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General News.

THE Rtnp'T'T nf Coma while going tr> his winter palace last week, was utoppeil by tnnrtita and robbed of a great quantity of valuabler. A corset for th,- foit i^ the latest atrocity of fashion. It enables the wearer to put on a shoo much smaller than the natural formation of tbe loot demanis. The German Government is considering measures restrictive of the use of Fxploeive* by miners, so as to keep tnat daDgerous element ai much as possible from anarchists and socialists. England has now in Ireland a standing army of 28,000 soldiers. In addition, there are 12.570 policemen, who are also practically soldiers for England. In Brazil righting continues, and it appearances indica'e anything, the not very sanguinary contest will continue for an indefioite period. Rio de Janpiro has b»en a ooost bombarded city for many montbp. yet somehow it is no' demolished, and trade pursues the even tenor of its way amid the biom of cannon and Hash of steel. The war is trnly a melo-drama. Nor is the Episcopal O>mmunion the only Protestant body which is reM >ring the once discarded Catholic baliefa and practices. At a recent conference of Presbjt-rian ministers in Glasgow, Scotland, the Rev. Dr. Hamilton urged that 1 ie practice of praying for the dead," whion bad fallen into disuse in the C lurch " should be resumed. His remarks were we 1 received by tha assemblage, and warmly endorsed by the Key D.-s Cooper anl Macleod.— Pilot! ' Rome lately experienced a terrific snowstorm All communication by wire and horse was completely stopped. Tbe Eternal City lay euveloped in a spotless robe, emblematic of the religion of which it is the earthly centre. Th« rlea'h of Rev Charles Ingham, attached to the American I'.aptist Mission on tho Lower Congo, occurred lately. He had killed a hundred elephants during his miß9ion in Africa, but was trampled to death in December by an elephant which he bad Bbot and failed to kill. "A.K11.8.,"' wri'icg in L<>ittjmon'< Mu<jatiw about the " Life of Dean Stmley," tells an interesting fact iibout, the lattcr's early days. He was sent when he was nine to a school at JSeaforth, on the Mersey. He was bright and clever, but he could not learn arithmetic. " The biographer doos not koow. what I have heard Stanley s»y, that Mr Rawsoo," (his teacher; " declared that Arthur was the stupidest boy at figures who ever came under his care, save only one who was yet more hopeless, being unable to grasp simple addition ' and multiplication. But while Stanley remained unchanged to the end, tbe other boy was to develop a mastery of arithmetic altogether phenomenal. He was to be tie great Finance Minister of aft;r yearp, Mr Glad&une." That venerable humanitarian. George T. Angel. President of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animalp. was istoanded lately when he learned that it is customary in the public high Bchools of that State, for the teachers to dissect toads, cat?, does and other living creatures, b fore tbe pupils, and that a profess >r in Brown University has nsued a book containing full dirpc ion* for tnis vivisection in cla 9. In his piper "Our Dumb Anirua 8 ' he says : " We are astonished to learu t leex'ent to which the dissection of dumb animals is cirned on in our Massachusetts public an 1 private schools, as well as l i those of oher States. We htvn just received a letter stating (but bens are paid to stfa! cats to be used in one of our largest anl most popular j em-ale coVujes A ycung l«dy attending another lar^e girls' scoool tells us that a lady teacher iv her school cuts np ca. p. showing the heirt and other oraan». The other day the teacher cut open a hvj fror to show thp circulation of the blood, and tbe frog was kept alive nearly all day to show the different classes. The young lady naid • the girls do not like to see these things at first, and sometimes it rmkes them sick, but they torn Bet used to it.' " His corr^spond-^n' wri'es : "So tar this year he [the teacher of science in th' high Fchool] has chloroformed aad cut up three or four ca's. One if tbese c.ts tie kept in a box for day? until one of the girU let v ou'. an 1 wben she told him that it w*« hungry, he gave it some sour mlk that tb Q chemisTy class bad for some experiments, and then stood by and laughed to pee the halfstarved kitten eat it eagerly. He also pui a li»e mouse under the receiver of »n air-pump an 1 partly exhausted the air, until tbe poor thing was all bleated up" Accordingly Mr Ang-ll has calkd for evidence to enable his society to coavict teacherH who dissect animals in the presence of school children, and he has < ftered a pn/,^ of iiOdols for the best ouiline drawing of tbe Devti teaching boys anrl girls to cut up cats. Surely this is queer •' education !"— Catholic Itfi'uir.

