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V^.xjckland.— 2Bth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for one month in default of paying £7 11s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Gladys Bond is the mother, Albert Sinclair, alias Tommy Banfield, age about thirty-four, height about 5 ft. 6 in., presser, native of New Zealand, slight build, dark complexion, black hair, dark eyes ; usually well dressed. fg/ofaq ,

Auckland. — Arthur Hugh Julian, false pretences, is now wanted by the Waihi police so that a summons for parking a motor-car without lights may be served upon him. He was driving a five-seater Dodge motor-car, No. 7299. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 243.) a / Ay m 25/y3/

Auckland. —11th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three months in default of paying £22 2s. 6d. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Doris Neeson is the mother, William Arlie, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 6 in., hotel porter, native of Scotland, stout build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, clean-shaved, slightly stooped; usually dressed in a grey suit and grey felt hat. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 597.) / / jgC?

Auckland. — 14th ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance, order for the support of his wife, Henry George Parsons, age about twenty -eight, height 5 ft. 6 in., seaman, native of New Zealand, stout build, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, flowers, scroll, and “ D.A.” on right forearm. Arrears to Bth ultimo, £272. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 797.) ■■? /. /<2/y

Thames. 2Bth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Thames Prison for seven days in default of paying £3 3s. fine and costs for fighting, William Henderson, age twenty-three, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes ; hangs head when walking. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 201.)

Thames. 2Bth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Thames Prison for seven days in default of paying £3 3s. fine and costs for fighting, Archibald Henderson, age twenty-one, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes ; shabbily dressed. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 201.)

Putaruru. llth February last, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Edward Randell, age twenty height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer and mill hand, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, prominent teeth, scar on back of ear ; dressed in a blue serge suit and grey cap ; speaks slowly. His arrest is desired, and he is to be charged with a breach of his probation (failing to report to the Probation Officer). (See Police Gazette,/1927, page 799 ' ) & 7/ ? A 2 flMfitZtf

Putaruru. —l2th February last, for theft of £8 the property of James Duncan Oldridge, labourer, Arapuni, Christopher Rynan, alias Ryazan, alias Kiri Roman a, age fifty, height 5 ft. 1 in., labourer, Australian aboriginal, black complexion, black hair turning grey, brown eyes, scar on nose and near left eye, “ Akenehi Kuri, H.P., and T. 1.” on left forearm ; usually dressed in a grey suit and cap ; speaks good English ; fond of drink. Accused was given a letter to register and post, addressed to the Clerk of Court, Auckland, containing a£s note and three £1 notes. He told complainant he posted the letter, but it was not received by the addressee. No warrant. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 382, and Photographs, page 25.)

Rotorua.— 9th instant, for theft of eight gallons of benzine, value 19s. 4d., the property of Alfred Charles Kenneth Lee, storekeeper, Koutu, lV9an (name unknown), age about twentythree, native of New Zealand, thin build, dark complexion, black hair, delicate half-caste Maori appearance ; wearing a fawn overcoat. Accused called at complainant’s store and at his request was supplied with the benzine. He then asked for lubricating oil, and when complainant went to get it accused drove away without paying for the benzine. He was accompanied by a Maori, age about seventeen, height about 5 ft. 6 in., stout build, wearing a dark overcoat and cap. Description of car : A dark-green two-seater, looked like six cylinder. It may be a car stolen at Hastings on the Bth instant, the property of the Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Cooperative Association. The numbers of that car are Reg. No. 43-913, engine No. 3280, chassis No. 39. No warrant.

Gisborne. —13th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Gisborne Prison for one month in default of paying £7 10s. arrears due on a main’ lance order for the support of his wife, Huia Taana, alias Gas» //illiam Tanner, alias Chris Tanner, age twenty-nine, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair, grey eyes, two scars on chin and on right wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 417, and .Photographs, page 72.) Ci reject /-£>-.;X/

Gisborne. 26th February last, on warrant of commitment to Gisborne Prison for seven days in default of paying £1 10s. fine and costs for being illegally on licensed premises, Rebecca Tereris, alias Peggy Jackson, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. If in., domestic, Maori, medium build, copper complexion, black hair, brown eyes, flat nose, scar on right wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1927, page 546.) fCZodU / ~ ,*

Napier. 2sth ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Napier Prison for two months in default of paying £l6 13s. 6d. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Susan Isabel Cleary, Port Ahuriri, Edward Joseph Cleary, age twentyfour, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, black hair, brown eyes, scar on right cheek ; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit with double-breasted coat and grey felt hat; slightly stooped. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 817.)

