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/fi^p|lliani|ph SadWu's^jgii^into his first sleep when the^o^^^DellVr^ng. tru^p»^m-rs( bell was directly outsi^ dqpr, of-Jr a^strong j and; 1 vwlferiflvoice, thejdddtof leap.edffr-om 'the 'Tbe'd land thrust -|>he J ffls^^^^^at.^Came :tojhand^l*nder; the-, edge dfjthe gbttg< t b§lL > .raiig, mSifflcd*^ anduhoarse, at< rf requent"? ; Vthe\ dc^ojiio^li f orC his : , bathicoba^*' $td )^|i^pe'rs. l s .^ *f£/£ssr / P I Ih^ ft ritir-' ,i?s<',' 0& y h^^b^|nji^^^groping- diligently under, the.-. l^d^^u^l^^p^h^r^iLas^g^one'^^dj afte^r a fruitless ssearchz-he ,- ■y^i^ififfijila^^l^'q^^a^^fdbi^pattering era the hardwqc;d_ / the v hBJl^Me remembered that he"hac^ pb^e^Spinwi"th^)^ie^^&er slipper^'Jsu^ the^^ma'nt a?H. |wa^Jsoun&i^g vY|;qr^usly now, ana>?w.iiJli evasionsZ-tof Pf^^ngled - r fojisßK:f rojtn^ the'Vsjbreet car track before the House, j^§doptqr^p'|nejdiith^^q^f. { — - -- "^^^i^-^^^V^^^^^^|sSv* n 4'*ii!«^ as^ 1 P$ rain struck him full fi^^^^^e'^-^t^'sidMa^nan was^anding, the rain dripping-, : :Tfron^bh^i'ifii Si^sfperhy hat aiiE rolling from the sHquldnV § ]>i'X\." .^^^^Gooji^gg^^-gj sa^? l<^ e l stranger, taking on lus^hat;. •< il^^^^ e^^^^ply baldj§ 9-^3 v Jn. ihe; light above the- office..' doOT^|l|^ocTOT could see tlieTraindrops falling and.breaking \ int^g spr^^,on^th^dom^lUse^s^ffaSe.i 'It's a wet evening. ' ComeS^n, nian,' safd" the doctor. ' We'll talk-about the»^eatiiePslater r » Is^iVanythmg^urgent?' '^"-Vl- : ' "■ lAlw Tfie ma : nn > stepped -tlxr'dugh'the^ doorway apologetically.%ti M^m -'story , hurried'f you,' he said. ' I— rl'm < -veryi nenyous,-*" doctor. ,jl r ,feel / ,tha>t I am on the verg§ % bf -, alAn%ryou%sr.explosion;r. . ! ,Can't,, yoli give me something -"to 1 -, gtlieli me?';: x_W'' .-.. .1 } S i ; r- ,-_C'v i", ' '" . 'f^J ", -<> •^iTKe^doct'or.iled.-'the way.^to |;he consulting room and '- 'fetYu^k? ■a i^nralich. n > >,'•- >~" :<=".'•'':■' : t ; " '. ,•/."-., "•"V < Tryjto c calm' yourself,- he : siid. 'I'll have to tallc to you^V'little'-before I: give you ' anything. You haven't been drinking to" excess; haveyou?-'"^ f. ; r • , '•sa-^lthave'noV-sir.lh - >,r g { ', , -•■'' \l^Tli u e^one' '^as Somewhat injured] and the doctor's next words; weraesqothing. „- , ..,-;j ... , $ \ '- ~ ... said," drawing; up his chair to his' desk, j^suppqsp;: < y6u;h.'adi; i ,bufc' it's common, sir, jvery common.' '+-..J:. ■.*■*. -.1 !,',-' ,-.V," % i (^'" " '' g Tihp- v r isitpr ir did , n,ot .sit down. He threw his coat over '■ the c l>a'ck '^of a J -'ehairHalid' began to pace the floor restlessly. - Tfeej^c^or) was chilly. f !^ ;iTi -^ ;,-•£*- : '' 5.?.-' , ' Now for the symptoms,' *he said, drawing ;his Tjath- - robe closer- around him. j t ',J* .- - At that moment the desk telephone rang — the 1 impera-,,* 4iWv|jiiig of, ..thje n4ght r sopera^or, who expects - r to" "arouse" "p^ftpH frontlsT^p. uWz is' anything that Snakes .more",, noise i-middle r pf v ; the, night than a telephone "bell, it must ! he two' telephone; bells/ s | /" 'dqjotqr''toqk\d6wri..the receiver, while .the' visitor pa'u&ed in' "niF uneasy "walk* to listen, i 'Z:^, ,/. 'Is that-Ilr^Williamson?' ; -, -•.;„- TN to vjjiiciti JvaiV j -?. $l>*z:v r ', '^Wellr-loik-'f fere? odoctor. Thi^ is tHe^learn^ia^A^y-''-lum for the Insane. I don't want to worry ; you, -but .one of "the patients "Kere "got" away" to-night, and as r :he's<:been-j> a &i °^ business card |of yours for a day or sioTnis a^eno^S !