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The labours of the year in connection with these schools were terminated most happily on Friday last, when His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese presented the prizes won by the successful pupils. The Rev. Fathers O'Leary and Shehan and several gentlemen, the relations nnd friends of the boys, were present on the occasion. Previous to the performance of the programme, containing recitations, readings, and singing, and to the distribution of the prizes, the examination papers and the writing and mapping of the boys were submitted to the visitors, and were found to be of much excellence, speaking as highly as it was possible to speak of the ability and attention of the good Brothers and their pupils. The following programme was then gone through with : — * "Song, " Welcome, Welcome ; " prologue, Master R. Norman ; f.onV"God Good ; " recitation, " Mary Queen of Scots," Master M. Dwyer ; reading, " The Leper," Master James Scanlan ; song, " Immaculate, Imaculate ; " recitation, " Fontenoy," Master D. Carroll ; song, " Before All Lands ; " recitation, " The Downfall of Poland," Master R. Jew ; reading, " Shiel's Reply to Lord Lyndhurst," Master J. Burke ; song, " The Harp ; " recitation, " Caoch the Piper," Master 0. Woodly ; song, "Do They miss meat Home ; " reading, " Shiel on Catholic Emancipation," Master J. Ahearn ; recitation, a< Cato's Senate," Masters John Scanlan, W. Philp, and F. Walker. The recitations and readings were extremely well given, all of them being quite up to the average and several exceeding it, and in some instances displaying as well as careful training decided aptitude and taste on the part of the pupils. Where all was so good it perhaps may seem hardly fair to particularize but we were especially pleased with the manner in which their parts were performed by the following boys : — Masters R. Norman, J. Ahearn, John Scanlan, J. Philp, and W. Young. The first-named young gentleman — a very little fellow— in particular delivering fixe prologue with excellent emphasis and rh jtorical effect. The manner also in which the various musical selections were given reflects the highest credit on the teacher, Mr. Russell. The voices were in good tune, and time and expression were well observed. When the Bishop had presented the prizes an address was delivered by His Lordship. He said the boys had given great satisfaction to their teachers and himself during the year by their good conduct on the playground and also while going home. He had heard but one complafnt, and on investigating it he was not able to make much out of it. He mentioned this because he wished them to understand how very much any misconduct on their part would be felt by every one connected with the school and to impress upon them that the conduct of the boys attending there should be such that there should not be even one complaint, and that they should always act in a gentlemanly, quiet, becoming, and Christianlike manner. They had made satisfactory progress in their studies, but of course those boys "who attended regularly earned off the prizes. He would therefore recommend them to be regular in their attendance at school, as by doing so they would be astonished at the progress they, would have made at the end of the year. He attached far more importance to steady work than to talent. Talent was a gift of God for which a boy deserved no credit, but regular work would insure most praiseworthy success. He was glad to find that so many boys had considered themselves competent to compete for the scholarship which he bad offered. The lad who had won it had averaged the large number of 91 per cent, in all the subjects, and if the examiners had not been so strict lie would have made an average even considerably over that ; in arithmetic for instance he had been refused credit for a sum because there was a mistake in it of a fraction of one-f omth. The subjects for which the scholarship had been awarded this j-ear, were book-keeping, arithmetic, and Christian doctrine. Next year, an additional scholarship would be offered, when the paper? ■would include mathematics, and the higher branches of education. Considering the importance of Christian doctrine, he would always include it in the subjects for which he would give scholarships. At the termination of His Lordship's address, the hoys sang with much spirit, " A Song for the Pope, the Royal Pope," and the proceedings terminated with several rounds of hearty cheering, of which the principal were given for the Bishop, the Christian Brothers, and for Mr. Russell, the singing master. We append the papers of the Scholarship Examination and the Priie List : — PRIZE LIST. Emily and Regular Attendance. — Seniors : Prize, H. Walker and James Williamson, equal ; hon. mention, P. Hally, J. Reilly, J. Philp, P. Sullivan. C. Meenau, J. Day, H. Diamond, John Ahearn, R. Monkman, W. Hall. Juniors : Prize, J. Wilson ; hon- mention, W. Wilson, P. Feeny. F. Meenan, J. Hally, A. Cuming, R. Norman, R. Burke. J. Dunne, (J. Diamond, W. Philp,* A. Pratt, A. Corden, James Ahearn. Home Lessons. — Seniors — Ist Division : Prize, C. O'Driscoll ; hon. nfjntion, P. Sullivan, P. Hally, J. Cosgroye, John Abeam, H. Walkei-, J. Philp, W. Ahearn. 2nd Division : Prize, C. Meenan ; ton. mention, J. Reilly, H. Diamond, M. Monkman. J. Day, J. Byrne. Juniors — Ist Division : Prize, J. Mulrooncy ; second prize, G. Dungan : hon. mention, R. Burke, F. Hall, J. Cummins, T. Gunning, J. Wilson, J. M'Cormick. 2nd Division : Prize, W. Philp; hon. mention, R. Norman, J. Hally, James Ahearn, A. Corden. 3rd Division : Prize. W. Wilson ; hon. mention, James Dunne, C. Diamond, W. King, A. Sullivan, H. Jew, J. M'llroy, F. Scanlan, P. Drumm. Geography ajkd Mapping. — Ist Division : Prize, H. M'Cormick; hon, mention, A. Harris, D. Poppelwell, H. Walker, D. Carroll, J. Cosgrove, C. O'Driscoll. 2nd Division : Prize, S. Eagar ; hon. mention, A. Boldini, George Dungan, J. 'Wilson, R. Norman. . Writing. — Excellence : C. O'Driscoll ; 2nd, J. Philp. Application — Ist Division : Prize, P. Hally ; hon. mention, H. M'Cormick, H, Walker, P. Sullivan. 2nd Division : Prize, R. Burke ; hon. mention, E. Carroll, A. Bolflini, J. Hally, E. Eagar. 3rd Division : Prize. T. Darragh ; hon. mention, C. Diamond, F. Meenan, M. Wall. History. — Ist Division : Prize, C. O'Driscoll ; nan. mention, J. PHIp,.H. Wajkjer, P. SuJJivan,- J. Hayts, J. Ahearn, D. Uan»ll.v. 2jS4 Division : Prize, J. Williamson ; hon. mention, D, Poppelwell, J.

