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The Catholic World.

CANADA.— Misrepresentations Corrected.— The following letter has been written by the Roy. Father Ryan : Dear Sir, Would you please publish enclosed letter in next issue of your paper and in Wn khj Fvumanl Tne mis-statements appeared in the Irish Catholic but it may be well to give the correction a wider circulation. When the Catholic and the Irish Xation indulge in such reckless, false, and malignant charges against an esteemed and venerated Archbishop of the Church, it is really hard to keep on hoping for Ireland.— Sincerely yours, FiumcUvan, Rector, St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, Canada, 15th December, ls% To the Editor of the Jrhh Catholic. Dear Sir,— A friend has called my attention to an article in your paper of .3th December, entitled, "Liberalism in Canada" in which you say, appropos of the Manitoba School Question :—": — " The supporter of Mr. Laurier amongst the Bishops is his Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Walsh, Archbishop^of Toronto, who is himself an adherent of the Liberal party, and who declined to join with his brother prelates in signing the joint Pastoral Letter which they issued to their flocks on the eve of the general election. Even Dr. W r alsh, however, has not broken silence in favour of the Government scheme, which, on the other hand has been condemned in the strongest manner by the other members of the Hierarchy." As the above remarks contain several misstatements respecting my venerated Archbishop, I trust you will allow me to correct them in your columns. Firstly, then, the Archbishop of Toronto never was a supporter of Mr. Laurier's school policy. Secondly, he is not an adherent of the Liberal party in the Dominion Parliament. Thirdly, his Grace did not decline to join with his brother prelates in signing the joint Pastoral Letter which they issued to their flocks on the eve of the general elections, for the reason that neither he, nor any other Archbishop or Bishop of Ontario, was asked to join in the matter, as it was only the Bishops of Lower or French Canada who issued the Pastoral Letter in question. Fourthly, the Archbishop of Toronto is in perfect accord with all the other Bishops of Canada on the Manitoba School question.— Respectfully yours, Frank Ryan, Rector. St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, Canada, Hth December., 1690. ENGLAND.— Cardinal Vaughan and the Queen's Commemoration Committee. — His Eminence Cardinal Vaughan was present on the l(sth December at the preliminary meeting of the Queen's Commemoration Fund, which was held at Grosvenor House and pre&idcd over by the Duke of Westminister. The

