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The Accused Persons Legal Aid Regulations, 1933. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 367.) BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 28th day of February, 1933. Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. PURSUANT to section one hundred and eighty-five of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”), His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, and with the concurrence therein so far as the regulations hereinafter mentioned amount to rules of procedure in relation to proceedings in the Supreme Court of the Right Honourable the Chief Justice and of seven other members of the Rules Committee constituted under the Judicature Amendment Act, 1930 (three of such other members being Judges of the Supreme Court), doth hereby make the following regulations. °

REGULATIONS I. Preliminary.

1. These regulations may be cited as “ The Accused Persons Legal Aid Regulations, 1933.”

2. These regulations shall come into force from the last day of March next.

3. On the coming into force of these regulations the regulations made under section 5 of the Justices of the Peace Amendment Act, 1912, on the 29th day of April, 1913, and published in the Gazette on the 15th day of May, 1918. at page 1608, and now enuring under the said Act, shall be revoked.

4. In these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context “ Judge ” means a .fudge of the Supreme Court ordinarily exercising the powers of the Court in the place where any sittings for the trial of criminal cases are held at which an accused person is committed to appear or held to bail in that behalf : “ Minister ” means the Minister of Justice.

11. Certificate of Justices

5. Every application for a certificate under section 182 of the said Act shall be made to the Justices immediately after they have intimated to the accused person their determination to commit him for trial.

6. Such application may, if the accused person so desires and the Justices think fit, be wholly heard in private ; and such part thereof as involves an inquiry into the means of the accused person shall in all cases be heard in private.

7. Before a certificate under section 182 of the said Act is given the Justices shall satisfy themselves as to the following matters :

(a) That the accused appears to have a defence which he may reasonably and properly set up upon his trial; ( b ) That having regard to the nature of the defence proposed to be set up by such accused person it is desirable in the interests of justice that he should have legal aid in the preparation and conduct of his defence ; (c) That the means of the accused are insufficient to enable him to obtain legal aid in the preparation and

conduct of his defence,

8. The Justices may be satisfied that the accused appears to have a defence which he may reasonably and properly set up upon his trial (а) By statements made by the accused on the hearing of the charge or on the application made immediately after such hearing for a certificate under the said section 182 ; or (б) By evidence called by the accused on the hearing of the charge ; or (c) By questions asked by or on behalf of the accused person upon cross-examination of witnesses for the prosecution; or ( d Where the interests of justice seem so to require (as in the case of doubtful identification of the accused person, or absence of corroboration, or insufficient corroboration of material evidence for the prosecution) by matter appearing upon the face of the depositions of witnesses for the prosecution.

9. The fact that an accused person has been represented by a barrister or solicitor in the proceedings before the Justices shall be taken as prima facie evidence that the means of the accused are not insufficient to enable him to obtain legal aid in the preparation and conduct of his defence. 10. The means of an accused person are not insufficient to enable him to obtain legal aid in the preparation and conduct of his defence

(а) If for that purpose he is able to borrow money or obtain money from his relatives or friends ; or (б) If he is able to obtain such legal aid without prepay-

ment of the cost thereof.

11. If the Justices are satisfied of the matters of which by the said Act they are required to be satisfied, then before a certificate under section 182 of the said Act is given, the grounds upon which the Justices are so satisfied shall be set out in writing by the Justices, and such -writing shall be signed by the accused person and enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed by the Justices to the Judge. The said sealed envelope shall be transmitted to the Registrar of the Court with the certificate of the Justices. The grounds aforesaid shall not, except as hereinbefore provided, be disclosed before the trial of the accused person, but at the trial shall be disclosed to counsel for the Crown and may with the leave of the Judge presiding at the trial be used as evidence against such accused person. 12. Every certificate of the Justices under the said section 182 shall be in the form set out in the Schedule hereto and shall be given in duplicate. 13. One of such duplicate copies shall be forthwith transmitted by the Justices to the Minister and the other to the Registrar of the Court at the place to which the accused person is committed for trial. 111. Direction by Judge.

14. Every application for the direction of a Judge under section 183 of the said Act shall be in writing signed by the accused person making the application and addressed to the Judge, and shall be delivered to the Registrar of the Court, and if the accused person so desires may be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed and delivered as aforesaid. 15. Each such application shall state fully and clearly the following matters : (a) The nature of the defence which the accused person intends to set up upon his trial; (b) Whether such defence was or was not disclosed in accordance with these regulations to the Justices by whom the accused person was committed for trial; (c) Whether the accused person did or did not apply to such Justices for a certificate under the said section 182 in accordance with the foregoing regulations ; ( d If such defence was not so disclosed the reason why it was not so disclosed ; (e) If the accused person did not apply to the Justices for such certificate the reason why he did not so apply ; (/) That the means of the accused are insufficient to enable him to obtain legal aid in the preparation and

conduct of his defence

16. The Judge receiving such application as aforesaid may if he thinks fit refer the same to the committing Justices or to any other Justices to make the same inquiries as the committing Justices would have been required to make under these regulations if an application for a certificate under the said section 182 had been made in the first instance to the committing Justices.

17. If the accused person is in the custody of a Gaoler then the Gaoler shall when required so to do by the Justices to whom the application is referred and with the consent of the accused person, produce the accused person at the time and place appointed by such Justices to enable him to be present at the making of such inquiries as aforesaid. 18. The Justices to whom any application is referred by a Judge shall with all due dispatch report to the Judge in writing the result of the inquiries made as aforesaid. 19. The Registrar shall immediately notify the Minister of any directions given by a Judge under section 183 of the said Act.

IV. List of Practitioners,

20. Every Registrar of the Supreme Court shall from time to time request the District Law Society of the district in which the Registry is situate to ascertain and forward to him the names of persons who, in the opinion of the Society, are fit and proper persons to act and who are qualified and willing to act under these regulations in the defence of accused persons to be tried at sittings of the Court held at the place in which such Registry is situate. 21. The District Law Society may at any time notify names for addition to or removal from such list and the name of any person may be removed from the fist on his own written request to the Registrar. 22. Every such list shall be approved by a Judge ordinarily exercising the powers of the Court in the district in which such Registry is situate, and any such Judge may at any time remove any name therefrom or add any name thereto.

V. Assignment of Defending Practitioner

23. Every Registrar receiving from Justices a certificate under these regulations shall forthwith place the same before a Judge. 24. The Judge before whom any certificate of the Justices is laid or any Judge directing that defence be provided may name any person for that purpose from the list aforesaid, or if there shall be no such list or if none of the persons therein named shall be willing to act then he may name some other qualified person for that purpose. 25. The Registrar shall immediately notify the Minister of any nomination made under the last preceding regulation. 26. If at any time it is made to appear to the Minister that an accused person has sufficient means to enable him to obtain legal aid in the preparation and conduct of his defence, the Minister may direct that no legal aid or (as the case may be) no further legal aid be afforded to such accused person under these regulations, and on the communication of such direction to the Registrar no nomination under these regulations shall be made or if made shall have any further effect, and on the communication of such direction to the person nominated such person shall not be entitled to fees under these regulations for any appearance work or matter subsequent to the communication to him of such direction.

VI. Allowances to Defending Practitioners,

27. Except as hereinafter provided every person appointed under these regulations to defend any accused person will be granted an inclusive allowance of the same amount as the fee from time to time prescribed by the Crown Legal Business Regulations, 1932, as being payable to the Crown Solicitor as counsel on the prosecution of the same person on the same charge (but without reference to any fee allowed to a Crown Solicitor as solicitor for preparing an indictment or other matter). 28. Every person appointed under these regulations to defend any accused person on a charge punishable by sentence of death will be granted an inclusive allowance of £5 ss. for each day occupied at the trial and a like allowance of £5 ss. for each full day (not exceeding 5 days in all) occupied in preparing for trial. 29. The allowances payable under these regulations shall be deemed to cover all charges for the issue of subpoenas, the procuring and issue of process to bring up witnesses in custody, and all other proceedings or preparation connected with or incidental to the trial. 30. Allowances in a case reserved for the consideration of the Court of Appeal, or on an application for a new trial or an appeal against sentence, shall be such as shall be fixed by the Minister in each case. 31. Except as provided in the next succeeding regulation no person appointed under these regulations shall, whether in the capacity of barrister or in the capacity of solicitor, and whether from the accused person or any other person, and whether directly or indirectly receive any fee or remuneration or any contract or promise to pay any fee or remuneration in respect of his services in the defence of such accused person. 32. Nevertheless the Judge may on application made to him in writing signed by the practitioner and upon full disclosure of all facts connected therewith allow any fee or remuneration specified by the Judge to be received by any person in respect of his services in the defence of an accused person.

33. Any person receiving any fee or remuneration in breach of Regulation 31 hereof shall thereafter be disqualified from nomination under these regulations until on the recommendation of a District Law Society a Judge has directed that such disqualification be removed.

VII. Disbursements

34. In addition to the foregoing fees payment may be made of all disbursements reasonably and properly incurred and certified by the Registrar as having been so incurred for the purposes of trial.

35. To every accused person to whom legal aid has been extended under these regulations there shall be supplied without charge one copy of the depositions under which such accused person has been committed for trial unless a copy thereof has already been so supplied pursuant to an order of a Justice made under section 168 of the said Act.

36. No witness for the accused person shall be paid any expenses by the Crown unless the Crown Solicitor certifies that the attendance of such witness was reasonably necessary or that the witness gave material evidence for the defence. 37. In cases where expenses to -witnesses are payable such expenses shall be paid according to the scale set out for Supreme Court trials in the Regulations for Payment of Witnesses, 1931.

VIII. Persons jointly charged.

38. Where legal aid is extended under these regulations to more persons than one who are jointly charged or indicted, then unless the Justices otherwise recommend and it appears to the Minister that the defence of such persons may conflict and that such persons may properly sever their defences, or unless in the case of an application to a Judge such Judge otherwise directs, only one practitioner shall be assigned, one set of fees be allowed, and one copy of depositions be supplied.