^* ! BKlSl^ :o Ee Wi %ay^^ive you a call.' v "' J '*■ S^^^¥^! ee^d : '3S?'¥%B^ c i< lS!' or ' a non " coriam i^ a l" tone, stEumentlu^ae r^ana!lwas-Xunning ffiis \ ,nd Bariifiih^acofiies^ 'yb\t'aHßfetter cMI fup at once.--He 3 s-been--The cwaa walking tig poor agajM'?X?hfaTJbrawdsa clasped' behind^ Kls'ttkck, the fin^rs lacing and interlacing-, rfef^uSlyit^Thre^doctorl^tvoice was aj bit quavery as t he ! Bppke^^ aga^ i tio^ 3 h^^ l M teid^iff th&'i IfegQcas^^ul^olg; you cd!ft^«&iS«itfdi3!»t?3)ncsH*a2'is»iT M I ftoM^!Hol3^rsmfek.e!B(iiQQ2iSSUj f meagtjbat be? &,s!§£<*§& aom 9 '•ywyfm, k&epwhim^as qui6i?f^ possible^ tX'IL £elephftn.e W -6He«p6liee^station^xan'd! iTiaT^ei t®em H3ebE*tlle- patrol?! iB/e£t hasn^lo'^a 1 w^apbtt^lHasTlieEia & j \A wnlnsoO iU v "-» laJ^he^eotort/turnedfe-^ie'^ierSjiis pe^sgniihj^Q^akenothßr, beside ife^i Replace, and" was .weighing a&mHcteaiy^da.ihiSrhajift.Lxsw J S - .JffSpTjlSJ. 'Yes, a sort ofone'.'- I j -.- f^M-^ m °, ,"!^

J Ai¥^ell/>kafcnfhim. There'll tie help there igrf^ GoodY As the doctor rang off," ,the. visitor" turned.- to^ him mist. I tell.yjou, in this condition, I'm a menace to' society • t^liS'^Si^S^H o^^'^|^ld 7 diTielS#ith the tension." i HTe took a! s&epj tojriw3JrgK holding |fut-- a large • clenched,' - 'AH v € c JFeel my- ipuls^^hg^saicL^ ' I can hear ifa-hr my,eardruins. I've Heen^takhrg^bTOm^e^r-^cotipie^^^ehths, but for two qrj thr|e days my stomach lias been upset, and I'vebeentrymg tbido \^itljojjt r aiiyJ <7t«a ,1 ■- ' ,- -' 'I'll give you|sqm^ q said i j;he' I dpct6r^prj3^p-fcfy, Booking,, „.ajy.-:fch€i office? clocks He unldckejd' T iKe medicine clipboard gb^ O) pjirt, somel bromide. fThe'-pa^ie'rit* fan his s-estless Js|e ; yes'soverpthe labels." ", fr i!U! ' 2 r <.Jw9l. Jw9l t "' s^_ uo^, I •' 4 7J/H7/J AH^/hg said| ' ..there's prussi'c ab"id, "peach* 4tbi» odor, and Sail. ' lAjfa^cajlftuic* 'acid^'tob 1 Wo He took f.doynit'He^ttle, |n;d,^un'c"o y rkint f . f i^ sMffed^-then c fntehts. . .ritjsia HSSftfiaSr talte^.but.l- a'm f !ednd i! 6f'"tligioaor-<af larbolic i acid. .It^^ems to|titillat'e, J m^% > Qytrils. I ' > ' )^ a^bio | ' - " The' doctor hag measure i d'-*6 v u't"bn'e bf bmid§/*a^'ej|ormous dose, and was! offering it in a rather unsteady^h^nfl: • The ; patient 2=y<ie]ded the bottler jaz st^uggle^^d -took the 'aned.icine £ ,, l l } e fEhen lie sank into a- chairjgcjbas?. ri;h6 47*4 7* |v* 'I'm overdone,' jLhe ( /said.. lo| ',, That's the trouble! fThia'. _ thing _ of_ having Always a „16\-o£' peqp'le^'aToffiria',- fever 'a minute to oneself| is^enougn > t6 J arive v a J ''man';'ttlad.| Whatever I do, . whateyer I say, ~ there* is ally's lone to, report it. There's no privacy in my, life'! I*1 '* D f lfi I ' ' The doctor went ( jto i tlie^itostTument"''closet^iadd| taking , out a heavy >bone forceps, laid^itf v ' carelessly l £ 'dn tne desk beside him. ; , : '* ■-' l! (J - !i ■'< g ** 'There's not s much privacy in r life,*? eit|ier,''he "-said. ■ •! ■ -- ' ' : ■;- .-.vmO oxjJjbl | . "' "' 'You've helped me' -already^ doctor. ,'»l}ritv a- Hundred v per cent, better. | The -nervous. irritabilityj'-is«+.gone|- but I 1 ' am still restless.' C The visitor got up nas "< hex spoke, • and began to pace the floor. r< I ,wasiat v ,on i Jathlete, doctor, in myjyou'ng'er, days, but: I am^very.