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Irish News.

Antrim^ — At the recent Ballymena Petty Sessions Joseph Kilpatrick ob'ained several decrees for non-payment of " rent " against hia tenants. At the meeting of the Route Eeform Club held ia Ballyrnoney, John M'Elderry, chairman, the following resolution was proposed by 8. C. M'Elroy and seconded by James Boyd :— Resolved, That we observe with pleasure that the Home Rule" electors of St. Stephen's Green Division, Dublin, have iuviled Thoma3 A. Dickson to become a candida'e for the representation of the D^ipion, and as t'iis invitat.ou is a pledge of eonfidenc 0 in the Liberal pol'cy.and also in in its ablest exponent in the North of Ireland, we hail it as aa indication of that broad National spirit which is likely to prevail under liish Parhatnentary auspiceß, and earnestly h«\e i*- may tead towards the removal of all those unhappy prejudices which have kept the North and South apart in matters vital to their mutual iuterests. We, tberef .re, trust that Mr. Dickbon's majority will be a signal manifestation of the power and progress of the National cause in Dublin.— The resolution was carried unanimously. Armagh.— lt is reported that Lord Lurgan intends selling his estate to the tenantry under the Ashbourne Act. At the recent Armagh Petty Sessions George Rice prosecuted Jas. Williamson for assault. The former 13 a land-thief, and the latter an attorney. The case was withdrawn. The following: own over 1,000 acres each of tbe land of this County : — M, C. Close, 9,087 acres ; Episcopal Chnrch, 8,548 ; A. Henry, 8.324 ; M Synnot, 7,321 ; J. Richardson, 5,071 ; and Sir W. Verner, 5,43(J. Carlow.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— D W. Beresford, 5,5G7 acivs ;P. J. Newton, 5,037 ; Lord Rathdcinnell, 4,9G0 ; W. F. Burton, 4,422 ; V,. M. O'Ferrall, 3,769; and W. Duckett, 3,441. A large meeting of the people of CarJow was held in the cathedral to promote the Dr. Wal&he memorial, the inception of which was chronicled in a recent issue of the Irish World. Rev. E., Adm , presided. A subsciiption list ■vras opened, and a nunnb3r of subscriptions taken up. Dr. W. 11. O'Mar*. and M. Governcy acted as secretaries, Mr. Duggan and Mr. Hammond as treasurers. Cavan.— Hon. Dr. Hearn, native of this County, died iccently in Melbourne, aged 63. At Ihe early ace of 23 Dr. Hyarn was ,'ppointerl Profes or of Greek at Queen's Colle^ 1 , Ualvvay, ,md iv 1854 Sir John Herschpl appoint- <! him to the Chan oE Hisloiy a- id Political Economy in the University oC Melbourne, lie vv ig the leader of ihe Constitutional patty in the Yu:*o - iin Council. Clare* — Elnnis'ymon I,N:L. has condemned \h.<^ arres's of Fathers M'Fadden and St oh-ns and Mr. Bl in<>, M.P., uid protested agairs' their hard ti eat merit in pri-ou. The tenants on the esta'e of Mr. K. B. Brown*, at Tulla. have adoptul the Plan ot Campaign. They dunvad a ieducuon o£ 45 per cent. T. W. Coote. of Kihu^h, was fined at a iccent Coeicii.n Court here, and as be di In't appear the Magistrate pud the fin.*. Public opiuion ws too strong igunst Mr. Coott 'a imprisonment. Ihe following ov, n over 1,003 acres each of the land of this County : ~C. VV White, 18,260 ; tj.r A. Kitzsreiald. 14,915 : De Ktaffoid O'Brien, 11,10.5 ; F. Aithur, 10,534 ; VV. M. M.lomy, 10,095 ; and F. N. Bentx n, 9.669. Magistrate Irwin has sentenced Michael O'Neill, of Rathfoland, to six weeks' imprisonment i.t an Fnnis Coercion Couit for weaiing a National League car<-\ in h.s hat mni cheering far Wilharn O'Biien. The tenants of 'he Ponsonhy estate 1-n Id a large meeting at Gortroe, near Yougnal, April 29 W. J. L-\ne, MA., was the principal speaker. He deuied the charges that the Campaign funds had been extorted from the tenants. Cork* — Ihomas Noonan, of Knnturk, a .sterling Irish Nationalist, has just died in Paris-'. Mr. Noona i was a member ot the Repeal Association and of the liish Confederation. He was also an active worker in the Fenian movement, and was the organiser and first President of the Kanlurk Land Leigue. He wa i i the first President of the local National League, and his deith is lamented by all true Irishmen. The io-ult of the p ilice inquiry int ) the massacre at Mitchelstown reports that County-Itispect r Browuugtr. who v; ive (he order for indiscriminate p'aushrer, has