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Irish News.

Artrlm.— A meeting of Bilfaat merchants w-is held in tin Town Hall with the object of taking s eps to aid B Ufour's lielief Fund by opening a sabicrip ion list fjr the city aad neijhbjuxhojJ. dir William Qjartas E\va-t, J I* , pr-i-aJb 1, and laJois o£ npj ogy were read from Sir B. J. Harlani, M.P., encloiiig a sum of £50 ; from Rev. A. H. Pakenham, enclosing £20 ; from Danville and Co., promising £100 ; from Hon. Robert O\Neill, M.1., c iclosing £50 and Iroin S. M. Johnston enakniag £100. Mr. Wellington susrgeacei the addition of the name of Moat Rev. Doctor McA liter, Bishop of Down and Connor, to tho committee, and it was unanimously agreed to, provide! he gave bis consent.

Armagh*— An effort ii being maJe to provide a perfectly equipped gynviasiuni for Lurgaa, anl tJere seems every renon to expect this healthful I«3il3rata n will soon b) numbered amaog tha local institutions.

At a meeting of the members of tha Catiolic Reading R)3rn Armagh, recently held, tha following resolution, mo/ed by Rev. H. MoOacar, Aim., was adopted, with one dis??,utieat :—: — That the picture of Mr. Parnell be put out of this room.

Most Rev. Doctor Logue. Arch^ishoD of Armagi aad Primate of Alllroland.oa his retura froai Rjrn >w is giv^a a h iarty welcome hom j . His Grace celebrated the 8 o'clock Mas* ia fit. MaUchy's, and refeiring to the political crisis in a short addr^s afur Ma-}*, said he took the first opportunity of expressing hi* appr >val of 'he action of his people in the stand they mi le in the crisis that threa ened to disrupt a great movement, Afterwards in the sacristy the members of the Cathedral Committee waited upon his Grace to present aa address.

CarlOW*— Tnere was a full attendanci at recent meeting of the Bagnalstovn League. Mr. Fenelon presided. The folio «ving resolution was proposed by William Prandy and seconded by James deary : — That we, the members? of the B-gmlstown Branch of the Irish National League, renew our full confidence in Mr. Panu-ll as Parliamentary leader and leader of the liish people.

Cavaa. — The following resjlu ion was uiiiriiTuusly passed at recent meeung of the Virginia National League : — That we desire to return our best thanks to th • electors of No:th Kilkenny for the noble stand they made in the cause of Lreland by returning the Home Rule candidate, Sir J. 1\ Heiriessy, notwithstanding the difficulties they had to conten 1 with ia doing so.

Clare* — Simon Connell of Clooney insane, ono of the ill-treated tenants on the Vam'eleur estate, recently die! and wad inferred at Burrane. At the rvictuns i n the Vandtleur estate in July, 1889 Conriell was sm object of t\ ecial aitenti üby the £,r> j at Bishaw, Colonel Turner, who commanded the invaning army ami hhowed « bat he possessed a heart hardened as steel itself. 'I'm- deceased Connell displayed a disp, si'.iou to protect his house and cistle, at.d in defending it received several wounds fr >m pjhcmeu'a b^'ons, trum which he never recovered.

Archbishop dnigin of N-w Yoik recently remitted to the Catholic clergy of Kill Joet"c bunds irae sum of 250 lo's., for distiibution amongst the poor of Xi! aim*. 'J h-; munificent gift f inns portion of a fund which was c )'.icc'ed tlnoujio'it tho dioci se of Ne-v Yoik for tbe sufE >re'B in the I rish lamiiu. Ihe go d priests of Killaloe have betn busy in distributing ticf and co<\l to the LimNtu'.g pour, who aie wretchedly off this winter owi-ij; to the dearth uf peat. The Archbishop's gift baj proved a gre .t b A>n to the poor pc 'pie who have suffered great privations this win er ia con^queice of the suspension three months ago of the Shannon Di.\ung j Woiks.