-.s^e" now — very stale.' , J -, .■■A !^i' J WvibjV=!3 I The doctor felt considerably relieve/ii,:.,^^ | f As you can amagine, I have little/ ,timejij6r exercise,* - the other went on volubly ;,'. but. through' a cqfx:esp^>ndence school I have; taken ,up the. study"of .iiu..-iitsu.;!^l'fi's|a won--derful thing, sir. '} > " - «**' - O V*J . | "" ' - The doctor laid his hand caressingly on the -bone aforceps. ' Yes, I believe it is.'- ■ ;;"•«'> L- ; i'(iT STO>'f' | ' - ' I am becoming an enthusiast,' went on tlfe • baldheaded man. i ' You'ie.prpbabM- sleepy ter .bjitJL'dfKke|to show you a few things (about rtf.??fK -f .tLtf l!js Jftf J The doctd'r strained his .ears.*' Far off' down thp street" there was certainly the goiig of,-a -patrjoljvW^ggon.g;ri 'Don't be in'ia hiirryj'' he^'aid.^ ' I^-yßm| interested in . jiu-jitsu myself.' >• ' § 'Well, it's spmethmg^like^this.,^||ru r stjs^and up a . minute and I'll show'y'ou. -* Nbw-^ypu<bsee, %Espilfc i|y right arm here, so; and my left the^e.' TJbe doctor |drew a ;" long breath. [Thejhvaggon walsj |t^ppih^|acb the door,| .' Then .niy knees here, ajid prestoT * " * | " . '/="- 'Great Scot, |he's got" 'theh doctor: down !' Easy, boys, -'he\'may have t a gun!' < it •, -- „'>«.'-..-. | .. - ''As the doctor? raised his^.head. he^saw^f our burW officers carrying out Ithe* writhing forn|| of the disciple- A of jiu-jitsu. -With '-f&U sigh^Sof th'^nkfulqiess, ho closed' and locked the _ office ?H.e . starting upvj stairs^again when, the tfelephqne>rang; , a $ retraced his steps; s ?' '^^y. /' >; r r "-^- i "* '- ' Hello ! ' iie_said .gruffly . " $'• c $?. . " iL . «_ - - ''-'Is that prr-Willi^son^x^ellit^ok^ieTef-doctor, I 1 guess we gave you a fall^vMarm^a'^tlile^^^S Some doctor Vl of the same name on tHe^aiextiatr.ejet^as^^flled up -to say that he has 5 our man^'therg;. locked imp in a cupboard. ~ When the paStrol comes w £ il^ojr sr^a«lJi B around to. him? ? (.-His Jiumbejfe is -' i^'^oSfeirpJ said , a_j:f eminine soice qn\"tb:e—^ri;fa that Dr. -Williamson?? D<scl)or t ;f% a!m ;c Wery anxious .-abbjit tny "-husbianar D"r iMErtin', qrjfcfie GffilKKA ■ He's been .pyerwortiniW^iH^ BK«We8 K«Wes B olrm^€ai^a, and IJl WMM%Sß*unable to sleep f he starT^f ß^W< At 6ffice"&|i hour ; A large^ife Art WaggßP&fc M ■ f^T^The 'doctor's jaw.. dropped," and .he-staYe^tfef^plaSsy eyes Pat the framedfpidt^e'e' h'§¥voTss t fsystem^-i!to0" hung r over, the, desk". •'■'" '^^nje -.Uq-noi^ -raswo iitutt'tO ... ■WhnM^ ma^dani,' BK3@SBDSSliaS a^?r*Ssj£ d< as !I *K J W he; was— er—calledrjaway suddenly. T may e^y ~pgFemptorilyJ He .will be (jiifteWrtain to return in the Qnornmg&.U ?tfi4nSi *\stutetin*kis '"^ b-V5i t \idfßut the; rain, docfiSilkiilt'sdi. night, f^-Jiim [■ntoobey^Ht.' ! M";-;tti; v j rgfjiir* • • •> "~~ *- » c •^£_j ie * was , driving-,' , said, ; .the - doctor ; and h\im"an * endurance being at an' end, ..he hung up the receiver and Claid his throbbing, head, Cin ; his desk. . .... '

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New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1887

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THE DOCTOR SAVED New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1887

THE DOCTOR SAVED New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1887