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Irish News.

JkNTßni.— The Lisburn tenantry of Sir Richard Wallace have accepted a redaction of 10 per cent., although they asked doable that amount. Captain M'Hatdy's report on the Belfast riots will recommend better barracks, more rapid conveyance for the police during riots, and the employment of mounted and plain-clothes constables, with more prompt action. We (United Ireland) hear no dreadful threnodies about the state of Antrim from any of her Majesty 'a judges. It remained for an English newapaper.the Pall Mall Gazette,to direct the attention of the English Government and people to the remarkable contrast which the ultraloyal municipality of Belfast presents to the rest of Ireland at the present assizes :—": — " Two mnrders, one homicide, seven shootings, three Toundings, and sixteen cases of riot, make up a record which can hardly be matched in all the rest of Ireland, excluding the eight disturbed counties. But Belfast is ' loyal,' and loyalty covereth a multitude of sins," says the Gazette. In this connection it may be noted that it was at Downpatrick a small instalment of juatico against the murderers of the poor boy Curran at the Alexandria Docks, last year, was obtained. A ship-carpenter namedjWilson, one of those charged with that crime, was convicted of homicide and sentenced to seven years' penal servitude, while a number of others, charged with participation, were acquitted. Though it is significant that even this scanty modicum of justice could Dot be obtained from a Belfast jury, we have never heard the faintest whisper of a suggestion that Belfast prisoners should be tried at the Old Bailey. Armagh.— The Jobn-Mitchel branch of the Keady Young Ireland Society held a crowded meeting at the Town Hall on February 17. D. MacAleese delivered a lecture on Ireland's National poets. Cablow.— At the opening of the Carlow Assizes on March 1> Baron Dowse congratulated the Grand Jury upon the peaceable state of the County, the criminal calendar being very light. He concluded : —If it be true, as said, that a country is happy that has no history, the County of Carlow must be happy, because it has no criminal history. Jts moral character appropriately corresponds with its phya'cal. It is as moral a county as ii is possible to travel through. Clabe. — In November of last year the tenants on the estate of Iff. Gardiner, of Dublin, situate at Caherhurley, Body ke, demanded an alUrourd abatement of 20 per cent. The agent refused. The tenants then formally adopted the Plan of Campaign. Father Murphy acquainted the agent of the course adopted by the tenants. A few days ago the agent again invited the tenants to his office, and announced that the landlord had decided oa acceding to their demand in sts entirety. An impeding demonstration, under the auspices of the Sixmilebridge Branch of the National League, was held in Sixmilebridge on February 27, for the purpose of directing public attention to the treatment received by John Frost, of Rossmanagher, from his landlord, V. H. D'Eaterre. The intention of holding the meeting had been kept a profound secret until the previous day, when the police got wind of it,and early in th. morning they bad near 200 men in the village under the command of District Inspectors Hill, of Ennis ; Siddal, of Tnlla, and C. N. McDonnell, of Sixmilebridge. For several hours before the \aeeting was held a force of about fifty police under Inspector Hill was drawn up in the square in front of the platform, and a Government note- taker in uniform was in the centre. An immense number of people attended the meeting, which included contingents from TulJa, Eilkishen, O'Callaghan's Mills, Bodyke, Quinn, Newmarket, and Clooney. About 5,000 people in all were present. Cork. — The Middleton Guardians, with one dissentient, adopted a resolution on February 26, expressing gratification at the result ef the State trin ls and the defeat of jury-packing prosecutors. The second match of the Cork teams for the Munster Football Challenge Cup, at present held by Baodon, was played off on March 1 in Cork Park between the Cork and Bandon Football Clubs. Bandon won by a goal and a try to nothing. After a lons and bitter struggle Sir Joseph N. McKenna has yielded to his tenants, who demanded a reduction of 20 per cent. He has also remitted all costs of the proceedings, and the rent has -consequently been banded over to him. ™ On March 2, John Savage, Sheriff's officer, Einsale, accompanied by a number of police, proceeded to the lands of Garrylucas, near Ballinspittle, and evicted a farmer named Donovan for non-payment of rent. The landlord is Col. Walton Knolles, of. Walton Court. On February 