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uuwr// .iaoTTirib «#-*- ji t T9V9v/oil ,Ji(9xnno-iiva& v^axi oik

toxrfi q'Sß^iirfrifeo^caJtne lkiaowiiiictK f at7.^rheilße^.r Dr^WOJie-'iVv ? ed tor> f d£t±he .^^.oab^^wiu^boiAo^^H^g^^^ 7.«ff!p4iftefi\4ed> j tp Wa.rk rj theip;ccasibn7 ( byl,altaniibteneipi!eßI f lo ?^ °f' u r ejr "hietffli* ofttfa'itli bW f.atherrandlidti f fifig:ttrie^^elV^ yearStatf&e 'nak^so lAlv 3 S^nil^Fv^ r pre S fin4tis>A^apd •t{S&e(ms^enjeAtl?e.cmvedj,cQrdial,and^ubs.ta-ntiahsubpor&r&t { S&e ( m s^enjeAt l? e.cmvedj,cQrdial,and^ubs.ta-ntiahsubpor&r& othe r,©ominiono7 A- . tefeWgJ^s e tt thusrastt A r^eetingCiindS t tr; Josephs s rs;ofetheitektim ! 6niafc ■Ttnv-ithe happy position 6f*feem r g^able tb^prefe^nt Re^q&rJ^leaJy 61^ s wWia 'Wdd li % Go^Silv his arrival home. St. Joseph's decorated-van^ sefcioiif/inT d^aWirigi-'room^tyle^-Uhe^work of ■i^is^^taKnfeo A7 and I{a^umbe^o1 {a^umbe^of iAvjmngoassi^aiitscylJi Avjmngoassi^aiitscylJ f ' -his Lofdshi'^^the-Bishop *Kight H'afcicaSr YO^SnsMaclVluldaix (Ra^urly)^ RevMEather' J Aubry>i(Wa?maVe^f s Sft D| any (^o'^Vßev. -F^ther^O'Mallfey "aSle^' ..Gte»lmetsX7R^.xirFather™Howara i: "(]Vtiltbri-y, n 'RW^^Fathera ifivahagh^SM^eToE • College)* .Rev! IPathe^O.'Rei'llyS aM^o6rc4^fi-%)uliem? : BevyiFaiher Lyrfchs-G' ?(#efengtdii^ ""^i ssafi^LaS™'' V 5^ n * .°,t^^>?^to|al 3lTW /übilee^Wnd %n6wTedgiyig x liis -f-aith^arid Amoiig We 1 messaires a; fec r eiv4l^ we?e jfe ~GVi^(f i S n^oF»SI! ;bhu¥cHy ; 'the'^hr^stbhurgh^aihgdraP-^kyrleSv^a^^^^ fehj^ertbn'jr; $MWh^<Xtii£fo WMflggi :^°J^lh ''(C&tShurc'hJ;^ Catholic rfe. (', St. f! ! de v Paul'"S f ocie*v JCKr^torcM, RegSa'Sltr&M ''<pf bilK -cM)? k lilspectbr DWy^ J (Napie r r);- l ßevf f< FatheW = ''MolOcane (terence),, arid .McDonnell •tOHr s isfech'ifrch£ S: knd x;j a^;gre'a > t r rr^,j|ie appreciative^ tele2Ea,ms.and, messages received t&Sih g'j e^arts v of f the Zealand. ' In^ taking ; the; p^osifipn "of pf esid^t^f^'e, preiSSS*^^ mm M^ e - n cppnection. wltK^Ke' sUve^jWbiiee of -m IC^e'ar^ aiid^imme'diUtely- .befoiej, Tilt, de^turk' -ie M^d^o^fw^Dri q^fc^^ JJ^.^^ iad icen o more or less together Smbe b M plea'ry • feaSie; id »s3isc J e O^,%§lVf;y?W^^ xlpsiy. ■ assVclat-ed .^i'tg-b'rt Cl§aff; Ahan^C'fia^'fee'i , v affd -did Vl Se ha.a .fevery, oppbrtunityl'of 1 seeing and apftreciatirik lWi|m P^teea,;a% %&lnf T th% F p°a| . ?#,o artMlWjiri. Tet ! eets i i;a;nd /^le^i-aMs 6 frW 'all^v^r ßl^ >riff%to f yM«^%ke^?asd J> ?affi&iaffi& . -Dr. , Cleary., rt The^task Dr. A ,Cleary o w'as^ r lnigaeM la inf^tHe of ;editml>;ddtl?6lftna i« » diffi6\il 1 t; r ' l almU < E $ s stisei<Wmh?Mß, 1 . eiea ! ry fn c r 6ul^ lll le r aVe»Ne ( w -wWlAey^Q^redke^^^eri^ W^namiiaia^ "he'^ad 10 ai >x ila§t ier f6r > ce'd' all^to *fflflte tltft ) /man I %9ul i a]-h%Ve clf d T on-e ff hiß y wßfl D^eTf^^gPfie^Wer^Sb ■suyi{' > lords^hi bI DV.