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Irish News.

Armagh. -The supply of stock at Oamloogh Fair wu below the average, but buyers wVra numerous. Beef sold from 50s to 60s per cwt, mutton from 6£l to 8d per lb. Prime young springers sold from £15 to £21 ench ; seond-class, £11 to £14 10s ; inferior, £7 10a to £10 rac*i ; dairy cows of best quality sold from £14 to £18 ; secondclass, £10 to £13 ; two-year-old heifers an! bu locks aver' gd from £7 10a to £11 ; yew-aad-a-half-olds, £7 to £9 1() 8 ; year-olds, £5 to £7, and c^lv.s, £3 to £4 10a each. The horse fair was well supplied, bat business was dull and prices low.

A number of farmers whoee lands are aff cte-1 by the flooding cf the Barm assembled rec ntly in Clonmocite. Repo'utions were adopted calling attention to th; periodical inundatim of land ia that district by the waters of Lough Neagb ami Uppar Barm, which causes great suffering and enormous loss of property, and regretting that thera was no mention of a drainage scheme in connection with Lough Neagh in the Queen's Speech. The present drainage works have failed to accomplish the results promised by their promoters.

Clare.— Henry B. Lang, of London, visited Killaloe during the fishing Beason, and, having heard of the distressed condition of the poor labourers owing to the Shannon drainage works being stopped by hunry win er floods, sent lOOJols. to his fi-herman (John Bairy) to distribute amongst the deserving poor of the town.

The board-room of the Knnis Guardians was recently invaded by a half-famiehing crowd of unemployed labourers se. king relief. About forty, with some women and children, entered the board-room, and one stated they had neither fire or light, and were mostly all married, with families. They could hold out no longer. A resolution was adopted urging their claims to the Lord Lieutenant and Chief Secretary, with a view to their getting help from the fund low being raised.

Cork. — At Skibbereen January fair there was a large attendance of buyers and sellers. A good amount of business was transacted, the prices being pretty smart and the demand brisk. Gojd springers and milkers went at £11 to £17 ; shippers, yearlings, and two-year-olds, £5 to £7 10s ; sucklings, £2 to £8, an! £3 104 fetched by a few. Prime beef was scarce and dear ; mv ton, 61 to 8i per lb ; bonnivei went from 12a to 20s each.

How serious and alarming is the condition of the poor unem ployed in th's district may be gathered from the fact that at last meeting of the Bantry Guardians a member stated that a mtn had walked from Glengariff to BiD'ry to get som 'thma; to eat, and five separate deputations waited on the Guardians seeking relief. Fi r hours the large hall at the ci trance was filled with peasants from al parts of the Uni<n. There was a deputation of faimers and labouiera from near Durrus demanding a road at a place called Cookouleghta ; a second deputation came from E>alkil, suggesting a road and bridge, and three came fom the Glengariff district. The "spokesmen" s«id they were positively on the ver^e of starvation ; that their condiiion was terrible.

Derry. — Tha owners of the Bellaghy eßtate recently cff.T'd on abatement of ten per cent to the tenantp, but the latter considered the amount too (mall, and consequently have Dot paid the rems.

Most Key. Dr. O Docherty, Bithop (f Derry, atten 'ed the Long Tower Chapel Sunday w>.ek and established a aola'ity of the Bacrtd Heart branch for the jouths of Derry. Fa'h-r W. O D .herty waa appointed Director. The Archbishop addressed the boyp, whom, he said, were the future men of Derry, ar.d be hoped they would be a credit to their city and to their religion. Above all, he warned them to abstain fr >m intoxicating liquors, and administered the pledge till they attained the age of 21. There were 500 bojs present. The sodality promises to be a great success.

A scandalous scene of religious fanaticism was recently reported from Lim«vady. Rev. George Galbraith, Protestait Bpisopal minister, sent a flval cross to the funeral of the late Key. Canon Uoss, Kpiscop^lian, and it was givm us place am»np;-t the sev-nl wrea"h^ provided by frien 's. The cio^ w\s subs, quentiy hung on the \> etc n, but angry feelings arose in the congrega'ion. The cross wa9 cv' down and cas' out-i ie ih" chu'eh. where a number of pe^oi s knocked it about as a f otbtll. As may b« easily imagined, the outrage has created a lainful fueling.

