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Prescribing Forms and Procedure under the Child Welfare Act, 1926.

(See New Zealand Gazette, 1926, page 1111.)


ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 20th day of .April, 1926. Present: The Right Honourable J. G. Coates, P.C., presiding in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by section forty-five of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ’"), to make regulations prescribing forms of complaints, orders, agreements, and other instruments required for the purposes of the said Act, and providing for the registration of certain agreements, and for their enforcement under the Destitute Persons Act, 1910, and generally for giving effect to the provisions of the said Act, and pursuant to the provisions of section twelve of the Acts Interpretation Act, 1924, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the regulations hereinafter set out, and doth hereby declare that this Order in Council shall come into operation at the same time as the said Act comes into operation.

REGULATIONS. 1. Preliminary. (1.) These regulations may be cited as the Child Welfare (Forms and Procedure) Regulations, 1926. (2.) It shall be lawful for any person taking any proceedings, discharging any duty, or entering into any contract under the said Act to modify or depart from any of the forms hereby prescribed if he shall, in his discretion, deem it necessary or advisable so to do, and the validity of any document shall not be affected by reason only of the fact that it is not in the terms of a form hereby prescribed. 2. Forms of Agreement. (1.) An agreement made by the Superintendent with any person pursuant to section 12 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 1 in the Schedule hereto.

(2.) An agreement made by the Superintendent with any person pursuant to section 20 of the said Act may, subject to the approval of the Minister, be in either of the forms marked C.W. 2 and C.W. 3 in the Schedule hereto that may be applicable. 3. General Forms. (1.) The complaint of any constable or Child Welfare Officer made under subsection (1) of section 13 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 4 in the Schedule hereto.

(2.) A summons under subsection (1) of section 13 of the said Act addressed to any person having the custody of a child may be in the form marked C.W. 5 in the Schedule hereto.

(3.) A warrant for the apprehension of any person who has been summoned to appear and has failed to obey such summons may be in the form marked C.W. 6 in the Schedule hereto.

(4.) A warrant under subsection (2) of section 13 of the said Act authorizing any person named therein to receive and hold a child may be in the form marked C.W. 7 in the Schedule hereto.

(5.) An order for the committal of a child under subsection (4) of section 13 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 8 in the Schedule hereto. (6.) An order placing a child under the supervision of a Child Welfare Officer under subsection (4) of section 13 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 9 in the Schedule hereto.

(7.) A constable making a complaint or application under section 13 of the said Act may advise a Child Welfare Officer of the subject-matter of the complaint or application in the form marked C.W. 10 in the Schedule hereto. (8.) The authority of the Superintendent given to an Officer of the Child Welfare Branch to cancel any arrangement or agreement and to take possession of a child pursuant to subsection (2) of section 20 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 11 in the Schedule hereto.

(9.) The discharge of an inmate by the Superintendent under the powers conferred by section 23 of the said Act may be effected by an instrument in the form marked C.W. 12 in the Schedule hereto.

4. Extension of Period of Control

(1.) An application by the Superintendent to a Magistrate under section 22 of the said Act may be made in the form marked C.W. 13 in the Schedule hereto.

(2.) An appointment by a Magistrate of the time and place for hearing such application may be in the form marked C.W. 14 in the Schedule hereto, which form shall be appended to the said form marked C.W. 13. (3.) An assignment by a Magistrate of counsel to an inmate under section 22 of the said Act may be made in the form marked C.W. 15 in the said Schedule, and such assignment shall be signed by counsel so assigned, and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent or some person acting on his behalf to obtain such signature and to afford such counsel all reasonable means of ascertaining the full facts of the case. (4.) Counsel so assigned shall be a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court, and in discharging his duties shall not only appear as advocate, but shall also carry out the usual work of a solicitor in making inquiries, interviewing witnesses, and taking all steps necessary or proper for the preparation of the case. (5.) An order made by a Magistrate under subsection (3) of section 22 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 16 in the said Schedule. (6.) An order made by a Magistrate under subsection (4) of section 22 of the said Act may be in the form marked C.W. 17 in the said Schedule. 5. Registration of Agreements. (1.) A copy of an agreement to be registered in the office of a Magistrate’s Court pursuant to section 44 of the said Act may be certified for that purpose by the endorsement thereon of a certificate signed by any two persons purporting to be officers of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education and to the effect of the form marked C.W. 18 in the Schedule hereto.

(2.) Such certified copy may be delivered personally to the Clerk of any Magistrate’s Court or forwarded to such Clerk by registered-post letter by the Superintendent of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education or any person on his behalf. (3.) Registration of such certified copy shall be effected by the entry of particulars thereof in the Criminal Record Book of the Court as of the day on which the same was received by the Clerk. (4.) The following shall be the particulars to be so entered : (a.) As the entry of the prosecutor, shall be entered “ A.B. as Fosterparent,” “ Minister of Education,” or “ Superintendent of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education,” according as the agreement is made pursuant to section 46 of the Infants Act, 1908, section 127 of the Education Act, 1914, or section 12 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925. (b.) As the entry of the person charged, shall be entered the name or names of the person or persons liable for payment of moneys under the agreement. (c.) As the entry relating to the offence or matter of complaint, shall be entered a description of the agreement, including its date, parties, name of child affected, and the Act and section of the Act pursuant to which the agreement is made. (d.) As the entry relating to the decision in the matter, shall be entered the payments to be made under the agreement, including amounts, dates and place (if specified) of payment.

(5.) There shall be written under the entry a memorandum in the words “ entered in pursuance of section 44 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925,” and such memorandum shall be signed by a Magistrate.

SCHEDULE. [C.W. 1. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 12). Agreement on Assumption of Control of Child by Superintendent. Agreement made this day of , one thousand nine hundred and , between , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education (hereinafter with his successors in the office of Superintendent called “ the Superintendent ”) of the one part, and [Name in full ] of [Address], [Occupation ; if married

woman, say “ wife of,” &c., adding name, address, and occupation of husband], (hereinafter called “ the parent ”) of the other part : Whereas the parent is [Delete descriptions not required] — One of the parents The guardian The person having for the time being the custody or control

of [Full name of child] (hereinafter called “ the said child ”). And whereas the parent has made application to the Superintendent and the Superintendent has agreed to assume control of the said child pursuant to the provisions of section 12 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925, for the period and upon the terms hereinafter appearing. Now, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows : 1. The Superintendent shall have control of the said child as from the day of , 192 ,to the day of 192 , both dates inclusive :

Provided always that the Superintendent may at any time, at the cost of the parent, deliver up the said child or by notice in writing to the parent call upon the parent to assume control of the said child, and thereupon this agreement shall be deemed to terminate, but such termination shall be without prejudice to any claim the Crown or the Superintendent may have against the parent for arrears of maintenance, medical and dental treatment, clothing, travelling-expenses, and any other expenses of whatsoever nature. 2. The parent shall pay to the Superintendent for the maintenance of the said child the sum of Amount in figures] say, [Amount in words] a week, to be computed from the , day of 192 , and to be continued so long as the said child remains an “ inmate ” within the meaning of the Act.

3. The said payments shall be made weekly, and the first of such payments shall be made on the day of , 192 . 4. The parent shall on demand refund to the Superintendent in one sum or by instalments to be fixed by the Superintendent all moneys expended by the Superintendent at his discretion on the said child by way of medical and dental treatment, clothing, travelling-expenses, and any other expenses of whatsoever nature.

5. Any such payments and moneys may be recovered at the suit of the Superintendent or any person authorized by him in that behalf at the time when the payment becomes due.

6. The parent shall in the event of the death of the said child pay the expenses incurred by the Superintendent of and incidental to the death of the said child.

7. The provisions hereinbefore contained are without prejudice to the rights of recovery of the moneys hereby agreed to be paid or any of them as a debt due to the Crown pursuant to section 44 of the said Act and Part VII of the Destitute Persons Act, 1910.

8. Any demand or notice to be made or given hereunder shall be sufficient if made in writing, signed by the Superintendent or by any person purporting to be an Officer of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education on behalf of the Superintendent, and served either personally or by being sent by registered post addressed to the person to be served at the usual or last-known place of abode of such person, and shall be sufficient notwithstanding that such person may be deceased and may not have any legal personal representative appointed, and no error or omission in such demand shall in any way affect the validity thereof. 9. A certificate in writing signed by the Superintendent setting forth that any amount stated therein is due and owing to the Superintendent by the parent hereunder shall be prima facie evidence that the said amount is so. owing at the date of the said certificate. 10. This agreement shall enure so as to bind the executors and administrators of the parent, and the term “ parent ” wherever used herein shall include the executors and administrators of the parent where the context so requires or admits.

In witness whereof the said parties have executed these presents the day and year first hereinbefore written.

Signed by [ , Deputy Superintendent for and on behalf of] the said Superintendent, in the presence of [Witness: Name, occupation, address]. Signed by the said in the presence of — [Witness : Name, occupation, address].

[C.W. 2. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 20). Agreement for boarding-out Child. Agreement made this day of , one thousand nine hundred and , between , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education (hereinafter with his successors in the office of Superintendent called “ the Superintendent ”) of the one part and [Name in full], of [Address], [Occupation ; if married woman, say “ wife of ” &c., adding name, address, and occupation of husband] (hereinafter called “ the said person ”) of the other part: Whereas one [Full name of child] (hereinafter called “ the said child ”) is now an inmate within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”): , And whereas the said person has agreed with the Superintendent to take charge of, maintain, and train the said child: And whereas the Superintendent is satisfied that the said person is a suitable person for that purpose : And whereas the approval of the Minister of Education hereto has been duly had and obtained :

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said agreement and of Section 20 of the said Act and in consideration of the premises it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows : 1. The said person shall take charge of the said child as from the day of , 192 ,to the day of , 192 . 2. If the said child shall with the approval of the Superintendent continue in the charge of the said person after the last-mentioned date the said child shall be deemed to be in the charge of the said person upon the same terms as are herein set out, and this agreement shall continue in force subject to the rights of determination herein contained. 3. The said person shall at all times during the continuance of this agreement lodge, board, and maintain the said child at [insert his or her] own cost and in [insert his or her] own home with all proper and sufficient meat, drink, medicine, apparel, lodging, washing, and all other things necessary and suitable for the said child. 4. The said person shall use all endeavours to procure the regular school attendance of the said child, and shall afford all proper facilities for home study in accordance with school requirements, and shall personally train the said child in habits of physical, mental, and moral propriety and in habits of diligence and usefulness. 5. The Superintendent shall pay through a postal money-order office to the said person for the support and maintenance of the said child the sum of [Amount in figures] say, Amount in words] a week, computed by equal monthly payments from the day of , 192 , and to be continued so long as such child is maintained by the said person to the satisfaction of the Superintendent. 6. This agreement shall be deemed to be subject to all regulations under the said Act for the time being in force, except in so far as such regulations are repugnant to the express provisions hereof. • 7. This agreement may be terminated at any time by the Superintendent or by the said person upon giving one week’s notice in writing to the other of them : Provided always that this stipulation is without prejudice to the right of determination conferred on the Superintendent by section 20 of the said Act.

In witness whereof the said parties have executed these presents the day and year first hereinbefore written. Signed by [ , Deputy Superintendent for and on behalf of] the said Superintendent, in the presence — [Witness: Name, occupation, address]. Signed by the said [Name in full], in the presence of — [Witness : Name, occupation, address].

[C.W. 3. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 20). Agreement for placing Child at Service. Agreement made this day of , one thousand nine hundred and , between , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education (hereinafter with his successors in the office of Superintendent called “ the Superintendent ”) of the one part and [Name in full] of [Address], [Occupation ; if married ivoman 2—P.G.

say, “ wife of” &c., adding name, address, and occupation of husband], (hereinafter called “ the said person ”), of the other part: Whereas one [Full name of child] (hereinafter called “ the said child ”) is now an inmate within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 (hereinafter called “ the said Act ”): And whereas the said person has agreed with the Superintendent to take charge of, maintain, train, and employ the said child : And whereas the Superintendent is satisfied that the said person is a suitable person for that purpose : And whereas the approval of the Minister of Education hereto has been duly had and obtained : Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said agreement and of section 20 of the said Act, and in consideration of the premises, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows : 1. The said person shall take charge of the said child as from the day of , 192 ,to the day of , 192 .' 2. If the said child shall, with the approval of the Superintendent continue in the charge of the said person after the last-mentioned date, the said child shall be deemed to be in the charge of the said person upon the same terms as are herein set out, and this agreement shall continue in force subject to the rights of determination herein contained. 3. The said person shall at all times during the continuance of this agreement lodge, board, and maintain the said child at [lnsert his or her] own cost and in [lnsert his or her] own home with all proper and sufficient meat, drink, medicine, apparel, lodging, washing, and all other things necessary and suitable for the said child. 4. The said person shall personally train the said child in habits of physical, mental, and moral propriety and in habits of diligence and usefulness.

