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Current Topics

SSSS^i^^^^^l^x l Sf!^r ttf - But the -< motto itself is wWtn^ememiyerihgi l0 * liitw rfiovr *««?s§§; In the course ofl&2n£S&iE'!eia;er to Rev. Father Walsß?4j t^8 r a?iL^ FW^^^i^? Piireauin Boston" (U.S.A.), city,-^ee^tlsfQicetni^df4%^i^Eaijia. J %xte^j^ T .toTH' in Africa, . said: ovgr ffrga wherejer I l™nFr6athoHc"mis^ sionarv, I f oun'd a aii o e 7 a¥ii r eiS, o Hsuselfish consecrated -marfiWf '^Ma'nt^a£^j(£toß*JS)M^^jas l SiWue and practical^j^ p Jf Good Citizens! 60 JIT" Q M A TSO f 'The hardy-hearted i^J^aj^^from^^pejaiy, ancl ifr&f'&Wffi ?KitpP f /^ EnTfeMH^Jfe^HalaME^e-iiain^ Taft rfete^elveFS(iJ&S^&«f ®&£T come to the f rout ~in~America, -as- they deserve. - -There" is no element, no strain, in our civilisation that has shown itself to be stronger, more enterprising, more shrewd in business, more stern in enforcing high moral principles than the Irishmen who came to this country to make it Our Civilisation , b«-*^bis 2 ,«»& on^Horseb e JG¥%Ws to^f^ll-fevfJibefore. TeiAM&ng¥si»elr&yJp\lutoW ' are (according J^^^ife^kd^otedt^ making "and.^rpf ening swords to cifr eaßl .Mfer&Mdatfc S%&is'armils 0 aiid'Mik^re&;iiftAy,i3Ost', as rjmu.c.lj . on ,a 4>eace, footing" as they cdSt'JOn my-^arofodtingia^mere) hal^ ceniury agoV'/'Th'e^waW' 1 ' clffl^aWisheerhfcru.te iorQe^re^^herar^lfers" oirjftp^a^b''" an Ji .§x-feßnt u fi'ardly dreamed ci^byrhier^jjarbariansr^.^ kt \ve r ' canU^^ciVi'trsationp-siiai:ftoss-6iir caps^into/ntfte^r JajyJ 1 !'" l^^^an^^o^dafldiiig'lTn'd" shlgingharound; its. 0~.o ~. " < V rCT^S"'^' '2{\ . '/"'r '7 '" n '- " IV^ ""^ -*-Lt. w The Catholic Cable Agency -''' '«*•"•'- -'o«ti ,:*..* '^, ? ar"r"' J " Witff^oifr 'au time^ w& ■ present, the ,"fol-:, f l^yjng jfeqb'd J<a Mew^ A -to--'ourf {readers b\< Nqwjs . A'gehcyoqi l '' which" 'we 'have>'soUongjpleaded,>shas '.material „ jse,d ?^und^r, the" 1 happiest" 1 , auspices. ?r: The « scheme f wJi^ch,,-\\^ _'. advgpat^d'^aij^he^'recient" Catholico Congress. r-w^as ; r,eQeiyed ; by> -.prelates,, 'ajid - Jajsy";;,lsetf^'-^reserif. 5 ' J '" And r we 1 -nowTdearn that { -the' -Ajas-, ' ,' traliaii Catholic r -Trii%li n 'S^cjeiry> f jhas Tsethuponsit.i the, .seal' \ of its Avarm approval and^-adopted- ritr-asi part aijd* pakjel 5 _q£ n tjie, , beneficent f wo rK '■= of * enlighiJenm€nt am < , wh^ch; , ; ft ' .5s .ejnigag^;^: ; alre'adyv- faken^TpTractical^step^' , i^^sjec^ce/; represe'ntafebA' - |ri 1J< yaTiotis /couhtr.ies^fje.spepiaily..;. ihj^e^mQ^Jf recjueir6ly '^misfepf esentedsby; the^pjessLin 0-r^'afe "Britain land 'Austral 7 asia'. iJ --''The^A{lgtr ; alian Cathjolic j,^o^3i^t^,^ < i i s^likew.ise.