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land <m fcehalFoMae-sphiMelphia Wyyttht AmmSfcKrite. fcerly- grazing ranches, upon, which .mo^ftWSfffdred portable houses builV^or'th^iifi^ififei^JhAnw^J. own w . a y»:*B d ,jfp£ :% o fi^ timewtheir;lives y kn?^K SS giving joy of mHe'p'en-denbU 03 to xroiniijo srfd guiprxW} +1, •i3« r^-^o'f! ;h^ jh c 8! xi '" s '®' fiEtoanfihpark, estates: These larg^^rdpeftie#^eref» B £cisSeVeral years ago by the board,- and the wort has created decent living -conditions -for.*ithqusand had extsted in hopeless poverty. I n passing; we glMn idea «4ff +&^- l1 ? d fv, t^vork bx^e^ni^g records ,J^S- t^'flasef'of thelthreefi L es.ta^^iust,^entrQnea— Dillon ► «<Murphy andvDavFwgritWn iHe^areWSresWX' » r tenanted,, J a-JrOj^O^a^ge/V&t&a^ k » p^jo o jr.ijwbe^of %^jm^mM^m^S^ otb.oar4« e4e'|tie f d'^y«tod for^imnPi;oyenients, o £l^6oo' V^ J r ' rKJ ! " i>«"ol iverf ovr—^f : n'B9,«%d» W fV a ( g/oif ' ai|i/&icfefto"Gallo>inu &ereowe/saw a r^gpf^fapf^graVllhd^Ki&^fgw'^^^ ">P°SJ?.S of erect^n^an'd-^cpfestb? meri-'arid teams Jma£dbn«y g^ d ? x^ b c of ' th e =teacti-foxiathi. %of - the > facers. N^vbinber et^Jt o?e She l 'Wfe S^WP^r- ' After^P^i"gbßaUa|h^^een! the course t lay rsouth-\Vestraiid4,then)&vo:§tr south-\Vestraiid4,then)&v0:§t n^rlw toJKi&elly! Here in the .townlands of Tavrauii and Gleiita^^unt; I saw 75 new houses, erected-during the last two T yearsV^fhis group constitutes another phase o£ the board's- work, upon miS 7 -^? .^oardf t)utf 'byitHe randholderSjithemselY^.ypnder the ib °ardV direction:)' ?/ loans •".Wiflmg.Sttsi^aitQb, giyPAfhajd^sferftte^ *^nelp -" ) theinsel¥.e.s /i tp J this §?ten±. r ' TKeffi 'tfous^sVffe^e^-elba^ent h^stimony t j? the apbitiwi 'lndfisffcry^^Tf^ne^ftfrlner&when it ft** btSfftt , .mprning''^ l)More^stariiig '^stw'afd^SgSin, wei-Biado oTft •n*r°jft°i& ° f - i ; an * s: ' /!^ h ? ) *ave[beeh settledp^'^heir^ew „rE!^ s ! 6r ; ci 'S ht r or.'niMß yearsi[B9FH€ l^,^tl}Q^tmKry^ouB '" f'oYk Wf th-6<b-oa r rdfini f uU.f ruitipn^aThe jW 8 rfimpdssiblerto find .better land in^he .nVigh'pofffdod^o^.^noso ,t^aiodttegdGd^itj^but, I^ple 'have fm'stdfe"!. JFaVg figKfc'for ivtkemselv^.^an^ they^Bave 1 wHn l . J af TKe^liUti^^rnitf.)were r rl)right r with r growing crops^thet'fioasesfgleamittgrrffTthiibaint ''^d^itewkstt^Few^h^ '^^aoßfyar-dija andioma l fiy /^ a di.fGlims}iijg. I mbses JilwE W&ied %hfehSaV«Hi akd + well r Tel? /§c£oolfi houses ethane p^ass^d.jjyer^,. filled -with^ Wsy-c^eyk^d^are.-f i^oote6;ichildr o e AY „;^|?