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The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited, report for fee week ending April 8, as follows :—: —

Fat Cattle.— ll6 yarded. Best hnllor-ks broujht £6 to £7 17s 6d ; medium to good, £4 12s 5d tn £5 17s 6d ; 1 gbt weighs, £5 to £4 7s 6J. Oowb— best, £5 to £5 17s Gd ; medium, £2 to £4 s^.

F^t Sheep.— B, st crossbred wethers, 13s 91 to 15s 9d ; best do ewes, 13s 10 14s 6d ; medium, 10j to 12s 9(3 : merino wethprs 5s t<. 6s 3d. Fat Lambs.— Oialy 135 penned. Bist brought 9a to 11s 31: others, 7s 3d to 8s 91.

Pigs — 47 p. nnpd. L'ght stores brought 16s to 19-*; porkere, 21s to 26s ; baconers, 29s to 33-«.

Store Cat'l.'. — l'h re are several lo's "f these ofliring. and a few Bales being tffecttd, but at Oie moment the demmd is not very ac ivp, and to make sales price" commensurate with thoie obtaining now f )i fat ca'tle would have '0 be accepted.

Store Sleep. — A very luge business still continues to be transacted in this line. So fir the demmd appears to be quite tqual t'> the supply, and in many instances buyers aie unable to secure sufficient for their requirements.

Wool.— We are in receipt by the !*"an Francisco mail of priced catalogues fr >m the commencement of the first series of sales in London on the 27th January, down to the 19th Ftbruary, also our London circular da'ed February 21st, explaining the course of the m irket by stating that wh^n buyers met sellers on the opening day there was a general scarcity of supplies in second hands, nnd it was therefore a matter of necessity for stocks to be replenished in order t'» meet current requirements. This however having heen accomplished, in view of a somewhat difficult trade, and an outlook by uo means clear, a policy of caution has since generally been adopted, and for the reason that medium tmd inferior mer nos have formed the bulk of the offerings these sorts have been the first to exhibit weakness. Crossbrvds having been in comparatively small supply have been well competed for throughout, and after an advance of a £d had been established prices remained fairly steady. Sheepskins.— At our regular weekly sale on Monday there was a large attendance of buyers, who compete 1 with spiiit. Country dry nkins, both crossbred and merino, sold well ; dry crossbrede, inferior to medium, brought 2a to 3s 10 i ; do do merino, Is 101 to 3s 9.1 ; full-woolled cro-"bred, 4-t 101 toG-,91 ; do do merino, 4s Id to 5s lid ; dry pelts, 4d to Is 8d ; batchers' green crossbreds, best, biougbt 3s 4d to 3J3 J 9!; good to mo hum, 2s 2 1 to 2s 8d ; inferior, Is 7d to 2,-; green lambskins, best, 2s 7d to 3s 3d ; medium to inferior, Is 8i to 2s 6d.

Rabbitskins —A good demand rxia'P. On Monday we submitted a small catalogue to a full attendance of buyers, when competition was brisk a>d very full prices were secured for each lot. Half-grown brought 4^l ; others from 6 i io IHd per lb. Hide* — A steaiy demand continues to be experienced, but heavy sorts are in mo-t request, rfll forward, however, are readily placed at about equal to late quotations, which we give as follows — viz., for inferior and «hppy, Id m ljl ; light, l£d to IJI ; medium, 2d to 2[ 1 ; up to bes\ 2^ Ito3 1 ; (i.'i 10 80. bs, free from off^l and scars, ito Id per lb mort. Tall"W, — The market continues firm. We quole — Prime rendered mutton 18s 0 1 to 2GN ; medium to good, Ise 6J to 17s C> i ; infeiior and mixed, 12s to 15s. Uough fat • best fresh caul, 13s 10 13s (i i ; inferior to medium aud good, 9s t> 12s 0 1 per cwt.

Grain. — Wheat : The la e«t advices from Home report the maiKet firm and rising, the Eng.ish markit showing a general advance ul I*. We quote — Ptirn" mil i:ig, velvet arid tuscin, 4s to 4s 2 1 ; medium to good, 3s lOd to 4i ; inferior, 3s 6J to 3s 9 1 (ex t-iore) teims.— Oats. A moderate demand for co istwiso and v, Australia his been experienced during the wei k, and several lines have been taken up on the basis of lust wet kV quotations. Cumigntneuts aie now coming to hind pretty freely, but shippers are not disposed to opeia.'e to any extent at pre^nt rates, only puicbaeiijg sufficient (or pr^nt requirements Ihe (■ame remarks apply to local millers opintions. We quote, prime malting, bnghr and a out, ihinskinned, Is 5J to Is ~>\ i ; btst Biiort bright feed, Is l^i lo Is 5 i ; medium to gojd, Is :sd to Is 4J, ex stoic, 6acke extr,t — Barley: Tbe-re aie buyers for reaily good, bri^h' and plump malting, aad toca^ hales of ttn disruption are b< in v (.fleeted, but m >st of the simple-, offc'iing are only vei v medium, and c unmiind but lit;le after t ion. We quote, prime mailing, 3s to 3s 31; me. hum, 2i 01 to 2i 9J ; feed and milling Is 101 to 2s 4d, ex 6tore, sneke extia.