In the matter of an accused person committed for trial at the next sitting of the Supreme Court, upon a charge of We (or I), the undersigned , the committing Justices (or Magistrate) in the prosecution of the abovementioned , do hereby certify to the Honourable the Minister of Justice that after due inquiry we (or I) have satisfied ourselves (or myself) that the above-named accused person has a defence which may reasonably and properly be set up upon his trial; and that we (or I) have further satisfied ourselves (or myself) that from the nature of the defence disclosed by the said accused person it is desirable in the interests of justice that he should have legal aid in the preparation and conduct of the defence so disclosed by the said accused person ; and that we (or I) have also satisfied ourselves (or myself) that the means of the said accused person are insufficient to enable him to obtain such legal aid. As witness our (or my) hands (or hand) this day of , 19 . F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Reappointment of Honorary Child Welfare Officers. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 376.) Education Department, Wellington, 27th February, 1933. IN pursuance of section 2 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925, I, Robert Masters, Minister of Education, do hereby reappoint the following persons as Honorary Child Welfare Officers for the purposes of the said Act, for the period ending 31st December, 1933 :

Name. District. Watt, Archibald H. .. .. Te Kao. Martin, Mrs. Mabel E. G. .. .. Russell. Brown, Rev. Hubert G. .. .. Paparoa. Brown, Mrs. Irene M. .. .. Paparoa. White, Sister Emmeline M. .. Helensville. Johnson, Rev. Richard H... .. Helensville. Seamer, Rev. Arthur J. .. Auckland. Adair, George .. .. .. Auckland. Holbrook, Very Rev. Archdeacon .. Auckland. O’Neill, Rev. Father .. .. Auckland. Haslam, George .. .. .. Pukekohe. Vickers, Rev. William .. .. Coromandel. Norrie, Mrs. Clara .. .. Coromandel. Fear, Rev. Alfred.. .. .. Thames. Miller, Mrs. Sarah A. .. .. Thames. Bush-King, Rev. Charles J. .. Huntly. Cato, Leonard .. .. .. Hamilton. Paul, William 11. .. .. Hamilton. Ross, Mrs. Hilda .. .. .. Hamilton. Day, Arthur E. .. .. .. Paeroa. Taylor, Rev. Cecil R. .. .. Tauranga. Christian, Mrs. Mary W. .. .. Tauranga. Davis, Rev. Alfred J. .. .. Te Puke. Davis, Mrs. Edith S. .. .. Te Puke. Waymouth, Rev. Stephen .. .. Whakatane. McCracken, Mrs. Ethel .. .. Whakatane. Horwell, Rev. Arthur D. .. .. Edgecombe. Nesbit, Robert B. .. .. Rotorua. Laughton, Rev. John G. .. .. Taupo. Henry, Sister Annie .. .. Ruatahuna. Cochrane, Mrs. Annie E. .. .. Mourea. Blackman, Arnold .. .. Te Kuiti. Jordan, Mrs. Jessie .. .. Te Kuiti. Woodhouse, James L. .. .. Ohura. Pahewa, Rev. Hakaraia .. .. Te Kaha. Anderson, Rev. John J. .. Waipiro Bay. Bartrum, Miss Irene S. .. .. Tolaga Bay. Tamahori, Rev. Pine .. .. Tuparoa. Teua, Te Kani .. .. .. Waihirere. Beer, Mrs. Ada E. .. .. Gisborne. Hayden, Henry J. ' .. .. Ruatoria and Tikitiki Thompson, Mrs. Mary .. .. Opotiki. Woodley, Frederick T. .. .. Nuhaka.

Name. District. Scott, John 0. .. .. Wairoa. Banks, Nurse Isabel .. .. Wairoa. Jeffrey, Rev. Harold H. .. .. Dannevirke. Pickard, Mrs. Kate .. .. Dannevirke. Drake, Rev. William T. .. Waipawa. Birss, Mrs. Beanie .. .. Tangarakau. McAllister, James .. .. Whangamomona.. Vaughan, Henry E. .. .. Waitara. Johnson, Oscar .. .. .. New Plymouth. Clough, Bertram .. .. .. Inglewood. Mclnnes, William.. .. .. Stratford. Bridger, Ira J. .. .. Eltham. Carter, Mrs. Florence J. .. Eltham. Hughson, Thomas P. (sen.) .. Rahotu. Hughson, Thomas P. (jun.) .. Opunake. Yarrow, Alfred H. .. .. Manaia. Haddon, Charles J. .. .. Hawera. Wainwright, Alfred E. .. .. Patea. Dallison, Edward C. .. .. Waverley. Jones, Joseph .. .. .. Ohakune. Leonard, Rev. Pakeke H. .. Marton. Bill, Mrs. Mary .. .. .. Marton. Tingey, James S. .. .. Feilding. Sugden, Mrs. Annie .. .. Feilding. Woods, Charles .. .. .. Palmerston North. Keay, David S. .. .. .. Woodville. Burnett, Mrs. Nona M. .. .. Woodville. Homblow, John K. .. .. Foxton. Rangiheuea, Roore .. .. Foxton. Tahiwi, Pirimi .. .. .. Otaki. Paterson, Mrs. Mary K. W. .. Pahiatua. Greathead, Henry E. .. ' .. Eketahuna. Wiltshire, Rev. Percy .. .. Pongaroa. Bate, Arthur C. .. .. .. Masterton. Munro, Miss Isabella .. .. Masterton. Hardie, Rev. Alexander .. .. Martinborougli. Griffith, John H. .. .. Martinborough. Shepherd, Norman C. .. .. Featherston. Kingi, Hamuera Tamahau .. Carterton. Wakelin, Ronald P. .. .. Carterton. Wolters, Miss Olive W. .. .. Carterton. Linton, Andrew .. .. .. Whareoto. Ambrose, Sister Mary .. .. Upper Hutt. McCallum, Donald .. .. Blenheim. Louden, Rev. John .. .. Picton. Harkness, George M. P. .. .. Nelson. St. Emphram, Sister Mary .. Nelson. Stewart, Henry J. .. .. Motucka. Stewart, Mrs. Ethel .. .. Motueka. Evans, Rev. David S. .. .. Takaka. Evans, Mrs. Ruth .. .. Takaka. Quintrell, Canon Frederick .. Brightwater. Smith, Canon Thomas J. .. .. Wakefield. Edgar, Rev. William .. .. Motupiko. Wyllie, Mrs. Margaret B. .. .. Murchison. Corney, Rev. Samuel .. .. Collingwood. Collins, Rev. Leonard K. .. .. Granitv. Stevens, Andrew W. .. .. Westport. Long, Rev. Father .. .. Greymouth. Jermyn, Venerable Archdeacon .. Greymouth. Murray, Mrs. Maude .. .. Kaikoura. Aidan, Rev. Mother .. .. Christchurch. McEldowney, Arthur J. .. Christchurch. Malden, Rev. Edward E. .. .. Amberley. Caverhill, Miss Alice Helen .. Oxford. Osmers, Rev. Eric A. .. .. Mount Somers, Mayfield, and Methven. Vercoe, Rev. George D. .. Ashburton. Edwards, Mrs. Wilhelmina .. Temuka. Hughes, Bernard .. .. .. Temuka. Long, Frederick E. S. .. .. Timaru. Dash, George .. .. .. Waimate. Betten, Mrs. Mary .. .. Waimate. Curtis, Mrs. Rita A. .. .. Geraldine. Maxwell, James .. .. .. Oamaru. Panckhurst, William .. .. Oamaru. Kibble white, Frederick William .. Oamaru. Simpson, Walter G. R. .. ' .. Oamaru. Scott, Mrs. Mary A. .. .. Oamaru. Jeffs, Robert J. .. .. Waitaki Hydro. Hill-Scully, James .. .. Moeraki. Moore, Captain Thomas R. .. Palmerston South. Paul, Sister Mary .. .. Dunedin. Barton, Rev. Henry H. .. Lawrence. Roy, William .. .. .. Balclutha. Beresford, Miss Gertrude E. .. Waiwera South. Bringans, William .. .. Alexandra. Gilmour, James B. .. .. Roxburgh. McNeur, Rev. Archibald .. .. Milton. Fraser, Robert N. J. .. .. Gore. Anderson, Dr. William A. .. .. Queenstown. Warren, Mrs. Margaret S. .. .. Queenstown. Campbell, James .. .. .. Lumsden. Rice, Stanley .. .. .. Wyndham. Wildey, Donald .. .. .. Winton. Wildey, Mrs. Elizabeth .. .. Winton. Excell, Walter .. .. .. Ohai and Nightcaps. Stancombe, Mrs. Mary .. .. Tuatapere. Saunders, Mrs. Mabel .. .. Otautau. Brown, Mrs. Margaret A. S.. .. Invercargill. Ewart, Rev. William W. .. .. Bluff. Sloper, Mrs. Catherine F. .. .. Glenorchy. R. MASTERS, Minister of Education.

Appointment of Honorary Child Welfare Officers. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 377.) Education Department, Wellington, 27th February, 1933. IN pursuance of section 2 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925, I, Robert Masters, Minister of Education, do hereby appoint tho following persons as Honorary Child Welfare Officers for the purposes of the said Act, for the period ending 31st December, 1933: — Name. District. Boyd- Rev. Henry J. .. .. Kawhia. Silvester, Rev. Archie W. E. .. .. Otorohanga. Drew, Miss Gertrude Annie .. .. New Plymouth. Wood, Leonard .. .. .. Waipukurau. White, Rev. Hedley .. .. .. Grevtown. Bell, Rev. William .. .. .. Reef ton. Thwaites, Mrs. Emily Robbins .. Rangiora. R. MASTERS, Minister of Education.

Coroner appointed. Nevill Jupp Ray, Esq., J.P., Te Aroha. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 377.)

Justice of the Peace resigns. Frank Woodfield Stringer, Esq., Hamilton. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 377.)

Clerk of Court appointed. Sergeant Miller Easthope Hill, Temuka. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 377.)

Prohibition of tiftoney-order and Postal Correspondence. G. Dryden, Post-office Box 273, Invercargill. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 378.)

Sale of Unclaimed Property. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1933, page 380.)

Police Department, Wellington, Ist March, 1933. IT is hereby notified that unclaimed property in the hands of the police at the various police stations will, if not claimed before Saturday, the 18th March, 1933, be sold thereafter by public auction.

Particulars as to the time and place of sale may be obtained from the Superintendent or Inspector of Police in charge of the district.

W. G. Wohlmann, Commissioner of Police

2 —P.G.