|bJ:|m<%^p^%Sd^nat^UTfd cuP^&l.j Jhe Pi eo{) lyo^thWcWan^^d^tH^iafeiHving up ••ofei l^.!^ 0 * 9^ fiapfaileanor/maketMs pJbrchdX^jßas^ents. Where'there wef e'^Wprt-jfia&idaivfeic&elJn^s mnder_ the* sysla^dlor.dtemyithtoeaa E 6ipe ft5 c &^£mUjxpmml a ffiider 1 thetsysfceaniofi Qwn^^hißj ; rfi . ,r- , - atT \xiOiOM fi pho^o^aiai I took in 'thia%ei^h:H6rhod<i5 < w^l> l>sllustrate the story" "or wnat "xne lana 9 ?eTwmatio»«rfea;nfciwhen it r is, completed. The boafd built for a man for whom it 6roVid^d r! a 'f^fntflonet'ofxtheoeerFdpeable, Abut, .hopelessly plain ' aMiuallyi{asaieoh4fe4 W# r#l^fep°B^hill r #l^fep°8^hillL sidfrJrsijOnQe/lhe C 3e^ed ,thCTe//^n^er A coTft^a'c¥^t^ the t Gbv ( er.nment,-sup|rYJisidn .and 4dvice'^e¥e withdr'awirid ijThis^ m^n^e ? 4 o wjthj hjtf &Wilj[? ' fom^liitof-pissessediaf 22 rna^es. ofijfairfjj decent land r'With r a.%ectioriidf^bog.ifi!om^ which V-h$ qous^ ihig^rJfAerj a^cbin|crr.tablB^l>ut;/r.a%rMUgly .^e^hi^'bWiiynnponacertaM/Tear^rp^^nts, .less thaii u the;Y6nt rr h' r ei Ha r dopaid>i forj^/a jwrjatphod^iiovel on .. j Wfiml'^H^ihighti .h«venb^en Ji Cpn^nt n w^rtHm > Fp s llcl ( as it 1 was: ' l ! W 4helte*edi rhist^ family^ (and; XbAf , »iaC, wnat • "a^.'house

saM«OlS3dih€t. ( %Rey MiS* flfvM Iha&itEe *mon'ey -W^nT'Keart to make an improxe^ejjt J ._^ no incentive. In the new environment, however, it was different. Within the front door. This alone added 50 per cent, to the attractiveness of the place". Lace curtains appeared at the -Mndj>ws c a T-heJJ frowsy) i£tonfc /yard was > ploughed - rf up and (iWWa o i^R? |r § r %j^ a %se4rii)rl/A-'.J n^a*. h,edge." -plan-ted oalbng M$? W'l f'^S mb tt i fig.-)W?S m ft4e 5 pal&h.e,s ( ,pf icpjoiv against VaA walls. .When I f saw this, place, it, was ras,- trim .and, atmitt a'^^speroYiy^en^s^lVani^'&rnrhouse. •>« K %idfltH6>Oc%g6ste I d"pistTi t 6ts >t ßoar'd i: ihaK :' ' )?t l !l am' prp'u'aer fOfi^n^'Uke^tkatv'.wi^which^e-h'av^ had 1 'riothihg' 'directly .l^fti'i^tV) thjastftof Anydof./,tlteipr;ojects iwhiclifcroe iinderfcake (> for ?kte,(R e SBJp#^M§ I¥.§?.-)V1 ¥.§?.-) V J*;4s ia^greatithing-rtol^buildt roads $$ au 106 ?!??®^ d W ns 1 ???' ™ i . s - a - greater thing.. to .t a^H?.? l>^^?l# t f,? Is,(P?9P,1 s , ( P?9P,} c ., and to. sep how^thejr 'Spryifc^Sfpalids^tliTder^tK^'suiishnie of opportunity. . We bgavertthat^maTiia chalide/tli'aVS'-air Vf; The' house was a^niere iali^lteit)(wiien{jhei!g<Jtdit-4wea£he l rprobf t a'nd comfortable, "but JY JiflHshila>ckipgi; JA -beauty . /. You ; seei ■ what'- he 'has i made' of •^feTcftt^^yji^^-mjt-JSf.ifeas done,, all ; that himself,, without 7*fe,« a .!S' g ?t sfc J, o^^?