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The following list of members of the Force who passed the examinations qualifying for promotion held in September last is published in accordance with Regulation No. 415. In respect of those who obtained partial passes the subjects in which they passed are indicated by numbers as follows : 1 = Evidence; 2 = Prescribed Statutes ; 3 = Police Force Act and Regulations ; and 4 = Police and Detective Duties :—• Law Examination (Sub-Inspectors) \ Passed in all Subjects j-2255 Senior Detective Thomas, Ernest Milton. •(•*2205 Sergeant Mclntyre, Albert. £2761 Detective-Sergeant Hill, Joseph Wilson. $3092 Constable Matheson, Charles James Leonard. $*3123 Constable Trask, Earnst Royden. £3130 Detective McLean, Janies Rain. f*3246 Constable Quirke, Michael Patrick. j 3308 Detective Alty, James Henry. £3360 Constable Saunders, Joseph William. Partial Passes 2005 Senior Detective Thompson, Robert, 1,2, 3. 2258 Senior Sergeant McKie, John, 2, 3. 2440 Detective-Sergeant Hayhurst, Frank, 3, 4. 2022 Detective-Sergeant Gibson, James, 2, 3. Law Examination (Senior-Sergeants) Passed in all Subjects j • 2441 Sergeant Hogg, John Henry Smith. *2524 Sergeant Mcßobie, Robert Cooper. 2492 Sergeant King, Charles Dunford. > *2625 Sergeant Austin, Albert John. *2713 Sergeant Spencer, Carl Leslie. *2867 Detective-Sergeant Smith, Thomas. *3059 Constable Gaines, Edward John. - *3113 Constable Waple, George. 3204 Constable Hotham, Edgar John Gordon. *3273 Detective Scott, Fergus Oliver. Partial Passes 2363 Detective-Sergeant Aplin, Frank Norman, 1,3, 4. 2989 Constable Urquhart, George, 2, 3. 3044 Constable Donnelly, George Christopher, 1,3, 4. Law Examination (Sergeants) Passed in all Subjects £*2855 Constable Heywood, Frank Gordon. £3140 Detective Hogan, Garrett. $*3200 Detective McDougall, Angus William. $*3400 Constable Clark, Edward Henry. £*3423 Constable Chiles, Archer Scott. £3445 Constable Squire, Harold John. $3493 Constable Manson, Albert George. £3617 Constable Meiklejohn, lan Phil.

Partial Passes 3223 Constable O’Halloran, Francis Joseph, 1,3, 4. 3230 Detective Alty, George Walter, 1, 3. 3582 Constable Colclough, Jack, 1,3, 4. 3600 Constable Kelly, George Ellis Stanley, 1,2, 3. 3631 Constable Steele, Thomas John, 1,3, 4. Literary Examination Passed Qualifying for Commissioned Rank 3215 Detective Hedley. William Joseph. 3307 Constable O’Mahony, Edmund John. 3405 Constable Whisker, David John. 3408 Constable King, Joseph John. 3546 Constable Tait, Gideon. 3501 Constable Bevege, Burton Bernard. 3567 Constable Fletcher, Kenneth Walter. 3585 Constable Fell, George Albert.

3606 Detective Rossitcr, James Gordon Brodie. 3658 Constable McCallum, Eian Bruce. 3077 Constable Anderson, Stewart Maxwell. 3080 Constable Bell, Clifford John. 3715 Constable Scott, John Heinrich Harvey. 3748 Constable Alty, Benjamin Robert. T 1048 Temporary Constable Cartmell, Jonathan. T 1107 Temporary Constable Geddes, Robert William. T 108 Temporary Constable Patton, Hoani Nansen Wright. T 1124 Temporary Constable Dwan, George Patrick. T 1128 Temporary Constable Elvidge, Cecil William. T 1129 Temporary Constable Gillman, Arthur Conrad Edward T 1148 Temporary Constable Walker, Jack David. T 1155 Temporary Constable Rowlands, Evan Humphrey. T 1159 Temporary Constable Craw, George Lance. T 1217 Temporary Constable Butler, John Roland. T 1220 Temporary Constable Payne, Richard Coles. T 1227 Temporary Constable Harkess, Peter Wishart Enfield. T 1243 Temporary Constable Clark, Willis Gilmour. T 1253 Temporary Constable Fahey, John. T 1205 Temporary Constable Kelly, George David. • ' T 1321 Temporary Constable Hartley, Joseph Francis Leo. T 1354 Temporary Constable Keown, Anzac Edgar Kitchener, T 1377 Temporary Constable Harding, Raymond Hugh. T 1390 Temporary Constable Maguire, Michael Francis. T 1497 Temporary Constable Lane, Alban Eric Verdun. W 8 Temporary Constable Pearce, Edna Bertha, W/D. Passed Qualifying for Rank of Sergeant 3527 Detective Jesson, Alan Purdie. T 1120 Temporary Constable Spicer, George Walter. T 1132 Temporary Constable Nye, Francis James. T 1182 Temporary Constable McNamara, Andrew Neil. T 1314 Temporary Constable Davies, Gordon Robinson. T 1319 Temporary Constable Morton, David Mark. T 1387 Temporary Constable Winnard, James Wrightson. * Previously gained partial pass. t Completed examinations qualifying for rank of Sub-Inspector, t Completed examinations qualifying for rank of Sergeant.

The papers on “ Evidence ” and “ Prescribed Statutes ” were set and examined by Dr. N. A. Fodeh, Crown Solicitor ; those on “ Police Force Act and Regulations ” and “ Police and Detective Duties ” by a Board consisting of Dr. N. A. Foden, Superintendent R. R. J. Ward, and Inspector 11. Scott; and the papers on the literary subjects by Mr. R. Darroch, formerly headmaster of the Terrace School, Wellington. The following remarks of the examiners are published for the information of candidates :— ' 1 Evidence.-* rln the Senior-Sergeants’ and Sergeants’ sections the percentage of passes indicates that the candidates had set out .to obtain a sound grasp of the rules of evidence, but in the Sub-Inspectors’ grade in several cases there appeared a lack of the hard study necessary to satisfy requirements. Sub-Inspectors must-remember that at times they are pitted against eminent or experienced counsel and therefore, as the syllabus requires, they must have a wider knowledge of the rules. Prescribed Statutes. — the Sub-Inspectors’ and SeniorSergeants’ papers the results were on the whole satisfactory, but in the Sergeants’ paper the results were disappointing, suggesting lack of systematic and intensive study. Candidates should compile summaries of all the Statutes comprised in the syllabus to ensure that in the course of preparation for the examination the whole of the ground is covered. Police Force Act and Regulations all ranks a substantial improvement was shown in this paper, although in the case of the Sergeants, in particular, the sections of Acts and the clauses of Regulations had not received the intensive study which the nature of the subject demands. The key ideas of sections and clauses must be firmly grasped and where there are any qualifications of these key ideas the qualifications must also be known. Police and Detective Duties. —Although experience is the best teacher in a practical subject of this nature, it must not be forgotton that study can serve the useful purpose of fixing in the mind the results of experience. Consequently a judicious combination is the candidate’s best objective. The jotting down in logical sequence of the various steps involved in particular processes and duties will be found a useful aid to study. D. J. Cummings, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, 30th October, 1944.

LAW EXAMINATION (SUB-INSPECTORS) Evidence Time allowed : Three hours 1. Define or explain : (a) constructive notice ; ( b) right to begin ; (c) leading question ; ( d ) privileged communications ; (e) persons in authority. 2. What do you know of the law of evidence as to (a) reply to, ( b ) denial of, (c) silence in respect of, statements made in the presence of a party ? 3. Explain the difference between “ facts in issue ” and “ facts relevant to the issue.” 4. What evidence in a criminal charge is necessary to make a principal liable for the acts of his agent or servant ? In this connection, discuss the case of a charge against a company arising out of the acts of its directors or its other agents. 5. When a party’s identity with an ascertained person is in issue, what evidence can be called to establish the identity ? 6. In what ways can primary evidence of the contents of a document be given ? Deal briefly with each method by way of amplifying your answer. 7. Write an account of the purpose and scope of examination in chief, indicating what facts may be embraced in such examination. 8. What is the law of evidence as to the admissibility in a subsequent trial of the testimony of a witness given in a previous trial ? 9. State the provisions of the Evidence Act, 1908, relating to evidence of accused, or husband and wife of accused, in criminal cases. 10. What do you know of these cases : R. v. Burridge ; R. v. Fisher ; Dolling v. Bird ; R. v. Foster ; Lenthall v. Mitchell. Prescribed Statutes Time alloived : Three hours 1. Define the crime of rape, and draw an information (omitting formal parts) in respect of a charge for the same. What evidence would you call to prove the offence V 2. State the provisions of the section of the Justices of the * Peace Act, 1927, relating to the statement to be made to an accused person before he is committed for trial. 3. Give the extended definition of “ public place ” for the purpose of the indecency and vagrancy provisions of the Police Offences Act, 1927. Do you know of any case on the point as to formal proof that a place is a “ public place ” ? 4. Set out the duties of the driver of a motor-vehicle under the Traffic Regulations in relation to an uncontrolled intersection. 5. Summarize the duties and powers of Inspectors of licensed premises. Cite one reported case bearing on the matter. 6. Section 67 of the Gaming Act, 1908, deals with making bets with infants or inviting infants to bet. Give in as much detail as you can the contents of the section. 7. What are the statutory conditions laid down by the Offenders Probation Act, 1920, for release on probation ? 8. (a) Under what circumstances may Justices deprive a pawnbroker of his license ? (b) What articles must a second-hand dealer retain for a month before disposing of same ? 9. State the provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, relating to the prevention of desertion from foreign ships ? 10. What do you know of the following cases : Morris v. Tolman; R. v. Thompson (New Zealand case) ; Thomas v. Sawkins; Ah Kan v. Cox; Miller v. Kennedy. Police Force Act and Regulations Time allowed : Three hours : /'■ 1. State the provisions of the Police Force Act regarding the disposal of unclaimed goods. 2. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the employment of medical practitioners as experts in criminal cases. 3. State the provisions of the regulations relating to official . correspondence between officers in charge of districts and Police Headquarters. 4. Every person appointed to the Police Force must take and subscribe the oath of office. What is the effect of taking and subscribing the oath as defined in the Police Force Act ? 5. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with orders given by prisoners for the payment of money or the delivery of property. *• 6. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the appearance of and the wearing of uniform by officers. 7. State the provisions of the regulations relating to members of the detective branch concerning (a) discipline; ( b ) inquiries at a place away from his station where there is no officer ; (c) the duties of a Chief Detective.

Police Force Act and Regulations 8. State what information is required by regulation to be inserted in crime reports where (a) a person is wanted on warrant of commitment; (b) a person is wanted on warrant to answer to a charge of theft. 9. What are the duties of an officer in charge of a station in connection with the death of a member of the Force under his charge ? 10. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the duties of members of the Force attached to a station where a billiard-table is provided. Police and Detective Duties Time allowed,: Three hours 1. (a) -A fugitive offender who is wanted by the Government of the United States of America is located in your district. Outline the procedure to be followed before and after arrest and what formal matters' have to be proved before extradition can be granted. (b) What instructions have been issued regarding the arrest of fugitive offenders in cases where they are referred to in extracts from Police Gazettes of other countries published in the New' Zealand Police Gazette ? 2. In the course of duty you enter and inspect the lounge of licensed premises at 8 p.m. and find a number of persons being served with drinks by a ' woman who is employed on the premises in the capacity of porteress. State what inquiries you would make, what offences you would have in mind, and what evidence you would endeavour to obtain. 3. You are in charge of a police district and a detective reports to you that a man has attempted to murder his wife by striking her over the head with a hammer. Medical evidence satisfies you that the injuries, though severe, will not prove fatal. Further, it has been established that the accused at the time of, and also > before and after, the offence manifested definite signs of insanity, that he had previously been convicted of crimes of violence, and on one occasion underwent a short period of detention in a mental hospital. State what instructions you would give. Give reasons for your answer. 4. State in detail how you would preserve and take impressions of (a) footprints in sand ; , (b) footprints in clay ; (c) footprints in snow. 5. State what articles may be disposed of by art-union. What is an art-union, and how is it conducted ? 6. You are requested by the Education Department to obtain a maintenance order against the father of a girl aged sixteen who is employed as a learner in a dressmaking establishment at 15s. per week, which is insufficient to keep her. She could obtain domestic employment at 17s. 6d. per week and her keep, but she desires to remain at her present employment, where, if satisfactory, she may be apprenticed for a period of years. State what action you would take in the matter. Quote any case in point that you know of. 7. “ A,” who is the registered owner of a motor-car and who also holds a driver’s license, was being driven in his car by “ B,” his chauffeur, in a dangerous manner.. State what inquiries you would make into the matter and what action you would take. Give reasons for your answer. 8. While inspecting an hotel in the course of duty you observe two youths drinking in the private bar. They are under twenty-one years of age. You ascertain that the licensee is absent from the premises. State what inquiries you would make, what evidence you would endeavour to obtain, what offences may have been committed, and by whom. Mention any cases you know on the subject. • , 9. An elderly man is found dead in bed and to all appearances death is due to natural causes, but as he has not recently been attended by a doctor no medical certificate is • available to show the cause of death. On the matter being reported to the Coroner he decides that an inquest is unnecessary and issues a warrant to bury. The body is duly interred. . A month later you receive information from deceased’s brother that the widow of the deceased, who is many years younger than her late husband, had ror a period prior to his death displayed a coldness towards him . and was suspected of being in love with the son of a neighbour. Under her late husband’s will she inherits his entire estate. The day before his death they had quarrelled over her conduct and .. deceased had threatened to alter his will. Your informant requests that the cause ot death be fully investigated. State step by step how you. would proceed if the responsibility for the investigation rested entirely on you. 10. When on duty at night-time near a parking-stand where thefts from cars have taken place you see a suspicious looking person whose identity is unknown to you try to open a door of one of the cars. The door is locked, and he is unsuccessful. State - what action you would take in the matter. Quote a recent English case on the point, and explain the meaning of it.

