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Extradition Treaty with Poland. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1935, page 3365.)

Prohibition of Money-order and Postal Correspondence. C. B. A. Stout, 9 Stout Street, Wellington, C. 1. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1935, page 3368.) !

2 —P.G.

- p " ■_ n _tt T D„, _w„ii;„„+—

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c.Distinguishing Alfred, (a), . 22/8/35 breaking, and entering, each on England seaman 1908 ft 5 in. H fair dark brown long and on forehead, Albert (2 charges); and burglary and declared an habitual criminal base of left thumb. (See P.G., 1935, p. 524, and Photos, 1933, p. 12.) Photo at Wellington, 14/8/35. • (2 charges); and burglary and declared an habitual criminal base of left thumb. (See P.G., 1935, p. 524, and Photos, 1933, p. 12.) Photo at Wellington, 14/8/35. George Wellington . 22/8/35 theft years’ Scotland . clerk 1909 5 fresh brown grey .. medium 5| fresh brown grey .. medium Xavier Tohill, Wellington 22/8/35 housebreaking 3 years N. and 1910 5 8 sallow dark brown blue medium.. 439, p. eye. right salesman 72.) p. William .Wilson, Wellington . 22/8/35 housebreaking years Scotland and 1872 5 fresh grey blue flat Woman, Maltese cross, and snake on right fore44 fresh grey blue flat Woman, Maltese cross, and snake on right forelabourer ; ; ; 222.) 1935, tattooed. p. (See fusely Ngh, Pong Tong Wellington . 19/9/35 receiving . 1 China and 1903 5 H sallow black brown . flat teeth on ; upper gold-crowned Tong, fruiterer and p. right p. Clarence Williams, . Wellington . 19/9/35 and entering, 9 Zealand N. labourer 1914 5 8 dark brown dark grey • medium. and head, and each (See above and and intent • 586.) p. Stimpson, Jack Wellington . 19/9/35 and months’ 6 N. labourer 1916 6 If fresh brown. light blue medium. knee. and on right breaking and each at and p. JamesCorbett, Wellington . 19/9/35 and months’ on N. and 1911 5 8* dark black blue medium Wellington, on knee-cap. and charges) each boot19/9/35. intent repairer 1927, p. George Wellington 17/10/35 theft and probation 3 Maori silverer 1897 5 84 copper black brown medium Mita Ngerengere Wellington . 17/10/35 incest . years Maori labourer 1895 5 8 copper grey brown . broad at of tip 17/10/35. Crawford, Leonard Wellington . 17/10/35 ; forgery 1 on N. labourer 1907 5 10 sallow . brown. dark brown . medium on right each 1924, and p. p. William, @ Wellington 17/10/35 (3 ; in N. labourer 1915 5 2 fresh auburn grey . medium. dislocated.; right William ; breaking, n Wellington, at and each 1935, p. Whibley, Selby Wellington 17/10/35 rape in N. labourer 1916 5 9 sallow brown brown medium Wellington, Photo at Institution David, Wellington . 17/10/35 abducting a on . Zealand andlabourer 1898 5 7 copper black brown broken Photo at A three-quarter Rau teen knowledge laundry man lington, 17/10/35. Photo at Wellington, 17/10/35. carnal knowledge laundryman lington, 17/10/35. Gray, Wellington 17/10/35 to come up if called Maori labourer 1912 5 14 dark black brown .. medium.. Photo at Wellington, 17/10/35. on in 2 years Strong build; large mouth; scar on left arm carnal knowledge to come up if called Maori labourer 1912 5 n dark black brown .. medium. • on in 2 years Strong build; large mouth ; scar on left arm Riini Wellington . 17/10/35 knowledge 1 year . Maori labourer 1907 5 8 copper black brown flat and and on (See Wellington, and p. p. Biggar, Leo Wellington 21/10/35 cattle-stealing acquitted years’ N. cattle-drover 1903 5 10 fresh brown. blue medium. at lington, 29/10/35. (See P.G., 1925, p. 671.) receiving lington, 29/10/35. (See P.G., 1925, p. 671.)


Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height.! .. 1 Complexion. 1 | Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. — Born. rO .2? *3 M Complexion. j Hair. J Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Collins, Harry, Wellington . 21/10/35 breaking, and entering, 14 and England labourer 1879 ft. in. 5 7\ fresh grey grey .. medium.. Scars on cheeks ; woman, cross, clasped hands, ft. 5 in. 71 fresh grey grey • • medium.. Scars on cheeks ; woman, cross, clasped hands, Henry ; clared an habitual criminal left and on scroll, flags, ring on dancing-girl on ; p. 110.) p. anchor, on ; McReynolds, William Wellington . 21/10/35 false pretences acquitted Scotland . . fireman ship’s 1908 5 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. ship, and lighthouse on right upper arm; TRUE LOVE on left wrist. (See P.G., 1935, p. 552, and Photos, 1932, p. 19.) 5 8 fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. ship, and lighthouse on right upper arm; TRUE LOVE on left wrist. (See P.G., 1935, p. 552, and Photos, 1932, p. 19.) Edward .Barrett, Wellington 21/10/35 bodily acquitted Zealand engi-motor 1889 5 8 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Right little finger missing ; portion of right fore5 8 fresh dark brown.. blue medium.. Right little finger missing ; portion of right foreassault .. fined £5 neer finger missing. 21/10/35 assault .. fined £5 neer finger missing. Jackson, . Wellington false pretences (12 charges) H years’ R.D. on England .. tailor’s pres1907 5 5i sallow .. black hazel .. long, Elat feet. Photo at Wellington, 29/10/35. each s e r and broken (See P.G., 1929, p. 770, and Photos, 1930, 21/10/355/11/35 false (12 charges) theft charges) years’ onacquitted England .. tailor’s pres1907 5 54 sallow .. black hazel .. long, Elat feet. Photo at Wellington, 29/10/35. each 9 on months’ andsalesman P-3. ) broken (See P.G., 1929, p. 770, and Photos, 1930, 5/11/35 theft (2 charges) .. acquitted 9 months’ R.D. on salesman P- 3. ) Thick lips; scar on right cheek. (See P.G., Hikamate @ Invercargill attempted and en- breaking Maori labourer 1914 5 2-| copper .. black brown .. flat 5 copper .. black brown .. flat Thick lips; scar on right cheek. (See P.G., John, @ intent each p. p. Johnny T _ .„ K/11 /qk charges) L’HprfinJsdieu Mc- @ Del Me- @ labourer • • 4-4 "ua/lK • • d a i Jk.j going hn.lfl "csfyfv " ///Z/3? T _ K/n /qs charges) 1 1 lfliboui cr • • O J; h n ,lf| *** " ///Zf37 Kay, Jbhff Alexander Baird Lee, Richard Invercargill 5/11/35 indecent 14 . Ireland labourer 1885 5 8 ruddy .. light brown.. grey .• medium.. Scar on left little finger. 5 8 ruddy .. light brown.. grey .. medium.. Scar on left little finger. Taylor, Invercargill 5/11/35 with .housebreaking acquitted Zealand domestic 1907 5 4 sallow .. fair hazel .. medium. . Sharp features. (See P.G., 1929, p. 401.) 4 sallow .. fair hazel .. medium.. Sharp features. (See P.G., 1929, p. 401.) 5