ban promoted to L'jnyfjrd. Dit-trict-lnspector Irwin kms been permitted to retire en pjn»io:i. Tnus the murderers of our innocent people are rewarded by a devilish alien Government. At the recent Skibber 'en Coercion Court, Samuel Paul Kingston and hia wife were nrnteneeil to one month and two weeks' imprisonment respectively for taking " forcible possession"' of tLen- old house at Meenie, near D;imole-'gue. Mr. Kui^sti.n is 80 yeais old. James Gilhoolv, SI.V., has just been released from Cotk Gaol. He made a s-peech in which he counselled the people to upheld the Plan of Campugn and dety then hereditary enemie«. Barton M Guckin, the great Irish tenor, has arrived in Queenstown from New York. He intends to sing at tho coming Handet Festival m Lond< n. A half-wilted man was .^-entenci d to a month's imprisonment for btoning the police durir g the Kcign of Terror at Skibbereen. Was ever injustise greater than this 1 Land Corumii-MOTieid Doyle, C.i!l".n, and Bouiford have given reductions of from 25 to over 40 per cunt, fit the. Macmom Land Court. At the recent Skibb.-ieon P>_tty Sessions Dennis M'Oarthy, a Bantry usurer, was fined £20 tor evicting Mr. Biicnat Gjleea without due legal pioces<-. W:lham Gould, one of the politic il prisoners in Cork G-iol, has been offered his freedom if he will promise to abstain from politics ia future. The Castle'a offer was contemptuously refused.

Derry.— The people of the Towaawilly district of Donegal parißh had a demonetration of sympathy with the coercion prisoners in Deny Gaol. An effigy of Judge Webb, arrayed aa Balfoar'i honchman, was burned on the top of a hill. Donegal.— A. movement has been set on foot at Donegal to erect a monument orer the grave of the late Bernard Kelly, M.P. As Mr. Kelly was a brave and faithful representative of the people of South D >negal, all patriotic Irishmen wish the movement to perpetuate hiq memory a hearty God-speed. Down. — The first case, tried under the Coercion Act at Banbridge was that of James Warnock and Catherine M'Grath. They were arraigned for obstructing b. rate-collector, and were placed under bond's for future "good behaviour." At » large meetiDg of Nationalists, held recently at the National Hall, Nowrv, an address was presented to James Owens, whos9 resignation fty>m the RI.C, wis chronicled in a receut issue of The Irish World. J, Lowry presided. Mr. Owens intendß to go to America. The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of this County :— H. N. Butt, 12,010 acres ; Lord Trevor, 10,940 ;J. Maiholland, 9,893 ; Viacount Bangor, 9,861 ; A. S. Kerr, 9,856 ; and Marqui9 of Downsbire, 9,246. Kermauagfll.— Michael Doherty, ex-Head Constable of the R.I C, committed suicide at Enniskillen by cutting his throat with a razor. This seems to be the end of many of our domestic enemief, aud should be noted by the survivors. The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of thli County :—: — :— Colonel J. Irvine, 12,115 acres ; J. G. Porter, 11,881 ; Episcopal Church, 10,357 ; H. D. Montgomery, 7,998 ; Lord Laoeeborough, 6,606 ; and R, Hall, 6,540. Gal^way.— The Most Rev. Dr. M'Cormack and the priests of the Galway diocese have protested against the proselytism recently carried on among their people by itinerant " missionaries." John Roche, of Woodford, who is now ia Galway Gaol for the fifth time for bis fight for the Ulaaricarde tenants, is suffering terriblj from his cruel treatment. He has been in hospital for Borne time suffering from lung trouble. This is another example of Balfour's murderoai intentions against the lives of the Irish leaders. The trial of William O'Brien, M.P., for attempting to hold a meeting of the National League in Loughrea, April 8, terminated on May 3at that place. He was sentenced to three months' imprisonment without hard labour by Removables Paul and Hodder. T. Harrington, MA., instructed by Mr. P. A. Chance, M. P., appeared for Mr. O'Brien. Mr. Wilson, M P.; Mr. M'Djnald, of the London Daily News, and Claude Byrne, of the Illustrated London News were travelling in the neighbourhood of Loughrea recently, where they met a man named Keane, who told them how he bad tound one of his cows dead ;n his shed, and Policeman Courtney there also. Oa his questioning ihe " peeler " he admitted killing the cow and gave Kerne £6 as compirmticn. After hearing this story the Englishmen went to Ballyehrule barrack to interview Courtney, but were kept out by force and assaulted. Here is a sample ot Balfour's manufactured " outrages." Kerry.