LAW EXAMINATION (SENIOR SERGEANTS) Evidence Time allowed : Three hours 1. Define or explain the expressions (a) rebuttal; (b) presumption; (c) onus probandi; (d) motive; (e) relevancy. 2. Distinguish between an informer and an accomplice. Give the rules of evidence relating to the testimony of each of these. 3. State the exceptions to the .rule of evidence that previous convictions are only provable after a verdict of guilty. 4. What evidence is relevant to prove (a) the posting ( b ) the delivery, of a letter ? 5. Give an account of the purpose and scope- of crossexamination, setting out the extent to which questions can be asked. 6. As a general rule all .competent witnesses can be compelled to give evidence, but there are exceptions. . State the exceptions. 7. To what extent may a witness be discredited by the party calling him ? Give the authority for your answer. 8. Give the provisions of the Evidence Act, 1908, on the two following matters: (a) the compellability of witnesses in certain cases to give evidence ; (b) the freeing from all penalties of a witness who makes true discovery in certain matters. 9. “A” is charged with bigamy. The prosecution propose to call as witnesses (a) the legal wife, (b) the second “ wife.” What is the position ? 10. What do you know of the following cases which concern some rule of evidence : R. v. Barker and Bailey; R. v. McNamara ; R. v. Hanlon ; R. v. Baskerville ; R. v. Whitta.

Prescribed Statutes Time allowed : Three hours 1. State the provisions of the Crimes Act relating to restitution of property. 2. State what you know about summary trial, with consent, of an adult. 3. What are the provisions of the Police Offences Act, 1927, on the subject of unlawful intimidation or violence ? . 4. Set out the provisions of the Gaming Act, 1908, as to betting on sports-grounds. What are the relevant - definitions ? 5. What are the duties imposed on motor-drivers by statute in the case of accidents arising from the use of a motorvehicle ? '\.6. Summarize the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1908, creating offences in respect of prohibited persons. 7. Outline the steps involved in the extradition of a fugitive offender under Part II of the Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881. 8. What part can the police take in the detention of a ship under the Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 ? 9. Under what circumstances can a constable apply to a Magistrate for a reception order under the Mental Defectives Act, 1911 ? 10. What do you know of these cases: Hammerley v. Harvey ; Gisborne Fire Board v. Lunken; R. v. Kerr ; R. v. Pike ; Smith v. O’Donovan. Police Force Act and Regulations Time allowed: Three hours 1. State the provisions of the Police Force Act dealing with the suspension and dismissal of members of the Force. 2. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with (a) the duties of a Senior Sergeant at Headquarter stations ; (b) the duties of a Senior Sergeant in charge of out-stations. 3. (a) What, are the provisions of the Police Force Act relating to members of the Force engaging in politics V (b) Outline the duties of the police at election meetings as laid down in departmental instructions. 4. (a) How is “drunkenness” in a “policeman” defined in the regulations ? (b) What instructions have been issued regarding members of the Force drinking intoxicating liquor while in uniform ? (c) State the provisions of the regulations where a person is arrested for drunkenness and denies that he is drunk.

Police Force Act and Regulations continued 5. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the length of time and the circumstances under which certain prisoners may be detained at a police-station. 6. (a) State the provisions of the regulations regarding (1) persons who desire to communicate with prisoners at a police-station ; (2) prisoners who desire to communicate with friends. (b) What instructions have been issued relating to notification of a prisoner’s relatives when he is arrested ? 7. State the provisions of the Police Force Act dealing with the dismissal of members of the Force for committing certain offences. _ 8. (a) What do the regulations provide concerning the marriage of a member of the Force ? ( b ) What instructions have been issued in connection with making inquiries in this regard ? 9. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with churches and Sunday observance. 10. What are the provisions of the regulations and instructions in the case of a person coming to a station to report a matter or make a complaint against a member of the Force ?

Police and Detective Duties Time allowed : Three hours 1. You are instructed to have the jury roll compiled. * What are your duties and what instructions would you give in the matter ? What is the extent of a jury district ? Who are exempt from serving as jurors ? 2. When visiting an hotel you find men drinking in the bar after hours. What inquiries would you make and to what matters would you give special attention if they claimed to be (a) lodgers ; . (b) the guests of a lodger ; (c) the guests of the licensee ; (d) the guests of the wife of the licensee ; (e) intending lodgers who have just arrived and are waiting to be booked in ? 3. It is desired to obtain the return from Bombay to New Zealand of a person accused of theft. Draw the necessary warrant, and state in detail the steps that have to be taken and the proofs that must be tendered before the return of the person will be ordered. 4. State how you would investigate a complaint of carnal knowledge of girls by a young man and the matters you would keep in mind with a view to a successful prosecution. 5. It is reported to you that “ A ” found in the street a letter which contained important information which, if published,' would upset certain business arrangements. He read the letter, and then wrote anonymously to the addressee demanding a sum of money for the letter, threatening to send copies of it to interested persons unless his demand was complied with. State how you would deal with the matter. 6. You are detailed to investigate a case where a person is found dead in circumstances suggesting that death may have been due to poisoning. State in detail how you would proceed, what inquiries you would make, and to what matters you would • give special attention. Define the departmental instructions issued ' with respect to exhibits for chemical analysis. 7. (a) Complaint is made to you that broken glass from the head-lamp of a motor-vehicle which was involved in a collision with another motor-vehicle , was left on the roadway. State what action, if 1 any, you would take in the matter, and who is responsible for the removal of the glass. ( b ) “A ” was driving his motor-car at thirty miles per hour along a highway where the maximum speed was fixed at forty miles per hour when he was stopped by “ B,” who informed him that there was a police trap a mile farther on. State if any offence has been committed and, if so, by whom. Give reasons ior your answer. 8. While stationed in a -license area you receive information that a certain person is brewing beer for sale in that area. State what procedure you would adopt to investigate the complaint, what evidence you would endeavour to obtain, and under what statutory provisions you would act. 9. Discuss the powers and duties of the police in each of the following circumstances : (a) when called upon to remove a trespasser from a private dwellinghouse; ( b ) when called upon to eject a person who is alleged to be expressing disapproval of a performance in a public theatre. Mention any cases you know bearing on these matters. 10. You receive information that a. barman serving in the private bar of an hotel is actively taking bets on horse races. State what steps you would take, what offences might be involved, and in what circumstances the licensee would be liable. Give reasons for your answer.

LAW EXAMINATION (SERGEANTS) Evidence Time allowed : Three hours 1. State what you know about the law of evidence relating to complaints. How should the complaint be proved ? 2. Define “ credibility of witness ” and “ competency of witness,” giving illustrations or examples. 3. What is meant by “ corroboration of 'evidence ” ? Give throe instances of cases in which it is required and two instances in which it is not. 4. What are the rules of evidence as to a witness refreshing his memory ? 5. What is “ real ” evidence ? Give five • examples to illustrate your answer. 0. Section 20 of the Evidence Act, 1908, relates to confessions. Give the provisions of the section. 7. What statutory provisions relating to evidence in poisoning cases do you know ? 8. Define or explain (a) judicial notice ; (b) leading question ; (c) office copies ; ( d ) hostile witness ; (e) mens rea. 9. What is the law of evidence as to “ system ” ? 10. What is meant by “ claiming privilege ” ? When and by whom can the claim be made ?

. Prescribed Statutes Time allowed : Three hours 1. What are the provisions of the Crimes Act as to duties imposed on certain persons to provide necessaries ? 2. State the provisions of the Crimes Act relating to the corruption of juries and witnesses. 3. Who are parties to offences for the purposes of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927 ? 4. What do you know of any statutory provisions relating to the depositions of a person dangerously ill ? 5. The Police Offences Act, 1927, defines the offence of being found on property without lawful excuse but without criminal intent. Give in detail the provisions of the relevant section. 0. The Supreme Court may declare premises to be a common gaming-house. What powers has a police constable while any such declaration is in force ? 7. Give the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1908, relating to “ evidence of sale or consumption of liquor.” 8. What are the statutory consequences of a revocation of a certificate of registration of a firearm ? 9. You have reason to believe that indecent documents are kept in a certain place to be used for unlawful purposes. What are the statutory provisions which you would rely on for the necessary action ? 10. What do you know about a search warrant under the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1927 ? ' \ ‘ • . / i Police Force Act and Regulations Time allowed : Three hours 1. State the provisions of the Police Force Act dealing with persons holding communication with prisoners without authority. 2. (a) State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the manner in which members of the Force should give evidence. ( b ) State the provisions of the regulations dealing with members of the Force appearing as prosecutors in summary cases. 3. State the provisions of the regulations relating to (a) persons suspected of having counterfeit coin in their possession ; (b) the duty of a constable taking over charge of a prisoner to be escorted to another town. 4. What do the regulations provide in connection with members of the Force going on leave and when they are on leave ? 5. (a) What are the provisions of the Police Force Act as to a person gaining wrongful admission to the • Force ? (b) State the provisions of the Police Force Act dealing with members of the Force calling for assistance.

Police Force Act and Regulations— continued G. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the matter of a member of the Force wishing to be attended by a medical practitioner of his own choosing. 7. State the provisions of the regulations and instructions dealing with the duties of matrons. 8. State the provisions of the regulations dealing with the classification of prisoners in custody at a watchhouse. 9. What are the duties of the police in connection with shipwrecks as provided by regulation ? 10. Define the procedure laid down in the regulations to be followed at inquiries held under the provisions of the Police Force Act. , -; -

Police and Detective Duties Time allowed : Three hours 1. State what instructions have been issued recently regarding (a) firearms in estates of mental patients ; (b) service of jury summonses ; (c) inspection of brewers’ records. 2. You are called to the scene of a motor collision which occurred at night-time on a straight road. The two vehicles were travelling in opposite directions. There were passengers in each vehicle, some of whom were injured. Other passengers had gone away before you arrived. Each driver blamed the other. State how you would investigate the matter with a view to ascertaining if any offences had been committed, and state what information dealing with the collision must be supplied to you on demand and by whom. 3. The caretaker of a public domain reports to you that " every morning a man who walks through the domain takes a flower as he passes. You keep a watch for the man and see him taking a flower. State what action, if any, you would take and what matters you would have to establish to prove an offence. 4. “ A ” reports his bicycle stolen, and six months later you find it in the possession of “ B.” On being questioned as to how he became possessed of it, “ B ” produces a receipt purporting to show' that he purchased it from “ C ” shortly after the date when it was stolen. You are unable to find-that “C” exists, and subsequently ascertain that “ B ” wrote the receipt himself. State fully what you would do, giving reasons for your answer. 5. A dwellinghouso is destroyed by fire at night in suspicious circumstances.-- You are detailed to investigate the matter. Describe in detail how' you would proceed and to what matters you would give special attention. What departmental instructions have been issued in connection with the investigation of fires of doubtful origin ? 6. You find “A ” leaving licensed premises at 8 p.m. with two bottles of beer in his possession. He said that he called at the licensed premises to see “ B,” a friend who lodges at the premises, that “ B ” gave him the beer to take to a party as “B” was unable to go himself. “B ” agrees with “ A’s ” explanation, and says that he bought the liquor from the licensee to give to “ A.” Discuss these facts and say to what matters you would direct your attention, whether you consider any offence or offences have been committed, and, if so, by whom. 7. Complaint is made to you (a) that an employee of a carrying firm is using in a cart a horse with a sore shoulder ; (b) That a person is carrying a number of fowls in a sack in a manner that may smother them. State the responsibility of the parties concerned in each case and your powers and duties. 8. State what you know of the procedure to be adopted to secure the arrest and return to New Zealand from Launceston of a person accused of theft. Draw the necessary warrant, and indicate in detail the instructions you would give to the member of the Force instructed to go to Launceston and escort the offender to New Zealand. 9. When at a swimming-baths where races are being held you are informed that a spectator (who is not known to be a bookmaker) is offering to make bets on the result of the races. State what action, if any, you could take in the matter. 10. It is reported to you that “ A ” is employed in a warehouse as a storeman. “ B,” who is related to him, offered him a sum of money to steal some of his employer’s goods and deliver them to “ B’s ” house. “A” refused to do so. “B” then approached “ C,” who is also employed in the same warehouse. “C ” also refused. “A ” and “C ” informed the warehousemanager, who reported the matter to you. State what action, if any, you would take in the matter.