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS—continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Name of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. 1 Born. Height Com- j plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. 1 1 Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Le . Mangonui 13/11/35 threatening . to Zealand labourer 1865 ft. in. 94 dark going grey . large moustache a eye 1 bald Wells, Mangonui 14/11/35 fighting fined Zealand contractor . 1913 5 9 fresh auburn brown medium on Thakorlal Tribhova. Auckland 11/11/35 fighting fined India hairdresser . 1903 5 4 copper black brown medium. . build ; fined India cheek on ; injured. Vallabh Auckland 11/11/35 fighting gardener 1895 5 4 copper black brown . medium on cheek. PercyMurray, Auckland 11/11/35 illegally on fined . £2 Zealand labourer 1880 5 6 fresh fair blue medium See 1931, 41. p. intent Stanley Auckland 13/11/35 gaming-house keeping a fined Zealand N. & com1902 5 7 fresh brown light brown . medium of on upper mission agent lip. (See P.G., 1935, p. 61.) Auckland 13/11/35 fined £30 mission agent lip. (See P.G., 1935, p. 61.) Henry keeping a gaming-house N. Zealand tobacconist.. 1892 5 8 dark dark brown .. medium.. Stout build. (See P.G., 1924, p. 185.) Auckland 13/11/35 keeping a gaming-house fined £30 N. Zealand tobacconist. . 1892 5 8 dark dark brown .. medium.. Stout build. (See P.G., 1924, p. 185.) Clifford Auckland 14/11/35 fighting fined England . seaman 1909 5 11 fresh fair grey . medium.. on 1 probation p. Isobel McIntyre, . Auckland 15/11/35 theft Zealand domestic 1915 5 6 fresh brown grey . medium. Strong William Lovett, . Otahuhu 15/11/35 intoxicated charge fined . £5 Zealand labourer 1892 5 6 sallow brown brown medium motor-car Elizabeth Maud, @ Thames 12/11/35 theft and convicted Zealand domestic 1890 5 4 fresh brown brown . medium p. Tasker of charged and and p. charged to Inebriates’ Inof prohibition chargedstitutionforly’r to Inebriates’ Institution for 1 y’r James Reid, Thames 12/11/35 of and convicted Zealand fisherman . 1896 5 H fresh brown dark grey medium.. See 20. 1935, p. charged order prohibition fined Harold Frank Burt, Thames 12/11/35 assault fined Zealand fisherman . 1906 5 9 fresh light brown medium ToiCrown Thames 12/11/35 crackers (placing costs to pay Maori labourer 1917 5 4 copper . black brown broad in Greenwich. Taylor, Thames 12/11/35 (placing fined £1 Zealand labourer 1916 5 8 sallow fair blue sharp Slovenly appearance. in ‘ s - Munro, Morrinsville . 13/11/35 theft years’ prohibited and fined £2, Zealand baker 1900 5 pale black brown .. medium.. Short neck; fond of drink. (See P.G., 1933, p. 504.) H pale black brown .. medium.. Short neck ; fond of drink. (See P.G., 1933, p. 504.) Thomas Morrinsville . 13/11/35 negligently motorZealand labourer 1910 5 7 fresh brown light blue medium car license can celled and prohibited from holding another until 30/6/37 failing to stop when accident fined £2 • occurred failing to report motorfined £1 accident failing to give way to motorcar to pay costs car license cancelled and prohibited from holding another until 30/6/37 failing to stop when accident fined £2 • occurred failing to report motorfined £1 accident failing to give way to motorcar to pay costs \ .'•*