— Patrick M'Kenna and Patrick Cahalane, of Glenbeigh, n-i=»r Castlegregory, have been evicted. The Und-thief is Brinsley Fitzgerald. The tenants, who were fearfully rack-rented, and who off -red a leas mable settlement, are now living near a ditch. An eviction was to be carried out on May 4 at Bonnard, near Killaraey, but the children of the tenant Timothy Moynihan, wure sick und could not be removt d. Several other evictions took place ia the vicini'y. The land-thief i 9 Captain Fagan. Kildare.— The people of Kildare have shown their patriotism by fcubseubing generously to the memorial to the late Rdv, Dr. Kavanagh. The memorial consists of a marble altar-rail and stainedglass windows in the church which was the scene of Dr. Kavanagh's pas oral labours. Tue list of subscribers embraces several names from America and Australia. Kilkenny* — Bailiff Cox, with a gang of E ntergancymaa and eight policemen, proceeded from this city to Ballycore, near Gore*bndge, aud evicted Lawrence Gittjns. Toe evicted man has a wife aad seven children. He did not refuse to pay "rent," but the landthief said he needed the holding. The exterminator is George Alexander, cf Carlow. It was in th's manner the land-robbers extet* initiated millions of our people, and should we be prevented from combining fur seif-preßervation ? King's County.— Th^ following own over 1,000 acres each of thu Liv i - f thiH Coiuuy : — Episcopal Cauruh, 7,647 acres; Lord Ashbrook, 7,476 ; A. W. Williams, 6,884 ; T. L. Dames, 6.798 ; ReT» Saville Maloue, 5,678 ; Col. T, Bjruard, 5,480 ; and R. Warburtoa, 5,336. A letter fiom Dr. Fox, M.P. for the Tullamore Division, was read at the receut meeting of the local League. In it he says he hat been addressing meetings in all parts of England, and he is decidedly of the opinion that if a general election were held at present Mr. Gladstone would re returned with a fair majority. Leitrim.— The following own over 1,000 acres eaoh of th« land of this County : — W. Johnston, 10,633 acres ; H. L. Montgomery, 10,179 ; O. Jonea, 9,839 ; Sir M. Orofton, 9,590 ; W. La Toache, 8,234, -md W. O. Gore, 7,480. Ivimerick.— The Limerick Guardians have passed a resolution againsi the Whelehan bloodtax. Nineteen tenants on the White estate at Ballyscaddane have received a reduction of 25 per cent, on their rack-rents. Mother Joseph Hartnett, foundress of the Limerick and Castleisland Presentation Convents, died in this city, April 25, aged 90. She spent C 2 years in the service of the Order and was a true daughter of ijano Nagle Micha 1 En right and Thomas Connors were indicted at the recent Coercion Court lor " assaulting " soldiers of the Derbyshire Regiment. They were sentenced to a mouth's hard labour, while not a single riotous soldier has been disciplined !

comment » « £ now " otononß Derbyshire Regiment, while drunk, 2X2? fight with some people in Glen worth street. They SSfh^J CmiMß £ ith tbdr belt8 ' but were 6toned and Potto She rf P onin \ FF t ln , all^ Borne P^ers arrived and arrested two t t tetr e barl% b ond t uct. edCOatßareDeYer ""^ ° r disci^ d th« 3^ 11 -^ 6 Normanton near Emly are negotiating &™ P ik ™ armS lhlOugh A * eni dottrel of Dublin. The £luXn //£' 8 W a ? at the judicul rentß or 17 y ears> •* ttS be to fnr\hf^ £ th ' 8 1S asncrifice ° a the part of the tenants it is continue nni? S? P ' asaDt ro P rietors lQ near future than continue under the "dual owneiship'" system. onm^° 118:f ' 0rd 1!1 !~ M / 9 - Cathei> i"e Lynch, of Dorrock, who had hSmSHX* n r b r° f bb ° yh t0 the Dfumlish Court for Sli >F l edt °c IglVeevidinc1 glVeevidince ' anJ was sentenced to seven days impiisonmeut in Sligo gaol. Rf.. X '? 1 U ltß 7r The a(i 3 0Urne( i sile of the Dundalk and Newry t«S fl on ,f if saart9 oi p - Brannigan and Peter Rocb,, tenants on the Masserene estate, took place at Dundalk recently. £5 was the highest bid, aud the sale was again postponed. * nnn,? 83 ? 1^,? 6 /! 1 ' 8 /" 1 ' of extermination has once more commenced on Achill Island. ni^Jfil? Fltz S* bbon > who Wia convicted for advising the people of Clooafad, near Castlerea, to boycott the police, has been brought to Castlebar gaol and placed in a dingy cell. l ll ?