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Irish News.

Antrim.— The Ballymonry Gnaniians about erecting suitable dwellings for labourers in the townlan.K of Knocknobuoy and Li*.conDan. There are 400 ncrra m ,1,2 d'etnct wi'l^ut a i.sulenc. lo accommodate workingmen. In Belfast thirty-one young men were atrested. They were members of two Nationalist bands which were proceeding out to Hannahstown to celebrate the ixecution of A! en.Lukm, and O Hiien in Manchester. At Ballycastle fair there was a large supply of stock and a good attendance of buyers. Beef sold at from Mi to 5.3s per ewr ; best cows realised from £11 10s to £lfi each ; and other kinds, ±,7 to £11 each ; dry cattle from £<> 10s to £10 each. Prime younsr springers, £12 to £17 103 each ; twr -year-olds, from £7 15 to £<) each ; one-yeai-Mds, £5 to £7 taeh ; and calves, £2 Us to £1 e-ich Pretty good supply o f sneep and pigs. Sheep of superior breed brought from 40s to 60s each ; other kiuds, 303 to 37s 6J ; and mountain sheep, 14s to 25s each. Carlow.— The Barrow Navigation Company has resolved on suspending all tr-ding between Carlow and Watorford owino to the labour troubles. This will be a gieat inconvenience for traders in Carlow and Waterfor*. ( At last Carlow monthly fair there was a good supply of stock, with 8 brisk demand. Store cUtle of the smaller clc-ss brought hi 'h prices. Altogether the business was brisk. Three-year-olds brought from £14. to £15 ; two-year-old^., £10 to £1.5 10a ; one and a ha f VTI £?' £8 t0 " 9 lOs ' yearlirpi from £(i 10j to £8 ; calves from £4 to £0. Clare.— The Kildysart Labour Federation Branch placed on record at last meeting their unqualified conn ienc= in Mr. Davitt as an Irish patriot of the purest type. /Cork.— The Mayor visitei the Gaol and saw Father Crowley, an , tun> T 1 Kent> The y were m the bL ' 3t of health and spirits and had no complaints to make. At the Clonakilty Presentment Sessions recently, T Canty proposed a resolution on b3 l alfof the magistrates and ratepayors present requesting the Government to carry out reproductive r e hef works in the district, in order to meet the ere it distress in existence along the sea coast. Mr. McC-uthy, so!v tor, Kin-ion, 1.1 set- Hiding the motion, advocated a line of railway tr . m Innoshaunon to Kilmacsimon. At Coachford monthly fair -pnngers and new milch cows. £12 to £19 each ; yearlings, £G to £U> : s r ur , ; ca ive,, £4 to £7 ; fat do, £3 10s to £b : bulls (fat) £lo to £27 ; fat pip*, 34s per cwt. Store pigs were in poor dcniqn i. The crew of the steamship Blarney were pro=ocuud at th" PoVe Office on a cha'ge of havirg 000 0 tll ,,r.ed wiiheMrh o' !i. rto dw>b-v the lawful commands cf th« ir captain .-n bo ml the steamsL'p B Iney, and were^ ul to one month's iaii>ii,onrnerr cich. Derry.— T. M. He t ]y, \;.[>. haa succeeded m taking oil the Drapers estate tenant, should^ tl.e enormous had of Ll7 0i)(i arreais, which were due 0.1 ilns estate. He was arbitiatoi f,, t them during the adjus'rmnt. At Maghera and Ballycastle sonmis tl .cda were experienced during the past few weeks, llv mlwa> line irom Maghorafelt t, Drapers'ownwas Hooded and tr.illi: imp -led. The remnant of the potato crop has t een completely desito\e 1 A special meeting of the De.ry Cor^iat.o-i wis recently held to consider the desnabiluy of nu.Mii. .1 r.ulway from Lmdond.iry through the A a'ley of ihe Fuurun and to Di.ip.Mstc wn »T°* 8t M xr 8 *; P!CUPnt v>e ' e -AMerman W, ham Milhr, bw Robert McV.ckLT, .1. B Jonn^ton. Wil.,am McLoini, an,) Job. Fleming. It was decided to push the project to a i^s ie if possible. Donegal.— Amone-t tho.o evicted by O'phert in above district wj-, a bun t h Idler name 1 O'Hanloi, a- ■ 1 <.r, Tn<> 11 imb »i of persons evicted oil this e-t'Ue ha, now r, achTi > OuO Directions already oe. n givm for P Li- ls of roads m t-e Gweedore districts as relut work". Th, y aie to b> for ibopening of Paiham nt, , nd it ,s =n,d tint a 15.11 tut^ori^i » the expenditure wi'l be am >n_' ihe f.ibt l.nd b.'foie the II > v ,. . Down.— At Newownards ih\ market there were about 100 stones ot lUx offered, which soil rapi ily a' ,'s 71,7 1 , 1 to d (Jd i> 1 stone. - ' " Newtownards horse was lud on Tuesday of last week. The attendance of buyers an 1 not 1 ir -i . an I only a lira tc I quantity of stock shown, principally ol tho a.?i -cultural e'.is s ui\ brought from t -n to Siven-een guineas . Dublin.