^CIeIVS af f'T canV«b'r*»'l "w6iVt '-~l4'He~ 14 ' Hel 1 cc | «s ''reiMy, Wf Mvef a S sistaiiceJ>i^ *He t l6'oa u %lei%^/ > 'even^wSen^hiFti'me 4rW ll&ittfflßflwiiliMgotb r assist <in. Church .work outside of Dunedin ; and AvasJalWalys rfatl|j l^bear"'Opaj in tfb n rT*s 'f^^e^tiblic^gob^. 1 Blt Was i I . Ipt1 pt ! iVfiege' J to %c>lassßbiated?!w'i«h^guc% c>l assßbiated ?! w'i«h^gucV ce a TI Wa 1 h- ilt"was 'a'W'Shftffi to h C) e >c dep%Vea v of. S3 Kis fi Help'W€h 4or a short 'i{Jn& te,H£^f hop;e^ ll fina' thk^ed'mv^l 1 wbuld> come v back tp'flhgnT l ,reiuvenafed,/ J iSore r aofi*e vl |sha2C ! .evel T/carryT /carry on

oiq ,V^o J4e°^OT:W|gr^. .WM^itaya I«D«^ltbVQ>£ the 'Rev. and Dear Father,, .zbao diod Jq | 'On behalf^'of^be^lCa^oJic, cjerey,., and laity of New! Zealand, wea^i^rjto^nder^lb^^u^o^r^Md^^earty con-f gratulations j^^ihg^qpc^qn pf^he^|;BpverA]ibil|,ee of yourjj ordina£ipnb^pi;theTj-jsue^^ advau-j tage of this firstyOj)p9r^upite^.mcft;has r .be'e"ir peered to us? to tender to you ' our unitea c6rigfabulatiqnM v on the well&o.stqrr ojyDivinity,, /, w^chwa^. recently 1 confer edpuppnl y&Us b^q^^Uol^¥at^^J.jid- ty fIJW ;r^entyH£y£^eaSsijpfl y.bftr ef p^ies^OQ^;.liaje j^gen 1 oftofbf-ulfinigpod/fcwgrfcs} BW'hetMsjMo a TT l ¥JJ 1 3i ) M'l )r f)i?l on />^ e ] 2 omission/} 'prras: aDipjoiessjgro inj#f.,coil£ge. .pr^asji *^£T?ssr n $ cr i| f i&"Dfl'Xdefe"nde r r-r ofiiCathplic^truths ajad^, fights J ?i|ia ijiter'ests,] ilyou> -ha-vedrendered' ser^ioeg. t the t ime^qr"y[' ol^wh^ic^ f Jon^ '■"endureioocOoJning> I^lol^ljst VxOniinipqffifcTOel^^^ ye,arp^,ago, ( 'jati : . -.Teqhiest-r of 7 the r Bigkop a pf x 'c l}iTnedm, 3pj^tak"|^cliarge o dfi 'ntheu^ewi/^eaZajidfi'Tafeletjoyojijj^a^tjeyjen'f^^T^'Sl^li/F^P. 11 ! tation to maintain.. r/^^he^-mftring^^^bAch^^p^^ye^^^fin-l fftaine.dftit>,is written; .acjcq^s or that 'nap'erj' which el you ujßtayer; since, soably^editedj^and^it'i's Enwn.and .recogl .;inisediin;:t£e,homes- ; .:of'jpur jeamolic^pe^ple^hiougTTouiJ.^h^ s lfength; an,d,>re>dth Vo^^JZekl'aiiaf- By, J yoTir^feaf tMts) your-rbu^iness'caip'aHty, "and^youif'iiidefatiiable energy fjjou ./have brougß lU'^eff Z'edl%^ & TUblttl & i& iS£fluen J ce'rfand !, lii^the .secuiaf pf^ss J .ajfd^in i> y6ur T .