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A general meeting of the parishioners was held in St. Josepfh's Hall, on Monday e\cnmg in connccti,ioii with the annual schools' picnic. It is to take place at Waikouaiti on Febnuary 1, the Railway Department being unable to meet the wish of the committee tio hold the event on Frebruary 8

The Ohristian Brothers' sohdol cadet corps, which mustered 59, paraded at the Asylum grqimds on Thursday night upder command of Captain Ilussey and Lieutenants O'Sullivan and Bryant, when they were unslpected by Coloftiel RobLn. The inspecting oflicer closely examined the uniforms ami arms, and expressed himself pleased with the general appearance of the corps. The umifio.rm is a blue serge, with green and red fcacftngs, arfd field service cap. The corps are armed with the Martini-Dnfield -303 carbine. At tihe conclusion of the parade C'oliomel Robin expressed his pleasure at witnessing the oomipany's movements for the first time. He t(houg(ht it higihly creditable to all concerned that the company sihould be armed and uniformed witthin two amd a-half months of their acceptamcy by the Defence Department. He was delighted with the progress made, tihe attention to the word of command, and the general bearing of "the boys, and advisad Hhem to kec|) on in tihe same way, and they would Hoon become an efficient coups. A pleasiant gathering tcirtk place at St. Patrick's prpsibytery, Lawrence, on Monday evening of last weok, wihein the members of the choir mavte a presetitatibh to Miss WoMdis. Very Rev. Mgr. O'Letary, who presided, said the aKoir felt that they -could not allow Mips Wojctds to leajve Lawrence witlbout conveying to her tiheir sincere apipreciation and deep gratitude fior tho priceless services she had givan during many years in odn(nectiion with the public service of Ood. He concluded a eulogistic speech by presenting Miss Woqds witfti a very artistic and ha/ndsome g-old grcen'stojie bangle. Witih tihis there was alsro presented a Very beautiful embosised silver case for cartes de visite. He •wisihdd her a prosperous career and prayed she might enjoy gooH health to wear those ornaments for many years. Mr. Wtoods, o^i behalf »of his daughter, thanked Molnsignor O'LeaTy and the members of the! choir for

tiheir hjartdsjome gifts. His daughter would start on her mission trusitiing in G-od and prepared to work hard to make herself in some way wortihy of Hhe kwitt attentions s(he hta>d received fuom the pe,ople of Tuapeka and tihe members of St. Patrick's Churqh dhoi'r. His Loi^d^hfp BislhJoip Vei*don Speaking at the distribjution of prizes on Tuesday eveniaig to Hiq pupils of the Chnstkui Brothers' Soliool said that they would all ag,ree wifb liim that the annual report j|ust reaH by the Rev. Superior was highly satisfactory. They Jiaid reasion to 'be proud of the boys and prpud of their tdachors. A short time ago the Bishops of New Zeapui«|ifUied a manifesto in I»riey,. staAod tjanlt ' a siqu'nd civili^alion depends u-pon a s.'ound popular etducatilcin ; amd a sidunid ediucation consists essentially in ilhe iharmianisous development of the physical, the intell(<ct|u;al, amd tihe moral faculties of children.' Judging of dducatian from this standpoint the Christian Brothers give a tr^ily sjound education, developihg I<he physical, intellectual, and moral faculties of tihe young poaple coinfMed to their care. The religious instx'uctiion of the qhildrem is most carefully attended to. Day by day tlie ytouinK people receive instruction in OhristiJa,n DoctTihe aino Bible history, arid one d/ay in the week the pupils a'djoli'm to the Cathedral, where tihey receive instiiuctiton ftrom one of the Cathedral priests. Some- may thilnk that tlhere was too m ( uch religious i'nstrluction, but in the report just rea!d it was sihown t4iat the b^oys wore very successful in the various p/üblic examinatibns and ooinpetitijotns. He (his Loudship) visited the schoiol ocoasiionally diiring the year, amd he was much imtpresse,d with tihe intelligence an-d application of tihe y'ooing people ; they were bright, happy, and attentive tio their wtorjk. As regards physical development they saw what the pupils did that evening, and also heard iof their Success tooth 'o»n the football and cricket field. In cohcl'usicn his Liorldshilp congrathl'ated the boys mtost heartily on tihe smocess of their entertainment, and he trusted that they would have the Brother Superior and his staff i^i t'hiei'r mMst for many >ears. In pro'posifag a vote of thanks to his Lordship for presiding Mr. J. B. Cialkin cangratul-ated tttie Cihristia.n Br/others aMd tiheir pupils on the very em.joyable entertainment giiven trtiat evening;, and gave a special world of praise to Oa,pt'ain Hussey for the efficiency displayed by the oadet cor/ps. Mr. J. J. Marlow, in se(|anidi\ng the m/otion, s)p,oke in a .similar strain.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 18

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DIOCESE OF DUNEDIN New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 18

DIOCESE OF DUNEDIN New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 18