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SPECIAL NOTICE. DR. GRANT, M. K. Col. Surgeons, England, aud of the Medical Boards of Victoria, New South Wales, and New Zealand, and PROFESSOR WALLENBURG, OCULISTS, AURISTS, AND SPECIALISTS, H (From Europe.) AYE the honour of announcing that they have arrived in Dunedin, and may be consulted upon all Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. Deafness, noises in the Head, Defective Sight, Cataracts, Amaurosis, Ophthalmia, Gutta Serena, Loss of Eyelashes, Inflammation, and all Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throai treated upon new and scientific principles, at their Consulting Rooms, CRITERION HOTEL, DUNEDIN. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, MORAY PLACE. PROFESSOR WALLENBURG Will visit the undermentioned towns : — PROFESSOR WALLENBURG PROFESSOR WALLENBURG WILL ARRIVE IN INVERCARGILL WILL ARRIVE IN BALCLUTHA Wednesday, Novbember 21. 1879, and may be consulted there, Saturday, November 8, 1879, and may be consulted there at his consulting rooms, Albion Hotel, i at his consultin? rooms, Crown Hotel, FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. \ FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY. PROFESSOR WALLENBUBG PROFESSOR W A LLENBURG WILL ARRIVE IN LAWRENCE WILL ARRIVE IN MILTON Friday, October 31, 1879, and may be consulted there, at his Saturday, November, 15, 1879, and may be consulted there consulting rooms, Mr. S. S. Hawkins 1 Commercial. lloill, at his consulting rooms, Mr. G. Coombes 1 Commercial Hotel, FOR EIGHT DAYS ONLY. ° FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY. Opinions of the Press. Blindness and Drafiw.i.t. P>y the kind invitation of Professor Wallenburg and Dr. Grant, the Editor of this journal, in company with the Editor of the Saturday Advertiser, visited their consulting-rooms, at the Criterion Hotel, yesterday morning. The first case shown was that of a Miss White, aged eleven years, the daughter of a settler at Oamaru, who has been totally blind for years. This young lady has been under the treatment of these clever oculists for three days, and, wonderful to say, her eyesight has been perfectly restored. The father of the girl assured us that he had placed her under the care of several medical men, who had failed to do her any good, despite the money that he lavished upon her. The next was the case of a Miss Hughes, a Dunedin resident, who stated that she had been deaf for a period of over three years. Strange to say, she has only been under treatment for eight days, and her hearing has been fully restored. This fortunate girl is nearly in ecstacies over her good fortune. The next subject under treatment was a labourer named Patrick Francis, working at Logan's Point, who informed us that latterly he was struck in the right eye with a stone by which he lost his sight, and of late his left eye has been materially affected by the blind one ; bat, thanks to the skill of Professor Wallenburg, he has now recovered the sight of his two eyes, and is able to discern the smallest print. Hermann Schultz, of Hyde, was the last patient introduced. He stated that he had been totally deaf for years, and that he had only been under treatment for a few day, and now he could hpar plainly. The gentlemen have numerous other cases under treatment. The cases that we have instanced should be sufficient to remove any doubt from the most sceptical. All the patients that are now under threatment have been tampered with by the medical profession with no satisfactory result, and this in the major portion of the cases causes more aggravation, and makes effectual cure more difficult. The above cases clearly illustrate that Dr. Grant and Professor Wallenburg are, without doubt, what they profess to be — Oculists, Auiists, and Specialists. We would strongly recommend those who are either afflicted with blindness or deafness to consult the gentlemen at once as their stay here is limited.— Dunedin Tribune, September 24, J O / */. AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT. TO THE EDITOR. Sir,— You will much oblige me, as well as benefit the public in general, by inserting in your columns regarding the cure effected on my right eye which was totally blind when I placed myself under the treatment of Doctors Gm'nt and Wallenburg. I also found myself losing the sight ot the Icit e>c. I have now leeoveicd my sight, and am <-oing to work to mono.v. Out of gratitude to those gentlemen allow rue to thank them, and hope all those buttering in the eyes may aui.i themselves of then skill. —I am &c.