3 —P.G,

W. Printer, Authority

Offender. Name jWhere tried, When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. | Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. Sullivan, James New 16/2/33 assault called to Tasmania labourer 1893 ft. in. 4 5 fresh black brown medium groin. on Bernard New 15/2/33 bodily acquitted N. labourer 1910 5 fair fair blue medium 8i fair fair blue medium William Plymouth New 16/2/33 causing acquitted N. and 1891 5 fair dark, turning blue medium.. Mole on left temple ; left middle finger missing. H fair dark, turning blue medium.. Mole on left temple ; left middle finger missing. ' negligent handsawmill y Mon- Charles, Plymouth 13/2/33 defraud to bill N. and 1909 5 fresh light brown.. blue turned to See P.G., 1932, p. 751, and Photos, p. 14. n fresh light brown.. blue turned to See P.G., 1932, p, 751, and Photos, p. 14. tague poultry man left Photos, Logie, James, Plymouth 13/2/33 conspiracy billno Scotland showman 1903 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Stanley Plymouth 16/2/33 and entering years’ probation N. labourer 1903 5 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. long Four moles on right cheek; mole on left cheek. 6? sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. long Four moles on right cheek; mole on left cheek. breaking, intent; and ing, and * Saxton, Plymouth 16/2/33 and and years’ N. labourer 1903 5 dark brown brown .. medium.. Two boil-scars on back of neck. Hi dark brown brown .. medium.. Two boil-scars on back of neck. intententering AlphonsoGallagher, Plymouth New 18/2/33 charges) a years’ probation Queensland clerk 1886 9 dark dark, turning brown .. medium 9 dark dark, turning brown .. medium Tregea grey Scar of on forehead; William Norman, N. 7/2/33 bodily assault causing 1 year’s Zealand labourer 1897 5 dark brown ., blue medium.. brown blue medium.. with detention of p. to bodily on each ; and property on each Scar on each forearm, on upper lip, and on left theft (3 charges); receiving James, Jameson, @ N. 7/2/33 1 year on each N. Zealand painter 1895 o 10£ dark dark, turning brown .. long Scar on each forearm, on upper lip, and on left theft (3 charges); receiving 1 year on each IN. Zealand painter 1895 5 10£ dark dark, turning brown .. long James, stolen charges) ( grey slight (See Valentine and habitual an criminal p. p. Allen Palmerston 8/2/33 murder acquitted N. farmer 1916 8 fresh dark blue grey medium.. Left eye artificial. 8 fresh dark blue grey medium.. Left eye artificial. Barney Vincent . N. 10/2/33 breaking, and 2 years Australia labourer 1903 1 florid dark blue medium.. Butterfly on left forearm ; scar on forehead and on right palm; wears glasses. (See P.G., 1932/ p. 374, and Photos, 1931, p. 40.) 1 florid dark blue medium.. Butterfly on left forearm ; scar on forehead and on right palm ; wears glasses. (See P.G., 1932, p. 374, and Photos, 1931, p. 40.1 Reginald Fielding, . N. 11/2/33 assault acquitted N. labourer 1912 8 copper .. dark brown .. flat A half-caste Maori ; strong build ; erect gait. 8 copper .. dark brown .. flat A half-caste Maori; strong build ; erect gait. and Frederick, Thomas @ N. 13/2/33 false . charges) on years Zealand labourer 1895 8* 5 sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on right thigh, on forehead, on right shin 8| sallow .. brown blue medium.. Scar on right thigh, on forehead, on right shin Frederick Rusling, and an habitual criminal years’ 3 of hand. (See Photos, p. Thomas Betts, Harry Christchurch 6/12/32 and entering, England fireman 1898 5 fair brown brown .. long Cross, IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER, 7 fair brown brown .. long Cross, IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER, and ; attempted detention heart ; and each on hand MAN’S ; intent and on left P.G., and 1926, 1.) p.


of Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. s *3 W Complexion. Hair. Byes, Nose. Distinguishing Marks, *0. . Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eye<, Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Edward Christchurch 6/12/32 and 3 Zealand N. labourer 1907 ft 5 in. 8 sallow dark brown . medium. (See and on charges) detention each on and p. p. Goodwin Goodin, Christchurch 6/12/32 and entering, breaking, years’ Zealand N. andlinesman 1904 5 7 sallow . brown grey medium and p. p. changes) theft and detention each on taxi-driver P.G., side. (See John Christchurch 6/12/32 theft and entering, breaking, probation Scotland andseaman 1913 5 9i fresh fair blue medium. charges) miner Photos, p. EricDean, @ Christchurch 6/12/32 and entering, each Zealand clerk 1904 5 i fair fair blue medium Two Gerald charges) and p. 10.) p. Valdimar Mervyn Berggren, Christchurch 6/12/32 breaking, reforma- years’ Zealand N. labourer 1909 5 8 fresh brown grey . medium. Christ- Tip charges) (2 detention each on 28.) p. Maurice Christchurch 6/12/32 and entering, breaking, each year England and 1906 6 0 fresh fair brown . . medium Photo at Christchurch, and windowdresser Wilden Christchurch 6/12/32 ; entering, breaking, each . year Zealand taxi-driver 1909 5 10 dark brown. dark brown . medium. Photo at Christchurch, and top ; Fer- Daniel, Christchurch 6/12/32 burglary reformaZealand labourer 1882 5 5 fresh dark, brown medium. Ferguson, John, guson, Leonard Cyril detention grey and p. p. Webb Gordon Christchurch 6/12/32 of reformaZealand cartage 1909 5 9 dark dark . blue medium. 60. and p. p. detention tractor P.G., at Christchurch, Mansell Christchurch 15/12/32 and breaking, reforma- years Zealand N. carpenter 1905 5 84 fresh fair hazel . medium. charges) (17 detention on 1933, p. 27.) Eagle and snake on right forearm ; right leg 1899 1933, p. 27.) Eagle and snake on right forearm ; right leg Heath, Christchurch 15/12/32 charges) forgery on Zealand N. and 5 7 fresh dark blue medium.. 1899 5 7 fresh dark blue medium.. electrician Photo scar withered Christchurch, 30/11/32. Christensen, Christchurch 15/12/32 and entering, breaking, probation Zealand N. confectioner 1900 5 11 fresh fair blue medium and groin, of on charges) on ; right at John Christchurch 15/12/32 and entering, years’ probation Zealand salesman 1904 5 10 fresh curly dark, brown . medium. Christchurch, at or . .Hook, Christchurch 7/2/33 and ; acquitted N. Zealand carrier 1908 5 4* fresh brown hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1929, p. 152, and Photos, 1926, p. 54. property Photo at Christchurch, 2/11/32. theft acquitted N. Zealand carrier 1908 5 4* fresh brown hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1929, p. 152, and Photos, 1926, p. 54. GoodChristchurch 9/2/33 acquitted N. Zealand domestic 1908 5 4 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Photo at Christchurch, 2/11/32. theft acquitted N. Zealand domestic 1908 5 4 fresh brown grey . • medium.. Myra stolen property receiving month Scar above right eye, on right elbow, and on medium.. Scar above right eye, on right elbow, and on Horace Christchurch 7/2/33 knowledge if up Zealand butcher 1912 5 10 fresh dark, curly brown . medium.. on forearm. right Thomas Morris, Christchurch 9/2/33 and entering, 1 Zealand blacksmith . . 1905 5 9 fresh brown. light blue medium. Scar p. eye. stolen and detention property on theft acquitted JosephThompson, Christchurch 8/2/33 breach of Chattels Transfer Act acquitted N. Zealand farmer 1880 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Strong build. 8/2/33 breach of Chattels Transfer . Act acquitted N. Zealand farmer 1880 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Strong build. .