LITERARY EXAMINATION Arithmetic . Time allowed : Two hours and a half , . ... , . 2J+'4t '• ip} of g+6( 2. A dealer buys 16 tons of potatoes at £5 15s. 3d. a ton. He sells 12£ tons at ss. (id. per 70 lb. bag, the bags costing him 4d. each, and 3J tons at 10 lb. for Is. The rest are wasted. Find his profit. 3. Divide £49 18s. Id. among three persons, A, B, and C, so that their shares are in the ratio 19 : 17 : 23. 4. My house, which is valued at £BOO, is insured for 85 per cent of its value. A fire occurs and the amount of damage is assessed at five-eighths of the insurance. ■ What amount did the insurance company pay ? 5. Add together £846 14s. B|d., £9O 18s. 7l'd., £709 9s. ll£d.-, £O9 155., B|d., £BO7 14s. 9Jd., £BO 18s. 2d., £760 12s. 10£d., £99 19s. 7|d., £490 13s. 41d., £39 12s. OJd., £537 18s. 4|d., £B6 9s. 7d., £998 17s. lid., £502 10s. 4|d., £276 9s. Bfd. 0. Find the value of (a) 6,420 articles at 4s. 3£d. each ; ( b ) 5 tons 3 qr. 17 lb. at £7 3s. 4d. per ton. 7. A square field contains 16 acres 4,356 square yards. Find the cost of fencing it at £1 14s. 6d. per chain. 8. If a man borrows £6,927 11s. Bd. for seventeen months and pays 4 per cent, per annum, how much money will he have to return to the lender at the end of the seventeen months in order to be clear of debt ? 9. Make out a bill for the school stationer’s shop when he -is supplied with the following : 9 gross of penholders at 8 Id. a dozen ; 16 dozen bottles of ink at 9s. a gross; 36 reams of blotting-paper at 3s. 4d. a ream ; 20 gross of pencils at 10Id. a dozen ; 25 gross of nibs at 2s. 6d. per box of 100; 30 dozen writing-blocks at 4|d. each. After selling 5 gross of pencils he returns the balance, as the pencils are unsuitable. 10. (a) If a motor-car is travelling forty miles an hour, how ; many feet is this per second and how many yards is it per minute ? ( b) Fifteen miles per hour, how many feet per second ? (c) Ten miles per hour, how many yards per minute ? (d) If a motor-car travels 50 yards from its point A to the point B and then 75 yards to the point C at right angles, what is the distance from A to C ?

Geography Time allowed : One hour and a half 1. In the outline map of the South Island of New Zealand insert as carefully and correctly as possible the following Foveaux Strait; Pegasus Bay; Lake Ellesmere ; Cape Campbell; Cascade Point; Dusky Sound; Pelorus Sound; Karamea Bight; Shag Point; Lake Tekapo ; Lake Rotoroa; Lake Manapouri; Clutha River ; River Waimakariri; Clarence River; Opihi River; D’Urville Island; Stewart Island ; Banks Peninsula; Milford Sound; Port Lyttelton; * Oamaru ; Colling wood ; Picton ; Palmerston South ; Mount Aspiring ; Mount Sefton ; Arthur’s Pass ; Southern Alps ; Lumsden ; Fairlie ; Brunner; Greymouth ; Inangahua; Murchison ; Queenstown ; Lawrence ; Kaikoura ; Ward ; Seddon ; ' Otautau ; Hakataramea ; Hanmer; Nelson ; Dunedin ; The Bluff; Kaitangata ; Parapara ; Kaiapoi. 2. Show by a rough sketch the South Island Main Trunk Railway from Picton to Christchurch, marking six of the principal railway-stations in between. 3. In normal times, if we wish to travel by steamer from ' Wellington to England via Australia and the Red Sea, name the places of interest at which we should most probably call. 4. Write brief notes on each of the following in New Zealand : Dairying; sheep-farming; hydro-electric works; alluvial mining ; bituminous coals. ~ 5. Say where the following are situated, and state some point of interest about each one: Helsinki; St. Nazaire ; Pas de Calais ; Southampton ; Darwin ; Mindanao ; Durban ; Valetta ; Assam ; Stalingrad. English Time allowed : Two hours and a half 1. Write an essay of about three hundred words on one of the following : (a) The Licensing Laws of New Zealand. 1 (b) Good Manners. (c) Dreams and Ambitions of Boyhood. (d) Sea-Air Power. (e) The Home Guard. (/) Rehabilitation. 2. In the following passage from Richard Hillary’s “ Last Enemy,” insert capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary : she stopped at the foot of my bed and i noticed that she was short that her hair was grey and that a permanent struggle between a tight-lipped mouth and smiling eyes was at the moment being very definitely won by the mouth good evening mr tollemache she said good evening sister hall said tony in his blandest manner she turned to me mr hillary both you and mr tollemache are to be operated on tomorrow morning as you know you should have been in earlier for preparation now it wijl have to be done in the morning i hope you will settle in here quickly but i want it understood that in my ward i will tolerate no bad language and no rudeness to the nurses 2—P.G.

English continued my dear sister i replied ive no doubt that you will find me the mildest and most soft-spoken of men and sitting up in bed i bowed gravely from the waist she gave me a hard look and walked through the ward tony waited until she was out of earshot then a tough nut but the best nurse in the hospital he said i dont advise you to get on the wrong side of her 3. Convert the following passage from direct to indirect narration (an aunt is talking to her nephew) : “ I was going to tell you of your first birthday, dearest. Grandfather had gone thenpoor grandfather !and I had knitted you a little soft cap of white wool, with a tassel and pink bow. Your mother’s father was living still—Capt’n Billy as they called him — when I put the cap on your little head, he cried out, ‘ A sailor every inch of him ! ’ You fell asleep in the old man’s arms, and I carried you to your cot upstairs.” 4. Combine into one well-arranged sentence : Hild was a woman of royal race. She reared her abbey on the summit of the dark cliffs of Whitby. The abbey looked out over the North Sea. Whitby became the Westminster of the Northumbrian Kings. 5. Suppose you are applying for a certain position and the head of the business or firm asks you to tell him about your school career and your special qualifications for the position for which you are applying. Put what you would say to him in the form of a letter. 6. Make a condensed and accurate summary of the following passages— i.e., a precis : (a) When I stepped into the canoe, I was surprised to find another poor creature lying there, almost dead with fear, not knowing what was the matter; for he was tied so hard, neck and heels, that he had not been‘able to look over the side of the boat. I cut the twisted rushes that tied him, and tried to help him up. He could not stand or speak, but groaned aloud, thinking still that he was untied only to be killed. When Friday came up, I bade him speak to him, and tell him of his rescue, and, pulling out my bottle, I gave the poor wretch a dram, which, with the news of his safety, revived him, and he sat up. But, when Friday came to hear him talk, and to look in his face, it would have moved any one to tears to have seen how Friday kissed him, and hugged him, how Friday wept, laughed, danced, sang, and then wept again. It was some time before he could speak to me or tell me what was the matter; but, when he came to himself a little, he told me that it was his father. It is not easy for me to tell how much it moved me to see the love in this poor savage for his father. He went into the boat and out of the boat ‘a great many times. When he went in, he would sit down by him', open his breast, and hold his father’s head close to his bosom for many minutes together. Then he would take his father’s arms and ankles, which were numb and stiff with the binding, and chafe and rub them with his hands.“ Robinson Crusoe.” ( b ) Mr. Churchill said that counter-measures against the robots were being pressed to the utmost, and he was sure that the wonderful patience and courage of the people of Britain would continue 'to the end. “ I no longer feel bound to deny that victory may perhaps come soon,” he added. “If not, we must go on till it does.” About 17,000 houses had been totally destroyed, and about 800,000 damaged. One could judge the efficiency of the measures taken by the Ministries involved by the fact that threequarters, or upwards of 600,000 houses, had already been made habitable again, and in the last six weeks the rate at which repairs had been overtaking new damage had been very successfully increased. Nearly a million people who had no war business here, among them 225,000 mothers and children, had been evacuated. A large number of extra trains had been laid on to meet this considerable outward move. It was remarkable as showing the outlook of the people that many trains had come back nearly as full as they went out. While during adventure was to be commended, this kind of movement would be discouraged, but it gave the lie to the most fantastic stories of the Germans that London was in flames. The only result of the use of this weapon by the Germans would be that the severity of the punishment they would receive after their weapons had been struck from their hands by our fighting men would be appreciably increased. There was no question of diverting our strength from the prosecution of the war or allowing this infliction in any way to weaken our support of our Allies. Very careful plans had been prepared for a great gun belt, but it was not always possible to foresee accurately what the form of attack would be or how it would be made. We had expected attacks on our great invasion ports, and that it was very likely that flying bombs would begin at the same time as we made our invasion, in order to cheer up the Germans. But there was a slight interval, and we were able to make a quick redisposition. Although hundreds of the best expert brains were riveted on the problem, he could hold out no guarantee that it would be completely solved until we occupied the regions from which the bombs were launched, as we should no doubt do.

3 P.G.


E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.

Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. ! Offence, Station. Police Gazette Reference. B. Bain, Reginald Keith .. .. Selling liquor without license .. Wellington 1944, page 756. Beals, Nelson Francis Failing to maintain .. Carterton 1944, 671. Berkahn, Hector Eric Failing to maintain .. Auckland 1944, 639. Boyd, Victor Howard Default of maintenance Auckland 1944, 715. Braithwaite, Eric Wharton Failing to maintain .. . . ' Auckland 1944, 625. Brenkley, Alan Burnett .. - .. Deserting Army Auckland 1944, 718. Brennan, Patrick Francis Bench warrant Auckland 1944, 609. Browne, Hillary Ferris .. .. Default of maintenance Dunedin 1944, 791. Byrne, Eugene .. Breach of Social Security Act .. Hamilton 1944, 99 671. C. Connolly, Edmond Norman Theft . .. . . . . Lower Hutt .T 1944, 640. Cropp, Revell Herbert Alexander .. Breach of Air Force Act Hamilton 1944, 598. Cropp, William Albert Breach of Air Force Act Hamilton 1944, 598. Absent from Air Force Blenheim 1944, 703. Croskery, Colin Lyall Mervyn Failing to maintain .. v Wellington 1944, 701. 99 701. D. Barney, Norris Edmund .. Failing to maintain .. Christchurch 1944, 701. Doherty, Thomas Charles Failing to notify change of address Auckland 1944, 609. Duckworth, Cecil William Failing to maintain .. . . Napier 1944, 657. Durrant, Arthur Jeffrey .. Taumarunui 1944, 657. Durrant, Arthur Jeffrey ..False pretences False pretencesTaumaruriui 1944, 99 715. G. Grant, John Dean Failing to notify change of address Auckland - 1944, 575. Gray, Evelyn .. • .. Default of fine and costs Auckland 1944, 737. Gray, John Hira Default of fine and costs Taumarunui 1944, 99 701. H. Hough, Raymond Edward Absent from Air Force Bulls . . 1944, 688. Hughes, MacDonald .. Absent from Navy Devonport 1944, 99 718. I. Ingle, Charles Henry Failing to maintain . . Pukekohe •• 1944, Pukekohe 99 1944, 737. 737. J. Johnson, Algernon James Kennington Default of fine and costs Auckland 1944, 737. Jones, Donald James Breach of probation .. Auckland 1944, 701. Jones, Donald James Failing to maintain . . _ .. Auckland 1944, 99 715. L. Lockyer, George Failing to report for military service serviceWellington Wellington1944, 1944, » . 640. M. Martin, Colin Paul Default of maintenance (2) t Auckland 1944, 671. Minhinnick, Tonga Failing to maintain .. .. Kaitaia 1944, 685. Munton, Arthur Francis .. Default of fine and costs .. • Dunedin 1944, 756. McFarland, Edward Default of fine and costs Auckland 1944, 715. McFarland, Edward .. .. Failing to maintain .. Auckland 1944, 671. McGilligan, Stephen John Default of maintenance Christchurch 1944, 738. McGuire, Joseph .. Deserting ship Auckland 1944, 755. McPherson, A. E. Absent from Air Force Auckland 1944, 673. 99 673. N. Niemann, Noel Charles . . Default of maintenance (2) Auckland 1944, 99 715. > 0. Osborn, Reginald Bathurst Absent from Army Wellington 1944, » 718. 718. P. Philp, Frederick Absent from Army Wellington 1944, 628. Philpott, Leslie Edward George Absent from Army Christchurch 1944, 759. Pooley, William David .. .: Theft Lower Hutt 1944, 99 737. R. Ridley, Frederick Doveton Sturdee Absent from Army .. ..’ Wellington 1944, 628. Ripi, Sam .. Default of maintenance Kawakawa 1944, 773. Rossiter, Lawrence Failing to maintain (2) .. Nelson 1944, 99 595. S. Scott, Charles James Robert Default of maintenance Carterton 1944, : - 625. 625. Shires, Percy Shirley Rollen Breach of probation .. Auckland 1944, 609. Slasor,- David Absent from Army .. . . Wellington 1944, 718. Steele, —. Theft ... Wellington 1944, ” 737. T. Taetana Tamati 1 Default of fine and costs Onehunga 1944, 737. Taylor, William Harold .. Failing to maintain .. Wanganui 1944, 595. Te Wake Hone Heremia Pairama .. Attempted murder Whangarei 1944, 99 701. V. Valentine, Edward Alexander Failing to maintain . . Auckland 1944, 715. W. Waddell, Walter Default of fine and costs Timaru 1944, 715. Warahi, Maurice Default of fine and costs Wanganui 1944, ” 755. Z. Zimmerman, Edna Gertrude Breach of Industrial Man-power Emergency Wellington 1944, 755. • / ■ Regulations Regulations

RETURN OF WARRANTS ISSUED DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1944, AND REMAINING UNEXECUTED (For preceding return, see Police Gazette, 1944, page 579.)

