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SACRED HEART SCHOOL. WANGANUI. (From our own correspondent.)

Tlhe Olperia House was filled to overflowing oJn Tucs'day pvdnimg o<n the occasion of tihe entertainment by the JAifpils of tlhe Sacrrtl Heart Camemt. Both local pajpers sifloke hie.'hly of it. The ' Chronicle ' said : 'It has become Custiomary to expect an excellent programme from -tfie aonvdnt s.qhool, but fhis year's entertainment out'distiamcdd all preUous efforts in this direction, whilst " Ilqfafd ' reffeireid to it as ' t|he best ever given by lib. a school.' As this season brings round the anhuai cro|p of reports of school entertainments, I must refrain from any lengthy review, but wcnild like to be at one with "Uhe ' Iletfakl ' in its reference to ' the artisitc singing ajnd pl'ayinig of Miss Dora Carroll, Who is a musician of groat prlomise ' Miss M. Rohson also s»ajig her golb, ' The soul's awakening,' witßi taste and expression. The folltowifng programme was submitted :— Chorus, ' Welcome,' pjupils of Select High School ; pianoforte trija, •■ Dk*f Giotvy^nni,' Misses D. Bull, W. Ndyljon, M. Balmer, K. Quillihajne, E Sullivan, N. Dwyer, L. Rhanley, L Gray, A. Sullivan (organ), D. Clarroll ; vocal j^olto, ' T|fio Jiaul's awa'kemng,' Miss M. Robsom ; drill, ' Mtotlhor Gloo^e's reception,' paipils of Infant School ; Chorus, ' The Indian drum,' pupils of Select High School; piapo'forte stole ' Yalse,' Miss D. Bull; cantata, 'Quarrel among- the flowers,' pupils of select High School , pianoforte dsuet, 'La harpe eolienne,' Misses D. Car. r,oll, M. Robson, D. Bull, L. Clapham, R. Perrett, and A. ,Ca;Uagjhor ; vocal s*olo, ' O Divine Redeemer,' Missi D. Carroll ; floral drill, convent boarders ; pianoforte solo, ' Gavotte de Oorelli,' Miss D. Carroll ; chorus, ' Legend of the bells,' pupils of select High School ; vocal duet, ' Sister elves,' Misses D. Carroll a-nd M. Rolysion ; Chorus, ' Danre me, papa, on y-ojir knee,' pupils of St. Josaph's Sahool. The entertainment concluded witlh 'a ,pray entitled ' My Aunt's Heiress,' the varifous parta in Whi^h were capitally taken by the followime; : Misses M. Robsdn, K. Quillinane, N. Dwyer, A. SfcilliViajn, L. Shiamly, D Carroll, M. Balmer, Agines Callagjh&r, ajnld Annie Lloyd. His Worship the Mayor, who had kindly consented to pTeselnt t(he prizes, then rnaide a fe*w appropriate remarks, expressing the pleasure it had given him to attend su'dh a thoroughly enjoyable concert. M\. Bignell said that the excellent work of "the performers only

