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The annual concert and distribution of prizes took place at this school yesterday, in the presence of his Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, the rev. clergy of Dunedin, and several of the lady friends and relations of the pupils. The Bishop distributed the prizes, many of which were very handsome, and crowned the young lady, accorded by the votes of her schoolmates this reward of amiability and good conduct throughout the year. Some maps executed in the most finished style possible by the pupils were exhibited, amongst which the Empire of Alexander seemed to hold a principal place, but all were done with euch neatness, exactness, and finish that it was impossible to select any one as better than another. Drawings in sepia and water colours were also presented for the judgment of the visitors, and pronounced most excellent. There were also a quantity of flowers in French and rice paper, and wax, exquisitely made and arranged in bouquets with great taste. A basket full of dahlias seemed to have been filled from the garden, and roses, fuschias, &c, were perfect. In particular we noticed a narcissus in which a bee might have been tempted to seek for honey so natural did it seem. There was also a vast collection of magnificent fancy work, amongst which we considered the following especially beautiful : Crewel work, Miss M. White, a junior pupil : silk embroidery, Misses Elder, Stock, Maude Wilkins, and C. White. A cushion, on which was embroidered a branch of mountain ash, leaves and berries of the natural colours, on a ground of black satin, by Miss Quinn, a most artistic work. Pole-screens in raised work, Misses Bonnington and Morkane. Chair grounded in beads, Miss Stephenson. Lace work, Misses Proctor, Pritchard, and F. Jones. An exquisite piece of point lace, by Miss Proctor, took the prize in this department. The following programme was performed : — Pianoforte duet, " Memories of Home," played by eight young ladies simultaneously on four instruments. The performers were members of the junior classes, and the manner in which they acquitted themselves spoke highly of the care bestowed upon their instruction. French recitation, scene from Corneille's " Polyeucte " ; this dialogue was very well given by two of the advanced pupils, who spoke it fluently and with intelligence. Pianoforte duet, " Lucrezia Borgia," simultaneously on four instruments by eight of the junior pupils ; a very creditable performance. Cantata, " Mountain Maidens," part first " Sunrise." This cantata was divided into three parts, each of which was given ; but, as will be seen further on, at different intervals. We may say here, however, once for all, that it was very sweetly rendered aud with much correctness and expression by the three young ladies who took part in it, and each of whom possesses a voice of remarkably good quality. The ease with which the high notes were produced, and the total absence of any approach to straining or undue effort, as well as the clearness of the more rapid movements, testified to the skill shown in the cultivation of the vocal powers of the songstresses. Caprice, " Glittering Spray," performed simultaneously on four pianos, with marvellous precision in the time, by junior pupils. Italian recitation, Petrarch's " Canzone alia S. S. Vergine," given with good emphasis and attention to correct accent. Pianoforte duet, " Zauberflote," simultaneously by eight performers, with excellent success. Vocal duet, " Mira O Nornia," a sweet and highly-finibhed rendition. Pianoforte solo, " Over the Sea," an extremely brilliant performance, creditable alike to the talent and perseverance of the pupil, and the teaching powers of the instructress. Pianoforte duet, " Souvenir de la Madeleine," simultaneously