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Auckland. —4th ultimo, on warrant for a breach of his probation (Crimes Amendment Act, 1910), William Houston, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 165, and Photographs, 1933, page 54. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer. /u/JiQ Mrih&aUd/

Auckland. —17th ultimo, on warrant for a breach of his probation (Crimes Amendment Act, 1910), Richard John Hackett, alias Hammond, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 117, and Photographs, 1921, page 39. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer. art . . . .

Auckland. llth ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, John Albert Donaldson, age thirty-four, height 5 ft. 7 in.', labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, sallow complexion, dark hair turning grey, hazel eyes, left arm injured. Arrears to 12th February last, £37 19s. 6d. (See Police Gazette, 1935, page 540.) f Sx>Z3 ~£> ~<3\

Auckland. —6th April last, that he may be located and interviewed regarding his alleged bigamous marriage, Henry Arthur George Bell, age forty-six, height 5 ft. 8 in., farmer, native of New Zealand, strong build, fair complexion, dark hair turning grey, grey eyes, long nose, four left fingers missing, usually keeps his left hand in his pocket. On the 27th July, 1921, in St. Peter’s Church at Wellington, he married Cora Blanche Manson, but after serving a term of imprisonment, referred to in Police Gazette, 1923, page 562, he did not return to her. On the 6th April, 1926, in the name Arthur Henry Bell, he went through the form of marriage with Eileen Mary Bowley at the Registrar’s Office, Wanganui, his former marriage not having been dissolved, and his wife being then alive. On the 23rd November, 1935, at Wanganui, he divorced his first wife on the grounds of adultery. (See Police Gazette, 1936, page 765, where he is wanted on warrant of commitment in default of maintenance of the two children of his bigamous marriage.)

Auckland. — 19th ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), William Young, referred to in Police Gazette, 1935, page 583. He has failed to make restitution, and has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was convicted is as follows : “ Between the 26th May, 1935, and 30th July, 1935, did steal clothing, value, £26 17s. the property of the Cardinal Trading Co.’L

Auckland. —l9th ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), George Francis Harper, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 394, and Photographs, 1936, page 24. He has failed to make restitution, and has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was convicted is as follows: “Between the 26th October, 1935, and 13th November, 1935, at Auckland, did steal sixteen oil-drums, value, £7 125., the property of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency.” ' $7.

Auckland. —19th ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Edward Joseph O’Loughlin, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 581. He has failed to make restitution, and has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was convicted is as follows: “ About the Bth December, 1934, at Auckland, did steal a lawn mower, value, £3 165., the property of Reginald Harvey Martin.”

Auckland.— l9th ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Thomas Norton Morris, referred to in Police Gazette, 1935, page 687. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and has also failed to make restitution, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was convicted is as follows : “At Auckland on the 2nd November, 1935, unlawfully converted to his own use a motor-cycle, value £ls, the property of Donald Edward Cooper4L - _ ncr/ t Ho farther-action to be takes y

Auckland. —l9th ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Joshua Charles McAlees, referred to in Police Gazette, 1934, page 390, and Photographs, page 52. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and has also failed to make restitution, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was convicted is as follows : “ On the 18th June, 1934, at Auckland, is deemed to be a rogue and vagabond in that he did solicit and collect contributions under a false pretence.”

Auckland. — l3th April last, for theft of the money, &c., described below, the property of the Auckland City Council, Man (name unknown), age about thirty-seven, height about 5 ft. 9 in., medium build, wearing a dark suit, fawn gabardine overcoat, fawn felt hat, and black shoes : £9 4s. 7d. in money ; a cheque, No. C. 583676, drawn on the Commercial Bank of Australia, Auckland, for £1 10s., by L. Mitchell in favour of “ Wages,” dated 12/4/37 ; an account book ; two receipt books ; a roll of Id. receipt tickets; and a letter addressed “ Miss Blake, Epsom Library.” About 9.30 p.m. the man described above entered the Epsom Library, snatched a parcel containing the property, and decamped in a saloon motor-car which was very dirty and was thought to be of blue colour. No warrant/

Auckland. —l9th ultimo, for a breach of his probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Noel Charles Oliver, referred to in Police Gazette, 1936, page 504. He has failed to make restitution, and has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and his arrest is desired. The original charge on which he was convicted is as follows: On the 7th July, 1936, at Auckland, did steal £6 2s. Bd., the property of Organ Brothers,

Auckland. —l3th February last, that a summons may be served upon him for being found on premises entered under a warrant and liquor seized, William Houston, age fortyfour, height 5 ft. 11 in., labourer and clerk, native of New Zealand, tip of right forefinger missing.