Offender. of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. r Bom. Height. Complexion. , Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &0. Ivanov Mate Urlich, Houhora 1 9/10/44 in failing fined Dalmatia . gum-digger 1908 in. 26 swarthy. brown, curly blue large Strong p. William, Kaitaia theft probation .• .- ' • ; . 9/10/44 theft months Maori labourer, 1920 5 8f copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar below right knee. (See P.G., 1944, p. 776, 8| copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar below right knee. (See P.G., 1944, p. 776, William Rudolph, . j - - ") ■ Vl and Photos, p. 49.) Snowden, . Kaitaia 10/10/44 theft . disMaori domestic 1926 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium charged 6 months’ probaMaori domestic 1926 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium and Photos, p. 49.) Stephens Kaitaia charged ' ; V ' . - 10/10/44 theft Maori labourer 1926 5 8* copper .. black brown .. medium.. Burn-scar on back of right hand and on left side 6 months’ probaMaori labourer 1926 5 ' 8J copper .. black - brown .. medium.. Bum-scar on back of right hand and on left side Kaitaia tion of chin. Kiri 10/10/44 theft fined £5 Maori labourer 1927 5 8 copper .. black brown .. broad See P.G„ 1944, p. 564. Kaitaia , 1 tion labourer ’ ■ . / of chin. 10/10/44 theft fined £5 Maori 1927 5 8 copper .. black brown .. broad .. See P.G,, 1944, p. 564. Whati . Kaitaia 10/10/44 theft 1 Maori farmer 1916 8 copper .. black brown .. medium 8 copper .. black brown .. medium Walters, Rawene 12/10/44 assault . . to pay Maori labourer 1916 11 copper .. black brown .. sharp Mole on back of right hand ; eagle on snake on 11 copper .. black brown .. sharp Mole on back of right hand ; eagle on snake on ' Robert John Rawene right forearm. 12/10/44 ’ ' 7 ■ right forearm. theft if Zealand soldier 1920 8 sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. fiat A half-caste Maori; star on laurel on right 8 sallow .. dark brown.. brown .. fiat A half-caste Maori: star on laurel on right called on in 6 months forearm. ' ■ y /■:] ; :j called on in 6 months l '' forearm. Harris, Rawene 12/10/44 theft fined Maori labourer 1923 6 1 copper .. black .. brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1944, p. 35. 1 copper .. black brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1944, p. 35. Miti R 12/10/44 and ; admonished Maori labourer 1928 3 copper .. black brown .. medium • ■» ’ 3 copper .. black brown .. medium Matene, Matene @ Kaikohe 11/10/44 stolen fined Maori mill 1921 8 copper .. black brown .. flat See P.G., 1943, p. 624. 8 copper .. black brown . . flat See P.G., 1943, p. 624. Buck -; -V * V 1 William or Kaikohe 11/10/44 theft fined Maori mill 1916 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Sear on right cheek. (See P.G., 1941, p. 306.) 9 black brown .. medium.. copper .. Scar on right cheek. (See P.G., 1941, p. 306.) Wiremu Wepiha DickMaunsell, Kaikohe 11/10/44 fighting fined Maori labourer 1927 5 copper .. black brown .. flat ■ n copper .. black brown .. flat Joseph Kaikohe 11/10/44 fighting . fined . Maori labourer 1920 8 copper .: black brown .. broad 8 copper .. black brown .. broad Alexander Timmins, Auckland . 14/10/44 theft fined Zealand motor-driver 1909 " 6* fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Tip off right thumb ; left forefinger amputated ; scar at right side of mouth. F.P. 'Photo at 6£ fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Tip off right thumb ; left forefinger amputated ; JamesMurphy, Auckland scar at right side of mouth. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 14/10/44. ; Auckland, 14/10/44. 16/10/44 language fined Eire d 1895 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Small scar on left little finger and on left 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Small scar on left little finger and on left wharf labourer cheek. (See P.G., 1933, p. 492.) McDermott, Forbes, . i wharf labourer cheek. (See P.G., 1933, p. 492.) Auckland 16/10/44 deserting . disEngland . andseaman 1920 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Birthmark at side of left nostril; scar on right 8 fresh fair blue medium.. Birthmark at side of left nostril; scar on right Jim, charged wirelesscheek. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 30/9/44. Edward Auckland operator (See P.G., 1944, p. 778.) charged wirelessoperator ' • cheek. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 30/9/44. 1 (See P.G., 1944, p. 778.) Claude . 16/10/44 theft 2 months N. Zealand motor-driver 1900 5 6£ fair fair, turning blue large Scar on tip of right forefinger an<3 on right for 2 months X. Zealand motor-driver 1900 5 6i fair fair, turning blue large Scar on tip of right forefinger and on right no warrant of fitness convicted and disgrey cheek ; left ring-finger crooked. (See P,G., motor - vehicle ; and breach of Oil Fuel Emercharged on each 1942, p. 661, and Photos, 1921, p. 94.) '. - • . \ ’ *'•“ • ' no warrant of fitness for convicted and disgrey cheek ; left ring-finger crooked. (See P,G., motor - vehicle ; and charged on each \'f ; v i 1942, p. 661, and Photos, 1921, p. 94.) Curran, Elsie Ethel gency Regulations chan es) (2 Auckland 16/10/44 using premises as gamingfined £30 X. Zealand shopkeeper 1907 5 2 fair fair blue medium.. Operation-scar on abdomen. Riley, Vida Jane or Nida Jane Auckland 16/10/44 theft (3 charges) .. , . 2 years’ probation X. Zealand shop1918 5 4 pale light brown.. brown .. medium.. Wears glasses. (See P.G., 1944, p. 506, and on each assistant Photos, p. 59.) breach of Oil Fuel Emer- / . ' ■: \' • gency Regulations (2 • ‘ ' *Curran, Elsie ■ • v • ; • .*•• ‘ ' " char c es) 16/10/44 using premises as gamingfined £30 N. Zealand shopkeeper 1907 5 2 fair fair blue medium.. Operation-scar on abdomen. Auckland Auckland house , • '■ r '-.v J*?' • ' ' 16/10/44 theft (3 charges) .. 2 years’ probation N. Zealand shop1918 5 4 pale light brown.. brown .. medium.. Wears glasses. (See P.G., 1944, p. 506, and v • . , on each ' assistant Photos, p. 59.) Riley, Vida Jane or Nida Jane

Return of Persons summarily convicted

Offender. of tried. When. Offenoe. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing — J Eric James Hayes, Auckland 17/10/44 assault fined N. andbarman 1903 in. 6 sallow . dark . grey large on ; bushman missing. 1944, Auckland 17/10/44 idle and disorderly (into come up if India cook 1896 5 n copper .. grey brown .. medium.. Slight build ; scar on right temple. sufficient means) called on 1 KalaChhana Malcolm Kenneth McDonald, AucklandAuckland 17/10/4417/10/44 idle and disorderly (into come up if India cook 1896 5 7i copper .. grey brown .. medium.. Slight build ; scar on right temple. sufficient means) called on in 1 theft 1 year in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1925 5 6 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Scar on right wrist; nude woman on right . Institution / ' ' " forearm; dagger on right upper arm; theft; and illegally wearing convicted and disK. McD. on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1944, Merchant Navy badge charged on each p. 776, and Photos, p. 12.) MalcolmMcDonald, JohnThomas, AucklandAuckland 17/10/4419/10/44 theft probation yearfined N. Zealand labourer /.. 1923 5 11 dark dark brown .. hazel .: medium.. Sailing-ship and clasped hands on right fore1 year in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1925 5 G fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Scar on right wrist; nude woman on right Institution forearm ; dagger on right upper arm; theft; and illegally wearing convicted and disK. McD. on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1944, Merchant Navy badge charged on each p. 776, and Photos, p. 12.) 1 arm ; PHILL, scroll, and scar on left upper arm. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 3/10/44. (See P.G., 1944, p. 777.) ' % JohnThomas, HenryNutt, AucklandAuckland 19/10/4419/10/44 probation gaming- premises fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1923 5 11 dark dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. Sailing-ship and clasped hands on right fore- - house fined £50 Australia .. rubber1911 5 6 fresh dark'brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on each cheek, and above and below left worker eye. 1 arm ; PHILL, scroll, and scar on left upper arm. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 3/10/44. (See P.G., 1944, p. 777.) Albert Nutt, Henry James George AucklandAuckland 19/10/4419/10/44 gaming- premises using gaming- premises as fined fined Australia . Zealand xubber-wharf 19111899 5 6 fresh darkbrown.. browm .. medium.. Scar on each cheek, and above and below left 5 9 fresh dark brown.. blue medium .. Scar on right hand and above heart. (See P.G., house worker eye. George • house labourer 1943, p. 421, and Photos, 1937, p. 25.) Auckland 19/10/44 using premises as gamingfined £50 N. Zealand wharf 1899 5 9 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Scar on right hand and above heart. (See P.G., « Montagu Lynch, house labourer 1943, p. 421, and Photos, 1937, p. 25.) Auckland 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand freezing1910 5 10 fresh brown blue medium .. Scar on left cheek. Montagu Thomas .Lynch, Frederick Barnes, AucklandAuckland 19/10/4419/10/44 found in gaming-house gaming-house found in fined fined N. N. freezing- pensioner war 1917 5 11 copper .. black brown .. medium .. A half-caste Maori ; two large scars on right r ; elbow ; small scar on right eyebrow ; scar on right side of chin. (See P.G., 1944, p. 777.) worker 1910 5 10 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on left cheek. Frederick Barnes, Algernon Colin AucklandAuckland 19/10/4419/10/44 gaming-house found found in gaming-house fined fined N. Australia . pensioner andlabourer 19171909 5 11 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; two large scars on right elbow ; small scar on right eyebrow; scar on right side of chin. (See P.G., 1944, p. 777.) 5 8* fresh brown brown .. medium.. Vaccination-scars on left upper arm; arms t . salesfreckled. (See P.G., 1941, p. 780, and Photos, manager 1939, p. 86.) Algernon Arundel Lewis Revell, AucklandAuckland 19/10/4419/10/44 found in gaming-house gaming-house found in fined fined £3 Australia . Zealand N. andlabourer andlabourer 1909 5 8i fresh brown brown .. medium.. Vaccination-scars on left upper arm; arms sales-fruit-freckled. (See P.G., 1941, p. 780, and Photos, 1907 5 11J pale brown, going blue medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 335. manager 1939, p. 86.) / bald preserver ' ' \ . : Arundel Lewis Revell, Jackson John, @ AucklandAuckland 19/10/4419/10/44 gaming-house found gaming-house in fined £3fined Zealand Zealand N. andlabourer andlabourer 19071895 5 111 pale brown, going bald blue medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 335. 5 9f fresh brown, going grey .. large Scar on abdomen ; sailing-ship, AMOKURA, fruitpreserver ' c ' barman bald crossed flags, 1915, EGYPT, crown, and clasped hands, &c., on left arm ; butterfly, rose, and horseshoe on right forearm. (See P.G., 1940, p. 138, and Photos, 1921, p. 37.) Jackson John, @ ' ,7, Auckland 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer and 1895 5 9f fresh brown, going grey .. large Scar on abdomen ; sailing-ship, AMOK UK A, barman bald crossed flags, 1915, EGYPT, crown, and clasped hands, &e., on left arm ; butterfly, rose, and horseshoe on right forearm. (See P.G., 1940, p. 138, and Photos, 1921, p. 37.) , , . 1 William Auckland 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; sharp features. 19/10/44 found in gaming-house 1 . found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium. . A half-caste Maori ; sharp features. Sloane Auckland fined £3 N. Zealand pensioner and warehouse1914 5 8J fresh brown brown .. medium 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand pensioner and 1914 5 8i fresh brown brown .. medium warehouseV ' • man Karaitiana . Auckland 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 Maori 1UR11 labourer 1906 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on left wrist. 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 Maori . ; labourer 1906 5 7 copper . . black .. brown .. medium. . Scar on left wrist. - James Tani Auckland found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 9 sallow .. black brown .. medium .. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1944, p. 81.) 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1919 5 9 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1944, p. 81.) Tuhua Auckland 19/10/44 found in fined Maori labourer 1910 5 7 copper .. black brown.. medium.. Clasped hands on right forearm ; scar on right elbow. 5 7 copper .. black brown. . medium .. Clasped hands on right forearm ; scar on right . - elbow. Cecil Henry, Auckland 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer and 1908 5 11 fresh brown blue medium.. Left ear deformed. (See P.G., 1938, p. 468.) John painter 19/10/44 found in gaming-house fined £3 N. Zealand labourer and 1908 5 11 fresh brown blue medium .. Left ear deformed. (See P.G., 1938, p. 468.) painter Auckland