- ? printe'd3>vorks> c you7Miv4 ' ever l^^pAyJ^p^&kn. tne^occa'sion' rdemaiided.i^ to champion 'the '.' [cause" of your' l Fa'ith 'arid f^Path'erland, iiand .. yqW^Will^ ldhg : be< l rememberedi fortitheilbold i^ndjispirite^ 1 mantfer 'in' "which ''you promoted tEeh.causeJbosr f p j eacej-,and goodwill among men by orgamsingraifdetailed (j ceusu^-which ; dealt- -a "death-blow ito \ thenrecurrentf jelectioprt fables which - asserted •'< a ,and s un.du^j jgiS^e.n'ce^ ( }i£ 1 '|,<^atholicp •" in'-'the^Piiblic Ser.vice'< bff.this. I^o'itii^iiqn.- ' Yourl^pxojcyin^ 'and ->varied *" learning,v,yoiir u i\vide -.experieiicey^br^^^cl^ari tjs, -'and *courtesy,vofidisposji.tion. i fhave. f ?e^aplec|^pu on "tliis 'great'fexpositionu-and, def^en.ceiunja w^y n w^fc|i ' has 'notralonerc brought credit •tq 7 tHeJ ) Eai£h' // yd'u rf Jirepr^senij 1 but has -won-'from our?Jellojy,-c,it4ze#s > of^QthQr^cireeqs" many warm tributes ofriadmiration'and-'respect,!,^ <-jj 9 []j t J J -1^.^.l \ : ' Side -by side., withi-y^urfijqying, work^fpr-i the^ Church has been your work 'fox. >the-.. land ( %pf youTjijgrtM.^ l Itrgiyes us" great pleasure, v'therefor.e, ftp.kndwj'jtHat^.jwhil^.'e^nJLbying a needed yespite>."from. ,ypur>,;m.ore + ajd]aous" "tpyil, '°yotf\will • be able Jto~'Visit once again .-.that loygd;pld u la^d.^and'frfe'nds. ' And -no smalbportionriift'pur pleasiiije ' / tpjjp^ghVi^rjis t e& ,^ffoih the factthat we''areoenabted[tp^requp^'yp^rj' l accep't^,n'c.fe of the accompanying»7^if^^whiol]f,^esi9es"belrig of our appreciation of your gfeaif~work, will enable you to your stpre of^knowledge and usefulness, by Visiiing'Tem'ote lands, aiid%o^en joy ybur ■^llfe'atf^edfhfflld'ay witih freedom from fin_anj?iaL£are^_ * I -•;''' .'-vj^ e . xy<Vs%-}?x y<V s %-}? ; Q u , n 'Y{?y a l? e > a^ pleasant T rest, .and a saf^e h return "i^.re'neweS heaJtit" atfd^stnr'e'ng^B-f'o .(farfy dh^r many » j years' V>6mpi'OTi- great A wo^s% r^fiis v 'D6\nin'i6 I n.'t3i^qßa: "':;,;„. tfehaff 'Ibf 1 Ga'tiiolics off-'New^Zeailaiid : A.f 'v. .>°.-'7ni)'j oo K \J ,-f£ oii3Cf-i iJarl 9i»,- fa libs Jin ILsrC r- f»«rp 7T'-^7 T '-^ '.'^RightiaexinMonsignp^ , h ibixivßightußev:. aionSito^xJ^i^d^V^^v^W l^* 1 - L 'Jf It V/eryißevr©eaii^. M,-Gina^y; j .S;i^.^.(i..-^mstc% l urdh , ho-C' os Yer lF .xßefc«Die a n " B^^l^ftulO'.^^^f jI.T ; fJJ fiaV «,{ do^J'O^^rlo^Vic&presiaentriii B»n, al f T% ™£ £^ •^ A ?■ The^addTessps-TOhichflls albumi form^jjis^printea in ; ' c GliSlterilia^aaold 7 %tyle 5 atf daTudor >ila^k jonrf^e^j^j^ii^ aijd s morocco.oit^he^iartis^icr E sxyle^ii^ o w^ch it i s p¥6"d'uce'd : ifefle I ctsimtich pnbtihe^i^^qr t &e<rtftff&^Tdblft , ijiioi H&JUowS^iHft ihtßistipp 'saia^fheWtily feoncurxed in' iftowha^had i)&en "saidjii < tne u a'd'di i ess 'fifesehited^toTDr.ftiGllißafy • , rTegarding.paia. energy, has zeaU'ana-'tfiefVeryosucoesßfulrman-' ntr In