5. The said person shall at all times during the continuance of this agreement train and employ the said child in [farm labour, domestic duties, or as case may be], 6. The said person shall, in consideration of the services rendered by the said child, pay monthly on the day of every calendar month through any postal money-order office to the Superintendent for deposit in the Post Office Savings-bank, pursuant to section 37 of the said Act, a sum computed at the rate of shillings and pence a week, the first of such payments to be made on the day of , 192 . 7. The said person shall in further consideration of the services rendered by the said child pay directly to the said child on the [Saturday, or as case may be] of every week the weekly sum of shillings and pence, the first of such weekly payments to be made on the day of , 192 . 8. Both the said payments shall be computed from the day of , 192 , and shall be continued so long as the said child is in the employ of the said person. 9. The said child shall be entitled after the completion of twelve calendar months’ service to fourteen days’ leave of absence on full wages. 10. The cost of the said child’s going from to the said person’s employ and returning thither shall be borne by the said person. 11. This agreement shall be deemed to be subject to all regulations under the said Act for the time being in force, except in so far as such regulations are repugnant to the express provisions hereof. 12. This agreement may be terminated at any time by the Superintendent or by the said person upon giving one week’s notice in writing to the other of them : Provided always that this stipulation is without prejudice to the right of determination conferred on the Superintendent by section 20 of the said Act.

In witness whereof the said parties have executed these presents the day and year first hereinbefore written.

Signed by [ , Deputy Superintendent for and on behalf of] the said Superintendent, in the presence of — [Witness: Name, occupation, address

Signed by the said [Name in full] in the presence of [Witness: Name occupation, address].

Memorandum : As from the date hereof the foregoing agreement is hereby modified as follows : (a.) In lieu of clause No. 6 thereof the following provisions shall be substituted: — The said person shall in consideration of the services rendered by the said child pay monthly on the day of every

calendar month through any postal money-order office to the Superintendent for deposit in the Post Office Savings-bank pursuant to section 37 of the said Act a sum computed at the rate of shillings and pence a week, the first of such payments to be made on the day of , 192 .

(6.) In lieu of clause No. 7 thereof the following provisions shall be substituted : The said person shall, in further consideration of the services rendered by the said child, pay directly to the said child, on the Saturday [or as case may be] of every week the weekly sum of shillings and pence, the first of such weekly payments to be made on the day of , 192 .

(c.) In lieu of clause No. 8 thereof the following provisions shall be substituted : Both the said payments shall be computed from the day of , 192 , and shall be, continued so long as the said child is in the employ of the said person.

In all other respects the said foregoing agreement is hereby confirmed

In witness whereof the parties to the foregoing agreement have executed these presents this day of , one thousand nine hundred and

Signed by [ , Deputy Superintendent, for and on behalf of] the said Superintendent, in the presence of — [Witness: Name, occupation, address]. Signed by the said [Name in full] in the presence of— [Witness : Name, occupation, address]. ,

[C.W. 4. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (1)). Complaint for Matter determinable Summarily. New Zealand, to wit. - The complaint of [Name in full], of [Address], in the Dominion of New Zealand ( * Constable, Child Welfare Officer), who comes before me, , [a Stipendiary Magistrate and] one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for New Zealand, this day of , 192 , and [on oath] complains that he has just cause to suspect and does suspect that [Name in full], of [Address], [Description], has the custody of a child named [Full name of child], and that the said child is a neglected [ * or indigent, or delinquent] child [or is not under proper control], [or is living in an environment deterimental to its physical [or moral] well-being] within the meaning of subsection (1) of section 13 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925. Taken [ * and sworn] before me on the day and year first above written

[ * Stipendiary Magistrate and] a Justice of the Peace in and for the Dominion of New Zealand, If the complaint was not taken on oath in the first instance and a warrant to compel appearance is to he issued, add The matter of the above complaint is now substantiated before me, the said [Stipendiary Magistrate and] Justice, by the oath of [Name in y full], of [Address]. * Delete words not required.

[C.W.S. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (1)). Summons to Person having Custody of Child on a Complaint. To [Name in full], of [Address], [ Description], Whereas complaint has this day been made before the undersigned [Stipendiary Magistrate and], one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for New Zealand, for that you the said [Name in full] have the custody of - a child named [Full name of child], and that the said child is a *neglected [or indigent, or delinquent] child [or is not under proper control], [or is living in an environment detrimental to its physical (or moral! well-being]

within the meaning of subsection (1) of section 13 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925.

This is to command you to appear with the said child before the Children’s Court at , on the day of , one thousand nine hundred and twenty- , at o’clock in the forenoon, before such Justices of the Peace as may then be there, to answer to the said complaint and to be further dealt with according to law. Given under my hand this day of ,19 ,at Magistrate and] a Justice of the Peace, in and for the Dominion of New Zealand. * Delete the words not required. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS TO BE ENDORSED ON BACK OF COPY THEREOF. I, , Constable, of , make oath and say that I duly served a summons of which a copy is within written on ' • , the person to whom the same was directed, by delivering the same to personally [or by leaving the same for him at his house with , an inmate thereof appearing to be above the age of fourteen years]. Taken and sworn before me . Justice of the Peace for New Zealand, this day of , 19 , at •** * ) Justice of the Peace.

[C.W. 6. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (1) ). Warrant to Apprehend. To the Constables of , in New Zealand. Whereas on last past complaint was made before [one of] His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for New Zealand for that [etc., as in summons and the matter of such complaint has been substantiated on oath : And whereas the said has neglected to appear in obedience to a summons : This is to command you forthwith to apprehend the said and bring h before some Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice appointed to exercise jurisdiction in a Children’s Court to answer to the said complaint and to be further dealt with according to law. Given under hand this day of ,19 ,at [Stipendiary Magistrate and] a Justice of the Peace in and for the Dominion of New Zealand.

[C.W. 7. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (2) ). Warrant authorizing Constable, Child Welfare Officer, or other Person named, to take Possession of Child. To (*Constable, Child Welfare Officer) of , in the Dominion of New Zealand. Whereas on last past complaint was made before me, the undersigned [*Stipendiary Magistrate and] one of His Majesty’s Justices of J the Peace for New Zealand for that [A "ame in full], of [Address], [Description], has the custody of a child named [Full name of child], and that the said child is a *neglected [or indigent, or delinquent] child [or is not under proper control], [or is living in an environment detrimental to its physical (or moral) well-being] within the meaning of subsection (1) of section 13 of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 : And whereas it has been made to appear to me that the said child is in a place of ill-repute [or is likely to be ill-treated], [or is likely to be neglected], —here set out any other reason why the child should he forthwith removed from its surroundings]. This is to command you, the said , to Hake possession of the said child and to convey it to any institution under the said Act and to deliver it- into the custody of any person for the time being in charge of the institution, there to be detained until the matter of the said complaint has been disposed of [receive and hold the said child until the said complaint

has been disposed of or to make other satisfactory provision for the temporary maintenance and care of the said child]. Given under my hand this day of , 19 ,at [*Stipendiary Magistrate and] a Justice of the Peace in and for the Dominion of New Zealand. * Delete the words not required.

[C.W. 8.

The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (4)). Order committing Child to the Care of the Superintendent. New Zealand, to wit. Whereas *on a complaint duly made [or on the application of Constable [or Child Welfare Officer], [Full name of child], of [Address], has been this day brought before me [*Stipendiary Magistrate and] one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for New Zealand, and after inquiry and the hearing of evidence adduced before me, I am satisfied that the said child is [Describe the condition of the child in such of the terms of section 13 (1) of the Act as may be applicable] within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 :

And whereas I am satisfied that a Child Welfare Officer has had an opportunity to investigate the circumstances of the case and to report thereon to the Court:

f And whereas it has been proved by the production and identification of a birth certificate, being a copy duly certified by the Registrar of Births at of the entry relating to the birth of the said child, that the said child was born on the day of 19 : f And whereas in the absence of sufficient evidence the age of the said child as hereinafter specified has been fixed by the Court pursuant to the authority of section 40 of the said Act:

Now, therefore, I do hereby order and direct that the said child be forthwith committed to the care of the Superintendent under the provisions of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 :

And in pursuance of the premises I hereby specify the age of the said child *to be as appears from the above-mentioned birth certificate [or to be years and months]:

And I do hereby further order and direct that the said child shall be educated in the faith and doctrines of the religious denomination known as

Given under my hand at the Children’s Court at this day of , 19 *Stipendiary Magistrate [Justice of the Peace] authorized to exercise jurisdiction in a Children’s Court. N.B. —A certified copy of this order must be forthwith forwarded by the Clerk of the Children’s Court to the Superintendent ( vide section 13 (8)). * Delete the words not required, f Delete one or other of these recitals.

[C.W. 9. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (4)). Order placing Child under Supervision of Child Welfare Officer. New Zealand, to wit. Whereas *on a complaint duly made [or on the application of , Constable (or Child Welfare Officer)], [Full name of child], of [Address] has this day been brought before me [*Stipendiary Magistrate and] one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for New Zealand, and, after inquiry and the hearing of evidence adduced before me, I am satisfied that the said child is [Describe the condition of the child in such of the terms of section 13 (1) of the Act as may be applicable] within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act, 1925.

f And whereas it has been proved by the production and identification of a birth certificate, being a copy duly certified by the Registrar of Births at of the entry relating to the birth of the said child, that the said child was born on the day of 19 : fAnd whereas in the absence of sufficient evidence the age of the said child as hereinafter specified has been fixed by the Court pursuant to the authority of section 40 of the said Act:

And whereas I am satisfied that a Child Welfare Officer has had an opportunity to investigate the circumstances of the case and to report thereon to the Court:

Now, therefore, I do hereby place the said child under the supervision of , a Child Welfare Officer, for the period from the day of , 19 , to the day of 19 , and I do hereby order that *for the whole of the said period [for months from the said day of , 19 ], the said child shall be detained in an institution under the said Act. Given under my hand at the Children’s Court at this day of 19. Magistrate [Justice of the Peace] authorized to exercise jurisdiction in a Children’s Court. N.B. — certified copy of this order must be forthwith forwarded by the Clerk of the Children’s Court to the Superintendent. ( Vide section 13 (8)). * Delete the words not required. | Delete one or other of these recitals.

[C.W. 10. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 13 (7) Notification by Constable to Child Welfare Officer of Subjectmatter of Complaint or Application. To , Child Welfare Officer, and to all other Child Welfare Officers of , in the Dominion of New Zealand. Take notice that complaint [application] has this day been made by me , Constable, of , before [to] , Esquire [S.M. and] one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the Dominion of New Zealand, in terms of the copy of the complaint [application] attached hereto [or state shortly matter of complaint or application']. A summons has been issued in terms of the said complaint for hearing at , on [or the matter of the said application is to be further heard] at on Dated at this day of ,19 .

[C.W. 11. Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 20 (2)). Warrant from Superintendent to cancel Agreement. • To , an Officer of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education. Whereas by agreement bearing date the day of , 19 , made under the authority of the Child Welfare Act, 1925, one [Full name of child] was placed in the charge of upon the terms and conditions expressed in the said agreement: And whereas it is expedient that the said agreement should be cancelled. Now, therefore, I, , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education, by virtue and in exercise of the power and authority vested in me by section 20 of the said Act, do hereby authorize you to cancel the said agreement and to take possession of the said child. As witness my hand this day of , one thousand nine hundred and .. , Superintendent.

