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The New Zkaland Loak and Mbrcantile Agency Co, Limi TED, r<'|mrt for the wpek ending February IS, ns follows • — Fat Cittle.— 2o4 head were yarded. Beet bullocks brought £6 15a to £7 17s 6d ; one or two pens extra prime, a shade more ; medium to good, £5 2s 6d to £6 7s fid ; light, £8 10s to £4 15s Fat Sheep. — 1,9G3 wen 1 penred. Best crossbred we'hers brought 13s to 159; medium, 10s Gd to 12a i»l ; brst doewes, 12s 3d to 13s 9<i. Fat Lambs. — Best brought 10s 1o 13s ; medium, 8s 6d to 9a 6d Pigs.— l3l were penned. Suckers brought 5s to Us 6J ; porkers, 21s to 80s ; bac mers. 32a to 39*. Store Cattle. — A Moderate amount of busine?s is passing in this line of stock, but the demand is not by any means active, and only when very low prices are accepted that sales are ell cted. When, however, the harvest is over an improvement in the demand will probably set in. Store Shpep.— There is little or no change to note in the position of the market. Prices lately ruling continue to be obtained for all suitable lots offering. Young sheep in forward condition, especially croeabreds, are readily disposed of at full rates. Young merinos, more especial'y wethprs. are also in demand and very few in the market, while aged and low-conditioned have not ho much attention. During the week we sold 1200 crossbred I^mb3 at current rate 3. Wool. — This week's cablegrams reported the progress of th* London sales contim c Satisfactory and th" market apparently firmer. Heavy merino is reovenng. Tut- attendance conti iues go >d and competition, bruk, large purchases being m de by Ameiican buyers, Locally there is h very fair demind. Since our last auction sale we disposed privately of several lots at an advance, and we look for an improvement in the tone at our next public sale, which will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Hall on Tuesday, the 24th inst. O 1 Monday we offered a considerable number of bags containing pieces and locks, for which there was animated competition, every lot being disposed of at prices fully above those obtained at previous sales. Sheepskins. — At the weekly auction on Tuesday we submitted a varied catalogue of dry and green country skins, and an assortment from town butchers, when there was the usual attendance of buyers, and keen competition ensued, with an upward tendency in prices, the buyers having fully respoodei t~> any iucreare 1 range of prices in the wool market. We brought forwa.d some prime green skin", which elicite i eztrcmeW spirited bidding, and up to 2s Gd was secuied. Country dry cro^sbreds. inferior to medium, brought Is 10 i to 3s lid ; do do merino, Is 9d to 3s 7d : ful!-woolled crossbred*. 4a 01 to 8s Id ; do do merino, 4* 31 to 5s 10J ; dry pelts, 3d to Is 7d ; giejn ciossbred pelts, b st, 2s Gi to 2s 2J ; good to medium, 2-i, Is IM, Is 10,1, Is 9d, Is Bd, Is 7d, Is ii ; green merino pelts, Is Id to Is 8i ; green lambskins, 2s si, 2s 3 1, 2s Id, Ji, Is 10J, Is 8 1. Is 6 1, Is 3J each. Rabbitskms. — Tneie is only a very small business b u ing done in these, bo few come forward, and tbes.e only spring and eummir skins — a good number of which are of rut !i tie valui. Nevertheless, they are all saleable, and elicit keeu competition whenever offered. On Monday we catalogued all to band. All the buyers were pre-en , bidding was spirite i, and very satisfactory prices weie ><b maul for all the lots, spt ia^ skins fetching 1H to lHlperlb. ; infenor aud summer, 5i to 8 I ; hall-grown and mixed, Z\ 1 to 4'l per lb. Hides, — There is n > quotable alteration to note iv values, neitner is there any improvement in the 1, which continues c >r fined to the requirements of luc 1 