wliic^lt'hTdmftSa m rr m^d^«bM.oaiThe^cibZ|^ . had done noble oj&grk^ since it cdram^nxsed^cts'i;existence 37 ' years , ago, and direction of the Re!v. • Dr. GSeary / it l had, I come iT toJ)e recognised as the ablest, moWb* trustworthy/ in the i Hemisphere. — -Dr-*«>Cleary had labored with greja,t< ■trenevgfri vrith I ma^ce4,^uc.c^s^ [ m sT deie^dinc Catholjlc inteV T estsT v/4H«) Jbajl^exposed jand^'efutea |nanyydalumnies ; and: -had -xiiflb^ v phamp ¥ ipnea p tiie cause'rof "rellgioul^ducafion in ' Pfthei schools,.' „-^r. Cibar^'li'adwwork'ed vferyihal'dsrdaJTing the G S»as% 'cWEler o|^yeM, !0 MBM B1 {tfj-walt fj -waI fea¥edlthateohis,-hJßal|h-fjSuld':^er.";W>is^Bi f jSuld':^er." ; W>is^8if r^Hfsl a^feoxiHtd that' he/iW eri-i 1 ttisiveryiimanScMenjds, i Wfehea lr 'Mm ii a ni>lea3as«n i>lea3a5«> r >-tr-ip^ He>aiopfiao avdi t^ustjg^.j.tblatDr. Oleary would return at the end,lof o next Ke^r^rejjewefl: ja"ndfi"?isor Hk^nd .that,.- he * would iabor for many years for the Tablet with tliat' success which had been $so marked since he came to Dunedin.

b a^oMrL 'JrldJioM;ailow,jspeaking'f<jnßb&half^of Ibh4 I**y9ifi*id tea mded oftipraiseiibojctheaMco^k ofjrDjaljjGlearjyl asbatijQa^ioiic rxgqurn'alist. milt iwas evi^.enti'frqjnftthe ibfgss'ag'eso.pig&ppr^ia,-' tion received that the laityj-appri9Pja.tej|oiiißij^<|rJE, and that they' beneftted-Jrom it in an especial degree. The better state of feelMi^tb^va'fas'CaiJnolics which existed in tothejdD&unitiipn. iatr,ihe_j present jbime^^^s^duG^n^Gjsmßii mealiSureotojiDtr,. Olgafry." .r-I-iQn 1 b^£alf "H^bgrnj^^Socif^y, rbheijd§^ir,ed- a tQ.t)thaate-xli?> i0l£&& iS £6r i fflt& : Jz o }\e & }iasl. 7 0oge /{ pn ,:litsh^b.elvalf33)^nA§theimeiftbersjfhopejd Ato/^avegihgpajjgasftre ■atofeipx t eseiiting,,ihlm J s\©thg a >f iSuitab t le V |t,qk i en I gfy Wijtjtegftrd non?/fchej/Jelebja,tibp. l of)?]>is < ngpl^e ; n jo ju>i|e^.2 I^^ishgcL^r. roCle.ary,[a very J! plgasant I {bloliday ff i 2f , > .. q q — u ft jf vvn aornitemoa )ijb aifeighti-'Rev^'sMigr. M a .cfc a 5Q StiGJ/isp'e^kingijrin^lfeliaJflof elergy^dfjithe dioc^se/jheaictily ©ra9<3te4ry hi&^gilvSr JubHee?. -a HEe^calso-.icQngEatul^tfedijhimidonlihis o'f;ithe42 l eeble*,otwhioh had L ae!n-g©ged' ! ,'rfduring )f iits'i^xi6"tence^ ito many^ja Jbattle 1 } without/ hjuying ''frdSve'r^itssflag.': Hn jur, -=i?.-,oi\ Msaujtf oi>Wii 79H .-rofteom nli- yi-^y ja'e^. Mgf. >b O'i)ekrynMi^ thattih&riE'oTd&iie&the Sf SilHo.p r^a/' ! td l be^coriiglimente'd'Tf oi^hisb fof efeig-ht sinitbrang- \ ing^-nf^Cre^ry^'tb^ii^edfn^-'Gre'afeomen^ha^tshbw^ 1 wl?a r> M' t 'ia t: efie sae^ttpn'fef "ttfeir^^ officers," l ah'd> BS^hopfj^eßdon f sfioweS^fifsi gMus^ih^^electing^Drr-Grearyiia^ ediidteaf aihe tTftbtet*. v " %c! ';hum6r6'ussly : Isifggeste ; d "that «D« fiGlejifcyi'-BbDjild ' nor return 1 to 1 the'D'oiniriibn witlioiftJ a?kn ? o*wleage of (Gaelic, vGt arTd co£cluded'by''wish'rng ;i him' iri^'thatJlanguagseffa ple^Bant "" c f6jirney and' safe 'return.' •^ •. >i -K., f jM'.oi o | 3a ffj Q d

