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Mb. Donald Stbonaoh (on behalf of tbe New Zealand Loan an Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) reports for the week endin July 10, as follows :—: — Fat Cattle.— l 79 head were yarded at Burnside for this week's requirements. Best bullocks brought, £8 to £9 ; one pen extra prime, £10 5s ; medium, £6 15s to £7 15s ; inferior and light, £4 12s 6d to £3 17s 6d ; Cows, from £3 10s to £6 15s. Fat Sheep. — 3133 were penned, consisting of 330 merinos and 2803 crcssbreds. Best crossbred wethers brought 13s 6d to 153 6d ; ordinary, 10s to 13s ; beat crossbred ewes, lls 6d to 12s 6d ; one or two pens extra prime, 14s to 15s 6d ; ordinary, 6a to 10s 61 ; merino wethers, 7s to lls. Fat Lambs. — There were 40 penned, medium quality, which sold at 7s 61, Pigs. — 3GO were penned. Suckers brought 4s 61 to 8s ; stores, 12s 6d to 22s ; porkers 2(>s to 32s ; baconere, 33s to 45s ; a few extra heavy sows from 61s to 79a. Store Cattle. The market continues quiet, showing no improvement in the demand. There are buyers for fattening if forward-con-ditioned steers could be obtained at fair prices, but ara not inclined to give high values, and as holders are indifferent about selling at the former's idea of value, at the present there is not much business being done. titore Sheep, — There are very few now of any sort offering. Crossbreds almost of all ages conld still be placed, but it is difficult to obtain suitable lines, so that the business passing lately is of little importance. Wool. — Latest cablegrams advising the progress of the present series of wool sales in London report that fine crossbred and merino wools are maintaining lac iatee, but that competition for coarse crossbred and medium menno is somewhat irregular. On the whole we conMdei the situation satisfactory, and while the trade, both on the continent and at home, continues steady, paces are not so likely to rece le. Locally, with the exception of the usual oddments coming to hand from tune io time, theie is nothing cf any consequence passing. Sheepskins. — These have a steady demand, and meet with good competition at the hands of the nands of the trade. On Monday for our reuular weekly auction we submitted a very full catalogue, the usual various descriptions being presented. The attendance of buyers was large and under the influence of moderately iair weather combined wuh the satisfactoiy progress of the wool sales at home biddings were spirited, all sorts realising prices considerably in advance ot last weeks values quality considered. Country dry crossbreds low to medium, biought Is 21 to 3^ 9i ; do do merino, Is Id to 3s 7d ; medium io full woolle 1 crossbreds, 3s lid to 6s 3s ; do do merino, .'Js bd to 5s 2i ; dry pelt>, 3d to 101 ; butchers' green crossbreds, (not iucluding skins for special purposes) best, os 3d, 5s 2d, op, 4s 9d, 4s 7d, 4s 3 1 ; good to medium an<l interior, 4s 3s lOd, 3s Bd, 3s 6d, 3s 4d ; £.neen ineriuos, is, 3s lid, 3s '.hi, 35 61, 3s4d, 3d Id, 3s ; lambskins to 4s sd. Rabbitskinp. — A very satisfastory demand exists for these and i although the offerings are still limited consignments are assuming [ larger dimentitions and a considerable number is weekly offered at auction which realise prices leiving very little to the shipper considering present rates in the London market. All sorts are saleable though best winter greys have preference and when in perfectly dry condition and systematically clashed buyers show no hesitation io bidding up to their full value while damp and slovenly got up parcela seldom or ever realise full value. This week we offered a medium catalogue exciting keen ompetition every lot being disposed of and realising an advance oa lac quotations. We quote, suckera r.nd half-grown, 2\ 1 to 4d ; inferior and mixed, 3d to 5d ; summers, .VI to 7d ; black and tawa, 7^d to 9^d ; fair oidinary to good greys, lOd to 14£ d ; prime, 15i to lGd per ib. Hidef. — There is no new feature of consequence in this market since last reporting. A f -iir demand for local requirements continues to exist but in the absence of orders for export thippprs are not operating and while prices both at home and elsewhere continue so low we can hardly look for any improvement here to sp^ak of. We quote, dry salted heavy weights in good condition, 2\l to 2Jd ; medium, 2\<\ to 2£d ; light, 2i to 2£] ; mferur, HI to 1-^ i per lb. Tallow. — Consignments arriving are rather short of requirements and are readily takeu up at late quotations. Tbe demand for rough fat continues active, and good prices are realised ior all lots coming to hand. We quote : prime rendered mutton, 19s Gd to 21s : medium to