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS—continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Name of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Harks, Kiddey, Cedric Christchurch 9/2/33 and in Zealand motor1911 in. ft. 5 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on right knee. (See P.G., 1932, p. 588.) in. fresh brown grey .. medium.. Scar on right knee. (See P.G., 1932, p. 588.) andentering Institution on trimmer Hender- @ son William of probation each Christchurch 9/2/33 false sending 1 Zealand cheesemaker 1902 6 1 fair auburn grey medium See and p. Christchurch 8/2/33 abortion acquitted N. Zealand chemist 1889 5 fresh light brown.. blue medium H fresh light brown.. blue medium LancelotWatkins, Cyril Ingram, Emanuel Christchurch 7/2/33 abduction acquitted Zealand dealer 1896 5 4 fresh fair grey . medium. neck. p. Christchurch 7/2/33 Act. acquitted Zealand bootmaker . 1870 5 7 sallow grey blue medium. stooped. McCorkindale, Archibald WilChristchurch 11/2/33 theft 1 year’s reformaN. Zealand metal dealer 1896 5 7 fresh fair blue medium.. Photo at Christchurch, 31/10/32. (See P.G., Charles liam tive detention 1925, p. 100.) Archibald McCorkindale, Palmer, Alfred Christchurch Christchurch 11/2/33 11/2/33 theft as a servant 4 years N. Zealand clerk 1902 5 6i dark black brown .. medium.. Scar on right knee. Photo at Christchurch, theft 1 year’s reformaN. Zealand metal dealer 1896 5 7 fresh fair blue medium.. Photo at Christchurch, 31/10/32. (See P.G., Wiseman, Walter Vernon .. 17/12/32. Christchurch 11/2/33 theft as a servant 4 years N. Zealand clerk 1899 5 9£ fresh fair grey .. medium.. Photo at Christchurch, 17/12/32. Thomas, Walter .. Christchurch 11/2/33 forgery .. 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 4 dark grey brown .. medium.. Heart and clasped hands over WALTER on Eather, Wallace Percy, @ and prohibited right forearm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 196.) Scar and woman’s head on left upper arm. Christchurch 11/2/33 indecent assault (2 charges) 2 years on each .. Australia .. labourer 1902 5 7 sallow .. dark brown.. blue medium.. Hunwick, Stanley Herbert McPeak, Charles Edgar Photo at Christchurch, 7/1/33. (See P.G., 1932, p. 659.) Christchurch 11/2/33 theft (9 charges) .. 15 months’ ref orN. Zealand salesman 1890 5 n sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. medium.. Scar on right side of neck. mative detention on each ing grey Shell, Frederick Samuel Timaru 1/2/33 buggery with human being 6 years on each .. England .. ex - rector of 1876 5 6 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Bracelet and woman on rock on left forearm. (3 charges) attempted buggery (3 4 years on each orphanage charges) indecent assault on a male (2 charges) breaking, entering, and theft 3 years on each Williams, Henry .. Timaru 1/2/33 3 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 8 sallow .. grey blue medium Binns, William Charles Timaru 1/2/33 breaking, entering, and theft 3 years’ probation England .. seaman 1888 5 11 fresh fair blue medium.. Japanese woman and bird on right forearm ; scars between knees and ankles. Freeman, Eric William Dunedin 5/12/32 theft 3 years’ probation N. Zealand furrier 1912 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium Taylor, Alfred Edward Dunedin 14/12/32 breaking, entering, and theft 9 months’ reforN. Zealand carpenter .. 1893 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right thumb. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, (2 charges) mative detention on each 14/12/32. Semb, Reginald Merton Dunedin 6/2/33 receiving stolen goods 1 year .. N. Zealand showman and 1905 5 9^ fair light brown.. blue hooked, Sligktlv stooped ; scar on right forearm. (See electrician broken P.G., 1932, p. 129, and Photos, 1931, p. 47.) Finlay, Frank Noble Dunedin 10/2/33 indecent assault .. 1£ years’ reformaIndia traveller 1905 5 4* fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Small mole on throat. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, tive detention 10/2/33. (See P.G., 1922, p. 528.) Burt, Thorita Lilian Dunedin 10/2/33 concealment of birth to come up if called N. Zealand domestic 1913 5 5 fair brown blue medium.. Scar on chin and nose. on in 2 years tive detention 1925, p. 100.) liamPalmer, Alfred 11/2/33 theft as a servant 4 years N. Zealand clerk 1902 5 6* dark black brown .. medium.. Scar on right knee. Photo at Christchurch, Christchurch 17/12/32. Christchurch 11/2/33 theft as a servant 4 years N. Zealand clerk 1899 5 9£ fresh fair grey .. medium.. Photo at Christchurch, 17/12/32. Wiseman, Walter Thomas, 11/2/33 forgery .. 2 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 4 dark grey brown .. medium.. Heart and clasped hands over WALTER on Christchurch and prohibited • right forearm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 196.) Christchurch 11/2/33 indecent assault (2 charges) 2 years on each .. Australia .. labourer 1902 5 7 sallow .. dark brown.. blue medium.. Scar and woman’s head on left upper arm. Eather, Wallace Percy, Stanley Photo at Christchurch, 7/1/33. (See P.G., 1932, p. 659.) Christchurch 11/2/33 theft (9 charges) .. 15 months’ reforN. Zealand salesman 1890 5 n sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. medium.. Scar on right side of neck. mative detention on each ing grey McPeak, EdgarShell, 1/2/33 buggery with human being 6 years on each .. England .. ex - rector of 1876 5 6 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Bracelet and woman on rock on left forearm. (3 charges) attempted buggery (3 charges) indecent assault on a male (2 charges) breaking, entering, and theft 4 years on each orphanage 3 years on each '/ Timaru Timaru 1/2/33 3 years’ probation N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 8 sallow .. grey blue medium Williams, Henry Charles William Binns, 1/2/33 breaking, entering, and theft 3 years’ probation England .. seaman 1888 5 11 fresh fair blue medium.. Japanese woman and bird on right forearm ; scars between knees and ankles. Timaru Dunedin 5/12/32 theft 3 years’ probation N. Zealand furrier 1912 5 7 fresh brown grey .. medium William Eric Ereeman, Edward Alfred Taylor, 14/12/32 breaking, entering, and theft 9 months’ reforN. Zealand carpenter .. 1893 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on right thumb. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, (2 charges) mative detention on each 14/12/32. Dunedin Dunedin 6/2/33 receiving stolen goods 1 year .. N. Zealand showman and 1905 5 91 fair light brown.. blue .. hooked, Slightlv stooped ; scar on right forearm. (See electrician broken P.G., 1932, p. 129, and Photos, 1931, p. 47.) Merton Reginald Noble Finlay, 10/2/33 indecent assault .. 1£ years’ reformaIndia traveller 1905 5 4£fresh dark brown.. brown .. medium.. Small mole on throat. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, tive detention 10/2/33. (See P.G., 1922, p. 528.) Dunedin Dunedin 10/2/33 concealment of birth to come up if called N. Zealand domestic 1913 5 5 fair brown blue medium.. Scar on chin and nose. on in 2 years Burt, Thorita Lilian

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS—continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Mitchell, Hector Dunedin 10/2/33 attempted carnal knowledge 34 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1914 ft. in. 5 6 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar below left eye and on right forefinger. Campbell, Gordon Dunedin 22/11/32 theft as Government officer 3 years’ probation N. Zealand postmaster .. 1887 5 5£ fresh dark brown .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, 10/2/33. Scar on left thumb. Inglis, Alec . Dunedin 6/2/33 receiving stolen property .. acquitted N. Zealand motor mechanic dental 1909 5 6 fresh ginger blue medium.. See P.G., 1929, p. 302. Poison, Thomas Dunedin 8/2/33 assault causing bodily harm 5 years Scotland .. 1886 5 8 fresh grey, going brown .. medium.. Scar over right eve and on throat. (See P.G., VaneHarvey, Cecil Stacey, Stromberg, Noel @ Healey, DunedinDunedin DunedinDunedin 13/2/33 6/2/33 indecent assault on a male (2 charges) breaking and entering with intent receiving stolen property .. acquitted 3 years’ reformative detention to come up if called on in 6 months America .. N. Zealand mechanic organist and musician labourer and painter 1895 1885 5 10J 5 lii fresh sallow .. bald dark brown.. grey brown .. blue prominent broken .. 1931, p. 416, and Photos, 1928, p. 51.) Scar on left forearm and on tip of left middle finger; right ring-finger contracted. (See P.G., 1928, p. 792, and Photos, 1926, p. 4.) Dunedin Dunedin Dunedin Dunedin 10/2/33 22/11/32 6/2/33 8/2/33 13/2/33 6/2/33 attempted carnal knowledge theft as Government officer receiving stolen property .. assault causing bodily harm indecent assault on a male (2 charges) breaking and entering with intent receiving stolen property .. 3* years in Borstal Institution 3 years’ probation acquitted 5 years acquitted 3 years’ reformative detention to come up if called on in 6 months N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand Scotland .. America .. N. Zealand labourer postmaster .. motor mechanic dental mechanic organist and musician labourer and painter 1914 1887 1909 1886 1895 1885 ft. in. 5 6 5 5£ 5 6 5 8 5 10* 5 11* fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh sallow .. brown dark ginger grey, going bald dark brown.. grey brown .. brown .. blue brown .. brown .. blue medium.. medium.. medium.. medium.. prominent broken .. Scar below left eye and on right forefinger. F.P. Photo at Dunedin, 10/2/33. Scar on left thumb. See P.G., 1929, p. 302. Scar over right eye and on throat. (See P.G., 1931, p. 416, and Photos, 1928, p. 51.) Scar on left forearm and on tip of left middle finger; right ring-finger contracted. (See P.G., 1928, p. 792, and Photos, 1926, p. 4.) — — - -

RETURN OF PERSONS DEALT WITH AT SUPREME COURTS—continued. (For Index, see General Index.)

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Murray, Kaitaia 17/2/33 assault if Maori farmer 1906 ft. in. 6 copper black brown . medium Jack 1 Kaitaia 17/2/33 assault . fined Maori labourer 1907 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium 5 8 copper .. black brown .. medium Harris, language fined Kaitaia 17/2/33 assault . fined Maori labourer 1908 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium 5 9 copper .. black brown .. medium Hector obscene fined Whangarei .. 6/2/33 fighting . . fined Scotland miner 1903 5 9 pale black brown .. medium 5 9 pale black brown .. medium Balfour, Whangarei 6/2/33 fighting fined Scotland miner 1893 6 0 fresh brown, going brown .. medium.. Scar above left eyebrow. 6 0 fresh brown, going bald fair brown .. medium.. Scar above left eyebrow. Albert Warkworth . 14/2/33 theft . fined England labourer 1911 5 10 fair • bald fair brown .. medium.. Scar under left eye and under chin. 5 10 fair • brown .. medium.. Scar under left eye and under chin. Myrtle Auckland 18/2/33 attempted to up N. Zealand married 1902 5 4 fair brown hazel .. medium 5 4 fair brown hazel .. medium Straker, J in on months Auckland 18/2/33 theft and England . salesman 1897 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 4/2/33. (See P.G., 5 8 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 4/2/33. (See P.G., Kirman, Frederick William Auckland charges) charged 1932, p. Rose and MOTHER on left upper arm ; clasped 20/2/33 fighting fined England freezer1912 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Rose and MOTHER on left upper arm ; clasped worker and Jacobsen, Auckland 20/2/33 theft fined Norway seaman 1882 5 7| ruddy .. dark brown blue broad .. heart on left forearm. H.K.J. on right wrist; pitted face ; scar on 5 H ruddy .. dark brown blue broad .. heart on left forearm. H.K.J. on right wrist; pitted face; scar on White, Albert Auckland 20/2/33 theft fined Zealand fisherman 1892 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium.. bridge of nose. See P.G., 1929, p. 652. } £ 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium. < bridge of nose. See P.G., 1929, p. 652. } £ Chan Auckland 20/2/33 of possession opium fined China fruiterer 1888 5 H sallow .. black brown .. medium.. 5 H sallow .. black brown .. V medium.. Law Poon Auckland 20/2/33 for premises purpose of fined .. China fruiterer 1889 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium 5 3 sallow .. black brown .. medium Harry Auckland smoking opium 20/2/33 on purpose of fined £12 10s. .. China fruiterer 1901 5 10 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Three tattoo marks on left forearm. smoking opium theft of fined £12 10s. .. China fruiterer , .. 1901 5 10 sallow .. black brown .. medium.. Three tattoo marks on left forearm. William Auckland 21/2/33 , . fined £2 N. Zealand labourer and 1903 5 4i fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right calf ; anchor on back of left hand; seaman IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER, SCOTLAND, &c., on right forearm. (See smoking opium theft fined £2 N. Zealand labourer and 1903 5 4£ fresh brown hazel .. medium.. Scar on right calf ; anchor on back of left hand; seaman IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER, SCOTLAND, &c., on right forearm. (See J Auckland 21/2/33 receiving fined £2 N. Zealand mill hand .. 1901 5 7* fresh fair blue medium.. P.G., 1930, p. 69, and Photos, 1926, p. 16.) Burn-scar above right knee ; scar on back of , . fined £2 N. Zealand mill hand .. 1901 5 n fresh fair blue medium.. P.G., 1930, p. 69, and Photos, 1926, p. 16.) Burn-scar above right knee; scar on back of Auckland and p. p. j 21/2/33 language fined Wales seaman 1909 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Bouquet, TO MOTHER, DEATH BEFORE 5 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Bouquet, TO MOTHER, DEATH BEFORE 1 assault . fined and and on flag Auckland William 22/2/33 assault fined N. seaman 1904 5 4J fresh brown blue medium.. Fireman’s coat-of-arms, clasped hands, and 5 4£ fresh brown blue medium.. Fireman’s coat-of-arms, clasped hands, and obscene language pay on flag, shield, eagle George . Auckland 22/2/33 intoxicated charge of and N. Zealand engineer 1887 6 0 sallow .. dark brown .. long P.G., 1932, p. 552, and Photos, p. 87.) Scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1929, p. 476, and 6 0 sallow .. dark brown .. long P.G., 1932, p. 552, and Photos, p. 87.) Scar on left palm. (See P.G., 1929, p. 476, and Bythell, Eric Kenworthy motor-car cancelled cense months 6 p. Auckland 22/2/33 theft probation England . salesman 1902 5 11 1 fresh dark brown hazel .. sharp Left ring-finger missing. (See P.G., 1931, 5 11 fresh dark brown hazel .. sharp Left ring-finger missing. (See P.G., 1931, * p. 193, and Photos, p. 28.) ♦ p. 193, and Photos, p. 28.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol .

