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Serial Number 1939/120. PROCLAMATION OF EMERGENCY. [ L s ] GALWAY, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by section two of the Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932, it is provided that if at any time it appears to the Governor-General that any circumstances exist, or are likely to come into existence, whereby the public safety or public order is or is likely to be imperilled, he may by Proclamation approved in Executive Council declare that a state of emergency exists throughout New Zealand : And whereas it appears to me that circumstances are likely to come into existence whereby the public safety and public order are likely to be imperilled : Now, therefore, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, GovernorGeneral of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power conferred on me by the said section two, and with the approval of the Executive Council, do hereby declare that a state of emergency exists throughout New Zealand. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this Ist day of September, 1939 P. FRASER, Acting Prime Minister. Approved in Executive Council, this Ist day of September, 1939. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. God save the King !

Serial Number 1039/ 121. THE CENSORSHIP AND PUBLICITY EMERGENCY REGULATIONS 1939. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this Ist day of September, 1939. Present : His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932, and to a Proclamation of Emergency now in force under that Act, and pursuant to section 161 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. PART I.—GENERAL. Regulation 1. Preliminary. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Censorship and Publicity Emergency Regulations 1939. (2) In these regulations, unless inconsistent with the context, — (a) General Definitions. “ Board ” means the Censorship and Publicity Board established by these regulations and, where the context so requires, includes any person or persons to whom any powers of the Board have been delegated : “ His Majesty’s Forces ” includes the New Zealand and all other military, naval, or air forces raised by the Government of any Territory forming part of His Majesty’s Dominions : “ Public safety ” includes the effective conduct of the military, naval, or air operations of His Majesty, the maintenance of industries essential to the public welfare, and the prevention of seditious utterances : “ Telegraphic message ” includes telephonic messages, and also includes not only messages transmitted by electric wires or cables, but also those transmitted by radio-telegraphy or radio-telephony. (b) Definitions relating to Telegraph and Postal Censorship. “ Officer of Customs ” means any person employed in the service of the Customs : “ Police officer ” means a member of the Police Force of any rank :

“ Postal censor ” means a person appointed to act as a postal censor under Regulation 5 hereof: “ Postal packet ” means a letter, post-card, letter-card, newspaper, a book-packet, pattern or sample packet or parcel, New Zealand parcel, foreign parcel, and every other packet or article transmissible by post, and includes a telegram : “ Telegraphic censor ” means a person appointed to act as a telegraphic censor under Regulation 7 hereof: “ Telegraph-station ” means any station or place in New Zealand at which telegraphic messages are received from or transmitted to any place outside New Zealand, and includes all cables or wires connected with that station, and all things necessary for the efficient working thereof. (c) Definitions relating to Publicity. “ Cinematograph film ” includes a sound-track and any other article on which sounds have been recorded for the purpose of their being reproduced in connection with the exhibition of cinematograph film : “ To publish ” means to communicate to the public or to any person or persons whether in writing or orally or by radiotelegraphy or radio-telephony or otherwise ; and in relation to cinematograph-film includes the mechanical or electrical reproduction of any sound in connection with the projection of the film ; and “ publication ” has a corresponding meaning. Regulation 2. —Censorship and Publicity Board. (1) There shall be a Board, to be known as the Censorship and Publicity Board. (2) The members of the Board shall be the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence, the Postmaster-General and Minister of Telegraphs, the Chiefs of the Naval, General, and Air Staffs, the Permanent Head of the Prime Minister’s Department, the DirectorGeneral of the Post and Telegraph Department, and such other persons appointed, either personally or ex officio, as the Prime Minister from time to time thinks fit so to appoint. (3) The Prime Minister shall himself be Chairman of the Board. (4) The Prime Minister may appoint a Deputy-Chairman of the Board and arrange for an officer of the Public Service or any other person to be the Secretary of the Board. (5) The members of the Board other than those holding office ex officio may resign office by notice in writing to the Secretary, and may at any time be removed by the Prime Minister by notice in writing to the member affected, or by public notice, and the Prime Minister shall indicate to the Secretary of the Board the fact of every such resignation or removal. Regulation 3. —Powers and Procedure of the, Board. (1) The Board shall have complete power to administer these regulations, and any powers hereby conferred on the Controller of Censorship, Director of Publicity, or any other person shall, if and whenever the Board thinks fit, be exercisable directly by the Board, and any exercise of power by any such person may accordingly be superseded by action on the part of the Board.

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(2) The Board may delegate any of the functions and powers conferred on it by these regulations, either generally or in respect of any particular area or in respect of any particular class of activity, to any committee of its members or of other persons or partly of its members and partly of other persons, and any determination of such a committee shall, unless modified by the Board, have effect as a determination of the Board. (3) Any such delegation may at any time be revoked or modified by the Board. (4) Any notice or direction or other document of the Board shall be sufficient if given in writing signed by the Secretary or any other person purporting to act on behalf and by direction of the Board. (5) The Board may in its discretion grant exemption, either wholly or in part, from compliance with any notice or direction of the Board or any requirement of these regulations, and any such exemption may at any time be withdrawn. (6) Subject to these regulations, the Board may regulate its procedure by standing orders, by-laws, or resolutions in such manner as it may from time to time think fit. PART lI.—TELEGRAPH AND POSTAL CENSORSHIP. Regulation 4.—Controller oe Censorship. (1) The Governor-General may from time to time appoint a Controller of Censorship, who, under the control and subject to the direction of the Board, shall be charged with the administration of this part of these regulations. (2) The Controller of Censorship may resign office by notice in writing to the Board through the Chairman of the Board, and may at any time be removed by the Board by notice in writing or by public notice. (3) The Controller of Censorship shall receive such salary as may from time to time be appropriated by Parliament for the purpose. Regulation 5. —Postal Censorship. (1) The Controller of Censorship may from time to time authorize any officer of the Public Service or any other person to act during his pleasure as a postal censor. (2) Any person may be appointed to act as a postal censor either generally or at any one or more post-offices in respect of postal packets received at or transmitted by or delivered from any post-office, or reaching New Zealand in transit between any other postal administrations. (3) The Controller of Censorship may in his discretion cause any postal packet to be opened, detained, or delayed. (4) A postal censor may open, detain, or delay any postal packet. (5) Except with the authority of a postal censor, it shall not be lawful for any postal officer to transmit beyond New Zealand, or to include in a mail being made up for transmission beyond New Zealand, any postal packet so addressed as by direction of the Controller of Censorship to require submission to a postal censor. (6) Except with the authority of a postal censor, it shall not be lawful for any postal officer to deliver or to make available any postal packet so addressed as, by direction of the Controller of Censorship, to require submission to a postal censor.

Regulation 6.—Telegraph-stations. (1) The Controller of Censorship may direct that any telegraphstation shall be closed. (2) Any such direction may at any time be revoked. (3) The Controller of Censorship shall be deemed to be appointed as the person to assume and retain possession on behalf of the Governor-General of any telegraph station under section 161 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, and to accept possession from the company or persons owning or occupying that station. (4) The Controller of Censorship shall be an officer of the Crown duly authorized to require operators and other persons to transmit and receive messages pursuant to section 161 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928. Regulation —Telegraphic Censorship. (1) The Controller of Censorship may from time to time authorize any officer of the Public Service or any other person to act during his pleasure as a telegraphic censor. (2) Any person may be appointed to act as a telegraphic censor either generally or at any one or more telegraph-stations in respect of telegraphic messages received at or transmitted by or delivered from any telegraph-station or reaching New Zealand in transit between any other telegraph administrations. (3) The Controller of Censorship may in his discretion cause any telegraphic message to be perused and detained or delayed. (4) A telegraphic censor may peruse and detain or delay any telegraphic message. (5) If and so long as any appointment of a telegraphic censor is in force with respect to any telegraph-station it shall not be lawful to transmit from that station any telegraphic message until and unless the transmission thereof has been approved by a telegraphic censor at that station. (6) If and so long as any appointment of a telegraphic censor is in force with respect to any telegraph-station it shall not be lawful for any person employed at that station to deliver or disclose to any other person any telegraphic message received at that station until and unless such delivery or disclosure has been approved by a telegraphic censor at that station. (7) In time of war or at any time when war is reasonably to be apprehended a telegraph message addressed to any place beyond New Zealand shall be accepted for transmission only at the sender’s risk and subject to the following conditions :■ — (a) That it is written wholly in plain language either English or French : ( b ) That it does not contain, either in the address, text, or signature, any code address or code word of any kind : (c) That it bears the sender’s name at the end of the text. (Any message not complying with this requirement shall be stopped in transmission until such name has been notified by the sender by means of a paid telegram) : « ( d ) That without notice to the sender it may be stopped, delayed, or otherwise dealt with in all respects at the discretion of the Controller of Censorship :

() That no claim in respect of the message, whether for the reimbursement of the sum paid for transmission or otherwise, shall be recognized in the circumstances whatsoever. Regulation 8— Secret-code Telegrams. (1) For the purposes of this regulation “ secret-code telegram ” means a telegraphic message having an apparent meaning on the face thereof but having a different meaning for the intended recipient or for any other person. (2) Every person who transmits, or causes to be transmitted, or presents or causes to be presented to any officer of the Post and Telegraph Department for transmission from New Zealand a secretcode telegram shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations.. (3) Every person who in New Zealand is knowingly concerned in the transmission by any other person into New Zealand of a secretcode telegram shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. Regulation 9. —Communications with Persons in Enemy Territory. (1) No person shall communicate or attempt to communicate, whether by post, or telegraph, or any other manner whatever, and whether directly, or indirectly through any other person, firm, or company in New Zealand or elsewhere, with any person, firm, or company having or carrying on business in the territory of any State at war with His Majesty or in occupation of any State at war with His Majesty. (2) No person shall in any manner act as an intermediary in any such communication or attempted communication or be in any manner knowingly concerned therein. (3) Nothing in this regulation shall apply to enemy territory in the military occupation of His Majesty’s forces. (4) The Board may if it appears desirable in any particular case, grant an exemption from the provisions of this regulation. Any such exemption may be subject to such conditions as the Board thinks fit to impose and may at any time be withdrawn. Regulation 10. — Communications Injurious to Public Safety. (1) If the Controller of Censorship has at any time reasonable grounds to suppose that any person, firm, or company in New Zealand or elsewhere is engaged in any business undertaking, correspondence, or communications of a nature injurious to the public safety or the effective conduct of the operations of the armed forces of His Majesty, the Controller of Censorship may, by notice under his hand in the Gazette, order that no postal packet or telegram addressed to or intended for that person, firm, or company shall be forwarded or delivered by the Post Office or transmitted by telegram. (2) Until such order is in like manner revoked no such postal packet or telegram shall be forwarded, delivered, or transmitted, nor shall any money-order be issued in favour of or paid to, such person, firm, or company. (3) While any such order remains in force all postal packets and telegraphic messages received at any post-office or telegraph-office for transmission to such person, firm, or company shall be submitted to censorship as hereinbefore provided.

