopentharide^d>,;; 'high-spirited, 'and'- as -good a sportsman as .ever -; eairie'd-^jiJ:' rgun'., -But I knew there was no hope for him. i He'was not a black-hearted' bigot like his father, butCl did not believe he would forsake his religion even f or 3lov.e!s ,sake. Besides, if he did,' his father would certainlyj cut him ,off .without a farthing v , " '_' . *} t ' \ , " t J' About air hour 'passed, and 'I was? becoming 'impatient, when Ronald .suddenly buTst"- intoV the lodge. He seemedS greatly!. exciteSv and > -in* his eyes there was a fierce look which meant trouble for any one ,w^o might , attempt '. to.cross him. He did not notice, me, 'but said » something .in^a lOjW^tpne to MacLeod, and they,,wents outside 1 " together. ' Another .hour, passed before 'they came in. 5 When they did, Ronald'Ogwas a good deal calmer, and there Svasi a- cheerful lopk on Captain MacL^eod^s face., ' & f^ ,>• > <- - 158iiald^aii;" hi'cjiuiredj Roiiald, ' *|has Angus MacDonald'or^ my "cousin Allister, (that was y>our grandfather) beiWeVday:?';,;-; i;KiJ " ts& *w^~\ ' " No, sirV Fanswered. "I suppose 4hey /do not know- s',5 ', you aretherellas^yojiiffW^fi Jiot expected ItiH next week." ' hunt! t&-day. J .;, T Yqu li must, ■ vride.^rKiniciichCMoidar^Cwith^g jafttelf or lA-Hister.:^'ButVwai^,^' nr^.fMjJS-i-^SKy^-^fSv.rtu- flw;^ vji ,j |- \ • •. .' , n f " Gone to Gleaun-na-Sithe , yesterday Bevenmg, sir." ,-t*op <\u THferl" send-^pme orii afte'rßini 4 on ce. I must 'cross A^isaTg^ay^'o-nigKt?" bim iao " i | owfsf? a<ii { iSsSfery«>well, sir EBut thessmndj is TOd^ffg 1 [now.js!,and io ypu s^np 0 w -ifoatoiiirisaignJJ^ is anorej jfcr^acferpus . in^a .storm than the,,open ispa,"u f .q,_-, I «« m ~«<««aBBBfflBiiiiBB c " rr s T£now— I^know.l But l^f there is a man in Clan w - 'ranald'^coiiWtry wh"cf°ca : n s "l?ake ;t iis n alD?os3, thatjman jijßp^ *Beg/sizSot aVayJ^JTak^ niylhorse'p'aild don'tlsppjßllßOTllan^" jCap.tAi'iajMa-oJtieodawiEi.^ive his'gboathe pessenger ' Vln a femr minutes . l had the horse saddled -and j«is on <rgyb®kf°W*kMo®i "fitWaia?^ H^of^iriAg •fflttalTOSf had h&pp^n^M6^?ftps^t.^onM Og"»s6l*s I could not doubt

** iManraiiala; ana p^e^nj^^x^an^ion I gQ^S-iEuuL- oL^as 'f'^^PH P|l^ w !£king to ,gee~som« forGigiutuseiiyic& -^j^Sa&^-JgSneV thlr&is '«£» Sußito -throw -the-old-cliief into a terrible-rage. He had the hot TO c J ost r a £ ing pus&roVn; -ghalffr-SdotMhd. > . f , rv M ,-3 j n , f<cp n ' I found Allister;at; ho&e^and «tlya lii^,:son&d\O.g?s n ° ti JJ 1 *- ftfeut^ibge'^dfling^at -»3R,onil<pliad been veryjmucti; /upset Rafter ha^mgr a-lone interview with the chief;, In\a.;f;ew;mlnuW"h<?J>ss, ready, '-'and \ve"st«frted back to' Castle Tirrim. On arriving iSS vyre found Ronald Og, Captain. MjaoLeQd, and Rorv -Bee: standing on the steps of the b'bathouse.' •<'*Aili#fcer s talfe'd jarmottfent with his cousin.,,,. ,Then : J >heard f himhex,claim, f"JL J"! 1 &n sfzZ Sy° u vJ^*ldl.: ; . And he r >EPajng intojjbhe g^fel*Ml b y,,R oI T-,fe, who-at .once, .began -to? step tne^toast. Ronald then. turned to me. and said- $>'(<•, <ff -sif \ .'/' I want your help too,- Donald Ban." ~, '„ \ • S^ rely y6 - u , 4 ia y., depend, on me,".