onQf ofpajatgspuryyi^ai^L the priests, of tne diqcesp .pi tDhxistmchurch; iieajjjijy kppr,e.qiated,;i)r. \ple^rf*s'%p^r4 3 'w7i>rl£ on 5 have^aopleasa^c&ohda^ a#d in- mW> •$$% S^s" on nwottld heyreceijreja^mpre h^y^lcW o^BSs m"ufnfjhan Tsßev^qMra Ghodo,wski XJuWs^^a^^gaid.^i&liajdkriown qD>r\^Cleairyifor aHpe'WdrpfjielM'en^y.e^rjs/ anjj rie^dsnjsir ie^dsnjsi to ■^assure "himobyf dshe Iresplefit, ofrfthsoJejvgshj itflone £ l itfiNew Zedland/iibnt ev.einrinrf^rrgaj; Bj^gm»on,.ac ( doimt of 'Ms^tiroinp^aaiidileabned rdef enjje^pjk tna^ ipe^re g pf '^n^ttaith .wfroiii^Hihe^hofribletJjlfioa^feejcu^a^io^^ . g^^pfgfjad^w. J^eary 1 w"dul*Kretwrnrnin feoad jMaJSttqw n 3?o^im ,^j,wdpld "Say : \ '■tßlS£te<?& toe- ithyagoing^out , t an.4;'Rles§gd, bj? thjjr . p^'gi.' \ }^ &M& Mi l : ji^ Scott 1 hifrrself,tto ja^kinkaid-^^swer-'wingr(th#iqueWon£howdte-wasjthati;P:&e^^ to accomplish all that he had done as editor of the-^gtnolio '"'p'ape^finti-Ntew.vZealaixdobfir^rp.^idfenc^f ha,d M endowecT- Dr. Y GleVy^ i>thrmo * ertllah '' ai!fail ' iKS t^>S % $f#£n asd^Sraces,a $ d^Sraces, &n H Ts nts o fctfcWs6«hadfvb l eenudue. f ,;J;ft^ felicity, o* "literary expressip^,}^o J , I h4S JO a^pst ette^olojjaedic <:lf lea4firfg, to^his rextrao^dinany. (; m^ectifal o^lrty r knd . re'^sburcefulhess, rand hiSi.Celtic c iemp^r.a^ient, i which -made it easy for him to remember that he was a member^of tlie

Church militant. Dr. Cleary's grandfather, the speaker? if&ifsmf kadfoafraed«aapikeiinotJie.'raiiks\(!ofC.thfe heroes cfs 'iJ9B/B-Jattd3£ thejofnghifih^o -Bpii'itodJbeMndhrftheJo pikef eof ! re^6ffiteetotoiofeai9Br e^6ffiteetotoiofeai98 'hatingiVertuvigar. and Jvim .tolfthenpen ><J^'chi6idegceHdanijtto-dayii ododi&O silt iadi bs^oai noxi -'11 99139 b ißiosfißS rr $ £ 4i mp^U^iAduad yottt djidi im B .1 BsJaizs rfocriv aoi[t^k/J^My^ott§Pjfe 9l 9 l ly 9713ig lojJ9d - ;a-r^°3xcepV&W fdeahge 'their wbrk. StEhey .dfiitwomslur ■ W^BBafife.^*^ %ffi> f e?bifully ' IM^? 