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Owino to pressure on our space laat week, we were obliged to hold over the following prize list : — Diligence.— Prize presented by his Eminence Cardinal Moran, Archbishop of Sydney, for highest marks attained during the year.— Alfred Malley ; next in merit Stephen Ryan, Alexander Mcllroy, William Tymons, Joseph D'Ath Francis Barnard, William Butler, Bernard Rogers, Robert Hayward honourable mention, Thomas O'Shea. N.B. — Honourable mention is awarded to those pupils who, for oae reason or other, are debarred from competition. Good Conduct. — Intern Students — Senior Division — Prize medal presented by his Grtce the Most Rev. Dr. Redwood, S.M., D.D., Archbishop of Wellington — -John Brown ; next in merit, Bernard Rogers, Joseph D'Ath, Alexander Mcllroy. William Tymons. Alfred Malley, William Bourke. Intern Students — Junior Division — Prize, Stephen Ryan ; next in merit, Francis Barnard, George Harper, John Ainsworrh, John Casey, John Henley, Francis Kennedy. Extern Studends — Prize, H*rry Lichlscheindl ; next in merit, "William Nidd, William Ahem, John Casey, John Keefe, Robert Collins, Alexander McDonald ; honourable mention, Joseph B. McDonald. Christian Doctrine. — Matriculation Class — Prize medal presented by the Very Rev. A. Sauzeau, S.M., Vice- Provincial — William Wixcey ; ne^t in merit, Tnomas O'Shea. John Sheridan, Cornelius Clarke, William Hackett. Alexander Mcllroy. Second Class — William Tymons, 1 ; Daniel Malone, 2 ; next in merit, Stephen Ryan, Joseph D'Aih, John Roche, Gerald Ahem. Third Class— Robert Hayward 1 ; James Kennedy, 2 ; next in merit, Huntley Saunders, Francis Barnard, William Butler, John Ainsworth. Fourth Class — James Bourke, 1, John Casey, 2 ; next in merit, Michael Cleary, Thomas Brennan, Charles Dounelly, William Ah^rn. Fifth Class— Thomas Primate ; next in merit, Lawrence O'Sullivan, Russell Grace, William Beatty, James O'Dwyer. Preparatory Class. — Senior Division — Prize, Eugene rUmbell and John Casey, equal ; next in meri% Ethelbart Smith, Joseph Mahar, Patrick Garvey. Junior Division — Henry Hayward and William Pucnam, equal ; next in merit, Ernest Lyons, Philip Mulligan, Francis Kennedy.

Special Prizes. — Ess iy- writing. — Prize presented by John Cumin, Esq :— Stanislaus Mahoay ; piize, Thomas O'Shea; next in merit, Joseph D'Ath, John Sheridan, James ritead, William Tymons, John R iche. Irish History. — Prize presented by Thomas Cahill, ftf.D. — Al red Malley ; next in merit, Thoma9 O'Shea, William Hackett, Alexander Mcllroy, John Lempfert. Impromptu oratory — Prize presented by the Hon. Joseph A. Tole. — Stanislaus Mahony (speech on " Education and Religion ") ; next in merit, John Sheridan, Thomas O'Saea, John L^mpferr, William Hackett, Alfred Malley.