The Baihrsaecreen National League branch at last meetingHem y O'Neill presi ing — passed the following : — That, as during the pre-eat deplorable L i°h crisis thi^ braucta had views strongly in favour of the majjrity of the Iris-h Parliamentary party as led by Justin McCarthy, we are resolved to support them, financially an<l otherwise Our silence up till now was owing to an anxious desire for uuion amongst the Irish people and a v uted liish part by the retirement of Mr. Parnell. Tha', since T. Hainngton says the lush National League is Mr. Parnell's organisation (but now sadly disorganised), we cease to contribute any further to 43 O'Oonnell street Upper until it becomes the property of the people and completely reorganised, and

that this be our answer to T. Harrington, and that it be communicated to the Morning Nervt and Imupprcttible.

Donegal.— The Ballyshannon Board of Guardians have rescinded a resolution expressing confidence in Mr. Parnell, and now call upon him " in the best interests of the party to yieli to the majority and resign the leadership."

A public me ting was held in Bally shannon recently to inquire into the causes of the great di B tr?s9 prevailing in South Donegal and take steps for the immediate relief thereof, forwarded to the Chu f Secr;tary for Ireland. They confirmed the resolutions passed at the public meeting calling upon the Government to taks immediate steps to provide work of a useful kind for the dUtrebsed poor of this district.

Dublin.— A new industry has just been commenced in Dub in. Mews. 8:oer and Sons have started a lager beer brewery at Dartry, on the river Dodder.

The annual convention of the Gaels of Dublin city and county was recently held in the Irish National Foresters' Hall. When the business proper of the Association was concluded, the following resolution was passed :-That this gathering of the Gaels of Dublin, in convention aesemoled, expresses its implicit confidence in the present political attitude taken up by C. 8. Parnell, and that the best thanks of the meeting be tendered to John O'Leary for the support he hat given the Irish leader.

The attendance of the members of the League of the Gross at their monthly meeting in tha Church of Our Lady, Church street, was very numerous. Very Rev. Father Nicholas read devotions and delivered a very instructive sermon. At (he close all renewed their pledge, and after Benediction a large number of new members were enrolled ; those who had been a year in the Sodality ware invested with the League cro-s. The Archbishop of Dublin will open the new hall on a Sunday in the near future.

Kildare.— A largely atteoded meeting under the auspices of the Dublin United Labour Union was held in Naai Town Hall recently. William Staples occupied the caair. Two delegate! came from Dublin to organise the branch and elect a working committee for the coming year. Several new members were enrolled. Mr. Lan»ton tendered his resignation of the office of secretary. The members expressad regret for losing Mr. Langton's services, and appointed J. Walsh. Patrick Turner being the oldest labourer there present was unanimously appointed president.

I-eitrini. — The Carngallen branch of the League at reoent meeting, Patrick Gilchreeßt presidi >g, passed the following resolution:—That we consider it high time that the branches of the Leaeue throughout the count y should urge npon the Irish Parliamentary party the necessi-y c f merging th. ir differences and devotiDg their energies to pressing fo-ward vigorously the much-neglected land q le-tion, as Ir-s i farmers will n^ver rest satisfied until the old cry of '79 and '80 viz :— ' The Lnnd for the People '—the total and ompulsory abolition of landlordism ia realised in Ireland. A vote of thinks was passed to the chairman, and the meeting adjourned.

I*imerick.— It was recently state i that sinca tne present ciisis ients on the Plan of Campaign estates have been extensively paid. Inquiries, however, prove men to be utterly without foundation as fir as the Glen<hirr»ld estate is concerned. The tenants ara as determiatd as ever to hold oi to the end and have not paid their rents

John Daly was visi el recently at Chatham prison, England, by John Cowe of Limerick, William Abrihiin, M.P., and John O'Connor, M.P. The visit to)k p ace in the ordinary barred and screened cell. The pnso >er appeared to be in fairly good health, but complained tint the sensj of feeling was leaving his extremities, and that ha c >uld not button his jacket by touch alone. He was obliged to seek the buttons by eight, as, owing to the numbness of bis hands, be co .Id nit feel them. Tnis want of sense is not to be ascribed to the cold weat'er, .is Mr. Daly experienced it before the coll weather set in. He also stated that he is suff ring from rheumatism and sciatica, and so intense is the pain that o i go ng to his cell in the eve iiDg ha throws himself on t egrmda nl w. l h-bh -b «ml moans in agony until t c b-'ll is ru gturg'iing 10 bed. Danng ih« ni^h hiUng-tfor the m rninp, and when morning arrives bo l* 8 > t xhaus'ed fr >m |.am and w .n! of f-leep tba he wishes v were night again. la nil ihm s faring he hug never a-*k<>i to see ibe iloc or, nor has he taken any medicine f. em the apo'hecary of the prison. H■ is determined not to have anyt ln^ to do wuh muiiciu' s while iv Chatham.