25, an imposing demonstration was held at Mitchelstown, which was brilliantly illuminated as a token of re joicing for the support the Kingston tenantry have received from all ths surrounding properties. Several bands performed in the streets till a late hour. About 8,000 persons were addressed by Rev. Dr. M'Carthy, Thomas Condon, M.P. ; John Mandevill, and John Cullinane. At the City Conrt-house on February 25, the interest in the pretr'ses of six traders in Mitchelstown was sold by execution at tbe instance of the Countess of Kingston. The six traders are also tenantfarmers on tbe estate of the Countess of Kingston, and having joined the Plan of Campaign, they disposed of all their stock in view of possible seizures for the rent due. Tbe Countess of Kingston having oeen 'oiled in this respect to obtain the rents the interest in the premises was sold, and in each case the houses were knocked down to the landlady's representative. The Mayor of Cork, Mr. T. Condon, M.P., and a large number of local Nationalists were present in the interests of the tenants. A demonstration similar to those common on the Kingston estate took place on the Leader estate at Carrass on March 2. The people of the surrounding country for a radius of over 20 miles assembled

on the estate to till lands of tenant! who have adopted the Plan of Campaign. About 1,200 horaei, with ovary kind ot agrionltnul implements requisite for work, were employed at the operation. Great enthusiMm prevailed. During the day contingents oame from Banteer, Newmarket, Kilbrin, Kanturk, OasUemangner, ani several other places, and before nightfall crops were sown on the farms of several campaigners. On March 2, at Macroom Police Barrack, Bartholomew Buckley, who was arrested on February 23, was brought up for the purpose'et identification. On the 14th of February a series of raids were madeim the house of James O,Keeffe, I&chasine ; Cornelius Creed, Droumkean and Thomas Murphy, Anabala and three guos^and a revolver were take*, A young man named Andrew Bnttimer has been returned for trial to Macroom Quarter Sessions for this raid . Buckley was placed in the batrack yard amongst fifteen or sixteen men, being some countrymen, and the remainder townsmen, and whilst so placed five person's, including the servants of James O'Keeffe and Cornelius Creed, and Thomas Murphy himself, who, it was alleged, saw and would know the raidets were brought singly to look at the men, and all of them failed to identify any of the men as being concerned in the raids. Th* prisoner was then brought before Charles Raycroft, J.P., and discharged. Daniel Connors, of Carrigagulla, arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the same md, was also discharged for wFTitol identification. Donegal. — Notices of eviction have been served on BundoMß. Believing Officer for a number of tenants on the Teekan property. Ike Sheriff is daily expected. Tbe Dublin Gazette of February 25, contains a statutory notiae of a charitable bequest in the will of John Graham, late of Ballintra, by which it is provided that, in case his son Norman de Gietne dies > a minor, and without issue, " Tbe farm in Aughadulia. known as Ahgadulla Hill should be given (the tenant-right thereof) free*! charge to the inhabitants of tbe village of Ballintra and the people of Drumholm parish for a public park." Tbe rector, the parish priest, and the police officer of tbe district for the time being are appointed trustees for the carrying out of the bequest. At the Petty Sessions held in Bunbeg on February 28, 29 men were charged with unlawful assembly, riot, and assaulting the polios while in the discharge of 'their duty protecting the Sheriff during the execution of ejectment decrees at Knockfolla, in the parish of Gwee- ■ dore, on the 18th of January last. The disturbance out of which the prosecution arose occurred on the mountain-road leading to the , Bloody -foreland district, where a number of evictions were to take place. A very large number of persons had assembled, as is usual oa such occasions, and in some places the roads were blocked by boulders which had been rolled on to it. To avoid these obstructions the evicting party marched across the mountain, coming out on the road beyond them. The crowd of people assembled were walking along this road in front of tbe police and were overtaken by them. At tbe point where tbe police came up with the people the road is bounded on both sides by a soft bog on which it was impossible to march. The police, who were going the fastest, attempted to clear the people ojf the road to allow themselves to get on, and for that purpose drew their batons, when a general melee ensued, in which several policemen and civilians were wounded, one civilian dangerously so. The evidence was not at all clear as to which party was the aggressor in 1 the first instance, but at any rate the authorities summoned 29 persons on the charge of being concerned in the affray.