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The Catholic World

CANADA— The See of Quebec ' The Right tßev.t Rev. Paul' liugene Roy, who has^ been _ consecrated Auxuiliary Bishop of Quebec, Canada, is 6ne of a family of 20, 15 of whom are living' and* four of whom are priests. ENOLAND— The Manning Centenary .: ; In commemoration- of the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of the late Cardinal Manning, a great demonstration, organised by the League of the "Cross, was held in Hyde Park, London. - on Sunday after-noon, July 19, - over 10,000 people taking part.:: The assemblage was one of the most memorable of the kind!, that has been witnessed' in the metropolis "for many years, and was a ma'gnificeht tribute 'to tlae x memory of the revered prelate, who did so much for tire amelioration of the musses. What was, most remarkable about the demonstration was its representative character. From far and near marched men of all nationalities, classes, creeds, and political views to take part in it, and the banners of no fewer than 60 sections of trade organisations fluttering above their heads. Processions were organised from the East End, from Central London, from West London, and from South London, the first assembling at Tower Hill, the second at Clerkenwell Green," the- third at Paddington Green, and the fourth at St. George's' Cathedral, South wurk. Accompanied by bands, each section -then, proceeded' to the Thames Embankment, whence - shortly after 3, .o'clock - the united procissions started for Hyde Park, headed by a banner bearing tie - words ' Cardinal Manning, the Workers': Cliampion. hi Wrought the People Lasting Good.' , Amongst the contingenis were several branches of the temperance v league. with which thr. late Cardinal's name is inseparably linked, members of the Orde r of Total Abstainers, Irish National Foresters, United Irish League, Catholic Total Abstinence 'League; and Irish National Club, whilst of trade organisations there ,was a splendid representation. From' eight- platforms orators addressed the great gathering, and many were the eloquent tributes paid to the work of the late Cardinal ■as prelate, social reformer, temperance advocate, and friend of Ireland. '" ' _ , ROME— lrish Offerings - - ■-, Two audiences interesting to English-speaking Catholics -have /. just taken place (writes a Rome correspondent). On July .14 the Rector of the Irish. College, Monsignor O'Riordan; received by the Holy Father in his private apartment, had the privilege _ of presenting to his Holiness several jubilee gifts of great intrinsic and artistic value on behalf of Irish Catholics. The first was a precious Papal cope, made of white poplin decorated with goid/ "lace, and bearing the Papal arms. This was sent by a group of Irish gentlemen as an expression of their homage and devotion to the Holy Father, and was . sent through Mr. Charles • Dawson, of Dublin. Mr. Dawson is the author of a Life r of Pope Leo XIII., and of -a sketch of the career of the present Pontiff. Monsignor O'Riordan also presented to the HolyJFather 1 a richly-bound album containing "photographs of the Archbishops.^ and Bishops' of Ireland. It was' sent by the well-known Dubliu.; photographers, Messrs,. Lafayette. His Holiness had the album opened before him, t urned^ , the photographs, and smilingly recognised the prelates whom he has already received in audience. The Holy Father spoke several times in praise of the excellence of the artist's woik. A third gift" consisted of several hundred, articles for .sacred use from different convents in- Ireland, -am! from individual lad'.esf also. These had been sent through Mrs.Fitzgerald, row absent from Rome. The Right Rev. * Rector, on behalf of the Irish Sisters of Charity, further presented over 700 articles'; amongst them being about 50 sets of vestments for Mass, copes, humeral veils, and, as migh! be expected, many of them very beautiful in design and in execution. It! is, indeed, superfluous to add that the Holy Father was deeply moved by this latest demonstration of Ireland's devotion to the Successor of Sti Peter, and that nis* Holiness commissioned Monsignor O'Riordan "to convey to the donors his sincere thanks, and that he imparted to all ,the Apostolic. Benediction. • •- $ The Recent Decrees Some of ihe secular, papers (remarks the Catholic Times) are very much puzzled about the exact meaning of the >recent Decrees reforming' the" Roman' Congregations. They affect to sec in them a policy of more complete centralisation, of extension of the Pope's, personal -power," "of easier repression of peopls and things that lack favor at, Rome,. What they might see if they chose to look is that the Holy Father is simply changing

