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The winning ii'wib. t-. in the art u-iion in oo'ii v. tion with St. A rid lew's Cat huh • ln.z,«. r ,iii j p iuli. lit > i . - w t.eie. The Millers Flat cone- poi. unit ot ihe Mount Be< per Mail writag 1 — The Catholic Church i-, neam g completion and ,-hould the w^^ dows arrive during tin; coining week everytning will be in readiness tor the opening by th.' e,.d ot the wei-k. The structure, though small, is neatly designed.

\ VY'iitahuna eorr<^potid'->nf \\nt«^ • — Sine? the Very Rev. Dean O'Leary's depature for the Old Country the Rev. Father Keenan has b^en our •-pimual dire tor The la«t tew Sundays have been intensely cold, and Father Ktenan paid a high tribute lecently to Dean O'Leaiy s zeal and powers ot enelurance in coming from Lawrence to Waitahuna to say Mass every Sunday. Even in fine weather it mu>t be a severe strain to say Mass in both places, but in the winter months these early morning trips on thj LawrenceWaitahuna read would try an iron constitution.

There was a good attendance at the weekly meeting of the Dunedin Catholic Literary Society, held on Monday evening last, in St. Joseph's Hall, when a lecture on phrenology was given by Mr. Forsttr. This gentleman is well acquainted with his subject, and during the lecture exhibited a number of drawings, by way of illustration. At the conclusion of the lecture several of the members availed themselves of the opportunity of having their bumps examined. Altogether a most enjoyable and profitable evening was ■pent. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr Forster for his lecture. Next Monday the Society hold their musical evening to which the members of St. Joseph's congregation will be admitted.

The members of St. Joseph's Cathedral choir entertained Miss Kitty Blaney at a tarewell social at St. Joseph's tehoolroom, on Tuesday evening, when she was presented with a French marble clock in recognition of the esteem in which she is held by the members, and of her long and valued services to the choir. Rev. Father Murphy presided. Vocal and instrumental selections were given during the evening by some of the ladies and gentlemen present. Father Murphy, in making the presentation, spoke of the recipient's abilities as a vocalist, of the great services she had rendered the choir, the regret felt by the Catholics of Dunedin at her departure frcm amongst them, and concluded by wishing her every happiness in her new sphere. Mr J. A. heott, chairman of the choir committee, endorsed what Father Murphy haei said regarding Miss Blaney's services as a member of the choir, anei whilst expressing his own and the members' regret at her departure, he said she would carry with her their best wishes tor her future happiness and prosperity. Other members, al^o, added their meed ot praise, and one and all congratulated Miss Blaney on her approaching mariiage. Mr P. Carolan leturned thanks on behalf ot Miss Blaney.

A most sucoesstul ba/o-ar (says the Duustan Tmn/>) was opened in Clyde on Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of raising tunds to build a Catholi'; chapel in Clyde, on a sue w hich had been kindly given by Mr IJ. M'Mauu-% an old and niuc.i respected resident of Clyde. A large gathcung attended on VVidne-jilay evening at the bazaar, and we understand o\er X."i() was taken during the day. A nuuib.r of Cromwell ]n ople attended, and ga\e \ocal as-istance dun g the evening, wine 1 w .is much appreciated by those present. Mis \\adue.i (.is pre-ident of the comuiittet), Mrs Dickie (as ueaMuer), and .Ui-s l'aisamiier (as secretary) v\< re untiring in their efforts to make l>e ba/aar the success it was. The bazaar was continued on Thui-day when bu?ine"-s again was bn-k. At the close ot tho,.r, jlr. ii. X (hlki-vjn kindly acted as auctioneer, and reccmd 1 coord puces fur the goods he offered. A social then followed, wind) «ib JargeJ} attendtd.