English. — Matriculation Glass, — Essay writing — Literature and Authors : — Alfred M^lley ; next in merit, Thomas O'Shea, Alexander Mcllroy, John Lempfert Thomas Roebuck. English History and Geography. — Thomas O'Shea ; nextm merit, Alfred Malley, Alexander Jlcllroy, Cornelius Clarke, Thomas Roebuck. Grammar and Analysis — Thomas O'Shea, 1, John Lempfert, 2 ; next in merit, John Sheridan A'fred MaJey, Alexander Mcllroy, William Wixcey. Second Class. — Knglish Composition — Jnhi R)che, 1; Joseph D'Ath, 2 ; nexcin merit William Tytnons, Daniel Alalone, Sydney Sauoders, John Quinn, Literature and Authors. — John Koche, 1, Gerald Ahem, 2 ; next in merit, Stephen Kyan, William Tymons, Bernard Rogers, James Siead. English History and Geography. — Stephen Ryan, 1, Joseph D'Ath, 2 ; next in merit, John Koche, William Tymons, John Quinn, Thomas Malaghan. Grammar and Analysis. — William Tymons, 1, William Htydon, 2; next in merit, Joseph D'Ath, John K-jarney, Douglas Burne9, Herbert Honldsworth. Third Class. — English — George Harper, 1, William Butler, 2 ; next in merit, John Ainsworth, John Brown, Stephen Barrett, John il'Coy. English Authors — Francis Barnard, 1, Kob^rt H.iyward, 2 ; nexc in merit, John Ainsworth , William Butler, Huniley Sauuders, George Harper. Irish History — Robert Hay ward, 1 ; William Butrler, 2 ; next in merit, J hn Ainsivorth, Huntley Saunders, Ge Haydon, Stephen Barrett. English Hisiory and Geography — Huntley Sauuders, 1; John McCoy, 2 ; next in merit, John Ainsworth, James Kennedy, George Harper, William Butler. Grammar and Parsing — Francis Barnard, 1 ; John Brown, 2 ; next in merit, Robert Hayward, Stephen Barrett, George Harper, John McCoy. Fourth Class — English Composition — Charles Kennedy ; next in merit, Joseph McDonald, John Casey, Thomas Brennan, William Missen. English Authors — John (Jisey; next in nvrit, John Henley, Denis O'Heary, Daniel Mahar, Harry Bennet. Irish History. — Michael Cleary ; next in merit, Thomas Brennan, Jjhn Ryan, Daniel Mahar, Joseph Uorboy. Outlines of History and 05-eograpiy — Fnocnas Bcennaa ; n^xt in merit, Daiiet M.iher, John Casey, Joseph McDonald. Alfred McDonald. Grammar and Parsing — Joseph McDonald ; next in merit, John Casey, Daniel Maher, William Fitzgerald, John Ryan. Fifth Class. — Reproduction. — Edmund Harper ; next in merit, Salvatore Cimino, George Grimstoue, William Nidd, William Fallon, Reading and Recitation.—