Auckland. —9th April last, on warrant for false pretences, Robert William Ball, age twenty-eight, height 5 ft. 0 in., salesman and tea merchant, native of Ireland, medium build, fresh complexion, curly fair hair, blue eyes, scar over left eye; smart appearance and plausible. Accused obtained £4O from William George West, Phoenix Chambers, Queen Street, by falsely representing that a Hudson motor-car, registration No. V. 401, was his own unencumbered property, whereas in reality he held it under a hire-purchase agreement with the Commercial Loan and Finance Co. There are several other similar charges pending. He is thought to have left for Australia under the name Rex Frederick Ball. (See Police Gazette, 1934, page 486, and Photographs, 1932, page 92.)

Ngaruawahia. l9th ultimo, on warrant for a breach of his probation (Officers Probation Act, 1920), Mervyn Ainslie Brown, age twenty-one, height 5 ft. 3 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, butterfly on right upper arm, anchor on left upper arm. He has failed to report to a Probation Officer, and has also failed to comply with the order to pay £5 steamerfare. (See Police Gazette, I936,ypage 505, and Photographs, 1932, page *>) M M 'K’ *1 _

Wanganui. 2sth ultimo, on warrant for deserting from the m.v. “ Myrtlebank ” Sariman Bin Amat, age thirty-one, height 5 ft. 4 in., seaman, native of Straits Settlement, strong build, dark yellow complexion, black hair, brown eyes, broken nose, mole on left cheek, long scar on right cheek ; dressed in grey flannel trousers, brown coat, shoes, and hat, and grey overcoat. His photograph is filed.

Waipukurau. 22nd ultimo, on warrant for false pretences, Melville Francis Fry, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 381, and Photographs, 1934, page 2. He was dressed in a dark-grey suit (no hat). Accused, after learning that Amelia Alice Rusher, Ruataniwha Street, was trying to sell her dining-rooms business, inspected her premises, and represented that he and another man would probably take over the business. He then obtained a blank cheque from her, filled it in for £2 10s., and induced her to cash it. The cheque was valueless f(> J

Eketaiiuna. —2oth ultimo, on two warrants of commitment to Wellington Prison for one month on each in default of paying £5 10s. fines and costs for taking unlabelled liquor into a no-licence district and failing to give name and address when ordering the liquor, Frank Hurley, alias Edwin Francis Hurley, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 391, and Photographs, 1928, page 58. There is also a distress warrant for £lO 155., fine and costs to be executed on his effects for keeping liquor for sale in a ncplicensed i . y Featherston. —Ist April last, on warrant 01 commitment to Wellington Prison for five days in default of paying £1 15s. fine and costs for driving a motor-car at a dangerous speed, Guy Laurance, height about 5 ft. 7 in., indent agent, slight build, dark hair and complexion, small dark moustache, Jewish appearance. He left for Australia on the 19th February last.

Wellington. 24th ultimo, on warrant for theft of_£2H, the property of Louise Dennette, 42 Nairn Street, A. J. . Crosby (name probably fictitious), age about forty-ftrreP; ” height about 5 ft. 4 in., slight to medium build, tanned ruddy complexion, dark shaggy hair, blue eyes, rather prominent nose, features noticeably sunken about mouth, lines at side of mouth; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit, blue shirt with lighter-coloured soft collar, brownish tie, white scarf, brown shoes, and felt hat, but often he does not wear a hat; not very smartly dressed. He also has a grey shabby suit but he seldom wears it. Accused advertised in the “ Evening Post of the 18th ultimo for a manageress for a confectionery and tea-room business. He received thirtyeight applications and showed some of his applicants tearooms which he represented that lie was buying, he having previously made bogus arrangements for the purchase of two such businesses. He then attempted to obtain from each applicant a cash bond of £2O, and on the 24th ultimo he succeeded in obtaining that amount from Louise Dennette, who handed him the money in Bond Street about 11.20 a.m., on the understanding that it was to be held in trust. He gave her a receipt drawn in pencil and signed “ A. J. Crosby.” Inquiries have revealed that on the 19th ultimo, in the name Arthur Crosby, he obtained board and lodging at 29 Myrtle Crescent, but left there on the 24th without paying for his accommodation, he having previously secretly removed his suit-case. He stated that he had arrived from Auckland, and the advertisement received by the “ Evening Post ”