Taihape. —sth instant, on warrant for failing to provide for the maintenance of his unborn illegitimate child, George Durham, age twenty-seven, height 6 ft. I in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair going bald, blue eyes ; dressed in a navy-blue suit, light felt hat with striped band, and navy-blue overcoat. Complainant, Elsie Phyllis Voss. domestic, Em’s Hotel. (awsjsm

Hastings. —3lst ultimo, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation (Offenders Probation Act, 1920), Henry John Herman Tolcher, age thirty-two, height 5 ft. 10 in., labourer, native of England, slight build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, hazel eyes, fair military moustache, scar on left side of neck, on left elbow, and on one left knuckle ; usually dressed in a grey suit (no hat) ; a remittance man. He is supposed to have left for Sydney (Australia) about the 15th ultimo. If located in this Dominion his arrest is desired. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 147 *4 A S-SQ, zh/y~Ji<y

Palmerston North. 9th instant, on warrant for obtaining credit by fraud, Peters, age about twenty-six, height 5 ft. 6 in., salesman, medium build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes; dressed in light-coloured Oxford bags, grey Norfolk coat, and grey slouch hat. Accused obtained credit for board and lodgings, value £2 25., from Frank Rhodes, private hotel proprietor, David Street, by producing to complainant a note falsely certifying that he was employed at McDonald’s factory. v _/ /} hu^eML7/^f^o

Featherston. 3oth ultimo, for theft of a motor-car (recovered), value £BOO, the property of Percy Fly, motorproprietor, Masterton, hi am (name unknown), age about nineteen, height about 5 ft. 6 in., slight build, dark complexion, hair, and eyes, large lump over left eye ; dressed in a blue suit with double-breasted coat and tan shoes or boots (no hat). The car was unlawfully taken from Tauherenikau Racecourse, and was subsequently found wrecked on the Kahutara Road. The -described man, after wrecking the car, borrowed a bicycle at a farm-house saying he desired to go to Martinborough. Description of bicycle : A gentlemen’s blackpnamelled, slightly rusty handles without grips, back-pedalling brake, dents in top bar near handles, chain stay has been acetoned ; value, £3. Identifiable. No warrant.

Wellington. l4th February last, for theft of an overcoat and gloves - (recovered), value £5, the property of Francis Maurice Clarke, 151 Hataita’i Road, F. Russel! (name probably fictitious), age about twenty-nine, height about 5 ft., fair complexion, brown hair ; dressed in a blue suit and felt hat; good appearance. The articles were taken from complainant’s motor-car and sold to a second-hand dealer for 10s. Damage to the extent of £5 was also done to the car. No warrant. 7

Wellington. 26th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Wanganui Prison for two months in default of paying £4 10s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Henry Peachey, age about fifty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, darkbrown hair, grey eyes, decayed teeth, small brown moustache ; usually dressed in a brown suit and felt hat.

Wellington. — l9th January last, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for seven days in default of paying £3 Bs. fine and costs for being found on licensed premises during prohibited hours, James Murray, age twenty-four, height 5 ft. 51 in., labourer, native of Scotland, strong build, fresh complexion, dark hair, brown eyes.

Wellington. 3oth January last, on warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for seven days in default of paying £2 15s. fine and costs for being found in a gaming-house, Richard Harrison, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 2-| in., trimmer, native of England, medium build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, Japanese woman, hand with bunch of flowers, bird, “ Mary Eh,” and lifebuoy on left forearm. He left by the s.s. “ Maimoa ” for England on the 29th January last. S'-* 2 /f/c/l- Z

Wellington. Pater Bradley, default of maintenance, is also wanted on another warrant of commitment to Wellington Prison for one month in default of paying £ll 16s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 244.)