Longford.— Some roughs attacked Mr. ilealy in Longford recently, but after hearing his powerful sp-t-oh on the Irish crisis, when he c.ima back a fe* days aft. r he was respectfully received, aud when he left a crowd of admirerß escorted him to the station and cheeied him off.

Every pubic bo^y in Longford county has declared against Parnell, namely, Longford Board of Guardian?, Longford Town Commissioners, Granard Board of Guardians, Granard Town Commissioners, and Bally mahon Board of Guardian*. These are «U Nationalist bodies of old standing.

Timothy Htaty, M.P., recently addressed a great meeting in the Sdgeworibstown district, dariDg whici he iully and lucidly piaced tbe unhappy condition of things before tbe p ope. He offend to resign bit seat in Parliament provided Dr. Fitzgerald, a Piruelliie, did tbe same, and both try Dr. Fi'z?erald's constituency as « test. The chal'enge has not been accepted. This U the second ohal.enga tbe Paroeliites have refused to take up.

Bla JO* — The condition of tbe people in und around Achill is tro!y deplorable. At reeen»- mating "f the Weatport Oaariiana Father O'Ci naur reporf«*d tbe rai way woika w re not of rau ;h use to tbe people. In relation thereto Fa: her O'Connor said :—•'Gentlemen, we have a v*»t population for whom, I am lorry to say, up to the present time we have received litileorno employment. Home few are now employed on the railway, but in the most uncertain manner. Sometimes they will go ten miles, travelling at night until daylight in tbe moroiog. After travelling that distanos they ara knocked about and get no work, and so it happens they are often twelve days looking for one day's work, aad that is tbe way in which our 4,000 able-bodied people, the moit distressed this day nnder heaven, are treated. The few who are employed— who are they? Tbe very riobest men on the island, men who oould turn out scores of cattle to * fair I They gave work to men who had twenty or thirty cattle gracing on grass farms, and no<ie to poor men who had not a four-footed beast in the world, as if to kill the spirit in the poor who are starving and strengthen the rich I" This is indeei melancholy.

Meatll* — Tbe following prices were obtained for stock at recent Navau fair:— Young spri r >g«r»« near calving ani prrnoUinj a good supply of milk, £18 to £23 10* ; scon 1 class, £13 10s to £16 10s ; freshly -calved cows, £16 to £19 ; stcoad clais, £12 10 < w £16 ; ■trippers and dry cows, £11 10s to £14 104. Th?re was a suall supply of beef, wbich sold at 6ls to 64* por cw f<r first clasn ; sec<.n 1 elas*, 52s <o 56s per cwt ; mf-jrior, 4 is i 50; pjr cwt,. F< she-^p, £2 15? to £3 53 ; limbs and hojq-s, 27s f>d to 34' ; mutton, 7i to 8J per lb. A fall supply of pigs and an active demand.

DlOtiajglian*— There was th« usd<)l attenl-»nc3 of buyers at recent Castleo aynuy market, th a q-ial : ty ( f flu was pretty g nd, and all waa bought up. There was no h-in<l-3.:utched flax, and tiio pricas tor mill-scutched ranged from 4s 6i to6i9i per sioue.

A special meeting of the Commit cc of tha Oarric'c uncross National League was held at Cbrduff on Monday af .ernoon. ft v. W. O'Doherty presiding. The bus>oe94 wts the apjoiutmeo.' of a new President in tbe room of Bey. P. Oallan, Adtn., who has la ely been promoted to the parish of Clontibret. Piter Keelaghan proposed and James Dwyer seconded : — That Bey. W. O'Donerty be appointed President. The new President, in speaking about the leadership, said Mr. Parnell was utterly discredited. The charge of dictation against Mr. Gladstone was too silly. It could not impose upon any reasoning man. lie asked the members of the committee to keep the district in a state of organisation, to spread amon; the members in the locality such newap ipers as the Nation and tbe Irith Catholic, so that if an opportunity iroaa tha electors would ba prepared to oust the sitting Paruellite member for tbe division, and return a candidate who would correctly express their view?.

