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The Catholic World

•uo 3 ReTR. J , BatooiMarmion^. foTmrto,fa-mtfwmq<fifaPoT!y I ga it¥ r^i,l ur^%^ krmiSn ' ?^- ?-»uSgafilfonMiU Ttir'otner, ''- bNtitejTsliould^hebtakeni-.Csass^ a.vwrite^in.^iie;: CfttJiqUe I TiUng&faW.umPn i rem , a yfe3Jjle r . tribute, ,pAid h tp h the' democratic t 1 . 68 ?H the <^urch t by: ( 'feir°;isambard j Owm,^ \le^^ C §^ Me .ttn I {Ve&it ) y"o'f"Brist'Bl, atH> J | ( nr'st^Wodu'cto^'ad'dfess deli^efe* oh I ' September \ ! Wid <the'-spea'ke'r, «iwith- { 6ut sr^yirigl f!^m^thing'>abblft« r theqdenioor'atic' 'character ; of | «d=sanraiifi.«afc!3MsMfej!ai^ were absolutely non-existent, owing to the predominance°ClMM^ st H^W r Ci¥lk ud^3^ ue^P B c> !, sought for the best " brains _ and "sought L foF thgm" fn allij c^a^es. Among all the'Tiypes, of Bght which formed Tf the j; tea^- or) one J b l ei<reefi^M^ich^'n^- SM. ' /l 'A\\^hegm& 'to' -'fecognise ( the solidarity of their interests and the common brother-ho&diCbfyirthe-t»studentai?-.(.Vt' ■>-iv-iq,.H-j- ii t i 7 , •' a I When the Marquis of jE^ipon became, a. .Catholic,^ strong Avas the prejudice his_conversion aroused (says'' the j' Catholic Times) that botn^Frotestants.. and, Catholics thpughtj his.ppblic career was at an end. "Great' il J the "change, which Jias, cpme'tp \siif sijrce' < t'Ken^ajid;f6 1 r it' J we'-ar& largely? indebted' "to"the i: pu're il 'life'''o'f 'the^dec'eased^^states-, man. The people ofjlipon assembled on Thursday',' October' 8^ ; indW'the~pfesideAcy'b'f the' >J M>yor; tp^'onsider^whetherj! the i city, ta of : whi'dh th'e t> late n M > arqtji's w'a^'^"Freeinan, erect a memorial to him, and the Anglican 1 Bishop' was ; tliej pfiiicipal -in support^ of ■ the:' proposal-. v '/The ' claims of the Marquis as a local and national benefactor were,' very gracefully set forth~by- his Lordship. He was, the, . Bishop/ 1 observed,' distinguished' amongst thesm;forf, breadth of sympathy, ready, spontaneous kindliness of heart, and, 1 a generosity of, a ,, practical character which endeared him! to every one. of_them; _" But 'Lord Ripoii likewise belonged to the Empire, for he,. jg^Y.e it not only his ardor ancl strength, but aipo his^h^,lrSiis ins|tnct and wide outlook -on^fewis^BtTbil is a j|ujo|yj.'Which non^p^edjnm^jvjhio^^paid it and him to whose memory" it was paid. It was decided that the memorial, should be a statiie, so that its promotion should be fre^l front alls party lor sdctional consideratio^hsi CathoKca wilLwe feel sure^ be anxious to mark by tlieir cb#Hpti^s|4llfrC|4s>pdf^the His 1 } tiniuign^dr'si^siiiaii^rMdereWto tfce^ itatSb^Vs4o"K|4ie Cath^ olic Church, and to the peppje of cray class and creed. | |J St. Vincent De" pliirs^ciety & J j At the meeting of the Superior C6uii<^ii %& 3Engl|ind of the Society.^ ,' S,t Vi yin<jent de^aul^ hejld on Qctobe^ 12 last, Sir John Stuart Knill, Lord," Mayor' of London 1 ," was appoiii'te'd its' president" in succession- to 'the late" MarqtiiW f of - 'Bipon .TH f ?Wie 'opinion. i of; <iih.e .'Coiintjils 1 ;and Cpn^erences was solicited by the Superioii Council as between |fcw,p «alidid^te§ir- Sir?/ John,^Stja i art l jKni / U ; ,.^nd. J Mr. P. JE.| J. Hemelryk, tJ.P^.nQ^fS.j^fJapaneseVkConsijij^inj^ and 204 Councils and Conferences' out of sdme,j27o replied. Mr. nen^eiry^j c .