^. arranging to establish a conne,et|^na s \ pur^cfs^' \\*{th^|d i JTOted{as^'cia v t3itfns>dH'iothfeTi. pafrts f ,,«E»fif» tEejj^WjQildj'^orji -,\Vhelffer'%u'ch' orgartisati6ns!f>'dovnt)to6xigb, 1-, with *ihe afchbislio i ps' :: ibr |r 'bish > 6ps if o'f the^chiefc centresdT'When.,. y, cable messages or articles, gravely reflectinig ona^Ga^h&lio oafftdr&oapjpea^o afftdr&oapjpea^ in,,,the4)ressi, B and ijre-trath- of the statements appearro|^t6 A V^in^WeS^ocM-3fe,w^l?,oMie^ rangemente are complete, have a n"trmber~of responsible perof course, have to meet the expenses of cable transmission both ways, and will be ever ready to reciprocate the- kindly office with any other country appealing to it for information on subjects connected 'with the Church in Australasia. largely depends, of course, upon the funds at its disposal': The-cost — of this new departure must he met chiefly by voluntary "^e^fttnrrrrer-r-flM*e-Re^ jKßiA^off^, likewise intimated his willingness to receive and traTHHrit"-' any New Zealand subscriptions that may be entrusted to him for the f urtheßgrrop jgfe this^gooA work. . The.Seal of Confession sfS'olSwaS^JSav^ < ¥fflaitai4afßß<»Q Ao&kn& *fco^nij c to tfts«peWons Migng^fchßee Is^ in ■' the^^Blig^cdfitegsioikaLesTl^s^I a awBSBT JfflSi • secret.' The priest in the sacred *txißuHar -am? Sffe a W mere man, but as the minister of the Most High God, Whjtyae ' casts behind His back V# Ify1 fyi syV?/rs yV?/r8 f * «i^ truly penitent (is., xxviii., 17), ana'^hrbwS ffiem u iirCo^%Me^4Jfep.>.and silent

T^QC^e sacredness ofi it&X slulegons, jtioijs f ar- W aclunfincka& w.acte\-, in the more ihan natural ndd&y" with Ke iTfel been observed down! the co W&tf&g®& artfong W^T^WW^^^fTa^goX in which pries^)3aj,v^cfe®d jq^L HS^^Fll^ d i e^ 1 ' a^ ath ' t^^^ tfi^'" OG^sQ)n,iaaK«®ed 1 ■4 1 H WsW ®vo*viQj3Ltd by act or wordtsQ>sSiigft9Jai6 olßgSltio'n or perpetual sjecMcy. ;'''W^r^^'^e^te^^gtKß^Ss^Ss; '''W^r^^'^e^te^^gtKß^Ss^Ss' as ."Jliv^L flf F^ertil^oFMogF^lMmJß skSffbylowicz, and Fat&eftZLute nr \ XffiSoMi^f iS^'^tSMed pd^ma, just becaus^ i- wlho,. afterwards piihlielys-avqw-ed^ihifeTtHßtt g«*i%t=^liha['^r^ei/ Morning Herald sEJIid some eleven years.&igMißha^hJ^ ' hgraic y -t-^ c !Bfr<fut y sm -^tcTiwhichl.ltlotduW flbe hard to find a parallel.' .©nfelS. ■ - 1 •'^* 03 7 r^?UHCMPaiaHO These remark^ ha-Ke.'