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Irish News.

Antrim.— A fiprce attack was made by the Qa?en'* Island workmen on a pTty 600 hundred excursionists of St. Joseph's Sacred Heart Society, who left Befast per steamer for Cosbendall. Tbe party, composed mainly of women and children, were terrified by a fusilade of iron bolts being sent into their midst from the yard as tbe steamer passed. Many were struck and severely wounded. Nothing more scandalous occurred in Belfast since the riots of 1886. The DBual meeting of the Belfast National League was held in Bt. Mary 'b (Minoi) Hall, Rev. P. Cc nvery, Adm., St. Peter's, presiding. There was a pood attendance J( seph Glennon, secretary, having read the minutes of the previous m< eting, they were confirmed. The chairman, rtfening to ihe political situation, said the battle between the present Government, the people of Ireland, and the justiceloving people of England had been a long and severe one, butaeemed to be now drawing to a close. CailOW*— Heaping has commenced in Bagnalslown district under favourable promise of quality and weight of grain. Though potatoes are touched by blight, the appearance of the tuber is good and will be found productive except in the low-lying and hilly district!. Corn crops are a very fair average. Cavan.— Matthew Fitasimmons, of Barrin, Virginia, has returned fiom Kilmainhtm Gaol after undergoing a sentence of fourteen days' imprisonment imposed on him for watching his evicted farm. From latest statistics it appears that there are 150.554 acres under all kinds of crops in this county. Tbe three largest are meadow and clover, 70,891 acres ; oats 38,911 ; and potatoes, 27,940 acres. Total area of the county is 477,899 acres. Clare.— Kilrush has a p^p lation of 3,805 persons. 2684 persons speak Irish only, and 62,502 Irish and English in this county. The population is 141,457. The honse of John Donnellan, at Thome, was recently attacked by an armed and disguised p irty of moonlighters who demanded admittance, which Donnellan refused. They then fired shots into tbe dwelling. Donnellan and his son were in bed opposite the door, and one of tbe bullets grazed the father's chest. A bullet hit his son in the arm, and another entered the jaw, passing upwards under the ear, around the head, and passing out at tbe back of the head. Cork.— Whilst the South Cork Militia were in training in Kinsale recently a collection was organised amongst the nun to aid the completion of Father Mathew's Memorial Church, and the Centenary Committee have acknowledged the generous contribution of £20 9s from the battalion. Rev. T. Crowlev presided at the last Whitechurch National League mcc inc. A grant of £6 was received for the evicted tenants, J. Cashman. D. McAuhff, and C. O'Keeffe. The treasurer was directed to send £10 to the Central Branch anl £2 io tbe Slattery Testimonial. The officers and committee were elected for ensuing year: Rev. T. Crowley, president ; James Murpny, treasurer; Daniel Cashman and J. J. Humphreys, secretaries; Meßsrs. Lyons, Hegarty, Crowley, Cashman, Li-eban, Curtin, Humphreys. Sheehan, Uonan, and Humphreys, committee. Derry.— A greU temperance demonstration, t-> celebrate the centenary offlFather Mathew's birth, was held at Portstewart. The meeting was held on the Castle grounds, and round the platf inn were assembled over 2,000 persons, representing Coluraine, Ponrusb, Portstewart, Garvagh, Kildollagh. Aghadownoy, Ballyrashane, Killeagae, Castlroe, Articlare, Dunboe, Giant's Causeway, aud Lim.vardy. Down. — 127,752 parsons emigrated from County Down since 1851. Toe population accord. ng to latest tabulatel statement is 272,107 persons. Dublin.— The south side of Howth Hill, known as Cenchor, I recently took fire. As the heath and furze w^re dry the flames spread with extraordinary rapidity, but were arres ed by men cutting a trench, which c mfined it to tbe immediate vicinity. Fermanagh. — Rev, M. McGlone pr 'sided at Rosslea National Lt-ayue nueting, when the following re-iolutioa wab adopted: That this meeting desires to express fts conSience in John Dillon, and our entire disapproval of the attitude adopted by tha Most Rev. Dr. O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick, towards him and tbe Irish party. Gal'Way.— The Martina of Ballynahinch were owners of 200,000 acres. This v*as once a powerful family, but is extinct and the estate passed into other hands. The disgraceful state of the famous old ruins of Abbeyknnckmoy is annoying the inhabitants. Whether the Board of Works in Dublin, in whom is luvested the ruined abbeys and round towers of the island, or the proprietors of the lands be responsible, it certainly does not reflfct credit on either. Tbe most successful National League Convention ever held in Ballinasloe recently assembled in the League Hall. James Lynam, one of Clanricarde's evicted tenants, presided. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed throughout. Kerry. — 6 871 persona in tbe County sp Q ak Irish only, and 92,467 Iri-h and English. Total population, 201,039. An invading force cf bailiffs and police entered Ballylerriter, and curried off a colt and a yearling belonging to Bitt Manning, of BlHckfields for rent due to Lord Cork. On tbeir way to Dingle the bailiffs' side-cars got entangled with a cart bfeL>nging to some countrymen and thrown into a dyke. The colt became restive, threw one of the bailiffs, and after considerable difficulty was recaptured!. Kildare. — A preliminary meeting of the Dake of Leinster's tenants who purchased holdings under Lord Ashbourne'a Act was

held in tbe Town Hall, Kildare, August 6. The meeting was called to d sen 88 tbe advisability of memorUiam* the Government to extend the time of payment (.f annual installations of toe purchase mon^y from forty nine to eighty years, and thus raduca the annual interest to half wnat it is at present. Another meeting, m ire g«aeral in character, but mainly for the same purpose, vras arranged tor. King's County.— Mr. Powell, editor of the Midland Tribune, was charged at Bana^ber with publishing a resolution passed by ihe Lorrha Branch of tbe League urging a pas'urage boyott. Mr. Powell was sentenced to six months' imprisonment, and conveyed under a strong e^ic >rt o! p )lica to Tullam jre Gaol. Limerick. — Statistics relatiog to tbe matter show that from 1881 to 1838 157 128 persons emigrated from this coun y. The population is 180,632. Tbe O Grady has taken proceedings against the remaining: tenants on tbe Herbertstown estate, and Jjbn Sullivan, Relieving Officer of tbe Kilmallock Union, has received the usual notice to the fallowing cases :— John Egan, Michael and John Callaghan, John D*y>r, Thomas Hayes, Jam^s Sullivan, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Kearney, Maurice Haaly, John Diaeen, Michael McGrath, and Bridget Lyaan, all in Herbertstown. The condition of the potato crop 1 1 the Western portion of this County is giving riae to grave apprehension. The blight has appeared, and the gardeni present a withered appearance. It is feared that it will spread, and that the crop will be atterly valueless. In Abbtyfe-ile the outlook is pirticularly gloomy. It is b«lie«red the potatoes are in such a s ate that no matter bow the weather may 1 change the crop is beyond redemption. The attendance at last meeting of the Limerick National League branch was unusually large, as matters of great and local importance were to be discussed. After a lengthened debate anent matters relating to John Dillon and Bishop O'Dwyer, Mr. Mnran proposed tbe following should be expelled from tbe L s apue on account of their conduct in the Town Council relating to John Dilloo's resolution to confidence, which was lost :— The Mayor, Aldermin Dunne, Patrick Herbert, Bryan O'Donnell, J. McCarthy, P. K-mna, and Alderman Walker. The resolution was carried unanimously. MayO»— The cliffs on western shore of Achill island rise 1,800 feet above the sea. Achill is twenty miles long, area 35,283 acres, and has a population of nearly 5 000. Notices of eviction at the suit of General Palmar against a dozen families in Glenialand parish, were laid bef jie the Board of West port Union at last meeting. This means destruction to foar or five score of human beings— more than the gallant Gineral ever killed upon tbe battlefield. General Palmei's motto should b j a crowbar with the words, " The crowbar is mightier than tbe sword." Monaghan.-Rev, P. Magan presided at Currin League meeting receutiy. The sum of £5 was voted to the Cential Branch. There were present three members from the St. Patrick Branch, Slamenen I.N.L , Scotland. Mr. Hudden delivered an eloquent address, in which he assured the meeting they were working earnestly in, Scotland for tha independence of Ireland. The revereni ctuirman proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Rudden, which was unanimously passed. Surgjeou Rush presided at recent Town Commissioners' meeting, when, on the moiijn of Mr G >rmlev, seconded by Mr. Tierney, O. McNilly was elected Chairman tor the ensuing year. On tnn motion of Mr. McAleese, seconded by Mr. Tierney, a resolution was adop'ed calling on the Monaghau Guardians to avail themselves of the privilege allowed under ttie "Lab urers' D^e'ting Act" and provide proper houses tor the workers of the district. The appearance of the crops in Clones district is healthy. Bbould the weather turn out fiun