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts but not sent to Gaol.

- - T 1 43 Complexion. of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of jTrade. d o o« 3 .HP a H&ir. Eyea. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &C. ’3 M Complexion. ! Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Samuel .Kennard, Te 12/11/35 theft to N. painter 1875 ft. 8 fresh brown, hazel . large build. Strong tion ing grey Samuel Mercep, Taumarunui 14/11/35 in selling tionfined Dalmatia .. restaurant1891 6 2 fresh 1-air, going grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1935, p. 42. fined £25 Dalmatia .. restaurant1891 6 2 fresh ing grey Jair, going grey .. medium.. See P.G., 1935, p. 42. claimed area unlawfully keeping liquor fined £25 keeper bald for sale NedKunac, Taumarunui 14/11/35 claimed area in pro- liquor illegally fined £20 Dalmatia .. cook 1914 6 0 fresh black grey .. medium.. Slight build. liquor keeping unlawfully claimed for sale illegally selling liquor in profined £25 fined £20 Dalmatia .. keeper cook 1914 6 0 fresh bald black grey .. medium.. Slight build. Godfrey Taumarunui 14/11/35 claimed area selling illegally fined £30 on each Australia .. bushman 1889 5 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on abdomen. (See P.G., 1935, p. 356.) in illegally Hump on back ; walks with slight limp. fined £30 on each Australia .. bushman 1889 5 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on abdomen. (See P.G., 1935, p. 356.) Andrew Putnin, Taumarunui 14/11/35 charges)claimed liquor fined £20 Russia labourer 1888 5 3 pale grey grey .. medium.. selling liquor pro-illegally Boil-scars on arms and neck. fined £20 Russia labourer 1888 5 3 pale grey grey .. medium.. Hump on back ; walks with slight limp. MohiKorua Tikitiki 4/11/35 claimed (ill-treat- to cruelty fined £2 Maori labourer 1909 5 6* copper .. black brown .. fiat cruelty to animals (ill-treat-fined £2 Maori labourer 1909 5 6* copper .. black brown .. flat Boil-scars on arms and neck. ing a horse) Strong build ; scar on forehead, on back of Poi Tikitiki 13/11/35 horse) a ing damage fined £5 Maori . .. labourer 1915 5 9 copper .. black brown ". I medium.. left hand, at base of left thumb, and on back of left knee. wilful damage fined £5 Maori labourer 1915 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Strong build ; scar on forehead, on back of George Tikitiki 13/11/35 damage fined £5 Maori labourer 1916 5 81 copper black brown flat back and hand, of on bridge knee. left above and on lip, upper Heart on left forearm ; scar on bridge of nose, . knee. Armentiere Tuhoro Tikitiki 13/11/35 theft fined Maori labourer 1917 5 10 copper . black brown . flat above and wrist, upper and of on foot, jaw, knee. hip. right Scar on left side of lower jaw, on left foot, and Frederick . Plymouth 11/11/35 fighting convicted and N. labourer 1890 6 0 fresh brown blue crooked of at eye Mole at corner of right eye; right elbow charged injured. (See P.G., 1933, p. 445.) Russell, Plymouth New 11/11/35 fighting charged and convicted N. Zealand labourer 1892 5 9 dark black brown .. broken .. Scar on chin ; left collar-bone broken ; birthconvicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1892 5 9 dark black brown .. broken .. injured. (See P.G., 1933, p. 445.) Scar on chin ; left collar-bone broken ; birthMichael, @ charged mark on right forearm. (See R.G., 1927, Edmund p. 276.) Edward New 13/11/35 assault . charged fined N. Zealand farmer 1886 510 pale dark brown .. medium fined £1 N. Zealand farmer 1886 5 10 pale dark brown .. medium mark on right iorearm. (See R.G., 1927, p. 276.) Cameron, Eltham 14/11/35 intoxicated charge fined N. and 1900 5 81 fresh going blue large chin. Sharp motor-car horse-dealer bald Sam Hawera 15/11/35 motor-car telegraph damage fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 . 9 fresh fair blue medium.. Large mouth. wilful damage to telegraph fined £1 N. Zealand horse-dealer labourer 1911 5 9 fresh bald fair blue medium.. Large mouth. insulators Spice, Hawera 15/11/35 insulators telegraph fined £2 N. Zealand dairy-factory 1916 5 10 pale brown grey .. medium wilful damage to telegraph fined £2 N. Zealand dairy-factory 1916 5 10 pale brown grey .. medium insulators hand Alexander Waverley 6/11/35 insulators behaviour threatening threatening behaviour fined £5 N. Zealand hand farmer 1909 5 5 fair fair blue medium assault .. fined £5 convicted and discharged fined £2 N. Zealand farmer 1909 5 5 fair fair blue medium McGregor, Levin 15/11/35 assault .. theft N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 9 dark • .. black brown .. broken .. A half-caste Maori; scar on left little finger. convicted and discharged fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 9 dark black brown .. broken .. A half-caste Maori; scar on left little finger. Woollett, George . Levin 15/11/35 assault . underdischarged N. carpenter’s 1914 5 8 fresh dark hazel .. medium Offenders Probation Act, 1920 apprentice Charlwood, William Masterton 16/11/35 theft Offenders Probation Act, 1920 fined £2 N. Zealand apprentice labourer 1912 5 4 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1932. p. 396. L *} " 16/11/35 theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 4 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1932.. p. 396. Coulson, Frederick Mart inborough 11/11/35 theft . v probation 1 England . cowboy 1916 5 3J fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar near left eye and on scalp near right ear. fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar near left eye and on scalp near right ear. o 4

