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A. Todd, on behalf of The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited, repert for week ending November 21, as follows :—

Store Cattle — A very considerable amount of business is passing in these, both privately and at auction. Grown cattle hive the most demand, more particularly well-bred big framed bullocks, the supply of which is not by any means excessive, and whenever on the market do not fail to realise prices leaving but little margin for finishing off. All sorts are saleable at full rates.

S ore Sneep — There are no transactions of any importance transpiring, and we don't look for any very great excitement in the market till well into the new season, when doubtless large numbers will change hands and at prices satisfactory to both seller and buyer.

Wool — Tne opening of tbe sixth series of colonial wool sales in London to-morrow, the 22ad inst,, is being awaited with the keenest interest by all concerned in the pastoral industry, affording, as it must, a clearer indication of values there. Press cablegrams to band daring the week report that owmg to the depression existing on the continent, po business is doing at the Bradford wool sales, at which prices are nominal. One per cent, decline is expected at the London sales. A commencement baa been made with shearing here, and , weather permitting, will soon be general. Several small clips are already in transit, and catalogues to ba offered at the local sales on the 20th of next month are likely to assume fair dimensions. A very lasge number of buyers are expected to be ia attendance at our sales this season from Hime, the Continent and America, including our loc*l mill owners, and if prices are not just up to list year's the difference we trust will not be very heavy. Sheepskins — The market for these shows no lack of animation. An active demand continues to exist. Cjuntry dry crosibreds, inferior to medium, fetching Is 6d to 2s 6d ; do do merino, Is 4d to Is lid ; medium to good crossbred?, 2i 8i to 43 3d ; extra heavy, 4s 6d to 6s ; good to best merinos, 2s 31 to 3s 3d ; extra heavy, 3j 6d to 4s 8d ; dry pelts 3 1 to Is 3d ; beßt green crossbreds, 5s 3d to 5s 8d ; extra heavy for purposes, 59 91 to 6s 3 i ; medium to good 4s 4d to 5s 3d ; green meriLOS, 2j 9d to 3s 9d ; lambskins, 6i to Is eacb.

Rabbitskins — There is co alteration to note in the demand, which continues active, bat buyers are not quite so eager to give the prices for best skins that were even ruling lately. Best winter grey does

are worth Is to Is Id (top price on Monday, 12-* i) ; beat do bucka and does (mixed), lOJd to lljd; do do medium, 91 to lOi ; off. season, 7d to 8j 1 ; iuferior to medium, 5 I to 6^ 1 ; suckers and halfgrown, 2d to 4£d per lb. Hides— A considerable number of these come to hand from week to week which are all placed at prices on a par with those lately obtaining, say for extra heavy well-saved, 21 to 31 ; medium, IJd to If i ; inferior and lightweights, Id to 1 i 1 per lb. Tallow and Fat — Stocks are not heavy, and with the quantity on offer being limited, prices remain firm. All lots coming forward are readily placed at the following rates : —Say for best rendered mutton, 18a 6d to 20a; medium to good, lll5 1 6d to 17s 6d ; inferior to medium, 12s 61 to 15s; beat rough fat, 12a 9d to 13 § ; medium to good, 11s 6(1 to 123 6d ; inferior to medium, 10j to 11? per cwt (ex store). Wheat— The market shows no animation to speak of, at the same time a few small transactions are passing, good milling velvet in particular being in fair demand. A good deal more baainasa could bs done but supplies her* are now all but exhausted and scarcely any coming to hand. Quotations for prime velvet, 2a 9d to 2s lOd ; medium to good do and best Tuscan, 2a 8d to 2s 9d ; pood to best red wheat, 2s 7J to 2s 8d ; medium do, 2s 6i to 2s 7d • inferior to good whole fowls wheat, 2s 3d to 2s 6d ; broken and musty, Is 9d to 2s 2 i (ex store, sacks weighed in, terms). Oats— lf there is any difference at all in the position of the market it is in favour of Bellers, not that the demand is very much brisker, but owing to the fact that stocks are now pretty well cleared out, and for the few remaining sellers do not seem anxious to accept the prices lately obtaining. Quotations for beat milling, bright and stout, Is 4d to Is 4£i ; extra prime a shade more; best short bright feed, Is 3fi to Is 4d ; medium, Is 3J to Is 3£d ; inferior or musty, la to Is 2^d (ex store, sacks extra, net) Birley— Tuere is hardly any really good malting offering} indeed not very much of any sort, and as the demand is Dot very pressing the business done is not very extensive. Quotations for prime malting, 3s 61 to 3s 9d ; choice, 4s ; medium, 3s to 3s 3d; milling. 2s 3 i to 2* 9i ; feed, Is 8d to 2s (ex store, sacks extra, net). Grass Seeds— The demand for ryegrass seed has now almost died out, and to eff-ct sales very much lower prices have to be accepted. Best dressed perennial, 3s 3d to 3s 6d ; choice, 3s 9d to 4s ; medium to good, 2s 9d to 3s (ex store, sacks extra, net). Cocksfoot has little or no lrjquiry. Best dressed, 6d to 6.Jd ; medium, s£d to 6d per lb. Potatoes — Stocks in hand are riot very heavy, owing to fresh arrivals. Beet derwenta 30s to 32s 6d ; medium, 25s to 30a per ton (ex store, Backs weighed in, net).