[C.W. 12. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 23). Discharge of Inmate. Whereas is [are] now [an] inmate[s] within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act, 1925, of an institution known as : And whereas by the said Act it is enacted that the Superintendent may, subject to the approval of the Minister of Education, discharge any inmate from an institution under the said Act at any time before he [she] has attained the age of twenty-one years, and thereupon all the powers and authorities of the Superintendent in relation to the said inmate shall determine:

And whereas the approval of the said Minister hereto has been duly given: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power vested in me by the said Act, I, , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare

Branch of the Department of Education, being satisfied that it is in the best interests of the above-named inmate[s] so to do, do hereby discharge the said inmate[s] from the said institution. As witness my hand this day of , one thousand nine hundred and

[C.W. 13. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 22). Application for an Order extending Period of Control. In the matter of the Child Welfare Act, 1925; and in the matter of

To the Magistrate, Children’s Court, Whereas I am of the opinion that the above-named is morally degenerate [not a fit person (for h own sake) (or in the public interest) to be free from control]: And whereas the said person is an inmate within the meaning of the above-entitled Act of the institution known as :

Now, therefore, I, , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education, do hereby make application under subsection (1) [or (4)] of section 22 of the. said Act for an order extending the period during which I may exercise in respect of the said person the powers and rights of guardianship and the special powers conferred on me by the said Act in respect of inmates of institutions. Dated at Wellington this day of , one thousand nine hundred and

[C.W. 14. I appoint day the day of ,19 ,at o’clock in the noon as the time, and at as the place, for the hearing of the above application. Dated this day of ,19 .

[C.W. 15. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 22). Assignment of Counsel to Inmate. In the matter of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 ; and in the matter of" Application having been made to me for an order extending the time within which the above-named shall be under the control of the Superintendent pursuant to section 22 of the above-entitled Act, I hereby assign Mr. as counsel to the said for the purposes of the said application. Dated this day of ,19 . I hereby consent to act as counsel for the above-named person for the purposes of the application above referred to.

[C.W. 16. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 22 (3) ). Order extending Period of Control. In the matter of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 ; and in the matter of Upon the application of Mr. , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education, for an order in respect of the above-named in terms of section 22 of the aboveentitled Act: And upon hearing Mr. of counsel duly assigned to the said : And having examined the said at : And having heard the evidence of : And being satisfied that the said is morally degenerate [not a fit person (for h own sake) (in the public interest) to be free from control], I, , a Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in a Children’s Court under the said Act, do hereby order that the time within which the said shall be under the control of the Superintendent shall be extended by four years from the time at which the said attains the age of twenty-one years. Given under my hand at this day of ,19 .

[C.W. 17. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 22 (4) ). Further Order extending Period of Control. In the matter of the Child Welfare Act, 1925 ; and in the matter of Upon the application of Mr. , Superintendent for the time being of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education, for a further order in respect of the above-named in terms of section 22 of the above-entitled Act: And upon reading the order made by Mr. herein on the day of ,19 : And upon hearing Mr. , of counsel duly assigned to the said . And having examined the said at : And having heard the evidence of : And being satisfied that the said is morally degenerate [not a fit person (for h own sake) (in the public interest) to be free from control], I, , a Magistrate exercising jurisdiction in a Children’s Court under the said Act, do hereby order that the period of control fixed by the Order hereinbefore referred to be extended by a further period of from the expiration thereof. Given under my hand at .this day of , 19 .

[C.W. 18. The Child Welfare Act, 1925 (Section 44). Certificate on Copy of Agreement. We, the undersigned, being two officers of the Child Welfare Branch of the Department of Education, do hereby certify the foregoing document to be a true copy of the original agreement of which it purports to be a copy and with which we have compared it this day of ,19 . F. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Executive Council.


Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. A. Arlie, William .. Alymer, Gerald Anderson, Allan Angus, George .. ' Atkinson, Lionel Albert .. Aynesworth, A. J. Obscene language Breaking, entering, and theft .. Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain .. Failing to maintain Forgery and uttering .. Stratford Hastings Christchurch Onehunga Wanganui Napier 1926, page 128. 1926, „ 174. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 174. 1926, „ 238. 1926, „ 158. B. Banks, Donald L. Beaufort, William Bent, Victor James Blake, Valentine Charles Boggs, Andrew Murray .. Bolton, Edward Braid, James Breen, John James Brewer, Victor George Brown, Belcher Lewis Brown, William George Rosa Brown, William George Rosa Bryant, Richard Burgess, G. H. .. Burns, William Burt, Alex Burwood, Richard Butcher, Frederick desertion Failing to maintain Failing to maintain .. False pretences Failing to maintain .. Default of costs Default of maintenance Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Driving motor-cycle without license Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs (2) False pretences .. ... Failing to maintain .. Default of maintenance False pretences Default of fine and costs Wellington Hawera Auckland Wellington , Palmerston North Auckland Dunedin Dunedin Napier Auckland Wellington Wellington Auckland Palmerston North Wellington Christchurch Nelson Raetihi 1926, „ 104. 1926, „ 158. 1926, „ 83. 1926, „ 175. 1926, „ 238. 1926, „ 205. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 219. 1926, „ 218. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 175. 1926, „ 190. 1926, „ 190. 1926, „ 39. 1926, „ 52. 1926, „ 239. 1926, „ 158. Inquiries being made. C. Caddy, J. E. Calderwood, Duncan Alexander Campbell, Alexander Cashford, Henry Caughey, Samuel Churton, Francis Clarebut, L. .. Clark, Frank John Clarke, John Logan Clemens, Roy Quentin .. Collins, George Harold Condon, B. Connolly, Jack .. Corey, Roy Bertram Cornwall, Thomas Sutherland Corrigan, Walter James .. Cousins, Harold Cox, John Charles F. Cryer, Oliver James Cunliffe, George Currie, H. Ship-desertion .. ... Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Default of costs Default of fine and costs Ship-desertion Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Failing to maintain .. Failing to maintain .. ... Theft Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Deserting from Navy Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Deserting Navy Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Wellington New Plymouth .. Auckland Auckland Wellington Christchurch Wellington Auckland Auckland Auckland Christchurch Timaru Christchurch Wellington Devonport Normanby Murchison Christchurch Devonport ,. Tauranga Foxton 1926, page 144. 1926, „ 218. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 157. 1926, „ 175. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 52. 1926, „ 218. 1926, „ 218. 1926, „ 174. 1926, „ 175. 1926, „ 158. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 175. 1926, „ 177. 1926, „ 190. 1926, „ 104. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 87. 1926, „ 158. Inquiries being made. D. Daley, Charley .. Darnton, Leslie Darrie, Thomas Denniston, Archibald Lyons Dobbie, John Dobson, Leslie .. Don, Hugh Doyle, William Thomas .. Drury, Frank Dunn, James Dunshea, Albert Edward Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain .. Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Theft Failing to maintain Escaping from inebriates institution Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain .. Default of maintenance Wellington Auckland Gore Christchurch Christchurch Auckland Christchurch Auckland Palmerston North Christchurch Grey mouth 1926, page 174. 1926, ,-, 65. 1926, „ 158. Inquiries being made. 1926 page 175. 1926, „ 116. 1926, „ 144. 1926, „ 83. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 219. 1926, „ 84. E. Edwards, George Walter Albert Edwards, Wilfred Smith Evans, Arthur .. Ewart, John Failing to maintain .. Failing to maintain •• Failing to maintain .. Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Forgery Dannevirke Wellington •• Dannevirke Wellington Christchurch Auckland 1926, „ 206. 1926, „ 190. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 173. F. Farnworth, Leonard Fletcher, T. Fogarty, Thomas Fraser, James .. Fyfe, Kenneth Kampdown Breach of probation Obscene language .. ... Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Nelson Wellington Napier Auckland Blenheim 1926, „ 239. 1926, „ 158. 1926, „ 144. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 239. G. Geen, Edwards James Giborn, C. Giles, Harry Louis Giorgi, Octavian Gower, Walter John Gridley, William Guy, Kenneth .. 3 -P.G. Failing to maintain Ship-desertion Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Failing to maintain Theft .. .. Oamaru Wellington Christchurch Palmerston North Invercargill Blenheim Wellington 1926, „ 175. 1926, „ 144. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 17. 1926, „ 104. 1926, „ 128.

RETURN OF WARRANTS ISSUED DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1926, AND REMAINING UNEXECUTED. (For preceding return see Police Gazette, 1926, page 70.)

Name. 1 Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. H. Hancli, John Henry Default of fine and costs Auckland Inquiries being made Harper, George Francis .. Default of fine and costs Auckland Hart, Frank Ship-desertion Wellington 1926, page 219. Hartigan, James Percy .. Default of fine Greymouth 1926, „ 219. Hauiti, Robert .. Threatening behaviour Morrinsville 1926, „ 206. Hayden, James Deserting Navy Wellington 1926, „ 193. Healey, George Francis .. Default of fine and costs Auckland 1926, „ 218. Hedley, Maurice Herbert Failing to maintain Hastings 1926, „ 206. Herbert, Victor Charles .. Failing to maintain Auckland 1926, „ 157. Hewi Rita Mona Drunk in charge of motor-car Auckland Inquiries being made. Hill, Claude Theft Auckland 1926, page 51. Hinchcliffe, Smith Default of maintenance Shannon 1926, „ 174. Hooper, Percy Frederick Default of fine and costs Christchurch Inquiries being made Hosking, Francis Edward Failing to maintain .. Auckland 1926, page 143. Howard, John Wesley Deserting Navy Devonport 1926, „ 87. Humphreys, Iris Florence Default of fine and costs Auckland Inquiries being made Hunt, Edith Faith Theft Hastings 1926, page 39. Huston, Tasman James .. Default of maintenance Christchurch 1926, „ 219. Hutton, Thomas Henry .. Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Ship-desertion Default of fine Threatening behaviour Deserting Navy Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Failing to maintain Drunk in charge of motor-car Theft Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Deserting Navy Default of fine and costs Theft Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Auckland Auckland Wellington Greymouth Morrinsville Wellington Auckland Hastings Auckland Auckland Auckland Shannon Christchurch Auckland Devonport Auckland Hastings Christchurch Auckland Inquiries being made 1926, page 219. 1926, „ 219. 1926, „ 206. 1926, „ 193. 1926, „ 218. 1926, ,. 206. 1926, „ 157. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 51. 1926, „ 174. Inquiries being made 1926, page 143. 1926, „ 87. Inquiries being made 1926, page 39. 1926, „ 219. 1926, „ 218. J. Jackson, James.. Failing to maintain .. Outram 1926, „ 158. Joll, Ernest Default of maintenance Christchurch Inquiries being made Jones, Harry Thomas Benjamin .. Default of maintenance Christchurch 1926, page 190. Jury, Honi Failing to maintain Default of maintenance Default of maintenance Failing to maintain .. Outram Christchurch Christchurch Hastings 1926, „ 158. Inquiries being made 1926, page 190. 1926, „ 158. K. Kania Karl Adolf Georg Kurt Failing to maintain Auckland 1926, „ 157. Kelly, Mark Joseph Failing to maintain Invercargill 1926, „ 191. Kenny, Thomas G. Theft Matamata 1926, „ 116. King, Walter Failing to maintain Auckland 1926, „ 37. King, William Strang Failing to maintain .. Christchurch 1926, ,. 175. Kingi Akuhata .. Default of fine and costs Whakatane Inquiries being made. Kirk, J. Failing to maintain Failing to maintain Theft Failing to maintain Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Ship-desertion Auckland Invercargill Matamata Auckland Christchurch Whakatane Wellington •• 1926, „ 157. 1926, „ 191. 1926, „ 116. 1926, „ 37. 1926, „ 175. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 219. L. Langley, William Absent from Navy Devonport 1926, „ 118. Lansdown, Albert Default of fine and costs Christchurch Inquiries being made. Larsen, Alfred Christian .. Default of maintenance Auckland 1926, page 217. La.very, Gerald .. Default of fine and costs Auckland 1926, „ 205. Law, A. E. False pretences Palmerston North 1926, „ 158. Lawrence, J. Ship-desertion , Wellington 1926, „ 104. Lennane, Joseph Default of fine and costs Auckland 1926, „ 218. Loehore, John DennistonInquiries being made. Lochore, John Denniston Default of fine and costs Christchurch Lowe, Robert .. Default of fine and costs Hawera 1926, page 238. Lowther, Alfred Leon Absent from Navy Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs False pretences Ship-desertion Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Theft Devonport Christchurch Auckland Auckland Palmerston North Wellington Auckland Christchurch Hawera Wanganui 1926, „ 118. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 217. 1926, „ 205. 1926, „ 158. 1926, „ 104. 1926, „ 218. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 238. 1926, „ 16. M. MacKay, William False pretences Christchurch 1926, „ 128. Man (name unknown) Assault Taranaki Street 1926, „ 206. (Wellington) Marshall, David Failing to maintain Wellington 1926, „ 128. Martin, Francis William .. Default of fine and costs Wellington 1926, „ 219. Marumaru RangipouriInquiries being made Marumaru Rangipouri Default of maintenance Auckland Matheson, John Percival Failing to maintain .. Dunedin 1926, page 158. Mika Mana Default of fine and costs Whakatane Inquiries being made Moffitt, William James .. Default of fine and costs Hawera 1926, page 238. Mooney, Joseph Christopher Failing to maintain Napier 1926, „ 158. Morgan, —• .. Ship-desertion Wellington 1926, „ 39. Morrison, John .. Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1926, „ 144. Morrison, Peter Default of fine and costs Auckland 1926, „ 218. Mortison, Olaf .. Default of fine and costs (2) Taumarunui 1926, „ 238. Moselem, Arthur Roy Default of maintenance Opotiki Inquiries being made Moyes, D. Ship-desertion Wellington 1926, page 39. Murray, William David .. False pretences Assault Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Failing to maintain .. Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Ship-desertion Failing to maintain Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs (2) Default of maintenance Ship-desertion Failing to maintain .. Christchurch Taranaki Street (Wellington) Wellington Wellington Auckland Dunedin Whakatane Hawera Napier Wellington Wellington Auckland Taumarunui Opotiki Wellington Auckland 1926, „ 128. 1926, „ 206. 1926, „ 128. 1926, „ 219. Inquiries being made 1926, page 158. Inquiries being made 1926, page 238. 1926, „ 158. 1926, „ 39. 1926, „ 144. 1926, „ 218. 1926, „ 238. Inquiries being made 1926, page 39. 1926, „ 103. Me. McCausland, Henry Default of fine and costs Christchurch Inquiries being made McCleary, M. Ship-desertion Wellington 1926, page 39. McDonald, John William Default of maintenance Auckland 1926, „ 51. McDonald, William Theft Winton 1926, „ 158. McHardie, Lancelot Avison Failing to maintain .. Wellington 1926, „ 104. McIntosh, David Weston..Inquiries being made McIntosh, David Weston.. Default of maintenance Christchurch McKibbon, Patrick False pretences Auckland 1926, page 38. McMastcr, John Default of fine and costs Whangarei 1926, „ 217. McMastors, John Theft Maungaturoto 1926, „ 205. McShane, Samuel Default of fine and costs Ship-desertion Default of maintenance Theft Failing to maintain .. Default of maintenance False pretences Default of fine and costs Theft Default of fine and costs Christchurch Wellington Auckland Winton Wellington Christchurch Auckland Whangarei Maungaturoto Auckland Inquiries being made 1926, page 39. 1926, „ 51. 1926, „ 158. 1926, „ 104. Inquiries being made 1926, page 38. 1926, „ 217. 1926, „ 205. 1926, „ 205.