At each of the Masses celebrated in the Kiirush Catholic Church a few Sundays since, the eloquent preachers, V^ry Hey, Dr. White, liev. J McKenna, and Rev. L>. (Jouitney, mad'} a stirring apptal to the generosity of thu public to aid in every poss ble way the L idles' Clothing Society recently tbtablishel in towu. Mv h g ,<> I ha-, be^i done, but, m edlees to say, much temains \o be d no yet, and the energeac lady prcbident, Miss Fot lerstone, anl her lady colleague, the vice-president, Mrs K. O'Dwjer ; SLCietarv, Mabel O'Kya.n, Agnes Colligau, ami Kmily Foley, and trcasurei, Kite O'D a, are Je »ving nothing undon jt ) m ike the Clothing Society a. means or." h> lpmg the really desiTvmg poor ot Kilrusb. Such a. noble til jrt leseiVLd all tue assistance those wh) can uffjrd to do so can give.

Cork. — Ue'ief works lnvu bjen commenced in the townlami of Lissignffi. s, between Golcen and Mizen Head and alreidy 1,000 bands — of all ages and sex>s — .ire alf mkd ecu ploy in . j nt. Thr* work at which they arc engaged in the repairing and fencing of roads, and they are being superintended by a Corpoial of the Rjyil Engine *rs. Their hours of labour are fiom 9 a.m. to i p. in , wnh an hour for dinner, and aftir this they an- paid 7a a week each, which makes it very good for some, where four or live memb-rs of the same family are employed, The works beiog light and simple, some old men of four score summers are able to gel a crust by it, while females and youngsters are also not denied their share of the labour,

At Mitcholstown January Fair the supply of stock was very large. The market was rather dull. E/ery deparlmmt of tha fair showed a downward tendency in prices. Ttree-y ear-olds fetched from £13 to £17 each ; two-year-old, £9 to £13a lOi ; cilves, £4 to £6 10s ; m lch cows, sipari ir kinJs, £13 to £17 each ; secondary and inferior ranged from £6 to £12 each.

Dotiefgal* — Tb.3 prosecu bos of Polica In3pactor Hill, Sergeants Reynolds and Cltirk, and other constables anl emergency men for riot an 1 assiult on the occasion of the eviction? at Meenacloddy, November last were tried last waek. Amangst tho3e in court wera Fathers .vlcFadien, McGlynn, McNelis, and Sweeney, and Mr. D»lton, M. P. It is supeiflaoas to relate that the cases were dismissed.

The Court of Chancery has empowered their receiver to grant an aba'ement of 5s in th? pound on all j idicial rents oq the Deazeley estate, L^ttermica varl. Mr. lrwin has offered 5i in the pound to tha tenants on Doochary estate, same district,

Miss Thornburn, an English lady, wh-> had visited Donegal daring the memorable evictions on the Olphert estate, when ad lressing a meeting in Liverp3ol, giving ai account o£ evictions Bhe had recently witnessed at Falcarragh, said it was diffioult to believe that tha whole thing was real and that she was ia a civilised coantiy. After the evietors had do le their work the country looked much as it would have done after a devastating army had passjd through it, only there we r e no dead bodies lyiag about.

Down*— An interesting experiment was given at Bangor recently by D'Arcy Irvine of a newly-invented pun to ba used on board ships in distress for life-saving purposes. The experiment was carried out in the presence of a large number of inhabitants on the shore at Sea Cliff, the residenc 1 rf J>hn Coates, near wner? Lord Cantelnpe lo^t his life recently. The inventor put off with his machine in a boat manned by a crew of the loaal coastguards, a heavy sea running and a half gile bowing. Accompanying the crew waa a life* a ize " dummy," intended to represent a person struggling for life in the waves. Upon reaching a point about 200 yards from shore Mr. Irvine discharged a shot which, in two and oae-half seconds, carried a line cleir on to tbe mainland. This line was attache 1 to the •' dummey," which was speedily dragged ashore by the bystanders.

Fermanagh* — k most successful meeting was held recently in the townland of Laltinbar, close to the police barrack— Rev. J. Rmythe, Vice-President, in the chair. The following members of the committee were present ;— James Leonard, sec.; James Quigley James Lambe, John Rooney, P. Rooney, Michael Smytae, P. Loal. Michael Cox was also present. Forty members handed in their subscriptions for the ensuing year. It was an encouraging fact that never since th<* branch was inaugurated were the people so anxious to maintain the N tti trial Lea»ue as they are at pres"nt.