^e^ji: Wge*g|'S) jusf^ ment made a short^time ago in a secfcioj^ of^tKs s%uktr press in the United «'S^ta T tes-;-'to>?the,C6ffe¥tT|bh^Ti4lJ©rp articular instance, a pfiest recen|l^o<?iolatedTthe3S^al Q«>#piiJ|fess|)nw^J|esti|yi^ ; ?ii ofifi^Mobfttry. B *The^n«e!|hia iCWplib l W&n#m%i <Mobde«&, Safeg with the subject, ; says in J yS^iM-i^ 3 tfaTa^ifa%il^e^f.M«!;h i^HlaieOiS^Tlimpe^ iin tlie > secular^ p¥es^°€ler 9 i*" f lQ Ibalfed1 balfed f breach of the lavf of-/;the ,Qh«rgh s in, I -^gard rr t^.m|^^^|fcy of the confessional. .^Wihe^^hef P&r^cul^ q^|ne*¥aWfited --■ aret.dxamined, thjere^is'>ho '^aaWgiß)iiin^f^"oH^pram' & to ;be'^fou'nd::iifi is Jjus#'fcne2icajsehof xh ;iiWa^a3o^^cKo)y« a ''-small^ boy wr a Kail door T)era^fih©«d^rij»||^£jffaJJ3 A /.^otaatf penitent pl&W%ox{Hrl*BpTahnßkbi eisa^ipon, s ° m -vO?-'"wllatv O ?-'" wllat P4 ssed itf^coMeWlbn'^bTeiw^enOau'egrie^^aid •b,erself.'Tlie^ priest w^s^not- cWlttfl peats' testify, and "if he Jtotd been lie .would most cefi'aliil^rßai'fe <f§ttsj!djstfN<? priest, , eyen >th"osp j>ut oiit of the Church by formarexcomniunica- . tion, r has,.ever been kjn)csm(j^-ferE bet^a^«aaseeß&tia|eQnfidad to .on disclosure^' »-«.-«.» WSsrW - Wttledaien < ;: * ..f • I!a '-'^ r JJ * or/P «»»% »«re /'^r;,a|ani ago an 5 IriM ''fel^Sl^eßeMverheard thq^dr-iyei^^ a side-car itf'Cof k 3 aSmKiMfergVa* ?rf^al right, ■a iaftrK e?9 r bitafit fare from an unsuspecting^ fqi^gner who had osejbfj foot in the fair city ' by—the- pleasant waters of -rthevßiyer Lee.'j! The^hgteMseepeia oa^-ciaoriaja. exupostulatio.n, v to the* 1 driver nvfbh the^eHaTt^TyP-Tyofj^lHyou regard for the« t toithw ' fi indeed, thin ' WepJMd tthe unajashed extortioner, ? €'te'^olat dale more C^Mfr&yrtrXfihe vruthM^tHWM^. $ T &MfgPt > & : k ei &&8& if»k ever y occasiorf . ' 8 l^a^Msleadry 'shosm ins^ruction—wa^VMrlSvlrSf^H^tM Cork jaunting-baf driver was to" commercj^ <s fiFe' 8 wg8 > a miser of ! fifrfwßßrtm^ a _ minister of thej Gospel «rf %m\h^^^^WwJfßY& wonew one Kgmay say of his sControv*^)i|s i j^^C^^''Tfißmas LgMore said of TynddlS^r^SSiaifeAhets' U^s.k'Cftnie Jfli^yjwfiffl-P s >' and that, fromifbeginning^tgrena, iiiefsii^iphieJ^^n^gM in inventing or shjaping, facts, or otherwise evolving argumen- • tative material ouc^oPWis' &wfOiPih&tsKcihisQMximQ&B? In— the-GoursesJofelahjMblSijanftj^Sjebz. penny jDamphlet, The Truth Abo\o^iDY^mmASia^nimmhWs SKI ffthe Australian Catl/olfc^fO*ti*h i'^>cietyqbl<&%^^^^^ H. |a|M|^ln<afl§P!fe|r, O I^P^P^ r d^laidest^iv&^b^ l r-sift^r^ J ggmfi f fidea ana uarKmicism is sn»i*etl ie ßy me fof religious^ contro^TS^. 