QueCU'9 County* — A largely-attended meeting of tho Mounual < L>bour Society waa held last week, Rev. E. B.- 'na^a in the chair. The Beverend Ohairinan in his speech r.'ferr-d to tin grievances of the labour class, and promised his earnest co-operation in having them redressed. Ray. J. Donovan delivered an interesting speech, in which he dwelt on tha means by which the position of the labourers would be improved, industry promoted, and the general welfare of the country advanced.

RoSCOimtlOtl* — Cistlerea (suppressed) branch of the National League Leld a very successful meeting on Sunday week, although mobt of the members were closely waiched by the police.

Several persons are imprisoned on account of tho De Freyne eatat? fight. John Brown was disch irq don account of illu> 89, and had to be attended shortly afterwards by 'he d >etor aad priear. The police force has been increased, and -e/»ral confab s seep wat hon Mr. Fmgibbon's ea ablifthm n\ Wats i.»7e beeo. sorv don nine tenants of L>rd D.-Freyne.

A goo 1 Eximple for Landlords.— The^-w regrea* popul \r n jj eings *t Ballymoaaad Duudertnotf, the resi enc^ ot N. R. O'Ojn or, British Ambassador at Sofia, last w<*. k, on tne restoration (f Pat Kenny of Bally moe, an evicted t mat, He had been eviced by Colonel Comjn of Billinderry, tie agent, in the absence of Mr. O'Connor. The oldest inhabitant had never s.-en an eviction on the property previous to that . When it became known that Mr. O'Connor and his wife were at Duniermott an app al was mada on b h«lf of the evictei tenant by th^ Mitib-1 ani Krin Q A.A. Club», supported by Fa' here Feather^ one and Woite, and tbe tenant was at once reinstated.

SligO*— A very i^terrsting incident occurred ia B*'linafad distiiot recently . Nothing less than tbe evictioa of the grabber Lans< lOarrickaaborna. la July of '17 Lang grabbed tvictad lands own.

pribirn^ an area of about fifty acres, <*nd Ltta Bpri(iar f tllowin » came to the place to hv >, taking f>r his »bodd th^ ruirn of an old house which the Undlord roofed with qheet-iron. In LhU wretched ho/ol siuca Hveil the miserable L%ug, guard d by armji police night and day, I at it bA'c^ma to an end at Ur, and no doub* taa traasaction has been unprofitable to the l>ndlord and La^g alik-».

Tti!* cinous aad parish priests of ihi Diocese of Elpbin assembled f.t the O&thedral, Sligo, laat weak for the purp me of electing a Goad* jut T-Bishrp. Moat Q 2r# Dojtjr QilL.oly p, ended. Tho rcult o£ the voting wan— Very Bey. D ■qmi McLiujrhiin, S.igo, 12 votes, Digniosimu* ; V.ry Key. J. J. Kslly, A-hlone, 9 vo'es, Dignior ; Most Rev. D ictor Lyster, Bish >p of Acho-iry, aad Jljsc Bay. Dr. H aly, Co*d-jutor-BUhop of 01>nfe:t, 3 to es eaoh , Vsry Bey. Canon Pa'rick Hanly, Oastleret, 2 votes, ant V\sry B^. Oanoa Hoare, Oarrick-on-Bbannon, 1 rote. Toe result was known about noon an 1 oaased the most intense gratification amongst the Catholics in Siigo.

Tlpperary.— Alderman Condon, M.P., anti-Parnellite, has been for the third time inaugurated Mayor of O'onmel. In the coarse of nil speech he said that lince the split ie the party took place the hope of a settlement was never so great a 9 at present.

Three evictions took place on the Oaahel estate of Arthur Hugh Smith -Barry !a9t week. The estate bailiff and a large party of police were in attendance, bat their services were not called into requisition , Part of tho farms had been already cleared, their owners residing in other comfortable dwellings. The teannta evicted are James O'Donnell, B^llinrea ; Patrick Maher, Thurlesbeg, aad Matthew Kiune, Win i mills.

XyrOUC— R-^caDtly Messrs Oorr and Morally opened a shaft in thd towalaul of Gortguais, near o oili 1 ml, aad so far htve met with smc 88— coal bei g ooti n. tinli.g, qjaatiuej. A cousidtrable naoabflr of h md 3 aru now empijyod '.i. 'v • wotk^.