went tio emphasise t^ie advantages of intellectual entertainments, and p,aid a tri&ute of praise to the Sisters an»d performers alike for the splendid entertainment they had provided. The Rev. Father O'Sullivan then read the inspector's report a,r*d the following prize list •— SPECIAL PRIZES. Amiability (choseii by -vote of companions)— Phylis Cla-piham. (rood Conduct, gold medal— livy Cleghorn. Uhristd'an Doctrine— First prize (gold medal gift of cotalvemt), Lizzie Clark ; second prize (gift of Rev. Father O'SullivaJi) Pihylis Clap'ham. Dux of Sicfliool (gokd mefclal, Archbishop's gift)— M&rv Robstoin. J Ciivil Service Class (gold medal, gift of Mr, A. McDonald)— Nellie Dwyer. Mfosic a<nd Singing—Gold medal, Dora Robsoji - secoind /prize (singing), Mary Robs.on ; secodd prize (music), Dotis Blull. Pafinttjig— Doris Bull. Dwawing, Phylis Ciapham. House Prize— Myrtle Cleghorn. Maiding Prize (gift of Mr. Drew)— Katie Quillin»ane • next in merit, Clara Brownlie. Fancy Work Prize— Gladys Matherson. Sewhng Prize— P'hylis Clapibam. Ci.vil Service CJass— Highest marks (gfcld medal Rift of Mr. A. McDonald), Nellie Dwyer ; first in geogr&kphy, A"ninie Lloyd ; first iin botany, Sophie Georgettiseeqnld in Fiemteh, Mary Lloyd ; second in Engli&h, Jose3)hine LHoyd ; general improvement, Katie Qjuillifla-ne. Se^veintJh St'a^ndand— First in Emglisih, secomd ih com•pfositi'on, Winnie Leo ; first in typewriting,, first in shorthand, Wijnime Bergiu, ; first in arit)hm.etdc, Uhird in pihysioliogy, Agnes Gallagher ; first in geography, secjrtnti in English, Liz/iie Clai'k ; second in arithmetic, first in physifoJogy, Nellie Dufty ; seoond in physiolcngy, ttiird in arithmetic, Vpra Signal ; diligence, Lucy S'hamly. Sixtjh Sta/n,dard— First in FJnglish and oom/pos-itijon, Mabel Lioftus ; second in B^nglis'h and tfompoGitiojn, Mary Balmer ; first in geography, Lena Clapham ; first in aritihroetic, secjotid in geography, Doris Bull ; aecorid in arithmetic, first in physiology, Kathleen Wodd. Low Sixth Clasis— First in composition, Atonic Sullivan ; first in grammar, second in composition, Laurel Quoknell-; second in grammar, first in physiology, LeiU Gnay ; first i,'n geography, sedond in physiology, Mary Keane ; fiirst in ariuhmetic, Phylis CliapJiam ; sectortd in gaagir.alptfry, isec^nd in aritlhmetic, Lily Clarke ; tttivd in grjammiajr, third un physiology, Gladys Mathersion. Fifth Clasis'—FiTst iin grammar," third in geograpjhy, Olivia Cldherg ; seoqnd in gnamrrfar, first in 'his^ry, Evelyln Herlihy ; first in arithmetic, second iin goog t rapihy, Mary Herlihy. Sti&njdiard IV.— First in reading, grammar, con%)osi~ tio-n, Rtitiln Relvpjh ; first in geography, third iin composition, MiJiinie Jefleirson ; second in com^ositioin, s^ecd^d in geogjriapjiiy, Katie Ilatirick. StiaWdard Hl.— First in Englislh, arithmetic, geography, Margery Merri'n ; second in gramnnax, tihird in arithmetic, Ila Hcndersoji ; first in reading, sefcoMd in geogr^hy, Nana Atki,nstan ; secofnd in arithmetic, second in reading, Eileem Carvel ; diligence, Clare Browjnli«. Sta/ndand H. will receive prizes from the Christmas tree. ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH SCHOOL. Stan/dar'd Vl.— Composition and writing, Alice O'Connor ((pnoficietney) ; arithmetic, spelling, amid gejpgralpjiy, Maggie Quirk (profioien'cy) ; drawing, Anjiie Murjphy (proficiehcy). An»nie Meetian al&o obitiained a proficiency certificate. Standard V. — Spelling and sciemce, Annie Trainer ; arithmetic amid drawing, Katie Smitthies ; composition and 'secoinK iin arithmetic, Martina Fowkes. Stamdard IV.— Arithmetic and writimg, Leila O'Briein; reading amd science, Eidit(h Morgan ; spelling and geography, Mia,bel Nixon ; diligrtice, Teresa Hogan. Sta.nJdard lll.— Arithmetic, Katie McManus ; geograip.hy, Helena Ellis ; writing, Eileen McGuire. Sjpeci'al Prizes— Goold coTiiduct, Frances McCiulliocJi ; Christian doctTine, Maggie Quirk ; plain sewifrig, Alice O'Coinmor ; singing, Christiina Jxiry ; attendance, Eileen Boyle. The Very Rev. Dean Gro<gan thanked, the aM'dience for their pajfrpnag-e, a;nd wished the yoking ladies a Iplea^ant vacation atfid a merry Christmias.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 4

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SACRED HEART SCHOOL. WANGANUI. (From our own correspondent.) New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 4

SACRED HEART SCHOOL. WANGANUI. (From our own correspondent.) New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 4