(4) While any such order remains in force no person shall communicate, whether by post, or telegraph, or any other manner whatever, and whether directly or indirectly, through any other person, firm, or company in New Zealand or elsewhere, with the person, firm, or company to whom or to which the order relates, and no person shall in any manner act as an intermediary in any such communication or attempted communication or be in any manner knowingly concerned therein. (5) While any such order remains in force no person shall remit or attempt to remit from New Zealand, whether directly or indirectly, any money to or for the benefit of or on behalf of the person, firm, or company to whom or to which the order relates or be in any manner knowingly concerned in any such remittance or attempted remittance. (6) While any such order remains in force no person shall make or offer to make any contract with a person, firm, or company to whom or to which the order relates, or be in any manner knowingly concerned in the making or the offering of any such contract. Regulation 11. Communications otherwise than by Post. (1) No person shall otherwise than through the Post Office send or cause to be sent any letter or other written communication of such a nature that in the ordinary course of correspondence or business it would be transmitted through the Post Office. (2) Any letter or other communication carried by a person embarking or landing at a New Zealand port or aerodrome or elsewhere may be seized and opened, detained, or delayed by any officer of Customs or police officer, and every such letter or other communication so seized, unless returned forthwith to the person carrying the same, shall forthwith be delivered to a censor of postal packets referred to in these regulations. (3) If any police officer or officer of Customs has reasonable cause to suspect that any person is unlawfully carrying on or about his person or amongst his personal baggage any letter or other written communication of such a nature that in the ordinary course of correspondence or business would be transmitted through the Post Office, he may detain the person so suspected for the purpose of being searched, and may without warrant forthwith search that person. (4) A woman or girl may be detained as aforesaid, but shall not be searched except by a female searcher appointed for the purpose by either a police officer or officer of Customs. (5) Any police officer or officer of Customs or any person authorized by him in that behalf who on reasonable and probable grounds believes that any person has sent or is about to send, or has caused to be sent or is about to cause to be sent, otherwise than through the Post Office any letter or other written communication of such a nature that in the ordinary course of correspondence or business it would be transmitted through the Post 'Office may forthwith arrest such person without warrant, whether such person is guilty or not. (6) Any person so arrested shall be taken before a Justice to be dealt with according to law, or may be delivered to any police officer to be so taken and dealt with. (7) In any proceedings for a breach of clause (1) of this regulation the onus of proving that he has complied with this regulation shall be on the person charged with such offence.

(8) No person shall do any act or attempt to do any act with intent to evade, obstruct, or interfere with the effective censorship, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere, and whether in pursuance of these regulations or of the laws of any other country, of telegrams, letters, or other postal packets. ' * PART lII.—PUBLICITY. Regulation 12. Director of Publicity. (1) The Governor-General may from time to time appoint a Director of Publicity, who, under the control of the Board, shall be charged with the administration of this part of these regulations. (2) The Director of Publicity may resign office by notice in writing to the Board through the Chairman of the Board, and may at any • time be removed by the Board by notice in writing or by public notice. (3) The Director of Publicity shall receive such salary as may from time to time be appropriated by Parliament for that purpose. (4) The Director of Publicity may from time to time authorize any officer of the Public Service or any other person to act on his behalf for the purposes of this part of these regulations, and any such appointment may at any time be revoked. Regulation 13. Prejudicial Information. (1) Subject as hereafter provided, no person shall in any manner likely to prejudice the public safety or the efficient prosecution of any naval, military, or air force operations of His Majesty’s Forces obtain, attempt to obtain, place by writing or otherwise on record, communicate to any person, publish, or have in his possession any document or record whatsoever of or containing any information being or purporting to be information with respect to any of the following matters, that is to say:— (a) The number, description, armament, equipment, disposition, movements, or condition of any of His Majesty’s forces, vessels, or aircraft: ( b ) Any operation or projected operation of any of His Majesty’s forces, vessels, or aircraft: (c) Any measures for the defence or fortification of any place on behalf of His Majesty : ( d) The number, description, armament, equipment, dispositions, movements or condition of any British vessel of the Mercantile Marine or of a vessel of the Mercantile Marine belonging to any State or a subject of any State other than a State with which His Majesty is at war: (e) Any cargo laden or about to be laden in any ship or commercial aircraft which is about to leave New Zealand or which is in the course of a voyage from New Zealand, or any statement as to the use or intended use in the service of His Majesty of any ship which is about to leave New Zealand or which is in the course of a voyage from New Zealand : (/) Any other matter whatsoever, information as to which would or might be directly or indirectly useful to any State with which His Majesty is at war.

(2) No person shall publish any information of the kind referred to in this regulation unless such information :—- (a) Has previously appeared in a newspaper already received in New Zealand by mail and originally published in a part of , His Majesty’s Dominions where censorship restrictions accepted by the Director of Publicity as sufficient were in force at the date of such original publication ; or (b) Has been approved for publication by the Director of Publicity. Regulation 14. —Subversive Reports. / (1) In this regulation-!- (/ • “ Graphic represenl/ation ” includes a photograph, /photographic plate, photographic film, or other sensitized article which has been exposed in a camera, whether developed or not: “ Report ” include; any oral or written statement and any graphic representatior however produced : / p “ Subversive repo] t ” includes — / • (i) A false! report: / (y (ii) A report intended or likely to cause! disaffection to His Majesty! (iii) A report containing words expressive of a seditious intention wi/bhin the meaning of section 118 of the Crimes Act, 1908 : / / (iv) A report intended or likely to interfere with the success of His Majesty’s forces by land, seal or air : (v) A report intended or likely to prejudice the recruiting (/ ion ” includes a photograph, /photographic hie film, or other sensitized article which 1 in a camera, whether developed or not: ly oral or written statement and any graphic iwever produced : includes —- >ort: intended or likely to cause! disaffection to containing words expressive of a seditious the meaning of section 118 of the Crimes I intended or likely to interfere with the ijesty’s forces by land, sea/; or air : ntended or likely to prejudice the recruiting or training of His Majesty’s forces or /the discipline or administration of His Majesty’s forces : I (vi) A report intended or likely to interfere with the national/ effort by disruption of the morale of the civil population or armed forces : I (vii) A report intended or likely to prejudice the relations between His Majesty’s subjects and apy friendly foreign State or the subjects of that State : / (viii) A report intended or likely lo undermine public confidence in banking or the currency/ or intended or likely to prejudice the success of any financial measures taken or to be taken by the Government for the purpose of the more effective prosecution of any war in which for the time being His (Majesty may be engaged. / (2) No person shall publish or attempt to publish, or communicate or attempt to communicate, to any person, orally or otherwise, any subversive report. I (3) No person shall do any act or have in his possession any article with a view/to making or facilitating the publication or communication of any subversive report. (4) No/prosecution for an offence against this regulation shall be instituted/except with the written consent of the Attorney-General. (5) Judicial notice shall be taken of the signature to any consent given under the last preceding clause hereof. Regulation 15. Periodical Publications. (1) If the Director of Publicity is of opinion that the publication or unrestricted publication of any information in the form of letterpress or graphic representation would be prejudicial to the public safety,

he may give or cause to be given to the proprietor, editor, printer, or publisher of any periodical notice in writing prohibiting the publication of the information described in such notice. (2) No person to whom is given or deemed to be given a notice to the effect set out in the last preceding clause hereof shall print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, or attempt to print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, and no other person shall knowingly print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, or knowingly attempt to print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, any letterpress or graphic representation in breach of a notice given as aforesaid. (3) If the Director of Publicity is of opinion that the publication or unrestricted publication of information in the form of letterpress or graphic representation relating to any specified topic would be prejudicial to the public safety, he may give or cause to be given to the proprietor, editor, printer, or publisher of any periodical notice in writing prohibiting the publication of information relating to the topic specified in the notice without the prior written consent of the Director of Publicity or some person acting on his behalf. (4) No person to whom is given or deemed to be given a notice to the effect set out in the last preceding clause hereof shall print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, or attempt to print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, and no other person shall knowingly print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, or knowingly attempt to print, publish, or prepare for printing or publication, any letterpress or graphic representation relating to a topic specified in a notice given as aforesaid without the prior written consent of the Director of Publicity or some person acting on his behalf. (5) A notice given under this regulation to the proprietor, editor, printer, or publisher of a periodical shall be deemed to be given to all of them. (6) Any notice under this regulation shall be sufficient if addressed to the proprietor, editor, printer, or publisher of a periodical by description of his position and the name or a commonly accepted name of the periodical of which he is proprietor, editor, printer, or publisher without the addition of his personal name. (7) Any notice under this regulation shall be sufficiently given if left at the premises where the periodical is usually printed or published with some person appearing for the time being to have the management thereof. (8) For the purposes of this regulation a periodical shall be deemed to preserve the same identity through the succeeding issues thereof so long as it continues to have the same proprietor or the same editor or the same printer or the same publisher, notwithstanding changes in any of the other persons concerned in these capacities and notwithstanding any change in title, price, format, name, intervals of publication, or place of publication, and accordingly any notice given under this regulation shall continue to have effect notwithstanding any such change as aforesaid. (9) Any notice given under this regulation may from time to time by like notice be revoked or modified.

(10) If any periodical the publisher of which is convicted of a breach of this regulation is a newspaper within the meaning of section 2 of the Printers and Newspapers Registration Act, 1908, it shall be lawful for the Court by which he is convicted, in addition to any other penalty it may think fit to impose, to order that during such period as may be specified in the order such person shall not publish or be concerned in publishing in New Zealand any newspaper within the meaning of section 2 of the aforesaid Act. (11) No person in respect of whom such order as aforesaid is made shall during the period therein specified publish or be concerned in publishing in New Zealand any newspaper within the meaning of section 2 of the aforesaid Act. (12) For the purposes of this regulation any document printed or published for sale or distribution along with any copies of a periodical or of any issue thereof shall be deemed to be a part of such periodical. Regulation 16. — Publications generally. . (1) No person shall otherwise than in a periodical publication the issues of which appear at intervals not regularly exceeding thirtytwo days publish or prepare for publication, or attempt to publish or to prepare for publication, or import or attempt to import, any letterpress or graphic representation relating or referring to any war in which His Majesty is for the time being engaged unless such letterpress or graphic representation has been submitted to the Director of Publicity and approved by him in writing- for publication or importation, as the case may be. (2) Nevertheless the last preceding clause hereof shall not be deemed to prevent the publication or importation of writings that relate generally to the topic of any such war as aforesaid, but do not in detail describe or purport to describe any actual events thereof. (3) No person shall have in his possession any set type, stereotypes, engraved stones, process or other blocks, plates, or other matter capable of being printed from directly or indirectly if the publication of letterpress or graphic representations from such matter would be an offence against this regulation. (4) The printing of a proof for revision or submission to the Director of Publicity, and for no other purpose, or the importation of a single document for submission to the Director of Publicity and for no other purpose, shall not be deemed to be an offence against these regulations. (5) No person shall print or publish in any periodical publication or in any other printed document : (a) Any matter or statement which in any ' manner indicates or may be reasonably supposed to indicate the existence in that document of any omission, alteration, or addition due to the exercise of the powers of censorship conferred by these regulations ; or (b) Any statement or indication that any matter or kind of matter has been required to be submitted to censorship under these regulations or that a censor has refused his authority ■ for the printing or publication of any matter or kind of matter. ;


Regulation 17. —Printing-presses. (1) For the purposes of this regulation the term “printing-press” includes every machine or device used or capable of being used for the purpose of multiplying copies of any writing or graphic representation. (2) If the Director of Publicity thinks it desirable in the interests of public safety so to do, he may give or cause to be given to the proprietor or manager of any printing-press notice in writing — (a) That no matter is to be printed on that printing-press until such matter has been submitted to censorship and the publication thereof has been authorized by the Director of Publicity : ( b ) That any matter or kind of matter specified in the notice is not to be printed on that printing-press until the matter so to be printed has been submitted to censorship and the publication has been authorized by the Director of Publicity. (3) No person to whom is given or deemed to be given a notice to the effect set out in the last preceding clause hereof shall print or prepare for printing or attempt to print or prepare for printing, and no other person shall knowingly print or prepare for printing or knowingly attempt to print or prepare for printing, any matter or kind of matter in contravention of the terms of such notice. (4) A notice given under this regulation to the proprietor or manager of a printing-press shall be deemed to be given to each of them. (5) Any notice under this regulation shall be sufficient if addressed to the proprietor or manager of a printing-press by description of his position and description of the premises at which the printingpress is situate without the addition of his personal name. (6) Any notice under this regulation shall be sufficiently given if left at the premises where the printing-press is situate with some person appearing for the time being to have the management thereof. (7) For the purposes of this regulation a printing-press shall be deemed to preserve the same identity notwithstanding any change in name, ownership, managership, or plant, or removal to other premises, and accordingly any notice given under this regulation shall continue to have effect notwithstanding any such change or removal as aforesaid. (8) Any notice given under this regulation may from time to time by like notice be revoked or modified. Regulation 18. Legal Proceedings and Offences. (1) In any proceedings for a breach of this part of these regulations the onus of proving that he has complied with these regulations shall lie on the person charged with such offence. (2) Every person who fails to comply with any of the foregoing requirements or who commits or attempts to commit any act in breach of this part of these regulations commits an offence against these regulations. . . (3) In addition to any other penalty imposed upon a conviction for a breach of Regulation 16 hereof, the Court may order that any documents for the publication or preparation for publication or importation of which any person has been convicted shall be forfeited to and become the property of His Majesty. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Serial Number 1939/123. ' THE DEFENCE EMERGENCY REGULATIONS 1939. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this Ist day of September, 1939. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932, there being a Proclamation of Emergency now in force under that Act, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. 1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Defence Emergency Regulations 1939. (2) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, expressions defined in the Defence Act, 1909, shall have the meanings so defined. 2. (1) The National Military Reserve is hereby recognized as the National Reserve for the purposes of section three of the Defence Amendment Act, 1915. (2) The National Military Reserve shall be deemed to be part of the defence forces within the meaning of the Defence Act, -1909, and these regulations. (3) All regulations made under the Defence Act, 1909, shall, so far as they are applicable, and with the necessary modifications, apply with respect to the National Military Reserve as if it were part of the Territorial Force. 3. ; (1) The Governor-General may, by Proclamation, call out the Defence Forces, or any part thereof, for military service for purposes of defence in New Zealand. (2) The Defence Forces, or any part thereof, shall be liable to be employed on military service accordingly from the time of the publication of the Proclamation so calling out those Forces, or that part thereof, until the publication of a Proclamation notifying that the military service of those Forces, or of that part thereof is no longer required.