- 1 aiWered. wish me to,do?;' , , . r ,, .. . , % .- b- ~~' ~' T '.l? lm f T f? w> ni s}it>, ■ about.- ihis^ho.ur^ .the' •dootMdwih ; ?be y --comnig Back from Arisaig. "; . She will carry ? a -light. Ml Watch carefully, for it will be extinguished when 'she is ••-about half a mile off. 1 vTheji.gQ^at- oncettto kheiJfttWgTate in the eastern -.wall and show a light.. „¥ou will be joined ,by some one.< Then come back here" 'and wait for the . SlOOp. .. / „ . 'I - \;l .-. " J^rjJ J*, X -'.Well, the boat sailed, away ; and 'l, went back* -to 7 the gamekeeper's lodge, and, to bed, but not -to -'slejep: ;.---• I -lay , awake . .till ! daylight, puzzling -.over the .events- of" d a y- , Then I. got up, took my. gun and. -tramped thro\rgh. , the Julls till evening. . The wind was blowing even 'harder *at&-aS? f day befor e;and I • took cmy stand in' -tlie^lee or the boathouse, and thought of the miles -of treacherous v. water that lay between me and Arisaig, I doubted whether even Rory Beg would attempt to cross. I was soon un- , deceived ; for as I turned my eyes, tovajd tjje jioii^^J. saw a> famt glimmer Jar rout.- on '-thl VayJ Fori%fo&# % . quarter of an' hour I '\gatohei|':rbi f - rll ""Became Kpg®;|^jgal - brighter. ■ Then it disappeared', *' and' 1 'I Tniew*- for .that- Ronald Og's sloop, with Rory, Beg at T the helm, was nearing the Moidart shore. • - -- -^ u>'-- • ' By the time I reached the, gate in the\ eastern wall| I was' so excited that';'jHy. : ;fiiigers cp'tiiol>Kai:dlycp-uslT ; '- J b'a : cll the slide of jbhe dark lantern I carried. In" a little" while I, Saw/ two figures coming swiftly, from the direction of the castle. ■"This'was more than. 1, -'had^ bargained ,<£or. There was another surprise in store -for -me,Vh'qwever,-£fpr as they -drew near, I saw that they were bo*liAv;djnien.v O^h of them ,w_as muffled, in. a long^: oloat - s and-iliad \a •Tam^Q.lShanter r bonnet on hej. head. \l v^d|d' niot kijow" uiitil^he/sp.o'jfife jtny "name* iha,i' lF'was Alice^Lialdsay.- tiThe - '9'ther, "i^'?w^/^asy enough to see, jwas Annie.v She, wore/no cloak^orTqap, ;birb;;had-'a-tartan plaid j over her shoflldiers. SKejdfS ''oiot {-say, a^wofd^ -but made assign to me. lead.on./ -(■-Too-nfuch -.'surprised : to , speak, I led the^yay find "V. got '.there; just as Rory Beg \fas' 'bringin'giithre slqtopt^p |beside. the^steps. - There wcreHwo^men^vvifchlihit^iixr One\of ;<thern"iv:agsin i ;.the 'bow (it was your grandfather), and he was ,\^old.iugaKh^e;il3oai; close against the/^tepsi.^^T^elt^ird^wfli^ ~"'R<siKalol -Og -Himself. He sprang iijj" the steps, but 'sjoppeji short when he saw Annie, and cexclaiined :> -'•-"'* l '"- 1 «? v rv *' ,',"l never e'xpected^o " see yoxlherej^^ ii r"I could iiot letladice^go. alttne'/L'ishcf answered. :>.' ~ At 1 these words Alice, ,\vho .had -been, clinging .to ,,heE> . companion." all the time, began "to" s'ohl' Ronald" stood" back, his head bowed down. 