RETURN OF WARRANTS ISSUED DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1926, AND REMAINING UNEXECUTED—continued. (For preceding return see Police Gazette. 1926, page 70.)

Name. Offence. Station. Police Gazette Reference. N. Neal, Rupert Neave, John Barron Neil, Ernest John Neilson, Walter Newell, Leonard Henry .. Norton, Jack Default of maintenance (2) False pretences Failing to maintain Failing to maintain Deserting Navy Default of fine and costs Christchurch Napier Auckland Dunedin Wellington Hastings Inquiries being made. 192(5, page 158. • • »1926, ■ „ 238. Inquiries being made. 1920, page 158. 1926, “ „ 238. 1926, „ 158. > 1926, „ 193. 1926, „ 66. 0. Orr, Gordon Victor Orr, Forbes Chapman Outram, William Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain Wanganui Wanganui Dunedin Inquiries being made. 1926, page 219. P. Palenski, Arthur William Parry, Frederick James .. Penno, William Harold .. Penson, Charles Perreau, Edward Francis Peskett, Patrick Phillips, Reginald Phillipson, James Powell, Frederick Pullen, S. . • , •. Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs (2) Failing to maintain Ship-desertion Absconding from bail Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Theft Wanganui Christchurch Hamilton Christchurch Christchurch Lyttelton Auckland Christchurch Christchurch Wellington 1926, „ 206. 1926, „ 158. 1926, „ 174. 1926, „ 52. 1926, „ 175. 1926, „ 39. 1926, „ 116. Inquiries being made. 1926 page 84. Q. Quinn, Charles L. Default of fine and costs Auckland Inquiries being made. •• Auckland Inquiries being made. R. Raata Paketa .. Reardon, William Reynolds, James Richards, Philip Gentle .. Richmond, Beaumont Robinson, James Ross, William A. Ryan, Thomas .. Default of fine and costs False pretences . .Theft Default of fine and costs False pretences Theft Failing to maintain .. Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance desertion Failing to maintain .. Wanganui Milton Palmerston North Invercargill Balcultha Christchurch Wellington Dunedin Inquiries being made. 1926, page 117. 1926, „ 116. 1926, „ 175. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 104. 1926, „ 66. S. Samilson, Harry Scott, Frank Scott, Wilfred .. Sexton, Gilbert Patrick .. Sheridan, Patrick John .. Shiel, Henry Emmet Shore, Stanley Newton .. Smith, Frederick Warren.. Smith, James Rangi Smith, Sidney .. Sommerfield, Leopold Stewart, Robert Stewart, William Edmund Sutherland, Arthur Sutton, James Ernest Default of maintenance Failing to maintain Theft Failing to maintain .. Theft" Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Failing to maintain .. Failing to maintain Failing to maintain Theft Deserting Navy Theft Default of fine and costs Christchurch Napier.. Christchurch Auckland Christchurch Christchurch Wellington Invercargill Auckland Wellington Dunedin Hamilton Devonport Timaru Wellington Inquiries being made. 1926 page 143. 1926, „ 175. 1926, „ 237. 1926, „ 52. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 219. 1926, „ 239. 1926, „ 38. 1926, „ 116. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 38. 1926, „ 87. 1926, „ 191. 1926, „ 219. T. Tait, George Taylor, John Taylor, Waere Toppin, Kenneth Tranter, Albert .. Truscott, Walter Harold Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Default of costs Default of fine and costs Deserting Navy Default of fine and costs Timaru Wellington Gisborne Christchurch Wellington Christchurch 1926, „ 191. 1926, „ 238. 1926, „ 38. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 193. Inquiries being made. V. Van Renen, Charles Valentine Failing to maintain .. , .. •• Christchurch 1926, page 144. W. Wall, Jack Ward, Patrick .. Watson, Walter Ernest .. Wells, Sidney .. White, Herbert Wiles, Albert Edward Wilkinson, Gordon Smith Williams, C. Williams, Horace Willis, James Wallace Wilson, James Wilson, William Robert .. Witty, Henry . • Woodman, Walter Wormald, Frederick J. .. Woulfe, J. D. • • False pretences Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain .. Obscene language Default of fine and costs Failing to maintain .. Theft Obtaining credit by fraud Default of fine and costs Default of maintenance Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Default of fine and costs Default of fine Uttering Feilding Wellington Hamilton Rakaia Whakatane Auckland Gisborne Christchurch Hokitika Hamilton Marton Matamata Christchurch Dannevirke Christchurch Christchurch 1926, „ 219. 1926, „ 219. 1926, „ 238. 1926, „ 128. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 103. 1926, „ • 143. 1926, „ 190. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 206. 1926, „ 238. 1926, „ 143. 1926, „ 84. Inquiries being made. 1926, page 104.

RETURN OF WARRANTS ISSUED DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 31st MARCH, 1928, AND REMAINING UNEXECUTED—continued. (For preceding return see Police Gazette, 1926, page 70.)

Name Offender., Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing ft. in. Marsh, . Kaikohe 19/4/26 obscene language fined £2 Maori labourer 1895 ft. in. 5 74 copper.. black brown .. medium •• 19/4/26 obscene language fined £2 Maori labourer 1895 5 74 copper.. black brown .. medium Sainsbury, Kaitaia 8/4/26 charges) ; convicted N. labourer 1893 5 4| copper. black dark medium . Maori caste ; quarter a on (See forearm. motor-car each Photographs, 1926, page . . ) Leonard Edward Kailaia , 8/4/26 charges); convicted N. motor-driver 1905 5 44 fair fair hazel medium . of scar ; right using discharged (See motor-car each 264, Scar on nose and above left eye. (See Police James Mowbray Kaitaia . 8/4/26 charges) convicted Scotland cinema1888 5 64 sallow . brown blue medium Scar on nose and above left eye. (See Police discharged operator 169, page page Reynolds, Maungaturoto 20/4/26 theft convicted and N. motor-driver 1905 6 0 fair fair hazel . large Three on discharged Woolley, Auckland 16/4/26 slyfined £20 Zealand confectioner 1900 5 2 sallow . black brown . medium Henry Auckland 14/4/26 in fined N. labourer 1898 6 0 fair brown blue . medium eye. vehicle motor- a motor-driver Oakley, Auckland 19/4/26 the on fined N. agent 1895 5 10 fresh . blaok brown medium Paddy, Clarke, Paddy of a bookmaker John of a bookmaker • • Auckland 19/4/26 on fined N. carrier 1881 5 6 fresh . brown grey medium and on nose, middle, fingers. and 722, Gazette, (See Photographs, 1921, page 67.) , Photographs, 1921, page 67.) Dixon, Nigel Auckland 19/4/26 theft probation fined N. salesman 1910 5 9 fair brown hazel medium . build. Slight Price, Auckland 19/4/26 fighting England dealer 1874 5 84 fresh sandy brown . medium Mackie James Auckland 20/4/26 stowaway convicted England . labourer 1908 5 '4 dark . dark brown medium cheek. discharged Ellen Ada Auckland 17/4/26 theft admonished Zealand domestic . 1909 5 2 fresh . ginger brown medium Carden, Rodney Auokland 19/4/26 charges) (5 6 proZealand labourer and 1900 5 11 fair fair grey medium of bation accountant Lionel Auckland 23/4/26 breach convicted N. Zealand wire-worker 1909 5 1 pale brown blue medium (See discharged Gazette, 140.) Connelly, Auckland 23/4/26 cruelty a fined Ireland dealer 1864 5 74 fresh . grey blue . medium . scar ; eye. 1921, William. Adolph, Auokland 23/4/26 assault fined N. engine-driver 1894 5 8 sallow dark brown medium Slight Charles Ansell, Auokland 23/4/26 lottery fined £1 Zealand clerk 1870 5 74 dark dark blue medium Walker, • Auokland 23/4/26 illegally lottery fined England agent 1880 5 10 fair light grey medium . Two tiokets tickets . ■ . : i .• ; ; .: ..

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol.

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. ! j Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, ic. I 5 O 1 M j Height Complexion. Hair. 1 ! Eyes. Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks, ifcc. RoyAllport, Pukekohe . 6/4/26 while fined N. mechanic . 1901 ft. 8 fresh . brown blue medium . of finger of a negligently driving convicted of motor-car discharged driving motor-car withfined £1 out a license ' * driving motor-car withfined £1 out a license McGregor, Thomas Pukekohe . 10/4/26 illegally premises convicted Scotland labourer 1872 5 8 fresh . brown dark grey medium . on clasped without intent night discharged and anchor, ; on ; right Maloney, Pukekohe . 19/4/26 obscene language fined Zealand railway1879 5 10 fresh grey, going bald blue .. medium bald going blue .. medium employee John Waihi 13/4/26 a fined Dalmatia tobacconist 1885 5 8 sallow . dark brown .. medium . . Strong build. v brown .. medium .. Strong build. William. Magnussen, Waihi 13/4/26 drunk charge fined Zealand farmer 1879 5 fresh .. dark # , grey .. medium .. Strtmg build. 9i fresh .. dark grey .. medium . . String build. of Thomas Dally, Waihi 13/4/26 fighting . and Tasmania labourer 1851 5 7 fresh grey blue .. medium .. Stout build. . . blue .. medium .. Stout build. discharged labourer Thomas Dally, Waihi 13/4/26 fighting convicted Tasmania. 1909 5 8 fresh .. dark . • . grey .. small labourer 1909 5 8 fresh .. dark grey .. small discharged 1874 William Roberts, Henry Waihi 13/4/26 fighting fined England . labourer 5 6 fresh . grey, going bald blue medium bald going blue medium William Davis, Huntly 15/4/26 child a £5fined Zealand N. farmer 1889 5 9 fair fair blue medium Strong Davis, Huntly 15/4/26 childilltreating fined N. domestic 1888 5 9 dark black brown .. medium .. A half-caste Maori; stout build. •• brown .. medium .. A half-caste Maori; stout build. HerbertO’Callaghan, Huntly 15/4/26 assault fined Zealand miner 1898 5 8 fair ginger blue medium Selby Tauranga 15/4/26 trespass a fined Zealand N. bookmaker 1875 5 8* fresh . brown grey medium . (See and 12.) William Tauranga 15/4/26 a fined Australia . andpugilist 1894 5 sallow .. brown blue .. PUg. broken 10 p.c. Strong build; slightly deaf. (See .. blue .. pug, 10 p.o. Strong build; slightly deaf. (See miner Police Gazette, 1926, page 247.) broken Police Gazette, 1926, page 247.) Rangitaiapa Tauranga . 19/4/26 charge fined Maori labourer 1885 5 10 copper.. black brown, flat 1 p.c. Strong build ; large scar on right calf; , , brown, fiat 1 p.c. Strong build ; large scar on right calf; a large (See eyes. 648.) page David Tauranga 19/4/26 disorderly . £5fined Maori labourer 1893 5 9 copper. black brown .. large, flat Strong build. , , brown .. large, flat Strong build. resisting fined leg William Tauranga 21/4/26 language fined Scotland labourer 1878 5 8 ruddy brown blue .. medium .. shorter than left. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 74.) , , blue .. medium .. shorter than left. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 74.) Moran, Hamilton 23/4/26 using a 1 Zealand labourer 1908 5 5* fresh . auburn hazel .. medium . , hazel .. medium ; and in- an returned school industrial school

