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The distribution of prizes in connection with these schools took place on Tuesday, a new departure being made in the event's coming off in the evening, instead of in the forenoon as heretofore. The change was made practicable by the old church building's being at the disposal of the Brothers, and a large assembly of the parents, friends, and relations of the boys were present. — His Lordship the Bishop as usual presiding. The following programme was carried out in a very satisfactory manner, the singing of the boys especially being far above the average. — All the vocal selections., with the exception of the solo given were harmonized, and although the singers had not the aid of an instrumental accompaniment they kept perfectly in tune. The recitations rendered, also, were very well done. And Professor Snuffles and his interrogators and introducers displayed phenomenal powers of memory. — Their jaw-breakers were in themselves a marvel in the way of recollection, to say nothing of pronunciation. Solo (piano), " Marcbe des Troubadours," J. Macedo ; recitation, " Prologue," F. Heley ; part song, " The Bridge," singing class ; recitation, " The Young Soldier- Patriot," J. Black ; solo (violin), " Selections," J: Lee ; duet (vocal), " Irish Melody," J. Sullivan, A. Hall ; recitation, " The Negro's Complaint," J. Cantwell ; part song, " The Echo," class ; recitation, " The Level Crossing," A. Hall ; duet (vocal), " The Minute Gun," F. Murphy, T. M'Bride ; part song. " Laugh and Grow Fat," class ; recitation, " The Patriot's Rebuke," J. Macedo ; solo (vocal), " She is Far from the Land," F. Murphy ; " Professor Snuffles on Electricity," J. Buckley. D. Falkner, E, Sheedy, (Pro/.), J. Delany, H. Griffin. When the programme was concluded the Bishop distributed the prizes to the fortunate winners, and afterwards delivered an address, which will be found at length in our leading columns. His Lordship also thanked those ladies and gentleman, and bespoke for them the gratitude of the boys, who had contributed They were the following, Rev. Fathers Lynch and Vereker. Mesdames Delaney, Bryant, Haydon, Mcßride, and Dillon. Messrs McKeay, Callan, Caldwell, Gourley, Smith, Connellan, Fitxgerald, McNamara, Roche, Fagan, Dunne, and the members of the Catholic Literary Society. We append the prize list, and, in order that our readers may form a better idea of the true quality of the school ,we also give the questions set for the Bishop's Scholarship. The prize list is as follows :- — 1. Bishop's Scholarship Class. — The subjects examined in were : —Christian doctrine, English, aritbmetic,book -keeping, algebra, Latin, and French. Those who succeeded in passing in four subjects, provided arithmetic was one, received a certificate for the subjects passed in and also a " percentage " prize. The following are the I names of the successful candidates, with their number of passes and I average percentage in all the subjects. (Note. — A pass is 70 per cent.) ;— C: J. Columb, to whom were awarded the scholarship and 1 medal, gifts of the Most Rev. Dr. Moran, and Mr. Roche's prize for high scoring, passed in all the subjects, averaging 93*2 per cent. IJ. J. Fairell (Mrs. Haydon 's prize) passed in all ; his average was I 92*1 per cent. J. W: Meenan (Rev. Father Vereker 's) passed in all, and made 91*7 per cent. D. J. Falkner (Rev. Father Lynch's), all ; 88 2 per cent. J. J. Connor (Mr. Caldwell's), all ; 880 per I cent. E. Sheedy (Mr. Roche's), all ; 834 per cent. H. Griffin (Mr. Caldwell's), all; 83*3 per cent. W. Morkane (Mr. Connellan's) passed in Christian Doctrine, arithmetic, book-keeping, algebra. His percentage in all was 778. J. Farrell (Mr. Caldwell's) passed in Christian Doctrine, arithmetic, book-keeping, and i French ; percentage for all. 731. I Special Prizes.— Regular attendance (Mr. J. B. Callan's) : E. ' Philp. Home Work (Mr. J. B. Callan's) : E. Sheedy, 1; M. Hickey, | 2. Good conduct (first prize, gold medal, presented by Mr. W. H. | M'Keay ; second prize, Most Rev. Dr. Moran's) : J. J. Farrell, 1 ; E. JKnott, 2. Christian doctrine (Father Lynch's) :J. J. Farrell. Elocution (Mr J. B. Callan's) : E. Sheedy. Penmanship (Mr. N. Smith's): W. Burke. Shorthand (Mr. N. Smith's): C. Columb. Mapping (Mr. Columb's) : J. Macedo ; second prize, G. Morrell. Improvement in English composition (Mrs. Delaney's prize) : J. Connellan. Dux of school (silver medal, presented by the Dunedin Catholic Literary Society) : D. J. Falkner. 11. Junior Scholarship Class. — Subjects examined in ; Christian ' ' doctrine, English, arithmetic, booking, geography and history, 1 orthography (catch words), 60 per cent, is a pass in this class. The ' following having passed in four or more subjects, one of which waß arithmetic, were awarded prizes accordingjto their percentages in all 1 the subjects and a certificate for the subjects passed in :— T. Walsh \ (to whom were awarded the junior scholarship and Mr. W. H: > ', M'Keay's silver medal as well as Mr. Caldwell's percentage prize) passed in all the subjects averaging 89*5 per cent. T. Webb (Mr. ( Caldwell's prize) : passed in all, making 83-8 per cent. J. Kennedy (Mr. T. M'Namara's) passed iv all, averaging 80-8 per cent. J. 1 Delaney (Father Vereker's) : all except geography ; average in all, 80-5 per cent. A Hall (Mr. Gourley 'e) ; passed in all, making 80-1 percent. J. Cantwell (Mr. Gourley 's)) : all; 798 per cent. M. • Francis (Mr. Gourley's) : all ; 78*3 per cent. J. Dillon : Christian ' doctrine, English, arithmetic, orthography ; 76*1 per cent. W. Yamm : all expect bookkeeping ; 758 per cent. E. O'Neill (Mrs. l[ Delany 's) : all except orthography ; 73"6 per cent. J. Geerin (Mr. 1 Connellan's) : Christian doctrine, English, arithmetic, bookkeeping 71 3 per cent, in all. F. Murphy (Mrs. Haydon'*) : all except