Galway.— A meetirg of the Ardrahan Nstioni! League was held in the o lapil-yard, an i w« aldr?sssd by Jamss Keane, of the Gort Guardians, af f er which a resolution of confidence in Mr. Parnell was pass Ml.

For the pa-.t few weeks the skaters of Tuam ha-ve had a high old time of it. The ice at Gallagh was in spleodid order, and all who could get along at all, or procure pk it e^, availed themselves of this the first oppjrtunity for many yiars to display their agility upon the ice.

The Hawk, a tt'amship, charted by the Government, arrived in Galway dock to convey inspectors and others who are appointed by the Government to co rouui the coast for th 5 purpose of distributing the relief funds. lhoHiwk left, having on board Major Peacock, Captain Walsh, J. Harcouit. C )uuty ln.3pectjr. along with a shortLand writer and m'eipreter. They will visit the different villages along the coast.

Kerry* — The Killarney Board of Guardians has decided to take legal proceedings against the rate-collectors to compel them to collect the outstanding rates, which amoant t > over 15,000 lols.

During th" meeting of the Tralee Board of Guardians — Mr. Murphy, Chairman, presiding — a memorial was received from forty famili s in Brosna district «tating they were on the verge of starva" tiou, and praying the Board to do something to ielieve them.

The first sod of the new waterworks in Castltisland was turned a fe. v days ago b,- Joan K. O'Connor. The woik had been in conte uplation £>r a long time, and a good deal of opposition had to be met with from various quarters. Ihi works were opened by John B. Healey sooner than was expected in order to give employment during tho peiiod of distress. J B. Healy and Terence Brosnan spoke, and b>r« testimony to the efforts of Mr. O'Connor in pushing the works furwa d. A large nnmb v r of men are employed.

The business to be di->p)sed of at Killarn^y Quarter Sessions was comparatively light, and consists of 126 civil bills, fifty-nine of which were defended ; Bixt>"n ij ctm'nfK, tour of which were defended; two equity cases, tuir'y-uina fair-rent applicati ids, two criminal cases, and. two license applications. The Grand Jury, of which T. T. O Connor, Killanvy, was fireman, were sworn by Stephen Haggard, Clerk ot the Ciown and Peace for criminal business. The Judge complimented the Grand Jury on the peaceful condition of the County since last sessions.

Kildare.— The last meeting of tne Carragh Branch of the National League was held in Pro-perous, and was a moat representative one. A resolution was unanimously passed calling upon Mr. Parnell to withdraw from the ruinous course pursued by him presently. The following prices were obtained at recent Newbridg ■ fair ; — Beef, 50a to 58s per cwt ; and for choic, 60s per cwt ; mutton, 6d to 7£d per pound ; three -year- old heifers and bullock", £15 to £16 10j ; two-year-olds, £12 to £14 ; yearlings, £7 to £0 : calves from £.", U to £6 each. In the pig fair pork sold at 38s per cwt ; store*, from 30a to 45s ; bonhamp, from 12s to 18s.

Kilkenny.— The Templcorum branch of the National League W. White presiding— decided not to forward the money for tho Tenants' Defence Fund through the Freevi-an.

On the night of tbe declaration of the Kilkenny contest Rev. D. O'Halloran, who took a prominent part in tho election, was mobbed and hooted by a number of men whom he described as drunken rowdies. At a recent meeting of the Kilkenny branch of the Leigue tbe insult offered to the reverend gentleman was strongly condemned.

King's County.— An old man named Engiish, of Kinnetty, has been sent to Paris for treatment in Pastern's Hydrophobia Hospital. He was bitten by a setter dig owned by b\ E. Saunders. The man is 80 years old, aud is being accompanied to Paris by James L. Dooley, assistant in tee Cleik of the Union's cflhe.

LJmerick.— A number of the friends of John G.Fogarty, the energetic secretary of tho Catholic Literary Institution, Limerick, entertained him at a farewell supper at toe Provincial Hotel, the occaBion being his departure for Russia, where he is to till an appointment in connection with James O'Mara's new bacon f ictory, The evening was eD joyed by all present.