Name of Offender, Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. JQO ’o a Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. Joseph Auckland 22/2/33 (8 convicted N. Zealand printer 1910 ft. in. 5 10 fresh brown grey • • medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8/2/33. charged fined £25 N. Zealand printer 1910 ft. in. 5 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. F.P. Photo at Auckland, 8/2/33. Joseph Martin . Auckland 22/2/33 gaming-house keeping N. Zealand accountant 1898 5 8 dark dark brown brown .. medium fined £25 N. Zealand accountant 1898 5 8 dark dark brown brown .. medium AmosCulbert, Auckland 24/2/33 in and proCanada carrier 1895 5 fresh brown blue medium .. Mole on left temple ; right middle finger missing. 7 fresh brown blue medium.. Mole on left temple ; right middle finger missing. motor-car hibited 1931, p. John Auckland 24/2/33 fighting fined Zealand carter 1885 85 fresh red blue medium.. Scar on back of left hand ; heart on left forearm. (See P.G., 1929, p. 605, and Photos, p. 65.) 8 fresh red blue medium.. Scar on back of left hand ; heart on left forearm. (See P.G., 1929, p. 605, and Photos, p. 65.) Denham, George, Auckland 24/2/33 fighting fined Zealand labourer 1881 35 fresh brown grey .. largo Scar over right eye, on left thumb, and on bridge of nose. (See P.G., 1924, p. 38, and 3 fresh brown grey .. largo Scar over right eye, on left thumb, and on bridge of nose. (See P.G., 1924, p. 38, and Davis @ p. Patrick Jones, Auckland 24/2/33 charge in fined and N. engineer 1907 5 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left wrist and on right middle finger. 10 fresh brown brown .. medium.. Scar on left wrist and on right middle finger. motor-car cense cancelled for 1 year Auckland motor-car cense cancelled for 1 year Paulsen, . 24/2/33 theft (3 charges) .. convicted and disAmerica .. organist 1902 5 0* fair fair blue large Scar on back of left thumb and on right knee. charged (See P.G., 1931, p. 158, and Photos, 1930, p. 58.) Scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1931, p. 716.) Auckland 24/2/33 theft (3 charges) .. convicted and disAmerica .. organist 1902 5 6$ fair fair blue large Scar on back of left thumb and on right knee. charged 1 (See P.G., 1931, p. 158, and Photos, 1930, p. 58.) Scar on left thumb. (See P.G., 1931, p. 716.) Crawford, Gordon Dougald Auckland 24/2/33 trespass fined N. Zealand shop1907 5 fresh brown, wavy blue-grev large 4* fresh brown, wavy blue-grey large assistant Andrew, James Auckland ,. 24/2/33 book- on fined Zealand labourer 1909 10 fresh dark brown hazel .. large Two scars on left side ; scar on right side of 10 fresh dark brown hazel .. large Two scars on left side ; scar on right side of maker abdomen. (See p. Photos, 1929, p. Harrod, Walter Huntly 17/2/33 assault fined Zealand barman 1883 9 fresh brown, bald grey .. medium.. Stout build. 9 fresh brown, bald grey .. medium.. Stout build. Jimmy, Thames 24/2/33 theft fined Maori labourer 1898 5 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on left forefinger, on back of right hand, 6 copper .. black brown .. medium.. Scar on left forefinger, on back of right hand, Te @ • and below left knee. (SeeP.G., 1930, p. 860.) @ Mita, J.Mita, @ and below left knee. (SeeP.G., 1930, p. 860.) Leonard . Thames 24/2/33 book- on carrying fined Australia . labourer 1879 8 5 ruddy .. black blue medium.. Right eye removed. 8 ruddy .. black blue medium.. Right eye removed. maker Donaldson, Ohakune 24/2/33 charges) to up Zealand shop1913 5 pale dark blue-grey medium.. Mole on right side of face. n pale dark blue-grey medium.. Mole on right side of face. in 1 year assistant 6 months’ probaassistant Bland, Plymouth 13/2/33 theft England .. labourer and 1892 6 ii fresh black brown .. medium.. F.P. Chinese dragon on right forearm ; Daniel 6 months’ proba- and fined seaman and Lion on left forearm; mole on left England .. labourer and 1892 6 H fresh black brown .. medium.. F.P. Chinese dragon on right forearm ; Daniel and fined £1 shoulder. seaman and Lion on left forearm ; mole on left £1 shoulder. Gordon . Thomas Graham, Plymouth 13/2/33 theft 6 months’ probation and fined £1 convicted and disN. Zealand labourer 1887 5 5i fresh black brown .. medium.. Scar on bridge of nose. (SeeP.G., 1922, p. 176.) 1 6 months’ probation and fined £1 convicted and dish). Zealand labourer 1887 5 5£ fresh black brown .. medium.. Scar on bridge of nose. (See P.G., 1922, p. 176.) William New 22/2/33 trespass on Ireland labourer 1889 5 dark dark brown brown .. sharp Scar on right side of head, on right forearm, on Hi dark dark brown brown .. sharp Scar on right side of head, on right forearm, on charged back of two right of (See Photos, and p. Ina Myrtle Taihape 23/2/33 disorderly and charged 1 probation N. domestic 1915 5 sallow .. light brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left little finger. 4i sallow .. light brown grey .. medium.. Scar on left little finger. ArthurFerguson, Napier 23/2/33 theft . charges) N. hotel porter 1910 0 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Small scar on left side of chin. F.P. (See 0 fresh dark brown blue medium.. Small scar on left side of chin. F.P. (See - P.G., 625.) p.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol —continued.