'Some time aco ' writes Father U^^f^W i^mf ( T^^i-'W irlspect two Protestant cle^gymen^s . Mhra^^s^^fi2^SffiS ) 'Efe^pMffered for sale in Adslai&er' — One— Avas^he^ilira£y_of_ji ( _jie.Qeased Anglican Canoij the other had belonged to a Presbyterian r Catholic work was to be, found in either collection. The "BW<l books I di^c^rmiSWß -aYdj^^c^ o heariiiff^upon olQftbhjlicism were Littledale's Plain HtedOons ana oHe \i .the . lucubrations |of o the pretendeii — -"Catholic," Michael m?iSßi(3arthy.,m ?iSBi(3arthy., GaHf&flkAvl ftßPar^i|^j|rawn terian minister had seemingly taj:en3ne*vl^ci(j3B*loHchael I 5 !l 1 ' c % r a h^a as the ' <llign aut h e^^*™^r6S a^©f 9l &&stlnfor-

,: ;) »v 7 0 «a m bornrj* J rioxd-w r, 0 htir, Jii^uoy. Wou- 1 doiilvr I Jwu s-ffioaon ( oYr.r{ of o-nasb 1 bun .s/ed I io ,tav ctoxi f ai*«a Yef li^hgpp'ilyin anfoflgi (Afnglicanstltherje) hav,ej Jje^na ifpujftd 'iSali^' v ihenf ) ¥F I re^ ;} 'th^l&grtikl [histqfiicjil lorJ^wh^have 1/orn°m6ledal'e } § '^fillecticaoof sh^ersj'odMo j , ribbons and,, cast them to the, winds of ' he>ivei£<Jff>dA -perusal j Srates "tffS. ¥0 Me^e.^We^'^uMlveFfWitl^ qltang ■ (pp. 672-674) th^lv£^ci£Lpjpiqu^gejn\ 3? fee Sevl^Di-. Frederick George Eee~rofig~^bef ore— he—sought , refuge, from the^tossingi, winds •o£ a dpctrine r - in, the' haven v pf Catholic U £l^^ffiM^e^Mm?AMil^^^s^K>^Bt& Arors which he discovered— in—Littledaleis—Pkmi Reasons Against ••oo■lPrected^and^ revised OMe^i^.ndaPf eij^agajn^^j \ IO übxfßfu bxfßf i.'ii^l— :wqeq tadj in -pdnwa dapooi a vi avrollol *j , i'»<Brr6rstt'*vßegar.dingo,ihiston.Qal C^fits 9i .j.). . ViVTO3 . . -a'stMi^i ' J M,^r-rcfrS^^eiardiwgJidagniaj!icijfactsJi J > ( . ?c . . .,. . a ,i.^. o ,'.; n J - t^ ' ' ot r liik'cfeutfat§olqrtJo-|)ati<ms ifoomrrwriterfl son ih'isjboryu^^,^, iftV^l. Ab.utu . KOjiii . ,{wi{-«iiw . a »isma ■ f I • s<3 /3SlsjbqHc^l alb[tf n theoldgi'c f al quota^ipnso'halfcvmadejilyrx^'i '■*"" wi't^/r^ni'arJiabH '6niissiori^ opiiqnalificaH^>wib I Ve'a^ng^a^rifeeiydif-^ o,U to i^n§^nih&hs& $&sss. %?€tfedale J « 6ipqq^ " - l c v«em 01. 5 ; . .^ v , j{. .^.^ . .„— • . J;aw .^.^ • . . . ly • • . j*. . K . . • • &* Confusing the opinion of sorae {/ Gathplics r with the « • |^ ' '^A'8 f satiifngith:a't(iiunf en ( t J Jopfi;nioiis.,of [ !thgplqglajQS .axe,;; „ . ' ''^^^wifehbwioidotibtjiv.defineid'^dogmax, !i5 ;.i. . ...g.,,fy .". .^ 0i .isv^ f l,otwio Bi-.>i ,Mow 9uj bva : .xU V f O jj« 3 'i^V" I '^f- n TStal' x? an r der f jflF"teAas]o.wwK..-fai..« t -.*H^kfei4o%..o;j^l f " 'fr'/* j9»d '^eV'-^m'arlc^ I>r'.'v.Lee|r f la,' bodyiiq^.