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Serial Number 1938/7G. The Police Offences (Wrestling Contest) Regulations 1931, Amendment No. 3. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 22nd day of June, 1938. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the powers conferred by section seventy-two of the Police Offences Act, 1927, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Police Offences (Wrestling Contest) Regulations 1931, Amendment No. 3. 2. These regulations shall be read together with and form part of the Police Offences (Wrestling Contest) Regulations 1931* (hereinafter called the “ principal regulations ”). 3. These regulations shall come into force on the day following notification in the Gazette of the making hereof. 4. Clause 9 of the principal regulations is amended by revoking paragraph ( h thereof, and substituting the following : “ (h) That no contest other than one between professional wrestlers shall exceed four rounds — one round of six minutes and three rounds of three minutes each, with an interval of not less than one minute between successive rounds — that in such a contest if each competitor has obtained one fall the referee, if he is unable to come to a decision on points, may order an extra round of three minutes.” C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. * Gazette, 22nd October, 1931, Vol, 111, page 2998.

Serial Number 1938/77. The Police Force Amendment Regulations 1938. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 22nd day of 1 June, 1938. Present : His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. Pursuant to the Police Force Act, 1913, His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby make the following regulations. REGULATIONS. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Police Force Amendment Regulations 1938. 2. These regulations shall come into force on the day following notification in the Gazette of the making hereof.* 3. These regulations shall be read together with and form part of the regulations made under the Police Force Act, 1913, on the 15th day of September, 1919| (hereinafter referred to as “ the principal regulations ”)• 4. Regulations numbered consecutively from 404 to 414, both inclusive, of the principal regulations are hereby revoked, and the following substituted : —- Promotions. 404. (1) Every member of the Force who is a candidate for examination shall give notice in writing to his superior officer of his intention to present himself for examination, and such notice shall be given to such officer during the month of July prior to the date fixed for the examination. Officers in charge of districts shall forward all such notices to the Commissioner as soon as possible after receiving them. (2) In their applications candidates shall specify any police examination or any examination referred to in Regulation No. 417 which they have already passed. (3) Any intending candidate who fails to give such notice within the prescribed time shall not be permitted to sit for the examination unless authorized to do so by the Commissioner. * See end note. t Gazette , 18th September, 1919, Vol HI, page 2900.

405. Examinations under these regulations shall be conducted by a Board to be appointed annually by the Commissioner, the members of which shall consist —•

(a) A Stipendiary Magistrate or Solicitor, who shall set and examine the papers on Law of Evidence and Prescribed Statutes. ( b ) An active or past officer of the Education Service, who shall set and examine papers for the Literary Examination. (c) Two officers of the Force, one of whom, when practicable, shall have served in the Detective Branch, who, in collaboration with the Magistrate or Solicitor, shall set and examine papers on Police Force Acts, Regulations and General Instructions, and Police and Detective Duties. 406. All examination-papers shall be supplied to the Superintendent or Inspector in sealed envelopes addressed to the candidates, to whom they are to be handed unopened at the hour fixed for the examination in the subject set forth in the examination-paper. 407. The examination shall be carried out under the immediate supervision of the Superintendent or Inspector, or other person appointed by the Commissioner.

408. All Non-commissioned Officers and Constables who are candidates for promotion to higher rank shall be examined in the following subjects, to be known as the “ Literary Examination ” (a) English : Analysis, synthesis, paraphrasing of simple verse and prose passages from standard authors, punctuation, direct and indirect narration, simple exercises in correspondence and precis-writing, writing of official letters, use and misuse of words, detection and correction of errors and ambiguities of expression, spelling of words in common use. Questions intended to test the candidate’s powers of composition and . expression. Essay of about three hundred words on some subject, a choice of one from at least four. Very great importance shall be attached to the essay. (b) Geography : Maps and plans, and ability to calculate areas and distances therefrom, and to draw simple locality and route plans. To mark on a blank map of New Zealand the chief mountain-ranges, rivers, lakes, steamer, road, railway, and air routes, seaports, and other important towns in New Zealand, and to know the leading products and industries of each district. Similar knowledge in somewhat less detail of the Australian States and the Pacific, and, in a general way, of Great Britain and Ireland and the rest of the British Empire. An elementary knowledge of the geography of the rest of the world. A general knowledge of overseas trade and air routes to and from New Zealand.

(c) Arithmetic : Fundamental rules, vulgar and decimal fractions, proportion percentages, simple and compound interest, profit and loss, square root and its application to mensuration, areas of plane rectilineal figures and of circles and cylinders, volumes and weights of common solids, a cash account, and a statement of receipts and expenditure. Easy practical problems of time, distance, and speed.

409. (1) Any member of the Force who has been permanently appointed shall be eligible to sit for the Literary Examination. (2) To pass this examination a candidate to qualify for the rank of Sergeant shall obtain not less than 45 per cent, of the maximum marks allotted to each subject, and a total of not less than 50 per cent, of the total maximum marks allotted to the three subjects. To qualify for commissioned rank he shall obtain not less than 55 per cent, of the maximum marks allotted to each subject, and a total of not less than 60 per cent, of the total maximum marks allotted to the three subjects. (3) Any member of the Force who has passed the Literary Examination qualifying for the rank of Sergeant or Sub-Inspector as prescribed by the regulations in force prior to the coming into operation of this regulation shall be deemed to have passed the examination specified in this regulation for the respective ranks. 410. Constables who are candidates for promotion to the rank of Sergeant shall be examined in the following subjects, to be known as the “ Law Examination (Sergeants) ” : (a) Law of Evidence Questions on the elementary principles of the law of evidence. (b) Prescribed statutes : The statutes hereinafter mentioned, including amendments in force at the time of examination — (1) Crimes Act, 1908. (2) Gaming Act, 1908. (3) Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. (4) Licensing Act, 1908. (5) Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, and regulations in force thereunder and under section 166 of the Public Works Act, 1928. (6) Police Offences Act, 1927. (7) The following statutes or any other statutes (as notified in General Instructions) in so far as they apply to police duty: Arms Act, 1920, and regulations in force thereunder ; Child Welfare Act, 1925; Coroners Act, 1908; Dangerous Drugs Act, 1927 ; Destitute Persons Act, 1910 ; Indecent Publications Act, 1910; Infants Act, 1908 ; Mental Defectives Act, 1911 ; Offenders Probation Act, 1920; Pawnbrokers Act, 1908; Poisons Act, 1934 ; Second-hand Dealers Act, 1908 ; and Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908. (8) Case law pertaining to the foregoing statutes in so far as the cases relate to matters concerning police duty. (c) Police Force Act, 1913, and regulations thereunder; and General Instructions, in detail. ( d Questions on practical Police and Detective Duties. 1411. (1) No Constable shall be eligible to sit for the Law Examination (Sergeants) until he has completed five years’ permanent service in the Force. 2-P.G.

(2) To pass the Law Examination (Sergeants) a candidate shall obtain not less than 60 per cent, of the marks allotted to each of the subjects “ Law of Evidence,” “ Prescribed Statutes,” “ Police Force Act, 1913,” and “ Practical Police and Detective Duties ” : Provided that any candidate who passes in two of these subjects shall not be required to pass again in such subjects to complete the examination. (3) Any Constable who has passed the law examination qualifying for the rank of Sergeant or Sub-Inspector as prescribed by the regulations in force prior to the coming into operation of this regulation shall be deemed to have passed the examination specified in this regulation. . 412. (1) Sergeants and Detective-Sergeants who are candidates for promotion to the grade of Senior Sergeant or Senior Detective shall be examined in the following subjects, to be known as the “ Law Examination (Senior Sergeants) ” : (a) Law of Evidence : The evidence Act, 1908, and amendments, and questions from Phipson’s “ Manual of Evidence.” ( b ) Prescribed statutes : The statutes hereinafter mentioned, including amendments in force at the time of examination — (1) Crimes Act, 1908. (2) Gaming Act, 1908. (3) Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. (4) Licensing Act, 1908. (5) Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, and regulations in force thereunder and under section 166 of the Public Works Act, .1928. (6) Police Offences Act, 1927. (7) The following statutes or any other statutes (as notified in General Instructions) in so far as they apply to police duty: Arms Act, 1920, and regulations in force thereunder ; Child Welfare Act, 1925; , Coroners Act, 1908; -Dangerous Drugs Act, 1927 ; Destitute Persons Act, 1910 ; Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881 (Imperial) ; Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 ; Indecent Publications Act, 1910 ; Infants Act, 1908 ; Mental Defectives Act, 1911 ; Offenders Probation Act, 1920; Pawnbrokers Act, 1908 ; Poisons Act, 1934; Second-hand Dealers Act, 1908 ; and Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908. , (8) Case law pertaining to the foregoing statutes in so far as the cases relate to matters concerning police duty. (c) Police Force Act, 1913, and regulations thereunder ; and General Instructions, in detail. ( d ) Questions on practical Police and Detective Duties. (2) No member of the Force below the rank of Sergeant shall be eligible to sit for the Law Examination (Senior Sergeants) unless he has passed the Law Examination (Sergeants). (3) To pass the Law Examination (Senior Sergeants) a candidate shall obtain not less than 60 per cent, of the marks allotted to each of the subjects “ Law of Evidence,” “ Prescribed Statutes,” “ Police Force Act, 1913,” and “ Practical Police and Detective Duties ” :

Provided that any candidate who passes in two of these subjects shall not be required to pass again in such subjects to complete the examination.