4. It shall be lawful for the Governor-General at any time to accept the offer of any members of the Defence Forces to be. called out for military service for purposes of defence at such places in New Zealand as may be specified in their agreement, whether or not a Proclamation is issued calling out the Defence Forces or any part thereof, and upon any such offer being accepted they shall be liable whenever required during the period to which the offer extends to be called out and employed on military service accordingly. 5. When the Defence Forces or any part thereof or any members thereof have been called out for military service in New Zealand in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, every member of those Forces or of that part thereof or every member so called out shall at all times, while he remains under the obligation of military service, be subject to military law as established by the Army Act, except so far as that Act is inconsistent with the Defence Act, 1909, or with any regulations made thereunder, or with these regulations. 6. (1) The Minister of Defence or any person authorized by him in that behalf may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in any Act, do any act on or in connection with any land that he considers necessary or expedient for defence purposes, and in particular, without limiting the general power hereby conferred, may do all or any of the following things:— (a) Enter on, pass over, and encamp on the land: (5) Construct military works and other works on the land: • - (c) Pull down or erect or alter any building, fence, barricade, obstruction, or erection on the land: / ( d Divert or stop any watercourse: (e) Close any road or street on the land either wholly or partly, or prohibit, restrict, or prevent traffic or any class of traffic on any such road or street. (2) As soon as it is in his opinion practicable the. Minister shall, so far as possible, restore the land to its former condition. (3) Except as hereinafter provided ' compensation shall be paid out of moneys to be appropriated by Parliament for the purpose to every person having any estate or interest in any land in respect of any , loss or injury suffered by that person by reason of the use of the land for defence purposes. The provisions of subsection two to seven of section four of the Military Manoeuvres Act, 1915, shall, with the necessary modifications, apply with respect to claims for compensation under this clause.

(4) No compensation shall be payable under the last preceding clause to any person in respect of the closing of any road or street or the prohibition, restriction, or prevention of traffic on a road or street if reasonable and sufficient alternative access is available or is provided.

(5) Every person commits an offence against these regulations who—(a) Wilfully and without lawful authority obstructs or interferes with the exercise of any power under this regulation: ( b) Erects or displays any notice or mark on or relating to any land dealt with under this regulation representing or implying that the use of the land is not available for defence purposes: (c) Contrary to any notice, direction, or order given for the purposes of this regulation, uses or attempts to use any road or street for purposes of traffic: (d) Without lawful authority removes or otherwise interferes with any notice, sign, or mark erected or posted for the purposes of this regulation: (e) In any other way unlawfully interferes with the authorized use of any land under this regulation. (6) Every person who, without lawful authority, obstructs, or interferes with the exercise of any power under this regulation, or who uses or attempts to use any road or street for purposes of traffic contrary to any notice, direction, or order given for the purposes of this regulation, may be arrested, without any warrant or other authority, by any officer or non-commissioned officer of the Defence Forces or by any constable and taken, as soon as conveniently may be, before a Magistrate, to be dealt with according to law. (7) Any land dealt with under this regulation shall be deemed to be land reserved for or forming part of defences for the purposes of section 61, Defence Act, 1909. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.

4 —P.G

Serial Number 1939/128. THE OVERSEA PASSENGERS EMERGENCY REGULATIONS 1939. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 2nd day of September, 1939. Present: „ His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932, and to a Proclamation of Emergency now in force under that Act, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Oversea Passengers Emergency Regulations 1939. 2. In these regulations, where not inconsistent with the context, — “ Minister ” means the Minister of Internal Affairs : “ Under-Secretary ” means the Under-Secretary for Internal Affairs : “ Officer of police ” means a member of the Police Force of any rank: “ Ship ” .has the meaning assigned to it by the Customs Act, 1913 — that is to say, it means any kind of vessel used in navigation, not propelled by oars only : “ Aircraft ” has the meaning assigned to it by the Air Navigation , Act, 1931—that is to say, it includes all balloons (as therein defined), whether fixed or free, kites, gliders (as therein defined), airships (as therein defined), and flying-machines (as therein defined) : “ Port ” has the meaning assigned to it by the Customs Act, —that is to say, it means a port of entry declared as such by the Governor-General in Council under the Customs Act, 1913 : “ Aerodrome ” has the meaning assigned to it by the Customs (Aircraft) Regulations 1935 that is to say, it means any definite and limited ground or water area intended to be used and capable of being used either wholly or in part for the landing or departure of aircraft. 3. No person of the age of sixteen years or over shall leave New Zealand for any place beyond the seas unless he is in possession of a written permit issued to him by the Minister or the Under-Secretary and still in force.

4. Every such permit shall cease to be in force on the expiration of one calendar month after the date thereof, and shall be returned to the Minister or the Under-Secretary upon expiration, revocation, or other determination thereof. 5. Every such permit may be at any time revoked by the said Minister or Under-Secretary by notice in writing to the person to whom it was issued. 6. Before the issue of any permit to leave New Zealand under these regulations, the Minister may require such security as he thinks fit by way of bond or otherwise to be given for the due return to New Zealand of the person in whose favour such permit is proposed to be issued. 7. (1) No such permit shall be required in the case of any person (a) Who leaves New Zealand in His Majesty’s service ; or (b) Who leaves New Zealand as a bona fide member of the crew of any ship or aircraft; or (c) Who arrives in and leaves New Zealand in the course of one continuous voyage of any ship or aircraft. (2) No person shall be deemed to be a bona fide member of the crew of a ship or aircraft within the meaning of this regulation unless he has been engaged at the full current rate of pay and in the ordinary course of the shipowner’s or aircraft owner’s or charterer’s business. 8. No owner, charterer, representative of the owner or charterer, or master of any ship or aircraft shall take out of or carry out of New Zealand, or cause, permit, suffer, or assist to be taken out of or carried out of New Zealand, any person for whose departure from New Zealand a permit is required by these regulations and who is not in the possession of a permit issued and in force under these regulations. 9. Every person found on board any ship which is about to leave any port in New Zealand or on board any aircraft which is about to leave any aerodrome in New Zealand shall, on being questioned by any officer of police or Customs officer, or by the master or any officer of the ship or aircraft, state whether he is in possession of a permit under these regulations to leave New Zealand, and produce for inspection by such officer or master any permit received by him. 10. No person who has received a permit under these regulations shall go or be on board any ship or aircraft which is about to leave a port or aerodrome in New Zealand without having such permit in his immediate personal custody and possession. 11. Every person who assists any person to leave or to attempt to leave New Zealand in breach of these regulations commits an offence against these regulations. 12. Every applicant for a permit to leave New Zealand shall make application to the Minister or Under-Secretary at Wellington, and shall furnish such particulars concerning himself as the Minister or Under-Secretary may deem necessary. 13. Any person who, upon making an application for a permit to leave New Zealand, or at any time in connection with such application or any intended application, makes to the Minister or Under-Secretary a statement that is false or misleading in any material particular commits an offence against these regulations. C. A. JEFFERY, (I.A. 158/238/5.) Clerk of the Executive Council.

Serial Number 1939/132. THE ALIEN CONTROL EMERGENCY REGULATIONS 1939. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 4th day of September, 1939. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Public Safety Conservation Act, 1932, and to a Proclamation of Emergency now in force under that Act, His Excellency the Governor- acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. Preliminary. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Alien Control Emergency Regulations 1939. 2. In these regulations, unless inconsistent with the context, — “ Minister ” means the Attorney-General: “ British subject ” means a person — (i) Who is a natural-born British subject; or (ii) To whom letters of naturalization have been granted under any enactment in force in New Zealand prior to the coming into force of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928 ; or (iii) To whom a certificate of naturalization has been granted under the British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928 ; or (iv) To whom a certificate of naturalization has been granted in any part of His Majesty’s Dominions wherein Part II of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914 (Imp.), applies or has been adopted; or

(v) Who has become the subject of His Majesty by reason of any annexation of territory ; and who (in any of the above-mentioned cases) has not ceased to be a British subject; and includes (vi) Any woman who by declaration made under section 3 of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Amendment Act, 1934-35, is within New Zealand entitled to the political and other rights to which a naturalborn British subject is entitled if there is not a subsisting marriage between such woman and an alien who is or at any time has been according to the laws of any State with which His Majesty is at war a national of that State and if she has not by any means other than by contracting marriage with an alien acquired any foreign nationality; and (vii) Any woman who at the time of her marriage to an alien (not being an alien who is or at any time has been according to the laws of any State with which His Majesty is at war a national of that State) was a British subject as hereinbefore defined if by such marriage she does not acquire the nationality of her husband and if she has not thereafter by any other means acquired any foreign nationality : “ Alien ” means a person of the age of sixteen years or over—(i) Who is not a British subject as herein defined ; or (ii) Who, notwithstanding that he may also be a British subject by birth or naturalization or otherwise, is or at any time has been according to the laws of any State with which His Majesty is at war a national of that State ; but does not include (iii) A woman who is deemed for the purposes of these regulations to be a British subject by virtue of paragraph (vi) or paragraph (vii) of the foregoing definition of “ British subject”: “Police officer” means a member of the Police Force of any rank : “ Police district ” means an area accepted for the time being as a police district for the purpose of the administration of the Police Force Act, 1913 : “ Registration Officer ” means an officer of police of a rank not lower than that of Sub-Inspector : “ Wharf ” means any wharf, quay, pier, jetty, or other place used for the loading or unloading of ships ; and includes all warehouses or other buildings adjacent to any such wharf, quay, pier, jetty, or other place used in connection therewith ; and also includes any public highway so far as it intercepts any such wharf, quay, pier, jetty, or other place “ Ship ” means any description of vessel used in navigation, whether seagoing or not, other than a vessel propelled exclusively by oars, and also includes any lighter, barge, boat, or other vessel used in connection with the loading or unloading of a ship as so defined.