and warm a good, abundant harvest is expected. The potato crop looks remarkably well, and up to the present disease has not beer observed. The hay ciop is very heavy, and farmeis are bu y mowing and saving. Oats look long and thick. Flax looks well. Turnips and mangolds produce will average other years Latton was the rendezvous for Augbnamullen West National Leagae branch. Thi followmg resolution wa9 passed : — That we renew our C'innience in upright, honest John D.llon and his colleagues of ihe Irish party. Toe action of a man senitng his Max to an objectionable mill was ondenned.. Should it n*ppeu agam bis name will be struck off the roll, a 9 the Aughnainu lien men cocsider th it any person who rie»ls with land-grabbers or tte emergency gat g ought not be members of the branch. The police paced up and down dv • ing the meeting, and then shadowed the prominent members of the committee to their respective homes. RoSCOmmon.— The population of the County is 132,490 persons, of which number ninety-five speak Irish only, and 21,494 Insu aud English. At latt meeung of Tulsk National League Branch, Luke Shannon presided. The meeting condemned tbe cruel and vindictive treatment to which Mr. Tully is subjecied in Tullarnore Gaol. Toe district has subscribed £60 to ihe tenants' Defence Fund. A hope is entertained that Michael Mangan, who was evicted by Nolan, of Lisnameen, will be re-installed. At the recent eximinaMon hold in the Royal University, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, J. 8. Mahon, Boyle, competing with representatives of all Ireland, took first place in Latm. fourth in Greek, and honours in logic, obtaining a firs- class exhibition, value £36, with fourth place, tte has, in tbe aggregate, won prizes va ued at, £217 since J'ine, 1888. Tipperary.— Out of a population of 119 612 persons in the Connty, 248 • .eak liish only, and 23 558 Irish and English. The Town Comm ssio ers of Carnck-on-Suir at last meeting unanimously passed the f 'Mowing resolution: — That we, the Town Commissioners of Carrick-ou-Suir, hereby express our unswerving confidence in John Dilloo, M.P , and the Irish Parliamentary party, and condemn any vile aspersions Eought to be cast upon them, no matter from what source they emanate.

Tyrone.— lt is estimated that tnere are 69,004 milch cowa in the County, valued at £1 242 072. Total number of all kinds of live Stock, 271,956 ; value, £2 235,901. The Dnion Registratirn Committee of South Tyrone are hauling in all the police pensioners to swell their voting power at next election. It is difficalt to say what even an ex-policeman will do with the secrecy of the ballot within his reach. "Waterford.— The Mayor presided at recent Waterford City National League meeting. The number attending was miserably small, which called forth the fol lowing remarks :— Hr. Holden— When we were returning cffioers we had all the swell members here, and as soon aa they got returned they didn't tnrn up again, but sat at lome at the fireside (laughter). Alderman Redmond moved a vote of thanks to the Mayor, which waa seconded by John Higgins, and adopted. The Mayor, in replying, said thit no matter what Watermen might Bay, the National League in Waterford at present was a disgrace to them. At this poorly-attended meeting a resolution of confidence in John Dillon was passed. Westmeatll.— The people of Bathowen parish attended with carts and crates to the number of over seventy, laden with turf, and presented them to Mr. Fagan, of Farra, as a mark of their sympathy with him and his family in their eviction. The procession was conducted by James Killean, secretary of the liathowen Branch of the League. "Wexiord.— The battle of Tubberneering was fought on June 4, 1789, between tbe gallant Wexfordmen, under Bag^nal Harvey, and the Royal troops, under Colonel Walpole. The latter were defeated. The Wexford bakers have decided that night work mast be abolished. In future they will work only from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. They al o d> maad an increase of wages of four shillings per week. — There is not one person in tbe County who speaks I iah only, but 243 speak Irish and English. The population is 70 386. The Glendaiongh estate and Luganure Miue°, property of the Mining Company of Ireland, have been purch by Mr. Wynne, of Ballybrophy, for £3 450 On tbe lands are situated the ruins of the Seven Churches and fit. Kevin's Bed. It is stated that Mr, Wynne intends to works the mines.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 7, 14 November 1890, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 7, 14 November 1890, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 7, 14 November 1890, Page 9