(4) Any member of the Force who has passed the examination qualifying for the grade of Senior Sergeant or Senior Detective as prescribed by the regulations in force prior to the coming into operation of this regulation shall be deemed to have passed the examination specified in this regulation.

413. Non-commissioned Officers who are candidates for promotion to the rank of Sub-Inspectoj: shall be examined in an examination to be known as the “ Law Examination (Sub-Inspectors) ” in the same subjects as are hereinbefore prescribed for the Law Examination (Senior Sergeants), but requiring from candidates a more particular knowledge of the subjects treated.

414. (1) No member of the Force below the grade of Senior Sergeant or Senior Detective shall be eligible to sit for the Law Examination (Sub-Inspectors) unless he has passed the Law Examination (Senior Sergeants).

(2) To pass the Law Examination. (Sub-Inspectors) a candidate shall obtain not less than 60 per cent, of the marks allotted to each of the subjects “ Law of Evidence,” “ Prescribed Statutes,” “ Police Force Act, 1913,” and “ Practical Police and Detective Duties ” :

Provided that any candidate who passes in two of these subjects shall not be required to pass again in such subjects to complete the examination.

(3) Any member of the Force who has passed the law examination qualifying for the rank of Sub-Inspector as prescribed by the regulations in force prior to the coming into operation of this regulation shall be deemed to have passed the examination specified in this regulation.

C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council

Further lists of watches stolen from Lauchlan’s Ltd., Woodward Street, Wellington, which are not included on this return, are published in Police Gazette, 1938, pages 338, 339, and 464.

E. Authority: Printer, By

No. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. Ladies’ silver-plated octagon-shaped Betty Ursuraline Jury, Auckland 1938. Page 253 Ladies’ chromium-plated wristlet Eva Jordon, Auckland .. „ 253 Gentlemen’s silver Westclox wristlet .. Garth Barber, Lyttelton „ 254 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold Swiss wristlet .. Albert Joseph Millar, Lyttelton .. „ 254 Ladies’ silver Unicorn wristlet .. Betty Brodie, Lyttelton.. ,, 254 670808 over 12 Gentlemen’s silver wristlet Allan Wallace, Remuera „ 271 Ladies’ rolled-gold wristlet (2) .. Walter Bertie O’Toole, Invercargill „ 271 Ladies’ chrome wristlet Walter Bertie O’Toole, Invercargill „ 271 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold wristlet Walter Bertie O’Toole, Invercargill ,, 271 50683.20 Gentlemen’s silver Rolex Oyster wristlet .. Eric Vernon Dawson, Wellington.. „ 287 Gentlemen’s gold wristlet Cecil James Etheridge Smith, New Plymouth ,, 303 3623 Ladies’ gold wristlet Ruby Constance Scott, Wellington „ 303 0535486Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Swiss wristlet Ruby Constance Scott, Wellington „ 303 0535486Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Swiss wristlet Alleyne Guy Kentish Mayfield, Wellington ,, 304 Shock-proof Swiss lever wristlet (3)South Canterbury Farmers’ Co-op. Associa- „ 304 Shock-proof Swiss lever wristlet (3)South Canterbury Farmers’ Co-op. Associa- „ 304 443108 Ladies’ gold Geneva wristlet tion, Ltd., Timaru Annie Hutton, Napier .. „ 325 Wristlet Thomas Fraser Watson, Masterton „ 325 1409420 Ladies’ gold Moeris wristlet Gentlemen’s chromium-plated wristlet Jessie Francis Falconer, Greytown „ 325 A. C. Jensen, Ltd., Wellington „ 339 Gentlemen’s nickel-plated Elgin pocket .. Julius Shongrund, Auckland „ 356 409636 Ladies’ gold Swiss wristlet Gladys Pearce Aekins, Auckland ,, 356 Ladies’ gold Buren wristlet Gladys Pearce Aekins, Auckland „ 356 Edna Nina Ensor, Auckland „ 357 A.K.-: 10T. Ladies’ gold wristlet Marie Honora Fox, Auckland „ 357 3388 Gentlemen’s silver wristlet Douglas Stanley Hill, Auckland .. „ 375 12751859 Gentlemen’s silver Waltham pocket James Kennedy, Parnell „ 375 Ladies’ gold open-face wristlet .. .. .. Cushla Hunter, Hamilton ,, 375 Ladies’ large silver wristlet Cushla Hunter, Hamilton „ 375 Gentlemen’s gold-filled wristlet .. Ivor Kenneth Harris, Lvall Bay .. „ 375 3518688 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold hunting Rolex Elsie Hazel Colbourne, Kurow ,, 375 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold hunting.. Elsie Hazel Colbourne, Kurow „ 375 Ladies’ gold Swiss wristlet Eunice Sybil Baillie, Gisborne ,, 391 Gentlemen’s gold-filled Elgin Eunice Sybil Baillie, Gisborne „ 391 Daniel Mana Love, Petone „ 391 50924 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated Rotary wristlet Frederick Stanley Allen, Picton .. „ 391 Gentlemen’s silver Orphena wristlet Alfred George Monaghan, Auckland „ 407 Ladies’ silver wristlet .. Maire Anna Bradley, Auckland .. „ 407 S. 2631 Ladies’ gold Cyma wristlet Ethel Muriel Dodd, Wellington .. „ 407 6100887 andGentlemen’s nickel Omega pocket Ethel Muriel Dodd, Wellington .. „ 407 6100887 andGentlemen’s nickel Omega pocket Alfred Arthur Trueman, Wellington „ 407 4780637 Alfred Arthur Trueman, Wellington „ 407 Gentlemen’s rolled-gold wristlet Maurice Vernon Hurfit, Auckland „ 423 54 Ladies’ gold hunting Rotherhams Ladies’ silver Swiss wristlet William McCartney Parley, Auckland „ 423 Roy Cumming, Auckland ., 423 Gentlemen’s gold open-face dress Maurice Hay vice, Auckland „ 423 Ladies’ gold wristlet Ngaire Greta Allen, Feilding „ 423 Gentlemen’s silver Swiss wristlet George Maurice Sellars, Auckland „ 442 268644 F. Gentlemen’s gold hunting Henry Wright, Auckland „ 442 Ladies’ gold open-face wristlet .. .. Violet Ellen Elsie Revell, Cambridge „ 443 Gentlemen’s chromium-plated wristlet Violet Ellen Elsie Revell, Cambridge ,, 443 Violet Ellen Elsie Revell, Cambridge „ 443 2570115 Gentlemen’s nickel Empire pocket William Henry Thodey, Wellington „ 464

RETURN OF WATCHES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 30th JUNE, 1938. (For preceding return see Police Gazette, 1938, page 255.)