Registration. 3. (1) Every alien in New Zealand on the coining into force of these regulations shall, within fourteen days from the date of these regulations, make application for registration in the form marked AL. 1 in the Schedule hereto. (2) Every such application shall be in writing, in duplicate, and shall be made by delivering the same personally to the officer in charge at the police station nearest to which the applicant resides. (3) Every such application shall be signed by the applicant in person with his usual signature, unless he is unable to write, in which case he shall, in the presence of the police officer to whom application is made, affix to the application such thumb-prints or finger-prints or other means of identification as the police officer may require. 4. The police officer to whom the application is made shall, upon receipt thereof, forward the same to a Registration Officer in that police district. 5. The Registration Officer shall file the application in his office and issue a certificate of registration in the form marked AL. 2 in the Schedule hereto, one copy of which shall be retained at his office, one copy forwarded to the Commissioner of Police, and one copy delivered to the alien on his application at the police-station where his application for registration was delivered and on his signing the certificate as therein prescribed. 6. The Commissioner of Police shall cause to be compiled a register of the names, places of abode, and such other particulars as he may deem it expedient to include, of all registered aliens, to be called the Register of Aliens, which shall be amended from time to time by correcting errors therein, by entering changes of name or abode on the part of any alien, by adding thereto the names of aliens to whom certificates of registration have been issued, and by removing therefrom the names of aliens who die, or who leave New Zealand, or who otherwise cease to be subject to the regulations. 7. (1) The Register of Aliens shall not be open as of right to inspection by any person. , (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (1) of this regulation, the Court may in any proceedings for an offence against these regulations order or permit a certified copy of any entry in the register to be produced to the Court. (3) Any certificate of registration shall be prima facie evidence of the registration of the person to whom such certificate relates. (4) A copy certified by the Commissioner of Police of any entry in the register shall be prima facie evidence of entry. (5) A certificate under the hand of the Commissioner of Police of the absence of an entry in the register shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated in such certificate, (6) The absence of an entry in the register relating to any person shall be prima facie evidence that no application for registration has been made by that person. (7) Judicial notice shall be taken of the signature of the Commissioner of Police to any certificate or certified copy referred to in this regulation and of the signature of the Registration Officer to any certificate of registration.

8. Every alien who arrives in New Zealand after the coming into force of these regulations shall, before being permitted to land, make application for registration in the manner set out in Regulation 3 hereof, save that the application may be delivered to any officer of Customs to be dealt with by him as provided in Regulation 4 hereof and save that in the form of application the applicant’s intended place of abode in New Zealand shall be set out. 9. (1) A Collector of Customs may, by writing under his hand, grant temporary permission to land in New Zealand, subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, to any alien being the master or a member of the crew or a passenger of any vessel arriving in New Zealand who is the holder of a passport as hereinafter defined, or who is lawfully entitled .to land in New Zealand without producing a passport; and so long as such permission is in force and such alien complies with the conditions thereof such alien shall not be liable to comply with the requirements of the last preceding regulation. (2) In this regulation “ passport ” means a passport or other document of identity (а) Which establishes to the satisfaction of the Collector of Customs the nationality and identity of the person to whom it relates ; and (б) Which has been issued by the Government of the country of which the person to whom it relates is a subject or citizen, or protected person and which is still in force, and to which there is attached a photograph of the person to whom it relates; and (c) Which relates to the person in whose possession it is ; and ( d ) Which in the case of an alien landing in New Zealand (other than the master or a member of the crew of any vessel) has been marked with a visa that is still in force by a British Diplomatic or Consular Officer or some British public official duly authorized in that behalf: Provided that such visa shall not be required in respect of nationals of any country between the Government of which and His Majesty’s Government in New Zealand there is for the time being in lorce an agreement to dispense with the requirement of passport visas, the existence of which agreement is notified from time to time in the Gazette. • 10. Every person who after the date of these regulations becomes an alien as herein defined, whether by attaining the age of sixteen years or, in the case of a woman, by marriage to an alien, or otherwise howsoever, shall within fourteen days thereafter make application for registration as an alien in manner hereinbefore provided, and the provisions of Regulations 3 and 4 hereof shall thereupon apply to the case. Change of Abode. 11. Every alien to whom a certificate of registration has been granted who changes the place of his abode shall, within seven days thereafter, give, in the form marked AL. 3 in the Schedule hereto, notice in writing thereof and of his new place of abode to the officer in charge at the police-station nearest to his new place of abode and shall, together with such notice, surrender his certificate of registration.

12. Every police officer to whom notice of such change of abode has been given shall forward the surrendered certificate of registration and particulars of the alien’s new place of abode to a registration officer for the police district in which such new place of abode is situated. 13. If the change of abode is in the police district in which the alien is already registered, the Registration Officer shall note the change of address on the duplicate copy of the certificate of registration filed at his office, shall advise the Commissioner of Police, and shall endorse particulars of the new address on the certificate of registration, which shall then be returned to the alien. 14. If the change of abode is from one police district to another, the Registration Officer in whose district such alien has taken up residence shall notify the Registration Officer in whose district such alien formerly resided and shall obtain from him the duplicate certificate of registration filed in his office and shall then advise the Commissioner of Police and deal with such duplicate certificate and the surrendered certificate as provided by the last preceding regulation. Change of Name. 15. Every alien registered under these regulations who changes his or her name, whether by marriage or otherwise, shall, within twentyeight days thereafter, give notice of such change to the officer in charge of the police-station nearest his or her place of abode, and shall, together with such notice, surrender his or her certificate of registration. 16. Every police officer to whom a notice of change of name has been given shall forward the same and the surrendered certificate of registration to the Registration Officer in whose office is filed the duplicate copy of the alien’s certificate of registration. * 17. The Registration Officer shall note the change of name on the duplicate copy of the certificate of registration filed at his office, shall advise the Commissioner of Police, and shall endorse particulars of the change of name in the certificate of registration, which shall then be returned to the alien. Production of Certificate of Registration. 18. (1) After the expiration of fourteen days from the date of these regulations, every alien registered under these regulations shall produce a certificate of registration when required to do so by any police officer. (2) It shall be a defence to any person charged with an offence against the last preceding clause of this regulation if he proves that he duly applied for registration and that at the time of the offence either — {a) No certificate of registration had been forwarded to the policestation for delivery to him ; or (b) That his certificate of registration was for the time being surrendered for any of the purposes of these regulations and had not been forwarded to the police-station for redelivery to him ; or (c) That his certificate of registration had been destroyed, stolen, or lost and that he had duly applied for a duplicate but such duplicate had not been forwarded to the police-station for delivery to him.

Arrest and Detention of Aliens. 19. Any police officer or member of His Majesty’s Forces who has reason to believe that any alien, whether registered or not, is guilty of such conduct that his liberty is a source of public danger or is disaffected or has acted or is about to act in any manner injurious to public safety or the interests of His Majesty, may take that alien into custody pending the decision of the Minister. 20. (1) Upon its being made clear to the Minister that the liberty of any alien is a source of public danger or that he is disaffected or has acted or is about to act in any manner injurious to public safety or the interests of His Majesty, he may order that such alien may be taken into custody during his pleasure. (2) Any alien taken into custody and detained by the order of the Minister shall be delivered into the custody of the military authorities. (3) In making any order under this regulation the Minister shall be deemed to be acting in an executive and not in a judicial capacity. Employment of Aliens on a Wharf or Ship. " 21. (1) Save in pursuance of a license issued by a Registration Officer, it shall not be lawful for any alien or for any person who is a British subject by naturalization only to be engaged in the work of loading or unloading a ship or to be engaged in any manner of work whatever on or about any wharf or ship. (2) Nothing in this regulation shall apply to the work on or about any ship of the master or any member of the. crew thereof who has arrived in that ship from any place out of New Zealand. (3) Every person who procures or permits any other person to be engaged in any work in breach of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations and shall be liable accordingly : Provided that on a prosecution for any such offence it shall be a good defence that the accused believed on reasonable grounds that such engagement was not in breach of this regulation. (4) Every license issued by a Registration Officer under this regulation may be in the form marked AL. 4 in the Schedule hereto and may contain such terms and conditions as such Registration Officer thinks fit and shall be revocable at the will of a Registration Officer. 22. Any person to whom a Registration Officer has refused to grant a license, or whose license has been revoked by a Registration Officer under the last preceding regulation, may appeal therefrom in writing to the Minister, and the Minister in his executive capacity may thereupon give to the Registration Officer such final directions in the matter as he thinks fit. 23. Any police officer or officer of Customs may question any person engaged on or about to be engaged on the work of loading or unloading a ship or on any manner of work on or about a ship or any person found upon a wharf or ship as to his identity and present or former nationality, and any person who refuses or neglects to answer any question so put to him or answers such question in a false or misleading manner shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations and shall be liable accordingly.


Alteration and Duplication of Documents. 24. (1) For the purpose of this regulation “ document ” means any certificate of registration of an alien or variation thereof, or license to work on wharves or shipping, and includes a duplicate of a document. (2) No person shall (a) Alter or deface any document, and any document so altered or defaced shall be void ; or ( b ) Lend or part with any license issued to him. (3) Upon the return of any document rendered illegible or spoilt by weather or otherwise or upon proof to his satisfaction that a document has been destroyed, stolen, or lost, a Registration Officer may, upon application of the person to whom the document was issued, and upon payment of a fee of 25., issue a duplicate of such document. Every duplicate so issued shall have the word “ Duplicate ” written or printed thereon and be verified by the signature of a Registration Officer, and the production of a duplicate document shall be of the same effect as the production of the original document. Exemptions. 25. (1) The Minister may, by writing under his hand delivered to the person concerned and notified to the Commissioner of Police, exempt wholly or in part from the provisions of these regulations (a) Any person who is both a British subject as hereinbefore defined and is also or at any time has been according to the laws of any State with which His Majesty is at war a national of that State ; or ( b ) Any other person to whom it is in his opinion desirable in the national interest that such exemption should be granted. (2) Any such exemption may in like manner at any time be withdrawn. Offences. 26. Any person who fails to comply with any of the foregoing requirements, or who in any application for registration or notice of change of abode or application for a duplicate document or in any communication relating to the subject-matter of these regulations makes any false or misleading statement, commits an offence against these regulations. Legal Proceedings. 27. In any proceedings for an offence against these regulations the onus of proving that he has complied with the regulations shall lie on the person charged with such offence. 28. In any proceedings for a breach of these regulations where nationality is in issue evidence of repute, belief, or hearsay or any other evidence shall' be admissible in proof of nationality, whether such evidence would otherwise be legally admissible or not. 29. Section 50 of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927, shall have no application to a prosecution for an offence against these regulations.

SCHEDULE. Form AL. 1. Application fob Registration as an Alien. Surname : Forename : Place of abode : Sex : Date of birth : Place of birth : « Present nationality: Any former nationality : Conjugal condition : [Never married, married, widowed, or divorced]. Occupation: Height: Build : Hair : Eyes : Distinctive marks (scars, &c.): Date and place of arrival in New Zealand : Nature of permit or certificate of registration issued on arrival: Name of (wife) (husband) : Particulars of applicant’s children resident in New Zealand, whether residing with applicant or not:—

Date of application 19. Signature of alien : Witness to signature : Ranlc : Name of police-station where application is made : [lf alien is unable to write, a thumb-print or Thumb-print &c. finger-print or other means of identification is to be made in the space provided in the presence of the officer of police to whom application is made, stating which print.] Certificate of Registration No issued at on by Form AL. 2. No Certificate of Registration of Alien. Surname : Forename : Place of abode : Present nationality : Date and place of application for registration : Date of issue of certificate of registration : Place of issue of certificate of registration: Signature of holder: Signature of Registration Officer : Personal Description of Alien. Sex : Date of birth : Place of birth : Height: Build : Hair : Eyes : Distinctive marks, &c.: Important. Every registered alien who changes his place of abode is required to give notice in writing of the fact within seven days at the police-station nearest his new place of abode.

Form AL. 3. Notification of Change of Abode of Registered Alien. I, , the holder of Certificate of Registration No , issued at on hereby give notice that on I changed my abode from to my present address, namely Signature of alien : Signature and rank of police officer to whom notice has been given : Change of address noted. Date: Registration Officer. Date: Form AL. 4. No License to Work on Wharves or Shipping. Description of licensee : In pursuance of the Alien Control Emergency Native of : Regulations 19.. [Name'] of [Address] being Age : an alien, or a British subject by naturalization Height: only, is hereby licensed to work as a Build: on the wharves at and on any ship Complexion : in the Port of * under the following Hair : conditions : Eyes: Dated this day of ,19.. Marks, &c.: > Registration Officer. * Or as the case may require. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.



Name. Sex. Date of Birth. Place of Birth.

Former Address. New Address. Signature of Registration Officer. Date.

Changes of Abode.