'Not 1 " till then l 'did~'l~ understand" - 4 it all; and when I ;. glanced ; ,at ;Miss>, Annies and isaw^her^ swee.t. face looking so sad, I. cursed RpnaldrOg.. ii{ my^near^^- "-'"* ■ ' 'It >was i Rory Beg's 'voice that' broke ih r e ! -sile'iicer- :'- . '".Come!" jhe shouted, "for ."he was now :• getting^cunr'. patient. "If you waiit t9 reach Arisaig^ alive, ? y.pu; ,ljad i better; be .moving^. The" -Avind' blows harder, evei'y "nlitfut'e':"'^' '""" 'Ronald then led Alice -into -the'.'bbati-' > As^he ;iea"ted^ "himself lie" t'urnea to me: "~* " ~ ~ " ' -"" «-~.»- '" Donald 3an, are'i yjouj^coming with us'!; " %- A .. ,j ; j^.' LI L I l^esitaftedj not knowing >but]Jthat;Jt _ipy'gT%* tg, . r Miss Annie k back>; to the castle. She,- .decided «fo£ me. *" "" - ''■ - '" u 'Gol > "'she^said. "He may-Keetf'ybtit^ti'd I am not afraid to return! alone?' / ' ao ' U<lV >'■**<>& ti--onj odi oi stcaiaJV -,') sifal saw'tliat|she wished ft t"6l £ bi •l^fta'al'oVe^^'naliMciteamy xvplacejjiiuntharboal;. 1 < f ~J fjt 'j\KJ~C\€2f *TS -r ,\i Rqr-y Beg iertainly^m'aiiffcairied. msf reptftati"on tka*- "' • niglit " of being %c S best'^SaHiMan 0 in^-ClaiiranaldJs country. Maiw timessiiot^ing but" "th'e ? steadiness of"h"is hajTd"^Ct""th"e j SlittlniJsax^il «^*|f i®m; f ounderinc.^p p,on|ikli ssurraoijtad Alice, rr ,and- slie ,nevexv oncej raised her 'head- f ronr Ml^lhyiflder till » -flie^bVat^sirack fthe Arjsaigj shore;. .xJNfl^c^e^d^ian^ajA-iigug'----^MacfDmraidaswere* waiting for us.^-j^ngUBrledj V a.9iorse^ on s which* jAlice was placed, and .w.e^were ~soon~*in?\the, shelter fi6f 3leriG&|fe|on's houBS. 1 -* I^^"-"" 1 ' -.* *^ J " ***** v Fa%h t er p Cameron was not at home, "tlwrhousekeeper told jcrascf A'He had gonej-onisa* slcteicalhisome an l iles?iaw.ay}Aand.l' be back for a matter^dfifitKreßnHjr^four hours -at ete&l&jM .<He travelling was very badr— So Rory Beg and I made ourselves c ( o,tt>.f,or,table f( byxthe kit^en^fireplaceg till midnight. We were up at daylight the next morning.

father Cameron had not returned, and Ronald was very muQh'ftrtMblea, flMseettis hethad go;t aTjpSdmise ffdnuthe^ priest, "*'in f view of tn"©*" circumstances, I^O^l 2uj»ri)|ge i ceremony should be performed once j" 1 and now he feared* that Clanranald,<Frimight discover their .flight, and 'follow them before tjte v lcnb£j was tied. So; BeSlentl irie®do%nS',to3i the shore to watph^for the boats from Mqidart. ' I had not 'bf'e^jihere long when I did see^a-rboai^putp ofr. . Jt'"%watcKed i »Kei! 5r a little while.' There i waß^n^o • amis-^»-takintf/tfi&t ,craf 'g^lif^ffis -the Heather Bell, a swift Jittle pleasure Jbjpa^hafeJCJanrjanUd 'had bought the year b'eiore?it I ran e^r^-step])of tTae'^ay^back. Ronald fairly tore .his, hair; Jjsthat. tyind/ ; ;nvith\ v eJ;eS. ; y» stitph of canvas set, the bqa/fc wmpd^jnake. the passagasin -half .anjiour.* „ A_- quarter ?j of^an-Jiour more would bring ;t3lahranald to thelhouse. ,;. Thelj minutfef^ .passed,, till I had;' cpinited tAventy-fiveCTbfA them./J C|anr : |aiald' Had landed, no doubtV 1 ' Theni-Rory Beg { gavel &H sfiout^laii'd .-.ppiiited up tKerxoad'.' 