L,ongf ford.— Patrick L3nnnll presided at recent meeting of the Carrickedmond branch of the National League. The following resolution was passed :— " That we endorse the resolution passed at our las-t meeting of confidence in Chailes Stewart Parnell as leader of the Irian nation." The meeting also unanimously pledged themselves to support and stand faithful to the ceLtral branch of the Irish National League known as 43 O'Counell street, Upper.

Joseph Wilson presided at recent meeting of the Longford National League, which was numerously attended, and at which the following resolution was passed .—That this meeting of the II me Eule branch Irish National League hopes that William O'Bripn and John Dillon will refuse to countenance the treacherous adulterer who is trying to eng ige them in a bogus ccn ten. nee for the purpese of gaining time to complete the woik of disunion in this unhappy country.

The attendance at last Edgeworthstown Labour Federation mcc - ing was large, and the branch decided in favour of the Insa M.P.'d led by Mr. McCarthy. Tbe following resolution was pasied : — That we hereby call ou the veteran i atno', the (Jhairmaa ul the Gi»u<iiu Union, P. S. O'Ueilly, to see justice dim to tho labouierp, the Guaidians of this district having neglected their duty with regard to the workingman, as they are in a depl rablo state for want of hod thy dwellings.

Mayo. — There are 20.000 persons in tre parishes of Wettport, Aughagower, and Kilmeena who require relief, and tiny aie not getting a single turn of work to do.

Fever is making fearful ravages in Ballina district, and many persocs have died and many more are sullenug from the teouige.

At the S win ford Qnaiter Sessions over 100 ejtctment decrees at the Buit of Lord Dillon were heard. In a few cases a defence was taken, but in tte vast majority the tenants were not represented, and decrees for possession were given. They are all very po r p ople, and the failure of the potato crop has reduced their coaditiou to one of unutterable misery.

Queen'S Cotlllty. — There died at Billyhdan, Quccn'd County, a fe*v days ago, a worn in camel Demp'ey at th-j extraordinary age of 110 years. Her von, who resided with her, is upwaic? of 80 years of age.

At a meeting of Grogan National League numerous y attends 1 t with M. Hennessy presiding, a resolution was passed calling on W. A, McDonald, M.P., to resign, as they eonaiueied be has violated tin. pledge" to sit, act, and vote with the majority of the In-Ii party," given by him when selected to represent them.

At the ieceut meeting of the Mounini>'Hick Guardians, bk flinj.ton Smyth presi ling, W. H. Cobbe referred to the great necessity of urgicg on the Goverument to proceed with the drainage of the \)urow, so as to give much-needed employment, and effect an lmjjiovoment which would be of a permanent n.i'urc. lie proposed a resolution, which was secouded by T. Morrin, pretMng upon the Government the meessity that exists lor the carrying out of the project.

RoSCOIIIIUOU.— At special meeting of the Drumlion National Lpague branch, P. Kielty presiding, the question of Mr. Parnell's leadership, arij' utned since last meeting, was fully di-cussed, when a division was taken, with the retult that nine voted for Mr. Parnell and five agninst.

The Star Chamber i>> still in full bwiug in Casticre3, and Removable Brady is kept hard at work by the plucky Do Freyne tenants

who tr«.at his court with contempt. Th,; following have been sent for the third time to Castlerea Gaol .—William Pritchord, Owen Lavia, Michael Duffy, John Corcoran, Martin Byrne. James Gordon is amongst these summoned for the next batch.

The largest meeting of Kilmore National League took place imm Mliately after last Mass recently . Young and old assembled for the purpose of having their say on ihe most important subject now b^fo d tie country— the question of Parneli's leadership. A big majc rity, however, decUred against Parnoll, and although the people expr 'ssed Weir opinions in a fairly amic-tble spirit, yet the air waa liter illy charged with suppressed excitement from beginning to end. Mr. Harrington came in for some hot shot for applying for the branch's subscriptions since 1888, when ih-) treasurer produced rece ; pt9 for every period mentioned in Mr. Harrington's letter.