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued

Offender. of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. A Pene • Auckland 19/10/44 found in fined Maori labourer 1907 ft. in. 5 copper .. black brown .. medium in. 9 copper .. black brown .. medium • Roy . Auckland 19/10/44 found in fined Zealand labourer 1912 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; left arm deformed. (See 81 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori; left arm deformed. (See greenP.G., 1944, p. 130.) y P.G., 1944, p. 130.) Charles Legae, Auckland grocer 19/10/44 in gaming-house fined Zealand N. salesman 1899 5 fresh grey, going hazel .. medium.. Scar on left cheek and on chest. (See P.G., 5 fresh grey, going hazel .. medium.. Scar on left cheek and on chest. (See P.G., Richard Charles Legge, bald and 84.) p. Bertram • Frank Frank, @ Auckland 19/10/44 in gaming-house fined Samoa labourer 1903 11 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Nude woman and cross on left ' forearm; 11 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Nude woman and cross on left forearm; Tia / woman’s face and heart on right forearm; eagle, crest, and flowers on right upper arm ; * boat on abdomen. (See P.G., 1943, p. 372.) . \ ' / ' woman’s face and heart on right forearm; eagle, crest, and flowers on right upper arm; boat on abdomen. (See P.G., 1943, p. 372.) Erika Auckland 19/10/44 in fined Maori labourer 1918 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Woman’s head on right forearm. 91 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Woman’s head on right forearm. William Cyril Auckland 19/10/44 in fined Zealand and 1914 5 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. Scar on chin. (See P.G., 1943, p. 33(5.) V* H«N 00 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. Scar on chin. (See P.G., 1943, p. 330.) fitter Coffey, Auckland 19/10/44 found in fined Zealand pensioner 1884 5 fresh grey blue medium 6 fresh grey blue medium Bacon, Auckland 19/10/44 in fined England . roadman 1893 8 fresh grey blue medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 336. 8 fresh grey blue medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 330. Ernest, @ Auckland 19/10/44 found fined England . labourer 1877 5 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on left elbow ; right arm broken ; suffers 51 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on left elbow ; right arm broken ; suffers Ernest dealer p. Photos, p. Kenneth Ward, Auckland 20/10/44 assault in N. Zealand farm hand .. 1928 5 21 fresh fair brown .. medium Phe+c *1 /UeM&u* ■ Institution JS T . Zealand farm hand .. 1928 5 21 fresh fair brown .. medium Eric Tame, Auckland 20/10/44 theft years’ Maori labourer 1923 7 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar above right eye. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 7 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar above right eye. F.P. Photo at Auckland, Tom tion 16/10/44. ■V 16/10/44. JamesNewald, Auckland 20/10/44 suicideattempted convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1894 5 8 fresh grey blue medium.. See P.G., 1944, p. 776, and Photos, 1930, p. 82. • • convicted and discharged fined £15 N. Zealand labourer 1894 5 8 fresh grey blue medium.. See P.G., 1944, p. 776, and Photos, 1930, p. 82. AlfredNewbery, A charged 1 y//: 4 ;;/ y - .; Auckland 20/10/44 lottery in N. Zealand boqkseller .. 1910 5 7 fresh fair, going hazel .. medium.. Three vaccination-scars on left upper arm. (See fined £15 N. Zealand boqkseller .. 1910 5 7 fresh fair, going hazel .. medium .. Three vaccination-scars on left upper arm. (See in fined 10s. bald P.G., 190.) p. Keith Reginald Auckland 20/10/44 delivering to property fined Australia salesman 1903 101 fresh brown, blue medium of nose right undergoing ing grey abdomen. (See P.G., 1944, p. 746, and sening grey abdomen. (See P.G., 1944, p. 746, and tence Photos, 1932, p. 37.) .. Photos, 1932, p. 37.) Strickland, . Auckland 20/10/44 assault fined £1 Rarotonga labourer 1910 5 copper .. black brown .. medium .. Bird and T.R.T. on left upper arm; star on 61 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Bird and T.R.T. on left upper arm ; star on left forearm; cowboy and J.M. on right forearm. (See P.G., 1944, p. 477.) ), . • ‘ • left forearm ; cowboy and J.M. on right forearm. (See P.G., 1944, p. 477.) Arthur . Auckland 20/10/44 mischief fined £2 Zealand seaman 1921 71 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Heart and arrow on left forearm. ?1 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Heart and arrow on left forearm. Draffin, Ronald Mervyn Auckland 20/10/44 of fined Zealand labourer 1927 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on right knee. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on right knee. F.P. Photo at Auckland, Maureen Mabel, 777.) p. Auckland 20/10/44 and convicted and disN. Zealand factory hand 1917 5 31 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium (inconvicted and disN. Zealand factory hand 1917 5 31 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium @ means) place isolation (Police Regulations) on - " ■■ ;■ .

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. ' Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. • , *' • ~ ( .i Native of Trade. Born. Height . Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &C. 1 Stanton, Wanda Auckland 20/10/44 and disorderly years’ probaN. machinist . 1925 ft. in. 5 2£ copper .. black brown .. flat A half-caste Maori; scars on right eyebrow. ft 5 .in. 2i copper .. black brown .. flat A half-caste Maori; scars on right eyebrow. Waipua sufficient means) of probation tion dis- , (See P.G., 1944, p. 245.) ; charged 2 years’ probation (See P.G., 1944, p. 245.) Gordon Leslie Bills, Auckland 20/10/44 theft N. Zealand farm hand .. 1926 5 8 fresh dark grey .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 10/10/44. (See P.G., 2 years’ probation N. Zealand farm hand .. 1926 5 8 fresh dark grey .: medium.: F.P. Photo at Auckland, 10/10/44. (See P.G., Gordon Harold Leslie on each 1944, p. 373.) . IT, '-V on each 1944, p. 373.) George Auckland 20/10/44 of fined Zealand labourer 1905 5 11 dark black brown . medium. A Alexander .Wilson, Auckland 20/10/44 of playing fined Zealand labourer 1902 5 8 florid auburn brown medium Norman Ngapo, Coromandel 3/10/44 unlawfully converting 1 Zealand labourer 1923 5 10 sallow black brown . medium. (See A motor-truck Thelma . Onehunga 11/10/44 mischief to Zealand domestic 1919 5 8 fair brown brown . medium ' . ■ / Myrtle Onehunga 11/10/44 languageobscene dis- and charged ifto up N. domestic 1907 5 4 sallow . brown brown . small Teata .Kaitapere Onehunga . 11/10/44 assault Rarotonga domestic 1897 5 7 copper black brown flat in months Phillip . Paeroa 9/10/44 property . admonished Maori labourer 1928 5 6 copper . curly brown medium. 242.) George Hamilton 11/10/44 converting unlawfully and Zealand hand . 1925 5 fresh dark brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1944, p. 700, and Photos, 1943, p. 82. 6* fresh dark brown .. medium .. See P.G., 1944, p. 700, and Photos, 1943, p. 82. bicycle charged Strong build ; sear above right eye. / or Posha, Hamilton 12/10/44 theft 1 Poland hand . 1911 5 fresh curlyblack, brown . medium. Strong build ; scar above right eye. f Jems,/© to notify (Aliens Regulations) fined n jfy k /*/ H. r* ™ "jfy W' t>/3 / H. George, Hamilton 13/10/44 disorderly idle and Zealand labourer 1920 5 5i copper . black brown . . flat A ; Runga means) charged v right forefinger off. (See P.G., 1944, p. 251.) 1922 ' - right forefinger off. (See P.G., 1944, p. 251.) Tongariro or Hamilton 13/10/44 and and Maori labourer 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium. . N.Z. and ONWARD in fern on left forearm. 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. N.Z. and ONWARD in fern on left forearm. sufficient charged (See P.G., 1944, p. 786.) ■ (See P.G., 1944, p. 786.) Violet Harper, Tauranga 11/10/44 theft months’ probation to Zealand dental 1926 5 2 fresh brown hazel . medium 9 William Tauranga 11/10/44 of probation England labourer 1898 5 8 fresh brown blue medium on p. in farmer months Maori !• Jacob, Peter Tauranga 11/10/44 theft fined labourer s .. 1910 5 copper .. black brown .. medium .. 10 p.c. (See P.G., 1938, p. 508.) Maori labourer 1910 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 10 p.c. (See P.G., 1938, p. 508.) supplying unlawfully fined £2 Maori ‘ ~ ' ., • ; ' - ' \ , ' ' ’.Tv Te Ruatoria 11/7/44 theft 1 Maori labourer 1921 5 5 copper . black brown . broad and (See slightly P.G., 1942, p. 677.) • \ P.G., 1942, p. 677.) Joseph Rotorua 10/10/44 theft . 3 Zealand timber1913 5 6i fresh brown blue medium. foot. p. right worker Taylor, Harry Rotorua 12/10/44 theft fined Zealand builder 1896 5 10 fresh brown blue medium .

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued

of Name Where \ When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &0. v Trade. Bom. Height. Com* plexion. 1 Hair. . Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Hamilton McMeeking, Rotorua . 17/10/44 of and Scotland . stock-buyer 1888 ft. 5 fresh black, turning blue medium of ; portion motor-car license for grey finger amputated. 77 -7 grey finger amputated. John Rotorua 17/10/44 assault years probation 1 Maori hand 1918 5 8 copper . . black brown medium Right aiding and abetting unlawful and prohibited fined £2 10s. ■ 77/ > aiding and abetting unlawful and prohibited fined £2 10s. ■ - - 7 . ’ - .7. . V James Rotorua 17/10/44 Maori to supply assault 1 Zealand labourer 1923 5 11 copper black brown . large large A ; strong unlawful and aiding fined mouth ; scar on left eyebrow and on forei f v . • . < ' mouth ; scar on left eyebrow and on foreMaori of to supply (See head p. Stuart Rotorua 17/10/44 assault . year’s probation Maori andlabourer 1919 5 10 copper black brown . medium. (See missing. of Tip aiding and abetting unlawful and prohibited fined £2 10s. soldier 1942, p. 584.) supply of liquor to Maori broad Scar on left upper arm. • aiding and abetting unlawful and prohibited fined £2 10s. soldier 1942, p. 584.) .'-V . Tauiwi . . Rotorua 18/10/44 unlawfully converting 2 years’ probation Maori grader-driver 1924 5 8 copper .. black, turning brown motor-car and fined £10 grey 1 .. supply of liquor to Maori brown broad .. Scar on left upper arm. Tauiwi Pouwhare . . Hepeta . Rotorua Rotorua 18/10/44 18/10/44 converting unlawfully converting unlawfully years’ probation probation Maori Zealand grader-driver labourer 1924 1924 5 5 8 8 copper . copper . turning black brown .. medium motor-car and fined £10 ’ ■ motor-car and fined £10 grey Hepeta . Iki Tahi Pouwhare Rotorua Rotorua 18/10/44 18/10/44 converting unlawfully converting unlawfully probation years’ probation Zealand N. Maori labourer labourer 1924 1927 5 5 8 6* copper copper . black black brown . brown . medium broad Scar above right eye. motor-car motor-car and £10 and Scars on right fore and middle fingers. Tahi Pouwhare James Morgan, Rotorua Te 18/10/44 10/10/44 converting unlawfully theft . charges) probation Child to Maori Maori labourer labourer 1927 1929 5 5 copper .. black brown .. broad Scar above right eye. 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Welfare Superintendent Right middle toe missing; crossed flags and motor-car and fined £10 Scars on right fore and middle fingers. James Morgan, Carroll . Paul, @ Te Te 10/10/44 10/10/44 theft . (3 theft Child to fined Maori Maori labourer labourer 1929 1917 5 5 n copper .. black brown .. medium.. anchor on right forearm. E.P. (See R.G., 1944, p. 698, and Photos, p. 27.) 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Welfare Superintendent ■ y Right middle toe missing; crossed flags and Carroll . Paul, @ Charles Jennings, Te Gisborne 10/10/44 9/10/44 idle and disorderly (insuffi1 month England .. labourer 1903 5 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Birthmark on left leg ; scar on right leg. (See cient means) P.G., 1934, p. 21.) theft fined £5 Maori labourer 1917 5 n copper .. black brown .. medium.. anchor on. right forearm. E.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 698, and Photos, p. 27.) 1 - ■ PaulHunt, Taumarunui 9/10/44 obscene language.. fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 8* sallow .. fair blue medium.. Scar across right forefinger and on inside of right hand; operation-scar on abdomen. Charles Jennings, • (See P.G., 1944, p. 400.) Gisborne 9/10/44 idle and disorderly (insuffi1 month England .. labourer 1903 5 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Birthmark on left leg ; scar on right leg. (See cient means) -v . I P.G., 1934, p. 21.) PaulHunt, Thompson Ranginui Taumarunui Wairoa 9/10/44 13/9/44 obscene language negligently motorfined £10 and disMaori labourer 1898 5 10 copper .. black brown .. broad See P.G., 1940, p. 200. fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 8 i sallow .. fair blue medium.. Scar across right forefinger and on inside of right hand; operation-scar on abdomen. ; (See P.G., 1944, p. 400.) car qualified from driving for 6 months Ranginui Thompson Kara, Jimmy Wairoa Wairoa 1.3/9/44 11/10/44 negligently motor- theft dis-fined ofsupervision Maori Maori labourer labourer 1898 1929 5 5 10 9 copper . copper . . black black brown . . brown . broad . large See P.G., 1940, p. 200. Child Welfare Officer for 2 years theft (8 charges) .. admonished Scar on left eyebrow, on one side of nose, and car qualified from driving for 6 months Makahue, Abraham WhakaWairoa 11/10/44 cruelty to animal fined £5 Maori labourer 1920 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Kara, Jimmy ngaro on left thumb. Wairoa 11/10/44 theft theft (8 charges) .. cruelty to animal supervision of Child Welfare Officer for 2 years admonished fined £5 Maori labourer 1929 5 9 copper .. black brown .. large - Makahue, Abraham Whaka- Mihaere, Ivan Richard Wairoa Wairoa 11/10/44 Maori labourer 1920 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left eyebrow, on one side of nose, and *' 11/10/44 receiving stolen property .. fined £5 Maori labourer 1927 5 8 copper .. black brown .. broad 4 M •' ■ on left thumb. ngaro Ivan ., 11/10/44 receiving stolen property .. fined £5 Maori labourer 1927 5 8. copper .. black brown .. broad ' 7 7 • - : - r ; Wairoa