— The usual weekly meeting of the cnm^ilof th^ Society tor the Freservauon <f tlu lum, Un.m'u wis U-Uisi- h Molesworth h treet. Dublin, Surpw n-G, n, r.,1 K-ny in tl.c chau. Michael O Connor, of Aidamoie Nat.onal School, Lmpo.c, wro'e bating that he had obtained a cer tiric.Uc ..t competency tor. ach Irisn and saying, "An In h h class exists in this sen »ol during th • pi<it ii.d years. In 87 the nuuioer fir eximmation m tn" Mibiect was twemy-four ; in '8S it was thirty, and m <<'i .t had increased to fif v- , German a gh.— The case of John Lynch, who was rr turne 1 mn 11 m *° U a eha '" c of mtimidat:' g James and Bernard McCollum, is pausing some cxcitcm.nt ,n the instnct. Ihe numerous branches recently •• suppressed " ate keeping n^ht on as if Mr. Ba four had ntn t " proclaimed " them, and will continue so until justice has ban doi.o t o their country. , Galway.— Loughre-a and Attymon railway having been completed by Kobert Wor»hington. the contractor, was opened fur public tralhc last week, *

The GuarJians of Gort Union have decided to place all their advertisements before the public in future in the Irish language Through the efforts of Fa her Cimoiins of Claregdway the t> on the Lydican estate have purchased, under the Ashbourne Act, .heir holdings on very favourable terms, raw of the farms baing sold as low as twelve years' parc'iasi. Martin O'Flaherty is the landlord. Kerry.— A wrecV was driven ashore on the Kerry coast at Killshannig las' week. It was a derelict bark named the Charger. Hie only living thing found on board waa a cat. The hatches were battened down and the mam mist was gone. At Killaraiy pig fur supply of piga and the number of buyers were about tie average. Tne demand was brisk, but the prices were considerably below what was expee'ed. Persons onnected with the trade say that lor the last thirty years the prices were not lower. The tulure of the po'a«o crop will undoubtedly be highly detrimental to the rearing of pigs in this district. The Killarney annual fair was recently held, but trade was not as brifek as usual. Numbers of cattle remained unsold. The following are the prices :-Springers, from £10 to £12 ; yearlings, from *„> to £8 ; calves, from £2 to £4 lOi ; store cattle" averaged £10 • m-calf cattle, from £10 to £12 ; bullocks, from £8 to £10 : sbeep from £1 to £1 ">3 ; and young pigs, from 10s to 15s. Kilkenny.— Sir John Pope Hennessy represented King's county in Parliament for mx years, from 1859. His parliamentary career was distinguished by much debating skill and capacity for hard work. He maintained the independence of the Pope, and warmly attacked Palmerston for his criticisms of the Vatican policy. He has since had a quar'.T of a century's experience of Government and his acce^i jn to t oe Horn" Rule cause would therefore be a valuable testimony to the justice of the claim and in itself an important acquisition. n King's County.-E. Wyer, Kilowen, Edenderry, has received notice from Garrett Tyrrell, receiver over the property of J C. G Armit, m Chancery, to remove from the lands of Kilowen a building erect, d there for an evicted tenmt named John Bracken. LeitrilU. — Ballymagouran fiir. which wa9 once so celebrated, lias be>n dropped. Last week animals w -re on the green. Carrigallen has been considerably improved by the change, as the fair was held there instead, and a tpod business done. Th 2 landlords in and arninl Ballinamore hive been exceptionally busy in looking for their rents, notwi hstanding the sad plight of the tenants and the gloomy a«pjct of affiirs in the country. Mr. McK-'ou, Cunck- in Shannon, se-it his ckrk with instructions not to cive a Mngle pea 'y reduetnn. Of course tne R'Uhven tenants, under can- cf Mr Hew-o-i ot Gweedore fame, expected no abatement nor wore ihej d>s ppjinted. Mayo.— The tenants on th- Morc-O'Farrell estate have been granted tu.rty-fiv.' p- r cent, reduction 01 reats, to be supplemented wi h ,t si'piK- <f 91 (d potatjes in th - spring, and another fifteen per cn 4 , lhonias O'Dnnnell Newport h m*e, 's the agent ; Hubert Trest m is ii'iiiei-'vnt. Tr.e More-O Karo'lN, from' time immomonal, wt le g 'ii. Hiih aid devo'ed to their tenantry. The pres3nt great help was ne'\er moie nee.L 1. _ Queen's County. — Portarlingtoh fair was well supplied with c ittie and sh> rp u t 1 Miivnurcl^s. Surmging cattle of best q>i dity was 111 LTeat icqu st aud hold at from £17 to £20 each ; and mfeiiird scnpti 11-. £1 Ji 1 i- 1 "• > ach. Fat cit tie, in good condition, wont well a> £11 Hh t) £17 10, v r he id, while those not so well coriditioi o 1 wi at at very low litiuio^ At Ab 1. \Li\ recently ,1 l^i _re bitch of notices were handed in 1 ihe I* iiuii, among, t the pio-^pective evictors b.ung Lord Carb.rr\, Nr ( "arles 0 >')te\ MountiaHi tenants have requested him to give arcliutiMi ot r"i r (lUiicwuu'.il the partial fiiair^ of the potato e.