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Irish News

ANTRIM — Fatal Accident.

Professor Thomas Uilligian, of St. Malachy's College, Belfast, died at Bangor, Uoumty Down. from injuries Sustained while cycling to Belfast. DONEGAL. —Granite Quarries.

A report on the Donegal granite q(uur,ries has jVst been lbi&ued by Mr. S. G. Fra/ei. Mi. Foazer set 6 out the cotnclusions oi experts, which go to sjaiow that tihere is an extensive area of about seventy square miles, whicfc wiU aftord lor all time an inex'haus'Uble siupply of t)he iinest material ; almost, every tyipe of granite, bjotjhi as regards color an,d texture, is a,vaifaible. Material for every clasis of w,ork can be easily and cheaply procured within the area specified. The durability and soundness of tihe rojqk have stood tih,ono|ugh tests, and for polished worlc it has bee^n found quite equal to the best A'bfarfleem or Peterhead sttone. The facilities far qjuarryimg leave ncfhilng to be desirad, amd tihere as atyjwlaht l'oqal la,Uor. On all sides the 'hrigShtness handiness, and eagerness fox w.ork ot the Donegal pea-sa-ntis are admitted. Here, it is pointed out, is a capital opportunity to develop a great ihdusstiry, and Mr. Fra^et estim,ates 1/he p.ostsihle income at £44,000, which w/o,uj|d give a margin of profit of £32,000. Mr. P. Bramniom, a practical engineer, tos pr,tto'ounced tjhe Bonegjal granites the m>ost enduring known. DOWN— A Presentation.

T|he friends of Father O'H&re, from Derrym!aQas'h, Lurgiam, and Poxtatlown, presented him with a very s ub- (- stjanti^al testimonial on the occasion of his departure f!or America to Qoilept f,unds lor the renovation of Newry Cathedral. Father O'Hare has labored with energy, aeal^ and ability f,or ten years in the parish of Seagpe. He ihas delivered many uiteresting, able, and eloquent lectfures on National and kindred subjects in Belfast and otiher centres. His numerous friends imich .regret his departure, since his absence creates a voi,d which cannot be filled u,p. DUBLIN.— Death of a Composer.

The death is announced of the well known Irish composer, Mr. Richard Frederick Har,\ey, who has just passed away at a upe oLd age at his residence, Merrion row. Mr. Harvey, who was t<he orgamist of a city church for ma,ny yea,rs, was well known as the composer of the popular s^ng, still tn vogfie, ' Ireland's hearts and hands.' He was also the composer of se\eral otiher sluccessful songs, aud wrote some lantasias which were playeid all over the world. He was n friend of Sir Henry Irving amd several ofher leading artists, lie m-anned a daughter of Colonel Hyde Parker Laurence. T c Anti-Emigration Societj'.

A conference on the Irish emigration question vvas held under the auspices of the Anti-Emigr&tion Society in tihe Mansion Hcxuse on November 1. The Lord May ,or pTesi'dejd at tlhe meetitig, whkii Was fairly well attended. Very able papers dealing with the subject were read by gentlemen who have made 'a special study of it. Very few .practical siuggestLofis, however, were offered. Emigration continues, and everyone Klnows already wlliat a misfortune it is. Mudh stress was laid oto the prepaid passiage ticket, whi'dh ib was seated by llatiher Clatncy, P.P., was accduntable for at leasi 90 per ctint. of all casea of emigration. This seems stna;nge in view of tihe fact that those who send the tuckets to their relatives know what tjhey are leaviing arid what they are going to. The Re»v. T. C. Connolly, Manorhamiltoti, aldvocated the founding of industries as a remedy tor excessive emigration. He alsio insisted on tne tar-reachvng importance of supporting Irish mia*nlifactures. Until the industries ate founded, and grazing ranohes broken itp &nd divided anuong the paople, emigration will unfiorfunately continue. FERMANAGH. — Legal Action Discontinued.

Docd de Freyne's solicitors have given notice to discern timue the actions agatnst tihe United Irish League arid the ' Freeman's Journal.' KERRY.— Bishop Mangan in Listowel.

During 'his visit to Lis'towel Dr. Mangaln met with a genuine cead mile failte from the pejoiple of his njatiive p,a;rjsjh. • Popular rejoicing was evident on every side, atnid his Lordship must have been highly pleaseid with t|he reception acoorde,d him. Addresses were presented to tihe Bishop by the Urban Council amtl by the staff of S,t. Michael's College. Replying tio the former, he saiti the history of Nortlh Kerry was 'Oine of wihicih any Irishman mig|ht well feel promd. Tihe Kerry election of 1872 was the turning point in the hisitofy of Ireland 'llhere were many amongst them who were old eflo'ugjh to

remember those magnificent Irishmen, tji'ose sjplewdid sjpecimejna ,of tihe Irisih priestihjoojd, Father MVirty O'Connor of Ballyiblunion, and Father O'Sullilvaa, of Biallylone-, tortl. He sat at their feet amd dorank in inspiration from their H,ps, an,d he was filled witih tjhe high ideals of patriotism to whidh they (had devoted a large poxtilon of their hives, amd when his lot was dast amongst 10 P/°or and the oppressed, he wowM be less tiha»n a man it he did not rai&e his voice and de/noupce the oppression. He also dealt with the education question, and warnejd the Government against attempting, to' dj(vorce rohgiton from education. KILKENNY.— The Freedom of the City. On October 3i Mr. John O'Callaaha,n, of Boston,, General Secretary of the United Iristh League of' America, was presented with the freedom of the city of Kilikeyrmy Mr. O'Callaghan, yfco was accompanied by, Mr. P, O Bnen, M.P., delivered an i'nteresitilng address. Successful Students.

Amongst the candidates on whom the B.A. degree i-n mental and moral science was conferred at the rioyal University, Dublin, were five stiudents of the Franciscan Cap|uqhi<n Order from the Friary, kiiAen<ny. The names of tjhe graduates are Brother Ookimba Murphy, Brother Beircthm^ns Can,tilliofi, Brother G-regory Brennan, Brother Edward Walsh, and Brother Bretodan O'Callaghan

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 9

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Irish News New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 9

Irish News New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXII, Issue 51, 22 December 1904, Page 9