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. X op ‘5 W Complexion. Hair. EyesNose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. o 1 M A CX3 *3 H Complexion. Hair. 1 EyesNose. Distinguishing Marks, &o. 20/2/33 England . r secretary and motorsalesman 18811 ft. 5 in. fresh —.. S 1 TJ hazel .. medium.. fined, £5 TT &>/7f3f. 1 year’s probation England .v secretary and motorsalesman 1889ft. in* 81 fresh X darkbrown hazel x ._. right-side df .abdomen. HP: Bee 102b, p. 773, and p. 73r)r 1 p.c. Swallow, sailing ship, and three pierced xcnysVVjagrover-fcwcrvat Robertson, *0/7 f3t1 year’s probation Of right -side of abdomen. RPf'" (See P.G., L92tT, p. 773, and Photos, .4921, p. 7&rj 1 p.c. Swallow, sailing smp, and three pierced Napier 22/2/33 theft N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 5 fresh light brown hazel .. snub hearts on left forearm; heart and roses on right forearm ; scar on right side of upper lip. (See P.G., 1929, p. 317.) Robertson, Martin, William Henry NapierNapier 22/2/3322/2/33 thefttheft N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 5 fresh light brown hazel .. snub hearts on left forearm; heart and roses on right forearm ; scar on right side of upper lip. (See P.G., 1929, p. 317.) 1 year’s probation N. Zealand fisherman .. 1913 5 8* fresh fair hazel . • prominent 2 p.c. for theft, not gazetted. scar on inside of left upper arm. Martin, Henry James Bell, NapierHastings 22/2/3320/2/33 theftobscene language 1 year’s probation N. Zealand fisherman .. 1913 5 8* fresh fair hazel .. prominent 2 p.c. for theft, not gazetted. scar on inside of left upper arm. fined £5 N. Zealand fruit-packer 1913 5 6 fresh brown blue medium.. Burn-scar on right forearm; scar on left side of neck. (See P.G., 1931, p. 86.) Bell, Henry HastingsHastings 20/2/3320/2/33 language. obscene language. fined fined N. Zealand N. Zealand fruit-packerslaughterman 19131910 55 67 freshfresh brownfair bluegrey medium.medium side on ; right face. of neck. (See P.G., 1931, p. 86.) Hollyman, Eric Henry William James Kreegher, HastingsDannevirke . 20/2/3323/2/33 obscene . language charges) fined 1 probation N. Zealand Zealand N. slaughterman labourer 19101911 56 70 freshpale fair brown light grey • • medium.. Moles on left side of face. blue large Scar on left side of forehead and on abdomen; two Kreegher, James William Dannevirke .. 23/2/33 theft (2 charges) .. 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer 1911 6 0 pale light brown blue large Scar on left side of forehead and on abdomen; two Henry slight ; Smith Dannevirke .. 22/2/33 charges) to Zealand labourer 1915 5 6 pale brown blue medium. on ; for y’rs intellect. Allan Wanganui 13/2/33 assault fined N. labourer 1904 5 8 sallow . brown grey medium Cooper, Wanganui . 11/2/33 probation and England labourer 1912 5 10 fresh brown brown medium. knee. (See right charged p. 512, and Photos, 1932, p. 77.) 1 year’s probation p. 512, and Photos, 1932, p. 77.) Wilkie, Wanganui 25/2/33 charges) N. Zealand labourer and cabinetmaker 1910 5 Hi sallow .. dark brown blue medium.. Scar on left hand. Photo at Wanganui, 25/2/33. Ruptured. Photo at Wanganui, 25/2/33. (See 1 year’s probation N. Zealand labourer and 1910 5 Hi sallow .. dark brown blue medium.. Scar on left hand. Photo at Wanganui, 25/2/33. cabinetmaker Ruptured. Photo at Wanganui, 25/2/33. (See Wilkie, Wanganui 25/2/33 theft probation 1 N. labourer 1881 5 7 fresh brown blue medium. P.G., 1911, p. 168.) *Vallis, Cecil Frederick P.G., 1911, p. 168.) Wanganui 22/2/33 wilful damage fined £2 Australia .. labourer 1910 5 8 fresh brown grey .. pug Strong build ; back of right hand broken ; scar giving false alarm of fire .. convicted and dison back of left hand. (See P.G., 1931, charged p. 332.) Vallis, CecilWade, Wanganui Wanganui 22/2/3322/2/33 damage . damage fined •fined Australia .N. labourerlabourer 19101908 55 8* dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Strong build ; scar on left side of chin and on 8 fresh brown grey .. pug Strong build ; back of right hand broken ; scar of false giving of . false giving and fined P.G., back of (See hand. finger charged p. 332.) Wade, Lloyd, Sydney Wanganui N. 22/2/3320/2/33 damage theft 2 year’s probation England .. labourer and 1907 5 11 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium.. Snake and sword on left upper arm; cross, and prohibited flax - mill anchor, heart, ship, KIA ORA, bathing girl, during that term hand flags, &c., on right forearm ; sunset, horse’s head, rose and scar on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 343.) fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8i dark dark brown brown .. medium.. Strong build; scar on left side of chin and on Pearson, John Meredith Palmerston N. 20/2/33 selling by auction without fined £5 on each N. Zealand auctioneer .. 1895 5 3 fresh brown blue large Strong build. (See P.G., 1928, p. 169.) license (2 charges) Famt birthmark on right side of neck ; large Britton, Ronald .. Palmerston N. 23/2/33 theft 1 year’s probation England .. labourer 1916 5 2 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. wart on back. F.P. McLeod, Frank Ernest Palmerston N. 23/2/33 theft (9 charges) .. to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 6 fresh ginger blue medium.. Cannot read. (See P.G., 1927, p. 532.) on in 1 year Prentice, John Frederick Palmerston N. 24/2/33 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if called N. Zealand blacksmith 1905 5 6 swallow brown blue-grey medium.. Scar under right eye. F.P. Carroll cient means) on in 6 months Purves, James Leonard Palmerston N. 24/2/33 loitering for the purpose of fined £100 N. Zealand commission 1879 5 9 fresh brown grey medium.. Strong build ; large mouth. (See P.G., 1930, betting agent p. 541.) Williams, Charles Joseph Palmerston N. 24/2/33 loitering for the purpose of fined £100 N. Zealand clerk 1903 "5 3 fair dark hazel .. medium.. Scar on left hand and on base of left thumb ; betting slight impediment in speech. (See P.G., 1930, p. 541.) giving false alarm of fire .. fined £5 1 second finger of right hand. .'A Sydney 20/2/33 theft 2 year’s probation England .. labourer and 1907 5 11 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium.. Snake and sword on left upper arm; cross, and prohibited flax - mill anchor, heart, ship, KIA ORA, bathing girl, during that term hand flags, &c., on right forearm; sunset, horse’s head, rose and scar on left upper arm. (See P.G., 1931, p. 343.) Palmerston N. Palmerston N. 20/2/33 selling by auction without fined £5 on each N. Zealand auctioneer .. 1895 5 3 fresh brown blue large Strong build. (See P.G., 1928, p. 169.) license (2 charges) Faint birthmark on right side of neck; large Meredith John Pearson, Ronald .Britton, 23/2/33 theft 1 year’s probation England .. labourer 1916 5 2 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. wart on back. F.P. Palmerston N. Palmerston N. 23/2/33 theft (9 charges) .. to come up if called N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 6 fresh ginger blue medium.. Cannot read. (See P.G., 1927, p. 532.) on in 1 year Scar under right eye. F.P. Frank McLeod, Frederick John Prentice, 24/2/33 idle and disorderly (insuffito come up if called N. Zealand blacksmith 1905 5 6 swallow brown • blue-grey medium.. Palmerston N. cient means) on in 6 months Strong build ; large mouth. (See P.G., 1930, CarrollPurves, Leonard 24/2/33 loitering for the purpose of fined £100 N. Zealand commission 1879 5 9 fresh brown grey .. medium.. betting agent p. 541.) Palmerston N. Palmerston N. 24/2/33 loitering for the purpose of fined £100 N. Zealand clerk 1903 5 3 fair dark hazel .. medium.. Scar on left hand and on base of left thumb; betting slight impediment in speech. (See P.G., 1930, p. 541.) Williams, Charles Joseph

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol —continued.

j • I j 43 Name j 1 When. |Offence. i j of Trade. Born. 49 A ep '5 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fcc. U o CO A ‘5 _ W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. John .Allingham, N.Palmerston 13/2/33 fighting fined England freezing1892 ft. in. 3i 6 fresh brown brown medium Strong middle ; finger-nail works labourer -v labourer Maurice William Turner, Palmerston 13/2/33 obscene . language fined £1 Tasmania labourer 1871 5 5 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Scar on left leg. 5 5 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Scar on left leg. Bertrum Laurence Palmerston 15/2/33 theft if Zealand cheese-maker 1904 5 6 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. 5 6 dark dark brown .. medium.. Scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. and to tion JamesCastle, Greytown 22/2/33 theft fined £2 Zealand labourer 1905 5 H fresh light brown brown .. medium.. Strong build. 5 H fresh light brown brown .. medium.. Strong build. ErnestBrowne, Greytown 22/2/33 theft fined Zealand labourer 1905 5 8j fair fair grey .. large 5 8 i fair fair grey .. large Greenland, Greytown 24/2/33 fighting fined £1 Zealand labourer 1906 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. • A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1932, p. 280.) 5 7 copper .. black brown .. medium.. A half-caste Maori. (See P.G., 1932, p. 280.) William Greytown 24/2/33 fighting fined £1 Maori labourer 1904 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. large See P.G., 1928, p. 633. 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. large See P.G., 1928, p. 633. John Wellington .. 21/2/33 theft 1 probation Zealand journalist1912 5 7* fair fair hazel .. medium.. Small hole in top of each ear. E.P. Photo at Wellington, 2/12/32. 5 u fair fair hazel .. medium.. Small hole in top of each ear. F.P. Photo at Wellington, 2/12/32. Metz, Henry Wellington 21/2/33 idle disorderly if America .. bricklayer 1865 5 3i fresh grey grey .. medium.. Two dots on left wrist ; ring on left middle 5 31 fresh grey grey .. medium.. Two dots on left wrist ; ring on left middle and finger ; has beard ; scar under left eye. F.P. remain Home 1 See P.G., 1927, p. 342. during that period 3 years’ probation finger ; has beard ; scar under left eye. E.P. See P.G., 1927, p. 342. Cusack John Wagg, Wellington . 22/2/33 pretences N. Zealand clerk 1902 5 5£ fresh fair blue medium.. F.P. 3 years’ probation N. Zealand clerk 1902 5 5£ fresh fair blue medium.. F.P. (5 ; to come by 3 years J Thomas Wellington 22/2/33 language fined England labourer 1872 5 4£ fresh brown brown .. medium.. Lump on right wrist; small scars on back. 5 4* fresh brown brown . . medium.. Lump on right wrist; small scars on back. Peter, Wellington 25/2/33 assault fined Zealand labourer 1909 5 11 fresh fair blue-grey medium.. See P.G., 1932, p. 167. 5 11 fresh fair blue-grey medium .. See P.G., 1932, p. 167. Thomas David, Westport 15/2/33 theft fined Wales labourer 1870 5 6 florid grey hazel .. medium.. See P.G., 1932, p. 398, and Photo, 1928, p. 15. 5 6 florid grey hazel .. medium .. See P.G., 1932, p. 398, and Photo, 1928, p. 15. JohnDavies, Johnson, Westport 17/2/33 assault fined 2s. Scotland seaman 1902 5 8 fair fair blue medium.. Union Jack on right forearm. 5 8 fair fair blue medium .. Union Jack on right forearm. Clarence Thomas Sherlock, Reefton 20/2/33 drunk fined Zealand labourer 1904 5 8 fresh dark brown .. medium.. Left foot broken; scar over right eye. (See 5 8 fresh dark brown .. medium.. Left foot broken; scar over right eye. (See mischief fined p. WalterPattinson, Greymouth 23/2/33 charges) fined on Zealand trucker 1913 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on ball of left thumb; burn-scar on back of left hand. 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. Scar on ball of left thumb ; burn-scar on back of left hand. Michael . Greymouth .. 25/2/33 assault * fined Ireland miner 1896 5 6 sallow .. dark brown .. medium.. Blue-scar over left eye; tip of right fore and middle fingers missing. (See P.G., 1932, p. 113.) 6 sallow .. dark brown .. medium .. Blue-scar over left eye; tip of right fore and middle fingers missing. (See P.G., 1932, p. 113.) 5

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol —continued.