Tipperary.— Mr. Smith-Barry, M.P., accompanied by Bates, eneof his Cordaogan stewards, last week visited his evicted f^rms in lipptrary. He proceeded first to Roe9boro\ where the greatest number of hia vacant faims are situated, and subsequently another locality, all the time being closely followed by a carload of police and three constables on bicycles.

Arnold Power, sub-Sheriff for the Count. , and a force of police, proceeded to New Tipperary and seized, under a writ, the stock in trade of illr. Dunn, illon street, and Michael Clifford, Parnell street, for rcut and costs due to Smith- Barry for the holdings which these ppopir formerly occupied in Old Tipperary. In each case a bailiff and some p licemen were left in possession of the shop aod premises-

Jerome Cussen was charged in Templemore with intimidating J. X, Brae;ken by preventing him from purchasing certain house property. The allegtd intimidation took place on November sat a public meeting in tha*- town. Two constables, who had taken longhand reports of the meeting, were examined for the prosecution. Def, was found guilty, and was sentenced to one month's imprisonment, at the expiration of which he was to b 3 bound to tbe peace for six months.

Tyrone. — A large meeting of Dromore National League wsb held on Sunday, T. M. L Tley in the chair. The Chairman, in an able speech, proposed the following resolution, which unanimously passed : — Tbat we the m^mber^ of this branch are disgusted with the Fr< email and Derry Journal in espousing the cause of a fallen aud degraded man, and we consider them no longer worthy of the suppoit of the Nationalists of th-s p irish. P. Mul loon was re-elected Secretary for the ensuing year.

"Waterford. — The death is announced of Lord Doneraile, who mccee leel in 1887 to the title un the death of his cousin from liydiophcbi.i. caused by the bite of a rabid pet fox. The late lord is snrcreieri by his nephew, son o the late Key. E Iward Frederick St. Leger, who i 3 21 year>< of age, Ihe Donerailes have considerable property m Tramore. Tho '' Don>nu!e Walk " was called after the family title.

A new branch of tho League is being stute lin Knockboy. The so nier the beter, as there is plenty of duty tube done in that localityThe liid-giabbeip ma/ expect a hot time of it in future.

The Guardians ot the Dungarv.cU Union are doing their utmost to procure a supply of goo. l seel potatoes for the small farmers around. Th'-re wire sj\ oral kirn's commen ied at the meeting, but the members pinned their faith to the champions.

A split has occurred in the Tramore Rranch of the National League. The f,reat m ijority ot members are in favour of Mr. Parnell's le idership. The Secretaiv, however, declines to give up the banner, which was eften through in tnumph by the united branch at many meetings in former years.

Wexford.— The name of W. liedmuiii, M.P., appcirs in the lis of gentlemen recautly called to tho Irish Hnr.

A curious incident occurred at recent meeting of the Coolgreany National League, when the Baliylaikin grabber applied for aid to the branch. Of course, the man being a grabber, the League could not consistently direct its sympathy m his favoui.

"WlCklow. — Mi. Parnell ncent'y visite 1 Aiklow and received a kiuil of mix "(1 uceptnyi fiOTi the in!i<u>ilnnt->.

A iip(_rL was male to tbe Wicklow 11-u-boui Commissioners that the piei was reported to be in a very pr c umus c mdition. There Mft 1 been some galc^ n Gently, anil it wag said ti iw the pier was split in «-ever*l pi »cc, iv.d that the li_'ht-hou<'p wis bent towards the ))' i' hw ,«t,, :in I if some tii ing was not do'i' 1 h pu r would fall.

A mi c tint; of tne f=a'lor3 conrxvtcd with tre Wicklow Port was iei c c■ i i 1 y In Id, who d>""n.i"<'<- I ii w \\i.;os in future shall I>- £.! 10, pi r month and tint they be piovidcdwith food when on bo.rd by the ship-o .vners, and was adduced by Mr. Donnelly, the del'^Ue fiom the Sailors,' Union, a bianch if wl leh w.s formed. A shir-jwner (Mr. Gregory) pie-ided. Aim' st ,i 1 tin- owners are willing to concede the terras dt-mandi d.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 28, 10 April 1891, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 28, 10 April 1891, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 28, 10 April 1891, Page 9