-No. of Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. - 1938. Z.N. 8277 Gentlemen’s .. Leslie Corbet Shepherd, Auckland 1938. Page 271 A. 4001 Gentlemen’s Skeates and White Norman Carter, Auckland „ 271 over 12 F. 11744 Gentlemen’s .. James Loftus, Auckland „ 271 P.X. 7479 Ladies’ Monarch Special Alice Goddard, Auckland „ 271 3127 Gentlemen’s .. .. .. . . James Kenneth Eloiss Pointon, Hamilton „ 271 M.D.46207 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. James Neil Irvine, Hamilton „ 271 24407 Ladies’ Thomas Henry John Halcrow, Hamilton .. „ 271 A. 3283 Gentlemen’s Phillips Royal Devon Jack Alexander McLennan, Hamilton „ 271 B.Z. 9993 Gentlemen’s Farmers’ Monarch Special . . Frederick John Dally, Hamilton .. „ 271 M.D.24747 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. John Spill, Gisborne „ 271 302 Gentlemen’s .. James Edward Burton, Napier 271 6251 Ladies’ Couchman Royal Eleanor Nielsen, Wanganui „ 271 E.A. 3841 Gentlemen’s Rollex Briceric Ralph Whitehead, Palmerston N. „ 271 17683 and Gentlemen’s Cambria .. .. .. Ernest Pay, Wellington „ 271 1804 1201 A. Gentlemen’s Butler Henry Wilfred Austin, Christchurch „ 271 7030 Ladies’ Speedwell Hannah Maybell Herring, Dunedin 272 22369Ladies’ Hannah Maybell Herring, Dunedin 272 22369Ladies’ Zyra McDougall, Gore .. „ 272 018006 Gentlemen’s .. Walter Booth, Auckland .. „ 304 O.l). 5914 Gentlemen’s .. Robert John Stewart Robertson, Auckland „ 304 A.5115 Gentlemen’s .. James Joseph Downs, Auckland .. „ 304 Gentlemen’s .. Oscar Barclay, Mount Eden „ 304 Gentlemen’s .. Hoani Patton, Stratford „ 304 48698 Gentlemen’s .. Arnold Hogan, Hastings „ 304 Ladies’ Jean Bone, New Plymouth „ 304 Gentlemen’s .. Norman Mackenzie, Wanganui 304 X.W. 4663 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Leslie David Webber, Auckland . . „ 339 131450 Gentlemen’s .. Allan Vyvian Hawke, Hamilton .. „ 339 A. 53349 Ladies’ Phillips Royal . . .. Sadie O’Kane, Gisborne. . „ 339 13.W. 8377Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Sadie O’Kane, Gisborne.. „ 339 B.W. 8377Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Roland Sydney Shoemark, New Plymouth „ 339 Gentlemen’s Phillips .. .. .. .. Kenneth Andrew Martin, New Plymouth .. „ 339 A.39212 Gentlemen’s .. George Bilby, Hastings .. „ 339 A.72696 Gentlemen’s .. Gordon Thomas Carey, Hastings 339 5571 and Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Eric Stanley Redit, Wanganui „ 339 3384 2986 B ever Gentlemen’s Chainey’s N.Z. James Vernon, Wanganui „ 339 over 638 A. 86178 Ladies’ Pilot .. Thora Jackson, Wanganui „ 339 and 8/34 4/1064 Gentlemen’s Excelsior .. Ray Arthur Hall, Dannevirke „ 339 6683 Gentlemen’s Couchman George Walter Ward, Wellington. . „ 339 L. 1948 Gentlemen’s New Hudson David William Boniface, Blenheim „ 339 382 over 97 Gentlemen’s Colonial Cub Allan Ellison, Dunedin .. „ 339 H. 150578 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Norman Edward Hamblin, Paeroa „ 376 P.W. 7904 Gentlemen’s Farmers’ Monarch Special Norman Henry Hole, Hamilton .. „ 376 H. 18797 Gentlemen’s Armstrong Roy Humphrey Wickett, Hamilton „ 376 Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros., N.Z. Wilfred Munro, Wanganui ... „ 376 A. 52025 Gentlemen’s Cambria .. Clement Coffin, Wellington „ 376 and 1854 A.32030/37 Gentlemen’s Phillips Master Douglas Francis Cresswell, Wellington „ 376 8112 Ladies’ Bell .. Jean Cutler, Christchurch „ 376 A. 94590 Gentlemen’s Victory Ronald Freeman, Christchurch „ 376 5445 Ladies’ B.S.A. Selina Bebbington, Christchurch .. „ 376 9900 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Stanley Harris, Christchurch „ 376 1589 Gentlemen’s Jones Special James Fielding, Christchurch „ 376 97113 Ladies’ Phillips Edith Evelyn Rosina Graham, Christchurch 376 5388 Gentlemen’s Bell George Millar, Christchurch „ 376 64753 and . Gentlemen’s Gamage .. Alexander McKenzie, Christchurch „ 376 735 A. 2291 and Gentlemen’s Gamage .. .. Alexander McKenzie, Christchurch „ 376 Gentlemen’s Victor Joseph Henry Dawrant, Christchurch „ 376 1233 Gentlemen’s .. Alan Trevor Oldham Spinks, Dunedin „ 376 19325 Gentlemen’s .. Victor Nelson, Ltd., Dunedin „ 376 A.5826 Gentlemen’s Knight Mervyn John Sarginson, Dunedin „ 376 over 7-35 65656 Gentlemen’s Albion James Hamblin, Auckland „ 407 A.61304/36 Ladies’ Albion Helen Dixon, Auckland „ 407 L.V. 4115 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Keith Hallam Holloway, Auckland „ 407 X.M. 4243 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Donald Fraser, Auckland „ 407 IA. 30 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special Leslie Derrick Ranken, Auckland „ 407 J.E. 3012 Gentlemen’s Crown Leslie James Slade, Auckland „ 407 44376 Gentlemen’s .. Douglas Pickett, Auckland „ 407 V.S. 1800 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Edward Andrew Thomas, Auckland „ 407 P.Z. 8248 Gentlemen’s Royal Star Frederick John Gibson, Auckland „ 407 36152 Gentlemen’s Royal Hunter Roadster Roy Frederick Pasley, Auckland „ 407 O.U. 9318 Gentlemen’s Monarch Special John William Johnson, Auckland „ 407 L.A. 3128 Gentlemen’s Leader Arnold Scott Foster, Auckland .. „ 407 E. 7752 Gentlemen’s Leader Phillip Harold Williams, Auckland „ 407 A. 36397 Gentlemen’s Vickery . . Charles James Winder, Hamilton „ 407 7 33 66013 Gentlemen’s .. Arthur Turtley Webb, Gisborne .. „ 407 124896 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. James Hodgson, Gisborne „ 407 23238 Gentlemen’s .. John Stewart Baxter, Napier „ 407 A. 19312 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. John Maxwell West, Napier „ 407 over 6-33 5160-0.1379 Gentlemen’s Bluebird .. .. .. Alfred Histed, Wanganui „ 407 Gentlemen’s Chainey Bros. Kawana Hunia, Wanganui „ 407 E. 22510Gentlemen’s Chainey’s N.Z. Kawana Hunia, Wanganui „ 407 E. 22510Gentlemen’s Chainey’s N.Z. John Dale, Wanganui .. „ 407 3517 Ladies’ Bluebird Gwen Thomas, Wanganui „ 407 5390 and Gentlemen’s Crown Ronald Norman Hutton Stafford, Wanganui „ 407 860-510 over 8/36

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 30th JUNE, 1938. (For preceding return see Police Gazette, 1938, page 256.)

. No. of ' Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. M.B. 5971 Gentlemen’s Chainey’s Ladies’ Bluebird Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Michael Edward Kenny, Wanganui Leonie King, Wanganui Frederick Keith Robbie, Palmerston North 1938. Page 407 „ 407 407 92457 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Arthur William Paterson, Palmerston North „ 408 101663 Ladies’ B.S.A. Dora Neyland, Palmerston North „ 408 15945 Gentlemen’s Farmers’ .. Victor Edhouse, Petone „ 408 6174 Gentlemen’s Empire J. A. McKay and Co., Wellington „ 408 A. 3115 Gentlemen’s Phillips Raymond Falleni, Wellington „ 408 V. 23092 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Alexander Carstairs Donaldson, Wellington „ 408 7155 Gentlemen’s Couchman Ian Edward Hastings, Wellington „ 408 14945 Gentlemen’s .. Alan Frederick Hargreaves, Nelson „ 408 257726 Gentlemen’s Raleigh Golden Arrow Arthur Ian Hamilton Boyes, Nelson ., 408 17379 Ladies’ B.S.A. Charles Neima.nn, Richmond „ 408 W.E. over Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Archibald Thomas Richards, Runanga „ 408 110374 16177 Gentlemen’s Civic John Mitchell, Christchurch „ 408 3089 A. and Gentlemen’s Butler .. Clera Ragg, Christchurch „ 408 153376 A. 88259 Ladies’ Butler Joan Butcher, Christchurch „ 408 and 1641 A. U.S. 765 Gentlemen’s Hercules .. Noel White, Christchurch „ 408 B. 2900 Ladies’ Ruth Benstead, Christchurch „ 408 and 5415 A. 6517 Ladies’ Phillips Gentlemen’s Standard .. Francis Samuel Mackie, Invercargill * „ 408 75552 Reginald Horace Allan Woodham, Invercargill „ 408 7925 Gentlemen’s Phillips Frederick Charles Cunningham, Invercargill „ 408 G. 2133 Gentlemen’s Simplex .. George Robert Gutsell, Invercargill „ 408 A. 44867 Gentlemen’s Leader Sports Selwyn Olney, Onehunga . „ 443 over 36 X.Y.6044 Gentlemen’s Farmers’ Monarch Special Geoffrey Koroheke, Te Kuiti „ 443 H.58263 Ladies’ B.S.A. Sylvia Needham, Gisborne „ 443 30 over Gentlemen’s Fleet Special Richard George Scott, New Plymouth „ 443 61137 16202 Gentlemen’s Royal Model De Luxe Robert James Bailey Fullerton, Napier „ 443 11841 Ladies’ Swift . . Rowland Wilfred Currin, Napier .. „ 443 67932 Gentlemen’s .. Richard Major, Palmerston North „ 443 X.M. 11003 Gentlemen’s Monarch . . Donald Clark Morgan, Palmerston North .. „ 443 211214 Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield Archibald Wilkie Bennett, Lower Hutt „ 443 H. 150622 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. Harold Gill, Nelson „ 443 18001 Ladies’ Phillips Gentlemen’s . . Deborah Northcott, Christchurch 443 8058 Noel Cairns, Christchurch „ 443 80618 Gentlemen’s Gamage Sports Charles James Boyd, Christchurch „ 443 A. 49590 Gentlemen’s .. George Wright, Christchurch „ 443 64018 Gentlemen’s .. Winston Yeatman, Christchurch .. „ 443 134 Gentlemen’s Bealey Onslow Whitford, Christchurch . . „ 443 33798 Gentlemen’s Royal Enfield Albert Joseph Millar, Christchurch „ 443 5997 Gentlemen’s B.S.A. A. E. Hill, Christchurch. . 443 5667 Gentlemen’s Raleigh Harold A. Wood, Christchurch „ 443 XX. 23631 Ladies’ Gladys Cumming, Christchurch .. „ 443 2748 Gentlemen’s Gamage Superb Keith Smith, Christchurch „ 443 29786 and Gentlemen’s Raleigh Wesley John McMillan, Christchurch „ 443 3603 A. A. 26463 Gentlemen’s Gamage .. George Bridges, Christchurch „ 443 and 406A. N.W. 394 Gentlemen’s Simplex Special Leal William Dreaver, Dunedin .. • .. „ 443 612825 Gentlemen’s Humber .. George Murray Throp, Dunedin . . „ 443 A. 3830 Gentlemen’s Kiwi Joseph Coory, Dunedin .. „ 443 over 9.34 R. 9340 Gentlemen’s New Hudson Maynard Mair, Tuatapere „ 443

