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Irish News.

Antrim.— The bandsmen who were prosecuted for celebrating me anniversary of the Manchester Martyrs were bound to the peace for three months. The whole business was a farce, as they had not broken ihe peace. The quarterly meeting of the Belfast National League was held w.u We ?T in Ma 7'sH^ll, and never was there * larger attendance. Father Conrery presided, Rght Rev. Doctor McAllister, Bishop of the diocese, forwarded £5, *nd nsped that the seat would be made secure for Thomas Sexton, M.P., at the coming general election. Wen her being favourable there was a lar^je attendance of buyers and sellers at last Belfast monthly fair. The prices were as follows —Springers first-class, from £18 .o £23; second. £13 to £17 10? • bullocks, from £9 to £12 10s ; yearlings, £4 to £8 10s ; heifers, £11 *? , } ; IT I !^' £5 lOs lo £8 ' strippers, £8 to £11 ; piss, stores, £1 5s to £1 10s ; suckers, 12s to £1 10 a per pair ; horses, £7 to &\T> Cavan.— Father Corr presided at last meeting of Glangevlin League. Several resolutions were adopted. One in particular related to the disastrous failure of the potato crop in that mountainous and sterile district. Clare.— lt has been announced that the Government contemplate spending £50,000 in public works in the County. A definite relief scheme has already been prepared for Miltown MaJbay which it is supposed will cost £4,000. It includes the completion of the sewerage commenced years ago. but left unfinished ; constructing of pathways and new public roads ; and also the conclusion of water works from Miltown to Spanish Point. Cork.— A meeting of the tenants was held recently at Killeagh Father Murphy presiding, at which Canon Keller of Youghal spoke against Mr. Parnell'e leadership of the Irish party, in which the meeting concurred. At recent Mitchelstown fair there was a slight depreciation in prices. There was a krge supply of stock on exhibition. At the pig market 1,000 pigs were offered for sale, the greater portion being bought up at prices varying from 32s to 36j per cwt. VT Derry.— On the anniversary of the Manchester Martyrs a few Nationalists of the city of Derry had Mass offered up in St. Eugene's Cathedral and St. Column's Church, Long Tower, for the repose of the souls of Allen, Larkin, and O'Brien. Donegal.— A Crimes' Act court was held in Bunbeg last week, before wmch John McGinley, Manus McGinley, Michael Curran, Patrick McFadden, and Hus-h. McGiven. tbi defenders of McGinley's Fort at Meenacladdy on November 15 were put on trial. Every effort to get access to the prisoners by their counsel to prepare their defence was exhausted, all to no purpose. The magistrates reserved judgment and allowed the men out on bail. Dublin.— Last week an experimental train with the City of Dublin Junction Railway Company Directors and others on board ran over the Liop Lmofro-n West Und row to th-i Gre it Northern station at Amiens street. This gives promise that m a short time traffic will go right through from Kingstown to Belfast. The number of cattle at market last week was 3,4.01 sheep 5 328 cattle and swine 1,030, showing an increase on the c< responding week of last year, lenders have been receive i by the Dublm Markets Committee of the Cur, oration f>r the buildings, etc., connected with the new fish and vegetable market ati 1 vvero referred to a select committee. Galway.— The largest eafch cf herrings for this season was laken at Galwav recently. About ten or twelve boats caught from I.COO each to 8 UOO. The fUli were the largest got this season. One boat belonging to a man named Iv-ily caught the largest number *.000. Prices ranged from ISs to 20j per thousand. Mr. Tully ot Wood ford was rtleised on Friday wetk trom Galwaygaol, on thecomplet'on of his term of four months'imprisonment, n tlioted on him for resntm.r nrrcst. Thu h the sec ml long term of incarceration wnich Mr. Tully his undergone during the pre^at Coercion epoch— the previous one being a yenr, imposed upon him for the crime of defendirg h s horn.3 against Clanncarde's evictin" mjrmidons. " John Koche, M. P.— This genfemen has parcha^ed a small estate f.t Woodtord, upon which to settle the evicted Unants. Mr Hoc he has long made tne cause of the oppressed tenantry his own ; he is evidently now determined to make the teiants his own also, and has Fet about that agreeable arrangement for the evicted families by cfunng them free sites f..r their houses. Uticuicd pymptwmg of actual famine are already visible. Last week a Urge number of tarnishm* people swarmed about the door of the pM-ißh priest of Leuenfack, Father Canton, imploring him to save them from sUrva'ion. They haddu,' their last potato, and could no longer get any credit from the shopkeepers. Theie poor people represented thirteen families on thetstateof Mrs Blak<\ of Uanvyle Father Canton gave temporary relief, and spoko hopefully of some public work in the shape of road making to be st tried to afford them remunerative employment. Kerry.