one method of government in ecclesiastical affairs. for /.anothir and a better one. He fs also providing that countries so wealthy as England and ..America 'should no longer have free administration of their particular business carried on: for them, but should take their place "with the other countries,..conc^ned. in the ordinary system on - which the Holy See manages the legislative requirements of the. Faithful. rThere is no longer any reason; ttie Pope believes,' why' the countries -he from., the jurisdiction of Propaganda should not have their affairs' conducted by the .Congregations which deal with the affairs of countries like France ' and Spain. And certainly, English-speaking Catholics everywhere will feel that the Holy- Father, "in putting' them- on" a- different status than that which they .had- as inhabitants of a missionary country, has but recognised^ the fact that , they are. quite: able, as they* are quite willing, to bear their- share in the burdens of administration which the Holy , See has. to. meet.. < They, fall into their .place in the general life of" the Church, -and knowjthat in Rome, whether* their matters come into the . hands of .this Congregation or that, "they .'will Have -justice and, right -done them*-, now ever .before. • -„ '"'".,. .v" '. •' - - %'v- -- ' Pilgrimages to the Eternal City ; During the months of September" and October (writes' a. Rome correspondent) very .large-, "numbers "of" 'pilgrims will ■ visit"," jthp Eternal City to congratulate the Supreme 1 Head" of rhe~ Church on - the great occasion of his sacerdotal' jubilee, and to testify -their loyalty to the "See "of • Peter. -^Besides the English, Irish^.Scyt^. tish, - French, and United States pilgrimages already announced, " there is a national pilgrimage being organised,- in the = Argentine Republic primarily in honor of the Papal jubilee, but With, the intention of visitnig also Jerusalem, Lourdes, and Saragossa. A committee has been" formed' for- working up the matter successfully by freely advertising the pilgrimage, holding conferences, and organising fancy fairs in all parts of the Republic to aid in meeting the heavy expenses , necessarily incurred, and to .help* to make the jubilee worthy of the staunch Catholics of the young Republic. The Late Pope The fifth anniversary of, .the^jdeath. of - Pope Leo XIII. was celebrated by a special Mass^inc^he.-Sistirte Chapel, Rome, on July 20. The' Pope was preSrnl;,; addition to all the Cardinals living in Rome. The music^or.' tKe ceremony was composed by the Abbe Perosi, who -conducted. _. • .•.- • . Wireless Telegraphy The Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Rome says : — A French Catholic newspaper recently stated that a group of•friendaof the late General . de Sonis, with a view to" paying homage at one and the same time to the Pope .and to : the deceased, had decided to present to his Holiness a wireless telegraph station. This statement is now, regelated "by the Mctz Catholic journal, . La Lorraine, which - adds- -that" the. Holy See and the Italian Government are now in negotiation for the establishment of the station. The La Lorraine "also states tHiat the, Vatican- decided" to carry out. the installation so -that its despatches should not be Intercepted by the Italian Government. ' * UNITED STATES— Catholic Indians , . ,' X According to the • report of the Bureau of Catholic Indian missions just issued, there arc 51,1,07 Catholic Indians in that country, ministered "to by i^'^pftgsts in 90- missions^-. Mother Catherine Drexel still bears the greater part of the burden of the support of the Catholic Indian schools. During 1907 she contributed - .-....,<• A Present for the Pope - - < ~ _ \ A -costly chalice made -.of gold and"^nreciouX' storASs, contributed by Catholics of Philadelphia, will *J>e. presented to Pope Pius X. in celebration of the' golden jubilee' of his entrance into the priesthood. " / '


The Church in Brazil / There are in Brazil 18,000,000 Catholics out of; a total population of something near 20,000,000.. There aye some' 5127' churches .and chapels, 2067 secular ahdT N 560 regular clergy, 2083 nuns engaged in .hospitals and- educational institutions, 524 schools, and 12 large and 17, small seminaries' for the training of priests.

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New Zealand Tablet, 10 September 1908, Page 31

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The Catholic World New Zealand Tablet, 10 September 1908, Page 31

The Catholic World New Zealand Tablet, 10 September 1908, Page 31