m-uiiifactiir< rs H avy hides are still sc-tice, while iheie is a, superabundant; -of me iurn and lignt a jrta an 1 which, although fcaleible. are not 1 1 favour at all *ith tn^ principal buyers. We quote — good to best, tieavy, 2^ itj3 i ; me num. 2i to 2^ i ; light, l^d to Ij{ 1 ; infeuor and slippy, Id to I^l per lb. Tallow. — We have no improverae )t to not- in price, but with the steady demand existing consignments -ire readily di^posid of. We quote — I'nme rtndered mutton, 19s to 20s ; medium to good, IGs to 18a ; inferior and mixed, 12s to 15s 6d ; rough fit meets with a good dem md, clean and fresh mutton caul fe eh 13s to 13s 6 1 ; inferior to medium and 9s to 12s Gd per cwt. Grain. — Wheat: Ti.ere is hardly any old who it left now in agents' hands, a-jd scarcely any c >ming f jrward. but the consumption is limited, and with moderately fur docks of flour in millers' hands tbe demand is no exceedingly, altnousju any prime lots oil-rinij would not fail to realise quite up to the late carrot r-ite.3. lufenor and good whole fowls' wheat &iill connnius s_h >it and would bbll readily if any offered. Although there is very little doing we see no reason why late. cun«nt rates s'noti'd iiot be maintained, whio'i u.^ give as follows, viz, for prime muling, vilvet and tusca. , 3s lid to 4s ; medium to good. 3s Wd to 3s 10 i : b. st red, 3s 8d to 3s 10 1 ; medium, 3s Gd to 3s 7d ; inferior 10 medium, 39 'M to 3^ 5 1 (<_x store). Oats: It would appear as if there was an e.tsier feeling in the ra-uket during the last few days Neirly all the ,ots now offering aie only rtmnants, and while saleable at reduced prices, they are no, in favour with shippers, who prefer good sized parcels of even quality, for such, up to our quotations of last we ok, cm still be secured, alt.i jug > perhaps not quite to readily. We quote — Best bright feed aud milling, Is s^d to Is Gd : medium to good, Is 4^ i to Is s^d ; inferior to medium, 1* 2 1 to Is 4 i ; black, Is 3d to Is 4£d (ex stoic, sacks extra). Barley : A quiet demand is experienced for goo 1 malting, both for local use and for shipment, but there is hdnily any very good malting orltiing, and tor the few samples on hand sellers are anticipating a considerable improvement on last season's prices, are not in the meantime disposed to quit at current quotations. Interior and milling has a very good demand, more especially tne latter owiug to the 6carcity of fowls' wheat, barley being largely used instead. We quote — Piime malting, 3s to 3s 3d ; medium to good, 2s 7J to 29 9j ; feed and milling, Is 9d to 2s 6d (ex store, sacks extra).

Ryegrass Seed.— This market at the present is fairly active, caused by inquiries coming from tha North Island, where crops have turned out very disappointing, both as regards quantity and quality. Canterbury farmers have also bad their share of disappointment, and as the North Island demand slackens, it is possible enough Chnetchurch ra-iy oraw from stosks later in the season. Hamples are freely offering m town, but on inquiry it is found that farmers havp unwisely submitted simples for offer to moi* or all of the agents — % custom, we hope, which will not be encouraged, f>jr the reason that buyers are not anxious to specu'ate, believing that more seed is available than there ically is. Li'ies of farmers' parcels of good quali'y have passed hands at from 4s 3d to 4s Sd ; extra prime, a snadc more : second qua ity for dressing, at frjm 3j to 3s Bd. Cocksfoot Seed : Tb» new crop has not yet reached the hands of tha merchants, but growers are veiy hopeful of high prices as the demand opens. La»t year's seed, which is in short supply here, we quote at 4^d tc 5d per lb. Potatoes. — Deliver lea have not been so heavy