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts but not sent to Gaol—continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Lawrence .Brown, ■o Complexion. Wellington .. 11/11/35 intoxicated in charge of fined £8 and N. Zealand salesman .. 1896 ft- in. 5 Hi fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar on left side of upper lip. motor-car driver’s license suspended for 28 days Offender. Patrick, Mulligan, tried.Wellington . When.11/11/35 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. U o W .s? *5 M Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. wilful damage to pay damage .. Scotland .. miner 1895 5 5 fresh dark blue medium.. Dot on back of right hand; snake on right Lawrence .Brown, Mulligan, * forearm. (See P.G., 1935, p. 315.) Wellington .. 11/11/35 intoxicated in charge of fined £8 and N. Zealand salesman 1896 ft- in. 5 11* fresh light brown blue medium.. Scar on left side of upper lip. motor-car driver’s license suspended for 28 days Mulligan, Francis Patrick, @ Wellington .. 11/11/35 wilful damage to pay damage .. Scotland .. miner 1895 5 5 fresh dark blue medium.. Dot on back of right hand ; snake on right FrankMulligan, forearm. (See P.G., 1935, p. 315.) Wellington .. 13/11/35 theft to come up if called Ireland labourer 1885 5 10 fresh black, turnblue medium.. Scar on left thumb and over left eye. on mg grey Samuel Ross, AlmaBarrow, Wellington .Motueka 13/11/3514/11/35 theft charges) theft . if to come up probation 1 year’s Ireland Zealand labourerdomestic 18851897 10 8 freshsallow . black, turnblue medium.. Scar on left thumb and over left eye. brown blue medium.. Slight stoop. on mg grey AlmaBarrow, Sidney MotuekaMotueka 14/11/3514/11/35 theft . charges) assault . year’s 1 probation 1 Zealand Zealand N. domesticlabourer 18971908 8 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Slight stoop. fresh dark grey .. Roman .. ' : 1 p.c. for obscene language on 12/3/31 (not gazetted). Skull, cross-bones on N.Z. and U.S.A. flags, and pierced heart on right upper arm; wheel and anchor on left upper arm; ship in sail and anchor on left forearm. Sidney EdwardMuncaster, Motueka Greymouth . 14/11/3511/11/35 assault .. 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 9 fresh dark grey .. Roman .. 1 p.c. for obscene language on 12/3/31 (not gazetted). Skull, cross-bones on K.Z. and U.S.A. flags, and pierced heart on right upper arm ; wheel and anchor on left upper arm; ship in sail and anchor on left forearm. theft to come up if called N. Zealand miner 1903 5 4 ruddy .. brown grey .. medium on in 6 months EdwardMuncaster, Maurice Victor Hooper, Greymouth .Christchurch 11/11/3511/11/35 theft of carrying called to come up fined ., Zealand Zealand N. miner andlabourer 19031907 4 35 ruddy .sallow .. brownbrown grey .brown . mediummedium . Left leg amputated at knee; uses a wooden on in 6 months maker publishing double chart convicted and discharged fined £20 bookmaker leg. (See P.G., 1935, p. 466.) Maurice Victor Hooper, William Ford, August ChristchurchChristchurch 11/11/3513/11/35 of carrying using premises N. Zealand cabinetmaker 1895 5 7 fresh fair blue medium fined £10 N. Zealand labourer and 1907 5 3 sallow .. brown brown .. medium.. Left leg amputated at knee; uses a wooden makerhouse and bookmaker publishing double chart convicted and discharged fined £20 bookmaker leg. (See P.G., 1935, p. 466.) August Ford, Joan Head, Dorothy ChristchurchChristchurch 13/11/3513/11/35 using premises as gamingN. Zealand cabinetmaker 1895 5 7 fresh fair blue medium house and bookmaker theft to come up if called N. Zealand waitress 1914 5 3 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Two moles on left side of face; large birthon in 6 months mark on left little finger. Joan Head, Dorothy Jack Green, ChristchurchChristchurch 13/11/3514/11/35 theft charge to come up if called N. Zealand waitress 1914 5 3 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Two moles on left side of face; large birthon in 6 months mark on left little finger. of fined £5 N. Zealand shepherd 1901 5 11 fresh brown blue medium motor-car Jack Green, ohn JMcElroy, ChristchurchAlexandra . 14/11/356/11/35 intoxicated in charge of fined £5 N. Zealand shepherd 1901 5 11 fresh brown blue medium motor-carfighting fined N. Zealand labourer 1895 6 0 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Large ears. (See P.G., 1934, p. 583.) John McElroy, Williamson, Alexandra .Alexandra . 6/11/356/11/35 fightingassault . N. Zealand labourer 1895 6 0 fresh dark brown hazel .. medium.. Large ears. (See P.G., 1934, p. 583.) fined £5 Scotland .. labourer and 1914 5 10 dark dark dark medium ♦ boxer JamesWilliamson, Charles Ferney Alexandra 6/11/35 assault .. fined £5 Scotland .. labourer and 1914 5 10 dark dark dark medium boxer Gore 12/11/35 trespass on racecourse . . fined 5s. Australia .. labourer 1885 5 6 fresh black, turnbrown .. medium.. Scar on right ring and little fingers. (See P.G., ing grey 1935, p. 498, and Photos, 1925, p. 40.) Charles Ferney MatildaMcKenzie, GoreWyndham . 12/11/35 1 theft 11/1 convicted and disN. Zealand domestic 1902 5 5 fresh dark blue medium.. Wears large horn-rimmed spectacles. charged trespass on racecourse . . fined 5s. Australia .. labourer 1885 5 6 fresh black, turnbrown .. medium.. Scar on right ring and. little fingers. (See P.G., ing grey 1935, p. 498, and Photos, 1925, p. 40.) McKenzie, Matilda Wyndham 11/11/35 theft .. convicted and disN. Zealand domestic 1902 5 5 fresh dark blue medium.. Wears large horn-rimmed spectacles. charged