Return o f Persons summarily convicted -continued

of Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks,, &c. • ' - V Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks fc &c. Toa, Edward Wairoa 11/10/44 driving negligently and Maori labourer 1920 ft. in. 5 copper black brown large car license v endorsed Swain, Alexander Wairoa 12/10/44 languageobscene . 6 months N. labourer 1898 6} 5 dark grey blue .. medium.. Right thumb missing ; scar on left foot; 6* dark grey blue medium.. Right thumb missing; scar on left foot; assault . 1 month 1943, p. JackWetini, Plymouth 6/10/44 unlawfully Borstal in Maori gardener 1927 6 5 copper .. black, wavy brown .. flat Scar on right knee, above left knee, and in left 6 copper .. black, wavy brown .. flat Scar on right knee, above left knee, and in left motor-car; attempting Institution on groin; long scar on right forearm ; small to unlawfully convert motor-car; and theft (4 charges) each scar at right side of mouth. - motor-car; attempting Institution on groin; long scar on right forearm; small to unlawfully convert motor-car; and theft (4 charges) failing to notify change of each scar at right side of mouth. Olga Eltham 11/10/44 failing to notify change of fined £1 Switzerland domestic 1886 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Stout build. abode (Aliens Emergency Regulations) 1929 i Eltham 11/10/44 fined £1 Switzerland domestic 1886 5 5 fresh brown blue medium.. Stout build. abode (Aliens Emergency Regulations) 1929 William Eltham 11/10/44 mischief admonished Zealand N. message-boy 5 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Cast in right eye. 0 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Cast in right eye. Doris Ruby Ohakune 11/10/44 (insuffi- and if come N. waitress 1927 4 dark brown brown .. large 4 dark brown brown .. large Carmelita means) called in Ernest .Wallace, Reginald Napier 20/10/44 theft year 1 year’s Maori labourer 1927 5 dark black brown .. broad .. Blinks when talking; long fingers; large thumb knuckles. (See P.G., 1943, p. 503.) 6 dark black brown .. broad .. Blinks when talking; long fingers; large thumb knuckles. (See P.G., 1943, p. 503.) Star, Hastings 10/10/44 charges) . on Maori labourer 1905 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Wings on left breast; star and E.V.A. on left 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Wings on left breast; star and E.V.A. on left Whakataka forearm; faint scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1944, p. 558, and Photos, 1927, p. 16.) Walter .Waddell, forearm; faint scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1944, p. 558, and Photos, 1927, p. 16.) Hastings 12/10/44 and disorderly to up Scotland . labourer 1897 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Strong build ; scar on right side of upper lip ; 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Strong build ; scar on right side of upper lip ; means) 6 and on butterfly months of left middle finger off. (See P.G., 1944, p. 513.) 1 of left middle finger off. (See P.G., 1944, p. 513.) Thomas Wanganui 2/10/44 keeping fined Zealand tobacconist. 1892 7 fresh bald grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 575. 7 fresh bald grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 575. Hekenui Wanganui 2/10/44 theft Borstal years Maori labourer 1926 5 copper .. black brown .. flat - .. Scar . on head and on right middle finger; n copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on head and on right middle finger; Joseph on each left middle finger-nail deformed. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 371.) •- left middle finger-nail deformed. F.P. (See P.G;, 1944, p. 371.) (3 . charges) and charged on each Stanley charged on each Wanganui .. 2/10/44 gaming-house fined £75 Zealand tobacconist. 1903 5 dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 376. 6 dark dark brown.. brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1943, p. 376. Stone Robert, @ Wanganui 6/10/44 theft to up England labourer 1909 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 23 p.c. Lame; scar above right eye and on left 6 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 23 p.c. Lame; scar above right eye and on left 1 and year LOTTIE on left forearm ; left ankle injured. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 727, and Photos, 1935, p. 64.) ; ; .7 ’ V ' year LOTTIE on left forearm ; left ankle injured. F.P. (See P.G., 1940, p. 727, and Photos, -6/10/44 SvYr'.-iVV, ■’■. *. < 1935, p. 64.) Oakland Wanganui fighting .. ' . • fined £2 Maori labourer 1919 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right side of head. 6/10/44 fighting fined £2 Maori labourer 1919 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on right side of head. Rangi

Return of Persons summarily convicted -continued

Offender. of Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, &c. Leslie Ernest Wanganui 6/10/44 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1915 in. 8£ 5 fair dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Bird with DAD on back of left hand ; bird above MABEL and woman on left forearm ; , woman on left upper arm and on right forearm ; woman’s head on inside of right forearm ; snake on right upper arm. in. 8± fair dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Bird with DAD on back of left hand ; bird above MABEL and woman on left forearm ; woman on left upper arm and on right forearm ; woman’s head on inside of right forearm ; snake on right upper arm. Patrick, @Ngeru, Wanganui 9/10/44 theft months Maori labourer 1921 65 copper .. black brown .. flat Large scar on left side of back; scar on back 6 copper .. black brown .. flat Large scar on left side of back ; scar on back Waldron of p. p. @Tawhakaaturanga Wanganui 9/10/44 theft fined Maori labourer 1926 9 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on each knee, on right shin, and on left 9 copper .. black brown .. flat Scar on each knee, on right shin, and on left Arthur of chin., Victor . Wanganui 9/10/44 theft 3 months JS«. Zealand hotel porter 1923 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on abdomen and on right upper arm. charges) (3 . months and convicted (See P.G., 1943, p. 194.) dis-convicted eachcharged Scar on right side of upper lip and on base of charged on each 1 year’s probation N. Zealand hotel porter 1923 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on abdomen and on right upper arm. (See P.G., 1943, p. 194.) Scar on right side of upper lip and on base of Peter Raymond Mar 17/10/44 charges) N. Zealand railways 1926 6 01 fresh dark brown.. hazel .. large employee right thumb. 1 year’s probation N. Zealand railways 1926 6 0J fresh dark brown.. hazel .. large employee fresh right thumb. Francis John McCabe, Marton 17/10/44 stolen property receiving eachfined £2 Zealand railways 1921 10 brown blue medium 10 fresh brown blue medium charges) porter pale Operation-scar on left shoulder. (See P.G., N. Zealand porter . pale Operation-scar on left shoulder. (See P.G., Harold J Pahiatua 4/10/44 on fined restaurateur 1902 5 3 dark brown .. medium.. N. Zealand restaurateur 1902 5 3 dark brown .. medium.. maker 1943, p. Cowboy’s head on left upper arm. (See P.G., James .Ferguson, Masterton 19/10/44 theft 6 Zealand labourer 1912 8 fair light brown.. blue broken .. Cowboy’s head on left upper arm. (See P.G., 8 fair light brown.. blue broken .. attempted and 67.) p. p. charged fresh p. Doreen Lodge, Lower . 18/10/44 assault fined Australia prostitute . 1893 8 brown g re y • • large 8 brown grey • • large Bessie Scar on left knee. (See P.G., 1943, p. 806.) William Southern, . Petone theft (2 charges); and reto come up if i Australia .. driver 1925 5 8 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left knee. (See P.G., 4.943, p. 806.) 11/10/44 theft (2 charges); and reto come up if Australia .. driver 1925 5 8 fresh brown grey .. medium.. ceiving stolen property called on in 1 4L z~. * ceiving stolen property (2 charges) called on in 1 year on each 2 years’ probation c L , Cranley Ronald .Clapham, (2 charges) year on each Petone y .. 11/10/44 theft (3 charges) .. N. Zealand labourer and motor mechanic 1924 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1944, p. 676. Cranley Ronald .Clapham, MervynShaw, Trevor Petone Petone 11/10/44 11/10/44 charges) assault . 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer and 1924 5 7 fresh black brown .. medium. . See P.G., 1944, p. 676. motor mechanic fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 4J fresh brown grey .. large, Clasped hands on left foreaim ; boil-scars on (not 1878) crooked neck. (See P.G., 1939, p. 840.) Mervyn Trevor Shaw, Sydney Petone Petone 11/10/44 16/10/44 assault . (illegally vagabond and rogue fined if to up Zealand Zealand labourer bus-driver . 1896 1918 5 11 5 fair brown blue medium.. Scar above right ear ; lame on right leg. 4| fresh brown grey .. large, Clasped hands on left foreaim ; boil-scars on (not 1878) crooked neck. (See P.G., 1939, p. 840.) on premises) on in 6 months mischief to pay damage Sydney Trevor Morris John Lengley, Petone Wellington . 16/10/44 13/10/44 rogue and vagabond (illegally on premises) mischief theft called to up probation year’s 1 N. Zealand storeman .. 1898 5 6 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. medium on in 6 months to pay damage 1 year’s probation N. Zealand bus-driver .. 1918 5 11 fair brown blue medium.. Scar above right ear ; lame on right leg. Morris John Lengley, James Collins, Wellington . Wellington . 13/10/44 16/10/44 theft of book- on carrying N. Zealand storeman .. 189S 5 6 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. medium fined £50 N. Zealand barman 1897 5 0} fresh brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1942, p. 688. Collins, Albert James or Wellington .. 16/10/44 carrying on business of bookfined £50 N. Zealand barman 1897 5 9i fresh brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1942, p. 688. John maker • Charles Wellington . 16/10/44 book-carrying fined England agent 1883 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Stout build. (See P.G., 1933, p. 720.) 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Stout build. (See P.G., 1933, p. 720.) Wellington maker drunkenness to Inebriates’ England .. labourer 18S6 5 5 sallow .. black, going grey .. medium.. ADA and ALICE on right forearm; scar on 17/10/44 maker drunkenness to Inebriates’ England .. labourer 1886 5 5 sallow .. black, going grey .. medium.. ADA and ALICE on right forearm ; scar on Skeggs, George Home for 1 year bald right side of jaw. (See P.G., 1944, p. 683, and Photos, 1940, p. 74.) 17/10/44 Home for 1 year bald right side of jaw. (See P.G., 1944, p. 683, and Photos, 1940, p. 74.) Everett, Wellington 17/10/44 theft months Zealand labourer 1920 5 fair \ fair blue .. medium.. Scar on inside of left knee and on back of right n fair fair blue .. medium.. Scar on inside of left knee and on back of right middle finger. (See P.G., 1943, p. 489, and Photos, 1942, p. 14.) middle finger. (See P.G., 1943, p. 489, and Photos, 1942, p. 14.) *.

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued

Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. : Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, William King. Wellington 17/10/44; theft .. 2 months N. Zealand clerk 1926 ft. 5 in. 9 dark black brown .. broad .. Scar on chin. (See P.G., 1944, p. 170.) i theft; and illegally wearing convicted and dis military uniform charged on each Small scar on right middle finger. (See P G., 17/10/44 theft 2 months N. Zealand clerk 1926 ft. in. 5 9 dark black brown .. broad .. Scar on chin. (See P.G., 1944, p. 170.) theft; and illegally wearing convicted and dis military uniform charged on each Small scar on right middle finger. (See P G., Patrick John Keown, Wellington . 18/ disorderly and 3 Eire labourer 1898 5 4 dark brown brown broad means) and p. MervynMcKenzie. theft (2 charges) .. 14 years’ proba . r i light brown.. , , Wellington . . 18/10/44 theft (2 charges) .. 14 years’ proba N. Zealand cook 1926 5 7 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. •Phote-at-Wellingtmrri 3/10/44. , P. John each 1 > Nani ... Wellington 20/10/44 assault fined Maori labourer 1901 5 l copper black brown . medium Left Linwood Wellington 20/10/44 bookfined N. Zealand baker 1886 5 9 fair grey blue medium. 1934, p. maker confectioner Henderson Thomas Teesdale, Wellington 20/10/44 book- on carrying fined N. 1887 5 8 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1931, p. 727. confectioner 1887 5 8 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1931, p. 727. maker * Phyllis.. Adeline Wellington 20/10/44 theft (3 charges) years’ N. Zealand domestic 1913 5 2 fair auburn blue-grey medium . N. Zealand domestic 1913 5 2 fair auburn blue-grey medium on Brooke, Wellington . 20/10/44 theft fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1923 5 11 fresh brown, curly grey • medium Violet Ball, Wellington 20/10/44 telegram fined N. handfactory 1914 5 7 fresh auburn hazel . medium.. ; Henry Nelson 16/10/44 disorderly month 1 N. labourer 1890 5 7 dark grey hazel . medium.. left ; means) * back. 711.) Waimakariri . Nelson 16/10/44 theft supervision Maori student 1929 5 0 copper black brown medium ; ; Welfare of ; Officer 1 middle finger. year middle finger. Lacey, Blenheim 18/10/44 female on indecent of Child to Zealand N. labourer 1928 5 9 fair fair hazel small Appears to ; glasses Gibson Superhip deformed. intendent - hip deformed. FrederickWoodstock, Westport 2/10/44 behaviour fined N. Zealand labourer 1924 5 10 dark dark . brown . medium. 687, 12/10/44 theft days and 44.) p. Alexander Frederick Warren, Greymouth . 2/10/44 theft . charges) 1 N. farmer 1908 5 fresh brown grey . long side on right StanleyAlexander, Kaikoura 19/9/44 driving motorand N. and 1912 5 9£ fresh fair blue medium and car qualified driving to lorry driver MEMORY on right forearm. 30/6/45 to come up if called on in 6 lorry driver MEMORY on right forearm. Adelaide Wilton, Mary Culverden 3/10/44 theft N. Zealand domestic 1919 5 44 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Scar below right knee and on left side of face. (See P.G., 1944, p. 783, and Photos, p. 36.) ; 1 : . . ...... if up months JN. Zealand domestic 1919 5 4 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Scar below right knee and on left side of face. called on in 6 (See P.G., 1944, p. 783, and Photos, p. 36.) months Joseph Foley, Christchurch 24/6/44 fighting fined N. labourer 1925 5 6 fresh fair, curly . blue medium. the regarding Edward 1944, p. p. ■ ' •