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born.1 1 4-3 | js J3D •5 W i Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Harks, Ac. t Born. 1 I <D W Complexion. Hair. Kye3. Nose. Distinguishing Harks, Ac. Sharpies, Hamilton 24/4/26 s' absconding 1 convicted . England labourer 1909 ft. 74 fresh brown brown medium . side (See school discharged 229.) Susan Hitchener, Gisborne 16/4/26 theft fined England domestic . 1887 5 pale brown hazel .. medium - 2 pale brown hazel .. medium ► Lawrence Gisborne 16/4/26 by premises Irelandconvicted labourer 1906 5 10 fresh .. brown blue medium .. Slight build ; left little finger contracted. Ireland labourer 1906 5 10 fresh .. brown blue medium .. Slight build ; left little finger contracted. intent discharged brown John Plymouth 19/4/26 premises illegally convicted Zealand bushman 1888 10 freBh .. brown medium 10 fresh .. brown medium without discharged brown . Orr, Plymouth 21/4/26 byillegally and Zealand labourer 1908 5 fresh .. fair .. medium .. Sailing-ship on right upper arm. 64 fresh .. fair medium .. Sailing-ship on right upper arm. intent without night discharged brown Stewart Frank Eltham 20/4/26 false to school probation fined Zealand schoolboy . 1913 4 sallow .. fair large 6 sallow .. fair large Bell, Manaia 19/4/26 theft England labourer 1906 8$ 5 dark .. dark brown .. medium 84 dark .. dark brown .. medium Douglas, Hastings 21/4/26 fighting Zealand labourer 1902 10 fresh .. dark brown .. medium .. Scar on back of left hand and on right cheek. 10 fresh .. dark brown .. medium .. Scar on back of left hand and on right cheek. Donald Robert .Ferguson, Hastings 21/4/26 fighting fined £1 Zealand storeman 1893 5 dark .. dark brown .. broken .. Right fore and middle fingers missing. 9 dark .. dark brown .. broken .. Right fore and middle fingers missing. Anthony Taihape 23/4/26 theft fined Zealand labourer 1908 8 fair fair blue .. medium 8 fair fair blue medium Edward ChristianOstermann, Taihape . 19/4/26 theft .. to pay Deumark labourer 1873 8 fair grey grey .. medium 8 fair grey grey .. medium Frederik brown . Tommy Waipawa 26/4/26 assault to . Maori labourer 1902 6 copper.. black large Strougjbuild; ostrioh and emu on left arm. 0 copper.. black large Strongjbuild ; ostrich and emu on left arm. Joseph James Waipukurau 16/4/26 assault pay . Zealand saw-miller 1875 10 5 dark .. dark brown .. medium 10 dark .. dark brown .. medium Clarence Masterfcon 14/4/26 a 1 N. Zealand railway 1906 5 104 fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium tion porter hazel .. 1 year’s probaN. Zealand railway porter railway 1906 5 10$ fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium Adams, Masterton . 14/4/26 servant N. Zealand 1904 5 10 fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium 1 year’s probaN. Zealand railway 1904 5 10 fresh .. light brown medium tion porter hazel . medium Albert Masterton 16/4/26 keeping fined Zealand carpenter 1897 5 7 fair fair Scar on right foot. (See Police Gazette, 1925, 7 fair fair Scar on right foot. (See Police Gazette, 1925, saleliquor slaughterman 648.) Rhodes McCormack, Masterton . 16/4/26 keepingunlawfully fined Zealand labourer 1900 6 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium 0 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium for blue medium .. MatthewJohnstone, Petone 19/4/26 assault fined £10 Australia . casing 1881 7J 5 fresh .. dark, turning grey Australian emblem on right arm. n fresh .. dark, turning grey medium .. Australian emblem on right arm. Thomas.. Petone 24/4/26 theft fined Scotland labourer 1892 6 fresh .. auburn, grey .. medium .. Girl on right forearm ; band on right wrist; 6 fresh .. auburn, grey .. medium .. Girl on right forearm ; band on right wrist; prohibited going on finger. ; Redstone, Wellington 19/4/26 assault fined Newfoundengineer 1900 10 sallow .. light brown brown .. medium .. Sailor, tombstone, and IN LOVING MEMORY 10 sallow .. light brown brown .. medium .. Sailor, tombstone, and IN LOVING MEMORY land MY DEAR left James William Brown, Wellington 19/4/26 assault fined £2 N. Zealand motor-driver 1902 5 104 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. Scar on left thumb and middle finger, on chin, fighting fined fined and on back of neck. (See Polioe Gazette, 1926, page 31.) fined £1 N. Zealand motor-driver 1902 5 10$ fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. Scar on left thumb and middle finger, on chin, and on baok of neck. (See Polioe Gazette, 1926, page 31.) Wilkins, Roy Stanley Wellington 19/4/26 police fined Zealand chemist 1904 5 fresh . brown hazel .. medium . left ; on (See Gazette, page 397.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. | Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Ui3tingnishiTii! Marks, Ac. | | Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Barks, <fceWatson Wellington 19/4/26 keeping a fined England . butcher 1882 ft. in. 11 •fresh . fair brown .. medium fresh .. fair brown .. medium double to pay chart ’ Wood, Wellington .. 19/4/26 keeping a gaming-house fined £35 England .. butcher 1888 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. medium publishing a double to pay costs , chart .• Maggie, Wellington Wellington 19/4/2619/4/26 keeping a theft charges) fined £35convicted N. Zealand domestic .. 1883 5 7 sallow .. grey grey .. long ■ Mole on forehead, on each side of mouth, and , . England .. butcher 1888 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. medium publishing a double to pay costs chart MabelMcGregor, discharged on left cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 540.) alias Wellington .. 19/4/26 theft (4 charges) convicted and N. Zealand domestic .. 1883 5 7 sallow .. grey grey .. long Mole on forehead, on each side of mouth, and McGregor, Mabel William Scott, Wellington .. 20/4/26 resisting police fined £5 West Indies seaman 1903 5 9 sallow .. black dark .. flat William Scott, Robert McNicol, discharged on left cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 540.) mischief to pay damage Wellington Wellington 20/4/2621/4/26 resisting police fined £5 West Indies seaman 1903 5 9 sallow .. black dark .. flat theft fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 u sallow.. dark brown brown .. medium .. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 21/4/26. Robert McNicol, Stanley . mischief to pay damage Wellington Wellington . 21/4/2623/4/26 theftassault fined fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium •« N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 7^ sallow.. dark brown brown .. medium .. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 21/4/26. Stanley Charles Alfred Carpenter, Wellington .. 23/4/26 theft to come up if England .. labourer 1907 5 5 fresh .. fair blue medium •• Wellington .. 23/4/26 assault fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Carpenter, William Felix called on Wellington .. 23/4/26 theft to come up if England .. labourer 1907 5 5 fresh .. fair blue medium Felix alias Thomas, called on Wellington .. 24/4/26 obscene language fined £3 Ireland labourer 1881 5 10 fair dark, turning grey .. medium .. Burn-scar on left upper arm; scar on forehead King, Alexander gety, grey and on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 277, and Photographs, 1912, page 38.) 3car on chin and on left cheek. (See Police Dal- Herbert Francis, Wellington .Wellington 24/4/2624/4/26 obscene languageattempted fined £3 if come up Australia .. cook 1899 5 7 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. j , , Ireland labourer 1881 5 10 fair dark,turning grey .. medium .. Burn-scar on left upper arm; scar on forehead Alexander gety, alias alias Purnell, grey and on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 277, and Photographs, 1912, page 38.) Soar on chin and on left cheek. (See Police Herbert Parnell, Franois, Guire, Albert, Wellington .. 24/4/26 attempted suicide to come up if Australia .. cook 1899 5 7 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. alias Purnell, alias Mecalled on Gazette, 1926, page 167.) Guire, Edward Albert, alias Maguire called on Gazette, 1926, page 167.) Toole, Stephen Motueka 17/4/26 assault; and wilful to pay costs on Ireland labourer 1894 5 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium .. Tombstone with IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR .. Motueka 17/4/26 assault ; and wilful to pay costs on Ireland labourer 1894 5 6* fresh .. dark hazel .. medium .. Tombstone with IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR Ruff el damage each MOTHER on right forearm. ■ MOTHER on right forearm. Westport 20/4/26 mischief fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 1 fair light brown grey . . medium . . might build. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 544.) Scars on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1923, •• Westport 20/4/26 mischief fined £3 •• N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 1 fair light brown grey .. medium .. Slight build. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 544.) Scars on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1923, Lewis, Westport 20/4/26 mischief fined Zealand labourer 1900 5 6 fair fair grey medium 544.) page Herbert . Goodsir, Hokitika 8/4/26 of each Zealand farmer 1886 5 11 fair fair grey medium . features. Sharp opossum - skins (2 oharges) heft Athfield, Walter opossum - skins (2 charges) Christchurch 23/3/26 to come up if N. Zealand bookbinder 1907 5 10 fresh . . dark brown hazel .. medium .. Scar on right wrist and on left forefinger. F.P. called on Photographed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. theft to come up if N. Zealand bookbinder 1907 5 10 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. Scar on right wrist and on left forefinger. F.P. called on Photographed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. Bollington, Allan Cbristchuroh 26/3/26 theft (3 charges) ; and to come up if N. Zealand hat-blocker 1909 5 11 sallow .. fair blue medium .. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. interfering with slot telephone heft ; and interfering called on • . Obristchuroh 26/3/26 theft (3 charges) ; and to come up if N. Zealand hat-blocker 1909 5 11 sallow .. fair blue medium .. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. interfering with slot telephone heft; and interfering called on Burton Christchurch 26/3/26 to come up if N. Zealand motor 1908 5 7 fair fair grey .. medium .. Scar on right thumb. F.P. Photographed at with slot telephone called on mechanic Christchurch, 16/3/26. • . Christchurch 26/3/26 to come up if N. Zealand motor 1908 5 7 fair fair grey .. medium .. Scar on right thumb. F.P. Photographed at with slot telephone called on mechanio Christchurch, 16/3/26. Alfred Stephens, Christchurch 23/3/26 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. Tip of right thumb missing. F.P. Photocalled on graphed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. • . Christchurch 23/3/26 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1907 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. Tip of right thumb missing. F.P. Photocalled on graphed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. Roscoe, Christchurch 26/3/26 charges) up engineer 1908 5 4 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. if N. Zealand engineer 1908 5 4 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, 16/3/26. called on