^. The cases occasioned the greatest excitement in the locality and tbe Courthouse at Bunbeg was surrounded by a tremendous crowd from (he time the Court sat in the morning until the trials concluded at 6in the evening. The Court-house is situated in a niche among huge granite crags, which were lined with frieze-coated men, and women wearing bright-coloured shawls, the tops of tbe rocks being occupied by the sombre clad constabulary armed with rifles, the whole forming a very picturesque and interesting picture. Over 100 police in charge of Mr. Beresford, R.M., County- Inspector Alcoek, and District-In-spector Sullivan, Dungloe, were drafted into the district in anticipation of some disturbance, but they were not required, except to | over-awe tbe people by the display. After a lengthened investigation 1 the magistrates returned John Gallagher, Joseph Boyle, James Magee, .W. Coll, Denis Gallagher, Daniel M'Ginley, Owen Magee, John Ferry, James Harkin, Denis Campbell, Charles Gallagher, Patrick O'Donnell, and Daniel O'Donnell, for trial to the Assizes. Dublin. — On February 27 a great Nationalist demonstration took place at Baldoyle. There was an exceedingly large attendance aud the greatest possible enthusiasm prevailed. Contingents came from all the surrounding districts, and the presence of many band*, banners, and deputations lent an air of earnestness and vigour to the proceedings, surpassing most demonstrations of a similar kind that have taken place in County Dublin. Bands from Kinsealy, Malahide, Portmarnock, and Dublin trade bands attended. The statue which the committee of the Dr. Cabill Memorial entrusted some short time back to tbe competent hands of Mr. Cabill, of Great Brunswick street, is now almost complete. The likeness Is stated to be a perfect one by those who knew Dr. Cahill in the full zenith of his fame. Tne figure is 6ft. 3in. in heigth. Tbe expression aad features of the subject have been caught, and the pose of the figure is very fine. Robed in surplice and stole— which the sculptor has skillfully availed of to display some delicate reponsse work— the late gifted and eloquent Irishma • ia represented in a preaching attitude with a book in one ha ad and the oihtr hand raised in gesture with the index finger pointing upwards. A touch of genius pervades tbe whole work. The material employed is Irish white limestone procured from Ballinasloe, which is admitted to be much better adapted to the bnmid climate than the more commonly used Canam. marble. The committee require assistance to enable them to carry out their undertaking to a successful finish, and stimulated by .the receot action of a few Irishmen in respecting the last wishes of the deceased and bringing his remains over three thousand miles te> repose in his native clay, monetary support required thould be at once forthcoming*

Down. — The tenantry of the Ballyginney property of the late Mr. Murphy petitioned a few days since the agent, Mr. Johnston, for 20 per cent.^reduction off the present rental, which had been judicially J4cd some years ago. Tiro clear days after receipt the agent replied, by the service of ejectment decrees on four of the petitioners, all Orangemen. Of the four thus summarily treated, and who are of a high valuation, three labored hitherto very actively in the Conservative and landlord's interests. At the meeting of the Newtownards Guardians on February 16, B. O. Young moved — " Tbat owing to the great cost of maintaining in order an extensive workhouse premises, that for many years not more than one«fourth of which is occupied, also for the payment of a full and complete staff of officers for same, our establishment charges are a wastefuland uncalled-for expenditure of money ; that as indoor relief is not only disliked and unpopular with the poor, bnt also very generally condemned by the ratepayers of this union, the out-door system being the acceptable and only popular one, and as by far the greater number of our destitute poor are relieved in this way, this Board of Guardians respectfully ask the Local Government Board's approval to close our workhouse on and after 25th March next for the relief of indoor paupers, only retaining intact the hospitals and infirmaries, and here after in this union to grant relief for the destitute in the way of out-door relief." The workhouse was erected to accommodate 1,200 inmates, and for years there have not been more than 200, yet they had to levy rates to maintain the premises in perfect order and to keep a full staff of officers.