orthography ; 70 per cent. J. Buckley . Christian doctrine, English, arithmetic, orthography , 66-5 per cent. H. Mulloy : Chrihtian doctrine, English, ar.thmetic, geography ; 64*8 per cent. Special prizes. — Regular attendance (Mr. Caldwell's) : T. Walsh. Home lessons (Mr, Caldwell's) : Frank O'Driscoll. Good conduct (Father Lynch's) : J. Delany. Christian doctrine : Best oral answering (Father Lynch's prize)— T. Heley. High scoring in Christian doctrine, English, bookkeeping, and orthography (Father Vereker's) : Alf. Griffen. MIDDLE BOOM. Class IV.— D. Edmonds (Mrs. M'Bride's prize) ; Christian doctrine 1; arit^meticl, grammar 1. W. Connor : Christian doctrine 2, arithmetic 2 (Mr. Fitzgerald's) home lessons. John Bryant (Mr. Roche's) : Christian doctrine 3, writing. Thomas M'Bride (Mr. Gourley's prize) : Singing, drawing and geography. Daniel Walsh (Mrs. Bryant's prize; : Arithmetic and home lessons. Thomas Hussey : Grammar 3, home work 2, and Christian doctrine (Mr. Fagan's prize). Patrick O'Neil : Grammar and home lessons. T. Butler (Mr. Dillon's prize) : Christian doctrine and geography, James Milligan : Writing and grammar. Charles Wilkins : Arithmetic and home lessons. Joseph O'Brien Drawing and home exercise. John Walsh : Arithmetic. James M'Donnell : Grammar and drawing. Michael Fitzgerald : Regular attendance 1 James Guthrie : Arithmetic and geography. Ernest Johnson : Drawing and geography. James Mulloy : Reading and home lessons. Henry Day : Christian doctrine, improvement. J. O'Sullivan : Singing: Second Division — Michael Morrissey : Christian doctrine 1 and writing. Joseph Walsh : Christian doctrine 2, James O'Keilly : Geography. Andrew Murray: Christian doctrine 3 and geography. Gabriel East : Christian doctrine 4 and grammar. William Kay : Arithmetic. William Kirk : Writing. Patrick Whitty : Arithmetic. John O'Hagan : Geography. Henry Attridge : Dictation. William Cahill : Home exercise. Edward Kennedy : Regular attendance, Arthur M'Kay ; improvement. Class 111. — J. Fagau ; Christian doctrine, reading, spelling, and arithmetic. J. Drumm : Christian doctrine reading and spelling. J. M Nab: Christian doctrine, writing, and spelling. D. Daly : Christian doctrine, writing, and spelling, J. Sheedy (Mr. Roche's prize) : Reading and home work. C. Day (Mrs. Roche's prize ) : Writing and home work. E. Wilkins : Reading and home lessons. A. Konkel : Arithmetic and writing. R. Cotter : Home lessons and Cor stian doctrine. H. Miles : Beading and dpelling. A. Costello : Arithmetic and home work. Alfred Trinder (Mr. Roche's prize) ; Christian doctrine and spelling. S. Bernech: Chistian doctrine and home lessons. J. Barry : Writing. John M'Quillan : Home lessons. J. Fitz Patrick : Home lessons. J. Liston writing. M. Hannon : Christian doctrine. William Brown : Home work. Frank Woods : Christian doctrine. Good conduct (bishop's prize) : Michael Fitzgerald JUNIOR BOOM. First Division. — J. Rowan . Christian doctrine l,home lesions 1, kome exercise 1, and writing 1 (Mr. R. Dunne's prize). J. Divine : Christian doctrine 3, arithmetic 2, home lessons, 2, home exercise 2. J. Black : Christian doctrine 2, home lessons 4, reading 2, home exercise 3. R. Pearson : Reading 1, home lessons 3, spelling 2. R. Wilson : Christian doctrine 4. writing 4, home lessons 5. J. Morrell : Spelling 1, home exercise 4. J. Gramaldi : Arithmetic 3, spelling 3. W. Holmes : Spelling 4, reading 4. J. M'Kewen : Arithmetic 1. M. M'Grath : Spelling 5, home exercise 5. W. Nesbitt : Home exercise 6. Second Division. — P. Coner : Christian doctrine 1, home lessons 2, arithmetic 1, and writing. James Kay : Christian doctrine 1, spelling 2, home lessons 1, reading 1. H. Corrigan : Christian doctrine 3, arithmetic 2, home lessons i. C. Walsh : Christian doctrine 4, home lessons 3, reading 2. John Kay : Home exercis3 2, writing 2, spelling 3, reading 4. Thomas Stewart : Spelling 1, Christian doctrine 5, home exercise 1. T. M'Dermott : Arithmetic 3, reading 3. R. Whitty : Arithmetic 4, Christian doctrine 5. E. Bush : Writing 3. R. Wilson : Good Conduct (the Bishop's prize).