Cosgrove, Thomas Carroll, H. M'Cormick. English. — Ist Division : Prize, C. O'Driscoll ; hon. mention, H. Walker, J. Philp, W. Ahearn, P. Sullivan, W. Hall. 2nd Division : Prize, D. Poppelwell, hon. mention, J. Cosgrove, M. Dwyer, P. Feeny ,• ' J, Reilly. English Composition. — Ist Division : C. O'Driscoll ; hon. mention, J. Philp, D. Poppelwell, H. Walker, D. Carroll. 2nd Division: Prize, 1, T. Carroll ; 2, J. Reiliy ; hon. mention, C. Davies, J. M'Grath, J. Burke, R. Monkman. Euclid. — Ist Division :1, C. O'Driscoll ; 2, P. Sullivan ; hon. mention, J. Ahearn, D. Carroll, J. Hayes, Wm. Ahearn. 2nd Division : Prize, J. Philp ; hon. mention, H. Walker, D. Poppelwell. Book-keeping. — Prize, H. Walker ; hon. mention, C. O'Driscoll, P. Sullivan, J. Ahearn, J. Cosgrove, D. Poppelwell, H. M'Cormick, M. Dwyer. Latin. — 1. C. O'Driscoll ; 2," D. f Carroll ; hon. mention, J. Hayes, J. Philp. Christian Doctrine. — Ist Division : Prize, W. Ahearn ; hon. mention, C. O'Driscoll, J. Hayes, J. Cosgrove, P. Haggarty, J. Philp, J. Aheam, M. Dwyei*, D. Carroll, D. Poppelwell, Wm. Mulrooney. 2nd Division : Prize, W. Fitzpatrick and M. Monkman, equal ; hon. mention, H. Diamond, John Scanlan, C. Meenan, J. M'Cormick, J. Wilson, J. Mulrooney, George Corrigan, R. Norman, J. Reilly, W. Perrin. 3rd Division: Prize. James Ahearn; hon. mention, W. Philp. J. Haily, H. Ellis, M. Wall, W. Wilson, A. Corden. Dux of School. — Silver Medal (gift of the Most Rev. Dr. Moran, C. O'Driscoll. Scholarship Prize. — £10 (gift of the Most 'Rev. Dr. Moran), awarded to J. Hayes, who received 91 per cent, of total possible I number of marks ; Certificates of Merit granted to C. O'Driscoll and D. Carroll, each of whom gained over 75 per cent, of total possible number of marks. Junior School. Christian Doctrine. — 1, S. Cronan ; 2, W. Rossbotham ; hon. mention, A- Court, J. Kennedy, J. Carroll, J. Drumm. Reading.— l, T. Scanlan ; 2, W. Crowe ; 3, P. Kennedy, 4, G. Gawne ;5, A. O'Brien ;6, F. Carroll ; hbn. mention, S. Cronan, W. Pearson, W. Casey, E. Reilly. Writing. — D. M'Carthy, S. Cronan, T. Lee, Joseph Wall, E. Sheedy, P. O'Brien, A. M'Donald. Home Lessons. — 1, A. Court ; 2, W. Pearson ; 3, T. Duffy, F. Norman. Regular Attendance. — J. Carroll, P. O'Brien, J. Kelly, T. Cummins, D. M'Hugh, T. O'Brien, B. Reed. Good Conduct. — Prize, J. Hagarty ; hon. mention, T.. Scanlan, M. Power, G. Jeffrey, T. Duffy, F. Norman, S. Cronan, C. Fotterell, W. Pearson, Pat. Kennedy, J. Carroll, J. Cuff, D. M'Carthy. SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION — BOOK-KEEPING. March 1, 1877. I have at this date — £ s. d. & s. d. Cash on hand 50 10 0 „ atßankofN.Z 150 12 6 10 Chests Tea, at £6 10s 05 0 0 266 2 6 I owe Jas. Ward 84 12 0 March 3, 1877. Purchased for cash 18 Bags of Sugar, at £1 10s. 6d. per bag 27 9 0 March 4, 1877. Sold to R. Doyle, for his acceptance at two months, 4 Chests Tea, at £7 10s. ; and 10 Bags Sugar, at 375. 