|The Board by a majority of 10 to 8 passed the motion.— There was buried on February 24 in Bobo burial ground, distant about 6 miles frem Derrygoanelfy, the remains of an old lady named McManus, who had lived to the extraordinary age of 105 years and retained all her faculties up to within a few days her demise. She had a clear and distinct recollection of the horrors of 1798 and could recount many exciting instances which occurred in Fermanagh about that period and since. GAXWA.Y.— On February 18, over 100 farmers witn ploughs arrived on the farm of James Lynam, Eyrecourt, who recently met with an accident while labouring in the National cause, and in a short time ploughed up all his tillage ground. They afterwards performed similar good work on the farm of Mi. L'ynam's brother Peter, who has Deen served with a writ of ejectment by Lord Clanricarde. A policeman, one of a reinforcing party proceeding on a car to Ballyshrule, near Portumaa, (says United Ireland of March 26), raised hid rifle and fired at the house of a farmer named Grehan, whose family were all inside at the time. The charge of buckshot passed through the window, and it is marvellous how the inmates escaped injury. Previous to this the constable had presented his rifle at several persons working in the fields along the route. lie has been arrested and brought before a magistrate, and will be Bent for trial at petty sessions. The most suggestive thing in connection with this story is that this constable, whose name is Hayes, had the charge of the informers in the Bally foran muider case aud that of the explosion at the house of Mr. Boss Mahon at Ahascragh in 1883. Kkbbt. — On February 28 sub- Sheriff Huggard took possession of the Killarney market-place and offices lately occupied and managed by the Town Commissioners and handed it over to Lord Kenmare's representative , At the coming County-at- Large Presentment Sessions for Kirry the Paymaster-General will apply for a sum of £5 477 odd for expenses for extra police for the half-year ending 30th September, not including police expense at evictions. Sir M. Hick-Beach's Parthian shaft has produced its effect, apparently, amongst the police force in places outside Toughal (says United Ireland). We have word of two affairs which point suspiciously towards an eagerness on the part of some ill-conditioned members of that force to give liberal and bloody emphasis to the "' harder than batons " mot d'ordre. For instance, a young man named Lenehan has been Bhot dead near Tralee under terribly questionable circumstances. A. body of police were in ambush at the house of a farmer named King. They allege that a party of disguised men came up as if for moonlighting pui poses, that they called on them to stand, that they met with resistance, and that they fired on the retreating maiauders. The young man, Lenehan, who was killed, it has been proved at the inquest was in no way concerned in auy moonlighting operations, if any such were going on when the police fired their fatal volley. He was servant tc a neighbouring farmer, and was shot at bis master's door. The conduct of one of the police at the inquest also tended to invest the affair with an element of deep suspicion. This constable openly endeavoured to intimidate one of ■ the witnesses by his movements and his demeanour, bo much so that he brought upon Himself the censure of the coroner. Kilkenny. — On February 20 the Templeorum Branch of the League erected a comfortable hut in close proximity to his former holding for a tenant named Lacy, who had been evicted by his landlord, Peter Walsh, J.P., for non-payment of rent. Limbbick. — On March 2 the Limerick Grand Jnry passed a presentment of £416 to William Waller, Castletown, as compensation for the alleged malicious burning of his house. Waller himself is a member of the Grand Jury. Several smaller presentments for alleged malicious injuries were passed, the total amount so awarded being £723. The tenants who were evicted some months since from the property of John Gubbins, Bockhill, were, on March 2, reinstated under a writ of restitution under the Land Act. Father Sheeny, P.P., Bruree, by lecturing throughout the country succeeded in raisiug si ffi - cietit money to redeem the farnrs. The village and surrounding hills were illuminated. The Mount St. Lawrence Cemetery Committee have given a site within the cemetery for the proposed monument to Allen, Larkin, and O'Brien. The work of erecting the memorial will be immediately commenced by P. Kennedy, the contractor for pedestal and cross, the figure of Erin being executed by a leading Dublin artist. It is to be hoped that the balance necessary for the completion of this noble work,