1 Father.! Cameron'srlititle,-] b^own/niaire was coming on aiy-a gallop ! , andi Father -Cameron;;! bimselic-'was .ori-ber. ,bapk. -•'/•.;". ; ,^ r 3 • i-^rr. :m -,h::</r :r 'i»|, Juiij'' another r^iuute ;Ronald' "was urging:-on,;him;the' itecessity';, of Iper forming- the ceremony at once, if he wished n to^avoijdii'an;, encounter, with- Clanranald. So tb.ey hurried"" iiito.'the cliu'rcli-^all^e'xqepting" Angus'^,hd Inay-'S self^; We stayed- at the door. . I could well,iuader.standtj3v.hy w^OyWere placed ."there, the /better that I could make out a broadsword, ''hidden 'm^tHe'- folds of Angus's plaid He did - 'the' work. .With all his strength, he .was as. gentle' as "a'-lainb. Besides, Clanranald had b'e^ri^l : kind to' Jiim, axfd he did not like": the idea of raisingiKhis'=? hand agarast" him. -' He would -.not; *do it, he told me, only/-;*! that he knew'the ; .6ld man's temper, and that he wasJikelyS" to' do.somctb.mgdespea-ate.-eveh' 1 in that consecrated* build!-^ I ing, hi- his, rage" at the failing of his .plans. . ' J V:'f,y. ,,<;•***.£ -'It "turned out" that the /fears were well f grounded. Clanranald soon came up ; and when he heard of j.ywliat*- ytfrp "'■ going on in the church he swore that he would piit 'a stop, - to it, and ordered tis to 'stand- out of the way. Angus- stood:'; his ground and spoke up boldly." c _ ' 'J '. ' "Sir Allan," said he 3 "you had better not enter i\-*lf<3 you think a moment, you will see that you can not put-a,-stop to the ceremony, since both Ronald and Alice Lindsay"' are of' age." •,*,>- , - " S s "^" • ' " And do you, wiom I have treated as a son, darij torspeak tip for the r man who has -insulted me, and the L6jp-V land hussy who, like a -viper, has- stung me after having been' ? warmed in my bosom? 3 ' > ' - ' " Sir Allan,"~ answered Angus, " I am too grateful, to you for your kindness to wish to "offend you. Believe me, it is for your own sake I wish to keep you from entering. ■ I know what will happen if you do; and what I would not.' do for Ronald Og I will do to protect the House of .j&od from desecration." i ' ' /, , --v'v-. ' If you could ouly.have seen how grand and maiily he "j looked standing there- in the doorway! It was only"tlieiPit struck me — perhaps because I had known him since boy^ r : hood — that he was the most splendid-looking man I'hadever seen. Even Clanranald was impressed, and looked at' him a few moments in silence. Then he broke out'-more-^ furiously than ever. . , f f"So^you dare £p> preach ;to ; me— to me, the chief of Clanranald I By Heaven," in the days of my ancestors- men have "had the- noose' round their- necks for less*!"- * " >- :~": ~" -•'-Before- Angus had time to 'answer him the door opened - and "'Father -Cameron' appeared. > Clanranald turned, on, the, priest, and I .heard such language as- fairly /niada myfh^jr^'end.,.!, ;Hej swore, that he would report ? the. matter,^ to the" bishop jjthat.. Father Cameron ;had had; n'Ovbusitte^a..-. to marry "the couple out of hand; that no -tenant of Tiis"' should- enter- the church while such a priest was' in'.charge \ \ and a great deal more to the. same purpose, and all mingled'-withAblood-curdling-oaths fandtcurses. ' Father Cameron -lis-.' r tened quite calmly till he had finished, and _ then walked & w»:k! without saving. ?a>%ordj.?;: v* § j » S 8a m i s«-sAs'*he- turned'H<HlVave> 'Clanrana;ld.'s"fexe-nfellkpn %&.