Greymoutil— l2th instant, that he may be interviewed regarding the maintenance of his two children in the care of the Education Department, JantC-S BlOCksage, age forty-two, height 5 ft. in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, sallow complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, scar on forehead, on left forearm,- and on right instep ; usually dressed in a grey suit and grey felt hat. (See Police Gazette, 1929, page 126.)

Christchurch.2Bth January last, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for seven days in default of paying £l2 15s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Marjorie Neylon, 20 Templar Street, Richmond, Richard Patrick Neylon, alias Naylon, age forty-three, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion, brown hair turning grey, brown eyes, left little finger bent; fond of drink. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 125, and 1929, page 140.) <&lee <57 (0/QQ

Christchurch. loth February last, that a summons for being found on licensed premises during prohibited hours may be served upon him, Janies King, age about thirty-eight, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, sallow complexion, brown hair, blue eyes ; dressed in a grey suit and grey felt shabby hat.

Christchurch.- —Bth instant, for escaping from Sunnyside Mental Hospital, Arthur E, Brooker, age about fifty-nine, height 5 ft. 11 in., fair hair, beard turning grey ; dressed in a light-grey suit, black shirt (no hat), underclothing branded “M.H.C.”; reserved manner • slightly stooped. /Zsfaa

Timaru. l2th instant, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Matilda Materia Simmonds, Leonard Leslie Simmonds, age twenty-nine, height 5 ft. 6-|- in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, scar on right leg, knee, and foot, boil-scars on back of neck. (See Police Gazette, 1928, pago/181/and Photographs, page 35.)

Timaru. —25th ultimo, on two warrants of commitment to Timaru Prison for twenty-four hours and seven days respectively, in default of paying £1 ss. and £2 ss. fines and costs for drunkenness and breach of his prohibition order, James Linton Beck Sottls, age forty-eight, height 5 ft. G in., labourer and watchmaker, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, black hair, grey eyes, left leg short u limps. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 619.) / p c*aJlß7//3 o>

Timaru, Bth instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Edith Matilda Avery, John Henry vary, age fifty-five, height 5 ft. 2-} in., plasterer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, anchor, cross, “ F.T.,” and heart on left forearm, four dots on back of left hand, scar on right side of mouth, wart on forehead. Arrears to' 7th January last, £7O. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 305, and Photographs, 1927, page 57.) / x / ajxr&xfcJ f ///$ / v

Oamaru.-16th January last, on warrant of commitment to Paparua Prison for six months in default of paying £ll2 7s. arrears due on a maintenance order, William Hugh Henry Arthur Ryder, age twenty height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark complexion and hair, brown eyes, scar on left foot and on right groin. (See Police Gazette, 1928, page 78, and Photographs., 1927, page 23 JhteMw f7/i /,

Oamaru. 26th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three days in default of paying £4 fine and costs, Clyde Steel Keer, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. 7 in., canvasser, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair ; usually wears a double-breasted coat and brown shoes ; fond of drink - raQdL

Nash by. — 9th instant, on warrant of commitment to Dunedin Prison for twenty-one days in default of paying £5 7s. balance of costs for attempted suicide, Edward Fahey, age fifty-two, height 5 ft. 10 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, cast in right eye, scars on throat, tips of two left fingers missing ; usually dressed in a blue suit and grey cap ; quiet manner. (See Police Gazette, ,l92B/ page 388.) \nw//j

Dunedin. — On or about the 25th ultimo, on warrant for attempting to leave New Zealand with intent to make default in obeying a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Georgina Gibbs, Charles Henry Gibbs,j4ge forty-four, height 5 ft. 8 in., carpenter, native of New 'Zealand, sallow complexion, black hair going bald, brown eyes (one eye slightly turned inwards), pug nose ; dreused in a brown suit and felt hat.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIV, Issue 15, 17 April 1929, Page 259

Word Count

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIV, Issue 15, 17 April 1929, Page 259

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LIV, Issue 15, 17 April 1929, Page 259