which will amount to anout £200— the entire cost will be about £500 — will be readily subscribed by those who have not already answered the appeal of the committee. F. Hobson, County Sub-Sheriff, was to have put up for sale at the Limerick Courthouse on February 27, the tenants' interests in eight farms under writ of fi. fa. for non-payment of rent. Two of these farms were on the property of William Lysaght, at Knockadoolis,near Herbertstown. In the other cases the owner was Mary Bebecca Ellard, a minor, by Elizabeth Ellard, her next of kin, and the farms were situated near Oola. The Courthouse was crowded by a number of farmers from the neighbourhood of the two estates, about 20 police being also present. From, the moment that the Sheriff put np the first farm for sale, the proceedings were persistently interrupted by the people in court, who alternately cheered for the Plan of Campaign, and groaned and booted the landlords, their representatives, and solicitor, as well as the Sheriff and auctioneer. Finally the Sheriff was compelled to adjourn without having sold a single farm. After the Sheriff bad retired, the people attempted to hold a meeting in the Court, which, however, was cleared by the police. On February 27 return matches between the Limerick and Tippeiary teams were piayed under the most favourable auspioei. The weather was all that could be desired and the arrangements excellent. Special trains were run for the occasion. The Clonmelmen, having a previous engagement, were conspicuous by their absence, which was no small relief to the Limerickmen, who missed most formidable opponents. Their places were 'well supplied by Bansba and the other clubs, who well maintained the prestige of the Premier County. The rendezvous was the market-field outside Limerick. Several clergymen and many ladies were present. The Tipperary team, comprising the Bansha Football Club, Tipperary Commercials, Arravale Bovers, and Slogbead Football Club, arrived in Limerick by special train, and were met at the station by a large number of Limerickmen and the Victuallers' National Brass Band, who played them through the city and on the market field. Sloghead beat St. John's, Limerick, with ridiculous ease by five points to one. Limerick Second Commercials and Tipperary Commercials proved very evenly balanced, neither side scoring for' the first half-hour. Then the Tipperary men by a brilliant dash secured a point, but Limerick responded by two points in succession and won the game. In the next game Limerick a^ain proved victorious, St. Michael's, Limerick, defeating the Arravale~ Bovers by two goals and four points to one point. The First Limerick Commercials maintained their unbeaten record, although their opponents from Bansha scored three points before the Limerickmen woke up to their danger. Bansha did not score another point, and the Commercials won by two goals and seven points to three points. Louth.— On February 20 an immense crowd attended at Castlebellingham to witness a football match between Castlebellingham and Drumleck. The former won by one goal (5 points) and five forfeits to one point and one forfeit. On the same day Dundalk Catholic Young Men's Society beat Louth by a goal and a point, and a team from Dunleer and Philipstown administered a fearful drubbing to Ardee, who were only able to score one point against three goals and six points made by the Dunleer men. Mayo.— On February 25, a force of 200 police, under the command of County Inspector Dabby, accompanied by Messrs. Byrne and Roche, resident magistrates, proceeded to Logboy, with the Sherriff's bailiffs, who went to make a seizure on the Nolan Ferrall estate. The police were met by a crowd of about twelve thousand men and women, who attacked them with stones, forcing them to retire to the road. Several of the police were injured. Bey. Canon Waldron, P.P., intervened to prevent further violence. The bouse at which the seizure was effected was sarrouaded with watsr, aud the bailiffs and police entered by means of a pontoon bridge. A determined attack was made on the police on March 1. They were attacked by a crowd which numbered several hundred and increased as the police advanced towards the barrack, the police having arrested two of the rioters wko struggled most determinedly. The police, however, succeeded in bringing the prisoners to within about 50 yards of the barrack, when they were fiercely attacked with stones, several cf them receiving very serious injuries. One policeman named McCarthy had his skull fractured. AX this juncture the two prisoners were rescued by the mob. Great excitement prevailed throughout. One woman is reported to be