% & — -^'-Y'ou-toorDonald-BaTrP'-he Ifaid^^ own flesh- and blood can shqw such why-should — rr s exp"ect anything be'ttef-iri ! my- hftsed servants ? ~ You are in my -service, np_,4ong^r;j "(!1:" (!1 : o; , a c )d (p | -r . gl^jfjloaH 1^ ' I had not a word to say. T^d tell the 'trut/h, "j JEgJvi rather ashamed? Qfe the^part I had mayed. I rem'emberea- 11 all Clanranald's kmdnVss — for he was a kind master, ,],gH td il hW'soul'!' iU And "I tliought it wa| indeed hard that ~ the one tl l in'g^oiL> ( which.iJ llieo}xad(ssejjghifel lieo}xad(ssejjghife heart in .his old ,age should be/denied.-Jiiin^^ At Ol any»jate^llco\ild; ntotQfe6E&ngEyl£ with. Clariraia'alcl,Veven tlibngli'lie ha3l turned me .away from TvK his^seryiceVand^r'^el^^a^'-en'ough a% 5 iollov.'e^m^'E^ in€o !v the Kitchen"- o'f'tlie" i T?riest J ~s' ? house.! . .. 'In a little— while Angus camp . dow& o^ii'd'gttggahSietJoca speak to^me about.,iny .jilaus fp.iv th^f i |ituj i ©l F)fHo»^aidrithatoi. vog^iad\^r6misv og^iad\^r6mise tds:;t d 5:; since Ipiad -lost— my— position— th'roiipjh Him, to^get" meTaiioth ! ei a asSood^^sThenTh©fbeganr! t-b^tell'fffle^^bdut -^^«a' •'•'^^^o^ii^ffi^an&Mfelf; was gomlf WOfflS Bm&S&} wKefeitlaousands^oF^gtfiplic 1^ HighlaMdefs>' ; i: Ing&ne§p^en,Qh:TcoKJl[ leges of Catiadaiihe ,wouldLpursue)7his|sti\dies Sot the prxes^- ± ho'b'd,^raiidv ! 7then' cdme" J /fb iGdpejißre^bn to minister *to fas "• countrymen. So for a long time fip [talked, .until- Kte^^et"ix^£blWJ^mm&m^mA^M^^MK?W^ to;leaVe J ''SbiJtlarid>^ with, him, ; .-<«33i t .^'joj ; /.Oc • i>* ittntionA >•»«! !r/ii, f ].ir

'So i€ was all settled, and in a month "after "we left Cthe^QldLcoun.^ryj f or ever. It was«not till ,the day we^sailed .t]|ai^kne^your grandfather wasf'cqming. 3 ,^t didjmy lieart ■feoocl" E to^th l iit : k there would be^ife|old^i^a bje^ide me in the new cbuntrjy. " ." ""* " - H&tfL 'I9<ft^fe^ w *y -P11!^11^!P 11 !^ 11^!^ 0^ me Ml? about the quarrel Ronald O&gnd^lplranaljdl B |r€ was just as I had „_ Clanra€a ? ld4)ggln ? to ?hMt?ab : out it's being time .^.f6r Ronald to pettle^.dow^| - j : ii^ ; jaonald, too honest- to attempt to hide! hisrfe^ix^sr^onfeis^d ::^s"—lov^e^fog^Alice G. Lindsay. This was enough. The heather was on fire, and Clanranald ordered! Ronald .out, of the house, swearing that he would send! Alice! " home l'afc !pnbe ' f'Sende 'it lJ waß that .Ronald w,as v ,sp ;desirous' of having* the performed fwithro.ut,.,de J lay > . \ He^ knew he. woul^'no^'lia^e 'time tolfollow thejOuqwlands be'f ore, the ''regiifi'ent^lef t.^ ( > *' I Wjrovra A-idpn'tftßlKk there v is^anyi'-more? td^tell. I You I ha # e feeard;ofteii enough' i 'of^'the'life the-- earlyt set«le|s led, } n .?" °li ]BB > at 4l4 l , er Angus'^ wßrlf%heii' f h i e. came Hefe'sfifsi?— to a , P.arish. fifty ihiles f>o'Ai a end f6' r 6iid dm aliridst rwitflout a ". (Ibad^.,! 'VOIV O1 ' £ ; ti //, i | Jfl o-lMLijrrriT;^ jv^oo-r p.'fofyio | "\ " u /;Yes, *yes; I knipw^'all th%,ts' r a'ncl :i how ! aaonald: j Og Became in time chief of Clanranald. But Annie, his cbushvf-what ? .of her? ,-Aga,qaptMriuMaeLeod ?'