Tilers was -\ nu-n-vou-' ait-^nJ \ac- at U-i meeting of Drumquin Na^iuu^l L a;ue. F^tUtc Kollv projlucd. Too following resolu-ioa waa una iimoia y a<lopi«d :— Tnac w,-. •» • b umq lin Brancb 1.N.L., nainbering 1,600 moinljerd, uo locger i"^?. . O. 3. Parn-tll as a leader worthy if tuts iii«.. l > people, hnviiiij by _ d .vila ins*ne con luct lose our r.o .fiJ-ncd, aad v»e p'ed'jc oar n" . -^jco to the new leader ( Jaiiin ilc'Jir hy, an^ tlio p^ircy wirii wb.ui na is associated — Messrs Sexton, H-. r ily, Dilloa, etc.

"Waterford. — Tha Ptrneilrecept ou in Waterford was, from reports to nan \ carrijd out well. B^ing a great number of persons w°,rj in tje ci y. The city member tticbard Power, was not present, so tint Mr. Parnell held a meeting without a Parliamentary represunta.ivd from either County or ci<y to support him.

"Westmeatll.— A letter was re id at recent meeting of Mulliogar Union from Colonel Di^by stati \t> that an eviction decree would be put in fores oi his property, »ni ri_queßted the clerk to notify tbe Ralieviug Offiodr to have ' qaarter-j prepared in your house " for tne evicted it an arrangement was aoi c.tne to.

A committee has been formed at Htmbarg to receive 20,000 Jews, en route to B.azil.

JIYKKB and Co., Dentists, Octagon, -ornerof George street. The guarantee higLiest class work at mo.i.ra .- fe<.s. Their artificial teeth t?ives j?en«ral riatinfaction, and the fac f them supplying a temporary denture while the gum« are h. a ing does away with the inconvenience of being moLths without (e>ih. They manufacture a single artificial tooth fcr Ten Shilliuge, a-d sets equally moderate The administration of nitrous oxide gas is hI»o a great boon to those needing the extraction of a tooth. Read.— [advt '

At the h>ad of tbe Holy Cross Creek, n ar Leadville, nalifornia and in the almost inaccessible defiles of Mouut Sbaata, California, there are hundreds of square feet of grouud o jntiiually covered with »now as red as blool. In tbe polar regions red and scarlet saow is a familiar sight, but tbe two places nime i ibove are tb. ■ o >iy 8 with in tue limns uf - he Uni ci States wh >re nia kn »wn to exist. Tho p^ enom^noa is dvi to the presence of minute -tinoialcu ac in the *now. How thM little miKe ever got there ie a q ». S'ioo mat b«s ce^er bttn atisf ictonlv a'S^ercd.

Tne latf Mrs. Bia ori, <f L nifi-I^. (3»>tbHl, D(iunt\ T pp nry wh>Bt' tHther was one f ibe mai 1 1 a 1 Dublin b ckt»K k i», w 8' ne wi ow of Oriares Bmnconi, wi ose bi^t' ij is e.lo el> int(rwov' v *ih ih - bi- i-ry ••• Ireiaml during il-e pi- set i cci u^^ . Cliaries Biauconi went from I aly 'o lnlai d towaitn< the c i-se of ti e ia-tt cei-tury, aud spe t the first years of his residence theie aH a vendor <f religious o jtcts. Liter on h« travelled through' ut th« whole island on the same ciraud. Finding fiom experieuce tbe meagre me ins of communica i >n, he, at a later penoi of hie lift-, lLstitmed tLe weli-knjwn Biauconi carp, wbicb, prior to the intrcxiuc ion of railways, ran throughout >he isiand and c rried, under a heavy subsidy, tbe liish mails. Ihrongnout ttie tempestuous p ned ibat these c<its ran— including the r^ign of ribbonisoo, Wbi eb< yt m, and Fe 'iaui m — it ia recorded that not a singe lobbery lo k pmce from o c ot the Bi >re ni ma 1 cars. Chatl«s Biancuni was tbe leading suppor er of

Daniel O'Connell during ibt agitation of Ciihuhc Kmaucipation, i whom be nobly second d wi h his nuniLrous yules ttr^ugbout. thj Country. Bui 8 qatntly bis cn'y ton mamed O'Concellw grai.ddaughter, Mi>s Fi ssimens of GlanculleD. Charles Bianconi's widuw spent her widowhood in ministering to tbe waotsof toe poor around i her,

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 29, 17 April 1891, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 29, 17 April 1891, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 29, 17 April 1891, Page 9