BISHOP S SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION, DEC. '86, Christian Doctrine. — I. General Catechi&m. 1. What is meant by the " Unity of the Church " ? 2. Give the words addressed to St. Peter by Our Lord, when he made St. Peter head of the Church. 3. Sbow by some passage from the OH Testament, that the Jews believed in Purgatery. 4. Why do Catholics honour the relics of the Saints ? 5. What is meant by servile works ? 6. Mention the chief duties of servants, apprentices, etc., to their masters. 7. Explain what is meant by calumny, and what is meant by detraction. 8. Who is your neighbour ? 11. Scripture History : 1. Describe briefly the capture of the city of Jericho. 2. Mention a few circumstances about Josue, Gideon, Jephte, and Samuel. 3. State the manner in which Saul was chosea king. 4. Describe the circumstances connected with the death of — Sanl. 5. Give some particulars of the life of Absalom. 6. Mention briefy the chief events of Solomon's reign. 7. What was the cause of the schism that took place after the death of Solomon ? BNaCISH. 1. [The following passage is to be written from the dictation of the Supervisor, and the papers so written to be delivered up before the candidates receive this paper.! " The highest intellects, like the tops of mountains, are the first to catch and reflect the dawn. They aie bright while the level beltn il still in darknesi. But soon the light which at firit illumin-