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts but not sent to Gaol—continued.

Name Offender. j When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Marks, J Auckland 14/11/35 obtaining credit 1 N. andlabourer 1912 ft. in. 94 fresh curly blue medium of on theft theft charges) month 1 1 on each 3 motor-driver 342.) p. Frederick, Pukekohe 16/11/35 vagabond and N. andlabourer 1885 5 5 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Scar on nose and forehead ; first and second 5 5 fresh dark hazel .. medium.. Scar on nose and forehead; first and second @ Moir posing on clerk and p. vidual) p. McGrath, Lewis Paeroa 11/11/35 obscene language 1 N. labourer 1897 5 6 sallow . . black blue medium. . Scar on right hip, which is broken ; walks with a limp. (See P.G., 1932, p. 707.) 5 6 sallow .. black blue medium.. Scar on right hip, which is broken ; walks with James, a limp. (See P.G., 1932, p. 707.) Paeroa 11/11/35 and drunk month 1 N. labourer 1887 5 7 fresh brown, turngrey •• medium.. See P.G., 1934, p. 420. 5 7 fresh brown, turngrey .. medium.. See P.G., 1934, p. 420. David, @ ing grey Herbert Gordon, Hamilton 18/11/35 charges) theft on N. labourer 1905 5 6| fresh brown blue thick Scar on right side of upper lip, on right thumb 5 &4 fresh brown blue thick Scar on right side of upper lip, on right thumb Lewis, (cumulative) right forefinger and on 671 p. William Hamilton 18/11/35 charges) theft . each 1 Zealand labourer 1905 5 10£ fresh dark brown grey .. medium.. Butterfly, rose, and dagger on right forearm. 5 fresh dark brown grey .. medium.. Butterfly, rose, and dagger. on right forearm. ( and p. 43.) p. 9 p.c. (not gazetted). Three scars on back of Alexander Kilpatrick, Hamilton 18/11/35 theft in years N. bootmaker . 1917 5 5 fresh brown grey •. medium.. 9 p.c. (not gazetted). Three scars on back of 5 5 fresh brown grey medium.. Institution hand. left Michael . Rotorua 14/11/35 stolen property 14 N. labourer 1885 5 6 fresh grey hazel .. medium. . Woman, butterfly, flower-pot, and sailor on right forearm. 5 6 fresh gwv hazel .. medium.. Woman, butterfly, flower-pot, and sailor on right forearm. Tinotahi, Tikitiki 4/11/35 and (having months Maori andlabourer 1894 5 8h copper .. black, turnbrown .. flat Stout build ; effeminate appearance and voice ; 5 8J copper .. black, turnbrown .. flat Stout build ; effeminate appearance and voice ; Anderson, of cook ing grey side. and on large Turupu, Len 1927, Louie Gisborne 13/11/35 assault 14 China market1895 5 4 sallow .. black black .. medium gardener 1895 5 4 sallow .. black black .. medium Raymond, New Plymouth 11/11/35 theft days N. labourer 1903 5 7 fresh dark brown grey . . long Scar on right hand and on nose ; tip of right 5 7 fresh dark brown grey • • long Scar on right hand and on nose; tip of right Bates, of at ; and p. 100.) p. Harrigan, Francis Cedric Napier 5/11/35 receiving stolen property .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1902 6 0 sallow .. black brown .. long Scar on nose and on left middle finger ; ruptured Robert on left side. Portion of the description previously recorded in the P.G. is incorrect. (See B.G., 1934, p. 559.) Napier 5/11/35 receiving stolen property .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1902 6 0 sallow .. black brown .. long Scar on nose and on left middle finger ; ruptured on left side. Portion of the description previously recorded in the P.G. is incorrect. (See B.G., 1934, p. 559.) Malcolm Kell, Ross, Napier 5/11/35 on months 3 Zealand N. labourer 1911 5 7-| fair fair grey .. long Scar on chin ; mole on back. (See P.G., 1935, 5 74 fair fair grey • • long Scar on chin ; mole on back. (See P.G., 1935, George, Steele, @ out 68.) p. p. W iiiis, Napier 15/11/35 rogue 1 Zealand bakehouse 1917 5 91 fresh light brown blue medium. . JACK on scroll over heart on right forearm. 5 94 fresh light brown blue medium. . JACK on scroll over heart on right forearm. on ; and charges) Institution hand Benjamin, @ Wellington. .. 12/11/35 (2 charges) drunkenness 1 month Scotland .. french1893 5 n fresh brown, going brown .. medium.. 64 p.c. Two upper front teeth missing ; small Thomson resisting police 1 month polisher bald scar on chin. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513.) Wellington .. 12/11/35 (2 charges) drunkenness 1 month Scotland .. french1893 5 7£ fresh brown, going brown .. medium.. 64 p.c. Two upper front teeth missing ; small resisting police 1 month polisher bald scar on chin. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513.) McDaid, William Wellington . 12/11/35 theft 1 Ireland seaman 1882 6 04 fresh grey, going blue long 26 p.c. Scar on back of right thumb. (See bald P.G., 1930, p. 769.) 04 fresh grey, going blue long 26 p.c. Scar on back of right thumb. (See 6 bald P.G., 1930/p. 769.) .


Name Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. j Born. l Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fco. d u o « 1 (Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. William Wellington . . 12/11/35 drunkenness 1 N. labourer 1889 ft. in. 6 fresh fair blue medium left on p. Peter, @ Wellington . 15/11/35 drunkenness months England . labourer 1872 1 fresh grey grey . medium. and Hurst of ; ; of on on F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 570.) > F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 570.) George, Lionel Hood, Wellington . 15/11/35 theft 1 year’s N. labourer 1897 Si 5 ruddy . brown, grey . medium. behind 24 ; right Wilson theft . if up bald whip on in forearm. &c., on clasped pp. 1925, p. Baldwin, James Takaka 12/11/35 theft 1 N. labourer 1895 5 6 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on upper lip and on right side; left leg broken. (See P.G., 1934, p. 346, and Photos, 1923, p. 77.) 1895 5 6 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on upper lip and on right side; left leg broken. (See P.G., 1934, p. 346, and Photos, 1923, p. 77.) Norman @ Greymouth . 11/11/35 theft and N. painter 1908 5 fair fair blue medium each ; Large Norman Nesbitt, charged clerk and above left knee ; small scar on right side ' charged clerk and above left knee ; small scar on right side Edward pretences months’H.L. and 4 of ; 8 p. p. Shamy, George Christchurch 11/11/35 theft months 4 Syria tailor 1879 5 fresh grey brown . large crossed 1876, right of probation and left and flags, p. charged William Taylor, Christchurch 15/11/35 theft months N. cook and 1877 8 fresh dark, medium.. 69. p. p. baker grey