l-y eight performers, with remarkable exactness in difficult time. German recitation scuie from Schiller's " Jungfrau you Orleans," by four young ladies, fluently and with very good effect. Cantata, part second, _" Noon," as already described. Pianoforte duet, " Les Huguenots," simultaneously by eight performers, with brilliancy and precision. Vocal trio, "La Contessa," very beautifully sung, and with exquisite expiession of the playfulness of certain passages. Grand duo concertant, " Guillamme Tell," a very fine peiformance by two of the advanced pupils, who did the mus.ic ample justice and well supported the character of the school. Cantata, pait third, -'Sunset," as already described. Fantasia. •■ Victoria" ; this is a difficult arrangement of " God save the Qucn," and was performed simultaneously by four young ladies on sepaiate iustiumcnts with extreme brilliancy. With this the concert terminated, and \\ c may honestly congratulate the Dominican Sihteis on the distinguished tebtimony borue by the whole performance to the success of their year of labour. Not only did their pupils give striking evidence of the very highebt class of inatruc-

toon possible in the various accomplishments exhibited, but the renn e P d y ft fmofnf • hea V be8 P oke the Perfectly lady-liks and K?J rLt£ P he / e J n^ tbe - mi ? sfc of which they bad been trained. WnS /• SJ; Domimck h^e, indeed, from time immemorial nS. nf £ f '? ttvb v Old world e^rywhere for the peculiar excelfn n! ?]• educatl °n bestowed by them, and a visit to their schools £ S «,? f - Pl 'T- 8 ".u 8 * convinci ngl.V that their reputation bids fair apptrtheTrt^i^^^ 1 *»*» ° f *^ &ew World. We l»H;i lQ th? 8? ca T ia Which certificates were awaided, the young %*% £XK ll h ff .i£ em we^ o ° «w equality with the winner of th! numbe? of^marks o"* ° Ut ** * PUpils Wh ° had receired an eluale l ual English, 4th Class.— Ist Prize, Miss Stephenson : 2nd Prize SSSSS ngtc ?i 3rd - Prize> MiBS Morkane ' 4th pp * ze m£? <*££ Transeriphon of Exercises, Miss Stephenson; Mapping, Miss Bonnington. Certificates, Misses Morkane and Stephenson. MaudwlSnf l9 l Ft[^' Misß Stock 5 2nd P ™ e > MiBS SS 11 ™ 8 5 3rd Prize, Miss Hughes ; 4th Prize, Miss F. Jones. wfS P Cumming ; Mapping, Misa Maud in;n«? C n? B> MM T SSes Btock - c «nm™g t Sheedy, F. Jones. English 2nd Class, Ist Division.— Ist Prize, Miss Conup ; 2nd pTcSo T™ der; 3rd Prize Miss A. Hallenstein; 4th PrSe M? S s ScSt. Transcn P tlon of Exercises, Miss Elder ; Mapping, Miss 2nd Prif^ BMi2n<8 Mi 2n<^ aS J" 2nd D j™ion.-lst Prize, Miss Malaghan; PavlSch' T„ " a ? ney ;*; * 3 J d Prize > MiBS Harr °P 5 4th Prize t Miss S Gafeey. ranscriptlon of E^rcises, Miss GodsS ; Mapping, Miss wortKr^Pr-r 18^?^^ 8^ 11 ; 2nd Prise, Miss G. HackKsVrinHon f % MIBS H - Williams; «h Priza, Miss G. Woods, liams %V f Xer^' Beß ' ¥, iBS Water8 5 Mapping, Miss M. WilWWte, Hates ' * * Williams ' Irwin i G. Hackworth, M. French, 4th Class.— Prize, Miss Bonnington. French, 3rd Class— Prize, Miss Stock. French, 2nd Class, 2nd Division—Prize, Miss West. HfiJ^M- %?J lßt Diviß ioa--Prize, Miss Hackworth. CerS^3£?o. I SS^S tor ' Harrop ' * wmiam9 ' Mficate^Sss'lrwin. 1388 ' Division - P ™> Miss Watson. CertifiGerman.— Prize, Miss Bonnington. German and French Exercises— Prize, Miss Stephenson. mJ^^aTpr^Zt^^'' CertifiCateS ° f attenti ° D ' Mi ss t ri RoW iC V lßfc rr ICIaSS-~1 CIaSS -~; Prize ' Mlss Stepbenson; certificates, Misses Bonnington, Cooper, Sbeedy, J. and M. Wikins Connn ft % 2l lf ? a^T7 Prize ' H " Hallenstein ; certificates, Misses Conup, Elder, Scott, A. Hallenstein, Godso. West" 5 ' 3fd Class — Prize > Miss Curie; certificate, Miss Wp 9^« th w c i iC ' 4 2- 1 ? IaS , SS r >^ Prize ' Miss Hales ! certificates, Misses Weavers, Wat,on, Mills, M. Stephenson, M. White, X, Lees, G. HackBonntn