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CFrom oar own Correspondent.) BT MABT'B. A wbll-attbsded concert was held io St Mary's school ball on Monday evening week, and was a decided success. The programme wai arranged and directed by Mr Hsrry Bossiter. The overture to " Patience " was splendidly played by Mr Bouiter'a orchestra, as was a selection from " Panl Jones." Tbe duet, " Love and War " was rang by Messrs Sullivan and Boot, the doet, " And then be kissed me," from the opera "Majorie " was also well snog by Mrs 0. Edgar and ID isi Lillian Thompson. Miss Lacy Ryan, who nude her first appearance at this concert, sung " One heart divine " and " Do you remember" in a very Jpleasiog manner. Mr D. By an was very snccessfnl as nsnal in his items, which weie several recitations. Mr A. Ro«ewarae sang " The little hero " with much taste and expression, he also took part with Miss Lillian Thompson in the duet " Maying " which was very nicely given. Tbe " Romance " for violin, by Beiching, was axceedingly well played by Miss Marian Hood. Mr Sullivan was favourably received for his song " Let me like a soldier fall " ; Mrs Edgar's song, " Ben Bolt " from " Trilby's* Mr P. Hockley's song " Glory," Mr Boot's song " The Admiral's Broom," and Mr T. Taakard's cornet solos were all very acceptable item*, ai was Miss Triggs' skilfully played piano solo, " Lea Hnguenots." Mr 0. Edgar, assisted by two talented little ladies, sing a medley of popular successes which concluded one of the best concerts ever held in St Mary's school ball. The accompaniments were tas'efully played by Mrs C. Edgar, Miss F. Triggs, and Mr Bossiter. At the end of tbe oonoert tbe Bey Father Marnane expressed himself well satisfied with it, and returned thanks to those persons who had taken part in tbe programme, also the audience, who had attended in snch large numbers. The members of St Mary's Catholic Olub held a social reunion or an "at home" on Thursday evening last in tbe parochial school hall, which was beautifully decorated for the event with flowers and coloured lamp*. Ths occasion was to commemorate the recent purchase of a piano of excellent quality for the use of the clob. There was a fall attendance of membere, also of their friends, and among the latter were a large number of laiiee. An excellent spread of very choice things, especially of fruit, was provided, and a good programme, arranged by Mr Harry Rossi ter, was, un<ler his able direction, PDCcessfully gone through. Tbe two Miss Oakes rendered very nicely a piano duet, and Mies Lncy Ryan, who possesses a soprano voice of Bpleodid quality and range and gives much promise of future musical celebrity, sing remarkably well " One heart divine," and "Do you remember." Mr Blumeki rendered a song in a very pleading manner, and Mr Inkeon sang "Tbe last Mus'er," and Mr Sullivan "Calvary" in capital style. Mr A. H Blake succeeded well witb a recitation, as did Mr L. Blake with the vocal selection "The Holy City." Mr Bossiter played tbe accompaniments in a satisfactory manner In, addition to the mus : cal programme, the popular president. Mr J. 0. Chase, recltel witb much elocutionary effect and finish " The life boat," und Mr P. C>>oper admirably illustrated this excellent poem with a number of very pretty limelight viewe, which were thrown on tea screen by a powerful lantern. Before the meeting, with which everyone seemed highly pleased, ended tbe Bey Father Malone eaid be was well satisfied with tbe re-union, and that be hoped that many more such gatherings would take pace. THB PBO-OATHEDRAL. What is always a most pleasing and edifying sight and ceremony was witnessed at the pro-Cathedral on Sunday last, wben sixty children— twenty-ieven girls ani thirty-three boys — made their first communion, and with about twelve adult persons of both sexep, were confirmed. The Most Bey Dr Grimes, assisted by the Very Rev Father Cummings. V.G., said Mass on tbe ore fiion and gave Communion. Tbe girls were brautifully attired in white dresses, with wreaths and veils, and the boya wore very pretty purple sashes. Be 'ore and after tbe sacred rite tbe Bnhop addressed tbe children, and when Mass was over they sat down to ao excellent breakfast kindly provided for them in the Sis'ers' school by Mesdtmeß Stra'z, P. Buike, Toung, and Mils O'Sullivan. The Very Bey Father Oumnings was at the repast ; also tbe Bishop, who suid grace. They were also at a dinner which the same ladies gave in tbe same place at 1 30 p.m. VISITATION OF THB CATHEDRAL. Before High Mass the Bishop, who entered tbe sacred edifice under a oanopy and followe 1 by tbe Very Bey Father Cummiags and Father Galerne and a number of acolyte*., began his episcopal visitation of the parish. After imparting his benediction be explained tbe na'ure and obiect of an episcopal visitation, which, he showed, was not left to the caprici of the bishop, but had to be conducted striclty in accordance with canon law. One duty, he said, of & bishop making a visitation, is to attend to tbe dead and to pray for the touls in purgatory. Another duty ii to inspect everything about tbe church and parish, and to inquire into the conduct of pastors, so that a full and correct account of tbe state of the diocese may be

presented to ths Pope when a bishop has to repair to Borne to render an acoouot of his stewardship. Bishop Grimes will proceed on Friday next to Timaru to make an episcopal visitation In that plaoe, and he will then go for tbe same purpose to lemuka, Waimate, Geraldine and Aahbarton. He will then return to this city, and afterwards visit other and nearer portions of his diocese in Canterbury. CONFIRMATION. A.t 3.30 p.m. the children and others appeared again in the proOatbedral, and they received tbe Sacrament of Confirmation. Previous to the administration of the sacred rite, the Bishop catechised the candidates, and their answers reflect great credit on tbe devoted Sisters and Brothers who have taken so much pains t'j impart to their pupils a good religious education. The addresses which the Bishop delivered on the occasion to the candidates, were very eloquent and touching. When the ceremony was over, the newly confirmed, holding lignted tapers, made a soemn renewal of baptismal vows, and the interesting and august services of the day ended with a short Benediction of the Blessed Saorament. Very large congregations attended both the morning and afternoon solemnities, THB BRTJNNBRTON FUND. From tbe various returns which appear in the local papers, it seems that the Catholics at Southbridge have contributed towards tbe Brnnnerton Belief Fund L 3 16s. The Catholics at Leeston have contributed £6 Us 6d, and the children at tbe Catholic Leeston school 61 7a 6d. These sums, which have been forwarded to the Premier by tbe Very Bey Father Oummings, make, with what the Vioar. General has already sent to bim, a total of £100 contributed by the Catholics in this and surrounding parishes.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume 29, Issue 5, 29 May 1896, Page 20

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CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Tablet, Volume 29, Issue 5, 29 May 1896, Page 20

CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Tablet, Volume 29, Issue 5, 29 May 1896, Page 20