fl f-4 o tt . «*• I Complexion. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 ■ Complexion. j When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. 1 Name J ! Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Hair. Eyes. Nose. (FJP. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) (-4 o | Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— ft. in. thumb, of on wrist, Samuel Noel .Bethell, Palmerston 26/10/35 of maintenance 1 N. mechanic 1909 5 6 fresh brown blue medium. 9/11/35 M.C.North on 5/11/35. paid. William Whangarei 1/10/35 fighting fine Zealand labourer 1911 5 6 fresh brown brown long 11/11/35 on 1935, p. Cusack, John M.C.Auckland 15/10/35 theft . 1 Africa South labourer 1901 5 6 dark going brown . medium 14/11/35 lip on p.c. James bald instep. right 16.) p. p. Wil- Russell Dargaville 17/9/35 (in - months N. labourer 1896 5 6* sallow brown light blue medium. 16/11/35 Mole on ; liam means) (See weak. ; eyelid 597.) p. Vincent. Houhora 18/9/35 theft charges) months Zealand N. labourer 1910 5 4f fresh brown hazel medium. 16/11/35 (SeeLeft finger 597.) p. Institu- Borstal tion — of on Raymond, Wellington 11/12/34 theft . . in America lorry 1914 5 11* fair fair hazel medium. . 12/11/35 Limpus Institution on (Seefinger. and p. p. Daniel Auckland 15/2/35 and entering, H.L. (com Maori slaughterman 1917 5 copper . black brown . flat 14/11/35 large on ; ; Strong theft muted to forefinger and on left forearm. Jb.P. detention) F.P. forearm. on and forefinger Released on license. (See P.G., 1935, p. Plymouth 11/11/35 Scar on left forearm, on neck, and on Frederick Stratford 12/8/35 aggravated months N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 7 fresh grey blue i m, turned 11/11/35 Scar on left forearm, on neck, and on James right knee. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, turned right knee. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, to right p. 513.) ! to right p. 513.) Waikune — 12/11/35 lip, on on Leonard Malmanche, Plymouth New 13/5/35 theft . 6 Zealand cook 1896 5 8 sallow . black brown large, Mai-Lawrence, S.C. turned to little on manche right and p. 42.) pleft on Alexander, @ Auckland 1/5/34 to years’ Scotland showman 1897 5 8* fresh dark . brown grey medium. 14/11/35 Alexander false pretences forearm ; sinews of left wrist injured. Johnston, F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1934, p. 318, and Photos, 1925, p. 20.) false pretences forearm ; sinews of left wrist injured. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1934, p. 318, and Photos, 1925, p. 20.) Hicks, Ronald M.C. W ellington 8/8/34 vagabond and R.D. years’ N. labourer 1910 5 4* pale brown hazel medium. 15/11/35 on p.c. Re- right P.G., on 376.) p. Napier Two on ; Carter, Napier 11/11/35 theft . days N. domestic 1896 5 4* dark dark brown . medium.. 16/11/35 Lilian Duray, (See 17.) p.