°^t' u ?-i..' T fee,, effect, upon. ,his ( j own family, upon ms children, must be obvious. ' But it has its -effect upori4 ! tKe_Wv'b:6le ! nyighb'6rhodd'. ' 'In' 'time 1 evefy""h'6use .witjhirf.sig-Htiwilltrbe'im'prove'd/' The example is irresistißle. ,-Af;te"is i all'^i Jwhafc . iwe> < do, • ! as, >the work' ■ is', ! / is ' -merely ,'P£#par.asor.y,fj t We, help a; .little,. .but the< big .thing is- that u^iS ca iP h Ltf i c P. ft°P/J c i°j h Pte ■ .themse^yes. , , And ', it". :is . encour - aging/ ™,SP$ .bow , quickly , and., vigorously they { grasp the 'ifesfittP aM IJ pW'it miio' practice. ' , " "', lJ " " l " , io 7 fio f - r A > Jflemarkable,,.Ecoriomic. Revolution Effected. Having; stmdiedt 'attentively ' sbme hundreds ' of ; pages''bf „9jfeJ3A--. Te R? rt P"^ ris^ lin gMwith statistical untorma^>ionj )I was >W£}3n hWJ es^A .- w^:. the . , magnitude .. , of the , improvement ,nia,de duriAg the.jlast, seven,, years, by; .the, .Congested Dis?P^s°* '■■"« Bu , t >, , a;i,ter „ allj , figures are: not, .the most «W; ct J v e<. fsyidff $yidf i?.ce. t ?j , .-The ■ sight , .of one , trim,' .comfortable home ;iwhepqe ,thergr • ftad „been, .been a. , jwretched hovelj [ or, uof fa do^en prosperous,,^arms where ther,e,,had been -empty /pas•.fe^fiN 00 * 1 ?^ 13 m,or l e,ppnviqj;ion,tb,an ,ai ream of; dry. statistics. ]._,^ccepfrpd; the,. official reports ,as of ; ,co.urse., /\{l -^?! r ft?^s*rom.. I thqm>that,. so; many thousand acres had. been purchased from the landlords and -re-sold .to the tenantsthat so t many thousand families had been lifted from poverty *il ind^beiiaencp^ th'at J >b; many .hundreds of 'tjhousands of dollars ;had ( T>eejx.' expended 'for, estates, ,'for ', r dad ,, building, ■ r> '. :nfew ' ,?P uses - a P d 'other, .improvements. a .? fcs '-V e re;'istrikihg;/and .bore siiffic'ient' testimony, th' at .'v?^ P^ef^aiskripts of. Ireland', are beneß ; a remafktßwS°^°MS'^^m—^ making, :: 0 f j the '.helpless' tenAntsanto mdeßend.ent .landholders., , But, .until- 1 stood on Efijl; near,;Pastlerea, l and looked J .ov,e" r - that ' Toi .- <sfs&\?} Pi ai^> ,^^ted with , the. Monies , of , a hundred ■W^Jifi'r^ -but, faintly realised. w,hat the' imposing f? a y<l9 f ¥W*i#fift%f. IV P?#I tKen I, had not ..understood yOTP'^i^;* ° h £.iP lllc ß' s .statement : ',The, wh6le, face Me^iand.has.Jj^en^cKang^d. 