SSh' JJffV* 198 : i iD !o Rio . r a ?? m - ixed ' l2s 6d t0 15a 5 rou 8 h fat - clean, to 12a°d c? c °w? J ° f tO medium and good, 9b 6d

«n^ .? raiD '- W^at : The tone of this market still continues weak ; and the prospect at present for the disposal of stocks on hand, which are not by any means heavy are not encourag ing. The operations of the -past week are confined to a few sales of prime milling, only second rate quality has little or no attention. We quote : Prime Northern red straw and velvet, 3s 8d to 333 3 9d ; Tuscan, 3s lOd to 4s ; medium to good 3s 4d to 3s 6d ; inferior and good whole fowls' wheat 2s 3d to 3s (ex store) Oats : The market as regards values, is much about the same as last week, but there are evidences of a keener desire on the part of shippers to operate and some business is passing Amucb larger business could have beeu done if holders would by induced to meet buyers, but with the stmll stock on hand and the Australian markets showing a firmer tone, sellers are not inclined to push sales. We quote bright stout milling, 2s 6d to 2* 7d ; ex store bags extra. Barley is in good demand, and the present samples only have any attention for milling, small lots are disposed of occasionally for milling, but the quantity is limited. We quote prime malting 3s 7d to 3s 9d ; medium to good, 3s 3d to 3s 5d ; feed and milling, 2s 2d to 3s 2d, ex store.

Grass Seed.— Both ryegrass and cocksfoot have considerable inquiry, the former especially, but buyers are not just yet inclined to give prices demanded, and as it is well known that the supply is limited holders are firm, quotations nominal. > Potatoes.— A fair business is done in Northern at slightly higher prices, and consignments being light, stocks on hand are being considerably reduced. Southern have less attention. We quote— Prime Northern. 85s to 87s 6d , do Southern, 75s to 77s 6d ; inferior, 25s to 658 per ton. ' Dairy Produce.— The position of the market in respect to both cheese and butter is unaltered and continues flat, no business of any consequence passing; but within ths last day or two we observe a little more inquiry, which is likely to lead to business-quotations meantime nominal.

I roperty Sale.~We have the satisfaction to report the sale of section 3, 4, and 5, Block 111, Waikaka, containing 605 acres, unbroken, to Mr. David Murray, at £3 5s per acre ; also, the remaining section, but one, containing 200 acres, of the Merino Downs Estate to the same purchaser at a satisfactory price.