RETURN OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 30th JUNE, 1938.— continued (For preceding return see Police Gazette, 1938, page 256.)

of tried. | When. Offence. l Sentence. j Native Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Wells, Houhora 13/6/38 introducing fined Maori gumdigger . 1891 in. 7 dark black, going brown . flat Maori kainga bald medium fresh bald medium Parker, Houhora 13/6/38 supplying unlawfully fined Zealand motor-driver 1893 6 1 fresh brown grey .. 6 1 brown grey .. Ivan, Jack Houhora 13/6/38 Maori to unregistered in possession firearm fined Dalmatia . gumdigger . 1873 5 10 dark black, bald going brown . . medium.. 1894 on left forearm ; 18 on back of left hand ; scar on right cheek and eyebrow. (See P.G., 1917, p. 595.) 5 10 dark black, bald going brown .. medium.. 1894 on left forearm ; 18 on back of left hand ; scar on right cheek and eyebrow. (See P.G., 1917, p. 595.) Wilkie . Rawene 8/6/38 theft and admonished Maori labourer 1922 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad 5 6 copper .. black brown .. broad Rivers, Henry Rawene 8/6/38 into liquor and convicted Zealand labourer 1901 6 0 copper .. black brown .. medium 6 0 copper .. black brown .. medium Maori charged supplying fined Maori to supplying unlawfully and convicted Maori to charged black brown broad Harris Titipa Rawene 8/6/38 supply aiding fined Maori labourer 1896 5 10 copper .. 5 10 copper .. Maori to liquor black brown . broad William, Rawene 22/6/38 theft fined Maori labourer 1910 5 5 copper .. 5 5 copper .. Hooro Kawakawa 7/6/38 of in intoxicated charge and 1 month, Maori farmer 1897 5 4 copper .. black brown .. broad Scar on left forefinger. (See P.G., 1937, p. 215.) 5 .4 copper .. black brown .. broad .. Scar on left forefinger. (See P.G., 1937, p. 215.) motor-vehicle from fordriving - Stuart-Black, Whangarei . 14/6/38 theft years probation years’ Zealand clerk 1920 5 8J sallow .. brown blue medium. . Scar on back of left middle finger and on back of right thigh. 5 8* sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on back of left middle finger and on back of right thigh. Leslie Dargaville . 23/6/38 language fined Zealand lorry1917 5 11 fresh brown blue medium 5 11 fresh brown blue medium Edward Repia, Dargaville . . 23/6/38 false attempted . month 1 Maori labourer 1916 5 11 copper .. black brown . . medium.. Scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1937, p. 821.) 5 11 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1937, p. 821.) Welch Mansel, @ Dargaville . 23/6/38 obscene language to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1911 6 0 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1937, p. 652.) behaviour disorderly if to up 1 on year 1 in year dis- and convicted charged black brown .. medium N. Zealand labourer 1911 6 0 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1937, p. 652.) charged black brown . . medium John, Auckland 20/6/38 damage to up Maori labourer 1921 5 6 copper .. 5 6 copper .. months 6 in on Albert Smith, Auckland 20/6/38 assault . prohibited and called to Zealand labourer 1894 5 10 fresh brown, turnblue sharp Scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1937, p. 723.) 5 10 fresh brown, turnblue sharp Scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1937, p. 723.) Albert Smith, @ 6 grey Bertie Frederick John Auckland 20/6/38 of in days, Zealand labourer 1915 5 7 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right knee. 5 7 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right knee. motor-car qualified for driving failing carry fined 10s. fitness obscene language fined 10s. Alfred Auckland 20/6/38 to come up if called Australia .. accountant 1886 5 7* fresh brown blue medium.. Portion of right ear and thumb missing. on in 3 months brown . . medium fitness obscene language to come up if called Australia .. accountant 1886 5 7} fresh brown blue medium.. Portion of right ear and thumb missing. on in 3 months brown . . medium Marks, Henry Auckland 20/6/38 molesting N. Zealand cellarman .. 1915 5 10 fair fair to come up if called N. Zealand cellarman .. 1915 5 10 fair fair during currency of separaon in 6 months tion order on each during currency of separaon in 6 months tion order on each *

Return of Persons summarily convicted.

Name of Offender. ! 1 T hen. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born.1 iHeight. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. i [Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. Winfield, . Auckland 20/6/38 theft to up England . . stoker petty 1899 in. 8 fresh brown brown medium. LOVE over clasped in months officer left on Edward, Auckland 20/6/38 (4 charges) on Zealand labourer 1913 6 fair fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1937, p. 797, and Photos, p. 68. 6 fair fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1937, p. 797, and Photos, p. 68. Harris, @ (cumulative) electrical Arthur theft ; to improver mischief (13 charges) on years each Joseph Charles Auckland 20/6/38 charges) on Zealand plumber 1912 5 fresh brown blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 13/6/38. (See P.G., 5 fresh brown blue medium. . F.P. Photo at Auckland, 13/6/38. (See P.G., mour (cumulative) 1938, p. 19.) ; called if come up to come up if called 1938, p. 19.) (8 in on years each fined £5 Alexander .Bunyan, Auckland 21/6/38 assault . . Scotland .. labourer 1907 5 8f fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Two scars on left wrist and palm. (See P.G., N. Zealand 1937, p. 517.) fined £5 Scotland .. labourer 1907 5 8f fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Two scars on left wrist and palm. (See P.G., N. Zealand 1937, p. 517.) Walter Charles, Auckland 21/6/38 of in management fined slaughterman 1904 5 fresh dark, going blue medium.. Strong build ; mole on right cheek. (See P.G., 10i fresh dark, going blue medium.. Strong build ; mole on right cheek. (See P.G., Walter Absolum, gaming-house wool- and worker 1 ft bald 1937, p. Z'ZjrJ g frc,-h bald 1937, p. 479.)&* /?%?/[ Ob Strorrgbuild ; sear-onright thumb. ~(0ee P.G.y N. Zealand clerk 1906 io| fresh light brown !&(%[ Adams, George BLiung build scar on-nghlrtlrmnb: (Gee P.G.? Auckland 21/6/38 in fined 5 grey .. medium.. Right leg paralysed. (See P.G., 1938, p. 172.) N. Zealand clerk 1906 5 104 fresh light brown grey .. medium.. Right leg paralysed. (See P.G., 1938, p. 172.) gaming-house Zealand 1917 Lye, Auckland 22/6/38 theft ; (6 2 years’ probation carpenter .. 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 7/6/38. re2 years’ probation carpenter .. 1917 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 7/6/38. stolen propertyceiving each on Ireland 5 84 James, @ Auckland 23/6/38 breach and ; to labourer 1894 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on nose and under right nostril. (See 6 H j«M GO fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on nose and under right nostril. (See Machin @ order prohibition stitution for 1 seaman P.G., 1938, p. 195.) (2 stitution for 1 seaman P.G., 1938, p. 195.) charges) each on year ! Hunia, William Auckland 23/6/38 assault fined Zealand labourer 1908 9 dark black brown .. medium 9 dark black brown .. medium or McQuoid, Auckland 23/6/38 mischief fined Zealand taxi-driver 1902 7 fair fair brown .. medium.. Scar on tip of right forefinger. (See P.G., 1931, 7 fair fair brown .. medium.. Scar on tip of right forefinger. (See P.G., 1931, Levester and p. 201, and Photos, 1921, p. 94.) dark p. 201, and Photos, 1921, p. 94.) Cotter, @ Auckland 24/6/38 drunkenness InZealand labourer 1882 7 grey blue broad, Tombstone and heart on left forearm. (See 7 dark grey blue broad, Tombstone and heart on left forearm. (See William Cotter, @ for 1 broken P.G., and p. O’Brien year William Auckland 24/6/38 ship-desertion be to weeks, placed ship if to up England fireman 1892 4 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Crucifix on chest. 4 fresh brown brown .. medium. . Crucifix on chest. Percy Auckland 24/6/38 theft Zealand labourer 1907 95 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on right wrist and thumb. (See P.G., 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on right wrist and thumb. (See P.G., on in 6 months 1934, p. 92.) laying confined £4 sent intoxicated in charge of on in 6 months fined £4 1934, p. 92.) Phillips, Moreland Auckland 24/6/38 21 days, driver’s N. Zealand farmer 1881 6 1 fresh dark, turning brown .. medium.. Slight build ; has moustache. intoxicated chargemotor-truck license endorsed and disqualified from driving for 2 years grey of 21 days, driver’s N. Zealand farmer 1881 6 1 fresh dark, turning brown .. medium.. Slight build ; has moustache. motor-truck license endorsed grey and disqualified from driving for 2 years 22/6/38 of warrant carry fined £2 of fined £2 fitness