Russell Grace ; next in merit, William Fallon, Salvatore Cimino. James A. Richardson, Thomas Primate. Irish History —Eugene J OBnen; next in merit, Kusaell Grace, Thomas Primate, William Be £-fr Law , rence O'Sulhvan. Outlines of History aad Geography — William Beatty ; next in merit, Edmund Harper, Thomas Primate. Ruisell Grace, EdmuDd J. O'Brien. Grammar and Parsing.— Edmund Harper ; next in merit, George Grimstoue, William Nidd, Salvatore Cimino, Charles Narbey. Preparatory School.— Dilligence-Intern Stndents.— John Casey: next in merit, Joseph Mahar, Henry Hay ward, Eugene Kimbell, Francis Kennedy. Extern Students—Robert Collins ; next in merit Philip Mulligan, John Lessington, Alexander McDonald, Charles Holcroft. Senior Division.-Exercises—Ethelbert Smith: next in merit, Robert Collins, John Casey, Joseph Maher, Eugene Kimbell. H*s ™^. a , n - S P? llin g— Patrick Garvey ; next in merit, Eugene Kimbell, Ethel bert Smith, Joseph Saunders, John Scully. Recitation— x 1C , ,. vey? Dext in merit ' Phili P Connor, Eugene Kimbell, Joseph Maher, Alexander McDonald. Geography— E ugene Kimbell • next in merit, Ethelbert Smith, John Casey, Joseph Mahar Robert Col ings Grammar and Parsing -Joseph Mahar; next in merit, Ethelbert Smith, Eugene Kimbell, Rsbert Collins, John Casey, Penmanship-Thomas Gaffaney ; next in merit, John Casey Joseph Mahar, Ethelbert Smith, Eugene Kimbell. Junior Division.— Reading and Spelling— Ernest Lyons and Henry Hayward, equal ; next in merit, Thomas McEvedy, James Beatty. James Butler, Francis Kennedy. Recitation— Philip Mulligan ; next in merit, Thomas McEvedy, Henry Hayward, William Lyons, Bernard Devine. Penmanship-Thomas McEvedy; next in merit William Putnam, Henry Lyons, James Butler, Bernard Devine Latin.— Matriculation.— Grammar and Composition-Thomas Sii ; « e f.- m "J ep|t » John Lempfert, Alexander Mcllroy, Alfred Malley W.lliam Wixcey. Translation-Thomas O'Shea ; next in merit, Alexander Mcllroy, John Lempfert. William Havdon, Alfred Malley. Second Class.-Grammar and Composition— Thomas Roebuck; next in merit, Sydney Saundera, James Stead, William Tymons Douglas Burnes. Translation— James Stead ; next in merit, Thomas Boebuck, Sydney Saunders, Gerald Abern, William Hackett : honourable mention, Cornelius Clarke. Third Class.— Grammar and Exer-cises-Lharles Kennedy; next in merit, Stephen Ryan, Herbert Houldsworth, George Redwood, Thomas Malagnan.-Translation-Stephen Ryan ; next in merit, Stepnnn Barrett, Pf.ilip Cooney, D miel Molone Herbert Houldswortb. Fourth Class— Grammar and Exer-cises-Richard Lovegrove ; next in merit, John OKeefe, John Casey, Fraucis Dunne Fifth Class. -Grammar- John Henley ; next in menn Patuck Fay, Thomas Piimate, Laurence O Sullivan. Greek .-Grammar and Exercises-John Ainsworth ; next in merit. George Harper, John Kearney, Thomas O'Shea French.-Matnculation.— Grammar and Composition-Alex-anderMcl^oy; next m merit Thomas O'Shea, Alfred Malley, John Sheridan William W.xcey. Translation-Thomas OShea ; next in merit, Alexander Aicllroy, John Sheridan, Alfred Malley William W.xcey. becond Class -Grammar and Exercises-James Siead* next in treat, William Haydon, Thomas Roebuck. Sidney Maunders Job., Qainn. Tianslation-Wslliam Haydon; nest in merit, James Head, cy.iney Saunders Thomas Roebuck, William Hackett. Third Cass—Giammar and Exposes- Jona Ainsworth, 1 ; John Brown a M^ aD !H l btedy ' tq ? al; n ' xtin merit ' ««"«« Kenwood .TosepS McDonald b-epben Barrett. Fourth Claas.-Grammar -Stephen Ryan ; rust in merit, Jo.eph D'Ath, George Grimstone, John O'Keefe Class.-Gra.nmat -Patrick Fay; next in merit, Bernard Rogers, Ihomas Kivauagh, John Henley, Thomas Primate. Gei man. -Gramma, and Exercises-Harry Lichtscheindl ; next Ch^le" MaSl?" ' * J°hMtollJ ° hMtOll ' honourable meDti ™> Mathemi tics. -Matriculation.- Arithmetic -Alexander Mcllrov S e herid n a n mer r' Alfl f d *■»«*. W j"^ Wixcey, Thomas O'Shea John' bhendan. Geometry —Alexander Mcllroy ; next in merit William Tympu,. ThomaP O'Shen, Wilham Haydonf Alfred MaHey ' AliebS -Wnliam llaydon ; next m ment, Alexander Mcllroy, Alfred Malley, 1 horna 8 O Shea, John Sheridan. Second class. -Arithmetic -Douglas Bumes ; vest mm,,i , JoßephJ oßep h D'Ath, Daniel Bheedy, Beraard Ro£r S JohnQaiun Geometry-Oeiald Abern and Phill/p Cooney, eqfa?' next in merit John Quinn, John Kearney, Thomas Hodgins/ Bernard Rodgers. Algebia-bemard Kodgers ; next iv merit, J?h,i Kearney John Quinn, James Gallagher, Herbert Houldsworth. Third class -Arithmetic- Stephen Kyan and John Brown, equal ; next in m< nt, Jarms Ward, Mandl, Richa.d Quinn, F?ancis Barnard Haydoo. Geomet.y- Charles Mandl ; next in merit, S.ephen S^; a Q Ainsworth John McGain, Francs Barnard Dmiel Malone A.gebra-Stephen L^an ; next iv merit, Francis Barnard John McGain, Patr ck Uallan, Thomas llalaghan John Ainsworth Fourth cla, 8 .-Arubmetic-John McCoy, 1 ; Hairy Lbhtscheind and John Kyan equal, 2 ; next in ment, Siepheu Barrett, William Butler Joseph Corboy, Joseph McDonald. Geometry - Senior DivU 6ion-Fia,,cis Dunne; next in merit, George Harper SteXn Barre tt John O'Keete, Harry L.oht^heindl. JuniSbivisionCecil Ueaiy ; next m merit, William Fitzgerald, Thomas Brennan iJ^J -t ph" 1 ! F J h l Class - JohnHeQle y' 1 ; Erneat Smith, 2; next WiZm if " t y> C<iSey ' EdmUDd Har P er . Pefcer Mora ward John L^sington, Phillip Mulligan, Oswald Johnston 7 * bciences.— Matriculation. -Mechanics— Thomas O'Shea- next BheS B l a r Uey ' °p rQeliUS ' Clarke ' LempfSt', John bhendai bemor Course.— Botany-Stephen Byan ; next in merit Joseph U Atb, James SLead, John Ainsworth, George Hamper Patnik Callan, William Haydon. Junior Oourse.-Z ologi-SlnßaVitt-