during tbe past week, but sufficient for requirements. We quote best, £3 5s to £3 103 ; inferior to medium, £2 2s Gl to £2 15s per ton. Chaff. — A steady demand continues to exist, and with a moderate supply. Prices remain unaltered, cay for prime, 45a to 47s 6 i ; medium, 37s 61 to 42s Gd ; inferior, 80s tJ 35s per ton. Dairy Produce. — Dull of sale. Butter, 5i to 6d. Cheese, 3J to Hi per lb. Flax. — Market unchange 1 ; moderate supplies. Late quotations continue steady, w_w* Meisrs. Donald STROSTAeH and Sons report for the we k ending Wednesday, February 11, as follows ■ — Fat Cattle. — 189 were yarded at Burnside tn-day ; about half were bullocks. Nea'ly all yarded weie medium to light weights, with the exception of tome few pens of heavy ca tie, but the quality throughout w^s f iirly good, some pens being prime. Bidding was very slow when tbe sales oppned, but latjr on there was belter competition, ntid pric°s for good beef ruled about the same as last week. Best bullocks sold at £G lis to £8 7s 6d ; medium, £4 17s 6d to £5 15s ; li ? ht. £3 10s to £4 5-. We sold bullocks for Mr. K. Mitchell (Portobollo) at £4 12s 61 ; and light heifers for Mr. T, Godfrey at £2 7s 6d : and for Mr. A. Sinclair at quotafions. Fat Sheep. — This week there was only a small entry, about 1000 crossbreds and 337 merinos being penned A large proportion were ewes of prime to medium quality. Of wctheis there were no large lines, and most were medium weights. The demand was better tban last week, and prices ruled rather higher, more particularly for good wethers. The ra Tino wethers wore very prime and realised high prices. Bst cossb ed we' hers sold at 12s to 13s 3i ; medium, 10s 9i to 11s 6d ; best crossbred owes, 10s 6d to 12s; ordinary, 8s Gd to 9i 9i ; merino wetheis (prime), 10s 6i to 12s. We sold ualfbred ewes for Mr. James Gray (Kuri), at 9s to 9s Si. Fat Limbs, — The market was moderately supplied with 569, in quality ranging from prime to inferior. There was brisk competition, and last week's pi ices were fully maintained. B^st Bold at 9s to 10s; medium, 7s Si to 8s 6i ; inferior, 5s to Gs 31. We soul lambs on ace mat of Mr. H. Mitchell at 6= 9J to 7s GJ. Kabbii'-kms. — At the siles held on Monday small catalogues, i chit fly spring and summer take*-', were dispo-ed If. There was go* d competition, and pnets ranged from 7j^ 1 10 10J, i ptr !u ; suckers, 3d to 4£d. Pigp. — The small supply of 77 was forward for to-da\'d sale, consisting of sucke-s, pomu-, uul kico'iers. Pnces were no be ter than la-t W'«k, aid sucker wen- v.-iy h-ird to quit. Suckeis sold at 7s U 12s G I ; poikeis at 28s to 30^ ; end baconers at 34s to 365. Store Sheep. -We placed lutin,' he week 2.500 tuh-moutued ewes at a satisfactory fi^ur* . Wool. — 1 he fourth woo! sales of t v e s;ason have been fixe! to be held on Tuesday, ih ■ 24th Febru ny, coinuaenciug at 10 sh irp, *t ti e roxus of tne Chamber of Dommercc. Clients who wish their wuol c*Ul< gu» d for thid sale ou^tit to h-ive particular forward not U er than Fudaj, the 20 h, and every tlljrl should be made 'o have clip loiw^rd in ti 11c lor fiis sale. At auction oj Monday seveial sni'.ll catalogues of piu<> s, 1 cka, and o ldments weu; submitied. Phero was a good,iuce of buyeis. Bidding was v L ry aiiimat.d, and Ha isfaetorv prices w< re obtained. Fleece sold at Gi to 9J per lb ; pieces, 3.J ito s*d ; locks 1 1 to 31. Sheepskins. — The uuuai we kly meeting was held at tbe rooms of the Chamber of Couinit rce on Tues i ;y, wlien Hiitisfdctory catalogues were suhmittid. Tnu ait'-uo; .uee «>f buyers was good and oiupeiti>n active all tlnougb the pri cetdm^s. Good green ekin9 had au (xee'letit demand, and wjll-savid country skins were well compeed tor vu