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

CO 1 of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born.| ■Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. | Distinguishing I 1 p William, Flanagan, Auckland 24/6/38 theft 1 Ireland ship’s 1909 ft. 5 fresh dark brown. blue medium.. Cleft in chin. (See P.G., 1938, p. 469.) in. 84 fresh dark brown. blue medium. . Cleft in chin. (See P.G., 1938, p. 469.) nagan trimmer curly KeriMikaere Coromandel 8/6/38 unlawfully £2fined Zealand labourer 1910 5 10 copper . black brown medium A Maori to William Coromandel . . 8/6/38 police dis- and convicted N. Zealand labourer 1910 6 0 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left wrist. charged fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1910 6 0 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left wrist. and name failing fined £1 (Licensing Zealand N, Peers, Francis Tauranga 24/6/38 pretences fined mechanic 1908 5 6* fresh brown blue medium.. ; John Peers, and leg. and p. Trench Hamilton 20/6/38 trespass racecourse fined Scotland radio-dealer 1904 5 6 fresh brown blue medium. 412. p. Leslie Kawhia 20/6/38 theft called come Tonga labourer 1902 5 84 dark black hazel . medium. p. 6 Islands Kelly, Opotiki 24/6/38 theft sheep fined Zealand farmer 1886 5 10 fresh bald blue medium.. Right little finger missing. •• blue medium... Right little finger missing. Hilton . . well, Opotiki 24/6/38 sheep fined Zealand labourer 1884 5 6 sallow fair blue medium arm. Donnelly, Opotiki 24/6/38 in charge fined £10 and disIreland farmer 1886 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium of fined £10 and disIreland farmer 1886 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. medium motor-truck qualified fromdriving to driving24/6/39 24/6/39 t 0 Wanoa, Hohepa, tiki 7/6/38 language fined . Maori labourer 1894 5 8 copper . black, brown .. flat Blue mole on chin; two blue moles on left turnbrown .. flat Blue mole on chin ; two blue moles on left Joe grey cheek. @ Ruatoria 2/6/38 assault fined Maori farmer 1904 5 7 copper black, brown, flat Cast in left eye. turnbrown, flat Cast in left eye. Eruera ing grey protrud- * ing grey protrudJimmy Gisborne 15/6/38 of in charge fined £15, and disMaori labourer 1911 5 8 copper .. black mg brown .. broad .. Large scar over left eyebrow; scar between of fined £15, and disMaori labourer 1911 5 8 copper .. black mg brown .. broad Large scar over left eyebrow; scar between motor-car fromqualified fromdriving to left thumb and forefinger ; stout build. driving15/6/39 left thumb and forefinger; stout build. 15/6/39 t 0 driving motor-car without convicted and dislicense charged Clarke, Reginald Edward .. Gisborne 17/6/38 intoxicated in charge of fined £15, and dishi. Zealand contractor .. 1895 5 3* fresh black, turnbrown .. medium.. NEW ZEALAND 19th REINFORCEMENT motor-car qualined from ing grey 32142 on left forearm ; scar on right thumb. driving 17/6/39 t o (See P.G., 1927, p. 646.) * driving motor-car without convicted and dislicense charged ; Edward Reginald . William Cain, GisborneTaumarunui. 17/6/3823/6/38 ofintoxicated in charge salekeeping fined £15, and disN. Zealand contractor .. 1895 5 H fresh black, turnbrown .. medium.. NEW ZEALAND 19th REINFORCEMENT in fined £30 JN. Zealand carpenter .. 1896 5 9 sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. pointed Shrapnel wound on left arm. motor-car proclaimed mg grey qualified from driving to 17/6/39 ing grey 32142 on left forearm ; scar on right thumb. (See P.G., 1927, p. 646.) Cain, Leonard Bruce, Taumarunui.Taumarunui 23/6/3823/6/38 keeping unlawfully fined fined Zealand Zealand carpenter .mill . . 18961900 55 n dark black brown .. medium 9 sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. pointed Shrapnel wound on left arm. proclaimed areamotor-car N. Zealand ing grey Bruce, Leonard . .Herkt, Leslie TaumarunuiTaumarunui 23/6/3823/6/38 converting unlawfully convertingunlawfully fined fined mill hand .. 1900 5 n dark black brown .. medium hi. Zealand mill hand .. 1913 5 8 fresh fair blue medium motor-carmotor-car Herkt, Leslie Grylls, Henry TaumarunuiWaitara 23/6/3822/6/38 unlawfully intoxicated in charge fined £10 N.' Zealand mill hand .. 1913 5 8 fresh fair blue medium of fined £25 England .. farmer 1900 6 fresh fair blue medium. . Long features. (See P.G., 1923, p. 592.) motor-carmotor-car Waitara 22/6/38 intoxicated in charge of fined £25 England .. farmer 1900 6 4|fresh fair blue medium.. Long features. (See P.G., 1923, p. 592.) motor-car Grylls, Henry

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

of Offender. tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. J Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Nolan, Stratford . 16/6/38 in charge of and fined- £20, N. salesman 1891 ft 10 fresh dark brown blue medium . . .,. ...... ... in. 10 fresh dark brown blue medium motor-car from for months - ! . left and Faint hand, Charles Batt, Napier 20/6/38. pretences months Zealand iSfi labourer , 1905 5 7 freshfair . ; blue medium . ! on Bennett, . Napier 20/6/38 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand farmer 1911 6 0 fresh fair blue medium.. Scar over left eye. i ; 20/6/38 theft 1 year’s probation N. Zealand farmer 1911 6 0 fresh fair blue i medium.. Scar over left eye. Richard, James Cameron, Napier 27/6/38 on £4fined N. carpenter 1902 5 7 dark . dark hazel . . medium.. lip, Birthmark on on right left cheek, and on left forefinger ; portion of Bell car-painter left cheek, and on left forefinger ; portion of right little finger missing. (See P.G., 1937, p. 224.) / * right little finger missing. (See P.G., 1937, p. 224.) Ronald fares, Sidney Napier 27/6/38 intentshopbreaking of supervision to N. labourer 1921 5 7 fresh dark blue medium Patrick Welfare 1 for blue dark brown.. Johnson, . Napier 27/6/38 intent probation N. radio 1920 5 8 pale blue medium mechanic 1920 5 8 pale dark brown.. [ medium Arthur Lawrence Astwood, Napier 27/6/38 intentshopbreaking ofto supervision Zealand labourer 1923 5 6 fresh brown light blue medium Welfare for Officer yr’s Cross with heart on left forearm ; heart on f 7 ' Cross with heart on left forearm ; heart on Alfred Hastings 21/6/38 in intoxicated charge of and fined £20, N. dairy-farmer 1886 5 101 dark black brown medium. motor-vehicle from right forearm ; tip off left forefinger and off | right forearm; tip off left forefinger and off y’r 1 driving thumb. right Costello, Mary, Taihape 20/6/38 theft fined Australia married 1909 5 0 dark dark brown medium.. teeth gold JuliaShultz, @ (Greek parentage) blue (See P.G., 1938, p. 312.) See P.G., 1938, p. 397. ; . ' ' ' blue medium.. ({See P.G., 1938, p. 312.) See P.G., 1938, p. 397. i Taylor, Patea 15/6/38! theft fined Zealand N. labourer 1917 5 44 fair light medium. . unlawfully of to pay costs rifle keeping gaming-house of to pay costs • rifle | fair blue medium Cant, Mary . Wanganui 20/6/38 fined £10 Scotland .. domestic 1897 5 6 fresh fair i blue medium keeping gaming-house fined £10 Scotland .. domestic 1897 5 6 fresh John Wanganui . 20/6/38 sly-grog . fined Scotland motor-driver 1896 5 7 fresh.: brown. blue medium Chant, Wanganui 20/6/38 gaming-house fined N. billiard1880 5 81 sallow black, going brown .. medium.. Strong build. (See P.G., 1936, p. 477.) i bald brown .. medium.. Strong build. (See P.G., 1936, p. 477.) saloon keeper 1 keeper fireman ship’s medium.. Cross and scroll on right forearm; small scar under left eye ; scar on bridge of nose. (See ship’s fireman bald Cross and scroll on right forearm ; small scar Joseph Wanganui 21/6/38 theft 6 months Ireland 1893 5 7 fresh grey blue medium. . theft . months months ; j under left eye ; sear on bridge of nose. (See P.G., 1938, p. 440, and Photos, 1937, p 42.) 3 months Ireland ,.. 1893 5 7 fresh grey .. blue medium.. . P.G., 1938, p. 440, and Photos, 1937, p. 42.) Jack Wanganui . 22/6/38 theft probation 1 Zealand labourer 1918 6 0 fresh brown blue Stout build; portion of left forefinger ampur tated; scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1936, medium.. Stout build ; portion of left forefinger ampufated; scar on left palm. (See P.G., JL936, p. 648.) . .. , Raymond - - - ~ r." ... ' ...... :{ . c: : p. 648.) ' ■ ■ " Dannevirke .. 16/6/38 theft to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. on in L year Dannevirke .. : 16/6/38 theft .. to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 6 copper '.. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. Raymond ... — .. on in 1 year ‘ ‘ - ■