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. i George Christohuroh 20/4/26 a fined £1 labourer 1892 ft. in. 5 5£ yellow .. black brown .. medium .. Cross, two anchors, heart, and W.G.E.W. on labourer 1892 ft. in. 1 5 5£ yellow .. black brown .. medium .. Cross, two anchors, heart, and W.G.E.W. on Edward fined right ; upper (See Gazette, 488, page graphs, page William Stanton, Christohurch 20/4/26 language N. Zealand plasterer .. 1905 5 6 fresh .. fair blue medium •• N. Zealand plasterer .. 1905 5 6 fresh .. fair blue medium Le Gros, Christchurch 24/4/26 theft admonished N. Zealand message-boy 1911 5 2 pale .. brown brown .. medium N. Zealand message-boy 1911 5 2 pale .. brown brown.. medium William Walker, Christchuroh 24/4/26 theft . . admonished N. Zealand message-boy 1911 5 3 pale light brown blue medium N. Zealand message-boy 1911 5 3 pale light brown blue .. medium George Conquest, Christchurch 21/4/26 ship-desertion if England .. seaman 1908 5 10i fresh .. brown blue .. medium See Police Gazette, 1926, page 239. if England .. seaman 1908 5 10i fresh .. brown blue .. medium See Police Gazette, 1926, page 239. called on theft called proba- 1 year’s 1 year’s probation Joseph William Christohurch 22/4/26 and disorderly fined butcher 1895 5 6 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium .. Stout build; scar on right ankle. (See Police butcher 1895 5 6 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium .. Stout build: scar on right ankle. (See Police obscene language. fined page Michael Christchurch 19/4/26 obscene language fined Zealand 1874 5 8 fresh .. fair, turning blue large Three scars on left forearm. (See Police farmer 1874 5 8 fresh .. fair, turning blue large Three scars on left forearm. (See Police breach prohibition grey Gazette, 1924, page 242.) fined £1 grey Gazette, 1924, page 242.) order . Willis, . Henry Temuka 19/4/26 fighting fined Maori ..labourer 1900 5 3 copper.. black brown .. medium .. Strong build ; soar over right eye. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 427.) .. Maori labourer 1900 5 3 copper.. black brown .. medium .. Strong build ; soar over right eye. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 427.) Alfred HolmesPalmer, Temuka 19/4/26 fighting fined N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 8 florid . . dark,turning brown .. medium .. Stout build ; a half-caste Maori; portion of left 1905 grey little finger missing. .. N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 8 florid ., dark,turning brown .. medium .. Stout build ; a half-caste Maori; portion of left Timaru 19/4/26 if grey little finger missing. James.. theft to come up N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. medium called on and prohibited Timaru 19/4/26 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. medium called on and prohibited George Timaru 19/4/26 exposure to N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 9 fresh .. brown blue medium .. Two moles on left side of chin. if N. Zealand labourer .. 1891 5 9 fresh .. brown blue medium .. Two moles on left side of chin. Geoffrey called Geoffrey Waimate 20/4/26 theft probaN. Zealand agent 1902 5 6 dark .. dark brown .. long tion to an industrial N. Zealand agent 1902 5 6 1 dark .. dark brown .. long EdwinWaterrreus, Waimate 20/4/26 a using N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1915 5 4 dark .. dark brown .. medium to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1915 5 4 dark .. dark brown .. medium bicycle school Daniel Joseph Dunedin 12/4/26 obscene language fined £2 N Zealand labourer 1875 5 6 fresh .. dark brown .. medium .. Horse-shoe and woman on left forearm : Union Jack and American flag on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 408.) • . N Zealand labourer 1875 5 6 fresh .. dark brown .. medium .. Horse-shoe and woman on left forearm i Union Jack and American flag on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 408.) ColinCampbell, Dunedin 12/4/26 mischief fined N. Zealand 1 clerk 1903 5 sallow .. dark blue medium .. Anchor on right forearm. . . N. Zealand clerk 1903 5 71 sallow .. dark blue .. medium .. Anchor on right forearm. James Dunedin 14/4/26 false pretences (2 if come up Scotland .. labourer 1909 5 8 sallow .. dark brown .. medium .. Boil-scar on each calf. if Scotland .. labourer 1909 5 8 sallow .. dark brown .. medium .. Boil-scar on each calf. charges) called on alias Dunedin 23/4/26 charges) convicted Zealand 1902 5 5 fresh .. dark, curly.. grey .. medium .. Left pupil injured; scar on left leg. (See labourer 1902 5 5 fresh .. dark, curly.. grey .. medium .. Left pupil injured; scar on left leg. (See George discharged 148, page 66.) Ernest Dunedin 24/4/26 obscene fined £2 N. Zealand farmer 1900 5 5 fresh .. dark blue .. medium • • N. Zealand farmer 1900 5 5 fresh .. dark blue .. medium Albert .. Orepuki 13/4/26 theft fined £3 N. Zealand postal cadet 1909 5 10£ fair fair blue .. medium N. Zealand postal cadet 1909 5 10£ fair .. fair blue .. medium , #

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name 1 tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Distinguishing O ft. in. • ft. in. Herrick, Orepuki 13/4/26 theft fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 fresh .. dark brown grey • • medium theft fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Houlihan, Orepuki 13/4/26 theft fined N. labourer 1907 5 fresh . black brown. medium Reginald Invercargill. 21/4/26 theft convicted and Zealand clerk 1907 5 8 fresh . fair blue medium right on discharged Gordon Invercargill . ',21/4/26 receiving proand Zealand N. driver 1908 r* CO 5 8£ pale .. fair grey .. medium .. Small scar above right eye. lO pale . . fair grey .. medium .. Small scar above right eye. perty discharged JamesJohnson, Invercargill 23/4/26 false pretences 1 year’s probaZealand advertising 1899 8 fresh .. fair grey . medium tion agent (4 and charges) discharged Alfred Newton, Bluff 20/4/26 assault fined Zealand N. labourer 1894 5 7 ruddy brown blue . medium See Henry

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrate's court, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

cl Prisoner. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. ■*» •§ *o » Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. liemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) m Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. "Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) uckland— Larsen, Sigurd Auckland 4/3/26 theft fine or 14 days Sootland .. fireman 1905 ft 5 in. n fair auburn hazel .. medium .. 9/3/26 Burn-scars on right fingers and on back of right Kihl AuoklandM.C. 4/3/26 theft fine or 14 days Scotland .. fireman 1905 ft. in. 5 9£ fair auburn hazel .. medium .. 9/3/26 Burn-scars on right fingers and on back of right Gisborne M.C. 6/10/24 hand; left thumb-nail injured; right eye artificial. Previously omitted. Portion of fine paid. Photographed at Auckland, 4/3/26. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 165.) M.C. Gisborne M.O. 6/10/24 obsoene language V hand ; left thumb-nail injured; right eye artificial. Previously omitted. Portion of fine paid. Photographed at Auckland, 4/3/26. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 165.) Bailey, 6 months and England .. tailor 1872 5 6 fresh .. grey, going blue .. medium .. 19/4/26 Scar on right palm. Discharged on remission. 1J year’s reformative debald F.P. tention obscene language 6 months and England .. tailor 1872 5 6 fresh .. grey, going blue .. medium .. 19/4/26 Scar on right palm. Discharged on remission. 1£ year’s reformative debald F.P. tention FrederickMcDonald, Auckland 30/4/24 ; 2 years Africa clerk 1900 5 6i fresh . brown, wavy grey turned 19/4/26 Scar palm, on Discharged eye. John S.C. forgery charges) left Police 377, Jack Wellington 18/6/23 breaking, 3 years N. labourer 1.900 6 0i fair brown light blue .. medium . . 19/4/26 graphs, 54.) on ; S.C. (4 remission. on Discharged (See page Dick, Joseph Auckland 27/5/25 and year’s 1 Maori labourer 1901 5 6f copper.. black dark fiat 19/4/26 1920, 45.) middle ; finger left wrist; little fingers contracted. DisS.C. theft detention charged remission. Police (See charged remission. (See Gazette, 1925, page 342, and Photographs, 50.) Cross, and on ; Hamilton, Auckland 15/5/25 false pretences year’s 1 Scotland seaman 1878 5 lOf fresh . grey hazel medium . 19/4/26 M.C. deforearm tention broken tip ; forefinger paralysed. partially (See page Juan Pekic, Auckland 21/10/25 unlawfully 6 Slavia fireman 1898 5 10£ dark brown dark grey . medium 20/4/26 and F.P. M.C. Zealand Sutlovic, Martin kl dA M.C. 21/10/25 unlawfully landing New Zealand 6 months Slavia Jugo fireman 1891 5 4& dark brown dark medium .. 20/4/26 Scar on left middle finger. F.P. •• medium .. 20/4/26 Scar on left middle finger. F.P. Johan Auckland M.C. 21/10/25 unlawfully in New Zealand months 6 Norway seaman 1904 5 n fresh . brown blue .. medium 20/4/26 in right Smith, Brown, alias Marshall, Auckland M.C. 14/4/26 obscene language fine 7 . Zealand N. prostitute 1875 5 3£ fresh . grey hazel medium 20/4/26 Police 252.) Vella, Anthony Auckland 21/1/26 idle and disorderly (in3 months Dalmatia.. labourer 1880 5 n dark .. black brown .. large 20/4/26 Small scar on right temple. F.P. (See Police M.C. sufficient means) Gazette, 1926, page 34.) 21/1/26 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) 3 months Dalmatia.. labourer 1880 5 7| dark .. black brown .. large 20/4/26 Small scar on right temple. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 34.) James Auckland M.C. 7/4/26 theft days N. shearer 1893 5 6 fresh . dark grey medium . 20/4/26 calf; right Photographed at eye. 7/4/26. Powell, Burnaby Auckland M.C. 23/3/26 failing to ebriates’ after 1 England labourer 1872 5 9 fresh brown, grey grey medium . 21/4/26 Police (See 454.) Fiah on ; right mouth. absence Alexander Hamilton M.C. 22/3/26 idle and disorderly visible means) 1 N. labourer seaman 1907 5 8 fresh brown grey medium . 21/4/26 Photographed