t > to pi ices equivalent to s^i to Gi per lb. Butchers' prime ciossbred pelts iiihoV 2s ii to 2i ; good quiliiy, Is lid to Is 81 ; interior. Is 31 to Is •1 ; mermo v , Is 7d to Is 2d Lnral^SKins were Ko in good dem-ind, bis making 2s 41to 2s ; oaedium, Is 10 I to Is Sd ; smH.l ami lutenor 1< 7d to Is M. Country dry skin*, of which we ha\e a heavy supply, met with very u'oo.i comp 'tition. lufenor to medium crossbreds brought Is 9 1 to 3s lOi : do (.0 merino, Is 8 i to 3s G i ; tull-woolle I ciossbred", 4s 4 1 u> GI 7d ; do do merino, 3s 10 1 to 5s 11 i ; dry pelts, 4s to Is Gd each. Grain. — Wheat: 1 he demand is hardly s« brisk as when last rnporurg, but '■ c/>"S'.ddiabc /> "S'.ddiab l 'j b n . c !ti 's j i j b in^ oo n ? <*t quoti'iop 0 . Prime nulling, 3s 9d to 3s lid ; medium, 3s 7J to 3s 8d ; fowls' wheat, 3s 2d to 3s 6. Oats : There la a steady demind, and all arriving meets wiih ready s*le at lor millinj:, Is Gd to Is G4 1 ; do leed. Is •Itols 5^ i ; inferior, la 3 1 to Is 4£ I. Bai ley . Sticks aie now low, but there is vyry hu,e inquiry'mg the arrival of the n-w pc icon's crop. A fe* line-, of ol 1 are changing hands at for mal-ing, 2s 6 i to 2i SI; milling, 2s 2d to 2s 5J ; feed, Is 7d to 2s Id (^sacks extra), Ryegrass. — i heie is a strong inquiry for samples of new seed, there being demand in thy northern aistncta, and some sales of welidressed and sound seed have been made at up to 4s Gd per bush» 1. We quote : Prime machine-dressed perennial seed at 4s to 4s 6d

medium quality, 3s 6d to 4s ; farmers' dressed and inferior, 3a to 4a. Flax. — There is a good demand, and all arriving finds ready sale at late quotations. Chaff —Only a moderate supply forward, and prices are well maintained. Prime heavy oaten sheaf, £2 5s to £2 7s 6d ; mixel and light, £1 15s to £2 2s 6d. Potatoes. — The market is over supplied with kidneys, and prices are considerably weaker. Derwenta meet with sale at quotations. Kidneys, £2 to £3 5s ; Derwents, £3 to £3 10s. Messes. Donald Reid and Co., Dunedin, report for the week ending Fnbruary 18, as follows :—: — Store Cattle.— The demand for stock of this class is not very brisk. At auction, at Outram, on Friday, we sold on account Mr. John Matheson (Btrath Taien), 44 bullocks at prices ranging from £4 5s to £2 10s ; on account Messrs. E. Barron (Hindon), Alex. Deans (Hindon), and James Matheeon (Hindo»), 9 steers and heifers at to £2 10s. Store Sheep. — There are not many suitable lines of young sheep now offering. For sonnd healthy young sheep, both crosßbred and merino, there is a brisk demand. Suitable lots of this class are, however, not plentiful, and command good prices. Wool.— We will bold our fonrtb sale of the season on Tuesday, the 24th inst., at the Chamber of Commerce Hall. Our catalogue closes on Saturday, and clients who wish their wool included in this sale should send us particulars at once. At auction on Monday we held our usual weekly sale of fadges and bags. There was a good master of buyers, and the catalogue was briskly cleared at very satisfactory prices. Sheepskins.— Competition was hardly so brisk at our auction sale on Tuesday. Tne usual attendance of buyers was present, hut bidding lacked spirit and prices were easier. Green pelts and lambskins Buffered most, and prices for these were quite 3d a skin lower than laßt week. We offered a moderate catalogue. Dry crossbred sold at 2s Id to 6s 3d ; do merino, Is 8d to 5s 6d ; do pelt and lamb, 6i to 28 Id ; green pelts, Is 2d to Is lid ; do lamb, Is 4d to 2s Id. Hides. — We cleared out all forward during the week at quotations. Prices are still very low, but va ues are quite as good as those ruling at other markets. We quote — prime heavies, 2Jd to 3i ; medium, 2Jd to 2£d ; light, ljd to 2d ; inferior, bulls', and slippy, lsd to l£d per lb. Tallow. — To-day's cables report a slight decline in values in the London market. In tbe local market there is not much business passing, tbe chief trade being in country parcels, which continue to arrive to a steady market. We sold medium rendered at 13s Gd to 16s ; and rough fat at 10a to 13s. There is a ready sale for all coming to hand. Grain.