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

j of 1 Where • T" 1 When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, 1i 1 Clarence Feilding . j 20/6/38 disturbing Church congregafined £2, and to N. Zealand labourer 1921 ft. 5 in. 4 fresh dark blue medium i tion supervision ox Child Welfare I Feilding . j i 20/6/38 disturbing Church congregafined £2, and to N. Zealand labourer 1921 ft. 5 in. 4 fresh dark blue medium ■ . . ! tion supervision oi Child Welfare . - • • ■ . ; ' : • i * for 1 Officer i i .. ; admonished i JohnSmith, Feilding : . 20/6/38 damage charges) each to Super-Welfare Zealand school-boy 1922 5 6 sallow dark blue medium. and convictions breaking theft. and and ! intendent Walter William ; . 21/6/38 and months Zealand labourer 1912 5 9 fresh brown blue medium. left ; anchor ; hand. (See P.G., 1938, p. 402 ) ■ hand. (See P.G., 1938, p. 402 ) Basil Breeze, . Masterton i 24/6/38 theft . months’ 6 probaAustralia labourer 1905 5 9 fresh brown brown medium. p. tion and prohibited Has short-clipped grey beard and moustache. ( tion and prohibited Has short-clipped grey beard and moustache. * Henry . . Hutt Upper 24/6/38 theft called to come JEngland 1859 5 5 fair \ grey blue medium J Francis Pearson, Hutt Upper . 24/6/38 assault on £1fined Zealand builder 1903 5 5 fair fair hazel medium.. cheek. Mole assault and convicted V • 1 j Chapman, Hutt Upper 27/5/38 j dangerously driving motorcharged fined £5, and disN. Zealand motor-drivei 1916 5 8 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on right eyebrow. i 27/5/38 j dangerously driving motorcharged fined £5, and disN. Zealand motor-drivei 1916 5 8 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on right eyebrow. j j vehicle from driving \ | James Casley, j Lower 1 23/6/38 negligently driving motorcar fined £25, and disqualified from N. Zealand salesman 1891 6 1 sallow, ! freckled brown hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1937, p. 576. j i 23/6/38 negligently driving motorcar 1/9/3S fined £25, and disqualified from N. Zealand salesman 1891 6 1 sallow, freckled brown hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1937, p. 576. j driving for 2 v’rs blue See P.G., 1927, p. 581. j jMcDonald, . .jLower 23/6/3^ theft y’rs for driving fined N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 3 fresh fair medium.. fined £2 N. Zealand • f labourer 1914 5 3. fresh .. ! fair blue medium.. See P.G., 1927, p. 581. Stephen Wilfred i Petone .\ 22/6/38 i theft (3 charges) .. to come up if called England .. carpenter .. 1895 5 8 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Large scar below left knee. 1 Petone . ] 22/6/38 theft (3 charges) .. to come up if called England .. carpenter ■.. 1895 5 8 fresh dark brown - blue medium.. Large scar below left knee. i i on m 1 year on each .o come up if called J Allan Walter .Bacon, j i i. Petone. on m 1 year on each jo come up if called 22/6/38 theft (3 charges) .. N. Zealand carpenter .. 1908 5 6 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium i i on in 1 year on each .o come up if called Allan Walter .Bacon, j Henry . Aldridge, Petone . ' 22/6/38 theft (3 charges) .. N. Zealand carpenter . . 1908 5 6 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium i on in 1 year on each jo come up if called j Henry Aldridge, . j . .j . 22/6/38 charges) Zealand , carpenter 1892 5 5 fresh brown dark brown medium. Portion “j 1 each admonished j Arthur . Brough, J . 22/6/38 ; Zealand labourer 1920 5 fresh fair brown .. medium 5* fresh fair brown .. medium Winston Stanley j Petone . 22/6/38 theft; and mischief admonished N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 H fresh dark blue medium * Winston j . Perrett, Leonard Petone .Petone 22/6/3822/6/38 mischief and ; mischief and ; admonishedadmonished Zealand Zealand N." labourerlabourer 19211921 55 H fresh dark blue medium 5 fresh dark brown .. medium - - - Perrett, Leonard Black, Henry PetoneWellington . 22/6/38 theft; and mischief admonished N. Zealand labourer 1921 5 5 fresh dark brown .. medium Wellington .. 24/1/35 20/6/38 theft (4 charges) .. intoxicated in charge of admonished 14 days Australia .. labourer 1878 5 2i fresh brown, going Knl A blue medium.. Small scar on left thigh. - motor-car Black, William Henry Wellington .. Wellington .. 24/1/35 20/6/38 theft (4 charges) intoxicated in charge of admonished 14 days Australia .. labourer 1878 5 • 2i fresh brown, going bald blue medium.. Small scar on left thigh. motor-car

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued. Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Giovanni Wellington . 20/6/38 language fined America labourer 1887 ft. in. 0 dark dark brown blue medium and eye, (See; P.G., 1930, p. 42, and Photos, 1924, p. 12.) • P.G., 1930, p. 42, and Photos, 1924, p. 12.) Leo Wellington .. 20/6/38 default of maintenance arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1904 6 01 fresh dark blue medium . . Wellington .. 20/6/38 default of maintenance arrears or 3 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1904 6 0| fresh dark blue medium Patrick John Wellington 21/6/38 stowaway fined England steward 1911 5 10 fresh brown blue medium. forearm. on on F.P. McKenzie, James Kechnie, Wellington .. 21/6/38 stowaway fined £10 N. Zealand salesman 1913 5 9 ruddy .. brown green .. medium.. Scar on right side, and on tip of right ring finger. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 314, and Photos, 1937, p. 42.) . j ' Wellington .. 21/6/38 stowaway fined £10 N. Zealand salesman 1913 5 9 ruddy .. brown green .. medium.. Scar on right side, and on tip of right ring finger. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 314, and Photos, 1937, p. 42.) John, Grogan, O’Brien Wellington .. 22/6/38 theft theft 3 months convicted and discharged Ireland labourer 1881 5 sallow .. brown, turning grey blue medium.. Horse, huntsman, hare, hounds, &c., on right forearm ; woman, clasped hands, and crossed flags, &c., on left forearm ; dagger and snake on chest. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 22/6/38. (See P.G., 1938, p. 438, and Photos, 1924, p. 61.) @ Lena . Hargreaves Wellington .. 23/6/38 theft (2 charges) .. 2 years’ probation on each N. Zealand machinist .. 1918 5 5 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. Small scar on inside of left middle finger. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 23/6/38. @ Kenneth, @ Wellington .. 22/6/38 theft theft 3 months convicted and discharged Ireland labourer 1881 5 6J sallow .. brown, turning grey blue medium.. Horse, huntsman, hare, hounds, &c., on right forearm ; woman, clasped hands, and crossed flags, &c., on left forearm ; dagger and snake on chest. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 22/6/38. (See P.G., 1938, p. 438, and Photos, 1924, p. 61.) Hargreaves MacKay, Kenneth O’Sullivan, Wellington Wellington . 23/6/3824/6/38 charges) . language probation years’ fined N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 8 fresh dark grey .. medium.. Flag, kiwi, and fern on left upper arm; RITA in scroll on left forearm ; Crucifix on right upper arm ; scar on back of left wrist. (See P.G., 1938, p. 144.) on each N. Zealand machinist .. 1918 5 5 fresh dark brown brown .. medium.. Small scar on inside of left middle finger. F.P, Photo at Wellington, 23/6/38. Kenneth, Michael O’Grady, Wellington .. 24/6/38 theft theft (3 charges) .. 6 weeks convicted and disIreland labourer 1881 5 n dark white, going bald blue large Small scar on bridge of nose. - F.P. Photo at Wellington, 23/6/38. (See P.G., 1926, p. 231.) charged on each Scar on forehead and on left forearm ; pupil of left eye injured; portion of left forefinger KennethO’Sullivan, Ronald George Wellington .. 24/6/38 assaulting police .. resisting police 6 weeks convicted and disN. Zealand labourer and motor-driver 1913 5 7 fresh dark brown blue large charged amputated. (See P.G., 1938, p. 249.) @ Wellington .. 24/6/38 insulting language fined 10s. N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 8 fresh dark grey .. medium.. Flag, kiwi, and fern on left upper arm; RITA in scroll on left forearm ; Crucifix on right upper arm ; scar on back of left wrist. (See P.G., 1938, p. 144.) Michael . .O’Grady, Walsh, Wellington . .Wellington . . 24/6/3825/6/38 theft disorderly and convicted and discharged N. Zealand prostitute .. 1887 5 4 fresh auburn blue medium.. Scar on forehead and on left forefinger. (See P.G., 1938, p. 175.) theft (3 charges) .. 6 weeks convicted and disIreland labourer 1881 5 n dark white, going bald blue large Small scar on bridge of nose. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 23/6/38. (See P.G., 1926, p. 231.) charged on each Scar on forehead and on left forearm ; pupil of left eye injured ; portion of left forefinger Ronald George Leonard Walter Clark, Wellington ..Wellington . 24/6/3825/6/38 police . language resisting police 6 weeks convicted and disN. Zealand labourer and motor-driver 1913 5 7 fresh dark brown blue large charged amputated. (See P.G., 1938, p. 249.) theft fined £3 fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 7 fair dark blue medium.. Crucifix on right forearm ; left arm broken ; scar over right eye. F.P. (See P.G., 1929, p. 441.) Walsh, Minnie William .Steffert, Wellington .Wellington . 25/6/3825/6/38 drunk and disorderly convicted and discharged N. Zealand prostitute .. 1887 5 4 fresh auburn blue medium.. Scar on forehead and on left forefinger. (See P.G., 1938, p. 175.) theft fined £1 N. Zealand pensioner .. 1869 5 41 florid brown, going bald blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 25/6/38. Leonard Walter James Norman Newport, Wellington Collingwood 25/6/3815/6/38 indecent language driving negligently fined £3 N. Zealand driver and 1913 5 7 fresh brown blue medium theft fined £3 fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 7 fair dark blue medium.. Crucifix on right forearm ; left arm broken ; scar over right eye. F.P. (See P.G., 1929, p. 441.) William .Steffert, George Wellington .Takaka 25/6/3814/6/38 van theft language fined £1 N. Zealand pensioner .. 1869 5 4J florid brown, going bald blue medium.. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 25/6/38. breach of prohibition order fined £2 fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1891 6 0 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 18 p.c. Two scars on right forearm; scar on right shoulder and on left leg and nose. (See P.G., 1933, p. 256.) JamesNewport, Wickberg, Robert Nelson 22/6/38 intoxicated while passenger fined £5 England .. ship’s fireman 1890 5 4 fresh black, turngrey .. medium.. Scars on each side of nose and on forehead. in aeroplane and hotel porter ing grey Bullet wound on left forearm; scar on right • . Collingwood 15/6/38 negligently driving motorfined £3 N. Zealand driver and 1913 5 7 fresh brown blue medium George .Ruane, Joseph TakakaReefton 14/6/3823/6/38 van ofintoxicated charge 14 days, and disN. Zealand miner 1880 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. obscene languagemotor-car qualified from driving to 1/6/40 side of upper lip. breach of prohibition order fined £2 fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1891 6 0 fresh fair grey .. medium.. 18 p.c. Two scars on right forearm; scar on right shoulder and on left leg and nose. (See P.G., 1933, p. 256.) Wickberg, Robert Nelson 22/6/38 intoxicated while passenger fined £5 England .. ship’s fireman 1890 5 4 fresh black, turngrey .. medium.. Scars on each side of nose and on forehead. in aeroplane and hotel porter ing grey Bullet wound on left forearm; scar on right Ruane, Francis Joseph Reefton 23/6/38 intoxicated in charge of 14 days, and disN. Zealand miner 1880 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. motor-car qualified from driving to 1/6/40 side of upper lip.