-elergj; wjth' .a' 1 v spuiid' I? thyolflgipal : f edtica'tionvJ'Stibhi/fa publieatipftj njpsti be^'l'm^t; ) ii J iftst"%rb'h i a chilltog r '! welcome, fpoxgiitjfcose "b'^in^; dupe,dl^an'd Ci th^ft r ' with • arih.Wv'l- of : exe6i'ati6n-.^nKlVowil| . ii^fc,. dir^qtly'^ay'/jQjpr 636 3 ifliaiv 5 J th'atl s liavi^ T care f fully Xexamdned - it '- in 1 {Ayith Sars't^'ediijibri Owiith? Sthe last— we have found 'it' to be l ma^fifesUy'-yun?ai¥ J a^d Sl alto| -gether.' untrus.tworthyj. („, , . I^twould^ that', f we l^ouldl^gSf dQ its compiler-i afe* uniiat^ntijoiiallyj^mislgd-i'.'an'd ! 'in f i f stakeii ; .""' Xee.r, grScifinpq,pyovid^s]"aii Ji anjbido^e'"f^r ilfiti§i I fiti§ yrriJllßnt 6ifc^ > - r poison.':ofi'lndia,oand;jfpji the. ('deadly^dr^'jwi^ff^Sfere pinhead idoses b£^which Dr. n Laj[ns.oii". severed .,th% ( tlir|ea f d or life of^hiS<- victims in s the ,early eighties. " .Truth' ,,provfdes| , " too', ;'a r ' ready >aiitidoteT £or.,:the.. ! euYeiipined iJ j3|ig^^., ! 6f f jDrJ, . LiTttl^dale^-rand'- 'one- of". >the best preparations jthfe . -purpose* is/'jDT; "'Byder'st admirable.; little r jb6o^, tl^ayfolib eb'nWdvetfsSli l ' % ' } ' -u'-'^^T £I . .'hnola.-c j '--iV "tV/- ' >.-v,u I - • L <.'iA'\7 \.'ii -,/ij «;;:• y■ > - . -„,( , ,,r „„„ --' . '

X .' The once- staoiigiaiid. virile P.uritan'^qo^.tliatjpepplell . theVN.eV;Englatid Bt&tes^ihfi America havetprafcticaUjfodied , J ,^]gyjrpij^ i i 1 Tliey: 1 r ! svv'ep-f extinction-; th*ough.fcthe v ibull.-pup • , fianiitcan^'y.^airi^lxjj' places ; of the* dfegener fctes^ h'avjje Canadian stocks. ' New England "is now KoWanf^a'ElioHc — soffar-nrasiii/jis^auytljirigififto^i-Ql^ayi of 4 qlayir^;jfci membey..jghipj Springfield Republican ip -> theicouraef.Ofcranli.edi^or^aTj .copm^{t^joi^HbKe r rreligi'du's statii""jfcic^lrablisheaiby ithef TJnite^S^atesj'jCenlljjs Bji?§ati?* & a l" ] u '"per^W'eSMj}' iiliGwi^eid.ealt'.ifX) a '»efienfcfiMtt%Wishi4!ij?ii^ » " J Burea'u; t - r a'ixd")'pricked;(theirj s'igmiicance , ,-[ vAfjßi VN^hki I^ijsi!ssty"¥-Pss' lrj^re^Treos(onid«ODqthein|; •»-,i Q\ifiiB^iklngt4a.cjb| tl^'.tfie^alS^of iiiicrG! ; as6 ) ' r ia'3therfGat|i- . -"-olic^ChurchnLa^'beeno;^ r .Vj pr K &ore'%asf?4>ice • •^al?^# r^l^4hd>^rqtestanVbp^ies^p6m^mfd;^ l5 $U itfea^? 92 'ThSt r f'tke.''lJriiteaYStatesS J is J gaWgyWoJegSFe fa : -i.ii«»i^Me3j^c ( nia t int t ame^ JUlarffic%gli>^^^^^ J UI arffic%gli >^^^^^ 'dia,taß4t Aandl ate- ■; aidtraufficieniijto, mi^^WMhfM l hqw J -«p«i*&nds*rfo.vAi chung^uiiv^tM^e'actiinß th^Mbfic^ ' % fioffiiffg^'^adteal >J Jn^<this«crutldok/n^ayslitfee'{ |^ii^al£et jflC7^pHq,,(i i. chill .the^jfi r a^owffof'-ountfiiendsdt TJie- ;: f tget£p as|^ a $|^ „- C^i^j^^^^SS^vA^ Pla'ce ? .