Name Prisoner. Where When. Offence. Sentence. j Native Trade. Born. i Height.1 Complexion. . Hair. Eyes. Nose. ■ When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates tfiat finger-impressions have been taken.) a w Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wi — Tako 1 ! | | ft. in. ' -• I i ft. in. Ellison, Leo Patrick Wellington 17/7/35 property months Zealand labourer 1905 H 5 dark black grey . medium. 16/11/35 Scars right on on right and at Tako, 4/10/35. (See P.G., 1935, p. 454.) theft (3 charges) 4 months on each salesman and Tako, 4/10/35. (See P.G., 1935, p. 454.) William Wellington M.C. 17/7/35 IN. Zealand 1912 5 111 fresh brown blue medium, 16/11/35 3 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, pp. 113 Payne theft (2 charges) 1 month grocer broken and 454, and Photos, p. 55.) receiving stolen property 4 months Wellington M.C. 17/7/35 theft (3 charges) theft (2 charges) receiving stolen property 4 months on each 1 month 4 months JN. Zealand salesman and grocer 1912 5 lli fresh brown blue medium, broken 16/11/35 3 p.c. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, pp. 113 and 454, and Photos, p. 55.) Wellington 1 month Mason, DougPalmerston 12/8/35 assault N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 81 fresh brown grey .. medium.. 11/11/35 3 p.c. Birthmark on left side of neck; las Palmerston North M.C. 12/8/35 assault idle and disorderly 1 month 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 8J fresh brown grey .. medium.. 11/11/35 3 p.c. Birthmark on left side of neck; right eye artificial. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 2/11/35. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513.) William North M.C. Nelson M.C. .. 12/8/35 idle and disorderly 3 months right eye artificial. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 2/11/35. (SeeP.G., 1935, p. 513.) idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 71 fresh black grey .. medium.. 11/11/35 4 p.c. Scar on back of each hand and on Bond don left cheek-bone; five-pointed star between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513, and Photos, 1930, Nelson M.C. .. 12/8/35 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 7£ fresh black grey .. medium.. 11/11/35 4 p.c. Scar on back of each hand and on left cheek-bone; five-pointed star between left thumb and forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513, and Photos, 1930, p. 28.) 7 p.c. Stout build; scar on back of right hand and at corner of right eye. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 5J3, and Photos, 1934, p. 64.) 13 p.c. Burn-scar on chest; large scar on left leg. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513, and Photos, 1926, p. 81.) Reynolds, John Wellington 13/8/35 attempted 7 days England .. piano-tuner.. 1882 5 91 ruddy .. grey blue medium.. 12/11/35 p. 28.) 7 p.c. Stout build; scar on back of right and ; probation 3 months oh each hand and at corner of right eye. F.P. theft (See P.G., 1935, p. 5J3, and Photos, 7 days 3 months on each England .. piano-tuner.. 1882 5 9£ ruddy .. grey blue medium.. 12/11/35 Brewer, Arthur Wellington M.C. 13/8/35 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand motor 1896 5 6i fresh brown grey .. large 12/11/35 1934, p. b4.) 13 p.c. Burn-scar on chest; large scar fletcher Wellington M.C. 13/8/35 false pretences false pretences 3 months 7 days N. Zealand motor mechanic 1896 5 6| fresh brown grey .. large 12/11/35 Lee, @ false pretences 7 days mechanic on left leg. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 513, and Photos, 1926, p. 81.) Wellington M.C. 3/2/32 rogue and vagabond 1 year .. Australia .. engine-driver 1905 5 5i dark black hazel .. long 12/11/35 3 p.c. in Australia. Scar on forehead. Kelvin, Williams, theft 3 months F.P. Released on license and deported. Thomas, John unlawfully using motorcar 3 months (See P.G., 1932, p. 394, and Photos, p. 71.) n in possession of automatic 3 months pistol Wellington Wellington 4/3/32 breaking, entering, and 4 years on each theft (3 charges) Wellington S.C. Wellington M.C. 3/2/32 4/3/32 8/11/35 rogue and vagabond theft unlawfully using motorcar in possession of automatic pistol breaking, entering, and theft (3 charges) prohibited immigrant 1 year 3 months 3 months 3 months 4 years on each to be deported Australia .. engine-driver 1905 5 5i dark black hazel .. long 12/11/35 3 p.c. in Australia. Scar on forehead. F.P. Released on license and deported. (See P.G., 1932, p. 394, and Photos, p. 71.) Kenny, Wellington Wellington 8/11/3531/10/35 prohibited immigrant theft . be deported days 14 * ' * N. Zealand labourer and painter 1891 5 1\ fair fair blue medium.. 13/11/35 25 p.c. Clasped hands and heart on right forearm ; woman on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 675, and Photos, 1925, p. 43.) Wellington M.C. 31/10/35 theft .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer and 1891 5 7-1 fair fair blue medium.. 13/11/35 25 p.c. Clasped hands and heart on right painter forearm ; woman on left forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, p. 675, and Photos, White, Murray Wellington 12/11/35 assault days N. pastrycook 1906 5 sallow fair hazel long, 14/11/35 1925, p. 43.) 1 p.c. Deaf. F.P. (See P.G., 1927, p. 646.) broken 14/11/35 1 p.c. Deaf. F.P. (See P.G., 1927, p. 646.) John Jamieson, broken Feilding M.C... 18/10/35 indecent language 1 month (Scotland .. labourer 1890 5 9-|-fresh grey blue broad 16/11/35 15 p.c. Strong build ; little fingers bent; Grady, Jack scar on back of each hand and over right eye ; left little toe missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, pp. 342 and 640, and )uiu>djn Photos, 1926, p. 85.) Feilding M.C... 18/10/35 indecent language 1 month Scotland .. labourer 1890 5 9J fresh grey blue broad 16/11/35 15 p.c. Strong build ; little fingers bent; scar on back of each hand and over right eye ; left little toe missing. F.P. (See P.G., 1935, pp. 342 and 640, and Photos, 1926, p. 85.) Hampstead, HastOamaru M.C... 30/10/35 theft from dwelling .. 14 days —.... N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 8 copper... black brown .. medium.. 12/11/35 See P.G., 1935, p. 676, and Photos. 1928, Royce, James ' . , . •; ' . ' ' 1 p. 78. Oamaru M.C... 30/10/35 theft from dwelling 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 8 1 copper .. j black brown .. medium.. ' 1 12/11/35 See P.G., 1935, p. 676, and Photos. 1928, p. 78.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LX, Issue 47, 27 November 1935, Page 699

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LX, Issue 47, 27 November 1935, Page 699

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LX, Issue 47, 27 November 1935, Page 699