A mi etii g was held m ht. .Josephs Hall, Dunedin, on Friday evenn g lor t he puruo?. 1 of taking the ueeetsary steps to start a Catholic Sooi d Club, itev. Father Murphy presided, and explained the object of the meeting. Mr J. 15. Callan warmly supported the proposal, and outlined the main features on which, he considered, a social club could le s lu;t ;esslully camel on. Mr F. W. I'etre also exprisfcd himself m iavour ot starting such a club, which, he thougiit, would be a succe-s if formed on the line.) sketched by Mr Callan. In the tourse ot a conveisational disoU'-sion. in which Rev. I'dthtr Cleaij, Men-rs It. Dobljin, T. Deeli.m and others took part, it wa-. puiuti-d out that the attendance would have been much larger were it not tor the shoitness ot the notiu. 1 . and suggested that the meeting should adjourn tor a week, so as o aJow the proposal to be moie lully brouuut under the notue of the congregation. The suggestion met with the appro\ai ot those present, and a committee consisting ot the itev. Father Murphy, Messr« J. B. Callan, F. W. l'etre. and Pavlov itch was appointed to draw up a drjft scheme to be submitted to a meeting to be held ia the same place on Friday evening next.

Tno farewell conceit tendered to Miss Kitty Blaney by th citizens of Dun.-dm took place in the Garrison Hail on Wednesday evening of last wetk. The alt iidam t was worthy of the occasion, and w oi thy of the people oi' Dunedm. Ihe chief promoters of the coneeic weie the leading musical societies of this city, and in their undei taking tLey had the enthusiastic support of a committee composed of inuny of the loading citi/.em. The compliment was one of v\hich any lady might feel proud, still, notwithstanding «c appreciative manner in which the public testified their esteen I *'. must be admitted it was nothing more than Miss Blaney deserved, as her services had ever been at the command of those interested in m any good cause. The knowledge of Miss lilaney's great abilities as a vocalist has not been conlined to Dunedin. She has a wellestablished reputation all over the Colony, and if the people of Dunedin are proud of her as a singer, they are still prouder of the generous and ungrudging manner in which the has always utilised her great abilities lor every worthy object. It was only natural and right, theii, that on the eve of her departure from this city her friends sLould testify, in a tangible manner, their appreciation of

her many kind deeds since she attained eminence as a \ocalist. The spacious hall was packed from floor to ceiling, even the passages were crowded , it wax a ■■athering to be proad of. The p|^.e of honour in the programme is due to the fair singer herself, JP'on her appearance received a right royal welcome, the applause lasting for a cons der ible time. It is needless to say that her items were rapturously -ipplaudei, and encored more than one. A Himilar compliment was paid her in the duet with her sist. r. MUs Ro«e Blaney. The programme, which was a pretty long one, was made up of items, which included vocal .solos by Mm. U. Hudson, jui., and ili.ri i:,Mr.!,M)V.M^'P .T and J Blenkins-opp. a vocal duet by Mr*. Hudson an 1 Mr. J T. Garter, a quartette by Mis., Jli-..-, I! ,-c Blan y, ;>nd Me <-r- Young and P>lenki<isopp two part sontrs by the Dnuodm Lu-dertaitil, two contributions by the Venetian String Quintette,, a recitation by Mr W. F. Y'.ung, a pianoforte solo by Mis G. Blandford, and a couple of violin solo* by Mr. G. H. Schicht. The accompaniments during the evening were played by MUs Kate Moloney, Mrs. Blandioid, Messrs, Bartli and Timsoii. Daring the evening Miss Blauey was the recipient ot several handsome floral bouquets, and altogether the enthusiasm displayed on the occasion was mch as Dun din has not witnessed for a riay in front of ;t conceit plat form. Naseby is Angularly fortunate in its acquisition of so talented a canto t nn- as our popular young townswoman. Her departure from Dunedin is a loss not merely to the Catholic body here, but to the whole city and district.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 23, 8 June 1899, Page 18

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DIOCESE OF DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 23, 8 June 1899, Page 18

DIOCESE OF DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 23, 8 June 1899, Page 18