Cardinal in a speech made a strong appeal for the fund, which has for its object the placing of the Queen's Jubilee Institution for nurses upon a national basis, and increasing its work throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. His Eminence and the Duke of Norfolk were elected members of the committee. More Converts.— From the Tablet. December 20 —The Rev. Arthur Heintz Paine, sometime Vicar of Burton. Cheshire, and till lately curate of St. Margaret's Princes Road. Liverpool, has been received into the Catholic Church by Father Gordon, of the London Oratory. Mrs. Gwilt Jolly, the wife of the well-known artist, was received into the Church on the 18th inst by the Very Rev. Canon Mongiardini, delegate of the Archbishop of Sorento. Sir William Lawrence Young, who*e conversion to the Catholic Church we announced last week, comes of an old Cromwellian stock, one of his ancestors being Henry Lawrence, the Lord President of Cromwell's Council in I(>.">3. Sir Henry's father was the third holder of the title within a month, his grandfather having died before Sebastopol within a few weeks after inheriting the baronetcy from his elder brother, who fell in the battle of the Alma. FRANCE.— Death of Cardinal Boyer, Archbishop of Bourgeß- — The Prince of the Church who recently breathed his last in the Archiepiscopal Palace of Bourges is a proof that the race of French Bishops illustrated by a Bossuet, a Fenelon and a MassiUon is not extinct. Cardinal Boyer was born at Paray-le-Monial in 182!). became Bishop of Clermout in IS7S) and Archbishop of Bourges in 181)2. He was proud but of one thing — viz., of being reputed like his Master. Jesus of Nazareth, a carpenter's son. Places and people connected with certain periods of his life remained indelibly imprinted on his heart, and the instinct of fidelity asserted itself at the time of his death, as we shall see. The ardent devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which characterised his life took root in him in his childhood at Paray-le-Monial and found expression in his last years in furthering the development of the Archconfraternity of Pellevoisin, now one of the most important religious organisations of the diocese of Bourges. The signal favours it has of late received from the Holy See are due to Cardinal Boyer's initiative and influence with Leo XIII. This is clearly put in one of the two Papal Briefs received this year conferring privileges on Pellevoisin from the Sovereign Pontiff and which attaches an indulgence of 200 days to the recital of the prayer to our Lady of Pellevoisin based on the facts of the apparitions. The prayer commences " O Mother all merciful." and continues, "Cover our eyes with the veil of modesty, gird our loins with the girdle of purity and penance, and lay upon our hearts the image of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. May it be to us a shield of the most powerful protection until we go to rest for ever in the bosom of God." Cardinal Boyer requested that there should be no flowers, funeral oration, or pomp of any kind at his funeral, that his remains should be conveyed in the *' corbillard dv pauvre " (pauper's car), in order to call to mind the lowliness of his origin, and that out of the money remaining after his funeral expenses had been paid abundant alms should be given to the poor. After bequeathing his blessing to the diocese of Bourges and offering his death and protracted suffering for the souls of the flock entrusted to his charge, he expressed a wish to bless once more his former diocese of Clermont and the town of Paray-le-Monial. not forgetting, to use his o^w n words, •• that humble chapel ot the Visitation, which has become the sanctuary of the revelations of the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for men. and beside which my own childhood and early jouth were spent." The dying Cardinal concluded by earnestly asking for the prayers of all. The Successor of Mgr. d'Hulst in the Chamber of Deputies. — The Catholic and Conservative electors of Brest are evidently experiencing considerable difficulty either in coming to an understanding among themselves with regard to a representative in the Chamber in the place of the late Mgr. d'Hulst or in finding a candidate at once suitable and willing. The Bishop of Montpellier. whose candidature for several days was regarded as a matter of certainty, came to the altogether unexpected decision to hold aloot from the Parliamentary arena. In taking this course it is said that he had acted upon advice from Rome. Such statements, however. are so lightly made in France that they are always, to be received with great caution. It is really no matter of surprise that the Bishop of Montpellier on reflection should have come to the conclusion that to fulfil the duties imposed upon him as successor of Mgr. Freppel and Mgr. d'Hulst in the Chamber of Deputies without neglecting to some extent the interests ot his own diocese would be too great an undertaking. The strain to which Mgr. Freppel subjected himself by accepting Parliamentary as well as episcopal duties undoubtedly shortened his life. Among names that have been put forward as those of probable candidates for the vacant •eat is that of the Abbe H. Gayraud. Apostolic missionary. That a Bishop will accept the position now seems unlikely. SOUTH AMERICA.— South American Republics and the Holy See. — The Holy Father gave audience on Wednesday Dec. 23 to M. Calvo, the Argentine Republic Minister at Berlin. His Excellency has been commissioned by his Government to come to Rome to open negotiations for establishing direct diplomatic relations between his country and the Vatican. Arrangements in this respect seem satisfactorily concluded, and the appointment of an Apostolic Delegate or an Inter-Nuncio at Buenos Ayres may soon be counted upon. The nomination will likely take place at the moment of the changes already mentioned — and now officially confirmed — among the Pontifical representatives in the other South American Republics. Mgr. Sabatucci, titular Archbishop of Antinoes, cedes the Delegation of Columbia to Mgr. Guidi, temporary holder of the internunciature in Brazil. Mgr. Macchi, titular Archbishop of Amasea, goes to Brazil, being replaced by Mgr. Granito, Prince of Belmonte, in the charge of Apostolic Delegate and Extraordinary Envoy to Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru.