— Rev. P. O'Connor, Firies, appeared before the Killamey Board of Guardians at recent meeting for the purpose of inducing them to initiate relief works in bis parish for the laborers who, hesaid, were sadly in want of employment to tide them over th/> winter. 7 Six men, armed and disguised, surrounded a house of a farmer named Mahony at Bally macawhim, near Causeway, and fired several shots through the window. The attack is considered the most audacu us of its kind yet perpetrated in K-.-rry, as two policemen were in the house at the time protecting Mahony. The police returned the fire without effect. No arrests have been made. Kildare.— The police are endeavoring to intimidate the National Leaguers in Custhdermot district. The first gentleman

salemnly warned to " cease to do evil " was Father Ryan ; after hi m Mr. Delaney Mr. Aylmer received warning, and was told that if the^ did not cease boycotting a person named Cummias the powers of the law would be invcked. The A thy fair was the smallest seen for maiy years. The demand was dull, best beef spiling at 603 pir cwt ; inferior, 53a to 555. Beat three-year-old bullocks and heifers from £16 10b to £18 ; two-year-olds, £12 to £14 ; year olds, £7 to £8 10s ; calves, £2 10a to £3 ss. Milch cows, pood quality, from £15 to £17 ; second-class, £11 to £13; htrippeis, £8 lOj to £11. Bast springers from £18 to £20 ; second-slass, £14 to £16. The sheep fair was also small ; best mutton Sd per 1b ; lambs 32a to 40s each ; wethers, 40* to 483. At a special meeting of members of the Monasterevan branch of the National League, fcicv. J Hughes presiding, the following resolutions were passed expressing fie opinion of thousands in this district : — That Mr. Parnell can no longer, with a ivantage to the country, remain an Irish member. That Mr. L-'ahy misrepresents us in supporting Mr. Parn.'ll against Ire Und. That we are indignant at the action of the Freeman's Journal in the present Sid crisis. That we shall show Timothy Harrington and others how insane is the opinion that we are about to prefer tbe filth of the Divorce Court to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Limerick.— Owing to the flooding in the upper waters of the Shannon 200 men employed on tbe drainage works at Killaloa are disemployed. The mills on the river's side also have been coosiderably oba ructed in working. Mr. Jonson, auctioneer, Killaloe, recently sold the interest of a firm for M. McDonnell of Birdnill, containing fifty-four acres at the yearly rent of £56 13s lOi sterling. Mr. Sheeny of Busbfiild was declared the purchaser for £1 055 and fe n s. A second sale of one r .nd a half acres realised £81 a-id fees, Mr. Delane of Birdhill purchaser. A meeting numerously attended was held recen !y at Feenagh, P. Geary presiding, to consider tlie question of establishing a cooperative dairy society. Those present were in favour of the project, and over 350 sbare3 were subscribed on tbe spot, many others having expressed their willingness previously to subscribe, but were unavoidably absent from the meeting. Dromcollogher fair was thronged. In-calf, heifera were shown in considerable numbers and in fair demand, Out the absence of farmers from the east of the country affected this department. Prices were :— For caUes, from £4 to £6 ; U-year-old heifers, from £8 to £10 ; in-calf heifers, from £11 to £16 • shippers, from £8 to £12. Effective measures have been initiated to preserve the Old Dominican Abbjy at Kilmallcck from further decay. The ruin is one of tbe finest and most historically interesting of any in the country, aad every year hundreds of tourists drop into the Irish Baalbpc to see the old Abbey and the other remains of tbe past, which make Kilmallock so attractive a centre for antiquarians. L,OllgTord. — The Killoe and Ballymacormack branches of the National League hive pjstp->ned the collections in aid of Tenants' Defence Fund, owing to the unhappy ss l ate of affiira over the leadership. Longford National League bag pronounced strongly against Mr. Parrrell. The Crossna and Boyle branches and Boyle Town Commissioners have express! opinions in the same direction. The police hive not yet ceased their game of shiiowing. John MpGovern and J. I. F.irrel went to collect the Tenants' Defence Fund in Cooleeny district lasr we^k, and two policemen followed them over the four townlaods. Mayo. — Frither'KUk'-'nny presided at recent aioeting of Claremorns National League. Th^ro