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Irish News.

Antrim. — The population of this County was 421,943 in 1881, The mx largebt land-robbers in this County are : — Lord O'Neill 64,163 acres ; Sir R Wallace, 58,365 ; Karl of Antrim, 34,292 ; Rev. Pakenham, 14,629 ; Lord Lionel, 13,781, and G. T. Macartney, 12,532. Moneyglass and Cargin I N.L. held its regular meeting at Denis Kelly's house, Thomas Herdman, Chairman. The following resolution was adopttd : — Resolved, that we hereby pledge ourselves to uphold the banner of Irish Nationality until our country is raised to the proud position of nationhood she was destined by Heaven to fill. It is reported in Belfast that the " Government " hare resolved to prosecute a number ot the organizers and speakers at the recent demonstration in honour of Fathers McFadden and (Stephens. At the mtetiDg of Belfast I.N.L. April 16, Rev. P. Convery, Adm, Chairman, the following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That we protest against the le-arrest of William O'Brien and we tell Bloody Balf©ur tbat the imprisonment of our leaders or ourselves will never reconcile us to foreign coercion rule. Armagh. — John McGowran, of Derryadd, was prosecuted at the recent Lurgan Petty Sessions for using violence towards several Nationalists at the D(.rryadd riots, a report of which appeared in a recent issue of the Irish World. The magistrates, being mostly Orangemen, dismissed the case. At the regular meeting of Armagh I.N.L. April 15, James McLaughlin, Chairman, the followiog were elected officers : — Alexander Blanc, M.P., and R. K. Gardner, Hon. Presidents ; Rev. H. McNeece. CO., and Dr. McParland, Vice-presidents ; Francis Hughe3, Treasurer ; Rev. J. Quinn, C.C., Vice-Treasurer ; Father Mcifilvogue, Secretary, aod Nicholas McConnell, assistant Secretary. The following resolution was adopted . — Resolved, That we tender to Bey. James McFadden and Rev. Daniel Stephens our sympathy in their manly fight foi the downtrodden farmers of lieland. CarlO'W. — There were twenty-eight ejectment cases befor the Tullow quaiter sessions " of Death " were granted in almost every case. Cavan.-Dr. Magennis was consecrated Bishop of Lilmore at the Cathedral, Cavan, April 15. Most Rev. Dr. Liogue, Archbishop of Armagh, was Consecrating Bishop, assisted by Dr. Nulty, Bishop of Meath, and Dr. Donnelly, Bishop of Ologher. Biskops Woodlock, McAlister, McGivern , and O'lJonnell weie also present. Rev. Thomas Finlay, S.J., preached the sermon. Clare. — It is stated that evictions will commence at once on the Vandeleur estate. Two hun red decrees have been granted at the late Kilrush Quarter Sessions. In the encounter between the " red-coats " and the people at Ennis, April 14, a soldier of the Derbyshire Regiment chopped off the fingers of a man named Roughan with his bayonet. Mr. Roughan, all bleeding, was atterwards arrested for assaulting the soldier, and remanded. The atrocities of the Bashi-Bozooks in Bulgaria were not wor&e than the oppression of the present Balfourian Government. A large number of soldiers belonging to the Derbyshire Regiment, Btationed auClare Castle, had an altercation with the people at this place recently, when they used belts and stones on them. They atterwards broke the windows in a row of houses near the barracks, including that of Rev. Slyvester Maione. The police were called out to quell the distuibuice, but they also were assaulted by the " red-coats." The appeal of P. H. S.ielluig against his sentence of six numhs' imprisonment came up for hearing at E,nnis, April 19. The sentence was reductd to two months without hard labour. Thaddeus Flanagan appealed at the Ennis Quarter Sessions against his sentence of three months' hard labour, and Magistrate Hickson increased his sentence to six months. Thus the reign of unbridled continues. The appeal of J. R, Cox, M.P., against