„--.„.* „ - -^^p- * * ll SrßasSEt^sc^S r ßasSE t^sc^* hh f r | An SI ls t ? ld P me^an^abqutrjthemf too. MacLeod came to |see her before^he left Moidart| andpleaded with her to marry him.' i!i Her f atlhe'r fc f w"as ! - solangry at being insulted, as "he'rsa'i'd, ,b^ 3 Ron2ia fc t)g/\tEat hi gave his consent, anc^ ur|ed~her toaccept a n'ini.'j:'- i ßut" r sne rlfused, and soon after, joined some Order of , trans Jl iif- Eifeland. Indeed, Fatherj Angus7told ? m'e' '^Bfe ha"d i'madfe-upK'lidrFmind & year s before to eaJef' ItHe1 tHe' riseligiour iseligious li:t li'fe,eand ri%0u165r i%0u165 have Vdone so much sooner : had it^nbt beeri~fo,r- n Fsfthfers" Cameron, Vwho^ wished to j satisfy himself fully as-Ho i-the'>:g"enumeness ,":df her vocation.; Th& ilosslof rHer, 'nearly rbr.okel Qlanrsinald's fyif^Tp) ar id he (wasia.Lchanged.jnan ,ever ; ,af;tejii- w "Hi died ■;vteh-fyears later; a f^w?; months Jbeforeohis — &ied a r^good death, with Bather Cameron and Ronald^.Og and his ;j; j lady praying at hislbedside^ .. u .< •^ rr , jr j^p' 1 , , P^,n f 'Captain MacLeod ( JwaV m^ch"dis'4ppoinjed'r' ! at I "*tfie loss of Annie. He| could..ji6t ,undeystanjd"ho^j^any/youifg girl '< could choose td sp|nd, f her ' days' ;in % convent j./so hfe concluded the prie|sts were'at the-bottom ol.'itj" J and csune to ; upbraid Father'; Cameron for deceiving her ' and luring her away from her friends."' Whatever 'passed between Ithem, MacLeod went away a' good deal calmer' than lie -jcami, and j with one of Father Cameron's books in his 'pdekeif. He ; read that, and read'= others,' and finally was convinced jpf the ! truth 'of our hojy religion; but he did" hot become afCatholic till many years after, when^he caught } - yellow,, fever in the West Indies, and afSister {df-rCharity^nursecl'piim^when ■ no one else would -go ' near him" excepting v the^" fegiipiental i doctor. It is about; fifteen yqars since. Father Angus told >me of his death).' & £\ *-, ";■ ,>™::^-\ : -^r> >* f>~ c '\ 'Did he never marry?'" * * "" " ' "*• '■' } : " - Donald Ban did- not answer. His pip^was out, a^id he ~ slowly refilled it andirsmoked if -halfway'^owni BefoVe he •spoke again. Wheii Ke "did speakj he seemed to Tbavie for- * gotten my question|altogether v , r ,v . , J •"ti 'Do you remember telling :-inei a story' that you l heard from Father John SlacPherson, about a .monk who guided him ' through sdme among the mountains! over -in'Europ^e?' J | ' ,\, \ '\;' ' 3^" -\ sr r | •- -' Oi.^. yes! [That was among the Alps. - T-he monk said his f^rew|Us' : i^Gfaelic.^ t - '.What did he say his'.name»j^as?''” ■ -^ \ ' { 'Jlis-name in religion iwas Brother-.' Andrew,. Thai was " all;' Father^ Macßherson krie^jaboutwhim.' „;-/_i , $ W -'-ti^JgfflelVl in other days hevvYas^called -Norman MacLepd.' — L '-Ave Maria. 'i ..." '■> jS.?S 'y "-• -".• *L

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1923

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The Storyteller New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1923

The Storyteller New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1923