-jp. tne bid s fiMm toi barley, aud the fall in the price of stock. Jims I. Million j, lit' of Branirt, puish of Balhnakill, <> uen a county, l.a-, b v 111 1 - ice ->-<;fu! can li late at the open competitive exannaa'i .n 1c ) a*- 150-tou, for thj position ot sampler in the ctibtom hoiiß. 1 . \ al Hinds, t c trus y bti.iff ot Lug.'acurren, has resigned his p l^'ti 'D, or h is b >e'i t no d to io-iign it like his superior, J. T. Trench. Laxt week V\\ w. 1 ainu 1 the te;n,i'sof Bariuwiiouse warning them 111 1 attend a f the • ■ ti iv\ piv their rents. He never thought at the time he «.m d h ive to '40 s > TH jo'ic author. ties are t iking extr stops in watching the pc ip.i- of LiiL r "i' uiie'i. There is an txtra force of police in the place — a force niili -.ent to 1 rotec f a sma'l English city. .A 11 those suiipjsi' 1 to b ■ u.i^ u'. d in wa'chm^ the hile if cattle f 10m the distnet are cl '-ha iuwe 1. Roscoimnoil. — Tour hundrcl tenants on the Sanford • 'state- at Ca^tkrea aye -crvid n 'ic.-soii thj Lind Commissioners to have ludunl ients fi\e-i on their holding". 1 .-eie wjie gLO 1 pn<- >s for cattle at the Boyle November fair, but pm-s were cheap. A' ihe recent buUer ma ket there were 300 fiikina toi c.ile. I'rices lan^o 1 from !h to l^s .5 1 per sto'ie. Xipperary.— ArchbisLop Croke visaed Tipperary recently. He spent the day at the pn 'st s house as the guest of his VicarGeneial, Cino'i Cahill, it is pie«urued with referencas to the subject of the at. mptod boycotting vt Father Cautwell. Mrs H. tl Tnan has taken an action to recover the sum of £1,000 damages for th ■ di ath of t.c: sou m Sejitember, 18S'J, from a gun-shot wound mrl cted by tie p>il2 •. For the defence it was contended that tlv b'jot had been discharged by the police in order to defend teem c eivo, an I aU ) for the purpose of protecting the property of the inhabi'ants ot Tipperary, Ihe case is at healing. Tyrone.— John Kamsiy'sf inn ar Cranny, near Ouaagh, containing -lvty-sLveu i.eres, wms recently purchased by Andrew Robinson for £'JOO. The [arm owned by William Graham at Coolkeeragh,

containing seventy-four acres, his been sold to Robert Duncan of Cloghog for £825. The Congo coalfield near Dungannon, is about to be opened. — James Brown is forming a company to open the new colliery, which will be of great benefit to Dungannon. More than 100 men were employed at the old colliery, and it is likely the same number will find employment in the new. At Lock fair the show of cattle waa large and prices high, especially for young cattle. For stores, yearlings ranged from £4 to £7 ; two-year olds, £10 to £12 ; milch cows, from £15 to £18 ; •springers, £16 to £20; strippers, £8 to £10 ; well-finished htifers for beef, from £16 to £18. Sheep, £2 10s to £3 ; lambs, from 25s to 45s a piece. The anniversary of the Manchester Martyrs was fittingly celebrated in Dungannon. Dnngannon and Donaghmore bands marched through the town, accompanied by torch bearers and followed by 2,000 persons. They marched up Irish street into the Market square, and down Scotch street, playing National airfl. *Waterforcl. — Cappoquin November fair was the best held for some months past. There waa a good supply of cattle and an all round fair demand. Encouraging prices were paid for all stock of a good description. Three-year-old heifers and bullocks fetched from £12 to £13 10a; two-and-a-half-year, from £11 to £11 10s; two-year-old, from £9 to £10 10s : one-and-a-half-year-olds, from £7 to £8, and the principal demand was for this class of young stock ; springers, lrom £14 to £20 ; milch cows, £13 to £18 ; strippers, £9 to £10 10s. *Weßtmeatll. — There has just died in the Athlone Union Infirmary ac old man named Patrick Carr, who had attained the great age cf 100 years. The deceased waa for some time a teacher in one of the National schools of Athlone, and retained all his faculties up to the last. At the meeting of Mullingar National Workingmen's Club recently, when the chair was occupied by T. Connolly, there was a very large attendance of members, and nineteen candidates, who were np for election, were voted into the Club. Evening concerts are now given, consisting of singing, dancing, and instrumental music. "W"exford, — E. Walsh, Mayor of Wexford and proprietor of the Mew Kosb Standard, has been imprisoned for three months on a charge of intimidating some persons in New Ross.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 21, 20 February 1891, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 21, 20 February 1891, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 21, 20 February 1891, Page 9