Name tried.; When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. J When charged. and Remarks, ( Auckland ft. in. / ft. in. Kelly, Henry Auckland 23/3/26 maintenance of 1 N. Zealand labourer 1877 swarthy grey grey .. medium .. 22/4/26 Portion of cross on right forearm. F.P. (See 10| swarthy grey grey • • medium .. 22/4/26 Portion of cross on right forearm. F.P. (See M.C. month 75, Clarke, Whangarei M.C. 23/3/26 attempting leave to New while 1 Zealand plumber 1.878 5 10$ fresh .. brown blue medium .. 22/4/26 graphs, 1920, page 59.) Strong build ; scar on right palm. F.P. 1878 s m fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 22/4/26 graphs, 1920, page 59.) Strong build ; scar on right palm. F.P. arrears of maintenance obscene language Enoka Hui Toroa, alias Whangarei Williams, Jimmy, alias M.C. ' ■ " ■ 1 : arrears of maintenance obscene language , Enoka Hui alias Whangarei Puriri Williams, Jimmy, alias i 23/3/26 1 Zealand labourer 1903 5 H copper. black, curly dark flat 22/4/26 mouth wart palm. (See 1925, page 701, and 1924, page 66.) Burn-scar on left upper arm. Released on Hannah, Thomas Andrew Inverca r g i 11 26/8/19 arson (3 charges) 10 years’ reN. Zealand labourer 1893 5 9 fresh .. light brown blue-gr’y long 22/4/26 S.C. formative de1 cense. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, Guest, Horace John Auckland 15/4/26 default of maintenance tention arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1834 5 n fresh .. dark, turning hazel .. medium .. 22/4/26 page 542, and Photographs, 1923, page 22.) Scar above right knee, on left ring-finger, and on left palm. Impediment in speech. ArM.C. month grey Cahill, William Auckland 22/4/26 indecent act .. fine or 7 days Ireland seaman 1880 5 6 fresh .. black brown .. medium .. 22/4/26 rears paid. Arrested, 17/4/26. F.P. Cross, wreath, and IN MEMORY OF MY Purley, John .. M.C. Auckland M.C. ‘ MOTHER above clapped hands on right forearm. Fines paid. F.P. 24/3/26 dangerously driving a motorcar fine or 3 days N. Zealand motor-driver 1906 5 6$ fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 22/4/26 Scar on left elbow. Arrested, 20/4/26. Kavanagh, Thomas PutaruruM.C. 24/3/26 idle and disorderly (no 1 month Australia .. miner 1880 5 5| fresh .. grey, going blue .. medium .. 23/4/26 Indistinct tattoo on right forearm ; scar between Patrick visible means) bald left thumb and forefinger and on left cheek. Sweeney, Miles Hamilton 19/4/26 reguo and vagabond 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 n fresh .. brown blue medium .. 24/4/26 F P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 75.) Scar on chin, behind left ear, on left temple, and M.C. (illegally on premises) of head ; tip of rignt little finger injured. Deaf in right ear ; right shoulder broken ; arm* Shannon, James Denis.. Hamilton 19/4/26 rogue and vagabond 7 days Ireland labourer 1866 5 9| fresh .. grey hazel .. medium .. 24/4/26 M.C. (illegally on premises) injured. Anderson, John William, Auckland 19/4/26 assault fine or 7 days Sweden seaman 1900 5 6| sallow .. brown, going blue medium .. 24/4/26 Scar below left eye, on right shoulder, on back, alias Anderson, William John, alias Biackburn, George Osoar, alias Duktig, Waino Johan, alias Duktiz M.C. bald on forehead, and on right forearm ; ballet-girl on rigbt forearm ; mole on right side of body. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 623, and Photographs, 1923, page 67.) Irvine, John Henry Auckland 25/1/26 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand salesman .. 1903 5 4 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 24/4/26 Neck deformed. F.P. (See Police Gazette, M.C. 1925, page 568, and Photographs, 1924, page 24.) Scars on left middle finger and on left leg. ArWarakiTaruki Pukekohe 28/12/25 default of maintenance arrears or 3 Maori labourer 1905 5 n copper.. black dark br. flat 24/4/26 M.C. months rested, 25/1/26. F.P. Raymond, Willie Tauranga 25/1/28 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 9* It.copper black dark br. broad 24/4/26 A half-caste Maori. Strong build ; scar on back M.C. of left ring-finger ; boil-scar on back of right hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page G a n e s h , Givan, alias Ganes, Jivan Auokland 25/2/26 assault 2 months India labourer 1901 5 black .. blaok brown .. pug 24/4/26 522, and Photographs, 1926, page 22.) Slight build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, M.C. page 123, and Photographs, 1923, page 47.) 1925, page 701, and .Photographs, 1924, page 66.) Burn-scar on left upper arm. Released on Hannah, Thomas Andrew Inverca r g i 11 26/8/19 arson (3 charges) 10 years’ reN. Zealand labourer .. 1893 5 9 fresh .. light brown blue-gr’y long 22/4/26 ; formative delicense. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1919, Guest, Horace John Auckland 15/4/26 default of maintenance tention arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1834 5 U fresh .. dark, turning hazel .. medium .. 22/4/26 page 542, and Photographs, 1923, page 22.) Scar above right knee, on left ring-finger, and on left palm. Impediment in speech. ArM.C. i month grey Cahill, William Auckland 22/4/26 indecent act .. .. fine or 7 days Ireland seaman 1880 5 6 fresh .. black brown .. medium .. 22/4/26 rears paid. Arrested, 17/4/26. F.P. Cross, wreath, and IN MEMORY OF MY ; M.C. MOTHER above clasped hands on right fore■Furley, John AucklandM.C. dangerously driving a motorcar fine or 3 days N. Zealand motor-driver 1906 5 6£ fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 22/4/26 arm. Fines paid. F.P. Scar on left elbow. Arrested, 20/4/26. 24/3/26 ButaruruM.C. 24/3/26 idle and disorderly (no 1 month Australia .. miner 1880 5 5f fresh .. grey, going bald blue .. medium .. 23/4/26 Indistinct tattoo on right forearm ; scar between Kavanagh, Thomas visible means) left thumb and forefinger and on left cheek. Patrick MilesSweeney, 19/4/26 rogue and vagabond 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 7f fresh .. brown blue medium .. 24/4/26 F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 75.) Scar on chin, behind left ear, on left temple, and Hamilton i (illegally on premises) cmtop of head ; tip of rignt little finger injured. Deaf in right ear ; right shoulder broken ; arm* M.C. Hamilton 19/4/26 rogue and vagabond 7 days Ireland labourer 1866 5 9f fresh .. grey hazel .. medium .. 24/4/26 M.C. ; (illegally on premises) injured. James Shannon, Anderson, William, 19/4/26 j assault fine or 7 days Sweden seaman 1900 5 6f sallow .. brown, going blue .. medium .. 24/4/26 Scar below left eye, on right shoulder, on back, Auckland Anderson, alias bald on forehead, and on rignt forearm ; ballet-girl on right forearm ; mole on right side of body. M.C. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page623, and George Waino Johan, Photographs, 1923, page 67.) ’ Duktiz alias Irvine, Henry 25/1/26 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand salesman .. 1903 5 4 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 24/4/26 Neck deformed. F.P. (See Police Gazette, AucklandM.C. 1925, page 568, and Photographs, 1924, page Scars middle and on on Ar- finger leg. Pukekohe 28/12/25 default of maintenance arrears or 3 Maori labourer 1905 5 7J copper.. black dark br. flat 24/4/26 M.C. months rested, 25/1/26. F.P. TarukiWaraki WillieRaymond, 25/1/26 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 % It.copper black dark br. broad 24/4/26 A half-caste Maori. Strong build ; scar on back TaurangaM.C. of ; Auokland 25/2/26 assault 2 months India labourer 1901 5 4£ black .. blaok brown .. pug ’ .. 24/4/26 522, and Photographs, 1926, page 22.) Slight build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, aliasGanesh, Givan, page 123, and Photographs, 1923, page 47.) M.C.


Name Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. g XI 60 ComHair. Eyes. Nosa. disPrevious « O w plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 « a? W plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— in. Campbell, Alexander Taumarunui 15/2/26jsly-grog selling fine or 2 months N. Zealand bee-farmer .. 1898 5 9 dark .. dark, curly.. brown .. medium .. 24/4/26 A quarter-caste Maori. Strong build ; soar on 15/2/26 sly-grog selling fine or 2 months N. Zealand bee-farmer.. 1898 5 9 dark .. dark, curly.. brown .. medium .. 24/4/26 A quarter-caste Maori. Strong build ; soar on Plumpton M.C, of 25/2/26. graphed (See • 26/2/26 Police Gazette, 1926, page 12.) Scar on right eyebrow. Photographed at AuckAuckland : 26/2/26 Police Gazette, 1926, page 12.) Scar on right eyebrow. Photographed at AuckLeslie theft 2 months England .. traveller 1901 5 5* fresh .. brown It. brown medium .. 24/4/26 Auckland theft 2 months England .. traveller 1901 5 5 i fresh .. brown It. brown medium .. 24/4/26 M.C. land, 26/2/26. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 148.) ) . . land, 26/2/26. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 148.) Frederick Lind, Nicholas Auckland 26/2/26 assault 1 Zealand N. musician 1899 5 4 fresh brown brown h k , 24/4/26 on on right M.C. of probation 1 turned Sentences (See Debosse Houhora M.C. 17/2/26 maintenance of to right Police Gazette, 1926, page 139, and Photographs, page 8.) black to right Police Gazette, 1926, page 139, and Photographs, page 8.) Rameka Hone 1arrears Maori gum-digger 1899 5 oopper.. black brown .. fiat 24/4/26 Scar on left little finger and finger crooked. 81 copper.. brown .. fiat 24/4/26 Scar on left little finger and finger crooked. month F.P. Arrested, 25/3/26. } month F.P. Arrested, 25/3/26. Borstal Waikeria Institution ( Lester Rolfe, George W gton 6/6/23 and entering, 3 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1904 5 5* fresh .. dark brown brown .. broad 23/4/26 3 p.c. Scar on right forefinger. Released on theft (6 charges) 3 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1904 5 H fresh .. dark brown brown .. broad 23/4/26 3 p.c. Scar on right forefinger. Released on S.C. mative detention on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 513, and Photographs, 1921, page 42.) theft (6 charges) mative detention on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 513, and Photographs, 1921, page 42.) Hautu— each David Stewart, Auckland 12/5/23 breaking, entering, 3 reZealand grocer 1898 5 fresh .. light brown hazel .. pointed .. 20/4/26 8 p.c. Scar on side of right middle finger. 5i fresh .. light brown hazel .. pointed .. 20/4/26 8 p.c. Scar on side of right middle finger. S.C. charges) ; (10 formative Police (See breaking entering tention 54.)and Napier— charges) (7 N. Zealand Richard Hastings 20/1/26 theft 3 labourer 1903 5 51 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 18/4/26 3 p.c. Strong build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 54 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 18/4/26 3 p.c. Strong build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, obscene 1 1924, 345.) Lynn, Amy Napier 20/4/26 probation of convicted N. Zealand domestic .. 1905 5 6 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. 20/4/26 1 p.c. discharged ! N. Zealand domestic .. 1905 5 6 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. 20/4/26 1 p.c. Walsh, Minnie Napier 26/1/26 i • • . . . ; and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand domestic .. 1888 5 4 fresh, auburn blue .. broad 24/4/26 2 p.c. Stout build; scar on forehead and on left sufficient means) ruddy forefinger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 76.) 3 months • • N. Zealand domestic .. 1888 5 4 fresh, auburn blue .. broad 24/4/26 2 p.c. Stout build; scar on forehead and on left sufficient means) i ruddy forefinger. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 76.) i Wanganui Scotland . Angus, Wanganui 22/3/26 idle and disorderly 1 month labourer 1861 6 0 fresh .. grey blue long, 21/4/26 12 p.c. Cross, anchor, and heart on left foreAngers Wanganui broken arm ; bracelet on left wrist. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 266, and Photo22/3/26 idle and disorderly 1 month labourer 1861 6 0 fresh .. grey blue .. long, 21/4/26 12 p.c. Cross, anchor, and heart on left foreM.C. M.C.Taihape graphs, page 49.) ' * broken arm; bracelet on left wrist. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 266, and Photographs, page 49.) Robert .Hall, 23/3/26 idle and disorderly 1 month England .. labourer 1876 5 4 fresh .. grey, going bald blue large 24/4/26 Anchor, heart, and cross on right forearm ; lifeTaihape M.C. 18/3/26 disorderly month 1 days 21 buoy and British and American flags on left arm. F.P. England .. labourer 1876 5 4 fresh .. grey, going bald blue .. large 24/4/26 Anchor, heart, and cross on right forearm ; lifeFeilding M.C. 18/3/26 default of maintenance 21 days buoy and British and American flags on left arm. F.P. Wi — William Duncan, Wellington 19/12/24 theft charges) (2 each on Scotland electrical 1892 5 11 fair dark blue medium 22/4/26 ; on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, Dickie S.C. fitter on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 563, and Photographs, page 46.) Christchurch page 563, and Photographs, page 46.) David, 5/7/24 theft (2 charges) 2 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1882 5 10 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 23/4/26 9 p.c. Left little finger broken. Released on Christchurch 5/7/24 theft (2 charges) 2 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1882 5 10 fresh .. brown blue medium .. 23/4/26 9 p.c. Left little finger broken. Released on Lauder, Alexander, David Lauder, M.C. delicense. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, n each license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 307, and Photographs, 1913, page 33.) •• page 307, and Photographs, 1913, pige 33.)