was headed “11 Home Street, Auckland.” He is believed * to be identical with Reginald Bidgcod, alias Allen Edward ROSS, referred to in Police 1932, page Op. and Photographs, page 50. Cf//?! 3 7 ’ri 1 Nelson. 2lst ultimo, on /warrant for failing to comply"” with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his four children, Malcolm Charles McDonald, age fortyfour, height 5 ft. If-in., labourer and ex-jockey, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion and hair, blue-grey eyes, scar behind left knee; frequents billiardrooms, low-class boardinghouses, and hotels. Arrears to 23rd April last, £49 17s. (See Police Gazette, 1935, page 322, and Photographs, 1927, page 54.) - .-7. s . / /• <*. 2.

Greymouth. —22nd August, 1936, on warrant for theft of £25, the property of Herbert Leach, Preston Road, Hugh Pirie Greig, referred to in Police Gazette, 1937, page 279. His photograph is filed. Complainant, who is a fish-hawker in Creymouth, purchased a motor-truck from William Charles Edwards, Carlton Garage, Christchurch, and he forwarded to accused, who was employed by the Addington Fish Supply Co. a cheque for £75 to pay for the truck. Accused paid only £SO on the truck, receiving the balance£2s—and in his own name he entered into a hire-purchase agreement to pay the balance within six months. He subsequently went to Greymouth and worked for the complainant, Leach, to November, 1936, when he left for Wellington. In February last the truck was seized by the original owners.

Christchurch. —22nd January last, on warrant for false pretences, Hector James MacDonald, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. 91 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, thin build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, left eye artificial, scar on left ring and little fingers; dressed in a blue suit, brown felt hat, brownish check overcoat, and he wears horn-rimmed glasses. Accused obtained £1 10s. from Reta Mauger, domestic, 50 Isis Street, by falsely representing that he had a farm at Hamilton, and that he would employ her as housekeeper. (See Police Gazette, 1936, page 131, and Photographs, 1929, page 3°

Dunedin. l4th ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Sophia Ann Milne, 19 Grosvenor Street, Kensington, George Wilcock Milne, alias George Wilson, age forty-nine, height 5 ft. 5 in., motor-mechanic, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, black hair going bald, blue eyes; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit and navy-blue hat. He left home with his step-daughter, Ida Smith Cockerill, -with whom he may be co-habiting.

Invercargill. —2oth ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Margaret Augusta Cooper, Mararoa Station, Lumsden, Reginald Cooper, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 9 in., carpenter, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. He is believed to have had a Ford motor-car which he may sell, and he may attempt to leave the Dominion. (See Police Gazette, 1936, page 454.)

Breaches of Arms Act. The following persons are to be located so that proceedings for failing to notify their change of address may be instituted against them (Arms Act)i=r- . . r o -/Z * Kurow.— \(l) Thomas Simpson, engineer, who, on the 9th January, 1932, registered a -22 calibre single-shot Stevens rifle, No. T. 4413 ; (2) John Webb, labourer, who, on the 18th August, 1931, registered a -303 Savage magazine rifle, No. 99G ; (3) Frank Webb, labourer, who, on the 9th June, 1931, registered a -22 calibre Savage repeating rifle, No. 116384; (4) John Henry Mclntosh, labourer, ■ who, on the Bth July, 1929, registered a -22 calibre single-shot Stevens rifle, No. 81 ; (5) Hector Ronlston, or Renlsten, labourer, who, on the 21st May, 1929, registered a -22 calibre singleshot B.S.A. rifle, No. 5442 ; and (6) George Pringle, electrician, who, on the Bth March, 1930, registered a -22 calibre Savage repeating rifle, No. 71987.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXII, Issue 21, 2 June 1937, Page 397

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PERSONS WANTED New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXII, Issue 21, 2 June 1937, Page 397

PERSONS WANTED New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LXII, Issue 21, 2 June 1937, Page 397