8^ 1 * $ a ne l^7^ e^rAn*such'7a'i)idtur«iiS[cnotcpe'besskrily^'untrue-. It's&fsb'fneWlikfea§^i6 4 graphy«aMyhist6ryfiarej sometimes written— passirig'wJM%h*tt£hWitafctev _silenc©lOoil •"j^^^^^ow'epaß^Ssifi (xzeixstlfe .une§senti>ilj-rf afrits and, -roTbletfrfet the/oliaisaeters #orai.we. admiife orijlqtte.v^ vlft SQfcjaf aifeothigfkihdlylMealisationilis.oifl a sense^a nec&s&v; rJEhe 1 * i'gteate4tf>sdeailisfc -of alljifthe JnidaiK partial, biogi^phgr -M>'ftU ! isP'-*he ?b©iwg' whomUweolmQst Jovei,<ofi all the f ojea'rJh-Wthe J mother. Her little human geese are all swans^jieiy/Jbowl 'legseflbur^hmdisjcarn S4RpllO'x/B§|yederei/ And dvirmg the i jeaaingdo|. ) thec.addr^itisJir ! uck}nie a^4 J i^:is;^ : CQn&ideßa'Wgi domain fofSmoiiherKop^ 11 U ).isHwelbJfesoQialipeCce-And,goo^[f,e'^ ■geher tt lly,[3ndieene.rfiUsly 5 ,,to ij e.ach JO^er^ l i|id! ■imd> to., ea^hlotherslj £a»ltei a little jblin^.ltj'is^qrLe^ 'of%e ■ ■ iiappy ,artangenxon.ts.[ by f , £rp.Yiclence J psocialbeings to live together in harmony,.^', Xtj serves a pumose akin to, that which the buffer serves in" a" railway' car— tp ease oif. the shock of social impacts; or it is like a mellow lubricant— which— m a kes^the^avjleels^of^Life,^ gq^gweetly and smoothly and silently around. -Sol.'thank^Pr.oyiHence and your kind hearts for^tHe-^ealJsed picture of me which has been drawn this evening rand %eT the friendly blindness to my shortcomings Jfifrliiclj your mother-feeling has so gently shown. £?'" ". '. ■ .- v .'"'Jh' " I- take thif^evening's impressive l?demQiistratio'i£; as, &t root, an evidence jSf your sense of the place of ""growing importance that is being filled by the religious press. -;More_ and more, asvthe '.years run^the^oid territory of the pulpit and the .platform/ is being "occupied by the. r printed sheet. Inlview.' of- the developments or 'journalism^' 'l have long urged ■ithjat the religious paper should; b& as-much a part of the Qfiurch's' ordinary work as the church or " school! ; and I feel that, .although- we" may not see the day, a grea !1 t Order of Journalists wjU'yet arise- within; the Church, and gather in a vast harvest of good, where private 'enterprise is now sowing and .reaping only in a comparatively small and sporadic and 'unorganised way. In TVhittier's lines : ' 1 It may not ; be:our- lot to, -wield , The sickl© in the ripened- field, : ; ! Nor oiirs to hear, on summer. eves, " ; |: l The reaper's song among the sheaves.' , ' , rßut I tj§lieye : r tie. good time, is coming. "And the small 4t may, perhaps, he seen in f the .movement l^h^3B^fqi~som'e time past Ms been unify:|n@iji^a remarkable degree tlae forces of Catholic journalism j^l^us'fraa: and,Germariy. -lit is -my privilege ~£ o_ iann'ounce i'feJ-ljftfCthat . yr.e]'i tcro', " in; Australasia ,'have .made^ our pret:R^#i;Q«?^or c Vthe greater-. things" that are to "come;; i Tlje .rAujSWAlian^GathoUc, Truth' Society has, in addition ,' (to its , .