<3athqlicBir ft r l e n r ot r •iTgivsettjitouj-ftce iiy'this^b'r %i tytfy *th6rioßuntxgfkr 3 llhei ICKu^fcrdiptfe^jifiT^Wjns; a^jH&^lFaaffi^iMJitfaofcfrde wilb - J'notscifc6lerate:oit*oic>fA s "f^ffpop^ftu^iwj G ( atTiolic Of rami | ließ are> »» gett&t^ii^rlargefiamUi^' B l^te_no^^lWefi^e *'n'dr-ni(iiutfi ''Hid^m r &nmigr^iciAfiflaw9gU^oW^W^ CSff Kyi^ " a r«lftlfe f J^Tb^ ;-of n eatKBnc% I n\ G tite*Bi^ ■'^:^BKt^Mppily;«cthe'bAmerio&n-i{ E e:^ tall 1 "that^^O'ur^Ca'tholic^ellow-oiti^eiisiiar^goqd^in'erica^s, afad *thß-nution^has-^ot-pnly_nfl^i.ngJbojfejirjJbut much io expect

MW&li^ ;*§B& % Iffife o|lr w fi%n^fio»W s?ecMt'^triu^pf^W^^elWedHo^b^^aßhlive^iinHhfec^eats^fstfern E>^ c r?^i nn § n r tv d^,^! a fulfilment is being providentialjtopito. r nWop l filt t^v rr e tt rl^ryeieffffroiß"r I^ryeiefff froiß "- s iJß*«9iti*«oO 9xii -Jiif 'i»^WeslHvafd):ithe3ecfnTse r <,bfoJempi.refAaacesoits jwayiji ?eV r TOSRft^r^otttfcActe^Heaay^a^l .a*Srcfe^jf(how x^hw s* fift^ BliaßPdlQseqjiHevidfaniaAHwfith^he^aH^a odd lo tv sasd* l 0l 0 •R« *OOdB b<3lfidJß9li OVJSII YfdjßdQTlT bIITOV/ VOitt linoh'l-IJtfl-

"' Wore SfJarcefona Aoi * ul °™ *° «*«*» cd* ynianoq

vaimuus weegMjg-jovg^-d^-jdawteyove's dead sparrow; Sterne shedding salt tears over the grave of a kicking donke^;>P@^l^@||al gjirteish echoes performing a great tang I or funeral lament over the corpse of the anarchist ' lie7o~'Te < f?eTT~'t!iey are all instances of an emotionalisn¥HKSMlHap§Tof£l/B£hto bathos. It now turns out — as we had surmised — that the artificial hullaasnew^papet fides 'toiJbt^nd.ii^^^r^usila^giaggSf^e^rJlsJal;>%te^y *statecf meoUE)d6luTOns)axßas3aiot*tr^djJ® Qourfomjujtlal, la BWBy aTPtodin&Qr ttilsuhaU'ofitliW cau-ntry ;o*feej pgbfeoS^re lo a9snffitea to^^he/isiMftggoistotheT castbTrrarjri-w^y^xanda^ys the .London ''TfiUfU ? df r >'Ja*teTtiia tpdtftaifeoteial, Me£k Ffefe .^^fo^gd -guilty >ima.xi . W r^g^/rf^ s V^Fi«&# ilt > which after the verdict we are ou ft4^ft^ ? r^iMflhaM to -•^seeioniiwhat grouiacb{'ja,Brei)yjieYe w cojjl^ i {hajVp anted. f'^oiMimbeT?rol p6orodupes>jhAdi already iß^,Me{^m^^ of ftheirfbiiiffles^-^iW w.ould^jh»vea been &tranig§ af^th'e^-Jgaag^ of lo the ( %idv^niei^,OwhTtfsefsr^sponsibility^Wjasffnec^ftrij^^J^ r .greater, .had been treated with greater leniency.^ «aj|ife^xe-'.