the sentence of six months, imprisonment imposed on hira January 28, was heard at Ennis Quarter Sessions. Magistrate Hicksom reduced the sentence to one month. Mr. Cox has been conveyed to Limerick gaol. During the trouble between the police and tbe people at Ennis, April 14, Magistrates Blood, Scott, and O'Brien were assaulted by Patrick M'Hugh, a constable on parole. The " peeler " was druok, and said he thought the magistrates were Members of Parliament. The case of "conspiracy " against W. Hynes and P. Collins was heard on appeal at Ennis, April 19. Judge Hickson increased the sentence from three to six months' hard labour. Tbe appeal of Joseph O'Biien was treated in a similar way. Derry. — The population of this county was 164,991 in 1881. The six largest landrobbers in this county are : Skinners' Co. 34,722 acres; Diapers' Co., 27,025; Mercer's Co., 21,341; Sir H.Bruce, 20,801 ; Fishmongers' Co., 20,509, and Salters' C, 19,445. At the recent meeting of the Kilclooney Irish National League, Rev. P. He^arty, ch-urm \n, the following resolution was adopted :—: — Resolved, That »c condemn tbe barbarous conduct of Balfour's henchmen at the meetings held April 8, and we are determined to continue the fight for Ireland. Recorder Nelligan, oi Derry, granted ejectment decrees in 36 out of 52 cases brought before him at the Maghera Quarter Sessions. The evicting land-tbievcs are William Gaidiner and T. J. Morton of Killyberg. The case against John Sampson was dismissed. At the recent meeting of the Lough Neagh Irish National League, 4. M'Cdughley, chairman, the following resolution was adopted : — Resolved — That we pledge ourselves to vindicate the teaenm^a of the League iv spite of Bloody Baitour, and we look upon bis proclamation of the national organisation as iiddiug fuel to the fire of Irish patriotism. Donegal. —Uuht Rev. Di. O Donne 1 and John Dillon, M.P., were dogged by detectives during their recent stay in Lattejkenny.

During the Father M' Fadden demonstration ia Letterkenny, District-Inspector White ordered the police to charge the people. A little Gweedore orphan firl wai thrown down and trampled by a " peeler." Sh« wai rendered unconscious by the shock. At the recent meeting of the Oolumbkille Irish National League, J. Farrell, chairmann, the following reaolntion was adopted : — Resolved, That we strongly condemn the barbarous conduct of Balfour's headmen at the Ennis, Kilruah, Ea iturk, and Loughrea meetings, and we congratulate the perseverance of our leaders and people in oar great struggle against brute force, oppression, and falsehood. At the Coercion Court held at Letterkenny the appeals of Fathers M Fadden ant Stephens, and Mr. Blanc, M.P., were heard. The sentence on the two latter gentlemen were confirmed, and tbat on Father M'Fadden increased to six months. Dr. O'Donnell, Bishop of Raphoe, and John Dillon, M.P., wer* present in court. Mr. Dillon, on hearing the decision of tke court, said that Balfour wanted to kill Father M' Fadden by imprisonment. The regular meeting of Bally bofey Irish Natioaal League was held in the League Booms recently, James M'Kelrey, chairman. The chairman referred to the popnlar triumph in the appointment of the patriotic Dr. O'Donnell to the see of ilaphoe. Daniel M'Garraghan moved, and Patrick Connolly seconded, the following? resolution :—: — That we now inform Bloedy Balfour that the desire for an Irish Parliament did not originate with a few individuals, but has its source in the hearts of 20,000,000 of the Irish race at home and abroad. Down.— -The population of this County was 272,107 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are: — Marquis of Downshire, 64,356 acres ; Kimberly estate, 37,454 ; Lord Annesley, 23,567 ; Marquis of Londonderry, 23,554 ; Colonel William B. Forde. 