^ iloO [ihU „ ,(j, (j '^ ; fjll<^ (ii . '- | _ Death of an Aged Qonyefr% l{lr d griir>iMijX ;> | I , &J1 ' ; d§fii{h 'tiasi dccurred'f&t- fit Ji 'Albafns Vdf -M»ie. Efinia , I(^gh,ty^y l 9 iShe.^was, the. ({ dau.ghtei 6f ' .Mr, William Brown, of St. Albans, who was "a descendant ' M^JoM'^iinyaiil JI I °She ai> -#as c>i y r ctiiive'rt ttfi«thef OatfoHc L Cnurch. - '" f ' h^ t) '- 1^- to shribunJl jiij-n^i FT -, .Ri?.iilfi-I$ 5 ! \lnUf^ins k m^oyex^ si aKAHT.j)OHS ooaao I ? >\ « \^th TSolemnifCßreraoniaI t ai^Q9be!dy swbi^nw^s founf on. wf^p^ediaws^ereblotabiand'jjenclpsQdjin a Meld V 38ffinr^n «%"n^^s?tSno^^e"<Blaclpif®riWy99iStamford, lwls h interred on October CemeforV. ' 3 Wii^^qutt^t^aiMnTO^^Sf flrf?f^i|^ U f °f d 'I (Stamford), a priest of the of Lincoln, who Jived ri in the thirteenth 'cearmiry^ YVS4. .ietter was received |rostnz! the HosjrS^^W^^demng. the^bpdv ± o be exhjmld,,from the field m wnich it had been depPßiTed,'H;a-be resrored 4 , v^hJggpiigyrel pect *[ 4 ln^fluitable i&rouna'^ wlre^ner iv^wefe* tha@^v-a Iperso! i of 9*9 * high degreel%?.JßfflffiwTfie#S&) within jfqurteen days of imph ' ■^■l»..™n,l l i mil, TlA fM Lg£lll-f g TOa^J| tf Jr || q e .ri: [M nf +Ao l!

corpse was me x a wM^kken to the British Museum, where, «xi searching thsss|jf3O^iigig^ ti^qfrlgmal was found! - d ? ted March 28, ISS&^t .was clear the hody was that Hr'Sl^b «8.??« 8 .??' ove ? V the tonsuTe and the right 4teifc g °acYoss thefehest,fqas^fnholdingfm : dhaiicQ,-{j,srhe ri rfimainß 1^ if a mS? of *evenfcM>r lmore > «ruriAbp.ut /1 5^ ?> 9"ii lc^vh| ? ii o ,living, .he'Jwasa ' -spare, Sj t .age^ ?»mrO v M )( ffi^ s S^ ell l^ne^'^Ma 1L a or^ed n^ R aggHng-Wd aWiiTWo 2 ihc^k Jb MgP in Tlfe ? tonsiire iiV was distinctly, shown. .^."Tne 1 jfiW I *ftofc w VaB Ot teT STRjNfe ted 8 ?l*i-$Z$A i ™ "lead? tfflvifig^tee^b&ate^Qhi 1^ 4°, fr,,^ '% m> - , /rilg! bo rd y ri Wßts-3in a <wohderSully §°??.,,P atß bf/^res&VflftioiiPSii It«'nya&-nso perfect, bexcfipt . •• WJ vi^"?reMF IRgff* canQenfiied o're,??Pfy ,39 "pay, fines -fox h"atrin I g ) "a i en'<Jiiacdd J cefrfcSuiiHext- , books thrust' upon 'cliiiafen^iti thfes public ffchbolsrlofc France. ' Since- Wetf! the whole' 1 French! ohieEaEehy,^hav£i sjgnedji£hefr names 'to -'a'-'joint^pastoraH.letter .-dealing .the same "subject^, in^whibh ,arei enumerated o textt 7 hooks which ,they - declare: to . he.rdeadly, ,. to Jf the iV f ajth 1 , . pi 7 the /cH^reri:^ * m |M. Briahd r^nd I; th* Church- *» >•„„! ci& y,'i a Hw/^l'd! r * \'^"&™nd Jo afsery<i6 the Hfrictubifs -eulogy the" corresporideiit-^f' the ''T£mW'ronMiis^peTibrmamce.r[at Peryg^ueti'x. •"•■l^Sv l fts'*'feat'--so r .<gingular r^says,£the J cC'(^^iic ■liitieh) that at' could notubutraetdnj activity aljrthe literary ■'powerk'.bfr- the .JBremierls , P gushing T adj^rer^ %There .are rfew men>.ria. .truth,., or „a.n^ *atio; ft; p Jnf We 1 ,w r ho cpWVival uMoßriand.-Ajp, .claiming , qredit,, for ,'e.vents. that "in the plainest - n ?* nn er: I rfifleot, i dißCf l edtt "n" n - He' had 'tne' Wolife'ss'W assert , that.the^FrencliGoyerninent sought to beiigfii'-'t'B^ GHiffifdh vPS.