Kyegiass S ed. — Tne demand is not bj active. We quote — Rest machine-rtiessed, guaranteed off old p^btuie, .">•) Gd to ."s 9 l ; me mm, 5s to 5-! H i ; fanners best dress d, 4s to 4s 6 I ; medium, 3s u> 3s 9 1 (exftort). Cocksfoot Sje-1 :We quote— F;r bjst dicss.-d, 5> 1 Ijs|; medium, 4^d to 5d p^r lh.

Fotatoi a — Deliveries h lye not be n s > exten°ive during ■h^ p i,: week. Sales are, in cons, gum ;t>, mj;e easily tff cted, but with .v any impio«t.raeiit in price. Qiotatiuna - Vov beat aerwonte, 50s io 55b ; medium, 40* to 47s 61 ; kidney-, 35a to 42s G , per tin (-uckn weighed in). Chaff -The rmrke' has been bare during the past few days aud up to 47-> (J 1 hiiS been rj^id foi a truck or s>>, bat now there is a fuller supp>y to hand, which will prevent any furJier udv.mce being obtained. We quote — Btst, 42s Gl to 45j ; inferior, 30s to 40s per ton. Dairy Produce. — The supply of butter has fallen off conn lerab y, but is tnoie than sufficient ior rvquirementj, the demand being lor local consumptiou only, at from 61 to 7d per 1b lor beit sated, Cheese has only a very feeble dem.m J ai 4^i to 4^d for faciory-ruado medium size, t.nd 4Ji to 5d for loaf.

Flax. — Imports from Home arc less satisfactory lately, the make showmg a downward tendency, buyers in the local market in consequence are not so keen to operate at late rates, which we still quote,

viz.— For common, ci»rse, and strawy, £13 to £16 ; medium, £15 10a to £17 , gojd, £17 10s to £19 ; extra line, £20 per ton.

Messrs. Donald Stkonach and Sons repost ss f allows for the week endine April 1 :

Fat Cuttle.— 244 head were yardei at Burnside for this day's Biles, about half of which were good to pa me, the balance three parts fat Bteers, with a considerable portion aged cows and light weight. Tbis number was considerably in excess of requirements. Best bullocks bro gbt £6 10j to £8, exLra beavy h shade more ; medium to eoocf. £4 15§ to £6 5s ; light weights, £3 to £4 10s; best cows, £5 6i to £G ; medium, £3 to £4 7a 6d ; light and aged, £2 to £2 17>, 61. Wf sold light bullocks o-i account of Mr. J. J. McAwley (Portobello) >tt £4 to £4 178 6d. On account of Mr. William Hunter, ("•'andymouot) bullocks at £5 2s 6d and email draf's on ace n-it of Mi 1 . Win. Kdwards (Port Road), Mr. Thomas Go<ifr<\y (fine Hill), and Mr. A. Stoddart (Burnsidej at quotations. Fit Kheep. — The (n'ry to-day consisted of 923 crossbred*}. Of the'eonly a email proportion were wethers, the greater number being aged ewes. The quality ranged from prime to middling. Although there was only a small supply torward, competition wia by no means brifk, and prices, except for best wethers and maiden ewes, were Is easier than last week. B j *t crosßbred wethers sold at 13< to 14s 9d ; medium, 10a 6d to 12* 3d ; best crossbred ewes, 12s 3d to 13s 6d ; medium, 8s 61 to 11b 91.

Fat Lambs. — 350 were penned, medium to good. Best brought 93 to 10s Gd ; one pen to lls 6d ; others, 6b 6d to 8s 9d.

Pigs.— lso were penned, nearly all suckers and stores, with two or three heavy-weight pigs. No porkers or biconers forward. Suckers brought 3s to 8s ; slips, 3s to 8s ; stjres, 26s to 18s ; heavy piga, to 355. We sold a mixed draft of 15 pigs for Mr. W. C. Dale (Clinton) at quotationp.

Store Sheep. — All classes are inquired for, but those in most demand are good breeding ewes, both crossbred and merino, which are freely taken up whenever in the market, indifferent to age, if healthy and sound mouthed.

Sheepskins. — On Tuesday, as usual, we offered a moderate catalogue, comprising a'l sorts. Country dry crossbeds, inferior to medium, brought 2s to 3s 91 ; do do merino, Is 9d to 3s 10J : fullwoolled crossbreds, 4s 91 to 6s Id ; do do merino, 4s to 5s lOd ; dry pelts, 31 to Is 9d ; butchers' green crossbreds, best, brought 3s 2d, 3s Id, 2s lid, 2s lOd, 2s 9 I, 2s 8 1 ; good to medium, 2s 7d. 2s 6d, 2s 51 2s 4d, 2s 2I ; infeiior. 2s, Is lOd, Is 81 ; green lambskins, best, 39 2d, 3s Id, '.li, 2s 10J, 2s 8i ; medium to inferior, 2s sd, 2s 2d, 2s, Is 9d.