te £,n° ntOßOOkkeeping "~ PliZe ' EWer ; certificate ' Miss Writing— Ist. prize, Miss Scott : certificates, Misses Stephenson, M?SSf £° D> <f' M , eenan< 2nd Prize ' Miss White ! certificates rSf ri° P » S< a ?, d A - Gaffne r> West > O'Driscoll, Curie, Ross Hackw O rth'bame ZZ r coe on MISS 5 ° ertifiCate8 ' MiSSCS M " White ' G " 2nd P? W^7 : ~" Pn TZT Z w M , { ™ Morkane 5 Ist certificate, Miss Stephenson, 2nd Pnze, Misses J. Wilkins, Stock, M. Wilkins «„„• t . S^ nior Prize ' Misses Key berg and Gerity; 2nd Senior Prize Miss Bonnington ; certificates, Misses" Stephenson and Wo ii 8 n Uni ?J- Prize Mlss Ross ; certificates Misses Watson and gJJ™ ' 2nd Prize > Mls s Guthrie ; certificates, Misses Martia and F. wnh-W'VHt^ Miss Pl ' itcfl ard; 2nd Prize, Miss Proctor; certincate, Miss Wain. and Proctor VV ° lk '~" PriZP ' MiSB Gerity ' certilicates Misses Meenan, anC7^°l k-k -~ lst ? nze ' Mivs WLitc : certificates, Misses Bonnington, Stephenson, Morkane, btock, J. Wilkins, M. Wilkins, f mmfJ ;- I ? e ? bei &. Quilln ' Elder ' and Co °P«-. 2nd Prize, Miss Lees ; certificates Misses Norman, M. White, Kent, M. and E. HackCarroll ° P) Weavers > Hales, Gilkspic, Watson, R. Day, and Modelling— Ist Prize, Miss Stephenson ; Certificate, Miss rSfi $? V f♦? f«^ Miss Proctor ; Certificate, Miss Elder ; Ceitificates of Attention. Misses Gaffney and Quinn. nincr? 8t I>risse ' Miss A - HallensU-in ; Certificates, Misses BonHal& bte P^ n r , so p n '. Stoc k. Gerity, Hughes, Elder, Proctor, Conup, H. Hallenstem ; 2nd Prize, Miss lloss ; Certificates, Misses Kent, Meyer, M. btephenson, G. Woods, and Meenan rpri?« OD £n StiC D+uties--?D + uties -- ?1 ' ize ' Miss Morkane; Certificates, Misses X* e!S. n «BS' JK^r 1111 11" 11 ' Wliitc> Cooper - Harrop > A7>nnrsnif ene p'~ + ISt cl>lic I>li: :' c ' t Miss Stephenson; Coitificates, Misses SSS GHG H e "t y ' f ° ck ' Hu S hes . W™, El^r, Proctor, P ritcbard, Wn n \ i-5 81 , enS i e i? , : r ud Pnze ' lMit ' s Koss ; Certificates, Misses liwin, Day, Ethel and Mildred Hackwoith. Deportment.— Ist Puze, Miss Stock ; Certificates Mis<?™= R mi °£.w. wa y; Cert.ficatcs^hsses Morkane, Hughes, Proctor, Pritand E. Wotds Hallenstein > Koss ' M - Stepheason, Gille.pie, Irwin, Ali«.-J C |!?i?i Afctcudan^-~lst Pri.c, Miss F. Jones; Certificates, Mw a os Stepujusou, J. Wilkius, and H. Wilkins ; 2nd Prize, Miss

Waters ; Certificates, Misses S. Gaffney, A. Gaffney, Ross, and Irwin. Boarders Catecbism.-lst Prize, Miss Gerity; certificate, Miss Rf°^v m fc £?, Pr u e ' M^ 8 Ql ? inn; certtficates, Misses Morkane, Stock, White, Malaghan, Poppelwell, Meenan, Pavletich, Harming Bennett, Gillespie, A. Morkane, and Conway. 3rd Prize, .Miss L Harming ; certificates, Misses Martin, and Wearers. Scripture History.— Prize, Miss Gerity ; certificates, Misses Morkane, Stock, and Bonnington. Historical Catechism.— Prize, Miss- C. Cameron. Certificates, Misses Malaghan, Pavletich, M. White, A. Morkane, Conway, Gill lespie, Martin, Harming, and Bennett. Day Pupils' Catechism.— lst Prize, Miss Conup ; 2nd Prize, JJ 11 * 8 . K « nfc - v Certificates, Misses S. and A. Gaffney, E. Woods ODriscoll,Sheedy, Carrol], Norman, Columb. 3rd Prize, Miss M. Woods. Certificates, Misses Williamson, McGrath, K. Leary, Mills P.n,S a FC p sißtOr5 ißtOr: LT P i ize i, *£?* S> Gaffae y- Certificates, Misses Conup, A. Gaffney, Sheedy, E. Woods.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 348, 19 December 1879, Page 15

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DOMINICAN CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL, DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 348, 19 December 1879, Page 15

DOMINICAN CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL, DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 348, 19 December 1879, Page 15