19,882 ; and Lord Dufferin, 13,085. Constable J. Owens has resigned. He has been stationed at Newry for some time. He sent the following explanation of his conduct to the Inspector-General of the R.[.C. : — I desire to record my sincere protest against the manner in which the officers have persecuted policemen suspected of sympathising with their down trodden countrymen." The tenants on the Brookes estate at Knockanamy, were visited recently by the sub-Sheriff and 90 peelers. Jamea O'Hare. Francis Bookes, J. Byrne, E. O'Hare, Mrs. Hughes, aod Mrs, Cunningham, the people who were to be evicted, had adopted the Plan of Campaign, and cleared their farms of everything A.ll that could be discovered by the evicting brigade was £5 worth of hay which it took them a whole day to collect and cart off. Dublin.— The Blunt defence fund now amounts to £1.300. At the last meeting of the Society for the preservation of the Irish Language, R. J. O'Duffy Chairman, letters were read from J' Holland, Ballinispittle, Connty Cork; Rev. T. P. O' Byrne, Clondalkin ; Rev. E. Growney, Maynooth ; and Hey. M. Foley, Ringville, Dungarvan, on the progress of the movement for the revival of the vernacular. Monsieuis D'Arbois and de Jurbainville, Paris, Bent a brochure, entitled '■ L'Exil des Fils D'Usnecb," which was also read. Fermanagh. — The population of this County was 85,87t in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are : — Marquis of Ely, 34,879 acres ; Lord Erne, 31,398; Lord Enniskillen, 29,635 Sir Victor Brooke, 27,994 ; M. Archdall, 27,410 ; and John Madden, 143,74. Galway. — The people of Kiltormer assembled on April 14 , and built a house for J. Gilchreest, who was recently evicted by a local land -thief. As the coercionist prisoners, F. Finerty, P. Clasby, O. Doherty, J. Redington, and T. Kennedy, were returning to Athenry from Galwav Gaol, they were attacked by a force of police under DistrictInspector Hamilton. During the melee several unoffending people were wounded. Clinricarde, the exterminator, sued J. Fahy at Ballinasloe, for £41 5s — three and a half years " rent." Mr. Fahy was in court and produced a receipt for £20 of this amount which he had paid. Recorder Henn lectured Clanricarde on his Shylock rapacity, and granted a deceee for the balance. Here is a fair sample of the landtheives' dealing with their tenantry. l,eitrim.— The population of this Connty was 90,372 in 1881 . The six largest land-robbers in this County are Lord Massey, 24.751 acres ; Colonel Clements, 20,250 ; G. A. Fox, 18,859 ; Owen Wynne, 15,466 ; A. L. Tottenham, 14,561, and Episcopal Church Commissioners, 11,950. Limerick.— lt is Reported that the agents of the O'Grady estate have bought £2,000 worth of cattle to stock the evicted farms. At the recent meeting «f the Kilfinny 1.N.L., Thomas Hickey, chairman, the following resolution was adopted : — Resolved, That we congratulate the suppressed branches of Clare, Cork, and Galway for their stand in defence of National principles. The O'Grady's evicting brigade have been hard at work latterly. On April 17 sub-sheriff Hobson and 80 police mad* a descent on this place and evicted William Slatteiy, John Courtney, Patrick Slattery, Thomas Fitzgerald, and Michael Dineen, a labourer. Patrick Slattery has a family of nine children. L,OUth.— The work of extermination has been renewed on the Masserxne estate. A battle is raging between land-thief Forster and his tenants in the Loutk district. The tenants have adopted th« Plan of Campaign and demand a reduction of 20 per cent. At the Tralee Quarter Sessions, April 20, Judgo Curran said the only members of tb« community who prevented the restoration of order in the C«unty were the landlords. King's County.— The population of this County was 72,855 in 1881. The sir largest land-robbers in this County are :—: — Lord Digby, 29,722 acres ; Lord Rome, 22,513 ; Lord Cbarleville