%, ,9^f cl ?' uriaccouniaWy- 'refused 'W'bVbdnefitea *ttfat w^iGoyerntnenf'wias and 1 is a benefactor- of'>4he sEcl^r©y5 Ecl^r©y • and-'that' Nothing l fe'dfuld"'"Be fairer policy., : nlhiey ;knew/'he 'said;' 'that- it>hvas only the. iobstinacy ofjthe ecclesiastical -authorities: ,v;hich , hadi ( preyented ,then^ A rqm, Staining the, endownients; pf .,,the !!: Ch,urch,.,Jn . f*ol* jmeasufe.'V complying with those legal formalities" wrffi, whicn" evlrv - a^o j ciation t ,.in i the State must comply. rV Even i^V %he , Government^ whicK was " animated' "by 1 ' a ; sp r ifiV u of the broadest toleration;' had : assured 4th ! e ); ohur6h J of'^Metitfite financial' resbbr'ces for"' the maintenance of its 'clergy i:a m d 'its -worship.'^. "The enthusiasm. of) the' correspondent 7of,,the > -limes could nbt (disguise coldness^pf^Mwßrjand's ■• •■ audience; , r lt. , would , .have, ; .been,^ .sfoange ', if, knq^ing" : as they did know how the Church has beeV plundered «id the clergy persecuted, and how, bishops and priests are'even , now fined and threatened with ''imprisonment'" 1 ttiey were ?o* i awgusffed, WitK M. Briana's"descripti6n'of the i! "'action of the GoverrimenH;;" 'There' wa^ aif aiitiißriand^'deiimnstJration- after the meeting,' and'iit is> npt at /all unlikely- rtßere ' "'"i 1 oe ;a -great/jonaiiy display* >of.t<the r kind^in Htheri constituencies when ..the flections-, come ..rqund^^ >-, !Ofl , s , ol t ITALY^-The' :: Fou[rth !j Centena ri-y-r i-y-' j b<^«-»» bio -,dT 'At '(^eno'a (Italy) a 'specidl - i 6qmmrtW Ih'as1 has beeif v f6rmea to -arrange for the' holding 'of the ! celebration lf bf ? t"Kß ftfifrth centenary of St.-Ca'thSririe,'- who' died ; 'on September^ 14 lr}?i' t Stt Catherixie !6f Genoa •was'f.beatified?-bjin. Urban VlUjj- July 6, 1344; -arid : was ■: canonised b".May lf -16 ;' 1737,-inj the/ Basilicaf of^St.. John Laterairj«^,, ti ku n ?m ROME— The Catholic Hierarchy i^.J 4 { > ./..W0,,, 11 '■ > 'A" r Keutcr !> s J message febm Rbnie, t iTinder ll! 'da J te' ;: Oc"t6ber 11, states that rie\VTules ? regardin'g GdtholicJbikhepß tnVdvehout the" world -will 1 shortly! "be'lissned.>?u-qßishopsilwill be •'allowed two -A years >. aftet, their c-appoiwtjnent^flto tor the canonical visitation touthe.m a dioceses» tJFiye^vears^ %t :il they fulfil ■r. ai^.^«?t £<£><$£ t%e Ir v^ OSlfi c ejery t%eaf ter. - qu.rf, Tha>jrecentJ Bapal Decreeq issued pn&jth©3 Z Q(jc«siott of •^g^^^^^^Wyoi^rriiaiettfejp^aiiioiin^icibthfloi^der hot i St^ Eranc^^ontain^.^ev.era;, 4nt^re g W { and Jwpfflrtani »oN% d^f)nirf"? lu r?t -^^i dec^ c , e^ fhattlid- title of gFrTara Minor" W%hl& rt< yfi(f 1 "jf^'ttif d&flft al's?o f !^bßr^e ? «SPCW^tflffl*£SßW ;1 'oh'insp»sor j£ th f a ! fce in^fu > ttti'gf-«he-three"brf(fl6h;e 11 sIJs 1Ji -ef tlie Order of^^St'.'>fFran'cis'J3are«i^ bebkiiown9<by>ithe /respectlve^ttes of > FTiars-jiMinor! • of i.ithei LeonJnegXJ/nioiijijfFriars.iMiiiiaroCon.,vent«al, andnilriars^Minoßi Cap ( uqhjn. o^nTlies.a-ithrejbSteders n .Qf^tW ? F 1 r l anc l iscafl <2 &^ d *&4 h mf>mteh? the .successors ,of St.. Francis in the Eovernment of %iAir rgspteve^a^cKe'sr-m'^tlig has been established among them, it is merely 1 r! and' the ' titled of cGenei^lf • of ' tlie f-WhßM^'Order of