UNITED STATES. -A Tipperary Priest appointed Auxiliary to Archbishop Ryan.— Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, recently asked for an auxiliary, and a cablegram has been received in Philadelpaia stating that his Vicar-General, the Rev. E. E. Prendergast, has been appointed to the post. He will be named Titular-Bishop of Scillio. Father Prendergast is a native of Clonmel County Tipperary, and brother of the Rev. Franis Prendergast, C.C., Dungarvan. Another of his brothers succeeded Dr. Burstell in New York as rector of the Church of the Epiphany, and he has also other relatives in the sacred ministry. He left Ireland when sixteen years old for the United States, where his career has been brilliant. He celebrated his silver jubilee in 1890. ROME.— Pontifical Nominations.— The three patriarchal basilicas within the walls. St. Peter's, St. John Lateran's and St. Mary Major's, have a Cardinal Archpriest at the head, of their canonical chapter. Of St. Peter's the present titular is his Eminence Cardinal Rampolla. Secretary of State. In the other two the post of Cardinal Archpriest has been vacant since the death of Cardinals Monaco and Hohenlohe. The Holy Father has filled up the vacancies and through the Secretariate of State has just intimated to Cardinal Satolli his nomination as Archpriest of the Lateran, and to Cardinal Vincenzo Vannutelli his appointment to the Liberian Basilica. This is the second distinguished honour conferred on Cardinal Satolli since his reception of the scarlet hat. as only a few weeks ago he was named (with Cardinal Segna) among the Protectors of the Pontifical Academy of Theology. His Eminence was formerly, before his departure for the United States, a Canon of St. John Lateran. On Sunday, December 20, he took solemn possession of his Cardinalitial title, the Church of Ara Coeli. Two others of the newly-created Cardinals have been the recipients of fresh nominations, Cardinal Agliardi being appointed Protector of the Cistercian Order and Cardinal Jacobini Protector of the Institute of Nuns of theCenaculum and of the Monastery of our Lady of the Seven Dolours. Cardinal Ledochowski. Prefect of the Propaganda, has been selected by the Grand Master of the Supreme Order of the Knights of Malta as Protector of that Order, and the selection has been ratified by the Pope. Christmas at the Vatican.— The Holy Father still adheres to the practice of saying a Midnight Mass on the Feast of our Saviour's Nativity. Of late years, however, he yields to his physician's advice and anticipates midnight by an hour or so. The service generally takes place in his private chapel, and, as a rule, none but his personal attendants are present. If his fatigue is not too great, he afterwards proceeds to one of the larger chapels — generally the Sixtine — where Solemn Matins are sung by the Pontifical chanters, and where the Cardinal Cainerlengo celebrates High Mass. It is during this Mass that, when the occasion occurs, the Pope blesses the hat and mace to be sent to Catholic Sovereigns. At six a.m. the functions begin in St. Peter's, and after the singing of Matins and Lauds three High Masses take place at intervals, the last —at mid-day — being celebrated by the Cardinal Archpriest. On St. Stephen's Day it is customary for the Holy Father to begin the reception of those who desire to offer their Xew Year's wishes, by receiving in audience the deputations from the different bodies of Pontifical troops. First in order is the Commander of the Noble Guard, then come the chief officers of the Swiss Guards, the Palatine Guard of Honour and the Pontifical Gendarmes. His Holiness also ghos audience in one of the larger halls to the individual members of the Noble G uard and the officers of the other corps. Causes Of Canonisation. — The sitting of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, held in the Vatican Palace on Tuesday, December 22. was interesting from the number of canonisation causes presented for discussion to the Cardinals and Consultors. The first brought forward was that of the Blessed Joseph Oriol, the Spanish priest whose memory is held in such high honour in the Barcelona district. Next came the assumption of the cause of the Blessed Clement Hofbauer (Redemptorist Father). The decision vas favourable in both cases ; and the Sacred Congregation then proceeded to confirm the cult rendered in the diocese of Annecy from time immemorial to the servant of God, Ponce, abbot and founder of the Monastery of Sixt. It further authorised the introduction of the cause of beatification ot the servant of God, John Nepomucene Neumann (of the Redemptorist Congregation, Bishop of Philadelphia), and terminated its sitting with the transaction of the business which usually forms the burden of its meetings, the approval, that is, of proper Offices and Masses and the solution of liturgical difficulties.

A school inspector, having a few minutes to spare after examining the school, put a few questions to the lower form boys on the common objects of the schoolroom. " What is the use of that map / "" he asked, pointing to one stretched across the corner of the room ; and half-a-dozen shrill voices answered, •• Please, sir, it's to hide teacher's bicycle." Some goal stories, like good wine, keep well. At a banquet in London lately an Irish gentleman told the following anecdote : — The famous wit, Father Healy, on one occasion found himself seated side by side at a dinner with the Protestant parson of the parish. Desiring to make himself agreeable, the parson said : — "Father Healy, I have lived 4."> years in this world, and I have never yet been able to discover the difference between your religion and mine." - Faith, then." retorted Father Healy, '-you won't have to wait 45 minutes in the next until you find out the difference." The diners were convulsed with laughter. A Difference. — James Payn in his " Note-book," in reviewing the biography of the eminent headmaster at Eton, Dr. Hawley, says he was remarkable for his unkempt appearance. One day he was scolding an Irish pupil for being late at morning lesson, who replied that he had no time to dn_s>. •• But I can dress in time," said the doctor. '• Ve 1 -." replied the boy. •• but I wash."

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 44, 26 February 1897, Page 23

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The Catholic World. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 44, 26 February 1897, Page 23

The Catholic World. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 44, 26 February 1897, Page 23