dying from the effects of a blow received. During the riot some shots were fired, but no one was injured from that cause. Four of the supposed rioters have been arrested since. Two of the policemen are in a precarious condition. Meath. — Eight writs of ejectment have been served through the post on tenants of this estate, the landlord of which is George Leopold Byran, of Jenkinstown, leiutenant in the 10th Huisars. The tenants asked for a reduction of 20 per cent, on their rents, the lands being rushy and poor, but the agent, Miles O'Kielly, D.L., Bathowen, Westmeaih, refused it, and the tenants then adopted the Plan of Campaign. Monaqhan. — The tenants on Lord Bath's estate, CarrickmacroM, have concluded arrangements for the purchase of their farms under Lord Ashbourne's Act at a reduction of 40 per cent, on the rental, the landlord giving a year's rental to all and- forgiving all arrears. All evicted tenants are allowed back into their holdings on the same terms. Queen's County.— We (United Ireland) have reason to know tbat the vindictive eviction of Mr. Denis Kilbrine on the Luggacurran estate is already ringing in the ears of the Governor-General of Canada from every newspaper in the Dominion. It is impossible that our kinsmen in Canada, who number a third of the whole population, should long tolerate a Governor-General who execute! this savage vengeance upon Mr. Kilbride for siding with his humbler brother-tenants against their tyrant. The money that hires the brutes who hacked Mr. Kilbride's furniture to pieces with hatcheta and sledge-hammers is Canadian money. We refuse absolutely to believe that that generons- hearted Canadian Parliament who have time and again expressed their sympathy with the Irish straggle, tank

who in 1880 voted £20,000 for the alleviation of landlord-created famine, will endure that the name of their free land should be sullied by association with Lord Lansdowne's inhuman destruction of the homes of Loggacurran. We "published a few weeks ago the startling list of reductions decreed by the Land Commissioners at Abbey leix on the estates surrounding Lord Lansdowne's The fact that Mr. Kilbride's valuation is £424, while his rent was £760, is conclusive evidence that rackrenting on the Lansdowne estate is no less appalling. A sentence of destrucdoi against a man for seeking an alleviation of 30 per cent. up->a such a rent is a crime of the deepest dye ; and although the Luggacurran people had to suppress their wrath and submit to the outrages of the emergency rabble as best they could, there will be no Government proclamations or shotted guns to prevent a million of Irish Canadians from bringing the emergencyr en's master to book for the infamies he is perpetrating with Canadian money. Bent Reductions, varying from 20 to 50 per cent., were made by the Land Commissioners who concluded their sittings at Abbeyleix on February 26. The landlords thus declared by a legal tribunal to be rack-renters included Lord Castletown, whose rental on seventeen holdings was pulled down from £994 17s, to £674 10s ; and Captain Cosby, whose rental on twelve holdings was reduced from £177 Bb. to £110 10a. St. George Caulfield, whose tenants adopted the Plan of Campaign three months ago and lodged their money with trustees, has caved in and accepted his rents at 20 per cent, reduction. He bad served 13 eviction notices, which be has now withdrawn, paying all costs, Bosoommon.— The Crown solicitor of Boscommon has served notice upon John McNulty, Thomas Kenny, James Waldon.Micbael Flanagan, and Andrew Flanagan, wbo were arrested for connection with the Plan of Campaign in a house near Longhglynn, into which a number of policemen burst without any legal warrant, and who were before the justices at Frenchpark Petty Sessions on different occasions, that the prosecution has been abandoned. They had been returned for trial to the Assizes at Boscommon. The Government have also served notice upon Jasper Tully, of the Roscommon Herald, in which case the jury disagreed at the last Bligo Assiees, informing him that the Whiteboy prosecution against him has been abandoned. Tippbbabt.