Minors used I3*"the Gwrewl^afc' those «f the^eonine^-Union most illustrious is the "cEurcli^"^htch tne'-body^of^St. '*• sanctuary ot Porziuncula, to T^Mr^opl 6 jPrus'^X^'noV^ gives a similar title^^^g^^^ Bishop McGolnck, of 'Duluth, has taken up a tract " of 170,000 acres of I^3)Sjjh?M^S^gptaT*on; which; jhe will place Catholic coloniej.£!j£||| SSfl I tLifil «IOiY " Polish Students * 'i -**'*■ 4 So many Polish students are attending -Notre- Deme?i. V W?f?sft><T^ i 6^irJ'PHs%£ll& T of Polish literature and In view of the reports of the alarming illness of Bishop HendrickaigOf Philippine -Islands, it j» in|e^s|i|ig to^4^j|U |i by Rev. Joseph CSSef, va^ed Sti^J«*afnfe VhSpla&4 at the Chicago r^mis- ' sionary ebtigrels.-^eiogf^op Hendribk's diocese'- said^ Fath'eT'Casey?! f &> : -p r r'ob^abl3«'i)'he largest fand mSIf :>lca%erVdof' all %te di&e'eses h\ the^PhttippinesT H«4ia^ undyubtedlyl five or six.jirandred dig^cent islands to look^afierf^princi-" pally3,sthedslands.,.pJ[ o ,ge^i^Bphol/ J ;|Leyete 3 SamarV Sufigao; and a large -portion_of_the_island_ of Mindanao 1 ;"- Further- ' more, the island of Guam, about six jday^'^'mirney ffoftT' 7 the Phfis]^|i||l an dji& fe^ under the » jufiisdiction" of .the Bishop m§^SliM»nd lii SS^er that he^ naay'.^visit- "it," it , is necessarf sgg^liftl, to %<? tftfbrn Cebu to' Manila,* €o Japan, ' to the United States, to Honolulu, and finally, Ho Guam, -, a journey pf ;f abou,fc, sixty,- days. As you can "easily, -understand, the poor Bishop of J Cebu is generally,, on the : go, and, |r liijjble[ ~of, this Jbe^spent in "the episcopal " fesiderice" in" the : city oP CeW."' ? ■* In J f dcb^e told', me' that he makes a biennial visitation to the Jdifferent'"parisi[es of his diocese, and~th'kt even to do this. r| ri is -.necessary for " him^o^tra^^Qxerjyp year^by boats, fwHich^are^u^fit \ Jpr . #ny^lfi|e,.^iiafi ,4o^travel v JuponM||' distance 1 r to tne •■ o^taijc^crfripail^lyiclulu^gC^ Np^pfork city.' " ';.,-, GENERAL \ Another Martyr^ "Father Confar^y,'^who^^as, with; Father 'Damien' at Molokai serving the lepers, J/ jhas been ser^iquslyi ill' f in Hong Kong. The '-latest' Qrepo'rt usJ that he is. growing weaker 'every 'day i^' m^ y ,'x j : - i; ,]__, ,' y- -' <■<-'-' Religion in the Schools i-2\ j ' , . The Catholics 1 of^tAe A'rgeritliie Republic have 'formed committees of defence hi! "all :~thd I towns of that country . to t safeguard religious siefching in»,the schools, -and -to-counter-_ actiJtlife' &ud&cious^^rf§||ifai! are bping made to banish religion from theni. The ltep\iblic possesses 4250 primary; schools, attended' by~about 220,000 pupils. *The"pupils l iiave A a|wjisf| T^,cT|bn^ of -&el tenets of whatever reli- _• g<ofes|ne|ij| pa^ffw belonged to%M Argentine, owes all its — ilii^llectaai^'tiuitnT^ to^lsSe Jesuit Fjathers,' 1 Svho founded there three centuries ago the University of Cordoba,- which is still r _ at the "present day the first University of the country. •I^rgef^rqp^rtitui.^bf the population is Irish or of Irish parentage. " '-->"** [ ,-^. -7^ ,">- : .-

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New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1911

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The Catholic World New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1911

The Catholic World New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1911