ated only the loftiest eminences, descends on the plain, andjpenetrates to the deepest valleys." — Macaulay. 1. (a) Parse fully the words in italics, in the above passage ; (b) classify all the phrases in the same, accoriin? as they are nov/nal, adjectival, or adverbial, giving your reasoa in each case. 3. Analyse fully — " I was deceived by the information which you brought me, because it was not correct. Parse the words italicised in — " Woe worth the chase, woe worth the day Tliat cost thy life, my gallant grey." 5. Write at least six words that are used only in theplural. 6. What is the possessive case plural, of— Man, Eagle, Child, Monkey ? 7. Write a description of Dunedni. ARITHMETIC. 1. Divide nineteen millions ninety-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven by four thousand and nine. 2. Required the weight of one guinea, if 45 can be coined from a pound of gold. 3. If 17 yards of silk cost £4 8s 64d, what will be the cost of 120 yards at the same rate ? 4. Suppose the wages of 54 men for 36 days amount to £60 15s, what will be the wages of 30 men and 56 boysfor 32 days, supposing two men to do as much work as four boys 1 5. Find the value of 7339 lbs. <§> £5 3s 9d & lb. 6. How many yards of carpet 27 inches wide, will cover a room 15 feet long by 13 feet broad? 7. Find by Practice the cost of 369 miles, 3 furlongs, 22 yardß, of telegraph wire @ £141 3s 4d y mile. 8. What is the interest of £612 10s for 6 years @ 3$ per cent 1 Book-keeping. 1. The following entries appear in Day-book : open Accounts in Ledger, and post the entries :—: — £ s. d. Nov. 3rd, Received from T. Brown 55 10 0 „ „ Sold J. Smith, goods 320 0 0 „ „ Paid rent of shop ... ... 150 0 0 2. How is a Goods Account closed 1 3. A merchant pays £50 a year insurance on his premises : what entries should he make in his Ledger for this amount ? 4. If a man commences business with £1000, and gains in a year £500 profit ; if he finds at the end of the year that his cash on hand is £1250, that his expenses have been £250, that he owes £100, and that nothing is clue to him : how much has he gained or lost during the year? 5. Draw out a form of Receipt in favour of Jones and Robertson, who have paid you £400 out of £1000 due to you. (Want of time prevents our giving the Algebra paper.) LATIN. I. Espress in English :—: — Diogenes Cynious Myndurn profectuß, quutn videret magnilicas portas et urbem exiguam, Myndios monuit, ut portas claudereat ne urbs egiederetur. Zeno adolcsc^ntulo, gui inepta multa loquebatur, " Idcirco," inquit, " aures habemus duas ec os uuutn. uL plura audiamus guam loquamur." 11. Put into Lalin :— (1) The houses of the city are beautiful. (2) The remembrance of these things is pleasing to us. (3) Demosthenes and Cicero were renowned orators : the former was a Grecian, the latter a Roman. 111. 1. Decline fully in the singular — {a) Parvus Puer. {b) Magnum regnum. 2. Write the accusative cases, ,iing. and p lur of — consul, nubes, calcar, genu. 3. Write the 3rd. Person Plural, Perfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive of rego, audio, and moneo. PKENCH. I. I Express in English :— (1) un negotiant rcrivant a son ami qu'il pensait avoir oublie chez lvi une boite dor, et le priait de la faire chercher et de la romettre au porteur clfi sa missive ; et en post-scriptvm, il ajoutait : "Ne cherchez pas ma bolte je viens de la retrouver," — puis il cachette sa lettre et l'euvoie. (2) Un gentilhomme de la cour demandait h Louis XII. la confiscation des biens dun riche bourgeois d'Orh':ans, gui s'etait declare" ouvertement contre cc prince, avant son av6neau'nt au trone. 'Je n'etais pas son roi, 1 ' r6pondit-il, " lorsqu'il ma o£Eens6. En le devenant, je suis devenu sou pore. Je dois lvi pardonner et le dcfendre."—Bebquin, 11. Turn into French :—l.: — 1. The boys have many cherries. 2. The man sells blue paper and red ink. 3. No rose is without its thorns. 4. Twelve years ago. How old is she? The year 1887. This man can walk (faire") two thousand miles in three months. Henry the Fourth, 500 horses. 762 scholars. 111. Grammatical Questions: — 1. Write the plurals oigcnou,feu,nez, travail, eiel. 2. Write out fully in French all the persons of did I receive. 3. What is the 3rd Person Plural, Past Definite of aimer and venire ? 4. Give the masculine singular of blanche, turqiic, vieillc, and the feminine plural of grcc, sot, vif, cher, and svjet. 5. Write the names of the days of the week.

That invalid wife, mother, sister or child can be made the pic tutd of health with American Co.'s Hop Bitters. Observe

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIV, Issue 35, 24 December 1886, Page 11

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CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOL. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIV, Issue 35, 24 December 1886, Page 11

CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOL. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIV, Issue 35, 24 December 1886, Page 11