Chaff— Best, L 2 5s to L 2 10s ; medium, Ll 17s 6d to L 2 2a 6d ; inferior, 20s to 25s per ton (ex truck, sacks extra, net) Dairy Produce — There is no change to note in the tone of the market, which remains somewhat quiet. The bulk of this produce being shipped Home on account of the farmerp, transactions locally are confined to small parcels occasionally taken up for retail purposes. Best dairy made Bait butter, 6d to 7d ; medium, 4d to 5d ; factory made, lOd to In per lb.— Factory made cheese, medium size, nominally, 4£d to 4| 1 ; loaf shape, 4 \i to 5J ; dairy made, 2d to 3id per lb.

Flax— Business in this line is exceedingly quiet, confined to requirements fur local manufacturers. Quotations nominal, say for medium to good, Ll3 10s to Ll4 10s; inferior to medium, LlO to Ll2 per ton (ex store).

Stbonaoh Bbos and Morris report for week ending 21st inst. at follows :—: —

Fat Cattle— lll were yarded and bidding waa very keen for all, good quality showing an advance of 10s to 15s per head. Prime bullocks, L 9 10s to Lll 7s 61. We sold for Messrs Murray, RoberU and Coy., bnllocks from Gladbrook Estate at LlO 2s 6d ; and cows L 8 1256J,L8, and L 7 12s6J. '

Fat Sbeep— l3oo submitted, of which number 70 were merinos. Owing to the small entry an advance of Is to Is 6d per heid took place. Best crossbred wethers (in wool), to 19a 3d , do do (shorn) 13s to 14? 3d ; do merino wethers (in wool), 12s to 12* 31. Fat Lambs— 397 penned. Competition was good for all best quality, at from L 8 to Ll2.

Pigs -190 offered, well conditioned Boris sold at satisfactory prices, while for baconers there was only moderate competition. Shteepskina— Prices unchanged, with good demand for all sortg.

Rabbitskins — Catalogues were comparatively small on Monday last, and values just a shade easier. Messes Donald Reid and Co reDort as follows :— Rabbitskins — Prime winter?, lid to 13 1 ; spring", 6J to 10^1; suckT^, 21 to 4d ; black and fawn, 6J to 11J-1. Bheep-kins — Green cr>psbreis sold at 3s to 5s 4d ; do mprino°, 2s 3d to Sh sil ; lambs, 61 to lOd ; dry oro sbrnds, 2s to 5" 5d ; do merinos, Is 3.1 to 4s ; pelts and ho.'g-'te, 4d to 2i 7<l. Hidrs — Ovr 601b<* and fri c from cuts, are wurtb 2\l to 3-1 per lb. Medium weights, l^d to 2i ; light, Id mljl p> r lh" Tallow — Quntati na • Prime rendered, 18- GJ to 20' ; medium, 15s (51 to 18s ; inferior, 13s Gl to 15g ; rough f*t. 10s to 13* Gd. Wneat — We quote : I'nme mnhng velvet, 2* 8J i to 23 lOd ; good milling, 2-i 7d io 2s 8 i ; fowl feed. 2s 4d to 2s 6$ 1 (sacks in). Oats — Wp quo'e : B'l^ht milling and feeu, 1- 4£ 1 to Is 4^ : medium, Is 3£ 1 to Is 4d ; infeuor and musty, Is Id to Is 3d (sacks extra). Potatoes — Quotations : Prime derwents, 30s ; medium, 27s 61 per ton (sacks in), Chaff— Best oat-sheaf, L 2 7s 6jto L 2 10s ; medium, L2toL 25s per ton f sacks extra). DUNEDIN HORBE 84LEYARDS. Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co. report as toUows :—: — Ther« was a very large entry of horses for our sale on Saturday, and as there was also a fair attendance a large portion of the horses changed hands. The largest entry whs one of 25 broken and nnbroken light horses from North Canterbury. These included several very_ strong usual sjrte, and for such there was a good demand. The balance of the entries were comprised of medium to inferior hacks and harness and a few draughts, none of which were firstclass. We quote : First-claBS draughts (extra heavy), L 25 to L3O ; good ordinary (young), LlB to L 22 ; medium, Ll2 to Ll6 ; nged, L 6 to L 10;1 0; good hacks and harness horses, Ll2 to Ll6 ; medium L 7 to L 9 ; light and inferior, L 2 10s to L 5. Mr F. Meenan, King street, reports:— Wholesale price only — Oats : easier, feed, Is 3d to Is 4d s>ed, nominal. Wheat: Milling, 2s 9d to 3s ; fowls' wheat, 2s Od to 2s 6d. Chaff : Inferior to medium, 30s to 455 ; good to prime, £2 5s to £2 15s 01. Hay : Oate, £3 ; ryegrass, £2 os. Potatoes : seed kidneys, unsaleable ; derwents, 30s to 355. Flour : Stone, £6 10a to £7 0s ; roller, £7 to £7 10*. Oatmeal, 251bs, £7 15g ; bulk, £7 10s. Butter, fresh, 4i to 10 J, salt, sd, dull demand, Eggs, 7d per dizen (fair supply.)

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 30, 23 November 1894, Page 13

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 30, 23 November 1894, Page 13

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 30, 23 November 1894, Page 13