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S.&C. S.COULLAR & QHISHOLM. S.&C. We invite those about to Furnish to Call at our Warehouse and Inspect our EXTENSIVE STOOK, comprising all the Latest Novelties and Newest Designs in FURNITURE FURNITURE Carpets FURNITURE Linoleum ■■- FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNISHINGS FURNIBHINGS Every Information as to Prices, &c. far ALL GOODS FURNISHINGS FURNISHINGS FURNIBHINGB FURNISHINGS Supplied on application GUARANTEED. FURNISHINGS FURNISHINGS FURNISHINGS FURNISHINGS cither personally or by letter.!} FURNITURE FURNITURE Bedsteads FURNITURE Bedding FURNITURE FURNITURE SCOULLAR AND CHISHOLM, Rattuay and Maclagoan Stkbkts, Dunedin.

.iEEDS FOR FARM, GARDEN, bTATION. ' o — NEW SEEDS 1 NEW SEEDS I #NEW SEEDS ! Fresh Garden Seeds. Clover Seeds. Turnip Seeos. We are now Stocked with SEEDS of ALL VARIETIES direct Irom the Best Seed-growing Districts in England, and respectfully solicit your orders. Grains, Bone Dost, Eacine Fans and a lot of Sundries for | \ Farmers. NIMMO&BLAIR, Seed Merchants and Seed Growers, DUNEDIN. ~ , /i/ TT A. C. B. SOCIETY * Established 1871. " &Sis4^*s3i%g?ffiEss£ r Registered under the Friendly Societies Act OBJECTS. — To cherish a love for Faitb and Fatherland to extend the hand of fellowship to our co-religionists of every nationality ; to render assistance and vi^it the «ick and distics^ed ; to help the widows and orphans of deceased members. A member on payment ot Is weekly is entitled to medical attendance and medicine foi himself and family. Also 20s per week for 2G wetks, 15s for the next 13 weeks, and lfls per week for a rtnod of 13 week", in case of Bickness. On the death of wife, £10; at his own death relatives receive it 2o. Twenty branches of this excellent Institution are now established in New Zealand, and everyone elegible for membership Bhould join, and participate in its unsurpassed advantages, Full j particulars to be had Irom branches, and fiom 1 P. KEARNEY, j District Seoretar Auckland j HEALTH IS WEALTH. WILLIAM ROB ERT SO N (from Southland) Has opered that shop, 53 PRINCKS hT , DUNEDIM. for the pale (Wholesale and H<tml) of bis CERTAIN 1 CURES. Rotert«on"s CERTAIN CURES obtained Fust-Ula^s Aw rd at the late Exhibition for ihe best collection <f Houmliolil l.emedus. COUGH >O MuRE 1 Robertson s I KCIORALINK No. 1 cuies any ordinary couch or cola. — Is (id; by post, 2-. Robeiisons PK< TORALINE No. 2 cuies a cough of long standing.— lN ;by post 2b 6d. Wondt-iful in its action. Robertson's MAGNETISED OIL cures KheumaMcp, Lumbago, and all pnins of a hkp nature. — Prce, 2s (3d ; t y post, 2s 10J. liobt its< n s GARGAHEON is a eeitain cure lor Dn lithena, Croup, Cough, and all afhetiormof thethnat. — lh (Id ;by post, 2s. Robertson's KNTERA tULVISisa ct rt-tiu cure fur DjsenU'jy in young cr old. —Is M ; by \ o-t, Is U i . Rokertson's UNCJUENTUM is a eeitain ouic lor Wounds. Uicers, and ail tkin (iisensep. it has lately cured an i.lcuiei liy c^f 'A[) ytai^' btandiDL', end a c<pe ot hkiu disease d 95 \iais — Is, (i i and 2^ 0.1 ; by pos*, Is lOd anil 3s Robtiison'H IM'IUE.STION MIXTURE arl* hke a cl arm.— 2s. ILese emeu nhcr.ld be in ev< r> home in N<w Z-a'aic). A^kjoiii grocer or \oui diuce st for tht vi ; and if you cannot f_ei RoBbKTbON s take no othi r, but write to WILLIAM KOUKKTtON, :>H PRINCES t>T., DUNEDIN.