-other--, activities, - constituted ' itself " a ne>vs agency- to ! meet, t T>y 1 cgjle2; message . or . otherwise, -tlie - too frequent-" itiisreprprs^ritaiEianaf'dfc "Catholic, persons, Institutions, ' and "events iiwhich come tous from over-seas, especially if rdm iKosei coun".iries of .Continental Europe in .which" the'quickest' ordinary . *"of - information have --beeV'cfipturedrJby agencies 'i^ a^*H^4%ili;teKgiouB .faith..;,;.. And "one <pjf ; thei;-pleasantest occupiat'itmsr 'of"-my-~rerav'els' will " be^to^'estaßlish^agenbies in every country which I shall visit, and, for the purpose of the mew movement, Ajshjch, I have so.long advocated, to link up the "Australian' Cktholic Ti'uiih 1 ; Society^- With kindrSd organisations which 1 exist- elsewherel-' 1 ' I roh oiSfkgtt $\?issPSf <hWTS nn S e <, la y t dying of, his pounds in ;i; ia £he irf^he chi^f i • di /#^,P4 r P#se rf Qf X;s c IM, He m^rely^pleadeda't'o sthose • i ,^round,jlunr: 1 "' [ rMea tojdo' m^-'a'ntyP 1 .^.TKat^ig thermtmo'st ~d&t&mi4? A^JWtMyrPtrlVt ?ilver l iu i bflgjg3Wfcome^to ifie . as a happy* thou^lit J th|t '-thei'e 1 is 1 ( a'%al6 v/ evetf fdr iheHrieV, . m^fl^hti^Sf^t^^'a^P.-Aiy 68 a sort .of con sSSfa%rbllf 4d honest - BH%W^TO^ h ° lu^ hGt^ M feffoVtimay>ienia) inl/^oorHor little" .ort i ™# 1 , /TMs^is> f th4 c-c -m + oralnbf>.the curiqusoiiictiUiKe -by MdMlo^-fi'afe.h^ul'^oii'Hh^! walls^-of -the fLoukrle oin^Raris. .^l?, o sfiBws o a| lT qua'iHt r blMitbheW'*. jAAdijwithifi: it^^fe,; nU', '^M^ffi 'MW^W* a^g6Mo^o r intoxaMtJ>busHym^gage3 \n 1 .^hV^ribWdfetans pF^hWsetedlMutyi^iena^ijthso-jyo^n ' £P9nJ7{B'& tftpMlfi} I*'1 *' Band c6mmQrH>lace-| ; by,- the. , -itasa«j To aifflTj T r cW g plea f d^n6frothei<hightlacMe:yeßi^' yfu? < 7 '§6 T > %tHaiySc'reyitcm^fwtth^{butow.ithjj;hJgsingle aim- and the* ■ a °ooeWies]?* : $ 1 i n as;beeff /made-ltofifaayS wotkr, nkithe.nseculkrui Wr- ? f> #ood y a¥^ma'yfhafee9be'en;&chieigd ) 7by it,? , grig a^a^ng^Various^s^ctio'iis'eefitthe community, yjs^d^e |in? „ 5 ap t h?itf;ofc:f air tplay wMoh .l,SaVe-

:: TFknow-oFn6^s^eina¥=jrf^s^n^aTr^^ matter, conduct§dr with such a_ chivalrous sense oFTionbr -and^oTnigS'm^nlifie^s l , a^a^l^kAffis'ibp'lortuffityirSE proclaiming my deep indebjtedjqresxitfi them. oii-i 'ivCir^Hmstanceg generally compel a priest-edUior to keep more: irons -hi ffie firViinan liissJula^oiifrgPei, is difficult for him to avoid, on occasion,^ DTirrfib^ thfeVcandle at both ends. * - - tedte% i^Q bn» > 9H9 H > Wu7 \ o e%Sl i esaW^yho J Ol burl >r th"eif *dfoaTes™ <b«MlasS •natb* 9 ||t}l(^.% JW—^lP3vh64hf)ll iSf^iuißis -Hot arid- SPHm wnW3i r in nb'/dfefiepflvvaVV^'^ aid*, to agsi }W%W^loimUjiß^6i^d^ifpibha way^nSiJamoaa^ijsed .; r .