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

Sentence. Native of Trade. d 43 & ComHair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Offender. o tried.Where When. Offence. o « W plexioD. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Duncan Stewart, Christchurch 20/6/38 of in intoxicated and £25, Zealand rabbiter 1906 in. ft. 11 fresh brown blue medium. abdomen. motor-car fromqualified 1|driving Pascoe, Lawrey Christchurch 20/6/38 theft years ifto , in on Zealand N. labourer 1913 16 fair brown blue medium. Mole p. Fletcher, Christchurch 20/6/38 theft years fined Zealand labourer 1916 8 fresh dark grey medium. (See Woman on .)/%»&, 62 P Martin Ross Christchurch 20/6/38 theft converting motor-car months 6 and each on charged Zealand labourer 1916 8 fresh brown grey . medium palm and on finger above eye. Cf. page g' and to motor- lawfully - Vladimer Bennet, Christchurch 20/6/38 car unlawfullyattempting to fined Zealand message-boy 1921 10 fresh dark brown . . medium. deformed. Right motor-car convertingunlawfully probation years’ motor-car converting unlawfully convicted (4 and eachcharged Sheppard, Raymond . Christchurch 17/6/38 lawfully motor-car driving dangerously cycle and from Zealand N. labourer 1918 7| 5 fresh brown dark blue medium. Scar fro driving Walter, Warren, ■ Gray Gilchrist, Timaru Kurow 23/6/38 8/6/38 false pretences false pretences (2 charges) ; and theft idle and disorderly (inyears 3 months convicted and discharged on each to come up if N. Zealand N. Zealand labourer and mechanic labourer 1911 1874 5 10 5 8 fresh fresh, dark light brown brown blue hazel .. medium.. medium.. Scar on left ankle, on left wrist, and on back of right hand ; wears glasses. (See P.G., 1937, p. 662, and Photos, p. 30.) Scar on forehead.~'- (See P.G., 1934, p. 645.) ford Timaru Kurow 23/6/38 8/6/38 false pretences false pretences (2 charges) ; and theft idle and disorderly (insufficient means) years 3 months convicted and discharged on each to come up if called on in 1 N. Zealand N. Zealand labourer and mechanic labourer 1911 1874 5 10 5 8 fresh fresh, dark light brown brown blue hazel .. medium.. medium.. Scar on left ankle, on left wrist, and on back of right hand ; wears glasses. (See P.G., 1937, p. 662, and Photos, p. 30.) Scar on forehead. (See P.G., 1934, p. 645.) ■j .. sufficient means) called on in 1 William Dunedin 27/4/38 racecourse on year fined Zealand labourer 1893 10 dark dark brown medium. p. p. Deans, Dunedin 20/6/38 railway-carriage . fined Zealand labourer 1887 11 fresh grey blue medium.. on right De Dunedin 24/6/38 damage charges) (16 pay 3 on Zealand and furrier 1914 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on right wrist and on each shin ; left shin broken. (See P.G., 1938, p. 194, and Photos, 1933, p. 3.) and 1914 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on right wrist and on each shin; left shin broken. (See P.G., 1938, p. 194, and Photos, 1933, p. 3.) Towns, Leslie, @ Dunedin 24/6/38 assault and ; theft month on months Zealand labourer 1914 6 dark dark hazel . medium woman’s right heart on on 65.) and p. p. William Robert; Lawrence 20/6/38 theft fined Zealand labourer 1914 11 5 fair brown blue medium Harvey . .

Return of Persons summarily convicted—continued.

d S of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native JTrade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, die. ffl w plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fec. Enright, Patrick Lawrence 20/6/38 intoxicated fined Zealand farmer 1888 in. 10 dark dark blue medium. Stooped motor-car O’Connell, Stanley Invercargill . 14/6/38 theft; and unlawfully conto supervision of N. Zealand shop assistant 1919 5 7 sallow .. brown blue long F.P. Photo at Invercargill, 13/6/38. (See verting motor-car Child Welfare P.G., 1937, p. 563.) theft; and unlawfully converting motor-car to supervision of Child Welfare Officer for 2 years on each 2 years’ probation N. Zealand shop assistant 1919 5 7 sallow .. brown blue long F.P. Photo at Invercargill, 13/6/38. (See P.G., 1937, p. 563.) Invercargill ., faleffTaretenceg-ffLcharsfiS ) -KLZealapdr' laoqurex—- "TT 5 5_ medhun. Indian^ i JicPffro - cltcut "3M head, butterfly, an i d^>grevho un (i~on jaeht rr'» hibited forearm; back of i-ightr^Iiand; Chinese hgartlwith knife on left forearm"; scar near Photo at Invercargill, 15/6/38. Invercargill ..! Officer for 2 years on each 2 years’ probation KLZealapd'' labourer —TT 5 5^ mea?Hjn. clcli Luit) cUctft •3/*/. Indjan-s head, butterfly, and-»*Srevhounci oiT/jaeht i hibited ■ VjSw' forearm; stai>*<Jfi back of rmht^nand; Chinese knife on left : * - - ... r Kathleen Beadle, foreajm'T scar near leffc-'wrist, Photo at Invercargill, 15/6/38. .... ,, r Invercargill .. 14/6/38 theft 1 year’s probation JSI. Zealand domestic 1919 5 6 fair fair blue large Large mouth. theft convicted and discharged Kathleen .Beadle, William McIntosh, Angus Invercargill Invercargill . 14/6/3824/6/38 thefttheft probation 1 year’s Borstal in 1 year N. Zealand domestic 1919 5 6 fair fair blue large Large mouth. Institution JSI. Zealand labourer 1918 5 10 fresh dark blue-grey medium. ! theft convicted and disj charged William ..McIntosh, Angus Alan Matthew Taylor, Invercargill Invercargill . 24/6/3822/6/38 obtaining credit by fraud .. 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 8 fresh fair brown .. medium. Scar over right eye, on back of left forefinger, and on left calf. (See P.G., 1934, p. 24.) P&erfb,ZZ' LZ8. theft 1 year in Borstal Institution N. Zealand labourer 1918 5 10 fresh dark blue-grey medium. PMofo, //vv. C.2,29. Matthew Taylor, Alexander Thomas McGregor, Invercargill . J Bluff . 22/6/388/6/38 by . . offensive casting probation year’s dis-convicted ZealandScotland . labourerlabourer 19151872 85 8 Jfresh sallow . dark, turning grey .. medium. See P.G., 1938, p. 297, and Photos, 1928, p. 2 1 fair brown .. medium. Scar over right eye, on back of left forefinger, and on left calf. (See P.G., 1934, p. 24.) McTo, j Alexander^ Thomas Daniel, Hughes, JBluff ; charged grey 8/6/38 casting offensive matter convicted and disScotland . labourer . J 1872 5 8 sallow . i dark, turning grey .. medium. See P.G., 1938, p. 297, and Photos, 1928, p. 2 1 John O’Connor, @ | charged grey O’Connor, @ Johnston @ * i obscene exposure.. 3 months j i obscene exposure.. 3 months @ Johnston

Return of Persons summarily convicted— continued.