TjIARMERB' AGENCY COMPANY, LTD. CUMBERLAND STREET, DUNEDIN. Kdwabd Hebbeet, Esq., Chairman of Directors Mr. John Gbindley, Managing Director Advanced free of Commission now being made on next year's clip of Wool. Advance on growing crops, also Grain, Grass Seeds etc., in store. Auction Sales held as follows :— Every Tuesday, weekly Grain salp at 11 o'clock, Every Tuesday, weekly sale Sheepskins, Hides Tallow, Rabbitskina. Wednesday, Fat and Store Stock at Burnside which is arranged for sale and drafted under tbe supervision of our Manager. Country and Clearing Sales arranged to suit clients. FLAX Sales made to suit arrivals. We have on sale at lowest current rates— Corn Sacks, Seam in Twine, Binding Twine (three qualities), Wool Packe, Fenci ng Wira Standards made to any guage. During the present Grain Season we will be prepared to make special terms for storage of Grain, and Auction Sales will he held every Tuesday, oftener if necessary. JOHN GRTNDLEY, Manager and Auctioneer, TT E R X E R T, H A V N X S C O. We di sire to announce tne Completion of our Shipments of Seasonable Drapery teKcted in the Centres of Fashion by our NKAV BUYER, wl o, after a lengthened Lxperienc ef our business* both in Dunedm and Invt rcargi'.l, has taken up the important duties of Houm> Buyer. His locent practical experience of our requirements h manifest in th« goods to hr*nd. and being bought on the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN COMMAND, wo have every confidence in k questing you to inspect -jut bt> ck before making your Season's I'ui chafes. j DRESS DEPARTMENT. Ladies n quiring a Stylish Diess at a Moderate Co3t will study | their bisi inti rest by miking their selection from our Stock, which ; is tne LARGEST, CHEAPKM', and BEST ASSORTED in New j Zcaiand. Tin- f -llowinsr are s me of tne novelties : — ] Rough-finish Cheviot, Bannockbnro, Portrte, Arran, Llansam- | lot, and Btrono\\a> in Checks, Stripes, and Pldin. Bummer Weights. FRENCH NOVELTIES in Dress Lengths, Exclusive Designs and ColounnMS. FRENCH SUMMER SEi.OES and CASHMERES in 250 Colourinps. including all 'he New Art Snades, with Silks and Velvets to match. BLACK AMD COLOURED DRESS MLKS, Newest Makes and Reliable Makeis. Dressmaking by First-class Dressmakers at the Lowest Charges corb'.fcicnt with Excellence in Styl » and Woik. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 1 'lhe Milliiury for trus Season is ot a'• 'harming Charac'er. The ' Transparent and Fl >ral Effects baiHs description. i'hi> following ■ ari' some of 'he new shapes hi Si raws : — Chnstine, Ragged Robiu, Adele, Last Century, Dart, FJeurette. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. ' We are showing better goods in Jaekctp, Mantles, Mantillas ' j Capes, Rubsian Manties, Rain Cloaks, Dining <jo«ns, etc. i Tht 1 IVauty of the New Materials and tin- Grace and Klegince ' ! of the Stylt 8 tuc cor*>mind'ng tii'irki-il atteniion. Whil.- ruaiuwg our Ripiration foi Hits'h cia^s gjodp, it is our MDicial bt'idy to meet, the i. (pint nKiits ot all classes ot thecimimini y. Wf kucp nothing vmciuni t itcoramend, and by purchasing i' | a lowei class oi you do not obtain ihe I'.KbT VALUE FO'i YOUli MONEY. ; HERBERT, HAYNES & CO.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 27, 3 April 1891, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 27, 3 April 1891, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 27, 3 April 1891, Page 4