* 1 43 of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native | Trade. Born.1 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. u o « A # W> *3 H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Frederick Wilder, Hokitika 24/2/33 in of convicted and Zealand mechanic . 1911 ft. 7 fresh dark grey medium Albert pistol and confis- pistol cated * pistol fined at another Thomas . Christchurch 9/1/33 of carrying fined Zealand bookmaker 1877 7 fresh grey blue medium.. Scar on nose ; stout build. 5 7 fresh grey blue medium.. Scar on nose ; stout build. maker Morrison William McMillan, Christchurch 20/2/33 mischief called to up N. Zealand labourer 1875 6 14 sallow grey grey medium. Has veins on finger. on months 1933, 122.) GordonMalzard, Christchurch 23/2/33 assault .. fined Zealand labourer 1901 5 6 dark black brown medium.. See 1923, p. Michael O’Leary, Christchurch 23/2/33 assault fined Zealand labourer 1902 5 10 dark dark blue medium Alexander Ernest Crawford, lemuka 14/2/33 sly. fined Zealand hop-beer manufacturer 1873 5 5 florid grey blue medium. Stout JamesMaher, Dunedin 20/2/33 language come Zealand boot-finisher 1914 5 H fresh red blue medium. 1 in months in speech. Markham, Henry Dunedin 20/2/33 theft fined England . agent 1888 5 54 fresh brown blue medium. 7 on AlbertWatson, Dunedin 24/2/33 wilful fined Zealand packer 1886 5 6f fresh dark hazel . . flat 4 back, on Johnston and on inside of right leg. (See P.G., 1919, p. 671.) John Dunedin fined 10s. and on inside of right leg. (See P.G., 1919, p. 671.) 24/2/33 fighting England .. labourer and 1899 5 7 fresh brown grey . • medium.. Harp, sailor, anchor, scroll, heart, and star on fireman right forearm; wounded soldier, badge No. 22, scroll, lizard, and swords on left 1 forearm. fined 10s. England .. labourer and 1899 o 7 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Harp, sailor, anchor, scroll, heart, and star on fireman right forearm; wounded soldier, badge No. 22, scroll, lizard, and swords on left forearm. Thomas Dunedin 24/2/33 fighting fined Zealand traveller 1899 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Strong build. 5 10 fresh brown grey .. medium.. Strong build. Gilbert . Milton 24/2/33 a fined Zealand farmer 1902 5 10 fresh fair grey medium Modderian Sidney Invercargill 20/2/33 of charge and Zealand farmer 1900 5 9 fresh brown brown .. medium motor-car cancelled cense Violet Ida Langley, and years , Invercargill 22/2/33 theft to up Zealand domestic 1901 5 44 dark dark brown straight in Harold Templer, Invercargill 24/2/33 fraud by .. and Zealand labourer 1912 5 9 fresh dark grey medium. Scar of below ; Jeremiah Taylor, Invercargill . charged knee. (See 681.) p. See P.G., 1931, p. 310. 25/2/33 theft and Zealand labourer 1894 5 9* fresh brown light hazel .. medium. See P.G., 1931, p. 310. Lay, charged Invercargill . 25/2/33 theft 3 years’ Zealand labourer 1909 5 7 pale dark grey medium. Scar little on palm.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts but not sent to Gaol —continued.

Gaol, Prisoner. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of 1 jTrade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When charged. Previous ( finger-impressions taken.) Auckland— in. • Dalton, Auckland 1/2/33 of . 2 or m’ths N. traveller 1875 8£ fresh grey grey .. pointed .. 18/2/33 Scar on left side of face. Arrested, 8/2/33. 5 8* fresh grey grey .. pointed .. 18/2/33 Scar on left side of face. Arrested, 8/2/33. Wilson, . Auckland 6/2/33 stowaway landing in without permit days and to be deported Scotland seaman 1895 5 2i fresh' brown blue medium. 21/2/33 paid. Scar finger F.P. stiff. Deported. Thomas Shanks, Auckland 6/2/33 stowaway fine or 14 days .. Australia .. seaman 1907 5 8 fresh auburn blue medium.. 21/2/33 Steering-wheel on right forearm ; freckled face and body. F.P. Deported. in without permit fine days or . 6 and to deported be deported Australia .. seaman 1907 5 8 fresh auburn blue medium.. 21/2/33 Steering-wheel on right forearm ; freckled face and body. F.P. Deported. Henry Auckland 2/11/32 default of or N. labourer 1885 5 6 fresh brown, brown . medium. 21/2/33 ; ing grey chest. PatrickWills-Rust, Auckland M.C. 18/2/33 receiving property days be England . seaman 1906 5 8J fresh brown. grey . long 21/2/33 1932, p. on ; placed on snake and and on &c., Walter ..Peters, Auckland 16/2/33 default of maintenance or m’ths N. presser 1900 5 H fair fair blue pointed . 21/2/33 on ship. ; right right Norman Connelly, Conelly, Warkworth M.C. 7/4/32 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 1 month and probationary liN. Zealand labourer 1891 5 n sallow .. light brown.. blue large 21/2/33 Arrears paid. (See P.G., 1930, p. 712.) 18 p.c. Tip of left little finger injured ; scar on nose. Released on license. (See Connolly cense cancelled P.G., 1930, p. 807, and Photos, 1920, Warkworth M.C. 7/4/32 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 1 month and probationary liN. Zealand labourer 1891 5 9S sallow .. light brown.. blue large 21/2/33 Arrears paid. (See P.G., 1930, p. 712.) 18 p.e. Tip of left little finger injured ; scar on nose. Released on license. (See cense cancelled P.G., 1930, p. 807, and Photos, 1920, Ramsay, Auckland S.C. 5/5/25 and and England labourer and 1882 5 3 fair going blue medium.. 21/2/33 p. 7.) 20 p.c. Scar on nose and on right cheek bald blue medium.. 21/2/33 p. 7.) 20 p.e. Scar on nose and on right cheek Thompson intent habit- an seaman and forehead. F.P. Released on license. bald and forehead. F.P. Released on license. criminal p. ThomasHanlon, Auckland M.C. 23/12/32 16/1/33 theft theft . 1 . 1 Ireland fireman 1882 5 5 fresh grey blue medium.. 22/2/33 1921, p. 31.) 6 p.c. Tip of left middle finger injured ; scar under left eye. Photo at Auckland, i grey blue medium.. 22/2/33 1921, p. 31.) 6 p.e. Tip of left middle finger injured ; scar under left eye. Photo at Auckland, Massicks, Henry Auckland M.C. 25/8/32 theft (cumulative) each Ireland labourer 1863 5 9 fresh grey grey medium 24/2/33 16/1/33. (See p. and (cumulative) (See p. Platt, Lawton . Hamilton 25/1/33 and disorderly sufficient means) idle means) and (in- disorderly month England labourer 1904 5 64fresh brown. light brown medium. 24/2/33 81.) p. Scar eye. Patrick, Jack @ Davis, Bernard Aubrey Auckland M.C.Papakura 26/11/32 13/2/33 3 14 days N. Zealand England seaman seaman 1872 1887 5 5 § 8| fresh fair dark, grey brown light . brown blue medium medium. 25/2/33 25/2/33 19 eye. and 1922, 1 and &c., flags, means) left (See p. Port Kirk, Port M.C. 9/1/33 theft month 1 N. labourer 1912 5 8 dark black brown . medium. 4/2/33 Scar 91.) Plymouth— William Plymouth M.C. 21/12/32 pretences months N. motor 1907 5 8 fair brown grey medium. 20/2/33 back mechanic P.G., 1932, p. 382.) P.G., 1932, p. 382.) ■


Prisoner. of Gaol, tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. Noae. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) o n Height. Complexion. Hair. | 1 Eyea. / Noee. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicate* that finger-impression* have been taken.) Napier— ft. Barnes, @ Napier . . 21/11/32 and disorderly months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 8 fresh grey blue medium.. 20/2/33 14 p.c. Woman on left forearm. F.P. 5 8 fresh grey blue medium.. 20/2/33 14 p.c. Woman on left forearm. F.P. Robert, (See P.G., 1931, p. 186, and Photos, Barnes, Robert, lis, @ 1916, p. 12.) Harris, John, @ Robert, Robert, Thompson, Walter Looney, t Dannevirke ' t (See P.G., 1931, p. 186, and Photos, 1916, p. 12.) Richard, Reeves, 23/11/32 theft (2 charges) 3 months on each N. Zealand painter 1887 5 7i dark brown hazel .. medium.. 22/2/33 1 p.c. Top of left ring-finger missing; Dannevirke 23/11/32 theft (2 charges) 3 months on each N. Zealand painter 1887 5 7* dark brown hazel .. medium.. 22/2/33 1 p.c. Top of left ring-finger missing; Cronin, M.C. woman on left Japanese hands LIZZIE heart, dancing and pierced heart on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1908, p. 260.) Wong Hastings heart on right forearm. F.P. (See P.G., 1908, p. 260.) 27/12/32 of opium fine China gardener 1866 5 yellow .. black, turnbrown .. flat 25/2/33 Scars on left shin. F.P. 4* yellow .. black, turnbrown .. flat 25/2/33 Scars on left shin. F.P. Yak Wong grey Wanganui David- Henry, Dunedin 25/5/31 attempted years Zealand labourer 1897 5 4 fresh fair blue medium.. 24/2/33 18 p.c. Horse-shoe, horse’s head, and 5 4 fresh fair blue medium.. 24/2/33 18 p.c. Horse-shoe, horse’s head, and John, Barrett, @ ETTIE forearm. right J the to David p. Released on Photos, p. Rama, Albert Wanganui 27/1/33 theft . 1 Maori labourer 1912 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat 25/2/33 2 p.c. Scars on right shoulder, over right ear, and on left shin. F.P. Photo at Wanganui, 24/2/33. (See P.G., 1928, p. 223.) 5 6 copper .. black brown .. flat 25/2/33 2 p.c. Scars on right shoulder, over right • ear, and on left shin. F.P. Photo at Wanganui, 24/2/33. (See P.G., 1928, p. 223.) Wi Stephens, David Wellington 23/8/32 (5 exposure on England labourer 1905 5 4£ sallow .. dark brown .. long 22/2/33 1 p.c. Small scar on forehead. F.P. (See 5 4i sallow .. dark brown .. long 22/2/33 1 p.c. Small scar on forehead. F.P. (See ander charges) P.G., 1931, p. 604.) 1 P.G., 1931, p. 604.) Ronald, Douglas, Wellington 16/6/32 and 1 reforma- year’s Zealand and 1907 10* 5 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 25/2/33 Mole forehead. on ; right nethan theft detention shepherd F.P. (See 1932, p. 603, and Photos, p. 95.) ' 1932, p. 603, and Photos, p. 95.) Wellington Mulligan, Wellington 21/1/33 assault 1 . Scotland . miner 1891 5 2 dark dark blue broken .. 20/2/33 4 p.c. Lump on left forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 70, and Photos, 1930, p. 28.) 3 p.c. Goitre in throat. Arrested, 22/8/32. 5 2 dark dark blue broken .. 20/2/33 4 p.c. Lump on left forefinger. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 70, and Photos, 1930, A Christchurch 1/11/30 of .default m’ths 6 N. labourer 1898 5 8 fresh brown blue medium.. 21/2/33 5 8 fresh brown blue. .. medium.. 21/2/33 p. zts.) 3 p.c. Goitre in throat. Arrested, 22/8/32. Arthur Thomas M.C. p. Malcolm Wellington 8/2/33 stowaway fine Zealand stableman 1904 5 7i sallow .. dark hazel .. medium.. 21/2/33 2 p.c. Scar on nose and on left calf. F.P. (See P.G., 1932, p. 636.) 5 7* sallow .. dark hazel .. medium.. 21/2/33 2 p.c. Scar on nose and on left calf. F.P. (See P.G., 1932, p. 636.) Hamil- Wright, Wellington 18/2/33 theft days England and 1895 5 8 fresh dark brown .. long 24/2/33 7 p.c. Front teeth missing. F.P. (See 5 8 fresh dark brown .. long 24/2/33 7 p.c. Front teeth missing. F.P. (See ton, @ canvasser P.G., 1933, p. 46, and Photos, 1926, p. 24.) Howard, Ashford, @ « - . . - 7 Jack canvasser P.G., 1933, p. 46, and Photos, 1926, p. 24.)