- nr Jl!fo X ' Idonan & olcmeldß in Sutherland, Sc >.land, which emplo^d H'nth P r7 n nHTV ce Hr 9H r9 **°\ W ' H be ° pened b * lhe °" Qnt y Council of T;^^it^^i^: people - The miQeß •■• °° m(inf T t be ' ÜBI I . of l 420 ; 1Wi ; francß ha^ Hen paid by the French Gownmeot to the Italian Ambwsulor in Pan*, m satisfaction of the claims of the Italians who suflered during the Ai K ues Mortes riot. King Humbert of Italy, s.v* the Sceolo of Milm. has a priv.le , for tune «nountinp to 20,000,000 iols. m .he hands of the London Kotbachild*. Should he oe forced to 11, from Italy he has a *o ug aum put away to live on in England. g of K^rT MU ff' ° f Vienaa - tDe celebrated linguist, whose knowledge of European language is not surpassed by that of anyone now livinz haHßoneto Ireland to learn Irish. He is r- siding in Dublin, and taking lessons from the Professor of Irish at Trinity College. Toe Ba«qne language, which Mr Gladstone is at present studying during his stay b t Biarn.z, is a variety of Celtic. The Basques are nftb 3 e ofTreland 8e braQcheß pco P le Wale *' the Highlands and fourThe Papal States were robbed from the Church on the plaa ihat the unification of Italy was essentially necessary for its advancement and for the well-beicg of the people. The country is now so far advanced that it is within measurable distance of revolution, and the tk ,° ff '?*' tbeY " c iD ° pen revolt oppressive taxation. The national trea«urv is b»nkrup', and the inhabitants are in misery because of this amficatioo, whilst the Popp, from whom the States were robbed, is nuking princely donations from his parse to relieve the people. Res' ore tbe Pipal States to their riehtful owners and peace and happines* will ouce again reigo in sunny Th.s is the coldest winter experienced in Mexico fjrmany years. There is greu destitution and intense suffering among the poor, who are compelled to go without tire and have only scant food supplies, loe hospitals dependent upon public support aro fall. One thousand blankets have been contr.bnted to the poor by Simon Lara the philanthropist of the city of Mexico. The English Secretary of State for War recently said in the House of Commons that he fmnd the eight-hour system can be introduce into all the War Department*, factories without a reduc* t.on ,0, 0 wages Th l 8 aff -cts U 000 men. who have been working nine hours and a-h,lf a day. War D.p.rtmen, oiticials say the el peri' m-n.n biow that the « ia antit/ and quality of work done ia an eig t-hour day are eotirely satisfactory. m.n M f r p' a ? c me * T ith a moßt enthusiastic reception from the Iriabi 31a? Ln° a 'tk monßter u meetin g addre 99 ed on Wednesday, iinpp's,n y ' 7h7 h . c.e .u gre^ teßt harmon * aod enthusiasm marked the proceeding*, and at the close a very substantial and practical token of the Irish cause was shown ; oOOOJoIs. were collected in aid «t T T TT e n KUI^ Panrl - Tbi9 moßt Reneroa9 re9 P o °<* to 'he appeal of the Irish-Canadian statesman should give a great impetus to the *!*&£* b6lDg "I 1 !? 6 ? the Stateßto r « nder prac.ic A l PaßßistanceP aBBistance to ,h rV -?k 0P c m the J clo9ln ? P« r^ of their struggle for legislative « fir ' J °t eVe ;' read y "ympafy of the great Republic with Ireland is a great factor always to be reckoned on with certainty by friend and S-.lJn CUrren . t 'i teratUre , <he enQ P ire of Turke y and itß monarch or Sultan are not infrequently referred r o in connection with the ide* of relißKioa bigotry and intolerance of the e*treme<t type, yet it seems hCt l , hat lbe rU ', er ° f <bat cm Pr e i 8 far more libw.l and tTerant in his policy towards creeds n >i hit own than many parties and ah? %'h T 9t \ tUtioD f ' y KoVernPl) c UQtries who have much, o say !w t k X ° l " Cml and rel ' ?iOU9 lib erty," of which they c.aim to be the c amp.ons and in their own tho great exemplar, A proof of the fct referre i to we fi-i.I in a British p.per rr n dd a l^ f, ret> v r P rocla «O' l >-n recently issued by the Haltao nn«nf Ik A P O9tollc ( C * Bnhop) ot Macedonia one of the ■* of the Turkish Kmmre. In ihia decree the Sul?nl mi.T UpmlbeC ; tbul '° P^'aes aad clergy numerous honor, and pnv.leges, soma of which are apec.fied a 9a 9 fallows:-- RlBR 18h op 8 bay- a oeat in the provincial cuincil* ia which are discussed all que tiona, civ.l ar,d r-l. B . O a 9 Tie/ s.«L havn m>re ,ver, the right of sendmg a repres to nil .he councils of each dis-rict Tney wl o? P opp 1 Tn° arn hh yy M f i em ™ d aD eSC ° rt tO gU " d their P erBOQ9 '" nr?p.f o a , ln^." hh * 11 have the P )wer of conferring upoa such priests as devote their lives to teaching, any degree or title which they merit, and such title is to b* roco^u B ed by the S.ate. They sh!n un». nron'^ 1 *° K Rdn ? inißter J«>'«ci «monj Catholics and III*" shall ocr uZT* ?* m l \ matte » 'stamen- ary anl matiimonial In ?ln f y 9 laW " aßßhallal^ h ' f b"'r a-bitrations." Here ie Jho Pr TPIT P l °! S^'" r e.civ,l and religious liberty which might make t f° mai ?' m Be »««tan«i lhe Apaistiiof America ashamed ?be breLSf 7h aDd IDtol , erance ' f ll w^ re »»»ble to excite shame io tne breasis of those people, which is exceedingly doubtiui

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 47, 23 March 1894, Page 15

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General News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 47, 23 March 1894, Page 15

General News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXI, Issue 47, 23 March 1894, Page 15