6d 48 15 0 March 7, 1877. Paid Jas. Ward by cheque 75 0 0 March 9, 1877. Sold for cash 6 Chests Tea, at £7 5s 43 10 0 March 12, 1877. " R. Doyle has taken up his Bill, I allowing £1 10s. discount 47 5 0 March 13, 1877. Lodged in Bank of New Zealand 100 0 0 Journalise the above, post into the ledger, "balance and close" the accounts, and answer the following questions :—: — 1 . What is book-keeping ? 2. What is a real account 1 3. What is a personal account ? 4. When is a real account to be made debtor 1 5. When is a real account to be made creditor I (>. When is a personal account made debtor ? 7. When is a personal account made creditor 1 8. What is meant by posting the entries ? J). What is meant by closing an account 1 10. When is a goods account closed by a double balance 1 11. How is profit and loss account closed ? 12. What does balance-sheet show ? 13. Where is the difference of profit and loss earned ? 14. When balance account is closed where is the difference carried 1 15. What does stock represent 1 ARITHMETIC. ' 1. Write down in words the qxiotient and remainder obtained by dividing five hundred and seventy billions, four thousand and four millions, four thousand and four, by seven hundred and sixty-nine millions, seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-eight. 2. Multiply and divide 3m. 7fur. 39per. syds. 2ft. llin. by 379. 8. Required the cost of 3£ stones, when 3$ lbs. cost ss. s|d. 4. Find the price of 29 cwt. 3 qrs. 17$ lbs., at 2s. lid. per stone. 5. (a) Find sum and difference of the fractions 21f and 16 49ths.; (b) also, divide tlieir difference by their sum ; (c) and their sum by their difference. 6. (a) Reduce 5-9ths of a guinea to the fraction of 155. ; (b) and 7-16tiiS tif a crown tq tb© decimal of 12a. 6d. 7. Find value of 39 cwt, 10 lbs. at £.3 los. 7sd. per cwt.

8. What is the rent of 23a. Sr. sp. at 22 guineas per acre. 9. Find interest on £423 7s. 6d. from November 3rd to March 22nd in a leap year, at 5k per cent. 9. I deposit £320 on the 3rd March in the Bank of New Zealand when interest is 3£ per cent. ; on the 3rd May the interest is altered to 3 per cent., and on the 10th August to 22 per cent., at which it remains till I withdraw the money on the 4th of October. Find the interest and amount due by the bank. CHMSTIAN DOCTBIKE. Fifty of the most difficult questions from Butler's Catechism

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume V, Issue 242, 21 December 1877, Page 15

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CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOLS, DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume V, Issue 242, 21 December 1877, Page 15

CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOLS, DUNEDIN. New Zealand Tablet, Volume V, Issue 242, 21 December 1877, Page 15