° Patrick Francis. Witness — W. J. Bawden. Logan's Point, Dunedin, 7th October, 1579. Capricornian, lie; khamptoii "It is no! surpiising that, as Pr. Grant and Professor Wallk'nl>ing\ skill .is ocuh-ls. .I'uisK, IX] \.\ . becomes more widely known, their practice is greatly extended. From many sources the umluioci- uieu-iM'u ol the euics th '\ h ive ciV -eted even during the very sboit time they have been in Rockbampton. In oukr to make fuitlur ing mi -, into the < im; picviousl, up.ited. as well as to note any featmes of niteiest icgarding new patient-, we yesterday morning \wted Dr. u,,>,i' :i 'id I'ioless „ W.illenh 114 -, Consulting Rooms, iv E Ist (street. o>i entering the room. Mrs. Lewis, of George Kticet, a patient who was pie\ lously me itioued as having b^cn six \eais almost totally blind, was leaving. This woman has been completely cuied for neaily a foitniuht, but at the request of thy Ooctoi and Professor returned that they might see how her eyes were continuum:. The eyes were perfectly cl'j.u, the si^ht as fully restored as ever it was, and to those who had seen them a month ago the change was equally astonishing and gia'if\ ing. Miss Elizabeth Madden, who was also previously alluded to as being obliged to give up her occupation of dressmaking, is fully restored to her sight, and the patches of white which daikcned her pupils are completely lemoved. .lames Pascoe, an old icsideut of the town, has not been able to see in the light eye for fifteen years, having lost the 3urht ot it thiough cold and inflammation contracted dining the first flood in Rockhampton After live 01 six visits to Dr. Grant and Prolessur Wallenburg. the sight in this esc has been restoied. This mini's wife, Saiah I'aseoe. has been totally blind in the right eye for ten months, and the sight was a) most gone m the other, berne, able to see only at the one side. This eye is now "almost well, and on closing it -Hid lowking with eye foimerly blind she could sec the water in the livtr. P.iewer has been totally deaf in the right ear for the past six years. He has been only a few times under treatment, aud coi.ld bear the ticking of a watch at the distance of a foot from the ear. Cl.ailes Clayton, a eaipcnier. loimerly woiking at P.lackall and on the Baicoo, got cold in" the eyes by sitting iv a draught. The result was total Unsol sjrrht nine months ago. (hiring which time be has been trying one medical man after another in vain. When be came to Drs. Giant and \V:illcnbuig. his ryes weie in a lustful condition, and it is a wonder the man retained his reason through his terrible sufficiing". lie has been about twebe <hn s under ti eatment. and in adaikened loom he can see peilectly well. Giibtav Ernst, a cabinet-makei's appi entice, in the eni].li.\ini nt o! .Mi. M-Imhun, uplu.lsl iei. received an mjiiiy to his left c) c when only one year old, by a whiilwind cam-nig .1 pin col stick :i'_rnm-t it. Ihee\ c had ben total h useless since, but Dis. G and W. have lestoied the sight. Cases might be multiplied indefinite ly, but Lhese, all ot which we Inve se, n, should be suflieient 10 r. move doubt fiom the most sceptical. It should'bc reineinbeied, too, that ne,u ly all the pati -nts who come to Di Giant and the I'iolcssor h:i\e been under unsuccessful trealment elsewhere, which, in most ' .i-i s n^rn.iU s ihe s_ s mpioi'is an. l rendus the cmc mole dilliculL Any athieted w ith loss of siurht or heaunt; should give these a II they aie mcuiable they will at once be told h o . but if it is m the power of proie^ional skill, built up by long btiuly and thuty years e.\penenee, we ha\e eveiy confidence that these gentlemen will yive invaluable relief." A W O N D E 11 F U L U U 1! E. To Di. Giant an 1 I'rolcssor W.illenbnm. Gi;.\ n.K.MEX, — Allow me to thank }ou ior tlu wmdeilul cure \ou have pcifoimed in my ease. T lnncboon deaf foi twenty ycais in the krt, ear, and twelve m the light. I placed nnsell un lei on the GMi October. This day lam able to hear the ticking of a watch .it a consideiable distance iiom uiy and am jiuti, nm.ll. 1 hupu all uulfjicis may be as ioitunatc Ub I have been. Thaukim; you again. 1 am, Gentlemen. Your obedient servant, „, . . _ „ William Bracks, Peninsula, Dunedin, 10th October, 187' J. PROFESSOR WALLENBURG bogs to iuloiui die public that he will not pioceed fuithcr than Invcicaigill.

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 340, 24 October 1879, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 340, 24 October 1879, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Tablet, Volume VII, Issue 340, 24 October 1879, Page 10