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Tlie>- Cathedral..- Hall', JVlelbduHieJpwas^ filled oyer-fiowing,-,2many; ~ being 1 ;' unable /tol[ gaW^-adtolssion,-" on November- ,27,' \ on. the;- "occasion ->of a% -farewell > enter.tainatftent Render etl " to r the' . . lft sK" "' fenv ojrs . vt - ■ Mr . ~iJ .' ~. T . i" DonoV'an,\'Whp;"w^is expected io accompany " Ml> Deylin, was unabTer~--tq :(be piesenV -v 'j;l "-? ~'- i '-~ _ Much - sympathy (writes •- a.- . Melbourne .correspondent) „ has gone" *"o;uV' -£6 r the- -Rev. J'.l'J- Ma-lone^'P;.?'.-, of ' DaylesfordyC in -the lamented.,. death'- of -his' distinguished. 1 brother, - -Prof essor Maloncy'. ]^iK',V'The deceased Scholar _ had attained hiS- ? llst professor-, of the PresentatipiC'C'oire'g^iioi-l?-. . -V •-.-" " -'"_ - -- The Tlley .„ , O" 1 KeeK;^jwhq lias * rnade~ -many ■warm -mends atfiong^StU ; classes". Sand of ;._ the 'community duriug • his . resideJice^ih'-.-.Orah'ge^Ueavijs'; next ' h . w eek on 'a - v '-visit ,'• to Ireland,' ' - s vtb'r '_spe \his\ only. - living ""relative, mother, r"ajf- "absence.- '"of :^2Q' 7jears in Australia.- He has resided- at>:Oran>ge^l7 -year's,;;- and the residents 'of ' the r tgwn,' \and,dis tract * - are to - prjesent him with" an," 'address^and; purpe % ,dt sovereigns.', Canon Godby," speaking ""at* "l : he~ Church of England Congress at Melbourne" said thai the convent sohool • teaching of ■'Catholics was -the best and cheapest because, it was done .by , communities. .-They. , would n' be able to -compete '"• witfij • the .Cath^llc~ schools -until ithey used similar, [means. ' !£he .' Catholics: Jiad .'. communities*" of thoroughly-trained? "highly-educated^ -wo"jmen",- who gaye themselves... to leaching,, not ILn_ order to./ make a»- living,, but vbecause the - giving, of <• teaching . .-was .the outgoing expression of their love for- .the, Lord ' -Jesus Christ.- -; ;-" „/'" \, ■ '-"- ' * T> r - r "-'._ t .-„•-,/ The Rev. Father O'Leary.^wb-P "is r ; leaving for; Ireland -after laboring in Junee.-for -seven^yeais, ' i was, on " November '-"21, "tendered a complimentary social;/ In ■.- the Oddfellows' Hall, -Junee, -by," the- members pV 'the 1 - -"St. * Jfoseph's -Branch of : .,the -1-1.A.G.8": 'Societyf^'of-'whToh-he is a member"' -The members of the Ladies'^Branch? of the "society w'cre presents The- opportunity- <was availed •of to present. Mr. D. Moore," <J".Pv, one -of .the original "members of- the branch, who has -left the- *djts"tricf • for "Wargga, , ' with' a souvenir 'or : "hls long- 1 connection^ with Hiberriianismr in Juriee' and '"a N mark of' r appreciatidni.? , Cardinal Moran, in- replying- to x ' the ' statement . .ma<le ' by r Mr." .Carrubhers at ' the x Pro testantr- .Defence , Association's' meeting, said — Some years '.ago, ,, t- remember that one "of tfye Governors , of .this "S.tateJ se«^s^ e -. of his attendaats, who was stricken.! thy- illness'^ to' St. .-Vincent's Ilospital. -He was told '■byritirose' -who mur- , .mured against this institution- tlfat'*ne 3 was a c mistake, and that the. p.atient. would care," as ;the- institution was a Catholic, one". Hbweyer^/th^ -Governor d went incognito,' and, 'in -:thecward in. Iwhic&r '' his attendant was, he foTind 23 patient's .-^"Hef went - round from*- bed to bed, and^ found-in ;tha'l; ward alone - that, of 23; 17 of different denominations 'of. Pro- ' "testants-p- that all allowed,', with one- accord,- that.: no■'thing "could exceed- the kindness " and; 'the 'Charity-"whioh .^those angels of mercy, the Sisters, dispensed to" them. X-- The Most Rev. Dx. Kelly', -.Coadlutpr-jCroliDisliop/'of .Sydney,"' "addressing- a meeting .at:-. 'Ran^wick, ;'said that the - Catholics' "werfe' 'paying- ' 26^:;per cent, of "^the cost of maintaining "the present "public y' instruction, yet it was framed to prevent >bem partid- ;•■ patinj in its v uses, - except at ',the.cost->of--what- .th-ey ; held to be dearest to them and unrenounceable. ,Sure- \\ ly "all who* supported a-, cow'"" had- aT claim *'-to~ a.'shitre _ •'i of the . milk that , cow.," C"atli'olic; v paymehjEs,; towards' the support of public, ejccluding /-those^"^•hich -"Some of the children-: of- the " denomination" attejided,^ ap--proached £700,000. An i'dditiotfal ' £2,250,000"' h4d-^beeh. ''paid in working their own- schools,,, and. 'if - the*'? cos^ uvof .buildings,-; along*" with,.' other /jxp'enditoire.. were" included, the Catholics of the State Jiad ."■ expended ?^£9,000,000 in education -srnce- 1880^ ;:x .;;-- '--•-'. -w.^,- -.u; ;;i ' t The "Cathedral Hall, Melbouriie, '"was. packed- ib' its -utmost-- capacity on - Monday; . evening-, /-November t" . -26, •:_when a meeting of- the "Ca-vholfc-J-iaityj f^wa's&^ield. ;.'. \o against the many unjustifiable^-attarcks^Vecehtly \,'made on the hierarchy, pripsthQo?dj- T and "religious.prders.' ■i- Admittance, was by ticket,., ./anld^h'und'reds^.oC-pVopLe-whb 'i'-sought admission were unable, t. to .geC'<i-int l o'-Aba-Vhall^--A.n-f'overflow meeting was addressed,- by ,thbse- 'Who spoke-in 'the hall and by others. A>^a : rg*6;' o 'number- -'of J ~; women ' '.-•desired to be 'present,', but" "Oik tf mee ting' 1 was ,lp.6Kflned"io II 1 * men- only, Mr. D. occupied;;, the.' .chair, . and ""speeches' we're delivered- by.> Messrs. .Fv -A}-., Duffy, -K.C., P. Brennah,~ Gr. Jones, Donald Stewart,"'" W.s L. 'Bow*~ditch, -and- others; -The meeting-elosed-with-'Oheers-'for s the^.arphbishbp-r.a,nd,', ; the,, pcies|hood,^and^ for,. ' religious' ' "peace "and^tolera'tibn amongst^all- classes in*- ims'-com- "' munity.' / ..-*<* ->-►..•

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New Zealand Tablet, 13 December 1906, Page 35

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Intercolonial New Zealand Tablet, 13 December 1906, Page 35

Intercolonial New Zealand Tablet, 13 December 1906, Page 35