Rogers, Thomaa Hodgins, William Burke. Junior Division— John Ryan ; next in merit, William Missen, Peter Mora, Joseph Corboy, Charles Narbey. Collegiate Course Thomas Roebuck: next in mm u rit wA C^ ard a Quinn ' John B rown, Douglas Bumes, Patrick Fay, John Jtt Gain, Stephen Ryan. Commercial Correspondence.— Senior Division— Joseph D'Ath ; John Quinn, William Bourke, John M«Coy sfi!T a p lth wn" niOT D i7 ißicm -William Fitigerald ; next in merit, John Ryan William Miesen, Denis O'Leary, Thomas Brennan Onarles Narbey. Penmanship.— Senior Division— Huntley Saunders' next m me -it, John M'Coy, Patrick Fay, Herman Smith, James Ward! m« n lOr ,^ lvl | lon — William Missen ; next in merit, John Casey, Alfred M Donald, Lawrence O'Sullivan, Thomas Primate. Phonetic language— Sydney Saunders ; next in merit, Bernard Rogers, Alfred Malley , Sydney Coppin. nu y io o; tio ?'-J°l»n Sheridan ; next in merit, Stanislaus Mahjny , Charlea Mandl, George Harper, Stephen Barrett. Fine Arta.— Oil Painting— Stanislaus Mahoney ; next in merit, J Gallagher. Watercolor Painting : J. Gallagher, honourable mention Drawing.— Senior Division— John McGain ; next in marit, William lymona, Sydney Coppin, James Gallagher, William Haydon, Alex Mcllroy, Daniel Malone, Joseph Ooiboy, James Kenaedy. Junior Division— Salvatore Cimino and Harry Lichtscheindl, equal ; next V? er i t ,'/° J se ? h McD oaald, Charles Mandl, Stephen Ryan, Donald Reid, Alfred McDonald.

Music —Prize medal presented by Rev. Father Patterson (Palmeraton), for excellence in instrumental music : John Ainsworth. Violin : William Hackett ; next ia merit, George Haydon, Jamea Ward, Russell Grace, John Quinn. Piano.— Senior Division : William Haydon ; next in merit, Salvatore Oimino, Herbert Houldsworth, Eugene Kimbell, Alexander Mcllroy, John Roche, Thomas Malaghan Junior Division : William Tymons ; next in merit, Thomas Brean%n, Thomas Mcßvedy, James Kennedy. College Brass Band-John Ainsworth, 1 ; George Haydon 2 ; next in merit, Salvatore Cimino, William Hackett, Alexander Mcllroy, Thomas Malayan. College Choir— Salvatore Cimino ; next in merit, William Butler, Herbert Houldsworth, Harry Bennett, William Wixcey, Thomas Malayan. Drill.— Senior Division : John Quinn ; next in merit, John Rjcne, James Gtllagher, Sydney Saunders, Richard Qainn, William Boarke. Junior Division. : George Harper ; next in merit, James Kennedy. Harry Lichtscheindl, Francis Dunne, Joseph McDonald. Prizes obtained for Four Next in Merits.— William Bourke, Cornelius Clarke, Joseph Corboy, Ja nes Gillagher, Herbert Houldsworth, John Kearney, John Keefe, Francis X mnedy, Daniel Mahar Thomas Malaghan, Charles Narbey, William Nidd, Lawrence O'Sullivan.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 35, 23 December 1887, Page 27

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ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE, WELLINGTON. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 35, 23 December 1887, Page 27

ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE, WELLINGTON. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 35, 23 December 1887, Page 27