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(From our own correspondent ) Octobn 2

Tlki fust <!isU ibutiou of pn/cs m connection with t-lix?i Cathedial Clhiristiun dm 1 tune classes is li l<u Suirday next. '1 lie Re\ father McDonald, <rf St. Mai \s, Manchester Si , vvlm, 1 relict to state, has bn n in Wad health of late, lias gone to Wanganui c>n sick leave The Re* FaMiei O'Coniu 11, having completed his labors in Iho mlcrt st s» of the Cat huh al lund sixpmce-a-weok collections in the (entte of the ut\, commences tins week his MsiOation of the Svdinhatn portion of the pansh. The annual collection in aid of the dioiesan chanties Iwas made on Sunday At the Cathedral the Very Rev FaHuet Le Menant ties C'hesnais, V(; , malde an, eloquent 'appeal on behalf of \1 < ni.n t \!a<_(lala Asylum, wihidh aT the present tune contains a!- 1 nit 150 mnvates, tilie aidto'in'ing Saeied Ijeart Oiphanaivo having 45 children. The Rev Father OVonnell, who recently maule a tour of the Ilawarden parochial district, was much impressed wi tin the \anous c en't.i'cs, und people he nut Very pretty awl niec'ly equipped churdhes mvtM the requirements at Cheviot, [lani'nei, and Waiau, whilst) at Hawaiden itself almost everything needful is supplied The pastor, the Rev. Father Price, is due to anne hack in the Colony from his tup home on October i) The fifth amui-al meeting of the Oatholic Club took place last evening, Mr J. R 11 ay wand presiding over the attendace r l he committee's leport stated that the club had undoubtedly had the mofct successful v car <-ince its imvuiganation The club was in a tho'Donm/hly so'Uivd financial po'sitioti, thanks to the secretary, Mr U. Dolrb's-, and tihe committee was convinced that, under capable m>anagememt , it was certain to go ahead with leaps and bounds a nil become an wp-t'O-date C&'thiolic club, second io noTie in the Colony There were fil financial members. The balance of aissefe ovw liabilities stoovl at £i(YA 12s'10>d, an<d there wavy a credit) ha lance of £1 Is 7<l on the profit and loss account, after deduct me; CHI 15s for overdue subscriptions anld writing ofl £Lfl 18s for depreciation

of the billiard talile and furniture. A number ot socials, concerts, and lectures had been successfully given, ami thoro hlaxi bfcie'n am interesting 1 deibaito. The intoniinp! connni'ittee was nrg'cd to try and foster these stylos < f entertainment and enlightenment. The (ommittee expressed regret at the retirement of Mr. R. 0 Duncan, from the active management of the Club, aivd also ajt the departure of Mr. J. F. Stanley. The thanks of the club were due to Messjrs. L. Birks, P. Fender, amd Cr. R. Hart, for lectures, to Mr. H. Rossi ton for his services as musical director, and to Bis'hoip Grimes and the clergy, especially the Rev. Father Majhony, 'and Sir George Cliftord for assistance of v arious' kinds. The balance sheet stated tha,t the receipts had amounted to £105 8s sd, and the expenditure had been £83 ( Js Id. The report and balance sheet wee adooted, on tlie motion of Mr. Rossiter, seconded \]->y the Rev. Father Maihony, who said that he was very much in favor of having a literary side to the club,, and he would recommend that this be one of the lirst considerations of the incoming executive committee A sipeeial vote of thanks was accorded the 'N Z. Tablet ' and local press for reports. The electitrn of oilicers resulted as follows .—President, Mr. J. R. 1 1 ay ward , \ ice-presidents, Messrs. M. O'Rielly, H. Ros,s:;o i- and G. Bobibs ; executive committee, Messrs. J. Chase, Bevendge, D. Edmonds, D. O'Convnell, and J. Crown , treasurer, Mr. W. Wayward, jun. lit the Catholic portion of Linwood Cemetery and overshadowed by the great pines which surround it, therci la a plot reserved as the iast resting place of tire icligious of Our Lady of Missions. Some few months ago a small number of laymen of the Cathcdiial parish took upon themselves the duty, as a tribnitd 'of the love, resjiect, and veneration held for the Sisters, to enclose their little ' God's acre,' ami erect in its nmkst 1 a mute, yet eloquent memorial. The enclosure coinsists of a concrete foundation, smrmO'Unted with an iron railing From the centre of the plot there rises a massive Latin cross from a pedestal of fivo tier^ all of white stone. Carved in the centre of the cross is the emblem I II S , with the wouxis, ' Religious of Our iAi'dy of (he Missions ' at the On Ihe topmost tier is inscribed tihe name of Ro\ . Motl.ei S ( Theres'e, \ icai-Piovinc-ial ; on Iho seoud tier, SisW'i Maiy St .Joachim and Sister Mary St. Tromas, on tl'e third. Sister M.arv St Sophia an-d S,ister t Mary SI Hi'end-in Inlaid in tihe centie of the bjot'tom tier ii^pe.iis, ' R(Kj(uiesc at in jiacc ' As an appreciation, the iol 1 >v lnu, 1 letter has just been received from the .s. s u;ei ku-Gcih lal — Deal, July 20, 3 903. Gentlemen, — On loading Mother M St. Philomela's letter 1 felt that I shoiild vvute to you personally to evpiess my deepcsi in acknowledgment Of the liii-at Lni'duess aird uvnrrosity you ha^vc testified to our den t-ish n at Chustchuuh \inong Ihe many instancis <.f }<>vi kiiid--heai led benevolence, the one whivh touched me most pnofiMindly v\ as (he thmightPul aiwl delicate ,i t li'iit ion you have had in enclosing dm Sisti rs' Imrvinu; e;r(jiiui(d and erecting the symbol of our nolv Faiili ov ci Chen last resting place When the photo was unfolded the sight of their graves caused us ki 'I/it tk.-r pang, 'for it fecallcd thy nuemoiy pf th'oso de.pat I'ivl ones, vv^lfo lvaid left all near ami dear to them to laib-or for CJod's glory in a ■distant land Nevert'hele .s i is an unspeakable jny to think they spoilt, them-s-elves ,unoii^st a [people unsiirj>assed for geneiro&aty and cr'owi'i with the moM noble sentiments of fidelity and (i,i atit^de I am sine our dear Sisters, who are lyung undi r Hie shadow of the Crass, aie iniiwlful of their l/e'iefactoi s and will obtain for you many graces befoie ihc thrifne of Gud At the nvolher house we have place.l voM amidst our most sj])ecial fueiwls and benefa' t a cMic daily prayers arc oflered up a'so in c t eh of our tcwivents to oMam the choicest blcsMngs for vo.n^'v '. and your dear famihew. Having J-eo fr.ithful thromuh life to tihe precen-ts of Him Wflvo first bore thii Cro'-s, may you reap, both here and hereafter, tt.e maigiiiifK cut icvvard promised to t.he faithful serv ant Renew ing the c\prer.sion of my most Sincere gratiitude for all your kindness, both past and 1 ;,iese:it, towards our Sifters — I remain, Yours very sincerely in J C. MARIK Dli ST. ROSAIRE, Superior-General.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXIII, Issue 40, 5 October 1905, Page 6

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DIOCESE OF CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXIII, Issue 40, 5 October 1905, Page 6

DIOCESE OF CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXIII, Issue 40, 5 October 1905, Page 6