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued

Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Leslie Norris Crawshaw, Christchurch 18/10/44 false pretences . . 3 • Zealand labourer and 1921 ft. in. 5 3 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on left knee and on right thumb; birthbarman mark, anchor, and GRACE on left forearm. N. Zealand labourer and 1921 ft 5 in. 3 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar on left knee and on right thumb ; birthbarman mark, anchor, and GRACE on left forearm. Li i i (See P.G., 1944, p. 696, and Photos, 1938, p. 79.) (See P.G., 1944, p. 696, and Photos, 1938, p. 79.) 2 fs/so. grey wiled on ■months grey Morten Alexander, Christchurch 20/10/44 shopbreaking charges); to up Zealand T. 1927 5 4 fresh light . brown medium countinghouse-break- and called 1 messageboy carpenter .. t Christchurch ing years boy EmmettO’Connor, 20/10/44 default of maintenance 6 months Australia .. carpenter .. 1905 5 8£ fresh dark, turning grey .• medium.. Scars on chin, on upper lip, and on right jaw. Christchurch 20/10/44 ing default of maintenance 6 months Australia .. 1905 5 00 fresh dark, turning grey .. medium.. Scars on chin, on upper lip, and on right jaw. Joseph• grey John, @ Christchurch 20/10/44 premises on ifto come Australia . labourer and 1895 5 5 sallow . brown blue flat, head on ; upper beater intent on bootmaker broken AUSTRALIA coat-of-arms i year ; and 1944, p. 1941, p. 36.) ’ ! , PeterMcCormick, 1941, p. 36.) Timaru 17/10/44 illegally on pi'emises withto come up if Australia .. miner 1882 6 1 fresh grey brown .. medium.. Dimple in chin ; scar on back of left hand and out intent called on in 3 on back of head. (See P.G., 1944, p. 319, months and Photos, 1934, p. 40.) ’ McCormick, . George Clements, . Timaru Dunedin 17/10/44 9/10/44 illegally on assault . if come up months 2 Australia . . N. Zealand miner soldier 1882 1912 6 5 1 fresh grey brown .. medium.. Dimple in chin ; scar on back of left hand and 11 freckled brown grey . ■ medium.. Mole on left side of chin. (See P.G., 1935, p. 625.) out intent called on in 3 on back of head. (See P.G., 1944, p. 319, months and Photos, 1934, p. 40.) George Clements, Kathleen Mullins, Mary Dunedin Dunedin 9/10/44 10/10/44 assault theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand domestic 1026 5 H fresh black hazel .. medium.. Cast in left eye; operation -scar on abdomen. 2 months N. Zealand soldier 1912 5 11 freckled brown grey .. medium.. Mole on left side of chin. (See P.G., 1935, p. 625.) Kathleen Mary Edmond George Dunedin Dunedin 10/10/44 12/10/44 theft theft probation 1 year’s year’s Zealand N. Zealand N. domestic labourer 1926 1916 5 5 3* 7 fresh fresh brown, curly, brown .. medium.. F.P. going bald black hazel .. medium.. Cast in left eye ; operation-scar on abdomen. i Edmond . George Paulin, Henry Dunedin . . Dunedin 12/10/44 13/10/44 fortune-telling fined £2 England . tearoom1882 5 10 fresh grey blue medium.. Small scar on right temple. fortune-telling to pay costs proprietor theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1916 5 7 fresh brown, curly, brown .. medium.. F.P. going bald Paulin, Henry Robert, @ Dunedin Dunedin 13/10/44 16/10/44 fortune-telling fighting • . fined fined England . Zealand tearoom- seaman 1882 1919 5 5 10 9 fresh dark black, curly brown .. medium. . Scar on bridge of nose; left middle finger grey blue medium.. Small scar on right temple. fortune-telling to pay costs proprietor Robert,- Horsbough, @ missing; BOB and VEDA in two hearts on right forearm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 442.) Dunedin 16/10/44 fighting • .. fined £2 N. Zealand seaman 1919 5 9 dark black, curly brown .. medium.. Scar on bridge of nose; left middle finger Horsburgh Wilbert .Mclndoe, missing; BOB and VEDA in two hearts on right forearm. (See P.G., 1941, p. 442.) Dunedin 16/10/44 fighting fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. Two flags, LIBERTY, sailing-ship inside chain, ship’s wheel, HOLDFAST, palm, and shamrock on left arm; anchor on left hand; ship’s wheel on right thumb ; star on left middle finger; heart on inside of right forearm ; KIA ORA, Kiwi, and N.Z. on right hand. Wilbert .Mclndoe, Robert Glover, Dunedin Dunedin 16/10/44 17/10/44 fighting . theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1926 5 71 fresh fair grey .. medium.. Boil-scars on neck. F.P. fined £2 JN. Zealand labourer 1913 5 9 fresh brown blue medium.. Two flags, LIBERTY, sailing-ship inside chain, ship’s wheel, HOLDFAST, palm, and shami ‘ '• j ■■ - ■ Smith, Mary Margaret rock on left arm; anchor on left hand; ship’s wheel on right thumb ; star on left middle finger; heart on inside of right forearm ; KIA ORA, Kiwi, and N.Z. on right hand. Gore 12/10/44 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic 1910 5 ?£ fair brown blue medium called on in 1 Alfred Glover, Ashley, Thomas Dunedin Invercargill . 17/10/44 4/10/44 intoxicated in charge of y 6cii fined £35 England . medical 18S7 5 11 fresh grey hazel .. medium.. Stout build ; scar on right knee. (See P.G., motor-car practitioner 1942, p. 711.) \ I year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1926 5 n fresh fair grey .. medium.. Boil-scars on neck. F.P. theft Gore 12/10/44 theft to come up f N. Zealand domestic 1910 5 n fair brown blue medium called on in 1 Smith, Margaret .'•Ashley, Thomas 4/10/44 intoxicated in charge of year fined £35 England . medical 18S7 5 ii fresh grey hazel .. medium.. Stout build ; scar on right knee. (See P.G., motor-car practitioner 1942, p. 711.) Invercargill ..

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued

T 1 • Name OfiOl, -f:. ,T " " JE Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Where tried. i When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade :a ! Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) fitiol, Name Prisoner.Auckland ft. in. Large scar on inside of right elbow and on right shin. F.P. Deported. (See P.G., 1944, p. 744.) Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade 3 Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicate# that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland PedroAlvarado, ft. in. Large scar on inside of right elbow and on Auckland M.C. 27/9/44 landing in New Zealand without permit to be detained pending deportation Honduras .. seaman 1921 5 51 1 (not 5 7) sallow .. black brown .. medium.. 13/10/44 Alvarado, Alfreda Jean Yates, Auckland M.C. 27/9/44 landing in New Zealand to be detained Honduras .. seaman 1921 5 5£ sallow .. black brown .. medium.. 13/10/44 without permit pending deport(not right shin. F.P. Deported. (See P.G., ation o n 1944, p. 744.) Alfreda Jean Yates, Kathleen Auckland 17/7/44 and 3 months N. Zealand domestic 1917 5 2 fair light brown.. brown .. medium.. 16/10/44 10 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen and cient means) 3 months N. Zealand domestic 1917 5 2 fair light brown.. brown .. medium.. 16/10/44 10 p.c. Scar on right side of abdomen and on left side of neck ; moles on face. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 599, and Photos, 1941, p. 20.) Stanaway, William Henry Auckland M.C. 6/9/44 theft .. 6 weeks N. Zealand wharf labourer 1901 5 di fresh grey brown .. large 17/10/44 Strong build ; mole on right cheek. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 691.) Hislop, Thomas Alan .. Dunedin M.C... 25/8/44 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand engineer 1914 5 6J fair ginger blue medium.. 18/10/44 Slight build; scar on right knee ; small scar on left side of forehead. Arrested, 19/9/44. Renata, William BallynKathleentine cient mpans) on left side of neck ; moles on face. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 599, and Photos, 1941, p. 20.) Auckland M.C. 7/10/44 obstructing police 14 days Maori labourer 1919 5 94 copper .. black brown .. flat 20/10/44 7 p.c. Strong build; large mouth; scar on left forefinger; birthmark on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 778, and Photos, p. 28.) Henry William Stanaway, Reuben, David Wilson, Auckland M.C. 6/9/44 theft .. .. •. 6 weeks N. Zealand wharf 1901 5 91 fresh grey brown .. large 17/10/44 Strong build ; mole on right cheek. F.P. labourer (See P.G., 1944, p. 691.) Alan . Thomas Hislop, Frank Taylor, Dunedin M.C... 25/8/44 default of maintenance .. arrears or 1 month N. Zealand engineer 1914 5 6i fair ginger blue medium.. 18/10/44 Slight build; scar on right knee; small scar on left side of forehead. Arrested, 19/9/44. Ballyn- William Renata, Robert Auckland Auckland 7/10/4416/10/44 obstructing theft . days days England .. cook 1895 5 64 fresh brown, wavy, going bald hazel .. medium.. 21/10/44 2 p.c. Scar on left forefinger and on left shin and ankle. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 208, and Photos, 1934, p. 48.) Maori labourer 1919 5 9i copper .. black brown .. flat ‘ 20/10/44 7 p.c. Strong build; large mouth; scar tineTonti on left forefinger; birthmark on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 778, and Photos, p. 28.) Tauranga M.C. 22/7/44 obscene language 3 months Maori labourer 1923 5 7f copper .. black brown .. flat 21/10/44 3 p.c. Large mouth ; scar on back of right hand and on left shoulder. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 601.) Reuben, David Wilson, Waikeria — Auckland M.C. 16/10/44 theft .. 7 days England .. cook 1895 5 Gi fresh brown, wavy, hazel .. medium.. 21/10/44 2 p.c. Scar on left forefinger and on left Frank Taylor, Roch, going bald shin and ankle. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, Francis Yeates Waikeria Borstal InstituTe Awamutu M.C. 21/7/44 unlawfully converting motor-cycle 3 months N. Zealand plumber and aircraftman 1923 5 7* fresh brown brown .. medium.. 13/10/44 Snake around dagger on left forearm; tip of left thumb missing. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 601.) Robertlion— p. 208, and Photos, 1934, p. 48.) Ward, Douglas Vincent Auckland M.C. 9/8/43 unlawfully converting motor-car 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand canistermaker 1922 5 2 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 5/10/44 Hernia-operation scar; scar on left side of neck. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1943, p. 640, and Photos, 1940, p. 92.) Scar on right knee. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1943, p. 754, and Photos, p. 86.) Miller, James Edwin TaiBernard M.C.Tauranga Wellington 22/7/4414/9/43 obscene languagewarehouse-breaking months in years Maori labourer 1923 5 n copper .. black brown .. flat 21/10/44 3 p.c. Large mouth ; scar on back of right ■t hand and on left shoulder. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 601.) Institution N. Zealand factory hand 1923 5 1\ pale dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 5/10/44 Kiernan, Lynleigh Waikeria —Edward Hamilton S.C. 30/7/43 carnal knowledge 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1924 5 7\ fresh auburn grey .. medium.. 6/10/44 Scar on. left foot. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1943, p. 637.) Francis Roch, Waenga Te Walker, Te Awamutu 21/7/44 unlawfully converting 3 months N. Zealand plumber and 1923 5 n fresh brown brown .. medium.. 13/10/44 Snake around dagger on left forearm; tip Francis Richard Bulls M.C. .. 30/5/44 (not 29/5/44) theft .. breach of probation 3 months 1 month (probationary license cancelled) Maori labourer 1925 5 64 copper .. black brown .. flat 6/10/44 Scars on each forearm and on chest; large scar on right leg. (See P.G., 1944, p. 511, and Photos, 1943, p. 30.) M.C. motor-cycle aircraftman of left thumb missing. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 601.) Borstal Ngakete Maungatoroto M.C. 14/2/44 theft i 1 1 month (probationary license cancelled) Maori labourer 1925 5 5 copper .. black brown .. flat 6/10/44 Scar on right eyebrow and on left lower leg. F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 802, and Photos, p. 13.) tion— Ward, Douglas 9/8/43 unlawfully converting 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand canister1922 5 2 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 5/10/44 Hernia-operation scar ; scar on left side of motor-car Institution maker neck. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1943, p. 640, and Photos, 1940, p. 92.) Scar on right knee. F.P. Released on Auckland M.C. Wellington S.C. 14/9/43 warehouse-breaking 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand factory hand 1923 5 n pale dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 5/10/44 Miller, James Edwin Institution license. (See P.G., 1943, p. 754, and Photos, p. 86.) Bernard Lynleigh 30/7/43 carnal knowledge 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1924 5 n fresh auburn grey .. medium.. 6/10/44 Scar on. left foot. F.P. Released on Hamilton S.C. Institution license. (See P.G., 1943, p. 637.) EdwardWalker, Te Wacnga 30/5/44 theft .. 3 months Maori labourer 1925 5 G i copper .. black brown .. flat 6/10/44 Scars on each forearm and on chest; large Bulls M.C. .. (notbreach of probation 1 month (probascar on right leg. (See P.G., 1944, p. 511, 29/5/44) tionary license cancelled) and Photos, 1943, p. 30.) RichardNgakete 14/2/44 theft .. 1 month (probaMaori labourer 1925 5 5 copper .. black brown .. flat 6/10/44 Scar on right eyebrow and on left lower leg. Maungatoroto . tionary license F.P. (See P.G., 1943, p. 802, and Photos, cancelled) p. 13.) M.C.