Rabbitskinq — The few that now come forward are readily dispose^ of, and, considering the quality, realise prices comparing favourably with those secured for better skins earlier in the season.

Hides. — We h»ve no changD 10 report. Quotations for inferior and slinpy, Id to l£i ; light. l£d to If t ; medium, 2d to 2£ 1 up to 601 b, 2|d to 3d Cslb to 801 b ; in piime condition, $i to Id more per lb.

Tall w — We quote prirm rendered mut'on, 183 6d to 20s: meiMum to good. 15s 6J to 17a 6d ; inferior and mixed, 12a to 15s. Best f^sh caul fetches 13s to 13s 6d ; inferior to medium and good, 9s to 12s 6d per cwt.

Grain — Wheat : For best samples there are indications of an improvement in the demnnd. A decidedly more active tone Dervaies the market, price*, all r mart being in favour of sellerß. We quote prime mil ing velvet «nd Tuscan, 4s to 4s 2d ; medium to good, 3s lOd to 4s ; inf nor, 3s Gl to 3s 9d (tx store) — Oate : We quote be°t short millit g, Is 5110 Is s£i ; best Bhort bright l eed, Is 4^d to Is 5i ; medium to pood, Is 3i to Is 41 ; inferior, Is to Is 2a (ex store, sicks extra) — B irley : There are but few transactions taking pac m this cereal. The cupply to hnnd of really good malting is limited, but any < ffe ug could be readily placed. We quote best m il'ing, 3^ to 3i 3d ; medium to good, 2s Gd to 2a 9d ; feed and mil.inj;, Is 101 to 2s 4 I (ex stoic, sacks txtra).

Uyegrass Sjed. — We quote be?t raacuine-iiressed, off old pasture, at ,")■! 6 1 to 5s 9 1 ; medium, Sj to 5s 3d ; farmer' best dressed, 4a to 4« 6d ; medium, 3i to 3^> 9d (( x store) — Cocksfoot peed is moving off quietly, but in slightly larger parcels ; stocks on bands are not excessive, and prices likely to be maintained. Quotations lor best (irefsei, 5{ 1 10 ."^d ; medium, 4^d to 5d per lb.

Potatoes. — Quotations this week for best Derwents, 50s to 55s ; medium, 4(js to 47s G 1 ; kidnejs, 30s to iOi per ton (sacks weighed in, ex sture).

Chaff. — There is no change i 1 price, which we give as last week — for best. 40s to 42d Gd ; extra prime, 45s : mtdium to good, 30s to 37s Gd per to'i.

Dany Produce. — Nearly all the factory made cheese is being shipped Home, very lit' le beit,{/ consumed It c^lly, dairj -made being outaimd a' lower ptice°, (3 i t>> 3J per lh while 4£ to 4£ ia asked fo: iacioi'y-niidi 1 . Good silt butter is silling pretty freely, only tor iojnl 00 isiimptii>n, but without any advance in price, which remains at G£4 to 7 i per lb.

Flax. — A g od deal of inquiry continues fo be experienced for this. A consideiaMe quantit\ is also coming forward, which we h<)ve been succc-sful hi placing at our late quotations — viz , for common. c<>ar c, and strawy, £13 to £1,"5 : m.dium, £15 10s tj £17 ; g md, £17 10s to £19 ; thorougn.y fecrutcb.d 1 cieau, ana good colour, £20 per ton.

Mkss'js. Donald Reid and Co , Dunedin, report for the week endLg April 8, as follows :—: —

Wool — At our wool sales on Monday we submitted a Bmall catalogu" to a full attendance of bu\ers.

Sbe j pskinß. — We quce — Green pelts, Is lOd to 3s Id ; do lambs, 2s 4d to 2s 10 1 ; dry ciossbreds, 2s 3d to 7s 2d ; do merinos. Is 9J to .~>s tid ; do pelts and lambs, 10 1 to 2s 2d.

lallow. — We quote — Prime rendered, 189 to 20s; medium, 15s to 17s ; inferior, Us 6d to 14s ; rough fat, 9s 6d to 13s.

Wheat.— We quote— Milling (prime) 4s to is 2d ; milling (medium), 3s 9d to 3s lid ; f jwl wheat, 3s 31 t-> 3* Bd. Oats.— We quote-Milling, Is sl to Iss£d ; feed, 1- 3s \o Is 4£d (sacks extra). I Barley — We quote— Mailing, 2s lOd to 3s Id ; milling, 2s 3d to '2a 6d ; feed, Is 101 to 2s 2d (sacks ex'ra). Chaff.— Prime heavy oatsheaf, £2 6s to £2 7a 6d ; mixed and ligbt, £2 to £2 2s 61. Potatoes.— Maiket moderately supplied Prime, £2 10s to £2 15,! ; inferior, £2 to £2 5<3. Rvegrass.— Best machine dreesed, off old pasture, 4s 91 to 5s 6d; good farmers' diessf-d, 4s to 4s 6d ; medium and inferior, 3s to 4». Fir x.— Sound straw-coloured, £20 to £21; medium quality, £18 10s to £19.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 28, 10 April 1891, Page 13

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 28, 10 April 1891, Page 13

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 28, 10 April 1891, Page 13