was a numerous attendance. The members con lemned the gnbbingut Brian S*e;ney's farm at Barnacarroll by John Pn'nd< rjrast. The gunboat Britotn irt, Ivin^ in Wogtport, was or lered to proceed to 'JUre IsUnd and lnti"i'uik * quanut/ of meal purchased by the unfortULa 1 " j is.anders from thu pivcaeds ut their cabs at the Webtport tair. Hlonagffaail. — Mary Agncw was before the Removables at last sessions m Carnckmacross, charged with retaking possession of a house lrom which he husband had been evicted. jDef >ndant was bound to appear for judgment when called upon within twelve months. liisjht Key. Dr. Donnelly, Bishop of Clogher, appliel recently to have a fair rent tise i on ;\ holding in his possession, situate a little outside Mona^hau, The landlord strenuously resis'ed the application, The case, however, terminated in favour of. tli3 Bishop. Queen's County* — Some evictions are threatened on Lord Oarlow's estate in this county. Tbe property was previously owdol by the late Karl of Portarhngton, between whom and his tenants most cordial relations existed during his lifetime, but there is now every sign of a rupture. General dissatisfaction exists with regard to tLo last bach of judgments given by sub-Comnais'-ionera in Qieen's County. The reductions are monstrously inadequate 'o present needs, and the rents fixed, so far from being fair, are in reality rack rents. RcsCGuliilOui — There was a large attendance at recent Boyle National League meeting. James Lindsay presided. The absorbing topic of the Irish leadcrnhip was discussed, and it was decided to allow the matter rest pending farther develooments. Ttn Stokestown Union at a rocent meeting drew attentioa to the sad condition of the people in the district, and as an outcome Mr. Lynch, Poor-law Inspec'or, accompi^d by Relieving Officer Gunn, travelled a considerable portion of the U nort, and Mr. Kellv, local Government Board Inspector, summoned boh relieving offisers to meet him in Strokestown to investigate. Thj news that the lespected parish priest of Boyle, Rev. Charles O'Malley, had expired suddenly at Derrymaquuke, where the clergy of the parish were holding a Christmas " station," was sorrowfally received by the inhabitants of Boy'e. Tha reverend gentleman appeared in excellent health tbat morning, anil he remarked to Father

O'Brien that he never felt better. He said Mass at tbe Convent of me Bisters of Mercy, and then drove to Derrymaquirke, where the station was held. He wos eDgaged hearing confessions when he 2? yenv en ?v, got U P and went into the fieldß « Aa h « d id not return Father O Brien became uneasy, and, finding him lying in the field Bpeecnlest, he administered conditional absolution. Death took place shortly afterwards. Father O'Malley was about 50 years of age, and wa» for ten years in charge of the important paiiuh of Boyle. *P*Pperarjr.— A meeting was held at Clonmel recently, at which resolutions were adopted condemning the treatment of John Daly and other prisoners. P. J. Maher presided, and there were deputations from Limerick, Tipparary, Carrick, etc. "WaterfordL — An entertainment of a most interesting character took place recently at the schoolß of the Christian Brothers, Dungarvan. It was given as a treat to the boys who successfully passed in the intermediate and science and art examinations. A large audience was present. Sergeant-major J. Flynn, a native of Waterford, and at present in the city, has obtained the coveted certificate from the Royal Military Exhibition, London, for the best work of illumination. The ■abject was the Waterford Artillery. "Westmeatll.— The members of Westmeath Independent Club held a meeting in Mullingar, which was largely attended, and the conduct of J. Tuite and Donal Sullivan in opposing Parnell was condemned. Public feeling, however, since then has undergone a change, and their action will be approved of by the people of Westmeath. j v r "Wexford.— The fair of Gorey was held last week. There J waa a very large supply of cattle. Prices were generally dull, the only cattle in reasonable demand at average prices being springers. Store cattle did not maintain their former prices. Farmers attributed the rise in springers to the Christmas Beason. "Wicklow.— Chief Baron Palles opened the winter assizes in Wicklow recently. There were thirty-one district cases of crime returned for trial. Four of these offences involved the taking of human life. Three of the persons charged with these crimes were brought from lunatic asylums.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 22, 27 February 1891, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 22, 27 February 1891, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 22, 27 February 1891, Page 9