j | | r Com- j plcxion. I When discharged. Eemarks, and Previous Convictions. j tried. j Oll'euce. Sentence. of Trade 1 '3 w Hair. Eyes. Nose. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) u a Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Rotorua— labourer ft. in. . I 4 ! ft. in. ' 1 RobertWitariana, Rotorua 19/9/44 breach 21 Zealand N. 192s| 5 5 copper .. black blue medium.. 9/10/44 A half-caste Maori ; scar on right leg near labourer 1925 5 5 copper .. black blue medium.. 9/10/44 A half-caste Maori; scar on right leg near Emergency (See 745.) p. Regulations Waikune— Thomas Wanganui 26/4/41 and pretences each months on Zealand labourer 1895 5 sallow brown blue-grey medium. 9/10/44 thigh, on on FrankJohnston, false attempted F.P. of on Auckland 12/6/41 fences, theft 6 P.G., license. on 1941, 1924, p. and 1 y’r’s R.D. (cumulative with sentences above) (probationary license cancelled, 7/5/41) * and 1 y’r’s R.l). (cumulative with sentences above) (probationary license cancelled, 7/5/41) 1910 5 4£ 9 p.c. Large mouth ; scar on right wrist Abraham, Harry Wanganui 24/1/44 attempted and theft; on Maori labourer copper .. black brown .. flat 14/10/44 1910 5 H copper .. black brown .. flat 14/10/44 9 p.c. Large mouth ; scar on right wrist theft ) and near right eye ; tip of right forefinger • and near right eye ; tip of right forefinger (probationary remission. on Discharged license cancelled, p. 31/1/44) * p. Richardson, Auckland 2/5/44 the theft months Zealand andengineer 1919 5£ 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 14/10/44 7 p.c. Scar on back of right hand ; two 51 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 14/10/44 7 p.c. Scar on back of right hand ; two mond person wharf operation-scars on right side of abdomen; labourer right ; abdomen. on operation-scar abdomen. on operation-scar Discharged (See Discharged on 1944, ]>. P.G., and 1944, p. 25.) p. p. 25.) 1 p.c. Slight build. F.P. Released on Addison, Reginald Auckland S.C. 1/2/44 servant 1 year Australia electro-plater 1904 0 6 sallow .. brown, turnhazel .. medium.. 20/10/44 ing grey license. (See P.G., 1944, p. 400, and Photos, p. 43.) 0 sallow .. brown, turnhazel .. medium.. 20/10/44 1 p.c. Slight build. F.P. Released on ing grey license. (See P.G., 1944, p. 400, and Photos, p. 43.) Napier— Paraire M.C. 11/7/44 stolen propertyreceiving months Maori labourer 1924 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 2/10/44 3 p.c. Burn-scar on chest; scar on left 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 2/10/44 3 p.c. Burn-scar on chest; scar on left disorderly and 1 month ; means) (cumulative) Discharged on P.G., 1944, p. £>4/4 1 IKK4 j 1 r» T*rrn )> • J/t/f . (3 charges} wrist. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1942, p. 952, and Photos, 1943, p. 31.) J3 J/ Wellington -S.(i i/M24/11/42 indecent, assaultcomfemale (3 charges} hnntr*' 4 r»lro»» 1S84 fresh. Trrn - |f 1 '1 rryp 3/10/44 15-p.c. —Tattoo -in-circle-on-back-of- left wrist. —F.P. —Released- on-license. —(See P.G.,— 1942,—p.-952,-and-Photos,— 1943, p.-31.) Francis Rapier 10/8/44 of 10 Australia . labourer 1907 5 fresh dark hazel .. large 4/10/44 Operation-scar on right side of abdomen; horseshoe, heart, and AUSSIE on right wrist. F.P. Arrested, 25/9/44. (See P.G., 1944, p. 553.) 5f fresh dark hazel .. large 4/10/44 Operation-sear on right side of abdomen; horseshoe, heart, and AUSSIE on right wrist. F.P. Arrested, 25/9/44. (See P.G., 1944, p. 553.) Galway, James, Healey Hastings 18/9/44 obscene exposure 1 Zealand labourer 1887 5 ruddy .. grey grey .. flat 17/10/44 37 p.c. Scar on nose and on right elbow and wrist; right elbow stiff. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 745, and Photos, 1925, p. 64.) 4 ruddy .. grey grey .. flat 17/10/44 37 p.c. Scar on nose and on right elbow and wrist; right elbow stiff. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 745, and Photos, 1925, p. 64.)


j 4^ A Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Caol, ai-d Name ol Prisoner. Where tried. j When, j Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade t-i O PQ tD ‘3 a Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) . ” . : " Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Name Prisoner. Oaol,.aLd Tako— Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade O tO ’<3 H Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Tako— Frederick Smith, Wellington M.C. 17/7/44 rogue and vagabond 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 ft. in. 5 4 fresh grey brown .. medium.. 16/10/44 27 p.c. Scar on abdomen, below chin, and (insufficient means) above right eye. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 587, and Photos, 1935, p. 9.) Frederick Smith, Institu- Borstal Archata * Wellington M.C. 17/7/44 rogue and vagabond 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 ft. in. 5 4 fresh ... grey brown .. medium.. 16/10/44 27 p.c. Scar on abdomen, below chin, and (insufficient means) above right eye. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 587, and Photos, 1935, p. 9.) nstitu- 1 Borstal Arohata lion— v A Giles, Thelma Betty .. Auckland M.C. 13/8/43 theft .. 1| years in Borstal N. Zealand factory hand 1925 5 5i fair brown blue small 16/10/44 Birthmark on right forearm. Released on Institution license. (See P.G., 1944, p. 306, and Wellington M.C. 3/4/44 escaping from Borstal 3 months - Photos, 1943, p. 83.) Arohata Reformatory— tion— ElaineMcNulty, Institution Wellington M.C. 16/10/44 breach of Industrial Man 48 hours N. Zealand domestic 1925 5 3 pale blonde blue medium.. 18/10/44 F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 633.) power Emergency Regulations Betty Giles, .Wellington— England . sallow .. brown blue Scar on upper lip. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, Auckland M.C. 13/8/43 theft .. .. ]| years in Borstal N. Zealand factory hand 1925 5 5£ fair brown blue small 16/10/44 Birthmark on right forearm. Released on Institution license. (See P.G., 1944, p. 306, and Wellington M.C. 3/4/44 escaping from Borstal 3 months - Photos, 1943, p. 83.) Institution Reformatory Arohata MichaelWhalen, pale blonde Wellington M.C. 26/9/44 deserting ship .. 14 days seaman 1920 5 4 medium.. 9/10/44 p. 746.) ElaineMcNulty, John McCourt, Wellington Masterton 16/10/4411/9/44 Man of assault 1 month without Eire hotel worker 1894 5 8 fresh grey, going grey .. medium.. 10/10/44 2 p.c. Scar on tip of left fore, middle, and 48 hours N. Zealand domestic 1925 5 3 blue medium.. 18/10/44 F.P. (See P.G., 1944, p. 633.) power Emergency Regulations - or John Berthmans -H.L. bald ring fingers. F.P. (See P.G., 1929, p. 610, and 1938, p. 75.) Wellington— Albert Florey, sallow .. Scar on upper lip. F.P. (See P.G., 1944, Wellington M.C. 16/3/42 default of maintenance . 2 months England . wharf 1881 6 4£ fresh brown, turn hazel .. medium.. 12/10/44 Strong build ; tip of left middle finger labourer ing grey - injured. Arrested, 10/10/44. Portion of arrears paid. Whalen, Michael Paparua— fresh Wellington M.C. 26/9/44 deserting ship .. 14 days England . seaman 1920 5 4 brown blue medium.. 9/10/44 p. 746.) John McCourt, George M.C.MastertQn Christchurch 11/9/4424/7/44 attempted false pretences 3 months Australia . labourer and 1913 5 4 dark brown. grey .. medium.. 17/10/44 1 p.c. in New Zealand, 12 p.c. in Australia. assault 1 month without Eire hotel worker 1894 5 8 fresh grey, going grey .. medium.. 10/10/44 2 p.c. . Scar on tip of left fore, middle, and M.C. seaman KANGAROO, AUSTRALIA FOR EVER, clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on right upper arm ; American ensign and stars on left upper arm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 603.) Berthmans John John, @ -H.L. bald ring fingers. F.P. (See P.G., 1929, p. 610, and 1938, p. 75.) Christchurch 9/5/44 theft from the person . 6 months Australia . labourer and 1895 5 5 sallow .. brown blue flat, 18/10/44 34 p.c. Horse’s head in horseshoe on left Albert Florey, Leadbeater Wellington S.C. bootmaker . broken upper arm ; coat-of-arms and ADVANCE AUSTRALIA on right upper arm ; scar on base of right thumb. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 809, and Photos, 1941, p. 36.) 16/3/42 default of maintenance . 2 months England . wharf 1881 6 4£ fresh brown, turn hazel .. medium.. 12/10/44 Strong build; tip of left middle finger labourer ing grey . injured. Arrested, 10/10/44. Portion of arrears paid. V Solomon, Abiatha William Tirnaru M.C. .. 8/5/44 default of maintenance . 6 months N. Zealand slaughterman 1913 5 7 copper .. black brown .. Roman .. 20/10/44 9 p.c. A half-caste Maori; scars on left - / knee, wrist, and ankle and on right forearm. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 441.) Day, Gordon Martin .. Christchurch 8/5/44 shopbreaking; counting 6 months on each Canada seaman 1917 5 8 fresh brown, going blue medium.. 20/10/44 1 p.c. Scar on bridge of nose ; operationS.C. house-breaking; and bald scar on abdomen ; eagle above two flags Paparua— - * Australia . fresh count ingho use-breaking and sailing-ship above CANADA on George ■■■ • . ■: with intent (3 charges) right forearm ; flag design above LEN on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 453, and Photos, p. 45.) 24/7/44 attempted false pretences 3 months labourer and 1913 5 4 dark brown. grey .. medium.. 17/10/44 1 p.c. in New Zealand, 12 p.c. in Australia. Christchurch seaman KANGAROO, AUSTRALIA FOR EVER, clasped hands, and TRUE ' LOVE on right upper arm; American ensign and stars on left upper arm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 603.) M.C. Christchurch 9/5/44 theft from the person 6 months Australia . labourer and 1895 5 5 sallow .. brown blue flat, 18/10/44 34 p.c. Horse’s head in horseshoe on left John, @Leadbeater bootmaker broken upper arm ; coat-of-arms and ADVANCE AUSTRALIA on right upper arm ; scar on base of right thumb. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 809, and Photos, 1941, p. 36.) S.C. Timaru M.C. .. 8/5/44 default of maintenance . 6 months N. Zealand slaughterman 1913 5 7 copper .. black brown .. Roman .. 20/10/44 9 p.c. A half-caste Maori ; scars on left - ! knee, wrist, and ankle and on right forearm. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 441.) WilliamSolomon, ■ ■, . i. Christchurch 8/5/44 shopbreaking; counting 6 months on each Canada seaman 1917 5 8 fresh brown, going blue medium.. 20/10/44 1 p.c. Scar on bridge of nose ; operationS.C. house-breaking; and bald scar on abdomen ; eagle above two flags Martin Gordon Day, " 1 • • and sailing-ship above CANADA on counti nghouse- breaking with intent (3 charges) right forearm; flag design above LEN on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on ■■, -1- • - remission. (See P.G., 1944, p. 453, and Photos, p. 45.) ■v


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIX, Issue 43, 1 November 1944, Page 795

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POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1944 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIX, Issue 43, 1 November 1944, Page 795

POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1944 New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIX, Issue 43, 1 November 1944, Page 795