Name of Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing JosephKean, Wellington 18/8/39 femaleindecent months’ 10 Zealand N. labourer 1913 ft. 9 fresh brown brown, medium.. nape on with crossed and eye now serving on right side. (See P.G., 1939, p. 625.) 1891 on right side. (See P.G., 1939, p. 625.) Wellington 18/8/39 knowledge 1J years Australia labourer 5 10 sallow .. black, turnblue .. broken .. Scar on right eyebrow, on left forefinger, and 1891 5 10 sallow .. black, turnblue broken .. Scar on right eyebrow, on left forefinger, and JoseJoseph, mg grey on back of neck. (See P.G., 1937, p. 745.) Wellington .. 18/8/39 failing to stop motor-vehicle to come up if Ireland labourer 1905 5 104 fresh black, going blue — Scar on inside of left forefinger, on temples, after accident called on in 3 months bald and on top of head. Matthew Kennedy, Norman, Charles Hart. y xng grey on back of neck. (See P.G., 1937, p. 745.) Wellington .. 18/8/39 failing to stop motor-vehicle to come up if Ireland labourer 1905 5 10J fresh black, going blue — Scar on inside of left forefinger, on temples, after accident called on in 3 months bald and on top of head. @ Wellington .. 18/8/39 attempted arson .. to come up if N. Zealand ex-jockey .. 1883 "5 34 fresh black hazel .. medium.. Sailors head and bust on right forearm; three Leonard Charles Hart, called on in vaccination-scars on left arm. (See P.G., years and to take out prohibition order 1939, p. 311.) @ Wellington .. 18/8/39 attempted arson .. to come up if N. Zealand ex-jockey .. 1883 5 H fresh black hazel .. medium.. Sailors head and bust on right forearm; three Leonard Charles Hart, George called on in 1^ vaccination-scars on left arm. (See P.G., years and to take out pro1939, p. 311.) hibition order Wellington .. 17/8/39 breaking and entering with proceedings stayed N. Zealand labourer *. 1917 6 l fresh fair grey .. slightly Two moles on right cheek; small lump over intent upturned right eye; flower tattooed at base of left thumb. (See P.G., 1937, p. 518, and Photos, 1935, p. 12.) George William Wong, Wellington .Christchurch 17/8/3918/8/39 and entering and ; burglary stayed each on . years Zealand N. China labourer gardener 19171910 6 15 sallow .. black brown .. flat Wears glasses. (See P.G., 1937, p. 746, and fresh fair grey .. slightly Two moles on right cheek; small lump over intent upturned right eye; flower tattooed at base of left thumb. (See P.G., 1937, p. 518, and Photos, 1935, p. 12.) Wong,Wong, Tang, Christchurch 18/8/39 burglary; and false pre2 years on each .. China gardener 1910 5 5* sallow .. black brown .. flat Wears glasses. (See P.G., 1937, p. 746, and @ fences Photos, 1932, p. 110.) Chang Chang @ fences Photos, 1932, p. 110.) ChangChang EdwardHoward, Christchurch 18/8/39 indecent assault (2 charges) 1 year on each .. N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 6 fresh fair hazel .. medium Pfofo, P#P. 15' (>■ ifo. EdwardHoward, Harold Carter, Edgar ChristchurchChristchurch 18/8/3918/8/39 charges)indecent ,theft 1 on . year probation Zealand Zealand labourerlabourer 19061912 6 5 fresh fair hazel .. medium PHolo, FbP' 15' (,■ tf 0. 104 fresh brown grey medium.. Scar on nose and on left knee. Photo at Christchurch, 2/8/39. (See P.G., 1938, p. 633.) Scar on left side of face. (See P.G., 1939, Edgar Arthur Cecil Hensley, ChristchurchChristchurch 18/8/3918/8/39 breaking, entering, and theft 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. p. 683, and Photos, 1929, p. 28.) theft 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 10* fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on hose and on left knee. Photo at Christchurch, 2/8/39. (See P.G., 1938, p. 633.) Arthur Cecil Hensley, Swain, Irving ChristchurchInvercargill . . 18/8/398/8/39 theft and breaking, buggery 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 114 pale fair blue medium.. Scar on left leg. PHoTo, monthsInstitution N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Scar on left side of face. (See P.G., 1939, p. 683, and Photos, 1929, p. 28.) Alan Irving GwynneWilliams, Invercargill . .Invercargill . 8/8/398/8/39 with buggery fraudulent (Post in years 1 probation Zealand Zealand labourerlabourer 19201908 11* 5 5 pale fair blue medium.. Scar on left leg. Ptfo To, 7 fresh brown grey .. medium Institution & Telegraph Act) and to take out prohibition order Gwynne John Williams, Leslie Henry Invercargill .Invercargill . 8/8/399/8/39 fraudulent (Post making unlawfully probation acquitted N. Australia labourerlabourer 19081886 75 fresh brown grey .. medium 94 sallow .. grey, going bald grey .. medium. . Portion of thumb and portions of first two Telegraph & of custody and to take out prohibition order still without license fingers of right hand missing. LeslieBarnes, Henry McRae, Invercargill .Invercargill . 9/8/399/8/39 making ; unlawfully spiritsunlawfully acquittedacquitted AustraliaN. Zealand labourerlabourer 18861878 5 9i 6 sallow .. grey, going grey .. medium.. Portion of thumb and portions of first two 0 fair fair, turning blue Roman .. See P.G., 1925, p. 36. and a custody of a custody license still license still bald ,grey fingers of right hand missing. Alexander McRae, Archibald Riseley, Invercargill Invercargill . 9/8/3914/8/39 making unlawfully negligently causing acquitted months Zealand N. labourerlabourer 18781911 6 0 5 fair fair, turning blue Roman .. See P.G., 1925, p. 36. 5 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Shield on right forearm; scar below one and a having driving motor-car without after motor stop failing grey 2 months and disarm -pit. accident qualified from driving for 10 years . . Invercargill .. 14/8/39 causing death by negligently 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 5 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Shield on right forearm; scar below one driving motor-car failing to stop after motor 2 months and dis-arm-pit. accident qualified from driving for 10 years Riseley, Charles Archibald


of Name Where When. j Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair, Eyes. Nose. &c. u e , Whangarei 23/8/39 theft month 1 Maori labourer 1918 in. 5 copper . black brown flat mouth left ; Matthews, theft . and and and cross-bones, Henry charged 171.) p. Whangarei . 28/8/39 charge lined £10 N. Zealand farmer 1889 5 9 fresh grey grey .. medium of fined £10 N. Zealand farmer 1889 5 9 fresh grey grey .. medium motor-car Leslie Hugh, Dargaville . 3/8/39 idle to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium. . Snake, sword, and crest of South Africa on (into come up if N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Snake, sword, and crest of South Africa on CecilMartin, means) 6 in of ; right right months F.P. George Auckland 28/8/39 obscene language fined Scotland grocer 1890 7 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1928, p. 841.) 7 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1928, p. 841.) Desmond .Regan, Auckland 28/8/39 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1915 10 fresh dark brown grey .. medium 10 fresh dark brown grey .. medium Clarence Parkinson, Auckland 28/8/39 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1909 5 dark, brown. brown .. medium.. Strong build; a quarter-caste Maori. (See freckled P.G., 1936, p. 304.) 94 dark, brown brown .. medium.. Strong build; a quarter-caste Maori. (See freckled P.G., 1936, p. 304.) Leslie Miller, Auckland 28/8/39 damage fined Zealand labourer 1920 10 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Woman on left forearm; rose and MOTHER on left upper arm; cross, heart, and FATHER on right forearm; dagger on 10 fresh fair hazel .. medium.. Woman on left forearm; rose and MOTHER on left upper arm; cross, heart, and FATHER on right forearm; dagger on right upper arm; scar on back of head. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/8/39. (See P.G., 1938, p. 707.) • right upper arm; scar on back of head. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 28/8/39. (See P.G., 1938, p. 707.) James George Auckland 28/8/39 theft fined Zealand driver - 1915 5 H fresh brown blue medium. . Birthmark on abdomen; scar on right middle hotel- and finger. (See P.G., 1938, p. 185, and Photos, porter 1915 5 6£ fresh brown blue medium.. Birthmark on abdomen; scar on right middle finger. (See P.G., 1938, p. 185, and Photos, 1936, p. 37.) convicted and disporter 1936, p. 37.) Hector, Auckland 28/8/39 " ■ 'L U U N. Zea/and .seaman 1917 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. “Mickey Mouse,” TO THELMA, ROSE, James, 4^W'g ed . / Ay 3 months / scroll, two flowers, flag, eagle, and three stars on right forearm; anchor on back of Auckland 28/8/39 l A convicted and dis4^r g ed . pi, 3 mpiAhs ' N. Zealand '‘OT -seaman 1917 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. “Mickey Mouse,” TO THELMA, ROSE, scroll, two flowers, flag, eagle, and three Forbes, the (this chargl Usfl y stars on right forearm; anchor on back of William 1939, 448) p. f left hand. (See Photos, 1935, p. 16.) l left hand. (See Photos, 1935, p. 16.) Carroll, Auckland 28/8/39 theft 6 .. Maori labourer 1920 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Anchor and NELLIE on left forearm ; scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1939, p. 307 and Photos, p. 48.) 84 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Anchor and NELLIE on left forearm ; scar on left cheek. (See P.G., 1939, p. 307 and Photos, p. 48.) Sydney Hugh Auckland 28/8/39 theft fined Australia . labourer 1904 10 ruddy .. brown, going blue medium.. Scar on left knee. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 10 ruddy .. brown, going blue medium.. Scar on left knee. F.P. Photo at Auckland, theft fined bald 21/8/39. Alfred Thomas Boyd, Auckland 28/8/39 found in gaming-house fined Zealand salesman 1906 7 fresh light brown blue medium \ 7 fresh light brown blue medium Watson, Auckland 28/8/39 found gaming-house fined Zealand labourer 1897 6 0 pale light brown grey .. medium 0 pale light brown grey .. medium Hayes, Thomas Eugene Auckland 28/8/39 gaming-house fined Zealand labourer 1879 10 fresh grey grey .. medium 10 fresh grey grey .. medium Warwick Auckland 28/8/39 theft charges) 1 probation Zealand carpenter . 1919 85 dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar above right eye. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8 dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar above right eye. F.P. Photo at Auckland, Durham, Myrtle Auckland 28/8/39 theft probation Zealand domestic 1911 6 5 fresh fair blue medium 28/8/39. 6 fresh fair blue medium 28/8/39. theft charges) convicted disSidney Auckland 28/8/39 theft .. charged convicted and disAustralia .. labourer 1920 5 6 freckled auburn blue medium.. Scar on base of right thumb. F.P. charged charged convicted and disAustralia .. labourer 1920 5 6 freckled auburn blue medium.. Scar on base of right thumb. F.P. charged theft

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. 1 Height Complexion. Hair. Eyas. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. f-t O £3 -0 &p o td Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. CharlesMcManus, Auckland 29/8/39 theft fined Zealand N. labourer 1897 ft. in. 6 dark dark, grey brown medium. Auckland, WilliamThompson, Auckland 29/8/39 actindecent months’ 6 . England labourer hawker 1916 5 9 fresh brown grey medium. and right Photo Auckland, at 26/8/39. Kimball, Auckland 29/8/39 mischief probation Australia butcher 1915 5 5 fresh brown brown . medium in on and on ; Jackson forearm pierced Indian head, arm; MEMORY and tombstone, clasped MY ring-finger. at on p. 29/8/39. @ Frank Norman, Harrop, Lawrence Frank Ross, Auckland 29/8/39 theft and England labourer 1906 5 10f fresh brown hazel . medium. cheek. p. theft charged 6 and theft 1 (cumulative) Inmiddle and ; Charles Dunstan, Auckland 30/8/39 drunkenness Zealand labourer 1878 6 Oh fresh grey blue-grey medium Hosking 1 ; year (See 187.) p. Sims, Auckland 30/8/39 drunkenness In- Inebriates’ Zealand labourer 1882 5 10 dark dark, turning hazel . medium on SimmsThomas, stitution for 1 year grey forearm; flag, shield, and two crosses on right forearm; anchor near left thumb. (See P.G., 1937, p. 759, and Photos, 1924, p. 67.) . 1 ' ' stitution for 1 year grey forearm; flag, shield, and two crosses on right forearm; anchor near left thumb. (See P.G., 1937, p. 759, and Photos, 1924, p. 67.) LewisManins, Auckland 31/8/39 language fined Zealand waiter 1914 5 5 fresh brown blue medium Anthony Gillespie, . Auckland 31/8/39 attempted . months Zealand labourer 1914 5 104 fresh brown grey medium. on ; 481, p. Manuera Manuel, Auckland 31/8/39 theft days Maori andlabourer 1912 5 H copper black brown . flat left left eye, Manuel, @ motorwrist, between left thumb and forefinger, on ~ motorwrist, between left thumb and forefinger, on Taka Billy, driver back back, (See and p. p. George Auckland 31/8/39 theft probation Zealand salesman 1911 6 H fresh brown grey large on ; Slight Gardener middle p. (See 62.) p. MiroAuckland 1/9/39 premises fined Yugoslavia caterer 1909 5 9 fresh brown blue medium chin. slav house William . Clarence Auckland 1/9/39 gaming- as fined Zealand bookmaker 1885 5 8 fresh brown blue-grey medium.. (See on house p. Sydney Auckland 1/9/39 of management fined Zealand storeman 1902 5 7 fresh brown blue medium 131. p. gaming-house Scar on right cheek. (See P.G., 1938, p. 46.) medium.. Scar on right cheek. (See P.G., 1938, p. 46.) Edward Vincent .Hickey, Auckland 1/9/39 of management assisting fined £50 N. Zealand clerk and 1900 5 6 fresh fair grey .. gaming-house tobacconist N. Zealand clerk and tobacconist 1900 5 6 fresh fair grey .. medium.. fined £50