'i- I>/(r ,',('-'' '' , '"■' •i» .iT%?i iri si'W, 'vM^^tfpry ..ioW, by , t%'. ibird'.sieye \view, however, I wanted to' learn some details. It ,seemed, to me ■^aai-^rv. o^^?.,^ o^^, l, m^g ht MM d > evidence ' mbre coii--SW^^^^W^^Vof-odiiaitidriS Vow as 1 conKS? B^.' .r? tH , ? f io^^ on r 4'; seven -y'^ars ' ago. 'V I 'maae'"th'is shegestlon W/the, offipeV of 'Ciphgested .Districts ! Board, 'L ! '^r^S^^Wn?.^?. 1 " 'tHe'Hill, 'climbed' the wairknd descettd^d^y a'rpckVlane .t'ojthe to. I; chose the .first $2WM a^ d! 3s \™4'.*W?. storeys' Hirfi^'Miift strongly AftHijfiC '^?l#.. T ,9of- ;:,?lain bey'Snd' the point of 'trWxM'thht^ 2$ a.sinkle', hint of 1 beauty or'airfto reco'mSSI 55&1 "lISP ■§a v ?F,WP t Kas undertaken a" work" so vast bui dmgs bf, such forb-iddi-Wg plainness $^M&#WTOB ghe'i th&as 1 ." ' Bu r t 'Wil^^^^^^^^^ H% ? m&i'MM W l^ .grow^^^^Ws^f^ifof^tis 'size. ;' L .We lTO U l99 plb|Ll^nes-,an^p I b|Ll^nes-,an^ shpwed, i^.^A^ l^ 8 oWer puthpuses,,^ ioo^^W-V^^Pp/^C^'mfSa.' 4ffe pne y §nd i jpf K ,the : .stable jy,aa a 'huge pllfe of ."Jlurff .titfee Wo&mrWPJß&Tuflfi W, -MA.fd ofefFw e #) was/.a^concrlete jl '.Sg&ere,^ RW! f9^merJy liv v e<t' 4^, ' .^ r >u WWo^ o •|»phj]arrj,n£em^ JwpSi' toA jsbaaqYr^pagssd^ove^-ie-r^fac^ /?* $4rY di 4MBwt Cto4'j£flßJW, it fi was c{ , nq; , ( f % ult» qf rr cjurs^ tJ /%7tim W w f e could,t*nd.,jt TfMMj'W&jji J^s^s^.rJmM.from 'He'rW, ten acres of hillside, a that ;mylfhusband,,aucl-T; my lf husband ,,aucl-T and -t'li^hnaren had to pick the stones out of with our Hands; A We

-^^^i^j* 9«9P .«tha^,wxJuia kedp 'thfftfoddßin<lou¥%iXmachs •x* 01 ", a *^S a Bi- /ftl r S sunfiaierianyrrhfllb3md,^a'flai»ttie Ol Bi& >^BbYB i^flCiflPf^flidfcfisdPliglwcl and .dpafifermtwerfiOtaivfr^^gagh, .jffiP^f^/jtP^/^fte t «§fttH^id^tofijarify \w f*Hf ettglfi'tne #&Igr JKS ff i o> %Ji9 u«u «^ e vlJmndiiH tin naiUi ?-iyvf anismo'i erid iioxrtw .bteiirMßglPOHil^dTiat/.thje hqusenan'd thetr»^att%bre°Msi^ lJ [felft'feh °fflW§P--%?)W°Bfts -»4^ cfuarteriofla^-mil^Jiawaya'tliUohusiynd . , ss * a W^nAJftndx wei pay .£2oia«£eaK< J ' rT TMd 'iisVdrrelt you ;>fi ce oe»o e » r - buying !;theh> whole 'slaff«i'> r » W^l>^H&d . owners., '^and she> 'smiled happilyi-'-^ '> -^ .Bilff a .•i,,.r: i.v i..:iM«Jlf.!,i' ,'!' ' i r'-MHii?ft'^> hiiiinftS .iM

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New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1891

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A REMARKABLE ECONOMIC REVOLUTION New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1891

A REMARKABLE ECONOMIC REVOLUTION New Zealand Tablet, 2 December 1909, Page 1891