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News of the Week.

Fbiday. Jrifc state' of affairs at t>arihaka still continues unsatisfactnrv Vr JJuwteaiu,, The Natives show a determined opposition to Sttlera Volunteers. As honorary corps: Auckland College Bine VolnnteeiS Auckland Naval Coastguard Volunteers, , Woolston CChristdhS Stn^^offle^ (AUCklaUd) ** VolunteeST^nS mJvrSt B t^l^n oWi^^ &Wklin S^ telegram in the arts* s^s&&z&drxr&tt ngteit tte ro«f imp&abfe ti whj 'traffic for »£e&eks to impression that burglars were about, fired off a,,revolver to scTre the^ SKi-^S 6 P^ n - te m now SQi °g Mr. Tatum SJ £100 • aTSriSS for assault and injury to their sons' nervous systems. v*™*^ in Ai «fe ♦ dedd S d *° form a com Pa«y with a capital of £8500, Brighton? conßfcr act a tramway 'from Ohristchurch to New «tJ^%^ d S? ta ! l0 P * f IS^ dn^ r leaves fOT Rome on June 12, and expects to be back in Australia by December. A M S« Ne^, So 4} hh IWale|contmgeut1 Wal e|contmgeut are tinder orders to return to i^ \ and J w I IU leave Souakim for Sydney on June 6. England will award medals to the contingent for their services in ihe Soudan la. the House of Commons on Wednesday nieht Mr Gl&datnn* on liftSff 68 !*!?? fw^t^ewan state that a pitched battletook place on Monday last between General Middleton's forces and the rebrfs Sp nit-ol 8 + ? ' "f^tjng Jn the latter being ousted from their SftSSL t^? PP ° mt Of be b& y° net - Durini the struggle the Saturday. HVpl w i 8l erS Me T- e 7 usy P re Paring for ihe coming session. It i a 555 L? bea ,P? r , hclar ;y important one. It is believed that the two ZS wniT^ 36^ 8 °ifi the disposal of Native lands a °d local govern^ iSStaiCft^ considered and dealt with. The fS Btetement is likely to be delivered before the end of June? The i£%L ° f^.ye^^^blyevery serious consideration, w there « f^ J addltlonal <*«««» which will have to be provided for such Sifci.^^.expenditure, the increasing cost of education, the anf« »* h J*»*ion, the contribution to ftecostof governin?New ?V?v a * I* w said that the Government have uSnaS tor tZ purchase, of all the district railways except one. Bach lmneement ?r^a g * 818 were out all ni ? ht « ? nd exhibited Ughts and fired guns, but to no purpose. Word- was sent to Auckland, and the Saidas launch, with a search party of 32, j proceeded to MotuaS yesterday .where the officer was, f ound at Beid's. He had fallen dowS USSfa * M •*?*5 B -W i -B*»* fc .:wap,.iwnself uninjured, lltet TE da®t 00nscl0UfineBS from the fall he wandered about all Jght Si

,«*I?X ye *^5 ifolfowing extravagant' and ridiculous mesiaee tor sSj^«l Wortb i~ I ? i 8 Te^ oTted that * he Vatican. wiffsubStto jßngland lliree namesjin connection with the appointment'^ in AreE iSfanfttaL ' aQd * hat Bißhcp Mo^SeWm 9 BeWSrrt ifi^fPw? 6111 ? 6114 at Sydney have been advised that ithe New 'South Wales contingent, which will shortly embark for home win be transported at theeSpense of the British Government. The Whote of the horses sent to the Soudan with the Colonial krtffleU have been presented to the War Office as a gift from -New l!££fts2 L ?K ff f ° m r Souakim anno ™*» th!t LieutSanNcoSlßichard: r g u c s^^ . n n ß =£? Otl ?^ OM are Bt L U P r °ceeding in regard tojhe Afghan frontier SiSridA whPS?^?* 1 ?' th eß^ian boundary shall be- fixed ward of & 7^lZ the J lon \ 1^ ?f? f Af B nani9 tan will^not extend northward of the Zulfikar Pass, leaving a neutral zone between the two 5X2? ?J e /^^ Btates th attbeßußWao,vefnme?twm not sanction^the draft .agreement drawn up. for the settlement 61 the question, and that parleying has been resumed. > , Monday. , , t „ John Collins, a miner has been killed at Barryfcown by r * tree ialling across h»tent r durmg 'the night. A verdict of, ',!A«Qidßntal death was returned, Deceased was a native of Cork, and loyearj piaced,on Jfce London market some Itime next month. Ahitch has occurred in the settlement bf the Brancd-Olikeae 'question. j ' It is reported that Italy will occupy Souakim. ' ,- The DaUy News states that the. point of, difference between England and ttussiaon the Afghan frontier question does riot involve any essential portion of the agreement recently come to by the two countries. It is announced that his Imperial Majesty the Czar has despatched a letter of thanks to General Komaroff, together "with a diamond-mlted sword. , v . w -^ Ref »r ring to *^ c * riah q» eßti on in the Honse of Commons on Bnday, Mr. Gladstone announced a partial renewal of the 'Prevention of Crimes Act in Ireland, and stated, that the Government are at present unaßle to deal with the question of Irish local self-govern-ment, or to proceed with the Land Purchases (Ireland). Bill. , The insurrection fomented by Louis Kiel, is • collapsing,, and numbers of rebels are daily tendering their submission to General Middleton. Advice to hand from Saskatchewan state that liouis Kiel has been captured. The nine-pounder battery with which the Coloniat Artillery were armed by the Home Government on their arrival at Souakim has been presented to New South Wales by the War Office. The . Australian contingent embark for Sydney either by the Union Steam Ship-Com-pany s Arab or the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Decean? It is understood that the Hon. Mr. Dalley has declined the honours offered him in recognition of his action in offering the services of the New South Wales contingent to England. Lord .Wolseley adyised that 80 of the New South Wales contingent should visit England, and Mr. Howard Vincent and others were willing to defray * the expenses of the visit. Tuesday. By the April number of the New Zealand Schoolmaster, we QWangmuz Herald) learn that Mr. Thomas Lloyd, 8.A., Sydney University, was admitted ad etmdem to the 8.A., degree, N. Z. University. Mr. Lloyd is the teacher of St. Mary's Parish School, Wanganui. . ' The contract for the completion of section No. 1 of ,the Thames Valley and Rotoiua railway was signed yesterday by Mr. Fallon. The pnce is £27,041, and operations commence immediately. The Australian contingent embarked at Souakim on Sunday Morning, and were loudly cheered by the British troops on shore. At a dinner on board the- transport, Lord Wolseley; who was present, addressed the Colonials, and in the course of his Speech expressed surprise at the appearance of the men, which he said was most creditable for a force just off active service. He concluded by assuring them they carried with them the heartiest good wishes of himself and staff for their homeward voyage. . , „.!/.•; We give the following telegram for what it is worth. All report! touching Catholic or Irish affairs should be^ received with, caution :— The Irish Bishops are opposing the rumoured appointment bf Bishop Moran, of Sydney, to the Archbishopric of Dublin. Frosts are injuring the English hop crop. . ', .[ Louis Kiel, the leader of the recent rising at Saskatchewan, will be tried for treason. ' - • Late information from Khartoum states that the Mahdi is in great straits. Wednesday. Ttie largest fire that has happened in New Plymouth for years occurred shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday morning in a block o£ buildings of which, Courtenay's auction mart formed .thejcentre, and in the shop, connected with the .fire is supposed to have commenced. When the alarm was given the fire had got a good hold. The shop of Stohr (jeweller) and two empty shops on either side of him, Tole Brothers' butchery, the New Zealand Clothing Factory, Mrs. Oallaghan's grocery and bakery soon followed, toe fire being stopped at that end by a railway line separating it froth Br'ask and Co.'s fancy , warehouse. On the other side, Ford's (draper) and Jackson and Lightband's (shoemakers) shops soon followed. , The backs oE the houses in Brougham street, on the -other side, of the railway Jine, also at times caught fire, but the flames were extinguished. The Imperial Hotel was saved by the great exertions of the Fire Bridage. During the fire it was pouring with rain, so that most of the goods saved, but not housed, were damaged. The wind was blowing a gale from the tiea> which.