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

of Where j iWhen, Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o e Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. J Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. 1 Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. J Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <feo. Patrick .Byrne, Auckland 1/9/39 lottery fined England andlabourer 1905 in. 5 8i fresh' brown hazel . medium. leaf woman, on seaman American flag, and MOLLY, 1920, on right forearm. (See P.G., 1939, p. 127.) Elsie . Auckland seaman American flag, and MOLLY, 1920, on right forearm. (See P.G., 1939, p. 127.) 1/9/39 establishing lottery and disZealand ‘ domestic .. 1909 5 7 fresh brown dark hazel . medium Hamiora charged Te 21/8/39 and fined Maori labourer 1904 5 6 copper . black brown . flat (See on Samuel, @ Te obscene fined 1939, 220.) 21/8/39 unlawfully converting fined Maori labourer 1910 5 6* copper black brown, flat (See wears Richard bicycle weak 634.) p. Langley Hamilton 23/8/39 pretences years’ probation Zealand farmer 1899 5 5i fresh dark hazel . long forefinger. and JohnHamilton, 122.) p. Hamilton 23/8/39 theft probation Zealand labourer 1917 5 8i fresh brown grey medium ; theft and ; right charged nude on woman and snake on left forearm ; scroll. William LORNA, and flag on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1935, p. 717.) A woman and snake on left forearm; scroll, LORNA, and flag on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1935, p. 717.) Awamutu Te 30/8/39 breaking, entering, to Zealand plasterer’s 1922 5 8* sallow . brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left shin. 00 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left shin. Child Welfare apprentice Edwards, Officer for 1 year Te Awamutu 30/8/39 assault .. fined £2 Maori farmer 1907 6 0 copper . black brown .. flat Stout build. Thomas Child Welfare Officer for 1 year apprentice Te Awamutu 30/8/39 assault .. .. fined £2 Maori farmer 1907 6 0 copper .. black brown .. flat Stout build. Joseph Leopold Te 30/8/39 in of fined £15 and disEngland . porter 1884 5 8 ruddy . grey hazel .. medium.. Stout build. (See P.G., 1930, p. 675.) of fined £15 and disEngland . porter 1884 5 8 ruddy .. grey hazel .. medium.. Stout build. (See P.G., 1930, p. 675.) motor-cycle qualified from driving for 1 year c/ f Alexander Stanley motor-cycle qualified from driving for 1 year Te Awamutu 30/8/39 selling liquor in proclaimed fined £40 N. Zealand labourer and 1907 5 9 fresh dark brown brown .. medium area contractor keeping liquor for sale in convicted and disMuir, Alexander StanleyGreen, George Geoffrey, proclaimed area; failing to supply name and address to vendor ; and failing to notify vendor that liquor was intended for a proclaimed area charged on each Te Te Awamutu 30/8/392/9/39 in proclaimed theft fined £7 10s. and N. Zealand farmer 1904 5 11 fresh light brown blue large Portion of right forefinger missing; strong fined £40 N. Zealand labourer and 1907 5 9 fresh dark brown brown .. medium area contractor keeping liquor for sale in convicted and disproclaimed area; failing charged on each to supply name and address to vendor; and failing to notify vendor that liquor was intended Green, Geoffrey, prohibited build. (See P.G., 1939, p. 608, and Photos, for a proclaimed area ‘ Te Awamutu 2/9/39 theft .. - fined £7 10s. and N. Zealand farmer 1904 5 11 fresh light brown blue large Portion of right forefinger missing; strong Green, GeoffreyTownsend, George . prohibited build. (See P.G., 1939, p. 608, and Photos, Taneatua 22/8/39 idle and disorderly (in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 H fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 1937, p. 56.) Scar on left forearm; left eye injured; sufficient means) mentally weak. (See P.G., 1939, p. 646, and Townsend, George .Hohua Wenerei TaneatuaTaneatua 22/8/3928/8/39 and disorderly theft 3 months Maori labourer 1917 5 7 copper . black brown .. medium.. Photos," p. 12.) See P.G., 1938, p. 667. (in2 months N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 4* fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 1937, p. 56.) Scar on left forearm; left eye injured; theft (2 charges) .. convicted and disHohua Wenerei — charged on each mentally weak. (See P.G., 1939, p. 646, and Photos,* p. 12.) sufficient means) 28/8/39 theft 3 months Maori labourer 1917 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. See P.G., 1938, p. 667. theft (2 charges) .. convicted and disTaneatua charged on each •

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u £ Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. o C2 Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Edwards Louis, @ Te 21/8/39 wilful damage damage . Maori labourer 1906 in. 6 copper black brown . flat ; (a) p. Edward p. d a y, Taumarunui 28/8/39 theft month 1 N. labourer 1917 5 7 fresh dark grey . medium.. on right John, Robinson, operation-scar on right side of abdomen. HaroldDesmond, (See and p. (See P.G., 1939, p. 655, and Photos, 1936, p. 37.) See P.G., 1939, p. 452. ffalo, //M. h Richard, Te Karaka, Taumarunui 31/8/39 and years Maori labourer 1924 5 7 copper black brown . flat p. 37.) See P.G., 1939, p. 452. Pf/dfo. /mV, h'tt- 3j RossWallace, charges) Institution @ Dean, Taumarunui 31/8/39 stolen . property admonished Maori labourer 1920 5 4 copper . black brown . flat See p. maku to restitution Noel Childs, Eagar Stratford 24/8/39 ofcarrying fined £40 N. billiard-room 1905 5 5i sallow . dark grey . medium bookmaker proprietor using premises as gamingconvicted and dishouse charged \ bookmaker using premises as gamingconvicted and disproprietor house charged JackWansborough, Raetihi 22/8/39 keeping fined £100 Zealand bookmaker 1901 5 8 dark brown hazel . large See 1938, p. Watson, Raetihi 22/8/39 keeping fined N. saloon 1886 5 11 fresh grey grey . medium. See p. John Te Raetihi proprietor 22/8/39 found gaming-house fined 10s. Maori labourer 1902 5 8 copper . black hazel broad 431. p. JamesCocker, Raetihi 22/8/39 in fined Zealand N. painter 1882 5 9 fresh brown grey . long Wallace, Raetihi 22/8/39 found fined N. baker 1918 5 6 fair fair blue medium LeslieMorgan, Raetihi 22/8/39 found gaming-house fined N. labourer 1918 5 8 fresh brown blue medium CharlesMcGilvray, Raetihi 22/8/39 in fined Australia bushman and 1885 5 6 dark dark blue Roman 379.* p. bookseller Sands, Hugh Ward, Raetihi 22/8/39 found ii>gaiyi in g-house finejIW2 N. 2/aIand labourer 189 J 5 !0 fresh ...- brown ; .. blue medium — Raetihi 2,2/8/3922/8/39 found in-gaming-house fined''£2 N. Zealand bushman 1879 5 X 8 w" fresh .. .. lnedium ■ RaetiAv \ 22/8/39 found irp-gfiming-house found in-gam ing-house finejJ£2 fined"'£2 / N. Zealand N. Zealand 1891 lB79 5 10 W 8 fresh w' fresh brown pe;/ - " 1 1 ■j • bushnran 5 L>IlL<3 . • grey .. lhedium • — jfrp™' RaxtiAO \ Harry Raetihi 22/8/39 in fined N. labourer 1902 5 5 fresh brown blue medium Wilkie, Raetihi 22/8/39 gaming-house fined Zealand N. farmer 1887 5 5 pale grey grey medium Bor Raetihi 22/8/39 in gaming-house fined £3 China market1905 5 4 olive black hazel . medium gardener Joseph Napier 21/8/39 ; in N. labourer 1920 5 10 fair brown blue large, 1938, p. chief Institution Sydney Napier 21/8/39 and (3 ; 1 probation N. labourer 1921 5 2 fair fair blue thick chief

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

of Name 1 Where tried. | When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing Andrew Paxie, Napier 28/8/39 sly-grog . fined Greece restaurateur 1898 ft 5 in. 8 dark dark, turning brown . medium Right eye grey Polexeny Napier 28/8/39 sly-grog convicted Greece married 1905 5 10 dark dark brown medium charged liquorunlawfully fined £10 female James, Humphrey, Napier 28/8/39 police to Ireland labourer 1879 5 10 fresh grey, blue broken .. Strong build ; scar on right hand. (See P.G., bald blue broken .. Strong build; scar on right hand. (See P.G., Humphries assault 1 year on 1936, p. 400.) bald 1936, p. 400.) Ingram, Napier 31/8/39 assault fined N. labourer 1914 5 8 ruddy fair hazel . medium. right cheek. p. Alexander McKnight, Napier 31/8/39 disorderly; fined Zealand labourer 1917 5 71 freckled ginger brown . medium. ; assault forearm and butterfly impediment left forehead. (See p. HectorSutherland, Napier 21/8/39 mischief to pay damage .. Australia .. engineer 1911 5 10 dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left leg. /Q 9ft 1903 -7TW, Wrvr. 0 onrl MTTTVrnRY Of Tvp AJ?, PATTTBR, - 'cUiui/ AND —MOTHER —on —right —forearm-; m memory oi juUibi.-LxA.iNi.i2L on ieit loiCciiiii, crucifix on cheat; —slightly deaf- —(Soo P.G., 'A93fi r^-260.) mischief to pay damage .. Australia .. engineer 1911 11)03 5 10 -7dark fresh. brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left leg. TnmWnTi. MlfMOR V fip ] vp A.Q, P AT(TTNR - 'd&cui/ 5, AND —MOTHER —on —right —forearm - ; in •crucifix on chcsti —slightly dcaR —(Soo P.G-.y-H936, p. 260.) George, Hastings 13/7/39 theft fined N. labourer 1920 5 QO copper black brown . flat A ; ; (See 1939, AlfredSmith, Hastings 13/7/39 theft .. fined Zealand N. labourer 1911 5 fresh brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1939, p. 362. Hi fresh brown blue medium.. See P.G., 1939, p. 362. Hackett Hardgreaves, Harold Hastings 15/8/39 theft charges) (2 to England salesman 1892 6 0 fresh black grey . . medium Scar leaf upper ivy King called in of and forefinger; prohibited (See 1928, p. each 17.) p. John Keith, Hastings 22/S/39 theft probation N. taxi-driver 1912 5 8 fresh brown brown medium.. of ; theft prohibited ifto up F.P. called, on in 2 years J « ■■ j ' called on in 2 years Albert Wanganui 22/8/39 fighting fined Scotland seaman 1896 5 10 fresh black brown . broken . on mischief fined £3 forearm. Sharp, Hugh mischief fined £3 forearm. Wanganui 22/8/39 fighting fined Scotland seaman 1909 5 Q1 fresh brown brown medium William mischief fined Feilding 28/8/39 and con- unlawfully admonished . Zealand N. labourer 1923 5 6 fresh black dark large.... gazetted) (not bicycle each brown ; large intellect. lips