|;Tiat ■fe/pr|e^ l ir6m l ;wprE I Js%ee r ded r ,a aridv. Iriknowlxfebatfiifo is ;;rw%6%|.,,;^fl^ u iky^%n^e7. Itcslaillestil^ibejdgerving T^R^J^d^filW&^f^atftaJMd in£'efesti«gsknb*ledgeso? world's nbigjiuniWill wiiHWmy.lore^derso whens^br^turn. : LAWk'f tef^^ 7 sbKMi r d\gifts'ha^e:^ne^hew r ay)*hataeyej»the ; J bestttMn^s^pgFi&aig °gb""fth rr e r ifl69npf^ of nthisCbccasionrand ; of^th'e^e^a'orainaTy s kindness<^f^¥6t m^n .7,^4£vfed* r ,^»n' I to"fcn^^ , m'osOh^rish'ed 1 TJoSse^ion^ J b'f-' I m < y' { lif e^ i"a*rri Am oi- noiiai ,i"».,7 &e|§ :Lor-asMj/«the i-Ai^^^rlW^T^M^k Weir^'wor-E^n , „ J&a^oTftnJ^aJJr w o/ J itolrreW i^ttt^dl to >„ th^upcess; o^tiatjgfeat;; &'e'mb;nltr^3fijm l Hfgm6h^r?iJO^ m« 1 fk 1 :Ekur;ing! othe^eyening* '.musical, selec^ipns ; l I w^f ( e' lt gi v^M by - •' Mrs-.:* Pcaweu , (sgng).v --Mr, I/ arid,Miss.P^ppelw I6iiro^oea;l?atfetI 6ii ro^oea;l?atfet) 3 - ■ Mr.bJluMoG^i^iCßpn^^^os^K^W^W^ QomMdes .. in. i^^to,*Jrfffl^^ "' conclusioniof tibief'pri'ftcejedingsjlignt^ref^es^meiits 1 %'ere i 'handed^roundjb'y aoaumber oji^owngflaqies^bjder^the ••.■directioh-of^Miss'fStaiuifoiirwia-r,; -rri u«m %uoma llv-fßoo-. ' Ji , ReYrDF^Ole'ary aWft fJ Dunedm <o^ ; Tiiesda/y,)}mQrningfTfor "' 1 h~e[ f joihsHh^ -lonio/)nvMchi>sailsßjOrdAyKfor . Moirtevideo 1 . He 1 i -ivj&P 9een i '-byirbhe^ rf or K f [ the'j noit'h^ Iby ' a1:a 1 : VunTßier c 'oi :.'«loeal' V.and 1 ivdsitfeig^ ple.Bgy^f^nd , ■ several u df the laityf < Whb v wished>jhim;it)bn ; ;Voyagei!ftnd fftfjafe ,^return/ ■ /&£* yaTibw^tjftien^Wßhis^journdyoto v ejb?istph]arch ; '^D r ." ' Clesiry r - w.afs" fi met' lj by °f r ieiidg^-cleEgy •lancl r-laity-TTr^jSMde-s'irea'^o'offer^iheir <?6iij|r.aH?ulatn^jnsfon the-iattainme.tit^ojfhis silyer jubilee ana v3 tb 19 wfsK^him"Ta'n'Ke r n'joyablexrlloliaay£.A ff ' /I I .' ClSfry^^av^i^y^fi^nl^liia^oi^ei^iMonter yideb, and'aJjei^ o^ short 1 % ! tay>jinvo'Dru'guay/trw^llaP¥dcegd_ to ', I Bile'uos" i Airesj te'r Oi \vhich - he^wiltf ivisiiri avaf^piiftoparif of '. j Argentina; 5 jFfom? tlief l^e^he 1 i(SrpssesJthe>d Andes ItoS-S.Sp /f/ f J arid r^Valp,arai4o?'(CHil(e) f ; /tHfehce'^he goes isoriißoliY4¥« Beru, ."!Ecua'dor, ''several eßfe Bf' feTj the '^CerJtralorAmeribftna rßepjiibjicß, , Mexico'/VUnited- Stages I ,] ah^afctn^nnacross^to Euxopejjl n;i~*

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New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1893

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PRESENTATION TO REV DR. CLEARY New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1893

PRESENTATION TO REV DR. CLEARY New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1893