-''cu^ifift it#ii Beeii'jf6Tl6wed by:svMeht'Cffrotesjta'non7lthe part \X ariflhout bi^^S^PjaSgifri^ J^rtlk^^^n^Mo^^p^ro'l patfo,y£wsiih >^nfir oFei^er]^ has taken 'Mfenform wof.9«ta«A riots^an^ ajtdftte^minsdgfttfeemg ,jp^K^i#nk. '^IW »Ita'lyifpi;iTSsts hrfveiabreenainsuite^xii^seyera^apla/^^and at Vicenza the offices. sbfuoat dGa^hoJJQ ipa&er^ havexbeen U«B erfcr ,iocfu3 3 aa« ->d' ,foiJ^*o wVi-iaS. odi vi artidi-r'w . Q o AlriTCriter_jA Iri TCriter_ jn o a receirfc "xdsa&jof l \ih& x ßffiil?affir-2ltxy}iew q-specimenl* qWh So sojt aß f <Jpij^ne c CTs«*S*Srife l^S* 8 ? m ifJ'er^erlfei'sfipMlfti:' (r^yoluiionary^sflliolas^whigh^WSr"CmoS|d in t^sfndlTaboTjfeaß^cefena o»r|9&diW%J fSftWIflS-o* ASS 11680 I SWXoolsj/a(sayßqthe7(writexs>qO^.ihj n a^%offl|y| )l 9| g Tdmp3, IBbeemObQldj- tls^b//tiw^i? r ST^W»df r.oJßcers ?J^*fimrae9ers,owho^e miesibii) i»iti> kilVafl#.>l?>' gpS The is"^arffißhy fagrtpHt7oß3mdpolsrtlobd§eeW the f^ff&pSS?" 1 " 1 ©* isf^.-Syfffbolf^t^-aa&iyTan-dainisearjr^' -r^very 0 / r f^Sß "t^^eTnmilt3>fo^^Eu4'b'pe i rfkilir Jmofce;B-m J Bni* and o^me&r^jiePsfm^lfe felelisii^4h-»fp4h^e^ladeT sfedts in ,o^ S@yosfifel» i/mft li ahr-^ste 2^ i aaßMHi vl^ e timff- T wfn^W 1689 .iß^llTjkd(i}gs^ajei^n|te^-£ f WJhp6 4)ugm uniricroVifed atidj(p.MJsbe4 x fja- T tftejg ii j mqyuj;|jg|j ( ai^^ rf^^s of_^ cj^prig§; v^^ T In .'^tße^g^eatorevxJlwtioßsftvhiolil ij 'fiftntjn^.jgfi > njust Mfffigflg the j°'n\fdl^^^«iSses rqsfid9'*hßr qsfid9'*hß (wealthy^} w^tPß^fe *%§^Vs*3B .^yery'■^thlfliE so- Wt'6' 6ra-vfecaj%leaK[ta*re9danqs?Jiifeh6 r a-vfecaj%leaK[ta*re9danqs?JiifehV 9 tg up *g iffl? d oiwnßßfiicflfe Ilfsaffio^Btrathei ifdlitioifi »iejJ D «pi the <JHe^sa? T< wW»Qirfiß 3>r^fcead9jp9spnp^bliiftßjwith ;i jis];^o^qW^V^^ Y£ ?^.^#^b^ the 1 opportunity 7 We^'flst mbbKsH JevfeyßleKsting

r4ftw^^ge^ o^B^ A e^term^ate aNLffLO*!bg,M& nuns and -lift 4M3& a Af^%SnTO*^S>M WfiS^^^S^fcfie document, or whicli iTgiv^yjfif J ro ssnßp&#» waFacfiiSlly printed m, large capitals and^a&letP^^gVeV's&Si under the control of the revolutionary party; and it is for! JZina and. t Queen the Continental ana^Ja^l-an^^MaaP^m^afi^S the Ferrer party's ' BecnflS^^^HS^^a^JSS^Pfeto l wartufg-* unof the wa^PMt^/Swdipnfitedr^MpiigaftdA fo& the writeri of these lines e in> 4 theyJkioSqu:«|fe IoI of B'thpi^anibla,8 'thpi^anibla, in! Barcelona, they would Rrofeably have hesitated" about es- 5 pousmg the cause of revolution abroad that they, would have* cursed with a double anathema momfiSmFSAfflhffi^tM I

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New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1889

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Current Topics New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1889

Current Topics New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1889