C °- DttnediD ' re P ort f or ending

Babbitskms.— There is good competition for all offerin r ■ QU ancity coming forward is but small. Best winter skins sell at np to 15d We catalogued a few lots and scld as under :-JB, 1 bale rabbitskins, 7£d ; R in diamond ; do, 1 do do, 7d ; PG, 1 bae do, lid ; 31, 2 do do, 141. . l, 2 do do, 1H 1 ; 88, 1 do do, 7d ; do, 1 do do, 121 ; do, Ido do, 14 Jd ; do, Ido do, 6d ;G,l do do, 4Vi Sheepskins.— Tne weekly sale on Monday was attenoi-d by the usual number of local buyers. We offered a full catalogue' onsistin* pnncipaly of country dry skins; several lots of butch irs 1 skins arrived late for the sale and hid to be held over till next week There w-s a very poor demand for all classes swin<r no doubt to the wet weather which ;has hindeied work. Dry crossbreds sold at 2s 3d to „3 3 1 ; do merinos, 2s Id to 4a 7d ; do pelts aad lambs 6d to 2s dd ; gieen crossbred-, 2s 8d to 5s ; gieen merinos, 2s 3d to 3s Id • green lambs, 2s Si to 3s Dd. Hides.— We have no improvement in values to report. There is a very limited demand, and prices rule very low. with no immediate sign of improvement. We quote-Picked heavies, 2U to 3d -m-lium 2d to 2 id ; inferior, lsd to I|d ; bulls' and slippy, "id to 1 M lallow.— We have disposed of several small lots to tuca! manufacturers at prices about the same as lately ruling. The local market, is pretty well cleaned out, and all coming forward is quickly deposed of. A much larger supply could be placed at curient quotations We quote— Prime rendered, £19 to £20; medium. £1(5 liM,, •■ m ' inferior, £13 to £14 ; rough fat, 10s to 14*. ~ " ' Grain: Wheat.— Tne maiktt still remains qui-t, anrt altlmneh more thdu usual has changed hands, prices have na altered Wo quote prime milling, 3s 7d to 3s 10 ; medium milling, 3s M to 3s 6J • fowls'Jwheat and inferioi, 2s 6d to 3s 3d. ' Oats.— During the earlier part of the week only a very limited enquiry existed, but to-day the market is ,more animate, and puces have firmed considerably. Shipper are opcratm.' tn.-h 1,. „iv confining their purchases princip lly to pirnf- -1U):C1 U):C . 1!U ,.l s discoloured and lon- being seldom u«iuircM t\,r ; milUrs are wli stocked, and are only in the market for extra prime sample" We quote milling, 2s lOd to 2s lid, tacks extra, bright short feed '2s 8d 2s 9d; discoloured and long, 2s 01 to 2s 7d ; seed (all descriutions),

week^quo^ions. ""^ " qQie '' and r ' iCtS KaMi^ last

Pot,, tees. —There is a very good enquiry for Derwente, both norlh and south grown, and we have orders for a lai-e quantity at quotations. North grown. £4 5s to £4 10s ; South grown, £4 to £4 5s • Kidneys. £4 59 to £4 LI--.

,»n\-1 "me oalen is in gQQ^ demand at quotations. Straw chaff is very p entiful. and being much in excees of requirements, is almost unsaleable. We quote- Prime oaten, £3 10s to ill ; medium, £3 to £3 10? ; straw, well cut and sound, £1 to £2 (bags paid for or returned, as instructed). b F

Kyegrass Seed.— There ar* occasional enquiiies and some small sales passing Mocks are not heavy and prices appear to be in favour ot vendors We anticipate a speedy clearance a Ba B soon as the season sets in Present quotations : Best machine- licssed heavy seed, 494 9 6d to 5b ; medium do, 3s 9d to 4s 3d ; farmers' drcsicd and inferior, 2 s Cd to 3s 6d ; Poverty Bay seed, scarce, Gs to 7s Cocksfoot is in good demand. Best samples sell at 3U to 4d lb,; medium, 3£d to 3^d ; inferior, 3d. '

RABBITSKIN MARKET. Messbs. ABTHua McDonald and Co. report as follows for the week ending Wednesday, July 10 : — The quantity coming forward is short of requirements, and prices^ are very firm at late rates ; but when the winter collections reach the market in quantity it is possible that values may recede a shade We have extensive ovtlets for any quantity of skins, and are prepared to quote extreme rates for well got ud linet. We charge no commission to the seller, and post proceeds the same day as the goods reach us. B

Note to Consignors.— Put a plain mark on each bale or bog, and send a letter advising consignment, with full particulars.

Mb. F. Meenan. King street, reports :— Wholesale prices, bags included : Chts, dull,2s 6d to2sloi. Wheat : milling, (dull).values, for good samples, 3s 6d ; medium. 3s 6d ; fowls', 2s 9d to 3s 3d. Chaff • Supply fair, £3 10s to £3 15s. Hay, oaten, £3 15s ; ryegrass hay, £3 5s to £3 10s. Bran, £4 10s. Pollard, £5. Potatoes, supply moderate ; Southern, £4 ; Northern, £4 5s ; kidneys, £4 to £5, according to sample. Flour (dull) : Stone, sacks, £9 5s ; fifties, £10 ; Roller, £9 fifties, £10 10s. Oatmeal, £15. Butter, fresh, Is to Is 2d ; salt, nominal, 6d to Bd. Eggs, 1b 4d.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 12, 12 July 1889, Page 19

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Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 12, 12 July 1889, Page 19

Commercial. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVII, Issue 12, 12 July 1889, Page 19