^? tl ?,'~^ he fo i lowiD g own over 1,000 acres each of the landot this County :-C A. Nicholson, 7,693 acres; J. J. Preston, wih ! R9«Q ' Ta , y M r ' 7'l3s;.Marquis7 ' 135 ;. Marquis of Cony ngham, 7,060 ; Jfi. W Blign, 6,289 ; and Mrs Corbailv, 5,033. Mouaghail.- The Mullaghane National School, near Castleblayney, has beeu;t*oycotted because the teacher, Alexander, McLeod, keeps company with Henry Cumin?, a looil land-thief The following own over! ,00 J acies each of the land of this County • 7?Ti\ }'1!S *VU Xl W> Luca '' 9 955 ' Sir T - Lennan, 7,920 ; W. Anketell, 7,504 ; J. Hamilton, 7,315, and John Madden 4 644 James and Margaret McKenna and their sons Hu^b and' Owen were arraigned at tue Monagban Coercion Court, charged with ''obstructing » Bailiff Nevin. Although the process-server Lore the McKennas had attacked him with stones and pitchforks, several witnesses pro Ted that such was not the case. Tne only demonstration of resistance was that young Owen McKenaa had thrown a stone at a dog. For this " crime "he was sentenced to a month's imprisont ♦KltK It . O ® 1 C '? 11 ? mOn *~ lhe followin g own over 1,000 acres each of the laud of this County :-Lord Crofton' 10,509 acres ; O'Conor 7^o M ] IJ^ Coote ; 10 ' 318 ' WiUiam L1 °y d . 7 . 3 95 ;G. Lloyd, 7,352 ; and A. O'Connor, 6,927. J ' Sli|ffO.— The following claim to own over 1,000 acres of the land in this County :— E. Ashley, 12,426 acres ; W. Phibbs, 10,507 • Colonel i^n's?' 570 ; Sir Ol Gore ' 85698 ' 569 ;H< W " Hllia8 ' 7 **4 S.""^ *W Xipperary.— The following own over 1000 acres each of the V^no* l^ 8 Ooun y ---Nathaniel Buckley, 13,260 acres ; Lord Clonmel, 11,098 ; Count Moore, 10,199 ; K. Heard. 8,846 ; O F Toler 8 789 ■ and Smith-Barrj, 8,620. ' ' ' At the recent Cashel Coercion Court an evicted tenant named Patrick Moclair was sentenced to three months' hard labour on a charge of resisting bailiffs. The sub-Sheriff and other witnesses deposed that it could not bs proved that Mr. Moclair had thrown water on the bailiffs or obstructed them in any way. This is the manner in which landlord-made law is administered in Ireland. The tenants on the Cormac estate at Modeshill, near Muliiaahone, who adopted the Plan of Campaign last year, are threatened with eviction. They are clearing the decks for the coming battle ', The furniture has been removed from the houses, the grazing lands' have been ploughed up, and barricades have been erected. A meeting of the tenants was held recently. There were present •— Bey John Cahill, C.C. ; John .Cull man, Michael Cusack, Drangan and Thomaß Moloney. The following resolution was adopted .—That we reiterate our determination to adhere to the principles of the Plan of Campaign, and we pledge ourselves to make no compromise with the eviotor. Tyrone.— Constable Quinn. has resigned at Dungannon as a protest against the coercion policy of the Government and the butcheries committed by the police and military among the unoffending people of the South and West or. Ireland. Westnieatll.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of ths land ot this County :— Sir B. Chapman, 9,516; C. B Marlev 9,059, BirJ. Ennis, 8,050 ; J. Tuite, 7,391; Sir W. Nugent 7 218and J. Longworth, 6,547. ' ' "Wicklow.— The following own over 1,000 acres each of the land of tuis County :— Lord Meatb, 14,717 acres ; R. Cunningham 10,479 ; J. 8. Moore, 8,730 ; W. Kenning, 8,041 : L. Bradv 6 837 •' and T. Acton, 4,845. J> ' ' A party of Nationalists assembled at Vinegar, near Dunlavin, recently, and sowed the crops of five tenants under notice of eviction' The horses were decked with evergreens and some of the men wore the O'Brien medal. Amongst thosa present were :— Michael Wade Joseph Doyle. S. Wilson, Peter Cunnell, Patrick Finn, John Dunn' Joseph Norton, Thomas Cunningham, H. J. Mullally, Patrick McGeer, T. Kelly, Andrew Costello. D. Moore, T.Doyle, Thomas Davis and T. Moore. Messrs. Costello and Mulhall addressed the crowd when the work was finished, and said they were ready to uadersro imprisonment for their action.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 14, 27 July 1888, Page 9

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 14, 27 July 1888, Page 9

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 14, 27 July 1888, Page 9