Complexion. When charged. Convictions. Remarks, Name of Gaol, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. X-* O OCQ W Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) CQ m Hair. Byes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland Hoskin Charles Bickerton, Bowie, Allan, @ Bernie, b , y Auckland M.C.Hamilton Auckland 16/5/38 7/6/38 24/5/38 obstructing police theft and month on days 14 month Zealand Zealand N. Zealand N. ' labourer showman . domestic 1915 1909 1912 ft. in. 9 9 75 fresh fresh sallow brown brown dark green brown hazel . medium. medium.. large 20/6/38 20/6/38 23/6/38 F.P. ; Flag p. ; Strong (See forearm on right 450.)1938, p. 1 p. Delores, WilliamSomerville, Andrew, Auckland 3/6/38 sufficient false pretences weeks Zealand X. andseaman labourer 1903 5 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 23/6/38 25 p.c. Scar on right calf; anchor on back of left hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 367, and Photos, 1926, p. 16.) 5 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 23/6/38 25 p.c. Scar on right calf; anchor on back of left hand. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 367, and Photos, 1926, p. 16.) Gordon Watson, field Auckland 1/10/37 (EmployPromotion ment weeks fine . Zealand X. labourer 1896 5 6 J 2 fresh brown brown .. medium - ■ 24/6/38. Scar on right forefinger.. F.P. Arrested, 31/5/38. Portion of fine paid. - labourer 1896 5 fresh . .. brown brown .. medium.. _ 24/6/3.8. Scar on right forefinger.. F.P. Arrested, 31/5/38. Portion of fine paid. Morgan, Auckland 16/5/38 andobstructing policeresisting each weeks . Scotland . . andseaman miner 1895 5 4 1 2 fresh brown grey .. long 25/6/38 3 p.c. Anchor, cross, heart, and clasped hands on left forearm ; horseshoe and head, whip, thistle, and SCOTLAND on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 394.) 5 4 1 2 fresh brown grey .. long . 25/6/38 3 p.c. Anchor, cross, heart, and clasped hands on left forearm ; horseshoe and head, whip, thistle, and SCOTLAND on right: forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 394.) Institu- Borstal Waikeria - ■ ■ :• ; . . tion— Hutton,.; M.C.Auckland 7/12/37 of m’ths 6 or Zealand N. carrier 1901 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 20/6/38 Strong build; birthmark on right side. 5 8 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 20/6/38 Strong build; birthmark on right side. M.C. Napier . 19/11/37 unlawfully fine or . Arrested, 21/12/37. Maori liquor Parker, Ashley Auckland 1/2/38 false pretences 6 X. andpainter paperhanger 1896 5 6 fresh brown blue medium.. 22/6/38 Woman’s head and anchor on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1938, p. 187.) 5 6 fresh brown blue medium.. 22/6/38 Woman’s head and anchor on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1938, p. 187.) Wellington William Henry Pearce, @ M.C.Wellington 24/3/38 theft . months 3 N. carpenter . 1886 5 9 1 2 fresh brown, going bald hazel .. flat, broken 23/6/38 27 p.c. Scar on forehead and on left hand ; large ears. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 264, and Photos, 1937, p. 61.) 5 9 1 2 fresh brown, going bald v hazel .. flat, broken 23/6/38 27 p.c. Scar on forehead and on left hand ; large ears. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 264, and Photos, 1937, p. 61.) William Mullins, Christchurch 17/1/38 default of maintenance . arrears or 2 m’ths X. Zealand labourer 1902 5 4 1 2 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 25/6/38 3 p.c. Cast in right eye; scar over right M C eye; operation-scar on fight side of abdomen. Arrested, 27/4/38. (SeeP.G., 7/ ty3t. 1937, p. 751, and Photos, 1936, p. 25.) 17/1/38 default of maintenance . arrears or 2 m’ths N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 25/6/38 3 p.c. Cast in right eye ; scar over right eye; operation-scar on right side of abdomen. Arrested, 27/4/38. (SeeP.G., McBrearty, James William Blenheim M.C. CO 00 rogue and vagabond 7 days England .. labourer 1868 5 9| fresh grey grey .. medium.. 18/6/38 Scar on left thumb ; star on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 478.) Picton — Paparua— W, ty McKeever, Arthur, M.C.Blenheim M.GDunedin GO 5/1/38 false pretences 6 months X. Zealand labourer 1893 5 8 ruddy .. auburn, going blue medium.. 20/6/38 23 p.c. Strong build ; scar on back of neck CO rH 7/ rogue and vagabond '9/3$. 7 days England .. labourer 1868 5 9 1 2 fresh grey grey .. medium.. 18/6/38 1937, p. 751, and Photos, 1936, p. 25.) Scar on left thumb ; star on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 478.) Me Ivor, Arthur, (a Paparua — Anderson false pretences (2 charges) 3 months on each bald and on chin. F.P. Discharged o n remission. (See P.G., 1938, p. 83, and Photos, 1922, p. 104.) Dunedin M.Ci 5/1/38 false pretences 6 months ■■■•.- N. Zealand labourer- . 1893 5 8 ruddy .. auburn, going blue .. medium.. 20/6/38 23 p.c. Strong build ; scar on back of neck McKeever, Arthur, @ false pretences (2 charges) 3 months on each bald and ' on chin. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See P.G., 1938, pV 83," and . - Photos, 1922, p. 104.) Anderson


of Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. discharged. and Convictions. Remarks, finger-impressions that ( taken.) Paparua continued. ft. in. Scar on upper lip ; large head. Arrested, 21/4/38. Anstice, Frederick Auckland M.C. 8/3/38 default of maintenance .. arrears or 2 m’ths England .. labourer 1876 ft. in. 5 3 fresh grey blue medium.. 20/6/38 Scar on upper lip ; large head. Arrested, ard * 21/4/38. Auckland M.C. 8/3/38 default of maintenance .. arrears or 2 m’ths England .. labourer 1876 5 3 fresh grey blue medium.. 20/6/38 Reginald, Dunedin M.C. 24/3/38 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1893 5 4| fresh . * dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 23/6/38 37 p.c. Scar on back. F.P. (See P.G., Stewart, Grant, ■T 1938. p. 266, and Photos, 1924, p. 83.) @, ' • Dunedin M.C. 24/3/38 7 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1893 5 M fresh dark brown.. hazel .. medium.. 23/6/38 37 p.c. Scar on back. F.P. (See P.G., 1938. p. 266, and Photos, 1924, p. 83.) JamesSimpson, M.C.Ashburton 13/5/38 in 6 weeks, and disScotland .. lorry-driver 1906 5 4i fresh brown blue medium.. 23/6/38 Woman in bathing-suit on left forearm. motor-car and weeks, fromqualified F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 393.) fromqualified driving to driving to 1/6/40 Scotland .. lorry-driver 1906 5 4f fresh brown blue medium.. 23/6/38 Woman in bathing-suit on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1938, p. 393.) Dunedin Charles Bazin, M.C.Dunedin 25/2/38 theft . months 4 Zealand and 1914 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. 24/6/38 Scar on right wrist, left shin broken, long furrier scar on each shin. (See P.G., 1938, p. 499, and Photos, 1933, p. 3.) 1914 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. 24/6/38 Scar on right wrist, left shin broken, long scar on each shin. (See P.G., 1938, p. 499, and Photos, 1933, p. 3.) Invercargill s tion dark brown McKenzie, Auckland 11/12/36 convertingunlawfully 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 7 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. 14/6/38 1 p.c. Mole on left side of chin. F.P. charges) (3 Borstal in 3 years Institution on Released on license. (See P.G., 1937, Institution on each p. 85, and Photos, p. 21.) N. Zealand labourer 1920 5 7 fresh hazel .. medium.. 14/6/38 1 p.c. Mole on left side of chin. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1937, p. 85, and Photos, p. 21.) Marsh, Wellington M.C. 28/4/37 theft .. 1J years in Borstal England .. seaman and 1919 5 6J fresh dark brown .. medium .. 16/6/38 Scar on forehead, on back of right ear, and Allan ■ Institution cook on base of left hand. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1937, p. 365, and Photos., p. 35.) Wellington M.C. 28/4/37 theft .. If years in Borstal Institution England .. seaman and cook 1919 5 6J . fresh dark brown .. medium.. 16/6/38 Scar on forehead, on back of right ear, and on base of left hand. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1937, p. 365, and Photos., p. 35.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 26, 6 July 1938, Page 484

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REGULATIONS UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, 1936. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 26, 6 July 1938, Page 484

REGULATIONS UNDER THE REGULATIONS ACT, 1936. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXIII, Issue 26, 6 July 1938, Page 484