Name Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicate x that finyer-impressions have been taken.) • Sentence. Native of Trade. e o Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicate s that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington in. alias Theo Walters ton 5/2/26 drunk while in oharge fine or 2months Australia .. motor1890 £ 8 fresh .. brown blue .. small 19/4/26 6 p.c. Left hip injured ; scar on left cheek and M.C. 5/2/26 drunk while in charge of a motor-vehicle fineor2months Australia .. motorengineer 1890 £ 8 fresh .. brown blue small 19/4/26 6 p.c. Left hip injured ; scar on left cheek and on right wrist; three marks on back of neck ; large ears. Portion of fine paid. Arrested, 6/4/26. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 109, and Photographs, 1924, page 82.) . - 8/4/26 of a motor-vehicle ' engineer on right wrist; three marks on back of. neck ; large ears. Portion of fine paid. Arrested, 6/4/26. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 109, and Photographs, 1924, page 82.) Thomas, Welling ton rogue and vagabond .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1888 4 lli dark .. black, turngrey .. medium .. 21/4/26 Several p.o. Lump on right wrist; mole on Wilson, Welling ton M.C. j ing grey left breast; scar on right thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 125, and Photo8/4/26 rogue and vagabond .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1888 4 llj dark .. black, turning grey grey .. medium .. 21/4/26 Several p.o. Lump on right wrist; mole on left breast; scar on right thumb. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 125, and Photographs, 1916, page 45.) William Percy, Taihape M.C. graphs, 1916, page 45.) 22/1/26 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1691 £ 9 dark .. brown blue .. large 22/4/26 3 p.c. Strong build ; mole on forehead : scar Old, Percy M.C.Taihape M.C.Feilding 23/1/26 idle and disorderly 3 months on left forefinger and on right middle and 21/1/26 theft fine or 48 hours little fingers. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Feilding M.C. 22/1/26 false pretences 23/1/26 idle and disorderly 21/1/26 theft I 3 months 3 months fine or 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1891 r 9 dark brown blue .. large 22/4/26 p.c. Strong butld ; mole on forehead ; scar on left forefinger and on right middle and little fingers. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 76.) George, W ellington ' • ' . . 1926, page 76.) 23/3/26 theft 1 month England .. carpenter .. 1896 £ 6J fresh .. fair blue .. medium .. 22/4/26 1 p.o. Moles on right forearm. F.P. (See John, Morris, Wellington M.C. Police Gazette, 1926, page 81, and Photographs, 1925, page 83.) 23/3/26 theft 1 month England .. carpenter .. 1896 £ 6i fresh .. fair blue medium .. 22/4/26 1 p.o. Moles on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 81, and Photographs, 1925, page 83.) John Reginald Welling 24/3/26 drunk while in charge 1 month England .. salesman .. 1906 £ 74 fair fair blue medium .. 23/4/26 S p.o. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page M.C. 24/3/26 drunk charge - 231.) of a motor-car 1 month England .. salesman .. 1906 £ 74 fair fair blue medium .. 23/4/26 s p.o. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 231.) Lindsay Nelson M.C. incorrigible rogue 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 £ 9 1 fair brown, curly blue oblique .. 24/4/26 Several p.o. Scar on chin and on right hip ; incorrigible rogue 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1887 £ 9 fair brown, curly blue oblique .. 24/4/26 Several p.o. Scar on chin and on right hip ; mole on chest; right leg and ankle broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 483.) JamesO’Donahoo, mole on chest; right leg and ankle broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 483.) Welling ton 26/1/26 breaoh of probation .. 3 months N. Zealand carpenter .. 1895 £ 9 fair fair dark medium .. 24/4/26 4 p.c. Scar on left side of chin ; brown spot Weymss Welling ton M.C. - blue under right arm and on back of right shoulder; portion of left fore and ring fingers missing. 26/1/26 breaoh of probation .. 3 months * N. Zealand carpenter .. 1895 £ 9 fair fair dark blue medium .. 24/4/26 4 p.c. Scar on left side of chin ; brown spot under right arm and on back of right shoulder ; portion of left fore and ring fingers missing. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 63, and Photographs, 1916, page 53.) Joseph Henry F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 63, and Photographs, 1916, page 53.) Christohurch 24/2/26 default of maintenance arrears or 1N. Zealand electrical 1887 e 0 fresh .. brown brown .. large 24/4/26 Boil-scar on neok ; soar on right calf. Arrested, M.C. month engineer 25/3/26. 24/2/26 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand month electrical engineer 1887 ( 0 fresh .. brown brown .. large 24/4/26 Boil-soar on neck ; soar on right calf. Arrested, 25/3/26. Point - alias •Taihape M.C. j 23/1/26 idle and disorderly 3 months Ireland prostitute .. 1885 £ 3! florid .. dark brown blue .. flat 22/4/26 Stout build; scar over left eye. (See Police Cecilia, Ford, Taihape M.O. 23/1/26 idle and disorderly 3 months Ireland prostitute .. 1885 £ 3| florid .. dark brown blue .. fiat 22/4/26 Stout build ; scar over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 707.) alias Cecilia, Ceoilia ■ . - . • Gazette, 1925, page 707.) • Westport— • i ■ ■ George Westport M.C. Westport 10/4/26 theft 7 days England .. seaman 1904 5 6i dark .. blaok hazel .. medium .. 16/4/26 See Police Gazette, 1926, page 198. M.C. 10/4/26 theft 7 days England .. seaman 1904 5 6i dark .. black hazel .. medium .. 16/4/26 See Police Gazette, 1926, page 198. GarfieldHowells, 10/4/26 theft days Wales seaman 1907 5 6 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. 16/4/26 Small scars over right eyebrow; RUBY, ship, and Prince of Wales feathers on arms. (See Police Gazstte, 1926, page 193.) 5 6 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. 16/4/26 Small scars over right eyebrow ; RUBY, ship, i M.C. and Prince of Wales feathers on arms. (See Police Gazette, 1926, page 193.) Paparua— • • , - - . Robert, Christchurch 10/5/23 theft (2 charges) li years on each N. Zealand slaughter1895 5 7 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. 23/4/26 5 p.c. Mole on left cheek; scar on abdomen. alias McLaughlau, S.C. and declared man Sentences cumulative. Released on license. alias alias McLachlan, - an habitual F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 389, and Photographs, 1916, page 59.) Ellis, criminal j-. | Christchurch S.C. 10/5/23 theft (2 charges) 1£ years on each and declared an habitual criminal N. Zealand slaughterman 1895 5 7 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. 23/4/26 5 p.c. Mole on left cheek; scar on abdomen. Sentences cumulative. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 389, and Photographs, 1916, page 59.)


Name Gaol, Where tried. j When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. ComI plexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When charged - and indicates been 1 ‘ Paparua— continued. j ft. John Christchurch | 2/5/24 breaking, entering, and 3 years’ reN. Zealand machinist .. 1891 £ 9* fresh .. brown hazel .. medium,. 23/4/26 Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, S.C.; theft (3 charges) formative de1924, page 381, and Photographs, page 52.) *| r • . !' - . i tention on each '!' .Christchurch theft (6 oharges) 3 years’ reforM.C. 2/5/24 2/5/24 breaking, entering, theft (3 charges) theft (6 charges) theft (6 charges) theft and 3 years’ reformative detention on each 3 years’ reformative detention 3 years’ reformative detention 3 months N. Zealand machinist .. 1891 5 n fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. 23/4/26 Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 381, and Photographs, page 52.) -I!-/-"-" ;i ' mative detention Christchurch 2/5/24 theft (6 charges) 3 years’ reM.O. formative detention • theft 3 months JosephSutherland, S.C.Dunedin 18/12/22 and entering, 4 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1895 5 9£ fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. 23/4/26 7 p.c. Scar on each forearm, on left wrist, and theft mative deon crown of head. Released on license. F.P. tention (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 11, and Photographs, 1924, page 90.) and 4 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1895 5 H fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. 23/4/26 7 p.c. Scar on each forearm, on left wrist, and on crown of head. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 11, and Photographs, 1924, page 90.) William 1 n 15/3/26 assault 6 weeks England .. fireman 1885 5 5 fair light brown blue .. medium .. 24/4/26 Snake, dagger, heart, and woman's head on M.C. back of right hand ; skull and cross bones, Anzac badge, &o., on right arm ; anchor, &c., on left arm. F.P. 15/3/26 assault 6 weeks England .. fireman 1885 5 5 fair light brown blue medium .. 24/4/26 Snake, dagger, heart, and woman's head on back of right hand ; skull and cross bones, Anzac badge, &c., on right arm ; anchor, &c., on left arm. F.P. Carl WilliamGloistein, Christohurch 9/5/21 indecent assault 5 years N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 fresh .. fair blue medium .. 20/4/26 Left foot slightly deformed. Discharged on ! remission. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 439.) 9/5/21 indecent assault 5 years N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 44 fresh .. fair blue medium .. 20/4/26 Left foot slightly deformed. Discharged on remission. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 439.) John Quale, in gton 5/11(25 theft 3 months N. Zealand carpenter .. 1894 5 10 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 20/4/26 7 p.c. Two scars on left thumb ; scar on left M.C. theft 3 months forefinger and at back of right ear ; snake on theft 3 months right upper arm ; left little toe deformed. theft 1 month Discharged on remission. F.P. (See Police Dunedin 5/11(2510/11/25 theft 1 month Gazette, 1925, page 352, and Photographs, 10/11/25 theft theft theft theft theft 3 months 3 months 3 months 1 month 1 month N. Zealand carpenter .. 1894 5 10 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 20/4/26 7 p.c. Two scars on left thumb ; scar on left forefinger and at back of right ear ; snake on right upper arm ; left little toe deformed. Discharged on remission. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 352, and Photographs, 1924, page 80.) j 1924, page 80.) Samuel Hartley, Christohuroh 2/5/24 breaking, entering, and 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 fresh .. brown blue •.. medium .. 20/4/26 4 p.c. Mole over right eye; scar on back. Discharged on remission. F.P. (See Police John alias S.C. theft (2 charges) alias John, alias ton, theft (8 charges) 2 years Gazette, i.924, page 381, and Pnotographs, 1921, page 3.) receiving stolen pro2 years lington perty OhristohurchChristchurch 2/5/24 theft (6 charges) 6 months S.C.M.O. theft 3 months Christchurch M.C. 2/5/24 2/5/24 breaking, entering, theft (2 charges) theft (8 charges) receiving stolen perty theft (6 charges) theft and pro2 years 2 years 2 years 6 months 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 8* fresh . . brown blue .. medium .. 20/4/26 4 p.c. Mole over right eye; scar on back. Discharged on remission. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 381, and Pootographs, 1921, page 3.) Cornelius Dunedin M.C. 24/6/25 theft (2 oharges) 6 months on Australia .. labourer 1892 5 10 fresh .. dark auburn blue medium .. 24/4/26 14 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Sentences cumufield each lative. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 314, and Photographs, 1917, page 15.) Dunedin M.C. 24/6/25 theft (2 oharges) f months on each Australia .. labourer 1892 5 10 fresh .. dark auburn blue medium .. 24/4/26 14 p.c. Scar on left thumb. Sentences cumulative. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1925, page 314, and Photographs, 1917, page 15.) Addington — Emma, Emeny, alias Christchurch 1/5/25 soliciting prostitution.. year’s reforN. Zealand prostitute .. 1870 5 3 dark .. brown hazel .. medium .. 21/4/26 Hair on face ; J.C. on right thigh. Released on M.C. mative delicense. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, tention page 596.) 1/5/25 soliciting prostitution.. year’s reformative detention N. Zealand prostitute .. 1870 5 3 dark .. brown hazel .. medium .. 21/4/26 Hair on face ; J.C. on right thigh. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 596.) Nellie Dunedin M.C. 3/8/23 theft 3 years’ reN. Zealand domestic .. 1896 5 2 pale .. brown blue .. straight .. 23/4/26 Scar under right eye. Released on license. Daphne formative detention * F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 309.) Dunedin M.C. 3/8/23 theft •• € years’ reformative detention N. Zealand domestic .. 1896 5 2 pale .. brown blue .. straight .. 23/4/26 Scar under right eye. Released on license. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 309.)


of Where tried. When. Offence. | Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. discharged. Convictions. Remarks, have that finger-impressions Dunedin in. Peters, Phillip Dunedin M.C. 9/3/26 breach of probation 1 Zealand labourer 1902 5 6 dark dark brown .. medium 23/4/26 forefinger. (See Blenheim 12/3/26 breach of Bankruptcy fine or 1 month Gazette, 1925, page 565.) M.C. Act) 12/3/26 18/3/26 breach Bankruptcy failing change fine or 1 month of address (Defence on each Act) fine or 1 month Gazette, 1925, page 565.) 18/3/26 failing to notify change fine or 1 month of address (Defence on each Invercargill Borstal Aot), charges) Institution— Frederick Linton, 1 A u 27/6/23 breaking, years’ Zealand painter 1905 5 9| fresh .. light brown blue medium 20/4/26 left and on S.C. charges) mative Discharged Police on (See tention fresh 1923, page page DanielMcCarthy, A c 12/5/23 breaking, years’ Zealand N. labourer 1906 5 11 brown grey . large 21/4/26 two ; S.O. charges) de- ; tention Discharged on (See 51.) Victor Welling ton 19/10/23 theft months Australia . seaman 1902 5 fair light brown hazel .. medium .. 22/4/26 Scar on right forefinger and at base of left foreH fair .. light brown hazel .. medium .. 22/4/26 Scar on right forefinger and at base of left foreM.C. ; Christchurch 30/11/23 dwelling 5 years’ reforon remission. F.P. (See Police Gazette, ; 5 years’ reforon remission. F.P. (See Police Gazette, S.C. and detention 1924, Photographs, 44.) Invercargill Bluff . William, 6/4/26 and days England fireman 1861 5 8 sallow . going brown .. medium .. 19/4/26 Scar over left eye ; basket, flowers, and soldier on right arm ; bugle on left arm. (See Police bald brown .. medium .. 19/4/26 Scar over lefo eye ; basket, flowers, and soldier on right arm ; bugle on left arm. (See Police alias Jones, Symonds Gazette, 1926, page 171.) f bald Gazette, 1926, page 171.) Ansley, i 1 g M.C. 14/4/26 of probation days England farmer 1906 6 1 fair brown blue . medium . 20/4/26 Gazette, page


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LI, Issue 18, 5 May 1926, Page 276

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Prescribing Forms and Procedure under the Child Welfare Act, 1926. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LI, Issue 18, 5 May 1926, Page 276

Prescribing Forms and Procedure under the Child Welfare Act, 1926. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume LI, Issue 18, 5 May 1926, Page 276