caused, the fire to extend, notwithstanding the efforts of the firemen and a good supply of water. In addition to those mentioned before, the following buildings were burnt : — Mafflin and Dingle's furniture warehouse in Brougham street (caught from the back; ; Owen and Graham'? drapery sample zoom at the back of Fords 's ; Mrs. Sarten's two-storied house in Currie lane, Calson's two cottages, Mrs. Callaghan's bakehouse and stables, and Oourtenay's Hall, which till lately was used by the Salvation Army as a meeting-house. The Hon. Mr. Ballance paid a visit to Parihaka on Monday, and saw all the principal people residing there, including Te Whiti and Tohu. Te Whiti, who was in his house, was reticent and mysterious at first, and complained that the Native Minister had not visited him when passing through on previous occasions. He, however, soon became friendly. Tohu received the Ministerial party and. welcomed them with great cordiality, and afterwards presided at a dinner, to which the Native Minister was invited. The attitude of all the Natives of the village was most friendly, and the Native Minister felt convinced of. the gross exaggerations of the reports circulated regarding them. Comments which are being made on the Blue Book issued in reference to the Afghan question are damaging to the Gladstone Government. The inhabitants of the territory adjacent to Zanzibar are resisting the German protectorate recently established over them. The trial of the two men Cunningham and Burton, on a charge of being concerned in the recent dynamite explosions at the House of Parliament and Tower of London, concluded on Monday, when the prisoners were sentenced to penal servitude for life. Victor Hugo is reported to be in a dying condition. It is stated that negotiations are now in progress between the , Governments of Italy and Great Britain with a view to the occupation of Souakim by the former country, and that a number of Italian xroops have received orders to hold themselves in readiness for that service. In the House of Commons, on Monday the Hon. Evelyn Ashley, Parliamentary Undcr-secretary for the Colonies, stated, in reply to a question, that the Western Pacific Commissioners had sent in reports to their respective Governments, and that there was every prospect of an entente cordiale on the question. Thubsday. The withdrawal of British troops from the Upper Nile will be proceeded with immediately, and the first portion of the force will leave Dongola on Thursday.. The revised version of the Bible is having an immense sale. Germany is urging France not to accept the terms of the Egyptian Convention unless European control of the Suez Canal is provided for. Mr. Gladstone, in the course of a speech in the Houseof Commons,' referred to the early close of his political career. China has rejected three of the French demands contained in the proposed peace treaty. Eussia claims to be permitted to locate a diplomatic agent at Cabul. Her generals stationed in the vicinity of the Afghan frontier are insisting on the retention of the Zulfikar Pass. The Ameer of Afghanistan is in a depressed state, and seems disposed to buy off Russia. The Pall Mall Gazette denies that any hitch has occurred in the negotiations between England and Russia on the Afghan question.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIII, Issue 5, 22 May 1885, Page 11

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News of the Week. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIII, Issue 5, 22 May 1885, Page 11

News of the Week. New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIII, Issue 5, 22 May 1885, Page 11