20,032 ; Marquis of Downshire, 13,679 ; Colonel Bernard, 13,153, and J. U. K-ing, 10,242. Mayo.— The population of this County was 245, 212 in 1881 ™ o ß ' x digest land-robbers in this County are ; Maquis of Slieo,' 114.871 acres; Viscount Dillon. 83,749; Col. Palmer. 80,900 ; Lord Lucan, 60 570 ; T. 8. Carter, 37,772, ani G. Clide, 35,229. Meath.-The population of this County was 87,469 in 1881. Ihe six largest land-robbers in this County are : Lord Darnley, 21 858 acres; I. L. Naper, 18,863; Lord Landsdowne, 12 995; Lord Athlumney, 10,213 ; Earl of Fingall, 9,589 ; and Viscount Gormanstown, TOQi M J? naßfllail# ,~ Tke P°P ulatl °Q of this County was 102,748 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— E. P Shirley 26,386 .acres ; Lord Rossmore, 14,839 ; Sir J. Leslie, 13,621, and Vis' count Templeton, 12,845. • ,J* O8comi *»O«»— The population of this County was 132,490 in 1981. The six largest land-robbers in th s Ciunty are -—Col King oA rm , ftn^ ™' 2 i 2 acreß ;H P - Mahoa » 26 - 980 i Lord De Freyne, 25,437 ;T. W. Sandford, 24,41 1 ; E. Tenison, 1 6,915, and Colonel French! 12,271. At the recent meeting of the Doon and Clonfree 1.N.L., John Hughes, Chairman, a resolution was passed congratulating the Irish jeaders and people on their success on September 8 in showing that t he League was not a thing of the past in the proclaimed districts. SlijfO.— The Most Rev. Dr. Gilhooly, Bishop of Sligo, has writ ten a letter approving the adoption of stringent legal measures to enforce the closing of public houses on Sunday. Tipperary.— The population of this County was 199,615 in 1881. Tne six largest land-robbers m this County are :— Viscount £lo m °«' 34 ' 945 acre 9 ; Lord Dun aUey, 21,081 ;G. K. Dawson, 19 093 ; M. Cbarteris, 16,616 ; Marquis of Ormonde, 15,765, and Vial count Hawarden, 15,272. . TTjTOHe»— Some of the Orange roughs who persecuted a Cathohe priest at Strabane on Easter Monday were arraigned before Magistrate Humphreys April 16. As is usual in such cases, the criminals were all let go scot-free, while peaceful Nationalists are imprisoned without cause all over the country. "Westmeatll.— The population of this County was 71,798 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— R Boyd 16,391 acres ; Lord Longford, 15,014 ; John Malone, 13,715 : Lord Castltmaine, 11,444; Lord Greville, 9,783, and Captain Smyth, "Wexford.— The population of this County was 70,386 in 1881. The six largest land-robbers in this County are :— Lord FiUwilliam, 89.891 acres ; Viscount Powerscourt, 38.725 ; Marquis of Waterford, 26,035 ; Lord Wicklow, 22,103 ; J. M. Hugo, 17 937 and Lerd Carysfort, 16,291. A public meeting was held recently at the town hall, Wicklow. The speakers protested aeaiost the change of venue in the Kerry murder trials, objecting to bringing the pris mers from their native country to Wicklow, where their manner of life was Dot understood, and where it WdS impossible for them to get a fair trial. A great Nationalist Demonstration took place at Boolavogue April 14. Two hundred extra police were drafted into the district by the Castle's tools, but they did not interfere with the meeting. Key. P. Doyle, CO., presided, and in the course of his speech said they were standing on the graves of some of the '98 heroes and they would not forget, their sacrifices for Fatherland. P. A. Chance and W. K. Redmond, M.P.'s also addressed the people and encouraged them in the struggle against feudalism and alien misrule. A grand feature of the meeting waa the presence of the local football club, a fine body of stalwart young men who wore jerseys of green and scarlet with the motto, " Remember '98," in orange letters across the breast.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 12, 13 July 1888, Page 21

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 12, 13 July 1888, Page 21

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XVI, Issue 12, 13 July 1888, Page 21