- J. Echolfield, Main street, Fethard, has allowed his tenants on the Coolbawn estate an abatement of 224 per cent. On March 2 at Garrangrine, near Borrisoleigh, a man named Lynch was evicted from his holding at the suit of John Cooke, Brownstone, for the non-payment of rent nearly 70 per cent, over the valuation. A large force of police, under the command of County Inspector Boss, were present, guarding the emergency men. The eviction took place in presence of Father O'Keeffe and large crowds. On February 23, a public meeting of the house tenants of Cashel was called for the purpose of establishing a branch of the House League, and in answer a great number of the citizens met in the Town Hail. Amongst those present were : —Very Bey. Dean Quirke, P.P..V.G.; Dr. LaffanC.T.C; A.Mulcahy.T. C; Joseph O'ityan, T.C.: E. M'Grath, T.C.; M. O'Sullivan, T.C.; W. Quinlan, T.C.; J. Skehan, T.C., and several representatives of the trades. About 160 head of c<tttle and 50 sheep belonging to the Gurtalough tenants, who have adopted the Plan of Campaign, having been refused an abatement by their landlord, Mr. Keane, Dublin, were auld by auction in the m rket square of Templemore on February 28, iv the presence of a large crowd of spectators, and brought high prices. A number of police were draftei into town for the occasion, but owing to the quiet demeanour shown by the people, had their tramp for nothing. A committee of the Carrick-on-Snir Guardians met on February 27, in the board-room of the workhouse to make arrangements about the labourers' cottages. Peter Walsh, J.P., of Fanningatown, the evictor, put in an appearance and was about to take the chair when Jobn figan moved an adjournment. Mr. JSgan said there was an objectionable person present and that they should do no business whilst one of his character was amongst them. Peter Walsh — 1 suppose lam the person you refer to 7 Mr. Egan— Yes. You are an exterminator, and your conduct last week towards your poor honest tenants beats all the brutality I have ever heard of. The members of the committee then left the board* room. At the meeting of Cur rick-on- Suir Guardians on February 26, J. B. Malcolmson, J.P., presiding, Mr. M'Grath proposed the following resolution, which was seconded by Thomas Kockett :— That we, the Guardians of Carrick-on-Suir Union, do most emphatically condemn the low, mean, high-banded action of the Government in superseding Sir Thomas Esmonde, M.P., as High Sheriff of Waterford. The Chairman who consulted with the Earl of Bessborougb, refused to put the resolution. Mr. M'Grath insisted that the Chairman should put the resolution, but without effect, whereupon Yn. M'Grath called upon all in favour of the resolution to stand up, ana eighteen obeyed the summons. The Chairman and three other Guardians only remained seated. Tybonb.— On February 22, the Catholic Nationalists of the town and neighbourhood of Pomeroy turned out with their horses, ploughs, and spades, and met on the farm of Bobert Delmege the most thorough and consistent Protestant Nationalist in this locality. The activity and enthusiasm with which they set to work soon showed the object of their meeting, and the result of their few hours' labour is a practical proof of tbe esteem in which tney hold Mr. Delmege and bets another example of the " intolerance " prac ised by Catholics toward their dissenting fellow-country-men. Having finished all the work required on the farm, they marched into town — the ploughmen with their horses and carfs heading the procession and tbe diggers with their op ides on tbeir shoulders bringing up the rear. When the town was reached the procession broke up and tbe members retiied quietly to tbeir respective homes. Watkbpord. — A meeting convened by placard was beli at Dungarven on February 27, to protest against the arbitrary course taken by the Government in removing Sir Thomas Esmonde from the Shrievalty of tbe County. About 3,000 persons were present, includ-

ing Catholic clergymen, Poorlaw Guardians, and members of local pnblie bodies, who oocupitd places on the platform. The Dungarren Brass Band played national airs at intervals during the proceedings, which were of a most enthusiastic character; A force of police under District-Inspector Dagg were drawn up near the place of meeting, but when the Government reporter had been permitted to attend they were withdrawn.

Westmeath,— On February 21, at Frewin, a practical demon* strati on of the sympathy of his neighbours was given to Patrick Molloy, who bad been evicted by his landlord, Major Stevenson. A very large crowd of people assembled, and just at the base of Frewin Hill, and within a few perches of his old home, and in full view, a substantial little house was erected for Molloy and his family. The work was done in an incredibly short time, the whole bouse being btult and roofed by near dusk. Contingents were present from Ballinalack, Multyfarnham, Bailinacargy, Mull' ngar.Taghmon (with splendid banner), tec.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 5, 27 May 1887, Page 19

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Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 5, 27 May 1887, Page 19

Irish News. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XV, Issue 5, 27 May 1887, Page 19