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Marks, Distinguishing Stoneley, Joyce Feilding 28/8/39 theft and N. Zealand domestic 1920 ft. 5 in. qi °2 fair, ginger hazel, sharp Wears spectacles ; operation- scar on right side charged sallow weak of abdomen. N. Zealand domestic 1920 ft. 5 in. °2 fair, sallow ginger hazel, weak sharp Wears spectacles ; operation- scar on right side of abdomen. Roy Palmerston 21/8/39 on to supervision Zealand surveyor’s 1922 5 ll fresh brown, wavy brown medium (3 Welfare for months assistant (a Harris, N.Palmerston 26/8/39 assault . 1 month Zealand carpenter . 1913 5 «3_ fair fair blue long, Strong build; operation-scar on throat; °4 fair fair blue long, Strong build; operation-scar on throat; Harold refusing to disbroken Palmerston Photo eyes. premises charged p. Alexander McGill, N.Palmerston 29/8/39 theft andadmonished Zealand labourer 1923 5 6 fresh black blue medium. (not p.c. returned to of Child Welfare ; Sullen-disposition. Scar on left forefinger and thumb, and on foreCharles . Joseph Levin 31/8/39 Officer -fined P3 rind prn-•Nr-Zeala/nd painter 1912 5 8 fair fair, sandv .. blue .. Sullen-disposition. t *-’/ 5/ 'j )c mischief- — — r~. Officer ■fmed-f 3 and pro--Zealand painter .. 1912 5 8 fair fair, sandv .. blue medium.. Bryce, ! 1 Masterton . . 25/8/39 idle disorderly hibited months Tasmania labourer 1891 5 6 fresh brown grey . medium., fore- left forefinger 1939, p. i head ; flat feet. (See P.G., 1939, p. 362.) Percy Neale, Percy Masterton 25/8/39 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 6 1 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar on back of right hand and on right shin. (See P.G., 1939, p. 265.) i 25/8/39 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 6 1 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. Scar on back of right hand and on right shin. (See P.G., 1939, p. 265.) Edmunds, Percy Aloysius j Kerins, Masterton 21/8/39 theft fined Zealand N. labourer 1899 5 7 fresh brown blue medium Morley, Carterton 21/8/39 theft and Zealand labourer 1908 5 9 fresh dark blue medium. shin. 1937, (See charged and 16.) p. JLeggat, Petone 30/8/39 indecent months Zealand N. labourer 1896 5 5 fresh dark grey . medium. See 1917, 46. p. Yf'QTon. Kerr, Roy Wellington 28/8/39 on convicted Zealand labourer 1919 5 71 fresh dark light blue medium.. Scar on back of left hand. F.P. ' 2 fresh dark light blue medium. . Scar on back of left hand. E.P. intent charged storeman Harold/ Wellington . 28/8/39 charges) . each 3 England salesman 1903 6 11 sallow . dark brown . medium.. mole ; (See toe. p. p. Grofski, Brian Joseph Wellington . 28/8/39 ofintoxicated charge fined Zealand labourer 1913 5 7 fresh black, curly blue medium. cheek. motor-car Melville^H a y Wellington 29/8/39 theft fined Australia . electrician . 1886 5 n fresh brown, light blue prominent abdomen; Large \ Herbert Bloom, turning grey left ribs missing. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 22/8/39. Wellington turning grey left ribs missing. E.P. Photo at Wellington, 22/8/39. 29/8/39 charges) . 3 on Australia seaman 1900 5 4 fair light blue medium forearm flag, Louis clasped hands and Union Jack on left forearm. E.P. Photo at Wellington, 29/8/39. ' ' ' clasped hands and Union Jack on left forearm. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 29/8/39. Wellington 30/8/39 obscene language and Zealand N. traveller 1890 5 6 fresh going grey, grey . medium, 411, p. charged salesman bald broken p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Newman Burt, Wellington 30/8/39 theft 1 N. Zealand bootmaker . 1919 ft. 5 fair brown light brown . medium. Operation- on on ; to prohibition order at right 30/8/39. James Wellington 31/8/39 theft 1 Zealand labourer 1886 6 2 fresh brown blue Roman . .P.Strong James, @ 649, p. Walker, p. AndrewCrawford, Wellington . 1/9/39 theft probation N. grocer 1917 5 9 fresh fair blue medium. (See thigh. Flying-fish pp. GerardWainwright, Wellington 2/9/39 assault .. days 14 England seaman 1914 5 9* fresh ginger blue medium and 311.) palm. p. LeonardHawthorne, Wellington 2/9/39 mischief damage . N. labourer 1876 5 7 fresh curly .grey, brown medium William Wellington 2/9/39 obscene fined £2 N. and 1911 5 104 fresh brown brown . medium. (See on right William ‘fighting fined clerk p. p. Edmund Freeman, Wellington . 2/9/39 fighting fined N. and 1914 5 7 fresh brown blue medium left on ; right Edmond Freeman, Percy waiter forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 114, and Photos, 1938, p. 46.) - forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 114, and Photos, 1938, p. 46.) Gould, Joseph Nelson 25/8/39 of probation fined N. salesman 1914 5 m fresh brown hazel medium elbow ; carpenter left p. Robert Howat, Nelson 29/8/39charges) of N. message-boy 1924 5 4 fresh black brown . medium.. on p.c. Welfare Officer 1 slight build. year N. ' 1923 slight build. Alan Martin, Nelson 29/8/39 charges) of supervision shop5 5 fresh black brown .. medium.. Good build. 1923 5 5 fresh black brown .. medium.. Good build. Welfare Officer assistant Edward Harry year N. Zealand Westport 23/8/39 theft month 1 trucker 1917 5 84 fresh brown brown .. medium. . Scar above right ear, and on right thigh. N. Zealand trucker 1917 5 8* fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar above right ear, and on right thigh. theft months • Francis Lewis, Hugh Reefton 22/8/39 assault . fined Zealand N. lorry-driver 1906 5 9 sallow .. brown brown . medium. p. Slightly Robert Edward ..Park, Reefton 22/8/39 assault fined £1 Zealand N. labourer 1910 5 6 dark brown brown . medium.. Receding Desmond John .Buchanan, Greymouth 21/8/39 unlawfully of N. labourer 1923 6 0 fresh dark brown . medium forearm. on right ; Welfare SuperAllen, William ; theft intendent Kaikoura 30/8/39 driving fined N. lorry-driver 1906 5 6 dark dark blue medium attention due

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

of Offender. tried.Where \ When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. | Byes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing AtholMcNaughton, Kaikoura 30/8/39 motor-negligently fined Zealand storekeeper 1905 ft 5 in. 8 fresh dark blue medium / motor-vehicle driving fined @Rowley, William Percival Rowley, Christchurch 21/8/39 out disorderly idle sorting) if come up called in months England and fireman 1880 5 i fair brown light blue medium.. ; P.G., on (See p. @ Richard, Hitchens, Hichens Christchurch 21/8/39 (consorting) ifto up called N. Zealand carpenter .. 1883 5 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Slight build. (See P.G., 1922, p. 690, and Photos, p. 79.) months N. Zealand carpenter .. 1883 5 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Slight build. (See P.G., 1922, p. 690, and Photos, p. 79.) John Christchurch 21/8/39 disorderly and (consorting) if come 6 months days Zealand labourer 1892 5 1 7 fresh light brown hazel .. thick Blue dot on right hand ; scar on left shin. (See P.G., 1913, p. 335.) 1 2 fresh light brown hazel .. thick Blue dot on right hand; scar on left shin. (See P.G., 1913, p. 335.) Faithful May, Christchurch 21/8/39 (con- and sorting) prostitution Zealand prostitute . 1880 5 2 pale brown blue pointed cheek ; ; forearm temple, and small scar on left breast. (See P.G., 1936, % small scar on left breast. (See P.G., 1936, Margaret Christchurch 21/8/39 disorderly (concharged to Zealand N. prostitute 1892 5 6i fresh brown grey . medium. . 225.) p. Scar on abdomen. (See P.G., 1936, p. 618.) sorting) called Rouse, George Christchurch 21/8/39 disorderly and months England . moulder 1883 5 2 ruddy dark hazel medium left and by and disorderly Cann, George Christchurch 21/8/39 persons) and idle disorderly sorting) months 3 Zealand andgrocer porter 1891 5 31 fair going bald hazel long, thick build two ; ; 1938, p. (See p. Richard, Robert Christchurch 23/8/39 the is false pretences in charge 211) p. convicted and charged Zealand N. and asphalter 1892 5 i sallow black brown . Roman . A ; and p. 21.) George Christchurch 24/8/39 of charge and Zealand carpenter 1885 5 10 fresh grey brown medium. right on motor-car fromqualified driving Patrick, Rowlands, VernonRollinds, Henry @ Christchurch 26/8/39 drunkenness years month 1 Zealand and cook 1894 5 61fresh brown blue flat tattoo-marks and head and ; ; P.G., thumb ; p. Jacob Timaru 24/8/39 actindecent fined Zealand N. labourer 1914 6 0 fair fair grey medium Stanley, Caswell, Tex, Stephen, Timaru 31/8/39 theft 1 Zealand N. labourer 1916 5 10 fair wavy . blue medium. . on knee, andand p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

Offender. Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. P M o « X5 W> '3 m Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Jfco. ft. in. 1 Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Jfco. ft. in. CecilWatson, Stanley Oamaru 22/8/39 intoxicated in charge of fined £15 and disN. Zealand mail 1902 5 5 fresh brown blue medium intoxicatedmotor-car qualified from driving for 1 year to come up if . contractor 'ryv Au* 'UTV-td/ <Zo/2/ite> in charge of fined £15 and disN. Zealand mail 1902 5 5 fresh brown blue medium motor-car qualified from driving for 1 cU&lfau* . contractor u ryv /l Ho/g/lfO year teeth Lilian Symon, Oamaru 30/8/39 of N. Zealand domestic 1904 5 5-1-sallow .. brown grey .. medium.. Small scar on left cheek; front upper teeth if up in decayed. (See P.G., 1937, p. 730.) N. Zealand domestic 1904 5 5* sallow .. brown grey ' .. medium.. Small scar on left cheek; front upper called on in 2 decayed. (See P.G., 1937, p. 730.) Alexander, Milne, Oamaru 30/8/39 theft probation Zealand labourer 1917 5 8-|-fresh fair blue medium.. Small scar on back of left little finger. F.P. 5 84 fresh fair blue medium.. Small scar on back of left little finger. F.P. Milne, 289.) Patrick Rogers, Dunedin 21/8/39 assault 3 weeks N. Zealand miner 1908 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on left shin. F.P. •• 3 weeks N. Zealand miner 1908 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on left shin. F.P. William Beveridge, Dunedin 21/8/39 intoxicated in charge of fined £20 and disN. Zealand service1909 5 3 fresh dark brown brown .. medium intoxicatedmotor-Gar qualified from station driving for 1 year owner in charge of fined £20 and disN. Zealand service1909 5 3 fresh dark brown brown .. medium motor-Gar qualified from station driving for 1 year owner , JohnMcGregor, Invercargill 22/8/39 intoxicated in charge of fined £20 and disScotland .. labourer 1901 5 10 fair dark blue — intoxicatedmotor-car qualified from driving for 2 years See P.G., 1925, p. 170. in charge of fined £20 and disScotland .. labourer 1901 5 10 fair dark blue — motor-car qualified from driving for 2 years JohnJunor, Invercargill 23/8/39 theft if come up Scotland . farmer 1886 5 6i fresh white blue — 5 64 fresh white blue See P.G., 1925, p. 170. called 1 year

Return of Persons summarily convicted-continued.

. Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. *2 1 Complexion. | 1 When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Name Prisoner. Gaol, Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. s O to ’<3 W Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Trade. O * 1 '<D | M I Hair. Byes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Kaeo— Arama, Arama, @ Sam Kaeo . . 2/8/39 stolen days Maori labourer 1910 ft. in. 9 copper black brown .. medium 15/8/39 Stout and on; 621.) p. Kaeo M.C. 2/8/39 theft'"/. 21 days Maori , labourer 1905 5 8 copper .. black___ br o wn .. flat 22/8/39 Scar-on left cheek and on left forefinger; 5/ £ /S?o several teeth missing: —(See P.G., 1939, p. 621.) / Toru • . y JackWalker, Kaeo M.C. 26/7/39 assault 1 month Maori labourer 1917 5 74 copper .. black brown .. medium.. 25/8/39 No upper teeth ; scar near left eye, on right knee, and on left ribs, forearm, and , breast; birthmark on right elbow. (See P.G., 1939, p. 621.) i fjtCuct' 2Kaeq M.C. 2/8/39 theft .. 21 days Maori ..... labourer 1905 5 8 copper .. black —‘vt brown .. flat 22/8/39 Scar on left cheek and on left forefinger; several teeth noissingr —(See P.G., 1939, p. 621.) / JackWalker, Auckland resisting police; and 1 month on each Kaeo M.C. 26/7/39 assault 1 month Maori labourer 1917 5 n copper .. black brown .. medium.. 25/8/39 No upper teeth ; scar near left eye, on right knee, and on left ribs, forearm, and breast; birthmark on right elbow. (See P.G., 1939, p. 621.) Auckland ohn J .Fagan, resisting police ; and 1 month on each Whangarei M.C. 29/6/39 Scotland .. labourer and 1908 5 5i fresh brown blue medium.. 28/8/39 1 p.c. Scar behind right ear and on back obscene language (cumulative) showman of left waist. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 533.) Large mouth; scar above upper lip and John .Fagan, Allan .Heke, Whangar Cambridge 29/6/39 8/8/39 Scotland .. labourer and 1908 5 fresh brown blue medium.. 28/8/39 1 p.c. Scar behind right ear and on back obscene language (cumulative) showman of left waist. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 533.) Large mouth; scar above upper lip and theft .. 21 days Maori farm hand .. 1918 5 64 copper .. black brown .. flat 28/8/39 on right wrist. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 648.) Allan .Heke, Lewis John Hurrell, M.C.Cambridge Auckland 8/8/39 13/7/39 theft . . of . days days 14 Maori England . hand . labourer 1918 1912 0 5 6i copper .. black brown .. flat 28/8/39 on right wrist. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 648.) 3 fresh fight brown.. grey .. small 28/8/39 Scar on forehead, on back of right hand, 15/8/39 theft .. 14 days and on right side of abdomen; nude woman on left upper arm; bathing woman, star, cross, and EMILY H. on back of left hand ; nurse’s head on right forearm. Arrested, 3/8/39. (See P.G., 1939, p. 662.) Lewis John Hurrell, Ingram, Auckland M.C.Taneatua 13/7/39 31/7/39 default . disorderly arrears or 14 days England .. labourer 1912 5 3 fresh light brown.. grey .. small 28/8/39 Scar on forehead, on back of right hand, 1 month Scotland .. paperhanger, 1890 5 44 fresh brown brown .. medium, 30/8/39 Scar on right hip; impediment in speech. 15/8/39 theft .. 14 days and on right side of abdomen; nude woman on left upper arm; bathing woman, star, cross, and EMILY H. on back of left hand ; nurse’s head on right forearm. Arrested, 3/8/39. (See P.G., 1939, p. 662.) Ingram, John, @ Ingram, Taneatua M.C. 31/7/39 idle and disorderly (insuffi1 month Scotland .. paperhanger, 1890 5 fresh brown brown .. medium, 30/8/39 Scar on right hip ; impediment in speech. Jack means) andpainter, turned (See p. labourer to Albert Hamilton 11/8/39 charge in days Zealand N. labourer 1887 5 fresh fair, turning hazel .. medium.. 31/8/39 3 p.c. Scar on forehead; war wound on 74 fresh fair, turning hazel .. medium.. 31/8/39 3 p.c. Scar on forehead; war wound on motor-car fromqualified grey on ; driving (See 663.) p. David Allan Rogers, Auckland 10/8/39 default of 1 Zealand motor1905 5 74 fresh fair blue medium. 31/8/39 paid. salesman Thomas Kelly, Auckland 2/6/39 indecent months 3 Maori andlabourer 1895 5 6-4 copper . turning brown . flat 1/9/39 Pierced and hands, &c., on left forearm ; crossed flags, seaman grey hands, &e., on left forearm ; crossed flags, anchor, and clasped hands, kc., on right forearm ; large scar on right shin ; walks lame. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 449, and Photos, 1924, p. 39.) ** anchor, and clasped hands, &c., on right forearm ; large scar on right shin ; walks lame. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 449, and Photos, 1924, p. 39.) Wilfred Wellington 17/8/39 in on . England motor 1902 5 74 fresh brown brown . pointed . 30/8/39 11 on eye and ; mechanic left forefinger. cook and p. Mare Te Taneatua M.C. 24/7/39 disorderly 6 Maori domestic 1918 5 0 copper black brown . flat 2/9/39 1 on ; means) of neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 623.) of neck. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 623.) ...


and Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 j Where tried. When. Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Thames— ft. Wilson, Paeroa M.C. .. 21/7/39 unlawfully converting 1 month Maori labourer 1918 5 6 dark black grey .. flat 19/8/39 F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 623.) bicycle Waikeria — Paeroa M.C. .. 21/7/39 unlawfully converting bicycle 1 month Maori labourer 1918 5 6 dark black grey .. flat 19/8/39 F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 623.) • GardinerMcLaren, M.C... 14/3/39 obscene 6 months on each Scotland .. miner 1892 5 6 fair fair blue medium.. 23/8/39 Wears glasses; brown spot near pupil of charges) right eve. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1939, p. 242.) 6 months on each Scotland .. miner 1892 5 6 fair fair blue medium.. 23/8/39 Wears glasses; brown spot near pupil of right eve. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1939, p. 242.) Napier Gisborne Basil Morgan, 10/7/39 idle and disorderly 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 11 fair brown blue medium.. 22/8/39 Scar on left knee. Returned to Mental cient means) 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 11 fair brown blue medium.. 22/8/39 Scar on left knee. Returned to Mental Hospital. (See P.G., 1939, p. 648.) Valentine Porter, Napier . cient means) Hospital. (See P.G., 1939, p. 648.) 7/8/39 ship-desertion 21 days Zealand labourer 1910 85 dark dark brown long, 15/8/39 IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR broken MOTHER on left forearm; crossed hands and GOOD LUCK on back of left 15/8/39 IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR MOTHER on left forearm; crossed hands and GOOD LUCK on back of left hand ; kiwi with N.Z. and KIA ORA on back of right hand; two doves and North and South Islands of New Zealand on chest. Hastings M.C. hand ; kiwi with N.Z. and KIA ORA on back of right hand; two doves and North and South Islands of New Zealand on chest. Martin, 1/8/39 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 7 fresh grey blue broken .. 31/8/39 Scar on nose and on left fore, middle, and George little fingers ; stooped. (See P.G., 1939, p. 648, and Photos, 1937, p. 34.) Tako— Hastings M.C. 1/8/39 theft .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 7 • fresh grey blue broken .. 31/8/39 Scar on nose and on left fore, middle, and little fingers : stooped. (See P.G., 1939, p. 648, and Photos, 1937, p. 34.) Hopkins, Wellington 30/6/39 and on illegally 1 month on each N. Zealand clerk 1890 5 10f fresh grey blue medium.. 29/8/39 7 p.c. Strong build ; small scar on right premises without intent 1 month on each (cumulative) N. Zealand clerk 1890 5 lOf fresh grey blue • ( medium.. 29/8/39 7 p.c. Strong build; small scar on right side of forehead; clasped hands, heart, arrow, and fearn on left forearm; ship, anchor, clasped hands, rising sun, and KIA ORA on right forearm; MEMORIAL TO MOTHER on right upper arm. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 538, and Photos, p. 70.) Walker, Wanganui M.C. premises without intent (cumulative) side of forehead ; clasped hands, heart, arrow, and fearn on left forearm; ship, anchor, clasped hands, rising sun, and KIA ORA on right forearm; MEMORIAL TO MOTHER on right upper arm. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 538, and Photos, p. 70.) 31/7/39 idle and disorderly (insuffi1 month N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 11 fresh brown blue Roman .. 30/8/39 7 p.c. Strong build. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, James cient means) p. 727, and Photos, 1933, p. 6.) Wanganui M.C. 31/7/39 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 11 fresh brown .: blue Roman .. 30/8/39 7 p.c. Strong build. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 727, and Photos, 1933, p. 6.) WilliamPreeman, Wellington 13/2/39 maintenance 6 Zealand labourer 1884 5f 5 fresh fair blue large 31/8/39 12 Pierced p.c. LOVE on left forearm; bracelet on left wrist; dagger on back of left hand. Arrested, 21/7/39. Fraser Happy Wellington M.C. LOVE on left forearm; bracelet on left wrist; dagger on back of left hand. Arrested, 21/7/39. 3/2/39 theit (2 charges) 6 months on each Maori labourer 1912 5 H copper .. black brown . . broad 2/9/39 18 p.c. Strong build ; scar on forehead, 1 (a) Hori, theft .. 1 month above right eye, on left cheek, and William (cumulative) on nose; burn-scar on back of right 21/2/39 breach of probation (2 1 month on each hand and wrist; star on back of left charges) hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 190, and Photos, 1937, p. 61.) 3/2/39 21/2/39 theit (2 charges) theft breach of probation (2 charges) 6 months on each 1 month (cumulative) 1 month on each Maori labourer 1912 5 8* copper .. black brown .. broad .. 2/9/39 \ 18 p.c. Strong build; scar on forehead, above right eye, on left cheek, and on nose; bum-scar on back of right hand and wrist; star on back of left hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 190, and Photos, 1937, p. 61.) Wellington M.C.


... s Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. and Where When. O Sentence. ofNative Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) O 23 tSi tt Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington— William Wellington 18/8/39 theft . month 1 muted 6 Zealand motor-driver 1915 ft. in. 11 fair fair blue medium 26/8/39 build. Wellington, (See 667.) p. months’ probation) Norman C.W 29/7/39 theft . 1 FI. labourer 1908 5 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 28/8/39 2 p.c. Scar on left temple and on inside of right thigh; lump on left forefinger. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 29/7/39. (See P.G., 1939, p. 610.) 5 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 28/8/39 2 p.c. Scar on left temple and on inside of right thigh; lump on left forefinger. ' F.P. Photo at Wellington, 29/7/39. (See P.G., 1939, p. 610.) Moorhead Marks, M.C.Wellington 17/8/39 ofintoxicated days Australia mechanic 1917 5 6* fair fair grey .. medium. . 30/8/39 Scar on base of left thumb and behind left 5 6* fair fair grey .. medium.. 30/8/39 Scar on base of left thumb and behind left motor-car from to 17/8/40. fitter ankle (See on 1939, 666.) Paparua— 7 Richard, Cheyne, Christchurch 23/8/39 of probation Zealand labourer 1892 5 1 sallow .. black brown .. Roman .. 31/8/39 6 p.c. A half-caste Chinese ; scar on left 5 1 sallow .. black brown .. Roman .. 31/8/39 ■6 p.c. A half-caste Chinese ; scar on left Robert Cheyne, M.C. asphalter eyebrow, on right palm, middle finger, knee, and on left hand. (See P.G., 1939, p. 728, and Photos, 1923, p. 21.) - eyebrow, on right palm, middle finger, knee, and on left hand. (See P.G., 1939, p. 728, and Photos, 1923, p. 21.) Reformatory Addington DoreenWoodstock, Christchurch 30/5/39 theft . months N. domestic 1919 5 1^ sallow .. brown hazel .. medium.. 29/8/39 F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 518.) 5 H sallow .. brown hazel .. medium.. 29/8/39 F.P. (See P.G., 1939, p. 518.) M.C.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIV, Issue 37, 13 September 1939, Page 694

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REGULATIONS UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIV, Issue 37, 13 September 1939, Page 694

REGULATIONS UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIV, Issue 37, 13 September 1939, Page 694