Gaol, and Prisoner. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Bora. 1 Height. Complexion. Hair. ! Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) « Height. Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. Nose. Whendls- 1 charged, j Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington ft. in. Woodley, Leo Masterton 16/12/32 and disorderly 3 N. labourer 1903 5 dark dark brown .. medium.. 21/2/33 Scar on left middle finger. F.P. Sent to mental hospital. 5f dark dark brown .. medium.. 21/2/33 Scar on left middle finger. F.P. Sent to mental hospital. Borstal stitution — Olive Jones, Christchurch M.C. 13/1/32 and disorderly sufficient means) 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand domestic 1915 5 n fresh black brown .. broad .. 24/2/33 F.P. Released on license. “ 2 years in Borstal Institution N. Zealand domestic 1915 5 7* fresh black brown .. broad .. 24/2/33 F.P. Released on license. Nelson— small, pug Charles Barnett, Nelson 16/12/32 default maintenance months N. wharf 1894 5 pale light brown.. grey . small, pug 15/2/33 Thin build; deaf; birthmark on left 6* pale light brown.. grey .. 15/2/33 Thin build; deaf; birthmark on left labourer shoulder; paid. William Murchison M.C. 10/2/33 theft .. 14 days N. Zealand prospector 1903 5 pale brown brown .. medium.. 23/2/33 P.G., 1932, p. 551.) Thin build; right little finger missing. Cahill, Queensland Harry Murchison M.C.Christchurch ChristchurchM.C. 12/9/32 default of maintenance . 14 days Australia .. and miner showman .. 1878 6 0 copper .. black, going brown .. large .. 25/2/33 F.P. A half-caste aboriginal; scar under left grey eye; two left fingers missing; deaf. Arrested, 13/2/33. (See P.G., 1933, M.C. 10/2/33 12/9/32 theft .. default of maintenance .. 14 days 14 days . N. Zealand Australia .. prospector and miner showman .. 1903 1878 5 8£ 6 0 pale copper .. brown black, going grey brown .. brown .. medium.. large 23/2/33 25/2/33 P.G., 1932, p. 551.) Thin build; right little finger missing. F.P. A half-caste aboriginal; scar under left eye; two left fingers missing; deaf. Arrested, 13/2/33. (See P.G., 1933, Greymouth— p. Francis Daniel, @ Low, Hokitika 11/2/33 theft days 14 on . N. labourer 1884 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. 24/2/33 1 p.c. Scars on left leg and on left thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1921, p. 171.) 9 sallow .. brown blue medium.. 24/2/33 1 p.c. Scars on left leg and on left thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1921, p. 171.) Paparua— Alexander Christchurch M.C. 18/11/32 21/11/32 theft . police breach of probation 3 1 3 N. labourer 1908 10 dark dark brown . medium 20/2/33 3 build; upper liberty, ; leg, and two; back of 3 and p. Cuttle, Thomas Lyttelton 23/1/35 stowaway 1 . Zealand salesman . 1887 5 dark dark, turning grey .. medium.. 22/2/33 p. 17.) 12 p.c. Scar on right side of upper lip, mg grey on nose, and on left thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1932, p. 750, and Photos, 1910, 7 dark dark, turning grey .. medium.. 22/2/33 p. 17.) 12 p.c. Scar on right side of upper lip, ing grey on nose, and on left thumb. F.P. (See P.G., 1932, p. 750, and Photos, 1910, Alfred Norman, O’Meara, @ Alfred Christchurch S.C. 24/7/31 breaking, entering, theft years’ tive N. labourer 1897 5 fresh dark, turning ing grey blue fiat 24/2/33 p. 7 on F.P. and and p. Raymond Christchurch M.C. 25/10/32 false pretences 4 Zealand salesman . 1908 3 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 24/2/33 p. 62.) F.P. Photo at Christchurch, 11/10/32. 3 fresh light brown.. blue medium.. 24/2/33 p. 62.) F.P. Photo at Christchurch, 11/10/32. O’Neill, Albert Dunedin 16/1/33 of probation 6 N. Zealand labourer 1910 5 dark brown blue medium.. 25/2/33 2 p.c. Left forefinger stiff ; scar on right 5 dark brown blue medium.. 25/2/33 2 p.c. Left forefinger stiff; scar on right side. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 80, and Photos, 1928, p. 75.) ' side. F.P. (See P.G., 1933, p. 80, and Photos, 1928, p. 75.) Addington Reformatory— Wellington Collins, Maisie Margaret 6/11/30 and 2| years N. Zealand prostitute 1892 5 fresh black, turnbrown .. medium.. 23/2/33 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1932, H fresh black, turnbrown .. medium.. 23/2/33 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1932, ' ing grey p. 394.) ing grey p. 394.) ’ ’’


| Born. Complexion. When dis- ! charged. | l Remarks, and Previous Convictions. and of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. GO *3 W Hair. Eyes. Nose. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Invercargill ft. in. Tip of right forefinger missing. William Livingstone, Invercargill 21/11/32 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 9 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 20/2/33 21/11/32 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1874 ft. in. 5 9 fresh brown, turnbrown .. medium.. 20/2/33 Tip of right forefinger missing. bert Institu-Invercargill tionVoice, Herman M.C. * ing grey Christchurch 15/2/32 indecent in N. labourer 1914 8 5 fair ing grey fair blue medium.. 18/2/33 Two lumps on forehead; mole on left 8 fair fair blue medium.. 18/2/33 Two lumps on forehead: mole on left Cecil S.C. Institution cheek. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1932, p. 182, and Photos, p. 36.) Edward, @ Dunedin M.C... 11/7/31 theft .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 21/2/33 Small chin; scar on right hand, on right Institution thumb and ringfinger, on right groin, and on upper lip; prominent jaw bones; ship, anchor, flag, and E.F. on right arm. F.P. Photo at Invercargill, 27/9/31. Released on license. S.C. Dunedin M.C... 11/7/31 theft .. Institution 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1915 5 10 fresh brown hazel .. medium.. 21/2/33 cheek. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1932, p. 182, and Photos, p. 36.) Small chin; scar on right hand, on right Harrison, Plymouth 19/11/31 and entering, Institution 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 8 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. large 21/2/33 thumb and ringfinger, on right groin, and on upper lip ; prominent jaw bones; ship, anchor, flag, and E.F. on right arm. F.P. Photo at Invercargill, 27/9/31. Released on license. Scar on left forearm. F.P. Released on and 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1911 5 8 sallow .. dark brown.. grey .. large 21/2/33 Scar on left forearm. F.P. Released on S.C. theft Institution license. (See P.G., 1929, p. 786, and Photos, P.G., 1932, p. 18.) Alfonso Invercargil 1 29/4/31 theft .. 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. 21/2/33 F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, S.C.M.C. Institution p. 321, and Photos, p. 83.) Invercargill 29/4/31 theft theft .. Institution 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 7 fresh brown blue medium.. 21/2/33 license. (See P.G., 1929, p. 786, and Photos, P.G., 1932, p. 18.) F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, Carson, Auckland S.C. 14/9/31 breaking, entering, and 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 10 copper .. black brown .. flat 22/2/33 Burn-scar on back. F.P. Photo at AuckM.C. Auckland S.C. 14/9/31 breaking, entering, and Institution 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 10 copper .. black brown .. flat 22/2/33 p. 321, and Photos, p. 83.) Burn-scar on back. F.P. Photo at AuckFred theft Institution land, 15/9/31. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 736.) JohnNapier . 16/6/31 theft theft .. .. 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 5 sallow .. fair grey .. medium .. 22/2/33 Scar on top of head, on right shoulder, theft .. Institution 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1913 5 5 sallow .. fair grey .. medium.. 22/2/33 land, 15/9/31. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 736.) Scar on top of head, on right shoulder, stone Institution and back of right leg. F.P. Released on license. Photo at Invercargill, 12/7/31. Moore, M.C. 14/5/31 probation of breach Institution Borstal in years N. Zealand labourer 1914 ~o 6 fair brown hazel .. medium .. 23/2/33 Scar on right cheek; impediment in 2 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 6 fair brown hazel .. medium.. 23/2/33 and back of right leg. F.P. Released on license. Photo at Invercargill, 12/7/31. Scar on right cheek; impediment in Sullivan Institution speech. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 154, and Photos, p. 58.) Charles Palmerston 27/3/31 and entering, Institution 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 4 dark black brown .. medium.. 24/2/33 speech. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 154, and Photos, p. 58.) Scar on left middle finger and on right side and 3 years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1914 5 4 dark black brown .. medium.. 24/2/33 Scar on left middle finger and on right side North M.C. theft Institution of scalp. F.P. Released on license. Photo at Invercargill, 27/9/31. William North Christchurch 6/11/31 assaulting constable in 1£ years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 9 sallow .. black brown .. flat 25/2/33 Eagle on stars and stripes, and flower on Christchurch 6/11/31 theft assaulting constable in Institution 1£ years in Borstal N. Zealand labourer 1912 5 9 sallow .. black brown .. flat 25/2/33 of scalp. F.P. Released on license. Photo at Invercargill, 27/9/31. Eagle on stars and stripes, and flower on val M.C. of Institution right forearm; two flags and clasped hands on left forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 263, and Photos, p. 42.) right forearm; two flags and clasped hands on left forearm. F.P. Released on license. (See P.G., 1931, p. 263, and Photos, p. 42.) -


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVIII, Issue 9, 8 March 1933, Page 141

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVIII, Issue 9, 8 March 1933, Page 141

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LVIII, Issue 9, 8 March 1933, Page 141