— Wheat : — Only a small supply of milling wheat offering, and prices remain at last week's quotations. Fowl wheat is in short supply, and commands ready sale at quotations. We quote : — Prime milling, 3s 9d to 3s lid ; medium, 3s 7d to 3s 8d ; fowl wheat, 3s 2d to 3s 6d. Oatß.— There is still a brisk inquiry, and all arriving meet with ready sale. At onr auction sale on Monday prices were slightly easier, but since then we have privately sold at quite up to late ruling rates. We quote :— Millmg, Is s^d to Is 6d ; feed, Is 3d to Is 5d sacks extra. Barley. — None offeiing. Potatoes. — Barely sufficient forward for market requirements, and prices are firm at for prime, £2 15s to £3 ; inferior, £2 5s to £2 10s. Chaff. — The supply forward is barely sufficient to meet market requirements. There is a good demand for all qualities, and a much larger supply could be placed. We quote prime heavy, £2 5s to £2 7s 6d ; mixed and light, £2 to £2 2s 6d. Ryegrass.— There is still inquiry for seed for northern districts, We have sold Eome consignments forwarded to store at quotations, which we give at for prime machine-dressed, 4s 6d to 5s ; medium quality, 4s to 4s 6d ; farmers' dressed and inferior, 3s to 4s. Flax — There is a good demand, and ail arriving rinds ready sale at quotations. Best bright fibre at up to £20 per ton ; medium quality, £18 to £19 ; discolf ured and badly dressed, £11 to £13, DUNEDIN HORSE SALEYARDS. Messrs. Weight, Stephenson and Co. report as follows : — A very small entry was received for to-day's sale, and as the attendance was only moderate, the sale was rather a slow one. The entries were chiefly town and dealers' lots which, as usual, comprised all sorts. In all 45 horses were offered, of which, 22 found purchasers at quotations. Our sale during race week will be held on Friday, 27th inst. Really first-class heavy draught geldings, £22 to £27 ; medium draught horßes, £14 to £20 ; light and aged draught horses, £7 to £12 ; good spring carters, £10 to £15 ; well-matched carriage pairs, £40 to £50 ; well-matched buggy pairs, £30 to £40 ; first-class hunters, £20 to £30. Mr. F. MEENAN,King street, reports : — Wholesale prices— Oats : Is 4d tols 6^d (bags extra), good demanl. Wheat : milling, 3s 6d to 4s ; fowls', 'Si 7d — latter firm, sacks included. Chaff : Market baie— £2 to £2 ss; bay, oaten, £3; best rye-grass, £3. Bran, £2 10a. Pollard, xo 10s. Potatoes, *2 se> tv £3. Floui : roller, £10 to £10 15s ; stone, £9 5s to £9 15s. Fresh butter, very plentiful, value from 4d to 7d ; salt, nominal, for prime, Is. Eggs, Is. Oat, meal, in 251 b bags, £9. B. C. Fauror, of Lima, 0., has sold to John W. Young, eldest son of Brigham Young, 3,000,000 acres of land in. Northern Mexico. Ten thousand Mormons, of Utah, will colonise on tnese lands. John Milion, of Merrill, lowa, stuck obstinately to the faith cure until he had buried bis wife and four children and was stricken down himuelr. Then he smt for thiee doctors, who worked over him all of one night and saved his miserable life,

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 21, 20 February 1891, Page 13

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 21, 20 February 1891, Page 13

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 21, 20 February 1891, Page 13